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evening hope everybody is doing well tonight uh invite some people to come in if you don't mind share this on your um other social media platforms and just you know text somebody call somebody tell them to come in tonight for for this discussion this really bleeds out of uh the conversation we had some days ago about forgiving yourself um and all of this is tied up in really in the process of of loving yourself all of this is tied up in the process of loving yourself because as long as you leave yourself in a position where you develop an internal prison you know of not being able to forgive yourself not being able to um recover from bad decisions and bad choices and you constantly live your life stuck in that pit of guilt the world will always take advantage of you and that's just the truth you know if if you don't develop a self-love system whereby you can release yourself from the trauma and from the bondage of you know mistakes made and things done the world will always take advantage of you and so that's that's that's where this particular thought or lesson comes from you know how to recover from from my bad choices the first thing i want to say to you is that um god makes provision for our for our bad choices the creator the almighty he makes he makes provision for our bad choices you know the world may not forgive you or you know your family your friends may not forgive you but the heavenly father the creator he has made provision for our bad choices because bad choices i want you to hear this bad choices are the human experience it's called being a human you're not a human being if you're not being human and being human um involves failure being human involves mistakes and sometimes we make those mistakes over and over and over and over and over again that's that's what being human entails so if you're not failing i heard someone say you're not even you're not trying hard enough anybody that's really trying to live life at the fullest is is missing it you're failing you're missing the mark the only people that are not failing are those who um don't really have marks and so when you start establishing marks for your life and you have standards and you have principles so forth and so on that you live by that's when you start realizing that you know i'm i'm missing it that's when you start realizing that some of my choices are are not the best but the first thing you have to really keep in mind and this is just the introduction is that the creator the only one that really matters he has made provision for my bad choices think about it think about it this way uh well i'll get back to that if you if just write down romans chapter 5 and verse 20 and it says moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but where watch this but where sin abounded and what is sin sin is simply a wrong choice but where sin abounded grace did much more abound so wherever there's a failure wherever there's a bad choice or a series of bad choices he says grace trumps my bad choices because wherever sin abounded grace did much more abound so there's a grace that god has afforded you and i us all of us we're all included in this even those that you know seem to be self-righteous even them there's a grace that god has afforded us that allows us to recover from our mistakes now sometimes you have to pay the price for the choices you make but nevertheless you can recover i've had to with with a lot of the chances i've made in my life i had to for a lot of them i had to pay the price you know it did not all the time make life as convenient and as but i recovered the mere fact that i'm sitting here talking to you right now should be evidence enough that god has provided us grace to cover our bad choice is our mistakes see mistakes make grace necessary the reason we need grace is because it is um inevitable we are going to make mistakes so so mistakes make grace necessary watch this and then growth through the process is the intention of the grace mistakes make grace necessary and then growth through the process is god's intention for the grace i don't care what you've done i don't care how bad you've messed up i don't care how many times you've done it i don't care how many times you've done it there's a grace that god has afforded you that the purpose of that grace is to cover your mistakes and the intent of god for that grace is that you might grow through the process of that grace in other words god is not counting you out oh that's good right there god is not counting you out i don't i know i know you feel horrible i know that you have all of these way out thoughts about how undone and no good you are and you don't deserve this and you don't deserve that i know i i've been there and done that but i'm here to tell you tonight god is not counting you out just because you've made mistakes god is not counting you out listen to what ii peter 3 and 18 says and i love this because you know there well let me just read it it says but grow in grace we can stop right there but grow in grace the purpose of the grace is to allow us time to grow so my mistakes and my issues should be more than more than things i'm going through my mistakes and my issues should be things i'm growing through that's what happened with me you know i don't think anybody on here has made more mistakes than me and most have not made as many mistakes as i have made in my life you know and and i like to talk about my life because um i need a lot of you to understand that you're not beyond the reach of god you know um sexually active you know way too early you know i can't even really tell you how exactly old i was but i i wasn't a teenager i don't even know if i was even adolescent actually when i actually you know i was a teenage