How to ADD Background MUSIC in DaVinci Resolve 18 | 🔥 CRASH COURSE 🔥 | Techniques, Tips & Tricks!

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you want to add some background music to your videos and you think I'm just going to drop it in the timeline right you lower the volume and you're like it doesn't sound good my expectations are not being met here so today I've got a ton of different tips tricks and techniques for you to try and use when it comes to your background music just to elevate your videos take it to that next level and make it sound better today's video is sponsored by Art list we're going to be getting our music tracks from art list but for now let's jump in resolve see the project that we're working on here get inspired and add some awesome background music to our videos indenture olve here currently I'm in the edit Tab and I'm working on putting together a little inspirational video let me just show you the first few seconds of it I've got a bunch of different clips that hopefully just inspire people I've got a voiceover track where I recorded a voiceover to go along with the video and our music and here's what it's looking like so far just so you can get a kind of feel of where the video is going if you woke up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be okay so it doesn't seem so great so far right we need need that music to add in the feeling and just help you feel like you're connected to the video so the first thing we need to do is go ahead and grab our music track so for my music I'm going to head over to Art list the sponsor of today's video and they've just got a ton of awesome stuff there there's just so much great music sound effects you've got footage you've got templates you've got plugins you've got a ton of stuff pretty much all the assets you need to make an awesome video and if you've never signed up for a trial with artless before here's what the prices are you can get everything from just your music and sound effect effects all the way up to a full package that will give you all of the videos the assets everything they have on there it's so worth it really just helps take your videos to the next level so when I like to look for music what I do is I typically will go to either one of the moods over here on the left or I'll pick a different video theme if I know what the video theme is and in this case I wanted something that was kind of cinematic right I want something that's got a lot of feeling to it so I found this song called escape velocity right here and I can see it falls in the Cinematic category and it's about 2 and 1/2 minutes long or so and I know that the inspirational video that I'm putting together is shorter than that so I like this one I went ahead and downloaded it when I download it I could do either a wave or an MP3 I typically do the mp3s and that works out really well once I get into resolve in my D resolve project here I do have a folder for audio and I did bring in two different songs because I was sampling some different things here but this is the song that I want to use right here and this is what it sounds like in the beginning just to get a little feel for it all right so it sounds a little inspirational right off the bat right now here's a little bonus tip for you if your music comes in really loud and you want to adjust it before you even bring it in your timeline you can just click on your clip in your media pool I can open my inspector and I can actually lower the volume of the whole clip right here in the media pool it's a cool little trick now you don't have to do that you can always adjust it in the timeline but if you do it in the media pool here once I bring it into the timeline let's just say I brought it to like-2 six if I bring it in the timeline check it out my volume's already set to - 26 pretty sweet huh but in this case I'm just going to bring it in at full volume so I'm going to reset the volume here in the inspector I'm going to click on my clip drag and drop it in the timeline now this is where most people are going to stop right you're going to adjust the volume a little bit maybe but in this case we're going to do a few different tips and techniques here to make it sound even better so the first thing I want to do is make sure that my background music is starting when my video starts cuz we can see in my music track here I've got a little bit of dead space and I don't want that so I want to make my cut right here I'm going to make a cut we're going to delete the beginning and then I'm just going to move my clip over so now I'm going to play through my video here and see if this is where I want my audio to start am I happy with it let's just see how it sounds if you woke up one day all right so that's good but when the voiceover started there I can't even hear that right so we need to work with the volume of this clip now I could come in here and just lower the whole thing down which is what most people are probably going to do but then maybe that's not going to accomplish the way that I want the music to sound so if I just lower it down and say maybe - 21 d Bish here's what that sounds like let's see if I'm happy with that if you woke up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be okay so I could leave it like that I mean it's not terrible but we could make it better I want that music to swell and come down I want the voice over to be clear so here's a real easy way that we can start with working with our volume for our Clips so I'm going to bring my volume back up I'm going to leave it around maybe- 7.5 and I'm going to come to where my dialogue starts and I'm going to make a