Fix for water leaking into toilet pan (push-button flush)

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hi welcome to this video looking at how to fix water that is flowing into the pan of your toilet between the flushes this is specific to push-button toilets doesn't matter whether it's on the top or on the front but that system is slightly different siphons and other systems basically this toilets suffering with this issue can be a bit difficult to see if I put some toilet cleaner across there you'll see it's keeping a little clear line where the water is actually just constantly flowing downstream you can actually see some trips as well on this so let's have a look at fixing this issue to investigate this issue we're going to need to have a look in the system this issue tends to be caused by one of the three things in my experience it's either a problem with the inlet which is bringing water into the system here with the flush valve which is bringing the water out of the system and throwing it into the pan and usually on command and obviously isn't in this scenario or sometimes it can just be a bit of a one-off scenario where the that flush valve is effectively staying slightly open and just needs a bit of assistance to close so let's take this one off it's quite common that these either come completely off and the push button is pushing straight down onto a set of two buttons here in my case it's got a control cable so I'm just going to - here you can see there's a release button there that'll just disconnect there we go and that then will just come straight off the top of that release is at the top of the toilet so I'll just put that one down out of the way right we can then take and all that cable for the rest of this right now you've got a slightly better angle to see within the system here you can see this blue fill valve they tend to come in a blue or grey color for some reason someone will probably pop in the comments but yeah so that puts the water in from the mains into this system based on a float in this particular case there's an overflow pipe here which I can happen to see is already taking in water and we've got the outlet here known as the flush valve they are the three key components within here on the modern systems we can see that the overflow is basically flowing directly into the the outlets straight down into the pan and in this particular scenario is quite obvious for me that's exactly what's causing the issue waters flowing directly down into the overflow and that's taking it into the pan which is why we're both hearing the sound but we're also seeing the water within the pan itself so that needs to be resolved but I'm gonna try and show you the three different scenarios anyway just so that you've got it dependent on whatever your situation is and then so let's start with the outlet just because that will bring the water level down anyway in fact let me just turn the water off down here on the isolation that'll prevent it refilling itself and prevent of continuing to overflowing we do this I should have mentioned that if the fill valve is causing the issue then it's likely that water will be using the overflow pipe as in my scenario if water's not up to the overflow pipe and you have got water leaking into the pan then it's almost certain that the flush valve is the cause of the issue I'm going to talk about the flush valve now but if you think your issue relates to the fill valve and you'll want to skip ahead and there's a link in the description to help you do that so if I lift this one out they tend to they are different but you don't just sort of push down a little bit and turn either left or right the release position is in the middle and it's just a case of whether it's locked to the left or right so and find out this one move to the right a little bit that's not releasing so try a little bit to the left to find that key position so you can see what I was referring to is there's a lug on this side exactly the same on the other side and they sit paired into these two bits here quite manly into those two gaps there and they can either be turned left or right you can also see the connection a little easier now between the overflow and the flush area basically down into the pan so what's holding the water back is this seal which does go and that is one of the reasons you might find that you've got an issue going on the other ones that can be fairly easily replaced just released on there and replace the seal or if you're putting in a bit you can sometimes get away we're just cleaning up turning upside down or somesuch but they're pretty cheap to go and pick up and replace and when I talked about it so the temporary issue what I have seen in scenarios is that this doesn't it's not moving quite as smoothly and it doesn't quite drop to the bottom position you can actually get your fingers in underneath there here and sometimes just help it push it down slightly if it's not actually positioning if it's obviously occurring multiple times as an issue and either the seal itself is gone or this entire unit needs replacement but just worth a quick check to make sure that isn't the case I'll just put one back in like for us was just the cables in an easier spot literally just pop it in turn it very slightly and just shake it to make sure it's not gonna come floating to the surface suddenly so the other scenario relates to the inlet valve and there's kind of more scenarios and strange way all within that device so yeah if the inlet is continuing to flow in it is either because this arm hasn't reached the top and turned itself off that is caused simply by the position of the float and making sure that that remains below the overflow otherwise water will go into the overflow and that's fairly easily adjusted in terms of moving that float up and down the stalk that it's sat on it's important that it's able to reach a nice clean top position there and as I say that final flat position sits underneath the overflow itself that will make sure the water stops if it doesn't stop when it's up at the top here not a hundred percent stops which is the scenario I was getting it got right to the top and the water's just very slightly continuing to trickle even an hour or two hours after it's lost being flushed then that probably relates to the valve itself and at the very top here of the valve there is actually a washer but yeah if that has perished then that is also really common cause of it it depends really whether you want the effort of trying to get in there and doing anything with it a lot of people would just replace the whole thing and that is about 8 pounds around ten dollars or something to replace which is what most people will do I'm a little bit more of an eco fans wherever I can I tend to try and replace that so in terms of where that actually resides this two little bits here seems to be very similar design for all of them regardless of the manufacturer I can just use those to get a little bit of leverage hopefully and to pull this top cap off just that uncoloured section there should clip off a friend no damage good and so just pops that one off it's very important you do have a cap on here because the water will literally come blasting up through the top potentially otherwise so that must be securely clipped when you're sorted and there are little positions here again this is kind of similar to the bit at the bottom here this very top section can just rotate very slightly and be lifted out to get to the washer that said you need to be able to hold the bottom section there's a risk of damaging this in the process it's a lot easier to do when it's out of the system itself I'm just gonna see if I can do it within here for you I'm not gonna be able to see not without doing some damage I'll take that one out and we can have a quick little look just to see about what would happen for a replacement you right now we've got the fill valve removed we're just going to attempt to do an anti-clockwise twist on just this very top section here there we go just a small twist has move these round here and then I know I've got the arms slightly twisted in the process which is why it's sometimes a lot more sensible to remove that but I just want to be able to show them inside and this should work apps if I open that top section that and in doing so we gain access to the washer system in here this top section we're particularly interested in this bit here and just seeing if we can get this one out there's a piece of plastic that's sitting in there and then we get back to in this case a couple of washers they're actually separate items and these particular two sometimes it's a diaphragm washer and with it I can see exactly what the issue is in that it's gonna be this washer around here which yeah you can kind of see the condition is even warped doesn't it basically that is not in good Nick but a replacement to that would be the one that sits directly under there it's a fairly simple swap out and hopefully cheap you can find those and you just get a bit more satisfaction that you haven't had to throw the whole thing away but in this particular case as I say I am struggling to get hold of those it's gonna have to come out from China and that in itself seems to be pretty poor eco credentials so unfortunately this one goes and a brand new fill valve pops in for me I hope this videos helped in terms of identifying three common issues as to what's causing water to flow into the pan and hopefully yours is now flowing and cleanly let me know in the comments if this has been helpful or if there's any other ideas you've got for others who are suffering with this issue bingo might need a little adjustment on here later but you can see that sounds like that's completely cut off thanks for watching bye for now
Channel: Artexic
Views: 1,718,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toilet, leak, fill valve, flush valve, cistern, fix, do it yourself, cistern running water into the pan, how to fix a leaking toilet, leaking cistern
Id: tgor90cQCks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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