father at 15 years old clearly out of wedlock womanizer pastor son you know sleeping with you know everything moving um got married to the the lady that had my child out of you know when i was a teenager out of wedlock we got married wasn't faithful wasn't faithful we had another child and um got divorced very very early in life went through all of that very early in life and so when you start talking about making mistakes and missing it i mean i'm the wrong one for you to say you know you can't recover because i'm the poster child for recovery but the the one thing i want to say to you and all of this is introduction and then we'll get into our our points in just a second the one thing i want to say to you is you have to set yourself free from the perfectionist mindset you have to set yourself free from the perfectionist mindset perfectionism is a prison none of us are perfect and i know you have church people and all kinds of spiritual people that want to make you think that oh they just live up in the clouds they're they're lying that none of us are perfect all of us are flawed all of us miss it all of us fail now we may make mistakes and and bad choices on different levels some people's choices are maybe a little more obvious than others but nevertheless we are all in the process of what growing in grace that's why god gives us grace that we might grow but as long as you sit in there and you just you know you're caught up in this um self-crucifixion you know you're just crucifying yourself and why are you doing that it's because religion has given you a perfectionist mindset you're not even in a place where you can surrender and submit to the power of god to help you to live a better life you are trying to do it in your own power because you have a perfectionist mindset and none of us are perfect all of us need the grace of god all of us need a savior every one of us so i wanted to get that out of the way and now you know let's let's move on to the practical process of recovering from you know my bad choices number one you must gather your emotions you must gather your emotions when you have made a bad choice you know some of you are sitting here now and you're beating yourselves up because you made bad finance you made a bad financial decision or you've made bad financial choices and maybe you had an opportunity to make some kind of move that would have advanced you your life or your family but because of some of the choices you've made you know prior it's it's prohibiting you in the moment from being able seemingly from being able to take advantage of certain things because of choices a lot of folk have made poor relational choices and you've done it over and over and over and over again you must gather your emotions because what happens is once once we realize the error of our ways we can develop this toxic emotion that um i don't even know if we can call it grief um but there's this sadness excuse me there's this sadness that comes upon us because we can't believe that we're in this position because of something we've done gather your emotions bad choices always leave us feeling bad because we cannot believe that we did this now listen to this statement very carefully you cannot connect with the knowledge the wisdom and the understanding you need when you are in an emotional frenzy the first step towards recovery is in coming to terms with the fact that you are human and you make mistakes so you know just all of this depression and all of this heaviness and all of this sadness about i'm not telling you to be giddy about the fact that you made you know bad choices i'm not saying you should have a sanguine like uh demeanor about it but i am saying you have to come to a point where you say okay i made this decision or i made these decisions um i am human i did not do this intentionally this is not intentional sabotage i am human i've made the choices these are the consequences right now i can't go and undo what i've done all i can do is move forward and i can't move forward as long as i'm crucifying myself on a daily basis for mistakes that millions and probably billions of other people have made and then you get yourself surrounded by all of these toxic people who want to rub it in they want to rub it in and then when you go to research their lives you know they have made some of the same mistakes you've made and they're showing you no grace and they're making you feel even worse about you know like how could you do this you you know you having a child out of wedlock and and you know you go and check their history they got full grown children you know and three of them for um different men and all of this kind of thing and they got you sitting here feeling like it's the end of the world because you've made a mistake not that we gonna celebrate it but it is what it is i'm not gonna sit here and allow myself to dig my own grave with my emotions i'm going to accept the fact that i'm human i make mistakes and and i'm not going to allow my emotions to cement me to a moment that i'm trying to grow beyond is this making sense listen to what the bible says in second corinthians 12 9 and 10 and this is the amplified version he says but he said to me my grace is sufficient for you my loving kindness and my mercy are more than enough always available regardless of the situation for my power is being perfected and is completed and shows itself most effectively in your weakness therefore i will all the more gladly boast in my weaknesses so that the power of christ may completely enfold me and may dwell in me so i am well pleased with weaknesses with insults with the stresses with persecutions and with difficulties for the sake of christ for when i am weak in human strength then i am strong truly able truly powerful truly drawing for