No Pain No Gain | Troy Brewer | This or That

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hello open door Church blessing to piece on you and the mighty name of King Jesus the name that is above all names I bless you and call you blessed today now look you guys ready to rock and roll right on guys if you would please open up your Bibles to first Corinthians chapter 12 is where we're at 1st Corinthians chapter 12 Ilyana just just had a birthday here this last week right on I just had her birthday and she is just a beautiful beautiful beautiful bride I wanna say thank you to everybody who who said happy birthday to her she was very very very nice to me and she loves me and she's a good girl and you guys been in prayer for you guys seriously being preferred she has to travel with me all over the planet Earth and one of the cool things that I'm just gonna let you guys in on a secret guys you guys know that we just got picked up on the Armed Forces Network the Armed Forces Network and we're actually going to start doing all of our TV shows it'll be on every single base every area every military base throughout the planet Earth including battleships and submarines and all that kind of cool stuff and you know what not only are they doing a show with me but they've asked us to do a television show with Liana they want Liana to do her own TV show how cool is that yes yes that's awesome that is amazing and so she doesn't know that yet so y'all don't tell her okay I'm only other side of the world she don't know and I'm like because I'm gonna be like we're put we're so gonna put a camera in your face so anyway alright second Corinthians chapter 12 verses 1 through 10 Paul says it is doubtless not profitable for me to boast I will come how but I will come now to visions and revelations of Lord I'm gonna stop Paul starts off saying look you know and I know it does no good for me to tell you how awesome I am he starts off saying that and he says but we're inevitably gonna have to talk about how awesome I am because now I'm gonna be talking about dreams and visions and brother I have had some and then he says I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago rather in the body I do not know or rather out of the body I do not know God knows is such a one was caught up unto the third heaven I wasn't want to stop and again just say Paul starts off by saying look everybody knows it doesn't profit it doesn't profit anything to bow so let's don't talk about me let's talk about a guy I once knew I'll say about 14 years ago and this brother he got caught up into the third heaven and he still doesn't know to this day if he was in his body or out of his body so the brothers talking about herself that's who he's talking about and he's like yeah I would just say I once knew a guy okay and then he says this and I know such a man whether in the body or out of the body I do not know only God knows how he was caught up into paradise and he heard inexpressible words which is not lawful for a man to utter now I want you to think about this Paul said that his walk with God had got so deep he had seen things that was only legal in heaven and he had brought back the knowledge into the earth and he dare not say those things now what is amazing you you find that also two in the book of Revelation then in the book of Revelation John he hears God say some things he goes throughout he goes no no no no no that only works in heaven it does not work on earth you're not allowed to take those things back to you're not you're just not allowed to it's not lawful they're like how in the world could that possibly be there are some things guys that we can bring from heaven that is so powerful and so amazing that it messes up how things work here and Paul actually heard words that are not lawful they're lawful to express in heaven but they are not lawful to express in earth it's fascinating to me then he says this and I know such a man this verse 3 or the in the body out of the body I do not know verse 4 how he was caught up in the paradise and heard inexpressible words which is not lawful for a man to utter of such a one I will boast yet in myself I will not boast except within my infirmities except in the places he goes now if we're going to talk about boasting I'm not going to talk to you about the incredible depths and Heights of places that God has brought me to because if that's the deal I can only brag on God about that but if we're going to talk about how messed up I am that's the place where I brag on me because brother I'm a colossal malfunction I'm not just a little bit messed up I'm a whole lot messed up I'm not just listening if you suspect I'm a little bit messed up I'm a whole lot worse than you think I am and Paul said if there's anybody just got bragging rights on how weak they are on how hurt they are on how on how messed up they are he says let me boast on that amazing and then he says for though I might desire to boast I would not be a fool for I will speak the truth but I refrain list anyone should think of me above what he sees me to be or whether he hears Reese's look I could tell y'all some things I could tell y'all some things about I do stuff in the first heaven in the second heaven in the third heaven and sometimes I walk with Jesus and sometimes he talks with me and I don't know if I'm in my body or out of my body but you know what I'm gonna refrain from all that and I'm not gonna tell you about the extraordinary Heights and depths of the spiritual places that the Lord has brought me because you're gonna think I'm some kind of a Marvel comic superhero and I'm not I'm just a dude that's all that I am but then he says unless I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations stop he said and whenever with my package of this incredible revelation and things that God has shown me both it belonged to the Jews and to the Gentiles to to Old Testament and New Testament having to do with the first return of Jesus and the second return of Jesus having to do with those great mysteries you know what with that God also gave me something else and this is what it says then lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of other revelations a thorn in the flesh was given to me now I