How To Pray Regarding The Latter Rain | Nancy Dufresne | Prayer Conference 2018 | Thursday PM

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[Music] they knew you just lift up your hands and let's worship Him tonight father we thank you we glorify you we thank you so much for who you are for what you have done for us for what you have brought us into we're so grateful tonight to say father and to know that we have been already delivered from the kingdom of darkness translated into the kingdom of your dear son we are a free people to not in every respect in every way in every arena so now it is our great joy and delight to walk out our freedom we thank you for that we give you glory and honor now we are completely free to follow your plan completely free to fulfill your will and we thank you for that and everybody said amen turn around and give somebody around you a great big god bless you then you can be seated tonight again for those pastors and ministers that traveled here to be with us during this week we're so glad that you've come thank you so much for coming you have added so much and we we value our fellowship with you and it's pure delight to be to have times like this with you you know God said something to us by the spirit when we started the first night didn't he and that there would be revelations and things that would come that would not leave us the way we were when we came in amen how many of you say I'm putting those things in place that I've heard he started talking to us about being true worshippers didn't he why because he wants us to live the best life the best life is the life in the spirit that's the best life amen and we live that life by faith right and pastor Noelle has helped us so much and talking about making sure we're living mindful of the presence of God right that we that we keep going keep reaching because there's so much more in front of us the things that God has talked to us about in these services will help us live for his definition of full amen if we live for the blessings in our own lives are undeniable isn't that right I mean it's going to be evident of what that fullness will accomplish for us but the reason God wants us to live full is not simply for us but it's for something bigger than us and we're going to talk a little bit about that tonight James chapter 5 in verse 7 James chapter 5 in verse 7 it reads be patient therefore brethren unto the coming of the Lord behold the husbandman how many of you know that's represents the farmer a farmer does this doesn't he but the husbandman waiteth he waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth what if he decided I can't wait I just can't wait I put that seed in the ground over over two weeks ago and I just can't wait I'm just going to go get what I can off that well you're gonna ruin your crop you're gonna have to be patient how many of you know the father Soda seed 2,000 years ago and he is still being patient for the fullness of the harvest that belongs to that seed so the husband when waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and look at this hath long patience you think you just been believing for something a few months you think you're patient God calls us to long patience because long patience receives the fullness of the harvest interrupted patience is going to receive less but has long patience for it until he received the early in the latter rain so we're living in the time of the latter rain right now aren't we Charles Finney made this statement he said a revival is no more an accident or mystery than a harvest is to a farmer now Charles Finney and church history heads had the most successful revivals on record hundreds and thousands of people that were born again but he did not count them as his fruit unless they were plugged into a local church because he knew outside the local church the harvest would be lost you know a farmer puts his harvest in a barn he doesn't just leave it in the ditch he puts it in a barn and he knew it wasn't called harvest until it was with his access in that barn and so charles finney did the same thing and had phenomenal results in his revival revivals and when people would ask him about it he said it's not a mystery just as a farmer takes very definite steps I take very definite steps and I get results a farmer never wonders how do you get a harvest he never wakes up since I wonder how to get a harvest no a farmer knows he knows that there's steps we don't know the day of Jesus has returned but we do know the time of his return the season of it right and so we can know that it's getting time it is time but there are still some things that need to take place aren't there we know that there are to get a harvest we know this but really we can accelerate Jesus has returned by how the the the time he comes back depends not on just if a certain day that God picks its when the great Commission's fulfilled amen it's when the harvest has been reaped but to for that to happen the latter rain has to come in its fullness but we can accelerate Jesus's return by learning about harvest learn about harvest what do you do to get a harvest dad Hagin satin told us in his last conversation with us before he went to heaven he said you have to get to get a harvest you have to plant a seed you have to water it and then you have to reap it so when you water the seed you don't simply water it you also protect it you keep wrong things off of it right turn with me if you would to Daniel chapter 10 and verse 1 Daniel chapter 10 and verse 1 we're going to look at a few scriptures tonight and so I trust you'll be able to thumb through and get to them because we don't want to miss anything of a step of this Daniel chapter 10 verse 1 and we'll start reading it says