How To Rebuild Your Lawn Mower.

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it's another mower goes out to the free pile [Music] here we go grab that throw them in truck see what happened to you bring it back to life I just don't happen to have one of these parts I think it's down for a long time do the rustic she would give it a pull hmm how free to take it all right you know anything about it you know anything about it just been sitting out back or something okay thanks hey guys and how's it going just the season springtime and everybody's dragging out they're dragging out their dead bring out your dead and this one's no different seems like the owners bought a new mower this one probably had some issues with it that they gave up on and dragged it out to the street it's a good machine I'm guessing maybe early 90s that's probably year old they have a tag on just says self-propelled no electric start looks pretty completely honest any damage to the deck popping out right at us let's start investigating and see any fuel in the tank so that's actually a good sign because we don't have to deal with bad fuel see we got oil in it yeah it's kind of mucky but there's oil in it I see the front it's in the middle height adjustment and the back is all the way on the lowest adjustment so it's doing a wheelie kind of cutting grass like that you always try to figure out what the reason is that they gave up on it and sometimes it's just I had them where the blades upside down little belt drive transmission in the rear and then it uses a drive disc similar to like a snow blower most snowblowers nowadays what they have is this is running probably off of a belt going to the engine on this lower the flywheel we'll call it and then you have a drive disc which is this and the center to the middle the slower it goes the more outward you go the faster it goes it looks like it has a shift control come a weird place for you sheets over the handlebars it's got a speed control here and then up on the handlebars there's a lever to make it go you pull this down that'll put tension on the belt and drive it with that I guess at whatever preset speed you have it on we have another one for the brake it does not feel good there's not wanna go there guys and I want to force it break the cable alright guys let me go get a clamp that put up there and we'll give a tug on that pull rope we'll give it a quick listen now things sound actually before we do that let's go flip it you want to flip it towards the exhaust keeps the air cleaner from what well getting in it drop it on the floor blades be beat that's where the belt is and the belt looks like it's doing something weird it's kind of dark and I can't see we'll get it in a minute with more light Julian looks like it's cracked right there alright we'll work on getting the engine to run if the engine runs and we'll just continue on with the rest of this stuff let's go pop the side of that air cleaner up real quick the mices makes the Maus has already started growing see the color green down below sometimes you filters this style of filter water it gets to him that's dry that's good looks like it's been loose let's go pop that plug out real quick you rid of some debris and give it a Yank over see if it's got support Oh too bad Riaan take that someplace where the both of us can see go get something choke up on all right here we go I thought oh yeah not great no I'm gonna clean that plug all the crap down the side of it well dump a little bit of gas in the political give it a Yank over so we'll see from fires real quick I was watching one of the channels mmm it was Terrell's terrible fixes all had review of what a service bulletins from I think was briefs and Stratton no one why their engines were burning up having the image and they found it was due to sandblasting spark plugs in the sand you blow it out you think he had it all cleaned out and you were done but the scene was staying up in the porcelain part of that plugging in when it would run the guests would rinse it out and go down by the range and score up the cylinder do they recommend it and not seeing blessing spark plugs I use a wire wheel that's not great neither is it sometimes the deposit little bit and met little bits of metal on the insulator but apparently is better than same laughing let's give her else you run blew out a bunch of crap all over the place too but it did run it's not a little cocky at first but it might have been some part of some kind of something I'm gonna go fire it one more time I'm just gonna listen here's what I'll put the effort into something that knocks you know what I mean seems like it's okay great we are going to have to dig into the carb I'm sure so we're gonna go get this out of the way and we'll get the float ball off take a peek to kind of carnage it looks like underneath we gotta do that fuel line anyhow and it's a lot easier with this out of the way breather tube that goes crankcase to ear cleaner that's off primer bulb any good there's a tendency for this cover to warp and you don't get the seal yeah and what do we need half rang night half we forgot the ratchet yeah she tells us well we're in for yes source is coming out of it it's anything in the tank but let's go little setback up smell that oh it's good that's a good year that's it mm - vintage - smells like I'm gonna go pinch that line off and then we'll pull the ball off and these fuels coming out of it sometimes taking my part in there's just nothing but white powder that's the beach yet it's pretty clogged yeah it's clogged right through let the strange looking type of fuel isn't it let's go pour that and can you bend down hold on I say mostly water and beef barley suit instant soup mix a lot of