want you to stop he says now with this great revelation came great pain and then he says a measure of Satan to buffett me now if you're reading new King James or Oh King James Buffett actually means to punch he said with the god-given ability to experience Jesus in such ways also came a god-given ability for me to be vulnerable to pain and then he says lest I should be exalted above measure the thing that keeps you in the right place when God does great things is is how broken your heart is and if you're going to see God in an incredible way and if you're gonna go to the next level in an incredible way it's only going to happen with with a certain measure that goes with it of experiencing the suffering of the Lord of experiencing something that is painful of experiencing something that is hurtful of experiencing something that you're like my heart is continually broken over this then he says this concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three different times that it might depart from me he says Lord this hurts and he said to me check this out my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore most gladly I would rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ might rest upon me therefore I take pleasure in infirmities in reproaches and needs persecutions and de-stresses for Christ's sake for when I'm weak he is strong this word right here where he says in verse 9 my grace is sufficient for you my strength is made perfect in weakness that word weakness actually means pain as a matter of fact you know he says he says I have actually learned to rejoice in the painful parts of my life and he lists some of them persecutions it wasn't any fun for him to be persecuted and needs of infirmities reproaches verse 10 in de-stresses what's it what's a distress it's where you're totally freaked out because you don't know what to do is like I don't know how this gonna turn out I don't know I don't know what I'm gonna do I don't know how any of this is going to go and he says I have learned to find Jesus in those places and it's so predictable that the Lord is going to be with me in my weak places or my painful places that if you want to know how show me your walk with Jesus I'm not going to show you that I even get called up into the third heaven sometime I'm gonna show you the painful places within my life because that's where he's at he's he's right there and I want you I want you think about this that that through your own life through your own life that the Lord Himself if you're like--okay prove to me that Jesus is real to you prove to me that Jesus is the Lord proved to me that Jesus is your life you you don't prove it by saying I was on a beach in Padre Island cried out to the Lord at one o'clock in the morning and a guy came walking up that I think was Jesus know that that fact as many times many times that would just confuse people well what do you mean by that do you mean was you know I actually told this testimony on the third night of the dreams and Encounters conference and the way everybody received it is that it was a dream that was not a dream I didn't dream that that actually happened I didn't dream that I told other dreams that I'd had but that was an actual encounter and you know what it does it actually is like whoa whoa whoa wait a minute wait a minute stop stop stop you're telling me that you think Jesus Christ himself in person came walking up to you while you're on the beach and if I told you yes then immediately there's 10 million questions like okay who are you how did you qualify for that you must have the special Jedi juice that none of the rest of us have there must be something very special about you so what you do is you actually do this if somebody says hey man you prove to me you prove to me that Jesus is in your life this is what you do you go I'm a colossal failure here and look at how much victory I have that's how you prove you don't you don't prove him through your accomplishments now you demonstrate him through your accomplishments but you prove him through your weaknesses and guys I want to just just tell you if you're afraid to be real if you or somebody is like you know what I have to I have to put up a mask and I have to let everybody think that I'm perfect or I'm really good or all that friends hear me hear me say this the Lord loves the messed up parts of you just as much as he loves the non messed up parts of you it's the difference between Jacob and Israel Israel is the new name of Jacob and it's basically the perfect side of Jacob Prince of God Jacob is the messed up part of Jacob right and God doesn't call himself the God of Abraham Isaac and Israel God calls himself the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob where he says I'm gonna shame to be his god I know he's messed up and I like him like that man his daddy was messed up his granddaddy is messed up but these people are in covenant with me God's strength is made perfect in our painful places this last week this is this has been an ongoing revelation for me for some time and I've been I've been talking this out for some time but I want to unpack something today as we continue to explore this that I hope will help absolutely everybody within this room and everybody within the sound of my voice everybody watching online right now and just tell you this that several years ago when we first moved into this church building and by the way if you don't know the story of that it's actually an incredible story it's way next level it is such a tremendous miracle that Jesus did for us and that we didn't pay for this building this building was given to us this building and this entire campus was given to us estimated worth of somewhere between five and six million dollars and it was given to us on June the 14th which is Flag Day and why is that significant because Jehovah Nissi is the Lord is our banner it's the Lord is our banner what it means the game-changer where the flag shows up on the battlefield and you're like fight for the heart of your king and then the momentum of the war changes and so it's a it's a it's an incredible miracle story and once we got into this place I had already been consulting and I'd already had consultants on how do we how do we