How to Remove Objects Like a Pro in DaVinci Resolve 18

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Hello friends and welcome back to new video today I'm going to show you a very cool thing how can you remove objects into Vint resolve 18 just like [Music] this incredible isn't it let's go straight into it okay so we are in the Venture resolve right now and I've got two clips we're going to work on both so let's start with this clip over here first things first uh what I want to do in this clip is to remove this small boat over here you see the small boat I think you will want to use this when most of the time you will you know have a drawn footage and you have some beautiful pictures and there's something there that it shouldn't be there it's not supposed to be there I don't know maybe you are doing um some stock footage to sell maybe you have a client shoot and this little thing there is just so annoying you know you can fix this and we can do it in no time what we going to do now we will have to go in our color page just over here so click on the color page and we've got our clip selected here first of all we need to mask our subject so we're going to go here make sure you've got this power window selected okay and go to Power Window here just click here on the window and we need to select our subject so you can select whatever shape you want but for the sake of this tutorial I will use the curve tool so let me selected so make a small selection there okay just like this going to connect this dots all right so I'm quite happy with my shot over here uh as you can see I've started at the beginning of my clip with the first frame uh but you can you know really mask it anywhere you want even in the middle it's absolutely fine just choose a frame where your subject is very well well in uh focus and there is a very good separation uh between the background and your subject there's a big contrast there this is how it works all right so what we're going to do next is go to our tracker over here press the tracker so we're going to track it but for this very important click on frame because we need to uh check every frame we need to track every frame okay so because I started the beginning I will track just forwards but let's assume you had your reference frame here okay then you would have just clicked here backwards and forwards but I've got my first frame here so I can do just forwards just like this you see and the Venture resolve makes magic just tracking it forwards right next what we have to do next we have to go to effects over here and then go to search and search for object removal all right just drag it onto your node over here and what we have to do next we just have to analyze the scene The Venture resolve will analyze the scene and you got some weird thing going on here so the Venture resolve couldn't um remove our object so for this we've got some settings here in the object removal so we've got Scene analysis assume no motion uh scene mode boundary render blend mode so very very important if you have this problem here you have to click on the build clean plate so the Venture resolve will build a Clean Plate and remove our object so if I go back now you can see our object was removed let's see how it looks like it looks pretty good I'm quite happy with this but there is another trick you can do uh so go to blend mode over here now you can see blend mode is linear uh for the best results ch change it to Adaptive blend when the camera is moving on this drone shot the lighting it changes you see you've got different shades you've got different lighting you've got different colors so what this blend mode does it changes our mask with the lighting and the colors of the scene as it evolves pretty cool okay so if I want to turn off the mask I go here I turn this off and let's have a look again it does an incredible job so what you have to know here is that on the search range what denture resolve does denture resolve basically as the scene moves denture resolves copies all these frames ahead and now it looks 20 frames ahead and it uh tries to replicate what it sees in front uh okay so try and um play with this search range if you're seeing your um subject appear for some reason so we're going to go now to another example which is probably a little bit more challenging because this car is moving so fast um but it's still it's absolutely doable and we will go and repeat the same process again uh go to our color page click on the color page get this color get this car in front Okay um so again make sure you've got our power windows selected go to to our window to our masking and just drag a mask in front here you can use the ellipse you can use um the square depending on your shape of your object I I I I like to use the curve because I think I have much more control with this so you have to keep in mind that this car is going forwards but also you've got the car has a has a shadow as well so you have to include the shadow as well otherwise it's not going to work okay I'm going to probably move it just a little bit there you can play with it and make sure where the car is going okay I'm going to make it a bit bigger on this side okay try and keep it as small as possible okay especially the beginning just like this especially the front Okay let's have a look anyway I'm going to track this mask anyway so but anyway just make sure that it covers the whole whole time okay so I've got our mask selected here again what we need to do next we need to track it go to tracker over here okay and again I'm going to track this backwards and forwards cuz I don't remember where I put my um my mask on the first frame or the second I can't remember so I I can't be bothered so I'll just track backwards and forwards okay see by Magic so the venture resolve tracks the whole thing you see even if I've selected clip over here right did a pretty good job here at tracking this and now what we're going to do we're going to go to scene analysis click scene analysis boom okay so you see uh it it did a pretty good job but it still needs some help so we need to create a Clean Plate did pretty good but if if I go now to search range going to move this to further okay then I'm going to move a little even further just like this and let's have a look and look at that pretty incredible when you'll create a Clean Plate basically what's going to do is going to duplicate this and most of the time The Clean Plate it's not perfect so try not to create a Clean Plate if possible but if there's no other chance then create The Clean Plate so again I'm going to go to blend mode and check adaptive blend and let's have a look [Music] now and this is it guys thanks so much for watching I hope you got some value out of it and if you did please give this video a thumbs up consider subscribing it really helps the channel and it motivates me to create even better videos just like this thanks so much and I catch you guys in the next one cheers [Music] bye-bye
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Keywords: object removal davinci resolve 18, object removal davinci resolve 18 free, remove object from video, remove object davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve tutorial, object removal, object removal davinci resolve, remove object, how to remove background objects in davinci resolve 18, how to remove moving objects in davinci resolve, object removal effect, remove object davinci resolve, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve object removal, object removal tutorial
Id: SnwDOF20Bwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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