ass water needle still mousse that's good I think we're gonna go pop that off of there let's go go get the cup of Earth yeah you'll pop the carb off you can take apart when we clean it [Applause] actually look too bad I've definitely seen much worse than that the fuel is horrible it is the whole garage stinks now but it might be dirty right there and then we know the mean the mean was dirty see if you get that seal off there and ultrasonic cleaner that I throw this stuff in use Berryman's carb dip comes in 1 gallon pails and they're about 3/4 full with a little basket but I put it in ultrasonic cleaner so you can do a very good job we leave that gasket alone doing nothing to pull out the center I don't see any slide screws that we have to get out clean off a little bit before we throw it in there just a contamination down well I'll do doing this thing we can do other things and what it does is it draws fuel up through the center as a metered diameter hole jet and there's a whole two holes down here one is right there you can't see it cuz it's covered with crap yeah it should be you know the one on the opposite side after we cleaned up you'll be able to see it we blow through it but this would never run cuz it would never be able to draw any fuel up to the center of it we go [Music] and you get time 4:30 and this is still heating up that's the vibration so the heat rather vibration whatever is in that tent really needs to get flushed out of there so we're going to pop the tank off and be able to rinse it out hopefully rinse it out these tanks also a tendency to crack I don't think crack just from eager they crack from somebody stepping on them in the garage who's already there's another bolt or screw down here that is missing a bolt and a spacer the leak right at the seam right here out of there and I want to get the pull start off to you I want to check for mouse nest that's air-cooled so they have a tendency to like to make that specially I'm gonna let down the wood like this and you go and run it for an hour so I want overheats and locks up and it doesn't meet you for very happy camper and you got the oil fill hold down on it b12 three four thought it was a fit one maybe not someone's been in there get different sizes on it 7/16 some aftermarket looking bolts with oversized washers on I don't think brings it down yeah it's got a decent amount of you see on that side but it's definitely all over on this side I'll show you it says this spins and pumps air draws air in and pumps it out through the cover and down across the fins on the engine it cools the top of the top of the engine and the cylinder you see it's all packed in between the muffler all gone and here is packed I'm gonna past it just kind of need to be open for for air to flow through and cool off so we are going to take a little time probably air gonna be your best bet knock some of that out of there chipmunk always having a party mice do the gels it's amazing how much if they can go pack in such a tight area though my skin gets squished down pretty small I think they can go down to like what's that when you go underneath the the bar and you walk underneath it the limbo something like that mice can do like a quarter inch in go down Dee you can push himself down not a quarter inch by the quarter inch but you know they can get it their body can't squeeze down in between their pauses you know fat enough to go through go blow that out we'll flip it on its side we'll get the oil out of it and then figure out we're gonna do from there [Music] you put the dipstick back yeah help the poor a little bit yes they sometimes have a dream plug underneath I literally find it easier to go and do that though cuz that time you smash your hands off that corroded steel on aluminum train plug just sometimes even hidden I not even have one on here by the time you fight with that and deal around the blade you're much better off just doing that a lot of manuals tell you to do it that way also and we'll see you punch a shiny I see a little bit of rainbow in there a little bit of aluminum rainbow not terrible lead looks like a see the belt I'm kicking out a clump it might be a big old hunk of rust or something in the pulley right Yeah right there some kind of crap right in there me there's a little bigger like a big ol hunk I rest I'd like to take that off of there and hit it with a wire wheel but sometimes if you see like the condition of this right here by the time you screw with that yeah Artech let's get the blade off needs to be replaced or at least sharpened needs to be replaced let's get that out of our way and we'll get a better look at that Bell find it [Music] sure but getting these off so give us access to that belt that looks like it's a from the top and this one it's questionable work kid yeah you know for the easiest I'm trying to think of if we can't get this assembly off of here to go clean on the wire we will get the cover off so you get the belt out of our way and we'll just hit it with a wire wheel right on there you get it cleaned up I should be able to see you earlier I was blowing air around here this tin goes down and around again the air flows across through the fan trout push it down across the engine and here's more fins this area is a common to get packed to it so this tin is a little bit difficult to get off just to screw down underneath and you know the two on the side here what I was able to get air to blow it through it and then I blew through the backside I could feel my hand that the air flow was going across it so that is cleared out so it was real bad I would have taken it off that we didn't need to all right I'm done with the oil I get that paint out of the report that means up on the floor [Applause] [Music] well I thought that was gonna be an easy one guess mom you guys right snap it off keyed to the chassis one on that one now we're in hang that out to go walk that belt off of there get some slack on the top side now get it off its groove sometimes that's good enough to work with I didn't go grab a wire wheel and they're gonna go clean up that groove all the way around hey you see right here there's a drain plug but how it was hidden I don't see any funkiness on the Bell I think we're gonna let that one ride cracks anyway it doesn't work very hard that's better psycho dude view that blade is flat as a pancake supposed to have a little kick up there where these parts are missing is like a little wing that kicks up from there and that kind of draws airflow up across the grass and has the grass actually kind of stand up and also for the bagging or the exit chute gives you know gets the grass out of there and pumps it out of where the deck is this one's blocked off so it's meant to kind of recirculate instead of the grass getting drawn up and out of a shooter into a bag it's capped off and the ideas on this one it keeps rolling around this area he's fun chopping it up into finer finer bits finally just once Lien's back down wanting it but that it's kind of iffy so being a hoarder that I am this snapper down in here was one that we did last summer that had the bad engine had no compression women run free on the side of road kind of deal too but I held on to it for parts it's what we're getting parts see that's the right size to fit on there that's like actually fairly decent blade looks like we have a bagger setup too but I think that for rear-discharge your side wants to look at that later see if I have all the parts for it I think I might hmm steel the better air filter if it's better it's much better it's just it's just D&E was a step up huh looks really new to light sharpen on it it's got blue kick it took a hit my feeling should be one on the other side of them yeah nothing man it's really a decent decent shave here's that lip I was talking about that kicks up honda did that to you they ran like two different blades don't care please it's not a bin I mean yeah go hit that up real fast on the sander you got to put this piece back on yet and spin it will make sure that we're don't have anything bent or we don't have a bent hub [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I want to go see if anything is bent out of whack which it's common so I'm just gonna go mark my thumb against right here I'm gonna go flip that blade around I'm gonna see what the second half of the blade lines up maybe what I feel right touch it and I would say within a a 16 7 inch so I am definitely not gonna worry about it again sometimes it could be that the crankshaft bent the coupler itself can bend and where the blade all depends on how many trees you were trying to cut down at the time I guess eyes go see was that trance if anything moves over here yes I was afraid of so the disc is frozen location you can see the shaft is all rusted up we're gonna do the same with the wire wheel we're gonna go mean this is a little bit more accessible than a snow blower same thing happens on them I didn't try to get in order why are we all going to knock off a bunch of the rust and crud that's on there that will try to tap this one direction or another to get it to move and see it at the bottom I'm getting here with a wire wheel kind of clean up that bottom disc [Music] I have to take it right out of there yep that whole thing right there is seized on that shift see been supporting the bikes maybe and give her a couple of love taps care to move it'll loop trying to keep doing that just do the fact that game again on the disk but yeah the whole thing's just sliding down the Vice yep and puppy is stuck don't want to put heat on it let's get the clip off of it we'll get it out of the bearing wheres Casey will click it on it or you look upstairs and see how that one is up there to launch it no launch you can get out of it bearing right now mm-hmm wonder if we can get it supported cuz it's metal all the way right it that last little bit is metal I don't want to hit against a rubber but we were to do something like that and we'll get a brass mallet so I don't mushroom the top of that over too much now that we can't fix it but that was rusty huh what do I want to do I am gonna go take a wire wheel whoops I'm gonna take a wire wheel clean this surface up right here and then try to drop it back down this direction let's go yes it's supposed to slide back and forth like butter let's get the shaft out like I said we clean the rest of the way up I already did that side you know I'm just gonna put up a little bit of a fight let's go wire wheel that crap off or they're gonna put it all back together you're paying attention how this all went right it should so that's better don't want any oil on here though we get it assembled we'll put a little Lube on the on here to keep it from rusting wanna make a light on yes we get with that the pulley goes on the end of the shaft and that gets bolted on on the machine we have this assembly just you're probably clean up first it has to go go clean that surface up right there and just wash this part well it's all the way we get a better job clean up that wheel too [Music] in there and the belt on can't see it and that should poke through this bearing on this side go feel that one real quick though that's fine if you want for growling this little gray leanness I'm gonna go put the nut back on this and we linkage bolt back on that side the grease on these things have a double-edged sword of course yeah you got to stop it from rusting but you have a friction point that just