How to Quickly FIX a Running Toilet with push button

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foreign have you got a toilet that constantly leaks flushes or runs into the pan like this well today on Victory Fowler I'm going to show you how to fix this for free [Applause] [Music] thank you so the first thing you need to check is whether you've got a dual flush push button system or whether you've got a handle a traditional handle so this video only works for a push button flush valve so the first thing you need to do is to take the system lid off now to get that off you're gonna have to remove this on this particular model this unit just turns and that will unthread and come out on different models sometimes you have to press one of these buttons down lift one up and then lift the other out and inside is a slotted screw you want to do that and then the top will come out so if we just undo this say that that's like the plunger and then that allows you to take the lid of the system off now once you've took this lid off make sure you put it somewhere safe because if that gets broken then you're in a whole world of trouble so this is the internals of your system and what you've got on this left-hand side you've got the inlet valve and that controls the water coming into the system and also the level of the water within the system and in the middle here you've got the flush valve with an internal overflow which is this bit here now if your water level is above this what you'll get is water running down into the bowl now as you can see there's nothing wrong with this setup at all so actually it's something to do with the actual flush valve so I'm going to show you how to remove it and how to fix it before you actually work inside the toilet system the first thing you need to do is isolated the water supply so you can either do that downstairs at the main stop tap or in most cases if you look near the system just below it you should see an isolator valve like this and all you need to do is get a flat bladed screwdriver and turn that through a 90 degrees position and that will isolate the water to the system itself and that will allow us to take the flush system out and ensure the water is not constantly running through okay so on this toilet we've got the plunger facility and what we need to do now is drain the water out of the system itself now you could put the plunger back in and press it down or you could just press your finger in and do exactly the same [Applause] okay so the actual flush unit itself is held into the toilet by a couple of differences now sometimes they have tabs that drop down and you just need to price them apart and the whole unit will lift out now in this case this is a slightly different this is actually clipped in and turns about 90 degrees to pull it out now at the bottom there is some little tabs and I'll put a picture on the screen so you should be able to see that a little bit clearer and now there's not any water in it's quite easy just to get in so I should just be able to turn that pull that bit out and now we can have a look at the actual flush unit itself okay so this is the actual flush unit it's and as you can see there's a few different Contraptions on it now this is the internal overflow that we've talked about and you can actually raise and lower that so if you've got water running down you can lift that up and that will stop that happening but in this instance what we've got is an issue with this rubber now the rubber actually seats inside the system to the other part of this and that's what creates a water Tight Seal and stops that running into the toilet so as you can see on this we've got a large buildup of limescale so all we need to do is remove this washer we can take that rubber seal off we can clean it or we can turn it over and put it back on and that should fix the problem okay so this is like a spring washer if you like it's not very strong and what we need to do is actually release that off the unit itself so once we get that off we can then quite easily remove this rubber now if you look from a side profile there's a slight raised lip on both sides where that sits onto the actual flush unit and this bit here is where the seal is now you can see that we've got a real bad buildup of limescale so what we're going to do is going to clean that up and then refit it and then that should be the problem sorted foreign if this video is helping you up to now don't forget you can give me a super thanks by clicking the link below my video don't forget the most important thing is to subscribe to my channel now let me finish okay so now you've cleaned all the large scale off the rubber then it's ready to refit however if you're struggling and you can't clean it or sometimes it can become perished then the best thing to do is to buy some replacement rubbers now you can pick these Up Normally for under five pounds for a pack of five if you go to any local plumbers or maybe you can get them from Amazon I'll put a link below if you can find any um you can then get a replacement part and fit that but in this instance we've cleaned it up and we're all good to go so the next stage is to get your Affiliated now this is going to be quite tight to fit as you can see it doesn't just quick easily go back on so what we've actually got to do is prize that over that fitting and make sure that rubber sits below that shoulder all the way around so a top tip is to get a screwdriver and just gently go around this shoulder and that way you can push the rubber right down onto the seat itself Now by doing that that'll make it a lot easier when you come to try and insert this retaining spring clip so the next stage is to force that in and that is ready to refit so refitting is really straightforward okay so now we've got to do is put this back into the system itself and you can see that these are the logs that I was talking about so all we need to do is put this into the system line them lugs up just give it a turn and make sure that them looks are actually seated correctly I don't know if you can see that on the video itself and once you're happy that they're tight enough in we can then replace the lid of the system and screw in the top push button and then we can test the system itself you can then turn the water back on [Applause] okay so that's the water supply all on the system is now full and as you can see there is no water leaking into that bowl and just to prove the point I'm going to use some of this and you can clearly see that there's no water running down there so the next step is just to give it a flush make sure everything's working all right and that his job done
Channel: Fix it with Fowler
Views: 141,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Quickly FIX a Running Toilet with push button, how to stop a toilet from running, fix a running toilet in seconds, how to fix a running toilet, simple fix for a running toilet, diy stop a running toilet, how to fix a toilet guaranteed, how to fix a toilet that keeps running, how to fix a running toilet guaranteed, toilet keeps flushing, how to stop a running toilet, how to fix a toilet, Fix it with fowler, fix a running toilet, running toilet, stop toilet running
Id: 84T2I7R4Irg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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