Object Removal Tool vs. Obstacles // DaVinci Resolve Studio 18

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in this video we're going to take a look at the object removal tool in defensive resolve and this is again a studio feature so if you don't have the studio version you won't have access to this feature but it's quite a neat feature in case you left something in the background that you don't want there there's a sign that you need to get rid of or anything else that you would like to remove from your scene so how we're going to go about this in this video is that I've created four kind of levels for the object removal tool that I thought I would try to take it through as a little obstacle course and see what we can do so level one will be pretty basic level two a little bit more advanced and then obso level 4 which is something that it will struggle a little bit with so just to kind of show you the limitations of the update removal tool and where it works well and where it works a little bit less good so let's jump into it let's hop into DaVinci Resolve and get started alright so we are inside DaVinci Resolve and we are just in the edit page right now I've created four clips that are our different levels here so level one is just me standing here the object that we're going to try and remove is my jacket here on the floor assuming that I left that and didn't want to have that in the shot the second level is me still standing still but just panning a little bit to see if it still can remove the jacket from the ground the third level is me walking past the jacket to see if it actually can remove the jacket even though I am walking in front of it and then level four is me waving my foot in front of it as that is a little bit more advanced than just me walking past it for a few seconds or for half a second whereas this will be a little bit more difficult with the motion blur and everything going on so that's the levels that we're going through we're going to jump into the color page and I've already done a grade on all the clips you can see this was the live footage this is it I've just made them into a compound node so we don't have to care that much about this for this video here [Music] so the first thing we're going to do to make the optic removal tool work is that I'm going to mask out what it is that I actually want to select so I'm going to make a new node here I'm going to call it the mask now what I'm going to do is I'm going into the power window here and I'm just going to make a little Mark the little area around the jacket here so we are just going to draw around it like so something like this shift H to see what we've selected and we have the jacket in here the scene is not moving it's on the tripod so we can easily just go back out again here and now we have it selected now I feel like it's easier to mask it out first and then connect it to the actual object removal tool so we'll make a new node here I'm using option s to do that and we'll call that object our object removal the way you find the object removal tool in the color page is you go up here to effects and then you can simply just search for object and then you will find object rule tool we'll drag that on here and now you can see that we have a few more inputs and outputs today we will only care about the green input and the blue input here and we're just going to drag our mask up to combine it with this and this way we have the same mask selected on this node which is our jacket here then we're going to open the effects folder again if it wasn't already open now there's no Motion in the scene because it's just completely standing still and I'm just moving over here so we're just going to say assume no motion because it's an action is not moving now that was the analysis path so because it's not moving it can easily just say okay we'll just remove this this is almost kind of like a photo removal and then we can go to render we have some options here but what I first want to do is just create a clean plate so because the analysis is already done you just click build Clean Plate and that will just create a completely masked out or completely removed the tool here so if you go up to full screen you see this was before and this is after and if you didn't know the jacket was over there you basically you would know that it had ever been there and the video should pretty much just play back now it is a little bit heavy on the computer so what I've done is I've gone on to the playback menu you can see me click on that but it's the playback menu up here and then in render cache I've said it to Smart this means that it will try to render out the scene here so that we should be able to play it back in a few seconds when it's rendered out and basically it just removes it from the scene here now sometimes we can see if there's been some change in contrast you can see if we go to the the end here it's gotten a little bit brighter and now we can actually see that it was here before what we can do to balance that out is that we can change the blend mode to Adaptive blend and then it will just blend in the background a little bit more and we can also choose to change the range that it does this now in this case it worked perfectly fine so we don't actually need to do anything and now of course it needs to render again but now throughout the whole scene here we should have a pretty good masked out subject or object here and because it's not the focal point of anything here and it wasn't you won't really notice that it was there now I get the best results when there's kind of a clean background that it can choose from and it doesn't have anything around it that's also what we will see in a second when we go to the next levels but for this level it did a really good job so I'll give it a 5 out of five it really just blended it out and it's just completely gone now you can see if we go back into our notes Here in the color page this is where the Checker was and now it's just completely gone if we turn node on so that's pretty incredible if you have a static scene and you just need to get rid of something in the background this is super powerful tool to try and do so [Music] now level two it's moving so we're going to go into the color page again and I'm going to make a new note again call it mask I'm going to do the same thing here so just going to zoom in a bit here and I'm going to mask around the jacket again something like this what we're going to do now that is a little bit different is that we're going to track it so now I actually did it here normally I've done it from the first point but it should still be fine we can go into a tracking window here and because it's a pretty normal scene it's just moving a little bit up and down you should be able to track it so if we just drag it