change from being a small church to be in a big church and how do we serve people that way and and for those of you who immediately think we'll all you got to do is preach the gospel you don't know and you don't know what you're talking about man the difference between a big church and a little church is not if somebody is anointed or if somebody preaches the gospel that's not the difference between a big church and a little church it's just not and I'm going to tell you what one of the biggest ones but before I tell you I'm gonna let another pastor tell you because this man who I'd who I had hired as a consultant told me hey man you need to go to the Avenue Church and walks of hacci Texas and you need to go talk to Pastor David Brown and David Brown is a really really good guy and let me see if I can't set up an appointment with you I'm like well why do I need to talk with you with him he said well because for 20 years he had less than 200 people in his church and everything was completely old-school which obviously you guys know that I have no problem with oat school but he was doing I'm tell about he wore a brown robe and he led praise and worship down front like this okay and after 20 years in this church being way over a hundred years old he had less than 200 people in his church he saw that the city needed a church that would help the city in a powerful way he saw that and he's like this church is never going to do it so this is what he did he went before his congregation and went before his boards and told them guys I'm either I'm this is my resignation and I'm going to resign are you guys are gonna let me blow this church up into a powerful force within this city and so they agreed and guys they had a soft launch date they had three weeks then they had a hard launch date and they went from 200 people into I think it was 1,200 people the very first Sunday that they had and then their church now with well I really don't know how many I'm sure it's approaching 10,000 people now and we're talking about that that they went from 200 people to 10,000 people in just a few years and so I had the great privilege to go over to him go over to his office and sit down say hey man you know pastor I'm I'm Troy Brewer and I've passed her to church at this time at the time that we're actually doing this right now I've been pastoring this church for almost 24 years at that time I think I had been pastoring a church for like 18 years and I went to him and just said hey man look I for you know the first 16 years we had less than 200 people we have a few more people than that now but man I just I know that God has called us to do a greater thing because he's called it's new a worldwide thing and we can't do that by ourselves you know great is the company that publishes it and so I asked him that I said I said so so I heard that you did it man he goes yeah man we did it and I said I said what am I gonna have to do just tell me what do I have to do to see to it that we grow from 200 people into thousands and thousands of people and this is what he said he said the only way that you can grow from 200 people to 2,000 people is you're gonna have to have a very high pain tolerance I mean when he said that I went what you talkin about Willis I was like what are you what the heck you know what are you what are you talkin about I gotta have pain tolerance I don't have anything to do at church oh oh yes it does and I can tell you since last Easter we had over 5,000 people here for Easter for our Easter services and just a few years ago actually as close as 2011 we had less than a hundred people within our church after nearly two decades of doing church and go what are you doing different I'm taking on pain now that's what I'm doing different and I want to walk you through that and because Paul says this if you want to see the power of God you're going to have to experience pain and you're gonna have to meet him in a painful places and like what are you talking about see this is what Pastor David did Pastor David yes he had a church that had thousands and thousands of people in it but they had been you know a small very very very conservative very traditional Church and what he think happened whenever he told his board okay here's a deal I need a new board and I need you guys to resign do you think that those guys were his favorite people know people who were his buddies and people who were his friends see when they grew from 200 to 500 people the people that had signed up for a 200 member church did not sign up for a 500 member church and those 200 people left and then when they dropped the name something something Avenue Baptist Church and just called it the Avenue there was a church split when they stopped doing Sunday school there was a church split when they started doing media there was a church split when they when they quit doing traditional music and they started doing contemporary music there was a church split when they moved from their old location to the new location there was a church split when they started doing social media there was a church split when they hired new pastors and got rid of the old pastors at every single one of those there was a pain that he had to go through and he said I don't care what the I don't care what it is this is what God has called me to do there is a book but then by there's a book by the name of leadership pain that is on a podcast it's actually on a Bethel podcast and I've been listening to it this last week quite a bit and the guy who wrote that is Sam Chan and sam chan is just a man that the brother is something else and this is one of the things that he says in his book he says as we lead organizations businesses nonprofits and churches sizes don't matter as much as another crucial factor he says the biggest difference between leaders of large organizations and small organizations is not their location it's not the size of their building it's not the scope of their vision it's not the number of staff members it's not how much talent they have in fact some of the very best leaders I've ever met have very small organizations but in all of my consulting and conferences I've seen a single factor leaders of larger organizations have prooving have proven