How to fix water leaking into the WC pan.

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I run rockman again back on the four new issues of water and the consumption that some of you are getting is a bit higher and you're worrying where it's going because you can't see anything leaking and you get a bit worried about that's getting a bit out of hand so one of the main culprits of water running that you probably don't know about a lot of you don't know about is the humble two-way system so some of you these days move on sweets as well can have as many as free W C's in your house that's three times the chances of water escaping and running away back in the old days if you had an overflow it would run outside and you could see and you knew you had a problem but these days that's unless you've got an old system cell where you've still got your overflow he's getting a bit rare on the ground these days you don't have overflows and order runs into the back of the pan now is one way to check this and I'm going to show you how to do that now so toilet paper and yeah do wash your hands after you've done this okay getting hold about this one now I'm gonna flush these simply because there's nothing wrong with mine but one of those show you is the way that the water can run down the back without seeing it because it's not quite finished there's still a little trickle running down the back but this is out of terrell whether you have a problem and this little bit of tissue and just stick it to the back there now if that gets wet then you've got water running to back your pan now that's obviously got wet because it's it's still finishing so the way to check is to not flush your top your toilet your WC for a good hour making sure no one's used to and then get the tissue and put it to the back like I've just showed you if it gets wet then you've got a leak okay if it's dry you haven't so it's very simple to do so what to do so today main toilet assistant siphons are believer like this stopping fear as you can say you're putting on by that and then warm up it's forced up the air drops down and goes into the toilet okay that's still a fairly popular one and the other one I've took the lid off this system so you can have a look is the push button when you push the button down like you see on the top of your leaves you pushes one into these clashes okay and then you fill this back up again so we have two different types of siphoning one is a lot more problem than the other one you probably guess you may have a concealed type system and if you want to conceal one is a button that you push they will move on to one of these push button systems okay if you have a concealed system that is a lever that you turn down then you have one of these siphon so that's another question I've been asked about what they've got behind a concealed union and that's the way to find out believer you general putting my brother I need to be on a consume system you just see an arm sticking out or you have a button mr. button just a push button system - good well so there's only two ways that what can run down into the back of the pan and one is even a problem is - or doubled quadratic in a system so it's very easy to check the ballcock if it's this type I mean you can just hold the arm up and see if it still keeps dripping but in this type it's a lot harder it drops down a little tube and it's very hard to see whether that is still leaking or not and also we tried to boot there is another type of our career as a floaty arm thingy on it like that and again you can't see if the ball was stopped or not so you've got to take a chance that that's okay so all the best thing you can do is to shut the water off to the system and leave if half an hour and see if the water stops dripping out the pain the link if it stops then you know you have a valve problem and the valve is overflowing the simplest easy to process if it is the ballcock just renew the blood even bother putting washes in just change them okay to whatever type you've got in there change your over and you know who could that put them all so if you a bit worried it may or may not be the ballcock you know you're still being suspicious and you want to eliminate that and obviously change that if it is that you're worried about I've got links open up for bida mean the house I've got those on YouTube already more likely it will be the syphon this thing here now this old type has been around for years centuries genuinely pretty foolproof it very rarely leaks through one of these siphons it's just the way they're made unless you get leave from a seal very veil diver in racing on those a hole there bats for a little plug to going to get one liter or to half a meter level would I miss miss a moment don't worry about that but basically these things are pretty foolproof and very rarely leap or Winterthur they pay all right the main culprit is this one if you're lucky we can just take these out very easy not every one of these type of push-button valves do work I this but in general you can get home to them and just twist them and pull them out and you have a look at it you'll see this or washer yeah yeah you see that a lot of times that whatever or whole world would dent you because that's all that seals and stops the river running into the pan me now that that's out and the vowels running if you look down there you go see the hunters running strike down into the back of the pan because this seal is no longer stopping it he's going down so you now realize a moon that stops uber running into that pain it's this silly little washer and that is the main culprit so just change that or even what just turn you outside down take that off and turn it off the other way and put it back on dead simple I've got a video on doing this again I'll give you the link for it very easy to do and now pull out put it back in just to reverse what we just did this one turns back that way to just find it up you know that is it's gonna come back with a ball further for the penis to go sis it's not even your credit code I mean just turn it back clockwise this is it that's it now that's all we need to do so now I'll show you again and thank you tongue you see the two slots in and then the back win see them there they're gonna line up for these slots on there that's all it will just line them up there's probably dropped in steadies it drops in the slot you can't mistake it and just tore me to where your buddies are going me that's it job done genuinely a lot of times it is just that washer a simple little piece I know we need to a lot of times it's just turn it on but just take it off and join me over the other way pretty bad job done but it doesn't do the job just get a wash it up you can get them pretty easy and super cheap this chip and you save yourself a lot of money and come on it was a department and the environment looks better no wasting water and you save money when you were so everybody's a winner on that one okay that's it I'm going to do any more toilets but I've been asked about that one again so that's it that's how I do it and that's what to look for so all my staff can use your place Darryl for free thanks for watching guys bye bye
Channel: dereton33
Views: 1,264,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: water leaking, leak, bill, plumbing, plumber, seal, seals, wc, toilet, toilet pan, wc pan
Id: M8aJqBq09so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 16 2016
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