one does not want it's not for one man II mean the fact that it's a mower and it's dusty and it's dirty attracts dirt onto it so you're trying to find that happy medium snow blower has the same setup but it's not the same issue because snow blower pretty much works in a clean environment they don't even have air filters because you're blowing snow is all the dust and dirt is can lock down by snow but this on the other hand yeah I was just constantly kicking up crap alright so the free enough force that we can put you back together be able to shift some gears go to bang some gears up eating as a wheelies ready or no one or gaming aggression when the old witness marks looks like it was for there we should be able to say I'll be high gear and then be first gear so let's run it because they didn't move so we're running to first gear again it's gonna spin the slowest the ratio of this this is running off the engine the farther you go out the faster feet per minute you're doing so the further this disc travels out the faster it runs the assembly so is this how to crawl that's ahead max I'm gonna go set it all the way to crawl lock it down and wherever it is it is that's kind of dumb though don't know if the one upstairs had it I think it might go right on this bar you know that like let go maybe they want you to know what it is they want you to let go of the dead means that was not running I guess when you shift gears a bit let's see we got hoping for a medium well it looks just dandy cool wash that stuff off put it back together so everything's been rinsed with hot water blown out cleaned out there is not much to this it's about the simplest no adjustments no screws no just a float I mean give her the original needle see are going back in it the seat sometimes it's on the needle that is the Gucci part don't lack of better terms and sometimes it's down in the that on the whole the seat one of them is uh conforming and it's the one that's down inside there you could take those out but if I took it out I do more damage and if I left it alone generally if you have a carpet you punched it out put a new one in and again the other issue we're gonna have the other issue is going to be the gasket that meets up to the air cleaner because and this has to be a good seal to so uses it a little pump reservoir this setup just not have a choke so what it does is it rich inning bulb that's up in the primer bulb and it just dumps raw fuel and the intake squirts some wrong fuel in there you pull it over it's got a little bit extra same as choking it more fuel for the amount of here it has sometimes it goes right away do it twice anyway so the gasket that goes right there has a port right there right there was broken between I do not have that gasket why do they not happen yesterday cuz we drag this out of the trash three hours ago and we're trying to put it together see ya there and that's what us a fat a Corp kid I would but he don't swim home let's just make sure you throw that back on your cleaner assembly maybe move on to something else yeah almost buddy engine up reason that's good for the resale - it with your finger when you're trying to put it on it's not down enough make sure you really kill it so gonna stir up some controversy so that rest let's say he ain't clean that you can have spark clean the rust off it come back that it doesn't do [ __ ] the rust is not interfere with the spark of the magneto doesn't work that way I mean if it was smashing into it yeah I could see that being somewhat of an issue drinks had a report on it confirming let the rest does nothing but clean it up a little bit just to get the crap off so it doesn't repeat hit the coil we want to pull start maybe put the cap back on no bump tongs are there and good comment feel grateful name just to blow it out again it has about three feet that hangs up by the handlebar so doesn't have to retract all this how's it gonna blow that out it's sometimes you've hit like a light light oil down the center if you have an issue with growlin it's usually the other type though with a the clutches in the center they use that thing oil very thin we're just gonna blow this one out though transmission fluids good automatic they're pretty good cracking it up with a decent size washer over this half one a weld it it's getting a washer so I figured out why it had aftermarket bolts in the front with big washers on it like I said the sheet metal is cracked forgot that what was there well there you go yeah two separate pairs already done before we got there it's a little gear box rear axle I see it fill fill plug that looks like a pill plug anyway try to find a decent rag we can grab on to that thing it pops out of there oh wait to my crap away from her first a lot of times you just have grease in them kind of like the sound a point on the auger again it's a snowblower and it might just be a vent - yeah I think it's just grease you can see they're gonna take a peek looks fairly wet it's wet and all that goo around see if I actually get a food that comes up we're just gonna leave that alone i whatever is in there actually looks fairly decent sensor you know moves along a little quicker I'm just gonna take the tank wash it the outside and the sink get all the dirt off of it and then go over to the parts washer and no wondering whatever is in there out first but go to the parts washer and I'm gonna fill it with parts washing solution look at this seam go quick learner and I gotta clean the saw the fluids over there just make sure you don't have anything dripping out it's happened to me a couple times every time I say next time should we check that so we're checking it let's go see [Applause] happens to you when you get older yeah yeah yeah got