Object Removal in Davinci Resolve 18 Studio!

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object removal within Dent resolve Studio sponsored by Nvidia yes I did say Dent resolve Studio everything we're going to discuss in this video is limited to the paid shudio version of D Vin resolve only so what are we going to be talking about we're going to take a look at two different tools first up we've got the patch replacer tool which is super quick simple easy to use often forgotten about but does have some limitations and then we're going to jump into the fancier object removal tool it basically uses AI to try and figure out what your replacing and then just does all of the work for you it's pretty neat now as with all of the normal engine denture resolve functions how fast it performs will depend on your GPU and that's where this video sponsor Nvidia comes in all of the latest 40 series of graphics cards by Nvidia have dedicated AI cores called tensor cores which are designed specifically to accelerate AI tasks just like object removal in Creative applications like denture resolve which means faster object removal less dropped frames access to things like magic masks super scaling and speed warps in real time and of course faster rendering speed in fact everything you're seeing within this video is being performed on my Nvidia RTX 4080 GPU and on top of that as Blackmagic update D Vin resolve so do Nvidia update their own graphics card drivers with dedicated Studio drivers which once again are designed specifically for Creative applications like Dent resolve which just keeps everything running super smooth and super fast to find out more click on the link down in the description below right without other way let's look at the patch replacer tool we're going to take this footage and then really quickly and I mean quickly get rid of that hot air balloon let me show you how easy it is so here is our footage with our hot air blue now this is a pretty simple shot because there's no real movement in our object or within the camera so it's super quick and easy to do we can either do this on the edit page or the color page I'm going to stick with Ed Ed it just because it's quicker and easier first things first open up your effect Library come down to open effects and then under the resolve effects Revival area you want to find the patch replacer and then simply drop that on your footage on the timeline underneath your preview window click on this little drop down and then select the open effects overlay and then you'll get these two circles appear on screen I like to think of these as your copy and your paste and there's an arrow going from the copy to the paste to let you know which direction it's going and all you do is you put the paste over the thing you want to get rid of and then you put the copy where you want to copy from and that's basically it you can change the size of these if you want to by clicking on the little outside you can even change the shape do that sort of stuff and then if we just turn the overlay off by clicking on FX we can hit play and because there's so little movement or anything really in this video that straight away has worked really quite well if we give the footage a click open our FX overlay once again and then jump into the inspector top right hand corner you can see you have your patch replacer controls within here we can do some simple stuff like change the shape from a rectangle to an elips if we need to we can change the amount of detail which is being copied across we can also then mess with the variability and blur the edges and do all this sort of stuff just to kind of tweak it to get it looking exactly as we want it but generally other than the bluring the edges it's all pretty straightforward once you've got it done hit play tweak the location and it will work pretty well patch replace super quick easy and as mentioned most people kind of forget that it's there so I just wanted to remind you there you go sweet now let's take a look at the actual object removal tool which we're going to use to try and get rid of this pesky little statue on this lawn I also want to let you know at this point that object removal tool can't do Miracles it's pretty cool it's pretty clever does some funky stuff but it's kind of designed to remove Small Things remove imperfections get something small out of your shot it's not going to replace like me from this shot for example example it's not that clever it's just useful for doing small bits and Bobs so let's jump over and I'll show you how it works now this one you can't do from the edit page so we need to jump over to the color page and then from here the first thing you need to do is to tell resolve the thing you want to track so I'm just going to use my mouse wheel to scroll in on this image here so we know what we're looking at and then underneath the preview window make sure that you have the power window selected and then from this menu bar in the middle you want to select this one here which is your window tool and then we need to select a window which we going to put around our subject so I'm just going to use the ellipse the circle give that a click and then it will appear on screen and then we just literally use the controls on screen to select our thing now you don't actually need to get this perfect at this point all we're doing here is we're saying this is the thing we set it up relatively roughly and then we're going to do a track so I'm going to go with something like that then we're going to jump over to this one here which is the track tracker and then simply hit this icon here to do a forward and reverse track and just like that it's tracked our subject so if we move this along on the playhead you can see it's tracking as we go easy next we just need to apply our object removal so from the effects area top right you've got your big list here we can either scroll