from god's strength so he paul he is saying when when i'm at my lowest god is at his highest and so i'm not going to sit here and just bemoan the fact that i made the mistake no i'm going to fall back on the grace of god and i'm going to watch the power of god step into this moment step into this situation with me and bring me to another level come on somebody you may give up on me and they may give up on me and he may give up on me but i'm not going to be guilty of having given up on myself and i'm not going to i'm not going to allow my emotions to dig a ditch for me because this is temporary this is temp that's right we got to edify ourselves see if you don't learn these lessons you're going to always be at the mercy of someone else making you feel better if you don't learn how to forgive yourself like we talked about in that other lesson and if you don't learn uh you know this right here how to move on and recover from bad choices you will always be in a position where you need somebody to come into your life and build you up and make you feel better about yourself and get you back on track how many of you all have lived long enough to understand that that person doesn't come around every day you're going to have to you're in a place now listen to what i'm saying you're in a place now where you have to be your own superhero you have to rescue yourself now ain't nobody out here rescuing nobody no more you have to rescue yourself this is the self-help era ain't nobody rescuing nobody you have to be able to look yourself in the eye and say yeah i made the mistake and guess what i still love me i made the mistake yes i did all of that i did a b c d e f and you missed g h i j or you missed all of those i did those too and guess what i still love me and guess what god still loves me and guess what i still have a future whether you like it or not i i i am not going to get caught up in the emotions of this i remember when i um when i discovered that i was going to be a father at 15 years old well i had i had feelings i had emotions of um i was just you know i felt like i was just the most horrible person in the world bringing a shame i felt like upon my father upon his ministry upon upon his name a disgrace to the church and so man i was in a low low low place all you know suicidal type low and um man thank god one day i just you know by the power of god i just snapped out of it and i said it is what it is you know i have a beautiful child i'm really too young to be doing this i have parents that are going to help me i'm able to continue my education so i'm going i'm going to be the best little young father i can be and you know i don't care nothing about what folk think you know i started moving into that mindset early in my life but i got up out of that emotion real quick i accepted my my failure i accepted my humanity well you know it's clear to everybody now i'm not god and i'm not perfect so you know that's a revelation to y'all god bless you but i'm getting ready to grow through this thing i'm not just going to go through it and i'm not going to sit here and allow myself to be cemented to a time that i'm supposed to move beyond because i get stuck in an emotion yeah you did it you did it you did it yes you did it you ain't the first and you won't be the last you did it so you know snap out of it number two after you after you process yourself and you you um you know you start working to put this emotion to bed number number two you got to have a stiff conversation with yourself see that's why listen to me now listen to me very carefully listen to me very carefully now that's why we make these repetitive choices you just keep doing the same thing same thing same thing same thing and then you know it's it's some some say it's the clearest definition of insanity to continue to do the same thing expecting different results the reason we we one of the main reasons we continue to make the same choice over and over and over again expecting something different is because there are very few of us who have the stiff conversations with ourselves see they taught us that you know you got to screw loose if you talk to yourself you have a screw loose if you don't talk to yourself you have you're going to have to have a stiff conversation with yourself being honest with yourself is the internal closure you will need to emotionally move forward see when you've when you made a bad choice and you're in the you know you're facing the brunt of the consequences the immediate consequences and it's painful well you're not supposed to rush out of that choice like i a couple of weeks ago i was walking at least at night and i fell i stumbled on some unlevel uh part of the the sidewalk there and i fell and lisa was telling me you know don't pop up don't jump up and i of course i jumped up well you know she was right because when you make a mistake like that you're really supposed to now that's the physical visual of me falling and i'm on the ground well i'm supposed to really lie there and assess the situation well when we've made you know blunders or mistakes in life there are some conversations that we need to have have with ourselves there's some questions that we need to ask ourselves we need to debrief after every misstep how is it that we make a poor relational choice it and it doesn't work out and then three days later we're into something else and then that doesn't work out and then two days later we're into something else well when are you going to stop to really debrief and and get some clarity about how you keep on ending up on the ground well how many of you all know that i've walked past that spot multiple times since the night i fell down but i'm quite aware the other day in fact i was walking and i was trying to find the exact spot because