forwards and backwards here we should be able to see that it just perfectly tracks a mask here all the way through and it looks like it's doing a perfect job all right so now we have our mask completely tracked we can make a new node again we still have our big removal tool here we'll input the mask and in this case we actually do have some motion so what we'll do here is we'll do scene analysis and it will just process through the scene here a little bit and something is wrong with our mask here you can see that it actually actually doesn't track it as I was expecting it to something goes wrong in the end here so let's just try again and reset the mask here I'm just going to move it over to my jacket like so turn off the object removal for a second and just see if we can get it to track it perfectly this time all the way through it looks like it did a better job this time so let's try and turn this on again do a new scene analysis and now it looks like it did a better job so let's just try and build a clean plate again and once again it is just completely done now since I'm still not moving on top of it we can also use the Adaptive blend here and now we should just see that it is just completely gone from the scene even though the camera is moving so because we still have it lined still this could also be a sign on the wall or something else pretty clean background there shouldn't be any problems to remove it at all and in this case you can see it just completely disappears you wouldn't notice that the grass pattern is different so it just looks like it was never there in the first place so that's pretty handy level two five out of five again I would say it did a really good job it was easy for it to just mask it out and remove it [Music] now we come to level three and this is where it gets a little bit more difficult so in this case we have me walking in front of it it's still a static shot so and nothing else is moving I wanted to make it a little bit easy on it but we can see that I'm moving in front of it so let's just go to the first place of the clip here do as we've done in the previous times we're going to mask out the jacket here I'm just going to zoom in to make it a little bit easier for myself I am going to make a mask around that doesn't have to be perfect something like this check that it's good it is make a new node combine the two and make it an object removal tool and in this case let's just go back out to full screen we are going to do a I don't think we need to do a scene analysis because it's just lying still there but the problem becomes when we go and I am moving in front of it as you can see here even without the Clean Plate it won't notice that I'm moving in front of the object because it doesn't really know that I'm not supposed to do that so we can still build a clean blade let's do that from over here where we started and now it's completely gone now how the issue becomes when we move in front of it here you can see that all of a sudden it doesn't look very good because I'm moving behind the grass that doesn't really make any sense now we could try and do different things here to make it work better and we can also try and do the Adaptive blend but what we have an issue with here is that I'm still behind it but now it's just trying to adapt to whatever is in front of it so it'll work perfectly when I am not walking in front of it but as soon as I go in front of it it becomes a little bit weird and you can see that I kind of it takes up the color of my legs here in this case so what we can do is we can ask for help from our friend the magic mask and I made a video on that before so you can find that I'll link a card up here but what you can do here is that we can say okay this is fine for me now I like how the plate is built I actually want it to be the linear blend for now and what I want to do instead is I'm going to make a new layer here so I'm just going to duplicate by holding down option and make a new layer of my level three clip here and to make it a little bit simpler for myself I'm not going to take the entire clip so I'm just going to take the part where I'm actually walking in front of the jacket here and I am out of frame here so we can just take this part now I'm going to select the clip and jump back into the color page here I'm just going to delete these two because I don't need them in this case what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to make another note and call it magic mask and we don't need the effects panel here this time so we can have a little bit more space to work with and what I'm going to try and do in this case is mask myself out here to make a layer on top of the layer where the jacket has been masked out so what I'm going to try is I'm going to say find a place where I'm actually walking in front of the jacket at least a little bit and I'm going to go to the magic mask here again this is another paid feature of DaVinci Resolve but this is where they can really work together so I'm going to attach my masking here I can see what I'm doing I'm just going to try and draw a line here on myself I already did a really good job selecting me just want a bit more of my foot here I'm going to click better to just make it the selection even better and now we can see if we zoom in even more here it did select the jacket as well and here we have an issue because the jacket is the same color as my legs had it been an orange jacket or something it would have been easier but of course I didn't make it that easy on myself so I'm just going to try and sell DaVinci do not select the jacket I'm going to try and make it track forward and backwards and we can already see it's still selecting sold the jacket but not always so I think we are good in some instances here so let's move through it and see when it is selecting The Mask here it is so we're going to tell them and see nope don't select this part I'm gonna drag it back once again looks like it's fine drag it forward here it has it again so say no thank you vitamin C you do not want the jacket here try and drag it and it wants to track backwards again that's fine already works that way here we have the issue again you can see this is kind of just how we can go in and try and balance out and tell them anything nope we don't want these parts now I need to track it forwards and backwards and I think you get the picture now we don't have that many parts left so I'm just quickly gonna go in and help adjust the rest of it [Music] all right so now we have a selection that looks like it's pretty good you can see I did a lot of drawings I also went into shift H to see exactly what I was selecting so I could easily just tell them and see when I didn't want the jacket and what I'm going to going to add here is just going to go in here and then I'm just going to