cut on my music track so I'm just going to use my keyboard shortcut to make a cut there I have mine mapped as s and now what we can do is change the volume of two these two different clips so let's say I want this part to be a bunch quieter I'm going to bring this down to maybe minus 20 - 21 looks good but looking at this music clip it's just going to go from ow to quiet and make a hard jump right there so what you can do is come into your effects Library I'm going to open that up close my media pool here I'm going to come to my audio Transitions and in my audio transitions here we've got three different transitions a plus 3db minus 3db and just a zero DB fade so I'm going to grab the zero going to drop it on here and now let's hear how that sounds see if it's what we are kind of going for here with the volume change of our clip if you woke up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be all right so that works pretty good now if I didn't have that let me just delete that here's what that would sound like if you woke up one day it's too harsh of a transition right so by adding in the little bit of a cross fade it's going to automatically fade the clips for us and let's say maybe I needed to move this transition or I wanted to add another one I'm going to come here I'm going to make another cut on my music track and then I'm going to add in another cross fade there and actually I could click hold and drag the cross fade on here or another quick tip here for you is if I my playhead right at the intersection of these two clips I can right click and just say add a cross fade and you can make it as long as you want let's say I do 25 frames and now I want the music to come back up in volume after the voice over is done right so I'm going to bring this up and we're going to go back up to 7.5 and then I know once I get to here I'm going to want it to drop down again right so that you can hear the voice over over top of the music clearly so I'm going to select my music track make a cut I'm going go right click we're going to add the 25 frame cross fade and I'm going to lower the music down on this side to the same that we had over here now I could just eyeball it here by using my gain line oh and another tip for you if you don't see this gain line right here you want to come into your timeline view options right here and obviously you need your waveforms turned on and that should show you your gain line you can try some of these different options if you're having trouble seeing the gain line and that should help just make it stand out a little bit more for you so instead of coming and grabbing this gain line trying to match it up wherever my volume was on this clip here's another tip for you I could select the clipr contrl C to copy come to my other clip that I want the same volume on option or alt V that's going to bring up this for us and we want to come down to audio attributes and I want to copy everything so I'm just going to hit apply and now we've got the exact same volume here as we did over here and here's how that kind of sounds all together if you woke up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be travel the world with friends so that works pretty good and it's really easy to do that now let's say maybe I needed to adjust where this transition occurs you know i' sound it a little close to the dialogue right here I can just come here hover over the intersection there of the two clips I could click hold and drag and change where that point is if I went over here could go there want to come over here and go there so maybe I want it about right there really easy to move around where those volume changes happen and here's what that sounds like who would you be travel the world now another tip for you here is when you bring in your music tracks into your timeline you're going to notice that they're pretty loud right so if this was at Zer DB it's going to be loud you're almost going to be peeking up into the red so music is mastered so that it is loud so that they can meet that maximum allowable volume or limit for the music track but in resolve here I always find that that's way too much even if I have no dialogue around it typically what I like to do is bring that down somewhere around what we did with this clip either minus 7.5 minus 10 DB somewhere in that range is typically going to work out really well for your background music so that's method one there on how you can work with some of the volume for your music there when it comes to your dialogue now a little bit more advanced tip here is to use some key frames and we can do this right here in the edit tab so what you're going to do is hold your option or ALT key make sure you've got your arrow selected up here we're going to we going to come to the gain line get the symbol that looks like this and if we hold our option or ALT key we can click on that gain line and it's going to add a key frame point for us and then we can move ahead a little bit add another key frame and now we can adjust the volume of our music track on either side of the key frames and there's going to be a little transition between them so maybe we bring this up like that so here's how it sounds and it's going to be a similar effect to what the cross fade does all [Music] friends and then maybe we need to add some more key frames here to drop back down I'm going to hold option or alt on a PC option on a Mac come ahead add my key frame and I'm going to lower the volume down after my second key frame and here's how that sounds with [Music] friends spend days on Horseback so that works too and it accomplishes essentially the same thing but with adding