i don't ever want to trip up on that spot again well how is it that we keep making the same bad choice over and over and over again we never stop to have the stiff conversation with ourselves why did i make this choice why did i make this choice now this is a choice that i'm paying dearly for why did i make this choice whoever you got in your life now you chose to let them into your life all things being equal you chose to let them in and now they come in and they tear your life up why did you make this choice what part of you is so broken and empty that you made a choice to let uh a toxic person into your world see if you never answer if you never have this stiff conversation you're going to always go fall back on your default and your default is usually dysfunctional your default is usually dysfunctional and as long as you just keep on operating automatically you're usually going to continue doing the same thing and reproducing the same results if you never have the stiff conversation with yourself um you have to answer this question what is it that i did to to land me in the situation i'm in listen to this that i can never do again see you have to answer that that's all counseling is so therapy is is somebody taking asking you questions about your life your results your outcomes and then they begin to ask you the questions that help you to to go deeper into your own psyche to figure out what part of you produce the stuff in your life you don't like then you need to ask yourself this as you have this stiff conversation with yourself who was an accomplice see because sometimes you're making you're making horrible choices but you got some other people that are involved in your process some of you all wouldn't have the the toxic man or the toxic woman you got in your life if it were not for your girlfriends your so-called girlfriends the toxic sisterhood or your homeboys the toxic brotherhood who was an accomplice who enabled me in this process see this is called in the process of having this stiff conversation with yourself um this is this is this is like unto judging yourself not judging yourself in the toxic sense that a lot of you are where you you know you condemning yourself and you beating yourself up and you crucifying yourself no no this is where you look at yourself you realize i'm human i'm fallible i make a lot of blunders and i have certain proclivities and so you you judge your own works so that you don't get in your own way again when you when you're able to look at your life judge yourself now you're able to you you know where you know where your strengths are you know where your weaknesses are you know where you need some help you know where you got it listen to what first corinthians 11 31 32 says for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened of the lord that we should not be condemned with the world he says if you judge yourself judge ourselves we should not be judged you know if if i analyze my own life and if i deal with my own issues that are creating these problems in my life okay i tell you all that i was what a teenage father at 15 well even at that early age i said to myself i didn't even know what i was doing but i said to myself i will never again be um [Music] a father out of wedlock i will never never again do it i would i would not i would never again be a father out of wedlock i went on to have three more children all three of those children were in the context of marriage don't all all of the all of the womanizing i did i don't have any children all over the country my children are for two different mothers that i would that i was married to but i had that stiff conversation and i judge my own as a child i judge my own behavior and i was able to make certain determinations in my own life yeah i made this blunder i made this mistake but i'll never do that again see you can't get there you you will continue to repeat the same outcomes if you never have this conversation because you're going to what you're going to always go back to your default and most of us our default is dysfunctional do you not know that's a that's a lot of the main reason for my doing what i do is to help people to reset their default that's why we have these conversations so straight down the you know straight down the lane right between the eyes is because i'm here to help people elevate their default from dysfunctional so number one we said [Music] gather your emotions because when we when we missed it we made these bad choices we get very emotional crying people can't understand us and all of that nobody can help you because you're so emotional once you gather yourself now you got to have this stiff conversation with yourself you got to talk to yourself you have to you have to talk to yourself number three now in the process of talking to yourself you're gonna have to own your mistakes you gotta own it you gotta own it you gotta own it you gotta own it i own mine i own it you have to you have to own it where it's clearly where whether where the responsibility clearly rests upon on your shoulders you got to own that you can't you can't try to you know scapegoat that off onto somebody else and blaming other people and uh-uh other people didn't make me go in there and create no child i was i was a child myself but i went in at my as my in the works of my father you went in there and you acted like he was a man now you got man like responsibilities you gotta own it so for you buddy you're gonna stay in school but you're gonna get your little job after school you're gonna bring all your little money home to take care of your child and you're gonna babysit yeah you 15 year old dude you're gonna sit here and take care of your baby because you got to own though there's grace that has afforded you to help you through