Fixing a Toilet That Water Keeps Running inside the Tank

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what's going on guys thanks so much for stopping by to watch another video this is alan with mastermind handyman on today's video guys um working here on this toilet some of you are probably dealing with something like this i'm going to show you how to go about repairing it toilet keeps running right the tank itself which is this this is the toilet tank and if i stop talking for just a moment you can see in here right hopefully you do i'm gonna open the tank here that it just keeps running it flushes everything looks good but it's just the water just keeps running annoying right so i'm going to share with you guys how to go about fixing this problem very very simple straightforward but for some customers that i worked with in the past they just don't know what's going on if you're interested please keep watching this video as always guys if you liked the video give it a thumbs up subscribe to the channel to support my content and don't forget to ask questions hit the notification bell and as always let's jump right in and show you all right guys so the very first thing to look at is understanding how the toilet works to be able to determine which of the parts are causing the water to continue to run so you notice for example inside the tank we have several parts here you have the handle which is what helps it flush right and when you lift up the handle it releases the water goes through and flushes which flush just fine then we have the vowel this is the toilet valve right tank valve and what this does is that it pumps the water in and then it determines through this thingy right when to stop so when the water touches here gets to that level that you marked it as you can see right now it's stopped right we no longer hear or see water running because it got to the end hypothetically you let it go that indicates to go ahead and continue to pump water right there in this little hose you see it right inside there right and then as the tank is filling up this pump right here this little thingy is going to come up to the top and then it stops even though it does that you still hear the water running right and after a while then this begins to pump water yet again and we're going to get to that moment so that you can see what i'm talking about and then i'm going to reveal to you what the problem is so right now i'm just going to let it pump right now as you can see it's pumping the water into the tank just filling it up something else to keep in mind too guys that's an indication that the water is running it should not be the case is looking at your bowl you can see in the toilet bowl that the water is higher than it needs to the water supposedly rule of thumb should be way lower than that when it has completely and successfully correctly stopped all right guys so as you can see here the toilet pretty much got to the top the water stopped pumping and the leveler basically got to the very top stopping it but it then started again i'm going to show you what's happening here in this toilet is that what allows the water to continue or stop is the flapper and the flapper is this piece at the end of the toilet if i bring you a little closer i'm going to show you a little bit more once i take it out is you'll see that over time this is obviously months years that the flapper because it's made out of some hard rubber material it starts to wear out and so there is bent on the corners here you'll see allowing the water to go into the toilet bowl right not allowing the tank to fill up continuing to trigger the water right where nothing stops it just keeps running so you'll notice for just a moment here i'm going to push down the flapper in the areas that are you know sort of worn out is uh bent right lift up basically i'm going to push it down here just so that the water doesn't have anywhere to escape and you'll see how that tank is going to fill up quicker and the water is going to stop pumping because the water cannot escape into the tank you'll see that in just a moment here i'm holding it down and basically what i mean is that we're going to need to replace this flapper we're going to put a new one and i'll show you how to do that in just a moment but i'm showing you so that you can see what the problem is in just a moment here the tank is going to get to the top and it's going to stop pumping watch watching here here comes and done now you notice that but slowly do you hear the water you hear the water right that's basically that the flapper is allowing some water to go into the tank slowly lowering this pump on the left side again triggering the water to pump again and continue to run now if i let go of my hand you see that because even though i'm holding it it's not really you know stopping the water 100 because you know i'm only holding so much you know the whole flapper is basically beat up so if i let it go that's basically allowing the flapper uh i'm sorry allowing the water to continue to escape through the flapper keeping your toilet bowl full right and then of course triggering your pump here to continue to pump water so what we're gonna do here guys is i'm gonna take that old flapper out i'm gonna show you what it looks like and then we're gonna go ahead and put a new one all you got to do in this situation is two things let me see if i evaluate this there's really no need to stop the water at all just like this we're gonna come over here and i'll snap it right from the side and lift it up right there and then lift it up right here like this flush the toilet let all the water go through and then we're going to unsnap it from here so let me show you what this flapper looks like that's a pretty beat up flapper so you can see how it's bend right you see it it can hold any water it's not flushed so this is what your problem is this flapper has been here for years and it's time to put a new one so what i went and did guys is that i went to home depot and i bought a matching flapper so what i recommend in your situation is remove the flapper from your toilet head over to home depot or if you want to shop online i'm going to put the product on the video description hopefully amazon has them on a deal so i'm going to feature this on amazon you can get it for yourself if not just head over to home depot and find a matching flapper that's it so all we're gonna do now is we're gonna put it back into place just like the other one was and i'll show you how to do that right now all right so now if you look at this flapper here guys you can already tell that this one is flat this one's got it's not going to allow water to go anywhere this is a brand new flapper so we're going to go ahead and put this back into the tank like this i'm going to go ahead and snap it in place you'll see the two legs on the left side there right there and then the other leg on the other side right there snap it in place and then flapper is going to do his job now you can even see it filling up pretty pretty quickly i mean filling up your toilet tank should take only not even a minute to be honest maybe two and you're good it was taking forever and this thing was running and running i didn't even realize that at first you know how sometimes you flush your toilet right you go on with your day you think it well i flushed it flushed it did its job gone right you forgot all about it and you do that every time you flush now realizing that the toilet's just running water and running water and then you wonder why your light your water bill not light bill i was to say light bill um your water bill came high than normal right then it usually comes and that's because somewhere in the house you got water running somewhere and in this example it was this toilet so you see how quickly the water is almost to the top already i mean that's how fast that is that's an indication that all he needed was a flapper look at that wait a moment here comes and done quiet i mean literally quiet i don't hear anything right now and that's all i needed guys now sometimes i'll give you some tips real quick i wanted to walk you through all these examples because every toilet is different you know and even though i can already see in the inside which i'm not gonna deal with that right now i can see that the toilet bolts i can see the whole assembly you know it's pretty old but for the most part all he needed was a flapper at this moment but there's going to be some times where this thing is all beat up it's not really you know leveling the water right it's not really stopping so this might be the problem you just need a whole toilet tank kit most of the examples that i show in in this video when it's running the water is that flapper is all worn out and it's not stopping it in place and right now as you can see that's all this toilet needed hopefully this video was helpful guys go ahead and you know attach it back to your handle here and you are good to go i'm going to be uploading more uh home improvement do-it-yourself type handyman stuff that you can kind of do yourself at home or at your property every video that i make on whatever service i'm working on i'm always going to put those products that i'm using on the video description thank you for watching post your comments ask questions hit the notification bell and subscribe and if you're looking for service if you need some advice you're invited to come over to my website and book and request a consultation thanks for watching guys look forward to my next video
Channel: MasterMind HandyMan
Views: 215,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: professional handyman services, handyman plumbing services, local handyman services, alain hernandez, mastermind handyman, residential handyman services, plumbing service, handyman service, fix running toilet, toilet water running, fix a toilet, toilet keeps running, toilet running, toilet repair, my toilet keeps running, how to stop toilet from running, how to fix a toilet that keeps running, toilet constantly running, how to get toilet to stop running
Id: dwy0RRPKlec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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