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hello sweet iime welcome back to my channel this is sweet a jelly I am so excited to be with you all today as I take you to the northern part of Ghana with this amazingly delicious - xavi recipe so I sure hope I make all my North nests proud formula and SUEZ Paulo you are invited to a feast yes your let's get started so here I have half a medium onion I also have about a thumb size ginger one scotch bonnet pepper and one of my spice blend cues I'm just going to put everything in my blender and I'm going to blend it and we'll be using that's the season and steam our meat I'm using beef goats meat and some tribe of both goats and cows meats I'll add my spice blend cube and I also add my blended up ingredients beef seasoning and some salt to taste cover it up and bring it to a boil once it boils I'm just going to go ahead and give it a good stare and I didn't start with any water because I want this to cook a bit in its own juices but goats meat is very tough so I'll be adding some more water later to cook it until it is nice and tender for the stew I'll be using one canned tomatoes this is about two cups I have one medium size onion and half a medium red onion one spice blend cube I'm going to cut up my onions and blend it okay so I've cut everything up nicely and I'm adding it into my blender and I forgot to add one scotch bonnet pepper it's optional but I want my Institute to be nice and spicy so everything goes in our blend and set it aside in my path I'll add some palm oil and allow it to heat up then I'll add in mine sliced up red onions stir and cook for about 3 minutes [Music] then I'll add in my blended up ingredients and I'm going to stir and cook for an additional 5 minutes [Music] and flying very nicely it's looking good so at this point I'll give it a quick stare and then I'll go ahead and add in my blended tomatoes which is the ones that was in the can now you can use fresh tomatoes if you prefer I rings out the bowl and add that water okay I also rings out the blender and now I'm going to cook this until the tomatoes loses its sour taste and oil begins to form on top of - - right so I'm checking on the meat it is looking good so I'm going to check the tenderness to see if it is at the tenderness that I'm going for it's still quite tough so I'm going to add enough water to cook it until nice and soft all to your preferred tenderness so checking on the stew I'm going to be adding a bit of shrimp powder give it a good stare and allow it to continue cooking now I love using shrimp powder as a form of seasoning so I'm not using so many other types of seasoning it's totally optional if you're allergic please do not use it now I'm checking on my meat and it looks good completely done so I just move it to the side because I want to get some of the stock I will be adding it to my IOU soup it's optional but this is going to give it a very nice flavor okay [Music] our stew is looking good it's been cooking now for about 20 minutes so I'm just going to give it a quick stare you can see all you'll beginning to settle on top of it and that's exactly where you want to be when you add your meat and I'm adding my meats together with the stock I'm not frying or bacon and you can if you want to but this is the way I learned how to cook this and it is absolutely delicious trust me you won't even know you didn't fry or bake your meats so I'm just going to give it a good stare cover it up and continue cooking it on medium low heat because I wanted to cook slowly simmering until all the oil settles on top and my stew is tasting absolutely delicious so we're just going to leave this to you alone to do its Singhal mmm meanwhile I'll be prepping my cornmeal and cook until flour for our tools I see and I brought this cornmeal from Ghana it is very fine and whites and I believe they use the corn that the skin have been taken off to make this cornmeal okay we call it's a Kohi so I'm just going to sift it set it aside and I also go ahead and sift Michael koonta flour and set that aside as well I'll have a recipe of how you can make your own coconut flour at home coming shortly [Music] [Music] look at ours - it is nice it is ready oh my goodness this do you also went well with rice hey not just right sue Kinki bum-kun this too is absolutely amazing just delicious so we're just going to set this aside and get on with our tools laughing I'm pouring some hot water into my pot right here I'll cover it up and bring it back to a boil we'll be using this to make the porridge part of our tools IV and here I have some water and my cornmeal I'm going to mix the two together and you want to mix it until it is nice and smooth because you do not want the porridge to be lumpy because lumpy porridge will intend give you lumpy tools I think and we do not want that so I'll mix everything well my water have come to a rolling boil so it is time for me to add my cornmeal mix into my hot water and you want to pour and stir quickly because if you do this slowly it may get lumpy okay once everything makes this nicely and you do not have any lumps you've done it so our porridge is looking good now we just have to cook it until it is done so we'll just let it boil for about five minutes and it should be done it doesn't take long at all once your porridge is done everything else goes very quickly [Music] our porridge is nice and ready so I'm just going to scoop half of it into a separate pot right here you can put it in a bowl any other thing I just choose to use to pop so just scoop some set it aside and we will begin with our tools icy process well we be done already so now that you only have half of it it is time to add your coconut flour and I like to use a sift to do this because it keeps me from getting lumps if I scoop it into it I always get lumps so using this sift it's a life saver it makes my life easy I don't have a lot of lumps to try