this you got to own this and you got to feel it for all it's worth you got to own it you got to stop worrying about impressions and you got to be able to look yourself in the eye and say that's beneath you you should have never done that yes you did do it you have to be able to have these conversations with yourself instead of going around here you know trying to keep face and impressing people that don't even matter can y'all tell i'm i'm i'm not out here trying to impress nobody some people don't don't care for me i ain't got no problem with that it has never been my responsibility to be worried about how you feel about me never i love myself i'm completely whole within myself and my relationship with my creator and i'mma do what god has called me to do our own mind because the natural tendency listen to this statement very carefully the natural tendency of the soul is to protect the ego and to throw out excuses where only change will do we want to protect the ego we want to we want to we want to you know paint put some lipstick on this pig we want to protect the ego you know we get down to the nitty-gritty and that that you know conversation that we have that stiff conversation we have with ourselves and we go to seeing where you're responsible for this you did that you did that you did that the soul then tries to disturb or interrupt that process and the ego tries to get involved to protect itself they ain't got time to be worried about no ego i'm not i'm i don't have time to be worrying about no ego i'm on my way to the next level i got to grow through this i'm not going to just go through this the ego will have you constantly going through stuff over and over again if you never own it you will never be able to put it away if you never own it stop worrying about how you look i know you go to church and all the little people around the church acting like they this and i don't care nothing about them people man it's not about you looking good this is about you actually being good so you got to own this uh david made a decision one day king david made a decision one day that when he should have been at war with his army he was going to stay home and lounge around he made a decision he went out on his balcony and he saw a woman bathing and she was naked and he made a decision to call for that woman they told him before the woman came this is this is a man's wife in fact this is the wife of one of your soldiers he made a decision to sleep with that woman and so he impregnated that woman he then made a decision to have that woman's husband murdered on the battlefield in under the guise of warfare he made a decision to have that man murdered and then the prophet comes the prophet nathan comes to david and points his fang in his face and tells him about his sins and when david's stuff is uncovered listen to what he says in psalms 51 3 and 4 for i acknowledge my transgressions and my sin is ever before me we can stop right there he says i acknowledge my transgressions my bad choices my poor behavior and and my sin is ever before me then he goes on in verse 4 against thee and the only have i sinned and done this evil in thy sight that thou mightest be justified when thou speakers and be clear when thou judges whatever the consequence is i acknowledge that i did it you can't get free until you acknowledge it until you own it all right number four boy this time flies doesn't it number four okay let's see number one we said gather your emotions number two he said have a stiff conversation with yourself number three we said own your mistakes number four watch this see once you own own your mistakes you say yeah this is this is how it is this is what it was period and you own it now number four consider your options because when you wave away the fog of the previous illusion you will discover the route back to balance god always provides a way out of your turmoil our turmoil even when that turmoil is self-inflicted consider your options god always has multiple ways now what happens is when we made when we made poor choices what happens is the original route that we were going to take to get to from point a to point z that route seems to be blocked but you have to understand this god has multiple routes to get you to the same place so consider look around and consider your options you made some poor financial choices which is a great example you've made poor financial choices and it seems to be blocked well god has some other avenues some other things you have to pray now god show me show me the way back to balance you know if you look in first corinthians 10 12 and 13 he says wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall there's no temptation taking you but such as is common to man but god is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you're able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that she may be able to bear it god always has another route for you you're never in a position where you're hopeless or you're helpless god always has another route for you to get to where you ultimately are predestined to go there's no such thing as a mistake i made and it's ruined my entire life that's your perception when when you when you understand that your heavenly father the almighty loves you too much to bury you you we bury ourselves the father never buries us he loves you too much to bury you in a moment and that the heavenly father has within the context of those mistakes he's also hidden escape doors for you and i to be able to come out of this moment but you got to own it first you see god can't get involved with it as long as you're allowing the ego to play around with this thing and you you read you got to own it and then once you own it now you have to pray now god father show me the way up and out of