add a little bit of blur radius to make the mask seem a little bit better and maybe mean the clean black a little bit better clean white a little bit better as well just to kind of try and get rid of some of that extra blur that we have around me okay I think this mask is pretty good actually so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click over here in my node panel and I'm going to make or add the add Alpha output here that gives us a blue dot here and now we can connect the blue output the alpha output of the magic mask with the output Source here what that helps us do is that now our clip itself is only this part that we have selected that's all the outputs so if we go into our timeline here again we can turn this off and you can see this is just me selected here now with the Clean Plate underneath you can actually see that we pretty much just got rid of the jacket and I can now move in front of it without any issues there is a little bit and we can still clean that up so you can see there was once where the jacket just appeared again but aside from that we actually did a really good job just removing the jacket and having me walk in front now this is not the easiest thing to do in the world and you have to fiddle around with a magic mask and I don't know how clickable it is to realize but it's just to show you how these two tools kind of work together to make it a little bit easier to get rid of these things especially if you have a pinch situation where you actually have a sign and someone walking in front of it this could be a way to deal with that to put your subject on top of it to make sure that it is masked out so that was level three I will give it a 4 out of five because it's still removed the jacket we didn't have any light switching here so we can still see that it's gone and with the help of Magic master was pretty easy to get rid of the jacket and get me in front here instead [Music] foreign it's kind of the same as level three but the issue here is that I'm moving a lot more in front of it and we have a lot of motion blur of me moving in front and back of this and this actually came from my first attempt when I wanted to make this video I was trying to remove the microphone that I had on my chest for recording my videos and it was super difficult because I had my hands blurring in in front of it so I thought I would make this level four and see what we can do now we're going to go with the same technique more or less so let's for the first time here make a mask and we are just going to select our little jacket here make another node drag in the object move connect the blue input and outputs here and what we are going to do is we're still going to tell it it is no motion and we want a linear blend mode and build the plate and now it is completely gone again if we go through it we have the same issue as before and we also have a little bit issues with the light changing but for the most part it looks pretty good now where I am going to start putting my foot in front of this jacket is around here so let's go in and just try and see if we can make the same technique work again so I'm going to show them the clip to here and I'm gonna see when I'm done putting my foot in front of this jacket and I am around here so it's a bit longer clip we're going to make sure that we have the clip on timeline too delete these again we don't need the effects panel and then we are going to add a magic mask once again just to see if we can do the same trick for this and we're going to select the magic mask here and we're just going to try and select on me here and then put on the mask in here and better to see what it selects we're going to tell the Benzene no we do not want the jacket to be selected and we're going to drag it forward and backwards looks like it does a pretty decent job at least the first time around a little bit less than a second time and third time here and let's see what we can do here so we go back to where we had our selection here we just move one frame at a time with the negative selection tool selected so let's just zoom in a lot more here and just move backwards a frame at a time say no thank you DaVinci we do not want this selected now again and we need to do it the opposite way so we're going to the first frame instead going to move forward and say no thank you [Music] luckily in the understands pretty fast what we're trying to do here [Music] all right I think we do have a pretty good selection now so let's again add the alpha output and connect the two and then just see what happens when we go into our magic here and just try to reap I have an okay selection it's still not perfect but as you can see we did a little bit of a job now again I'm not going to adjust this even more but this is not a case of something you would probably see in real life and if you did probably be easier to go out and retake the situation without the jacket rather than trying to do something like this so This Is Where It really becomes more difficult and with the magic mask we could get a result that we're probably happy with but I'm not sure that it would be worth the time and effort to do it in this but in case of the other situations if you just walk past something if you Pan the camera or if you just have a scene that's standing still the optic removal tool is a really really powerful and great tool to work with so that was what I had for you today in this video I hope you enjoyed it I hope you found out more about the object removal tool and what I can do and what you can do if you want more videos where I go into it with some more complicated scenes or some scenes out more in the real life let me know I'm happy to try and see what I can do but for this quick tutorial I just wanted to show you kind of what it's really good at doing and where some of the limitations lie in terms of especially moving subjects in front of the object that you was trying to remove and if you have any better way of doing it then please let me know because this is how I've been able to use the Epic rule tool myself so far and the instances where I've used it and again if you have a clean background and something you want to remove it works really really well and then as we progress in having something going in front of it it gets increasingly more difficult as we get to that so with that said thank you so much for watching and until the next time take care
Channel: Alex Bjorstorp
Views: 14,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Object Removal, Video Object Removal, Object Removal Video, Object Removal DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve, DaVinci Resolve 18, DaVinci Resolve Studio, DaVinci Resolve Studio 18
Id: JkeIrjbAje0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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