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what's up guys um this is  uh terry's how-to channel.   I'm fixing to show you how  to stop a running toilet. And this is an American Standard dual flush  toilet and for some reason this guy would   just not stop running so let's take a look  at this and see what we can do about it. Open this up. Now pardon me guys i didn't do you know  i don't have all the parts down packed   so you're gonna have to roll with me okay? So on this model I've actually... I've actually  been on YouTube trying to find a solution to   this and everything that i found uh somehow just  didn't address the the issue with mine so if you   look down here you see that water see that water  running down in there and this is supposed to be a   drain you know some type of failsafe for the this  tank right here so when you have too much fill   it'll go in there to kind of drain into the bowl  or drain wherever it goes okay. So now this is   overfilling and it's going down here. I looked  down here and this didn't actually stop the issue,   it didn't stop the problem that i was having,  and this is the full flush and this is the   quarter flush or whatever it's called. So now i  watched a video, i saw somebody who said something   in here has to be clogged for... you know!!  that the issue or the solution to this problem   would be in here and it was a lady actually  said you would take this out, pop this out,   pull this up, pull this lever up and twist, right?  Open it up and then clean whatever is in there.   I did that but it didn't stop so i  started to you know from back in the day   we used to have those old system tanks where it  had like a ball - a floater that would come up   and stop the water from going so i figured  well we have to have a floater somewhere   and I'm thinking it's this guy right here, this  guy down there so lo and behold i pull this up... voila! It stops. So that means that we  have to screw this down to a point where   when that water gets to that particular level this  floater that guy down there would have gotten all   the way to the max to where it stops that water  from going. See if we push this down it starts   again. It's telling the system that this thing  is not full enough so it's not activating the   (whatever) mechanism. So this right here needs  to be all the way up and it's supported by that   that floater down there. So now that's why they  have this Star Head right here you can screw   to get it where you need it to be. If you  look down there..., let me flush this. If you look all the way down there  you would see that... First of all   i think you should lock this. Now I'm gonna lock  this up so we don't have any water coming in.   Now if you look down here, you would see that  it has um um!? like you can screw this so now   what you need to do is twist this i don't  know if it's clockwise or counterclockwise i think counterclockwise so now you're uh  extending this so what you're essentially doing is   you're trying to um uh get this to a point where  the distance between the floater and here is   long enough to where when that water gets up to  this level where it's supposed to be flowing out   the floater is already at the point  where it's telling this guy to stop.   Right? So i did that, extending this... EXTENDED  this bar right here and let's give it another   try and see (and see) what happens. So in  this case I'm turning uh counterclockwise.   So I'm gonna go ahead and turn this back on.  Turn that water back on and see what happens so now we're getting the flow and the  flow is coming from down that way. So as it's flowing in, you see the  float the floater starts to come   up. I'm going to set it here, where you can  see that difference when it starts rising up, in relation to..., see how it's moving that arm  and it just stopped! So that takes care of your   problems guys and believe me it sucked for a while  for a couple of days actually i had to deal with   this noise so that's what the solution is you  need to get that floater up on whatever system   find the floater now if that doesn't solve your  problem then you can start looking into other   uh areas of this tank. So again, this is terry's  how-to channel. This is an American Standard   toilet system and this is a video showing you how  to stop an overflow in your tank and this should   work for any other system not just the American  Standard but this is what i have right here and   this is what I'm doing a review with um and SMASH  THE LIKE BUTTON! IF YOU FIND THIS VIDEO HELPFUL,   SUBSCRIBE IF YOU AREN'T ALREADY  and uh see you on the next one bye!
Channel: Terry Akwue
Views: 435,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: running toilet, how to fix toilet overflow, my toilet won’t stop running, my toilet won’t stop flowing, American Standard dual flush, Top flush toilet keeps running, how to fix running toilet guaranteed, Fix constantly running dual flush toilet, Fix constantly running toilet, Dual flush toilet, How to adjust a dual flush toilet, Push button cistern, how to stop a toilet from running, how to fix a running toilet, how to fix a running toilet fast, how to fix a running toilet easy
Id: p5IVTGJ7Q88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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