to break so yeah do it your way okay so you want to add it to the thickness that you want staring quickly to avoid it's becoming lumpy and tools ephie is not supposed to be hard it's supposed to be very running almost like porridge but then once it's it's a hardens and that is the reason why I choose to make mine to zoffie before that I used to because once the iuu soup is ready I am ready to eat and if this to zoffie is it is impossible to eat it that's just what it is it has to cool down before you can actually eat it so yeah I just stay and press it to the side of the pot step press to the side of the pot and as you can see my tools of you have no love sue and this was my first try okay I just knew I had to come up with a way to make my life easy because whenever I make coke on pay it becomes lumpy until I found my cyst yes my cyst is my lifesaver so once you've mixed it for a while you want to add some of the porridge if you think is too hard so soften it up because if you make this hard right now by the time you're ready to eat it it'll be too hard and that is not how to zoffie is enjoyed so Sofia is very light not as heavy as Bunco when you're eating it you don't realize you're eating too much you know by now on your we do not want that but it is absolutely delicious so at this point I'm just going to leave it to boil a bit with the porridge that I just added because that's what actually cooks it you want to leave it alone to boil for about five minutes and then you'll come back and check it stare add more porridge if you need if not it is done [Music] [Music] sushi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our tools Fe is red you bring your book so I can scoop it in so as soon as our our you suit is ready you are ready to go but I'm going to scoop some into a plastic bag and I'm going to shape it into the shapes they have it in Ghana it is totally optional if you do not want to use the plastic bag you can clean the sides of your pot cover it up to allow a coup in the pot and then when you're ready to serve you can just use your spoon to scoop it up or your ladle to scoop it out into your bowl and enjoy but I'm following the process stay with me [Music] [Music] [Music] now last but definitely not the least our iuu soup let me quickly take you through the ingredients for that I have my okra right here and I found this type that's nice and green I was so so happy you also need your jute sleeve if you're in Ghana you can get the fresh one I can't so this is what I picked up and this is what the packaging look like you should find it in most African markets or Asian markets I have my beef stock Dawa Dawa herring powder and shrimp powder now there's another type of jute sleeves you can find so either you find this packaging or the one I just showed you they both work perfectly the next thing I'm going to do is to de-seed my okra why am i doing that if you blend your okra with the seeds it turns white and we want sour I you use soup to be nice and green it's optional okay but if you want that super green color you have to do this the seed will cause your iuu soup to be white and you do not want that [Music] we are all done and this is what it looks like I'm just going to chop them roughly and put it into my blender and with the okra I'm going to blend it until it is nice and smooth you have to blend it well because you do not want anybody to know that you added okra now if I had more juice leaves I'll use just that but because I don't have a lot of that I'm adding the okra to help with the slime Enis [Music] I'm going to give the Jutes leaf like a rough chop in my blender so I just added into the blender add a little bit of water and kind of use the post motion to just crush it up a bit this is a bit thick so I'm just going to go ahead and add in a bit of water and the amount of water you add totally depends on you if you want your soup to be thick don't add too much water but if you want it to be light you can add more water I just want it in the middle so this is just perfect I give it a quick stare and I'm going to just bring it to a boil our soup is looking good so at this point I'll add in my beef stock I'll also add some shrimp powder Heron powder and finally some dawa dawa locust beans okay so if you cannot find locust means you can use maybe lunch allah or mo moany it should give you the same flavor not too much just a little bit to give you that flavor I'm just staring it up now and I'll taste it for salt if it is perfect that is it if not I'm just going to season it with a little bit of salt allow it to simmer for about 3 more minutes and my soup should be ready because I do not want to overcook this soup [Music] and there you have it our our youth soup is nice and ready it is looking absolutely delicious so now still check towards Ivy check our YouTube check the only thing left is to serve and enjoy and the way we serve this in Ghana is we serve the tools are three then the I use soup which is the green soup and then we top it up with the stew which makes it look so so beautiful not only does it look beautiful but it tastes absolutely delicious if I may say so myself I'm just playing thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give your girl a thumbs up thank you share and subscribe if you have not done that yet if a new subscriber welcome to my channel this is Rita chilli thank you so much for subscribing and to the sweet iime y'all know I love you until I see you in my next video stay safe keep loving each other and remember that the love of God and family is life's greatest blessing and guys Konami Neo Chinese sweetie my boots byah [Music]
Channel: Sweet Adjeley
Views: 837,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #tuozaafi, #ayoyosoup, #tuozaafistew, #tomatostew, #assortedmeatstew, #sweetadjeley, #cabatoh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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