they can handle more pain man when I when I heard this I I was just like oh my gosh I it I've been saying this for years and years and years now guys last Tuesday I delivered the same message that I'm delivering to you today to my staff because because we are a growing church and because there's all kinds of changes that are being made and we try things and sometimes those things don't work and we reach out and sometimes you know we miss whenever we reach out but I can just tell you this that my staff our staff man has to be tough and we all have to be tough and man we are growing and we're changing and we're all in way over our head and there's a big responsibility that we have and one of the things that I tell my staff when I hire somebody dude listen I'm not hiring you to do the job that is this level right now I am hiring you to do the job ten levels from now because we're gonna be there like that and people who have never experienced that they go okay that's that's cool and I'm fine with that until you realize the pain that you had to go through to go through ten steps and it's painful your job change is over and over again your responsibility changes over and over again and and this is this is what you guys have to understand that growth equals change in change equals loss in loss equals pain and I'm just gonna say that one more time friends hear me say this if if you're gonna grow and if this church is gonna grow and if our impact is gonna grow and if our influence is going to grow growth equals change and change equals loss and loss equals pain therefore growth equals pain like what what in a wide wide world of sports are you talking about I'm talking about the reality of this all you've got to do to not grow is don't change and then all you've got to do to change is to go I'm willing to take the hit for the change like what kind of hit could there possibly be because I'm talking about gaining something I'm not I'm not talking about losing I'm not talking about losing something friends this is what Jesus tells us that the ones who lose the most gain the most in the kitchen in the kitchen yeah actually in the kingdom now I get as much out of the kitchen I could possibly get oh praise God go I don't lose nothing in the kitchen no in the kingdom this is how it works in the kingdom the one who loses the most gains the most right like okay how does that work okay if you were to take a sheet of paper and if you were to draw a line right down the middle on the right side you said okay this is what we're gonna gain for example you know recently I was talking to my staff about all of our new television ministry and all the cool stuff that we're doing in all this okay so so here's so what are we going to gain and here's here's what we're actually after we are after a huge partnership that is outside of open door Church who wants to be a part of our tribe they want to join us in our fight in saving little boys and little girls out of sexual trafficking all over the planet earth that's way bigger than our church we want to influence other churches to reach out to be famous for who they stand for instead of who they stand against amen and we believe that we have a contribution to make within the body of Jesus boom that's a game okay what's the loss the price of the media the price of your time the price of your privacy now here comes the criticism like oh wait there can't be any loss or else I'm not gonna do it well then you're never going to do it well you know pastor Troy here does this and he says okay that doesn't happen when you're a little bitty when you're a little bitty and you're not on TV nobody cares they want you to stay quiet they want you to stay poor they want you to have no impact whatsoever but you need to understand that with every single game that you're looking for you need to map out the losses and go okay now I will lose this when we move from Joshua to Burleson like what's the game the game is a five million dollar building the game is we have a chance to make a tremendous difference here the gain is we're merging with another church that already has people in it the gain is man we're gonna become players now that's the game what's the loss the people that were at the other church didn't come with us they sure did maybe a handful of them did and listen I'm not cussing them they didn't sign up for this change and when I said we're gonna change they said we're not gonna change why because it's painful to drive seven and a half miles yeah I'm serious I mean seven and a half miles is exactly seven and a half miles from the front door to 301 South Main Joshua to the front is actually seven point seven miles seven point seven miles from the front door I'm serious is seven point seven miles exactly anybody can't handle the pain driving 7.7 months lost hundreds and hundreds of people over that new boy any like so it's like no because now I'm gonna have to leave the house ten minutes earlier now look we can laugh about that but that's how every single one of us are we're all exactly like that all of us are and many times we're like oh man I love this opportunity but all we can see is the loss and we're not seeing the game but it's also just as dangerous to see the game and not know that the loss is coming because see if you want to see the power of God his strength is made perfect in your pain it's made perfect in your pain and like okay I want you guys to think about this okay I know that you guys love me and I'm so grateful for that and I think if whatever my testimony of Jesus is to you I think that a lot of people would agree that one of the most powerful places that Jesus uses me is is in the place of saving boys and girls out of sexual trafficking and that I have a daddy's heart and that I'd love to be a dad to people who need a dad I it's one of my greatest things I love with all my heart is to be a daddy to people who need a daddy and and I want to just tell you there's not a place that I'm more wrecked in there is not a more painful place in my life then that place from my own experience from my own family two failures I've had with my own children and listen I I I'm not gonna say that I've been a bad dad because I haven't been a bad dad I haven't and my kids