key frames you can have a little bit more flexibility of how you want that to sound and in this case it sounds like my two key frames on this side over here they could be moved over a little bit right I think it should be closer to the dialogue so I can select my key frame and then I can click hold and drag to move it around now you're going to notice it's going to kind of move all over but if I click hold and start to drag a little bit and then hold my shift key it's only going to go in a straight line so I'm going to bring this guy over to say here select my top one and I'm going to hold shift and move it over a little bit and let's try that and see how that sounds spend days on Horseback and that works out pretty good now if I wanted to add say another key frame in the middle here I could add one in the middle and then let's say I wanted to get louder and the music to kind of swell up in between my other two key frames here's how that would sound World [Music] friends spend days on Horseback so a really cool technique there that you can build in your own swells or reductions there in the music track kind of cool when it's something that's happening in between your dialogue right we can help push the feeling in a little bit more by making the music a little bit louder we can pull it back a little bit if we want it to be a little bit quieter but lots of cool things here that you can do with key frames in denture resolve to help make the music sound the way that you want it to sound and build in the feeling that you want for your music track in your video so our first technique there with the cross phase was pretty easy I think everybody out there can do that then we got a little more advanced by using the key frames and still I think all you guys can do that it's not as hard as it looks a little bit of practice and you're going to be a key frame Pro when it comes to your audio now the next thing that we're going to talk about here is a little bit more of an automated way to do things it's a little bit more advanced yet still easy enough that I think everybody out there can do it and that is by using the auto ducking feature here in Dent resolve now we're going to have to jump into Fair light to do this so follow along here it's not too hard it will take a little bit of playing with settings and stuff for your particular clip but this is a cool feature because you can do it once and then you don't have to worry about adding cross Fades or key frames resolve will do everything automatically for you once you get it set up so this is another timeline of the exact same thing I've got the exact same music track in here and we're going to go ahead and create our automatic ducking here in denture resolve and what does that mean that means that when the video gets to the dialogue parts right all these parts down in this track the music will automatically get quieter so we can hear the dialogue a little bit better and then when the dialogue stops for example from between here and here the music volume will come back up automatically we're not going to have to do anything with it we can set it resolve will do all the work for us so to do this like I said we got to jump into Fair light musical notes at the bottom now in Fair light here we need to have our mixer open because we need to use our Dynamics to do this so make sure your mixer is open at the top here come down to your mixer and we want to come to our Dynamics section right here if you don't see your Dynamics click on the three dots make sure Dynamics is checked on and you should see it right here in your mixer you also may need to scroll up and down here with your middle Mouse wheel a little bit make sure you and see your Dynamic the first thing we need to do is come to our voiceover or dialogue track and we want to open up our Dynamics panel on that track so I'm going to go ahead and double click open that up now if you needed to edit your dialogue or something you can turn on the compressor and use it uh if you need to my audio track is already kind of set up so I'm not going to worry about that at this point because we're really worried about the music but what we need to do in this Dynamics window is to click on this send button right here and what that's going to do is send out our track to any other tracks that are going to be listening so once you click that send button we're done on this we can close that out then we want to come to our music track here we want to double click our Dynamics and in our Dynamics panel here we want to come down to the same section and we want to turn on listen so what's happening here now is that denture resolve is sending out our dialogue track and our music track is going to listen to it and can respond to our dialogue so it'll be able to lower the volume of the music underneath the dialogue so we can hear the dialogue nice and clear now once you've turned on your listen on your music track we are going to be using the compressor so you can go ahead and turn on the compressor and this is what is going to tell denture resolve to lower the volume of the music when we hear any of our voice over track so if I play through a little bit now let's see if it's doing anything and uh see what we got if you woke up one day okay right off the bat nope it's not doing anything so the first thing that we need to do to get the music to go below or get quieter underneath our dialogue is to lower our threshold so our threshold just says at what DB level should the music start to go down so I'm going to lower this back and I'm going to come to say minus 30 DB now the ratio is the next thing we want to look at that is going to