Hello everyone it's 'Lurgs' here welcome to my channel and today my toilet cistern has decided to start leaking, so I'm just
going to show you how to remove it clean the rubber seal put some gunk on it and
then stick it back on and hopefully stop it leaking. Right let's get cracking, and
here is a list of things that you're gonna need. Number 1 your hands, number 2 that's my business, number 3 plumbers make paste, number
4 wife's toothbrush, number 5 a lovely cup of tea and number 6
possibly a new washer. Now this stuff is absolutely magical this is plumbers mate
paste it kind of looks all gooey and gunky and it stays soft like this all
the time, but you put this on any threads and it just stops things leaking. Please
don't get this confused with something called hummus which is absolutely lovely
to eat, very tasty. So anyway this is my dual flush toilet system toilet and if
we go inside the toilet (and I have washed it) you can see we've got a leak
here quite a big leak, it's just constantly trickling all the time
permanently so that's not good for my water bills or the environment, so the
first thing you need to do is get the lid off, now on my dual flush button
system it's a screw top so this just goes anti-clockwise, some of them have
actually got a screw nut inside which you need to undo first, once you've taken
that off we can just lift the system lid off and there is the dual flush button
system in there, that's the float that lets the water in
and out, so I'm just going to give you a quick flush here so the flushing mechanism is all working and I know for a fact I've already had the dual flush button
system out already and it's not leaking through there, so I just want to get that
out and check the washer at the bottom, this is the mains water here and
unfortunately it hasn't got a shutoff valve on it so I can't turn off the mains
water, the only way I can do that is to go out in the street and put my hand
down into the pavement about a foot, lots of spiders and icky things and turn it
off there, so all I've done is just made up a hard bit of wire here to keep the
float up high to stop it filling back up again,
right so what we need to do is we need to remove that dual flush button system
unit, now it's just got three little divots at the bottom and all you're
doing is you're turning it anti-clockwise with your hand about a
quarter of a turn, and then you lift it out now just be careful when you grab it
that you don't damage anything on there as obviously it's all plastic, really
it's a two-handed job but obviously I'm filming with one hand, my glamorous
assistant is on holiday, and then just lift it out so this is the washer
diaphragm at the bottom here on the flush unit this compresses down and back up every time you flush the toilet, so there is a washer diaphragm underneath
here which we need to get to, now this washer is actually looking pretty good
and I know it's not this that is leaking, so we've got another big washer
underneath here so what we'll do is we'll just turn this anti-clockwise,
this is quite a few turns it's a decent thread and we're going to be taking this
out, and I believe that it's leaking down through there, actually on the side we've
got lots of dirt and grit and we've still got some plumbers mate paste from
the last time that I put some on probably three or four years ag,o but
we've got lots of dirt and grit in there, so the first thing you need to do
is just get rid of any abrasions dirt grit, the tiniest bit of grit can make a
toilet leak so just clean that all up just any old rag and then later I'm just
gonna get a toothbrush on that plastic thread and just clean that all up, okay
so this is what we're looking at and actually that washer is not in great
condition but it's late on a Sunday and I haven't got time to go and get a washer
because it's all shut so I'm just going to give this a good old clean up
and stick it back in and then I'm gonna go and get a washer for next time it
starts leaking, if it ever does. So what you're doing is you're just giving this
a really good clean just get any bits of grit off there and take your wife's toothbrush and just start brushing it into all the threads
getting out any dirt any grit, let's just speed this up you want to make that nice
and clean and then make sure you put your wife's toothbrush back exactly
where you found it. Actually I lied that is a spare toothbrush which I use
just for cleaning up anything, so I'm just going to speed this up basically
it's just giving it a really good clean and this is the black rubber washer here
which is not in great condition, but I'm just going to give it a good old clean
up, again just use an old toothbrush and I'm going to just quickly clean the
threads here just to get rid of any grit that might be in there and then flush
that with some fresh water as you can see this is looking a lot cleaner,
now take your magical plumbers mate paste and just get that on all the
threads and any any parts where the rubber washer is going to be sitting
against, obviously where this screws into the bottom of the toilet it's not under
a great deal of pressure, you've only got probably a gallon of water sitting on
there so it's not a great deal of pressure pushing that on that to make it
leak. But I'm just going to put lots of plumbers mate paste on here and then put the washer back on. I'm just gonna put a bit of extra paste around this washer here all the way around and let's get it back in, for that we just do
one final check make sure there's no bits of grit just round where it's gonna
sit, that's all looking pretty good, right let's get this back in so just gently
put it into the threads and as with anything with a plastic thread only ever
hand tighten, don't ever think about getting pliers on this or bashing it
with anything, it just needs to be hand tightened, now this probably is a
two-handed job I'm struggling here with one hand,
I just got an extra turn on there with two hands without the camera on. Now we're going to put the dual flush system back in now what that does it just sits in
these little divots here, so you just need to offer it into those and then
turn it clockwise just so it clicks underneath, so I'll try and film this as
I put it in it just slot it down make sure they've all lined up and then
you're just turning it again, really this is a two-handed job there we go it's in,
that's all you need to do right so I'm going to remove that wire
let it fill up with water and this is the test, right so it's going to start
filling up with water so let's just speed this footage up a little bit, I'm
just going to let it fill up then I'm just going to flush it once just so
we've done one flush, we'll call that a courtesy flush [laughs], right concentrate
concentrate. Right now let's have a look inside the toilet and just put a bit of
tissue paper on the back there absolutely superb, happy with that, but I
will go and get a new washer just for next time because that is looking pretty
worn, but that is a great fix happy with that, no more leaks, make sure you wash
your hands obviously after doing all this work on the toilet, put the lid back
on it's got two divots at the back make sure that they're lined up and can
only go on one way around then screw the new the buttons back in, again just hand tighten these and then I
think we need a bit of magic, what I would like is a lovely cup of tea, Oh
superb. Oh. If you're going to be doing any sort of DIY work make sure you've
got a lovely cup of tea oh sweet. If you would like to subscribe to my
channel please press this button down here and if you'd like to select any other
videos around here that would be really cool, I really do appreciate you visiting my
channel Guys and Girls, I really do mean that. Check ya later.