tell me all the time I have a great relationship with my kids and at least that's one thing I've done right and there has been a harvest but don't think that there's not any weeds in it oh it's full of weeds it's not a weedless harvest and and then multiply that with you know we just now raised $20,000 to get these to get these twelve children out of this brothel in Mumbai I've known about them I've had their pictures for two months and for two months I know that that beautiful little four-year-old girl is living in a room of prostitution where her mama is being prostituted for two months I know that that beautiful little girl in the in the flowery dress this is her okay how would you have liked to look at that for for for two months and try and find a way to come up with 20 grand to make that happen yeah so those are two kids of two pictures that I have and I have I have right now in my mind it in my heart so many more than just those I say to you that it's a painful place for me I also say to you that God's strength is found perfect in my weakness or in my pains friends do not spend your life trying to avoid pain comfort is way overrated as a matter of fact Jesus Christ caused the Holy Spirit your comforter because he's going to find you in painful places he's not gonna keep you from pain he's not going to what he's gonna do is he's going to be greater than your painful places it's time for me to close and I want to close on this and tell you this while my staff while I have a huge responsibility in dealing with pain and I do and while my staff has a huge responsibility in the responsibilities of actually being the staff that's constantly changing friends you also have that with me listen the Lord has brought us all together for such a time as this and now our television ministry is launching now the whole world is going to want to come to open doors Church you're about to be looking around at tons of people that you do not know you're going to be looking at foreigners you're going to be looking at people and going but dude this is my church this is not their church and then you're going to experience this pain and can I tell you something how you deal with that pain determines if you're able to go there with us or not as we grow from 2,000 people on a Sunday to 10,000 people on a Sunday like Oh pastor Troy that's so arrogant it's just ridiculous not to believe for that friends listen there's a hundred and seventy thousand people in Johnson County Texas just Johnson County there's a million and a half people in Fort Worth Texas right there so million people in Dallas and there's over seven million people in the dallas-fort Worth Metroplex that were gonna say now serving a thousand people whoop-dee-doo what do you do no no listen guys we're gonna grow and right now get rid of a poverty mentality and say I'm you know what I am gonna be somebody that grows which means I am gonna be somebody that deals with change which means I am going to be somebody that finds Jesus in the painful part of that process I close with this last reminder that a few years ago about 20 years ago actually there was a book that came out called the prayer of Jabez and a made a tremendous difference in so many differents life it's one obscure scriptures first chronicles chapter 4 verse 10 jay-bez called on the God of Israel saying O Lord bless me indeed expand my territory keep your hand upon me keep evil from me so that I do not cause pain there's four different or requests that he made and then the next verse says and the Lord granted everything he asked the name jay-bez actually means conceived in pain delivered in victory conceived in pain delivered in victory his name literally means painful but victorious jay-bez so I'm gonna pray the prayer jay-bez over you I'm gonna pray the prayer of Jabez over our church and not friends listen you're gonna make this change the change is coming and it's going to be okay and God's strength is made perfect in your painful places here we go father god I Love You Lord and a praising I thank you King Jesus God for your magnificent presence and Lord God Almighty I think you Lord Jesus sir that you've given us the incredible invitation to change and to grow and to go the next level and to grow up on our kingdom influence and upon our impact upon the world and God that our footprint is getting bigger and bigger Lord and I'm so grateful for that god I've cried out for that God for decades Lord and now God you're finally making it happen I'm like yay Jesus you did not trust this you did not trust me with this in my 20s God you didn't me with this in my 30s King Jesus sir you didn't trust you didn't trust me with this in my 40s but God you have in my 50s and I recognize that and I'm so grateful and I love you so much so father God I pray God that you would please meet us according to your words with your strength and your glory in our week and in our painful places Jesus we're going to repeat this prayer and we're all going to say this prayer together and I pray God that you'd meet us right there in Jesus name friends don't want you guys to to to repeat after me and we're all gonna say the prayer of Jabez together are you ready guys here we go oh lord bless me indeed and expand my territory and keep your hand upon me and keep evil from me that I do not cause pain in Jesus name Amen hallelujah guys let's give this I'll give the Lord a great big praise he's so good love you King Jesus thank you Father God sir for your magnificent presence well friends I'm gonna turn this back over to Pastor Jerry and you know what please be in prayer for me again Lana and I are gonna be flying back across the pond tomorrow I will be here on Wednesday night be sure and join me on whistie for prophetic Wednesday at 12 o'clock high noon and then I'll be here at church on Wednesday night and then Sunday also be here first I love you guys so much I called you all the head and not the tail above and not beneath and highly favored of the Lord bye bye everybody bye bye y'all
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 2,370
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: esfCI9_xWe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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