here and then consider your options and then number five and i'm done now number five is powerful which says reconnect with the people who love you after you've made some horrific mistakes you have to you have to reconnect you made bad choices in with your life in your life see a lot of times to have made those choices means that you had to ignore the counsel of great people it means that you had to walk contrary to the way your parents raised you contrary to what your pastors and your spiritual leaders and so forth and so on taught you and those bad choices many times built bridges away from the necessary people and you went further and further and further and further and further into this thing because you you you moved away from all of the accountability but now you got to do like the prodigal son those of you that are bible readers you know what i'm talking about he made a decision to leave his father's house he made a decision to go to the far country he made a decision to spend up all of his money he made decisions that landed him broke busted and disgusted sitting in a hog pin getting ready to eat what the hogs were eating and the same boy that made decisions to move away from his father started making decisions to move back towards his father and so the same boy that went from the the rich father's house because of his decisions all the way down to the hog pin moves back from the hog pin all the way back to his rich father's house and the only thing that changes in the whole parable or the story is the boy's mindset the choices he made brought him from riches to the hog pin and the choices he made brought him from the hog pinned back to riches it reconnected him with the people who loved him now interesting that i bring the prodigal son into this because when he was down there in the far country doing everything that he wasn't supposed to do he was connected to people who were on that level but when you recover and you say okay i'm here because of my own doing that's what happened to the the prodigal son the bible says when he came to himself he started saying okay my father got all this going on and i'm sitting here in the hull pen about to starve to death he says i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna make myself as a as a hired servant i'm not even gonna go back like i'm a son i'm just gonna go back to be one of his be one of his servants sometimes you have to make up your mind that you're going to leave the people oh here's another powerful thing watch this the prodigal son invested all of his money in the people that were in the far country he had to be willing to walk away from that so-called investment to recover because the tendency will be to avoid the people that truly love you because of pride when you've made bad choices sometimes the only people that can restore you are the ones who know you best some of y'all need to go home and apologize to you to your mother some of you and i know everybody doesn't have a great mother you know people make me know that all the time but most of y'all do and some of you moved away from your mama you stopped calling your mama as much messing around with homeboy homegirl and now you realize you've made a mess out of your life and now you really need that counsel in your life you need to reconnect with the people who love you the bible says in proverbs 17 17 a friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity ecclesiastes 4 9-10 says two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor but they fall the one will lift up his fellow but woe to him that is alone when he falleth we have not another to help him up let me say this and i'm done anybody that rejects you um when you've made poor decisions and your life is in the hog pin they were never designed to go into your future anybody that truly loves you then loves you now and you need to reconnect with the people who love you you don't need but one or two but you need to get all of these fake people from around you all of these people that's encouraging you to go in a direction that is toxic and self-destructive you need to get these people out of your life and you need some more you need the people in your life who love you enough to tell you the truth you need to go back to that church where that pastor was telling you the absolute truth and you got mad every sunday you need to go back there you you left that church because that pastor was holding you accountable or setting up meetings with you so he could challenge you on on on the life he saw you trying to live you left that church and went and slid on the back row of some massive church where you you know okay nobody see you you know nobody can account for you you need to go back because when you are restoring your life after a series of bad choices you need to reconnect with people who really love you right and so those are my little thoughts on this subject tonight let me pray for you heavenly father i thank you for just the revelation of the need to deliver this kind of message and for those of you god that are watching now and will watch even the ongoing rebroadcast of this that have made horrible choices god i thank you for making them to understand that they are not the choice they made that it's a moment they should make it a monument but they should keep it moving thank you god for the touch of the holy spirit to make us know that you approve of us even when we've messed up you love us and you approve of us and you give us the grace to grow through this thank you now father for making every person to understand that grace hallelujah making every person on here to understand that grace god there are some that are watching tonight right now whose hearts are literally broken their soul is broken their soul is broken and though we've