How to make a good jollof base for a perfect jollof rice. Use this quantity for 100 people.

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hello my lovely people so today I'll be showing you how to get a very good gel of Bas though I lost my voice so bear with me I will not be talking too much so in the pot you add your vegetable oil and some butter little butter is optional please um go in with your time and your C your B leave and you st to come by allow this to fry for 1 minute please you remember you're peing up your oil for a good gel of Base um you add your onion allow this onion to sauté for about 1 minute or after that you go in with your tomato paste allow that tomato paste to fry and go in with your fresh tomato and pepper mix that's after allowing the um the tomato paste to fry for about 4 minutes 5 minutes you add go in with your remember to stir it's very important to stir when cooking when making your J be remember to stir because it's going to get BT if you don't stir you can see how this is looking now and you're going to go in this is fried you're going to go in with your um your tomato mix that's pepper mix tomato pepper I'm going to go in with this and allow this to fry keep tearing keep turning for you to for this to fry very well and you're going to see when it's going to be fried you're going to see you're going to notice it when this is well fried okay thank you for coming to my channel don't forget to like and don't forget to subscribe take care and enjoy the rest of the video this is a very good J Love base if you get you can get this your jell fries will be super thank you bye for now [Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] n [Music] he
Channel: Susan Flavoured Kitchen
Views: 6,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I-nz06lZsos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 44sec (224 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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