How to make THE BEST NIGERIAN FRIED RICE // Mind blowing Fried rice recipe

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if you want to make Nigerian fried rice or you want to step up your Fried Rice game then you absolutely have to try this recipe hey everyone welcome to my kitchen where I show how to make some of your favorite traditional and new recipes that you can easily recreate for your family friends or yourself today we'll be going through the step-by-step process on how to make the best fried rice I'm also going to show you how to make this super creamy coleslaw so let's get started in the pot I have a whole cut of chicken and I'm going to season this with some chopped onion crushed garlic salt some time you can use fresh or dry thyme crushed chicken seasoning cubes or bouillon cubes and some curry powder I'll give this a mix and I'm not going to add any water at this point just so that the chicken can really marinate to the spices I'll cover and let this cook on low heat so the chicken doesn't burn and I'll let that Steam for about five minutes when that's done I'll add a little water to the chicken and I'll cover this again and allow to cook for an additional five to ten minutes while the chicken is cooking I'll go ahead and wash the rice for Nigerian fried rice you want to use long grain rice you can use whichever type you prefer personally I really like salad basmati rice and this is the brand I use these are other brand options that also works great you can also just stick with the traditional long green rice here are some good brands that will work great especially for people outside Nigeria so I'll go ahead and wash the rice a couple of times until the water runs clear if you're washing with hot water please make sure the last rinse is with colder water or room temperature water this is just to ensure that the rice doesn't start cooking while it's still in the bowl especially if you're not using it immediately it's time to check on the chicken I'll take it out now even though the chicken is not 100 cooked and I'm doing it that way because I'm still going to fry or grill this chicken also because I'm using soft chicken and I don't want it to overcook if you're using hard chicken or a tofu chicken you can let it cook for longer after taking the chicken out you can filter the chicken stock just to make sure there are no bones in there next add the washed rice to the chicken stock if you don't have enough chicken stock you can substitute with water add a little bit of salt if needed I'm also going to add some more curry powder to give it that signature yellow fried rice color the last thing I like to add to the rice is green pepper this really helps Elevate the flavor of the rice cover the rice and allow to cook for about 20 minutes or until the rice you're using is fully cooked while the rice is cooking you can go ahead and Fry the chicken if you're making this for an event or during the holidays then I recommend frying which is a traditional way but if you want to skip the extra oil and make this a bit healthier then you can choose to air fry this using an airfryer or an oven before air frying I like to spray the chicken with a little bit of oil and the oil will help give the chicken that golden brown color when it's done airfry at a high temperature for about 10 to 15 minutes I love air frying and for me it looks and tastes the same as regular Fried Chicken next check on the rice the rice should be fully cooked at this point I'll go ahead and fluff it up and it's important to do this just so that you can loosen the rice a little and this will kind of release the truck steam in the rice so it doesn't continue cooking I'll also go ahead and remove and discard the bell peppers fluff the rice some more and I'm just going to leave the rice open so it doesn't continue cooking and I'll set aside while the rice was cooking I also prepped the vegetables for the carrot you want to peel before cutting just so you can get that vibrant color and one important thing I do for my fried rice is I cut my vegetables as small as possible this really makes the meal way more enjoyable as sometimes when the vegetables are cut big people tend to want to pick them out after the carrots I'll move to the green bell pepper I don't like to use too much of this so I'm just using the remaining half from the one I used to boil the rice next we have the green beans and same as before I'm gonna cut this as small as I can and finally some green onions or scallions and we're going to be using the whole pot root and stem if you don't want to cut manually you can consider buying a cutting tool like this one I use this in my recent Seafood fried rice recipe and it really works great and it's also going to help you achieve that very uniform cut so these are the chopped veggies the other vegetables used for Nigerian fried rice are peas and sweet corn and I usually just get the frozen ones so I took these out of the freezer earlier the last thing to prep is the shrimp and I'm just gonna season this with salt chicken seasoning and onion powder and of course before seasoning the shrimp were deveined and washed so next heat up a little vegetable oil to make your fried rice I recommend using a wok if you don't have a wok you can use a very wide pot add the shrimp and just allow this cook for about three to four minutes on each side and you don't have to use shrimp