say how much do I lower the music right currently it's 2: one so for every 2 DBS it's louder than our threshold it'll lower it by one well in this case I'm going to lower it down quite a bit and I'm just going to look at the graph here and I know when my music is playing below my dialogue I want it to be somewhere a little below minus 20 DB so I'm just going to put put it right about there and we're just going to see how that sounds so let's play through our little section here with our vocal track or our voice over and our music and let's see how it's working if you woke up one day and can do anything what would you do all right so you can see it's working there but it sounds really choppy and really bad so the next thing we need to do to help smooth that out a little bit is come down to our attack our hold and our release so our attack tells us how soon should I lower the Music Volume as soon as I hear your voice over over track so I want that to be H pretty quick but I don't want it to just like hard cut off right so I'm going to bring it up let's just try 10 millisecs to start so the hold says how long do you want me to hold that volume lower once there's no more voiceover track coming through so in this case I'm going to boost this up and I'm going to say half a second here so I'm going to go with 500 milliseconds and the release says how quickly do you want the volume of that music to go from the quieter part that it'll be set at back to its original volume so you don't want it to be too fast otherwise it's just going to snap back to a loud volume almost like you had a hard cut in there so I'm going to bring up my release and make it 1,000 milliseconds which is 1 second so let's go ahead and just play through this and see how we're sounding if you walk up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be okay so a few things I noticed I think it took too long for that to start so I'm going to lower my attack time my hold it didn't hold long enough because in between when the dialogue was happening it seemed like it just it it almost started to go back up a little bit so I'm going to boost up the hold a little bit we're going to make that one second and I'm going to leave the release at 1 second now the other thing that I could think about is if it sounds too loud right off the bat kind of how we talked about earlier in this video I might want to actually lower this down and start with it at a lower volume so if I hold my shift key I can get real exact with my numbers here when I grab my gain line I'm going to lower that back down to 7.5 is there we go 7.5 which is where we originally had it in our other timeline so with these couple adjustments let's hear how it sounds explore the Wonder of [Music] nature camp in the countryside with the love of so it sounds like it still needs a little bit more adjustments there I'm going to try lowering my threshold back a little bit can actually use my knee to kind of help blend it in a little bit more let's go ahead play through again and see how it sounds if you woke up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be travel the world with friends all right so I think we did need to adjust our threshold a little bit I brought it up just a little bit worked with my ratio just a little bit there and I think we're in a pretty good spot I did move the attack back up so it didn't kick in so fast also adjusted the hold down just a little bit to like half a second or maybe we could even go a little bit more than that and the release around 775 and I think this is working out pretty good and once I set this up I can just put any dialogue in the dialog track and the music will respond to any track that is getting sent out so that music track can listen to it now you could further refine it by jumping into your voiceover or dialogue track and turning on the compressor in there and working with that a little bit but what I really like about the autod ducking feature here is that if I have a long video with lots of different dialogue tracks I don't have to go through and manually key frame and do all that stuff resolve can do the work for me right now it does take just playing with the settings a little bit to get the desired result that you want but makes it really quick and easy to have resolved do the work for you once you set up those initial settings there in your Dynamics panel and while we're here in Fair light I've got two more tips for you here on how we can make a little space in our music track so that our dialogue isn't competing with any of the frequencies and sounds that are in our music track so let's check this out the first one is an effect here that's built into denture resolve so I want to come to my music track I'm going to go ahead and click on the Plus for my effects I'm going to come down to spatial Fair light effects and stereo width now in here in our stereo width what this is going to do is make our music sound like it's getting pushed out to the sides of my headphones so that the dialogue can live in the middle now you can just come in here click on the presets up here and choose Max separation that should be it you should be good to go now sometimes you're going to notice that this will do more on certain music tracks than others so let's solo my music track do a little before and after here see if we can hear the differ [Music] difference so can you hear that it kind of just pushed out that audio a little bit to the right and left channels a little bit so if you don't have right and left speakers or you know maybe you got headphones on hopefully you can hear that it just spreads it out a little bit right now there are other