squeezed down was around it looks like green one of those fancy drinks it yeah yeah they're supposed to be good for you that tastes like horse [ __ ] fancy green drinks yeah it will fits us like crap floating in it it looks pretty similar that that's what I'm thinkin I gotta go take up the missing bolt and spacer that goes down here well we have a whole another set up upstairs so that's that passage so you push the bubble bulb shoot some air charge that's just water from you clean it but it shoots an air charge out and goes down into that when I showed you on the car where the gas gets all blown away so that that charge goes across here over up through that hole down into the flow pole kind of gives a little shot of air on the float Bowl the float pushes the fuel up the center of the meaning and just dribble some fuel out of the center of the carburetor for a second instead of having a joke it just gives a little bit extra cast when you do that but again that cast gets complicated worst case if it doesn't start at some point it means one but for now we're just giving it tonight you just give it a little primer fuel in there you know see if it'll fire up and you know what's trying it'll stay around living on a prayer you oh yes I did it's too good from my old snapper do you think it's about a dollars worth I think I'm gonna be on the low side no man clicking this one you got to click it down there no no no you're not why now that is on the money calculated hands sir do you feel this vehicle safe for highway travel yes yes I do let's get overzealous he starts coming out the other end you think your chances are he's gonna fire up by hitting the primer bulb I do think we should probably set it on the floor there's anything I forgot please say it now [Music] so now linkage felt a little weird the front is bent over I was gonna leave a llama see how it did but they just basically have a set rpm there's a spring on the back of that but that would say you got pushed in and bent and so does the lower stop that was on there I wanted to see what would do before I start yanking out on that hole which we need to do now oh that right there go get that shot probably that's no throttle [Music] [Music] I think that little dust cover underneath that covers the belt he's rubbing just a little bit on the pulley don't know how well you're gonna be able to see in there cuz I need to do the same some of you guys just it's always pissed [Laughter] what sorry man moving did it needs to go down a hair down like that you still watching why that spider went didn't you look we're in the middle now tell you you're in a way I hear another whack with a hammer look try it again a little bit more than Europe he a missed you that bomb ticking on the rustle a little bit on that pulley but I'm not gonna worry about it if it continues to do it after I run it for a while then all I take that bracket off and give it a little bit of a bend but I think it's just it just needs a we're in I think we're to the point giving her a little bit let's get those wheels I wanna see him clean it's got a live axle going across it you guys kind of change ones one more I got a low at the pond - hey that's three exposed too exposed now we have the same height I think it needs a bath and then some grass to go chomp on then cleaning it up I don't think of anything else that we need to address little stuff I'm gonna put lube down by the axles and things like that I think we're good it seems to start with that leaky little port we got going on should stock like a bunch of those awesome I think we're gonna for about a dollar that's why I plays the Horde and have a little bit's and we've got the air cleaner go throwback on which we're going to take the better of the two from upstairs that one go clean that cover that'll help it run a little bit - that'll rich in up just to here in fast-forward a little bit we got some time to just clean it up I went upstairs took the bagger assembly in the shoot off of the one that was up there and included the Thatcher the Thatcher just goes on with two quick disconnects on the front axle you just flip these two levers it just pops right off and you probably use that maybe once or twice a year in the spring in the fall just loosen up the all the crap that got packed down inside the soil that just gave a little pressure washing and wiped it down if you don't want to use the bagger with that chute that's on there that plug just goes in the top of the chute and then just turns back into a regular mulching mower all over again they came up quite nice that would definitely say our dollar investment has paid us back fairly well probably a hundred twenty hundred and forty dollars value right around there I still get the gasket for the carburetor at some point that needs to be taken care of stuff big deals three screws take it off place the gasket but it's fully operational the way it is new knee that's it thanks for watching [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 473,451
Rating: 4.93609 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, how to repair lawn mower pull cord, how to repair lawn mower carburetor, how to repair lawn mower engines, snapper, snapper lawn mower, lawn mower repair, lawn mower, lawn mower wont start, mtd, lawn boy, scotts, craftsman, simplicity, ariens zero turn mower, toro, john deere, honda, husqvarna lawn mower, troy bilt, echo, kubota, ego, ryobi lawn mower, will it run, will it run mustie1, will it run mustie, how to repair lawn mower, lawn mower restoration videos, mower restore
Id: CDsegJIX8hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 15sec (4035 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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