for this recipe you can substitute the shrimp for chicken beef or you can just leave out completely when the shrimp is cooked take it out then add some more vegetable oil to the pan if you need then add the liver the lever has been cooked and diced and if you want to see how I prepared the liver I'm going to add it at the end of this video stir fry this until it's brown and then take it out when that's done I'm just going to clean the pan with a paper towel so now everything we need for the fried rice is ready so heat up a little oil in the wok and the first things I'm going to fry are the carrots and the green beans simply because out of all the vegetables these take the longest to cook I'll fry these for about a minute or so next I'll add the peas and the sweet corn and I'll season the vegetables with crushed chicken cubes salt and white pepper if you don't have white pepper you can use crushed chilies or Scotch bonnet peppers stir fry the veggies for an additional one to two minutes lastly I'll add the chopped green bell pepper I'm adding this last because this cooks really fast I'm just going to stir fry this for about 30 seconds and then I'll add the rice my rice has cooled down significantly so it's going to make it much easier to fry after adding the rice mix everything together and here is my best tip for fried rice fry the rice it's called fried rice for a reason crank the heat up in your stove and stir fry the rice on very high heat don't forget to add the shrimp and fried liver the wok will help distribute heat evenly which is why I advise to use a wok if you have it or you can use a white pan if you don't have a white pan you can fry the rice and veggies in batches if you notice I didn't cook my vegetables for too long so they will cook perfectly during this time in this entire process is faster when the rice is not hot or steamy which is why I always cook my rice first add the spring onion and continue stirring so the rice doesn't burn or toast after frying you see such a huge difference in the taste and texture it's going to taste so good and another important reason for doing this is that it stops the fried rice from going bad easily the main reason Nigerian fried rice goes bad easily is because fried rice contains a lot of vegetables and vegetables are made of mostly of water in that combined with rice that has a lot of moisture in it the chances of it going bad easily are very high but if you make your fried rice like this it will hardly go bad or sour easily plus it tastes way better making it this way I hope you get to try this and I hope you enjoyed watching this video tutorial let me know if you have any questions about this recipe you can reach me on my Instagram page at kkfoodies send me a DM and I will try to respond to everyone as soon as I can the rice is ready Nigerian fried rice is usually served with coleslaw and fried or grilled chicken and this is how I made the coleslaw to make the coleslaw start by peeling the carrots if you don't have a pillar you can also just use a knife next using this tool I'm going to grate the carrots I like using this peeler for the carrots because it gives me really long carrot shavings but you can also use a regular grater to do this when using a grater place the carrot vertically so you can get long strands like this next get the Cabbage take the outer leaves off and cut down the stem using a sharp knife Shred the Cabbage by making thin cuts on it like this for the top part of the Cabbage which is usually stronger you can use a grater or a food processor to shred that after you've gotten enough cabbage that you need go ahead and make the dressing for the dressing I usually use about 1 3 cup of mayonnaise one tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar and about one and a half teaspoon of sugar and the exact measurements to everything in this video is going to be in the description box below so you can check that out and the shredded cabbage and the carrots to the dressing and mix this all together all the things you can add to the coleslaw are cucumbers eggs sweet corn sliced apples and so on although I put it last the coleslaw is actually the first thing I made simply because coleslaw is best saved cold so after mixing pop the lid on and put it in the fridge until you're ready to serve if you enjoyed watching this video please like share with your friends and leave me a comment it really helps me connect with you and it really helps the channel grow thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoy making this to cook the liver is really simple just add the liver to a pot and season with salt and seasoning Cube add water and allow to cook for about 20 minutes after 20 minutes dice into small cubes you can get liver at your local market you want to look for beef liver or cow liver for fried rice if you're not in Nigeria you can get beef liver from your local grocery store you can find it in Walmart's HEB Kroger and the rest I really hope you enjoyed watching this video don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done so already and if you already subscribed to my channel thank you so much for subscribing and I'll see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Kikifoodies
Views: 1,834,738
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Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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