down I'm just going to search for object grab the object removal and drop it directly on the same node and nothing will happen because then we need to jump into these controls and do some stuff now at this point it's really key to mention that there's no one siiz fits all for the object removal depending on your footage as mentioned before everything's going to differ so I tend to just do a bit of trial and error click on some things to see what works and what doesn't and I have a bit of a process which I go through which I'm going to show you now but it's just to let you know that if what I show you doesn't work you kind of have to click around and you should hopefully be able to figure something out but it's a little bit of trial and error however the the first thing you should always do is click this button scene analysis and we're just going to see what it does first of all so it's going to go along and it's given us a gray box so if you're lucky that will just work but in my instance it hasn't and basically it hasn't been able to find out what goes in this box so what you need to do scroll down until you see Clean Plate and then just click build Clean Plate and then it will do a best guess at what goes in that box let's just toggle off the power window hit play and it looks pretty good actually it's not done too bad of a job the color is changing which we'll come back to in a moment but the actual mask in the track all looks pretty good what I would then tend to do if you've got a bit of edging I will actually go back to the mask so we'll go back to the window and then you might want to make that a little bit bigger or you may want to just grab the little red circles and then you can you can add a little bit of softness and you can just sort of tweak that as it goes so I'm going to go with something like that that looks a little bit better and then from within the objects removal controls again in this example what I'm going to do is change this render blend mode so linear basically means it's going to pick a color and it's going to stick with it which is why it looks like the color is changing it's actually everything else is changing around it where if we change the blend mode to Adaptive and then hit play it's going to be dark at the beginning and lighten up as we go and actually that looks pretty pretty pretty good sweet so that's kind of worked out of the gate for us pretty well now if you're struggling to get a decent result something else you can change is the scene mode so by default it's set to boundary and Boundary will simply analyze the area surrounding the object so it will look just outside of your tracking window to try and figure out what it needs to put within the mask the alternative option which I sometimes switch to is the background mode this actually analyzes the entire frame the entire scene except for what's in The Mask try and figure out what it needs to put in there and then there's the object mode which is for analyzing an object that moves with in the background like our statue on the lawn it's moving with the background unlike our lawn mower for example which is moving through it however using boundary worked perfectly well so I stuck with that once you change them you just have to do another quick scene analysis to see if it picks it up and works slightly better again sorry there's no rule of th for this I will generally use boundary initially if that doesn't work I'll try background and if that doesn't work then I'll try the object mode so next example we've got these two cars driving along the beach next to the Sea and we're using this example because there's another thing which you can do which I want to show you so we're going to do the exact same thing this time I'm going to grab the pen tool so this one down here it's actually called The Curve I call it the pen CU it's easiest looks like a pen so and then we're just going to click around uh subject like so making sure to get the shadow then we'll go to our tracker and we'll do the track it's doing a pretty good job tracking it all the way through we'll grab our object je removal plank that on there scene analysis let's see what it does and this time I didn't need to build my Clean Plate oh I still will need to build a bit of a Clean Plate but it's done a pretty good job most of the way it's just got confused into little bit so we've got these gray areas in that instance all you do once again build Clean Plate and that will fill in the gaps let's get rid of our power window and that's not doing too bad of a job at all now the next thing I want to show you is this search range so what's actually happening as this cars moving through the scene resolve that AI is looking ahead so imagine it's looking over here to see what's coming up and then it's tring to basically do a copy of that and put it here now this search range defines how far ahead it's looking and this is a really good hopefully visual indication of what's going on if we increase the search range it's going to be looking further ahead so up here somewhere and if we keep going eventually you can see the car in front is starting to appear Within our mask because we're looking 85 frames ahead so we're looking right over here for what's coming up so that's actually gone too far if we brought this right down to zero it's kind of looking exactly where it is you kind of want the number to be as low as you can with a decent result so actually about 17 seems to be working really well for me and that looks pretty spot on so hopefully you can see you kind of have to do things a different ways and tweak things as you go I've got one more example which is fairly straightforward and then we're going to jump into something a little bit more fancy oo so this is very similar we've got a little car driving along drone shot once again we want to get rid of it so let's just do the same thing we can do a little pencil tool oh