plugins that I like to use uh over this one that are third party plugins that do an even better job of really pushing out that uh that audio but if you don't have any of those plugins this works awesome and I would totally use it now the second tip that I'm going to give you here is a little bit of EQ so I'm going to go ahead and double click on my EQ on my music track and in my EQ here we could remove some of the frequencies that compete with dialogue or speaking and to do that you can just grab your band 4 here and I want to just make a little cut somewhere in this you know between 500 and 2K range now now we can make our cut a little bit wider there if we come down to our Q factor and just make this as low as we can so we just want to make a little cut in here so let me play through the the music there and I'm just going to make the cut you can kind of hear the little bit of a [Music] difference so the reason that we do that is because again it makes a a little bit of space in our music track for the dialogue to come through and be easier to hear so let me just jump back here I'm going to turn this off and then turn it on so you can hear the difference while the dialogue is speaking while our voiceover is happening here and you can hear a little bit of the space that gets made it's a little tough while the music is ducking down so maybe if we just turn that off real quick here you'll be able to hear the difference let me play through that again I'll do turn it on and turn it off and we're just using band 4 here so I can even turn the other ones off they don't matter check it out if you want up one day and could do anything what would you do who would you be travel the world with friends spend days on Horseback so you could see that there right we didn't even change the volume but by cutting out those frequencies when band 4 was turned off here you couldn't really hear the voiceover very good but when we turned it on and we made a cut in those frequency ranges you could hear it through without even changing the volume of your background music track so that's a handy tip I definitely use that all the time when I've got music going on below any speaking or any dialogue or any voiceover in my videos and the last tip here is a very Advanced tip that I just want to mention and I've got a whole video on it so I'm not going to go into it too much in this video but if you want to check out the video about automation you can head on over I'll link to it uh in the description below I'll pop up a card over here you can check that out but essentially automation allows us to change the volume over time and it's going to automatically create some key frames for us for example if I come over here and make sure that this is turned on my toggle Automation and then I turn on my automation tools I can tell resolve hey on this track I want to use my fader to change the volume over time so I can play through my clip I can record my changes I can adjust my volume as the video is playing back in real time and I can always go back make changes after the fact but it gives me the opportunity to just watch through the video make changes in real time as far as the volume of the music or any audio parameter uh and and really just sculpt it and make it sound the way that I want it to sound automation is really awesome you can do so much cool stuff with it there are a ton of different things you can automate pretty much anything that has to do with audio from plugins to EQ to Dynamics you can essentially automate or key frame it's like key framing any of that stuff so I'm not going to do it specifically here because it's a little more in-depth and it is an advanced tutorial which I have you can check that out so that is another way that you can continue to work with your background music here and make it sound awesome as part of your video so I know I threw a lot of information at you guys there about background music and different ways and tips and techniques on how to make it sound the best that you can help it sound a little bit more Pro how to get resolved to do some of the work for you but by using some of these different tips and techniques your music tracks and your videos are just going to sound better and more professional speaking of making your audio more awesome if you are looking for a One-Stop shop to learn everything you need to know about making your audio awesome for your videos check out my course Linked In the description below audio Essentials for video editors in Da Vinci resolve so a big thank you to artless for sponsoring today's video love artlist I've been using them for years they've been a huge supporter of me and my channel really appreciate you art list if you guys need sound effects music you need stock footage you need templates for resolve check out art list maybe it's something that'll work for you link in description below and with that said guys get that background music sounding awesome and I will see you in the next video peace
Channel: Jason Yadlovski
Views: 5,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: add background music in davinci resolve, How to add background music in davinci resolve 18, tutorial, davinci resolve 18, fairlight, video editing, audio editing, how to, fairlight audio, audio, davinci resolve tutorial, background music, how to add music in davinci resolve 18, how can you add music on davinci resolve, add music in davinci resolve, background music for youtube videos, background music for videos, davinci resolve tutorial for beginners 2024
Id: 0YbSS47ydEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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