How To Prepare The Perfect Tooloo Beef Jollof Rice Each Time Using Jasmine Rice | Toloo Beef Jollof

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hello sweet team welcome back to my channel this is sweet agility as you can see sweetie tintins is going on here i hope everyone is doing wonderfully well in today's video i share my very simple tulo biffy jollof rice recipe as simple as it is it is absolutely delicious and you're gonna love it let's get right into it i have here some homemade tolu beefy which the recipe will be coming shortly so stay tuned for it all right but as usual when you buy tolufi you want to wash it thoroughly before using it so although i just made it at home i'm still going to demonstrate how i wash it nicely i'll then go ahead and soak it preferably overnight especially if you didn't make it yourself it may be much much more salty than if you did when i make mine at home i almost make it to my taste instead of it being super salty remember they make it so salty as a preservative so when you buy it outside please try and get as much of the salt out as you can mine is not that salty so i'll be soaking this for just about two hours before cooking while my tolu beefy is soaking i'm just going to go ahead and prep some of my other ingredients so i'm just going to go ahead and chop up my onions and habanero pepper this is two hours later my tolu beefy have soaked beautifully so it is time now for us to cook it and as you can see some of the color have come out of it know that when you buy to lubifi and it looks like this it is because they do add a bit of color so that it'll be appealing to the eyes so i'm just transferring it into my pot to that i'm going to go ahead and add some chopped onions and also some ginger you may add any flavor that you prefer or you can cook it plain i want my stock to taste very good so i added the ginger and onions i'll then add enough water to cook out as much salt as possible but if you like a lot of salt which i don't then please use less water for this process we'll then cover it up and allow it to boil for about 10 minutes or until your preferred tenderness now remember you're going to continue cooking this in your stew and also in your jollof rice so you don't want it to get too soft so at this point it is ready but i love to infuse my tolu beefy with some coconut oil so i'm going to transfer it into a separate pot and i'll add some coconut oil to it i'll also add some chopped onions and i'll just saute it for about five minutes i am not trying to fry this i just want it to be infused with the coconut oil flavor is doing its thing i want us to try this trick that i learned from my beautiful sister or papa's kitchen all right she opens her tomato paste from the top and then turns it upside down and open it on the bottom as well so i was like this is very interesting and it seemed like it works so my sweets let's try it together we're doing this for the first time today if it works let us all run to her channel and subscribe but we'll see later meanwhile check out our tulu beefy is it looking delicious or is it looking delish it looks absolutely beautiful infused with our coconut and onion flavor so we'll set that aside and add the rest of our onions into our oil and we're going to be frying it for about five minutes then i'll go ahead and add in one spice blend cube and some chopped up habanero pepper i'll usually add my tomato paste immediately after adding the habanero pepper but because i have the spice blend cube in there i'll allow both to fry for an additional five minutes without the spice blend cube everybody will be coughing and sneezing in this house and i don't want that and because the cubes still have a bit of water it shields that airborne spiciness that kills everybody in the house and trust me habanero peppers are super hot and now the moment of truth let's see if this is as good as our sister claims so you're gonna take off the lid on both sides okay and ready set let's try it oh my goodness do you see that that can is squeaky clean okay no need to rinse it out with water i love this obapa thank you so so so so much for this tip the sweet team appreciates it so now sweet team please head over to her channel and support my girl for me her channel name is obamper's kitchen slash or bypass recipes i'll leave a link in the description box to make it easy for you to find it thank you all right y'all so we're just going to go ahead and fry this tomato paste for about 10 minutes or until the oil begins to surface one more time with me bon appetit this right here is important because it ensures that your stew and your love tastes good so our tomato paste have fried beautifully as you can see in chile when you see it's sort of separating a bit it is ready do you see that yes it was frying for about 12 minutes so it is time to add in our blended fresh tomatoes and i'm going to rinse out the bowl and add that water and we're going to go ahead and cook this or fry this too until the tomatoes loses its sour taste and oil begins to settle on top of our stew indicating that it is done all almost done all right y'all i still have been cooking for about 20 minutes now and i was stirring it periodically so it is now time for me to add in my beef i don't want the beef to be dry so i want it to soak up some of the juices in my stew right now so i'll give it a quick quick stir and i'll continue cooking this on medium heat for an additional 10 minutes but after tasting i realized it needed a little more salt so i'm going to add in some of my all-purpose seasoning and to enhance the flavor even further go right ahead and add in some shrimp chicken beef or mushroom powder if you have it i'm all out so i'm skipping it today have you made those yet if not i'll leave the link in the description box for you to check out please do and you will love it after stirring cover halfway and allow it simmer for about 10 more minutes meanwhile i'm going to go ahead and wash my rice and you all know i love love love my jasmine rice so you want to wash your rice until the water runs clear now let's check to see if our stew is ready and it is because as you can see there are no foamy bubbles coming out of our boiling bubbles so it means it is ready so i'm just giving it a quick stir and then i'm going to go ahead and add in my washed rice after adding in your rice you want to give it a stir to see the consistency now all you want to do is to losing up the rice you want the rice to be loosened up in your stew or sauce you don't want it to be stiff but you don't want to add too much water i want to remind you that no two rice are the same i may use more water or less water but when you buy your rice you want to steady it to see if it takes to a lot of water or not jasmine rice doesn't take a lot of water so i'm very mindful of the amount of water that i add when cooking my rice also my hubby loves soft rice but the kids and i don't so i always try to meet him halfway okay at this point i'm adding a little bit of salt to taste to your taste remember when you add your salt at this point it should be just a little salty because when the rice doubles in size then it'll balance out just don't make it too salty i'll cover it up and allow it to cook for about 15 minutes and then i'll come give it a stir cover it up allow it to cook on medium heat and keep stirring it until it is ready so i stirred this for about three times before it was ready stirring your jollof rice is highly important because it distributes the color evenly and also the steam goes through evenly to cook your rice to perfection and we are back to stare one more time and if you notice i'm not like crazy staring i turn it from the bottom up and then fluff it you just want to turn it fluff turn and fluff and you're gonna have that beautiful single grain rice that you're looking for yes yo i'm going to cover it up and continue cooking and you see this my wooden spoon is the best too don't laugh at it it is the best all right our rice is finally done the kids are lined up to eat everybody is hungry because this was a late dinner and it is single grains but at the same time it is nice and soft for my hubby to enjoy so it is now time for us to serve and enjoy thank you so so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this video if you did please do not forget to give your girl a thumbs up thank you share and subscribe if you have not done that yet if you're new subscriber welcome to my channel this is sweet ageless thank you so much for subscribing and to the sweet team i love you all so so much until i see you in my next video stay safe keep loving each other and remember that the love of god and family is life's greatest blessing and [Music] sushi and pastries
Channel: Sweet Adjeley
Views: 413,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #jollofrice, #satisfyingvoice, #asmrvoice, #allclad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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