I've done a terrible job on that but there you go it's a quick example then we're going to track and hopefully this tracks which it does object removal drop that on there scene analysis let's see what it does that's again not done too bad of a job at at all and I don't think I'm going to have to make a clean plate for that one it's actually worked really well indeed there you go that one just kind of worked that's perfect but that gives you an idea of sometimes things work sometimes you'll need to grab a Clean Plate sometimes it'll half work and you'll need to grab a Clean Plate it really does depend on the footage and the exact thing which is going on so the next one I want to show you is this so we've got this guy walking along but there's this ugly thing on the wall we want to get rid of now this is a little bit more complicated because obviously he walks in front of it so how do you do that well we're actually going to combine the object removal with magic masks let's see if we can do this one so here we go now we're going to have to do things slightly differently for this one mainly because of the track because our guy is walking in front of it we're going to have to track this in two parts so what I tend to do grab the point just before the subject walks in front of our object so I'm going to go with right there then we're going to grab our window and we're just going to put this around this in the the same way we did before then we'll go to our tracker and at this point we can track reverse so we just want to track back a couple of frames so we can track this all the way back like so then we're going to come to the point where it walks in front of it keep going and going and going until our object is back in Clear View like so and then we're actually just going to manually put our mask back over our object so we're going to do this bit manually before you do that though within the tracker change it from clip to frame clip means that if we move the tracker the tracker will be moved across the entire clip which is not what we want we want frame so we can essentially key frame the location of our mask so now we can just move this over there like so and then while he's working in front of it we've kind of manually key frame that to keep up and then from this point here we can track forwards and now we've got a track that goes across the entirety of a clip like so simple grab our objects removal smash that on there let's just hit scene analysis see what it does is it going to do a good job guys kind of trying so now we'll go and we'll build a Clean Plate first just to see if that helps so actually it's trying it's worked at the beginning but then I think it's getting confused when the guy is walking over it that's probably to do with that search range so we could try and knock this right down and that's getting much closer can we knock that down to Z it's not quite going to it's working before he walks across and then it's getting a bit confused so what I might tend to do here is go back up and change this scene mode so it's still looking at the boundaries and I reckon it's probably just the boundaries that it's getting confused so let's go to background instead we'll do a scene analysis on that see what we get and that is looking pretty good goes a bit squiffy at the end but we'll ignore that for now we can finish that later but that's kind of working let's turn off the power window yeah that looks about right we're looking at it so it looks obvious I may want to maybe go and clean up the mask so I could jump back into the window what you can do quick tip if you turn off the power window visual you can still increase the softness by going to softness and then dragging that up and you can actually see the difference it's going to make you can also then change the size the aspect the pan the Tilt move it around actually without the window on screen so you can actually see what you're doing but I'm actually pretty happy with that if you weren't looking for it you probably wouldn't really notice so now what we need to do is to get our man to walk in front of it so I'm going to jump back over to the edit page I'm going to do a duplicate of this clip by holding alt or option if you're on a Mac dragging up to make a duplicate we jump back over to the color page we'll make sure we've got the one selected the top one if you don't see your little timeline down here just click on timeline from the top right hand corner we'll reset this node cuz we don't need all of that stuff we're going to right click on an empty space add an Alpha output and drag our blue to our blue and then we're going to do a magic mask and I've made a whole video about magic masks very recently so go check that one out if you don't know how to use magic masks but we'll click on this one magic mask go to the point where I walk in where he walks in front of it so we can kind of get a good idea of how it's going to look we'll do a little track on that make it better you can see some of it poking through so maybe just blend that in a little bit then we'll track that forward and back go back to the edit page we'll hit play and we may want to tidy that up a tiny bit but you get the idea we've done an object removal and a magic mask we've cleared that up jab done and there you go there's a bit of an overview of the objects removal tool within D Vin resolve hopefully you found this useful do let me know down in the comments below and thank you once again to Nvidia for sponsoring this video make sure to click the link in the description to find out more about all the good stuff Nvidia are doing thanks for watching take easy I'll see you next time
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 55,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrAlexTech, Mr Alex Tech
Id: 42_6xdbH_-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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