talked about it god it's hard for them to come out of the emotion relative to some of the choices they've made father the same way you rescued me i thank you now for rescuing them and making them understand god that there's no limit on your love that your mercy is new every morning come on hallelujah help them to understand that father and help them to understand that they still have a future they still have a life and god i give you praise for it i give you praise for it i give you praise for it if you praise for the liberty i'll give you praise for the freedom that you are bringing up on the lives of your people tonight in jesus name amen amen amen amen listen i have enjoyed this with you all tonight uh the holy spirit's been talking to me so just keep you make certain that when you subscribe that you hit the little bell so that you would you will get the notification when i'm on a lot of you are subscribed but you you've not hit the bell yet because i have some things the holy spirit has just been downloading into my into my heart and uh so i may come and talk to you at any time anytime you know some say well when do you come on well come on when i'm inspired i come on when i'm inspired i don't just like to get on here and just talk i like to be inspired to say what the holy spirit is giving me to say to you amen amen amen now listen i want you to go to my website sign up for for my uh email list right there on the front page you you can just hit the little button it takes less than 60 seconds you can sign up for my email list and when you do that you're going to get a prompting you're going to see it prompting to download um a free ebook titled the laws of manifesting your vision it's a book i wrote uh some years ago and i i want to give it to you for free when you uh subscribe to my email list now that's for now it may change if you're watching this in the future that may change but as for now that is available for those of you who have not signed up for my email list and of course my online programs are still um they're still there and they're still discounted tremendously so look for when you go to look look under online programs you have transcending the father wound queenology soul ties um wisdom for women in ministry queenology 2.0 the training for raining all of that is there and the most expensive of those programs is 49 now not 49 a month 49 one time and you have lifetime access to oh hours and hours and hours of uh teaching in each of those programs um what else all of my books are on amazon all of my books are on amazon you can go there and just search my name rc blakes and you'll see all of my books got some more books that i'm going to drop this year the book on uh the christian perspective on narcissism me my mind is what i've entitled it me my mind the the mindset the thought process of a narcissist me my mind that'll be that'll be released real soon i don't know lisa's working on that for me but it's already written it's been written and i'll be releasing that this year and as well as the third book in the trilogy the first book was the father-daughter talk the second book was queenology and this third book in the trilogy is going to be the training for reigning that's going to be the book and so i got a lot of stuff going on and i'm so excited about um all that uh is going on in in my ministry those of you that may need counseling you we have connected with a counseling agency by the name by the name of betterhelp online counseling agency and if you use the link in the description it'll bring you right there you'll get 10 off of the cost of counseling and they in turn will deposit a referral fee into the ministry so i love you all i thank god for you i'm trying to think if there's something i'm forgetting all of you that have sown into my life tonight i want you to know i appreciate you i never take you lightly it is just something very special to me that you know you would even do that means the absolute world to me don't forget to go and sign up for my ministry channel this is my empowerment channel but my ministry channels where i do all of my cyber church bible studies sunday messages and that's at bishop r.c blakes jr uh yeah sign up for or go and subscribe to that channel as well especially if you're christian and if you you're part of the church culture that would be um that that channel would really appeal to you that's where i do all of my all of my cyber church stuff so yeah so we have this channel and we have the bishop r.c blakes jr i love you all everything you need to know about me is in the in the description you can connect with all of everything all of my social media platforms all of the links are there in the in the description and uh join me on those other platforms like um instagram and and facebook and twitter and all of these kinds of things well i gotta go i appreciate you all i see my wife is in here thank you sweetheart thank you for helping your husband out um i gotta go i love you all and i'm praying for you and keep your ear to the ground because i may be back again tomorrow who knows where the wild goose goes i love you all have a great night now god bless you i'll talk to you real soon
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 93,434
Rating: 4.9491277 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC Blakes, RC Blakes jr, Bad choices, Bishop RC BLAKES, NEW HOME MINISTRIES, SELF LOVE, Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC Blakes, RC Blakes jr, Bad choices, Bishop RC BLAKES, NEW HOME MINISTRIES, SELF LOVE, Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, RC Blakes, RC Blakes jr, Bad choices, Bishop RC BLAKES, NEW HOME MINISTRIES, SELF LOVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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