in the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel whose name was built shazar and the thing was true but the time appointed was long so God showed him something but it was just taking a long time for it to come to pass so it was time for something to come to pass but it was if we could say this it was long and coming to pass and Daniel understood the thing and he had understanding of the vision so notice this he knows that it's time for it to come to pass but he didn't just say well it's not happening it's not happening what he did he put himself in the position to be available to help bring it to pass this is what fullness for you does it puts you in position to be a help to bring to pass the days we're living in in their fullness so Daniel he he sees that it's time for these people to be delivered they're not being delivered so he doesn't just say oh well God's just gonna do what God's gonna do know what he did what what happened it says in those days I Daniel was mourning 3 for weeks so he set himself aside to pray he set himself aside to seek God and he was so absorbed with it that he didn't eat any Pleasant bread neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth neither did I nor myself at all till three whole weeks were fulfilled he wasn't trying to fast he was just uninterested in eating because he was absorbed with this that had been revealed to him that was due to come to pass and when he did this God revealed even more to him now James chapter 4 verse 2 turn with me if you would well you don't have to turn there actually let me just quote that for times sake it says we have not because we ask not Daniel got into further revelation and things began happening for God's people because Daniel took time to set himself apart to ask can I talk to you we've mentioned about the nine different types of Prayer we haven't singled them out specifically but the prayer of faith is one of them this is not what Daniel prayed the prayer of faith this last day revival is going to call for more than the prayer of faith the prayer of faith is for when you you go to lay hold of something that already belongs to you but this is going to in these last days it's going to involve the prayer of intercession the prayer of supplication the prayer of praise and worship because the prayer of faith just says at once and walks off praising and expecting it to show up and that's the proper function of it but with this it's not just going to just ask once and walk off and be mindless about it Daniel wasn't just praying the prayer of faith although faith has to be exercised in every prayer so things don't just happen because it's time for them we saw that with Daniel he recognized it's not happening and it's supposed to be happening because what God showed me is true and it's supposed to be happening so he started bringing his part to it asking in prayer is one way we cooperate with the plan of God now how important it is that we ask from a full place this is why many people get frustrated with their prayer life because they're asking from a place that's less than full and so they get less than results they're not we're not as full of the word is we should be or it's full of the spirit as we should be full of Revelation as we should be and so we get less results now turn with me if you would to Zachariah chapter 10 we're gonna go a lot of Old Testament scripture so if you need to go to your index that's fine it's not the unpardonable sin it'll help you get there quicker Zechariah chapter 10 and verse 1 because we're talking tonight about how to pray regarding the latter rain how to pray regarding this last day revival Zechariah chapter 10 verse 1 and I'm going to read out the amplified it says ask of the Lord rain so rain is not automatic it has to be asked for ask of the Lord rain when do we ask in the time when it's time for it now see it's time for the father's harvest to be gathered in isn't it the last day harvest is time ask of the Lord rain in the time of the ladder or the spring rain it is the Lord who makes lightnings remember John G Lake if you've read any of his materials he talked about the lightnings of God what were they very notable dramatic manifestations of God it is the Lord who makes lightnings which assure in the rain and give men showers and grass to everyone in the field notice this ask of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain it doesn't just come because God wants it to come it's becomes because me and ask for it God wants it to come but what he wants has to be in the desire a man and if man desires that they ask for it god's movements god's outpourings god's down pourings must faith and if people aren't asking for it they don't have desire for it and they won't have faith for it why does God need us to ask because he needs an entrance that that request gives him when he wants to pour out he's got to find I need an entrance for that when faith gives him that interest faith is the open door faith is the open door for God to manifest himself and pour himself through so asking is an act of faith isn't it sure it is the prayer as I said will go with me if you would Isaiah chapter note let me quote this one for times sake Isaiah chapter 66 verse 8 as soon as ient revealed she brought forth her children remember what I said it's not the prayer of faith that's going to accomplish this it's going to require the prayer of intercession and supplication that includes the flow of travail travail by the spirit not travail manufactured that's why it's so important pastor Noel was talking about tapping into joy he was talking about that he accesses it every day why because he's become skillful in that and he's encouraging us and that well these other flows of the Spirit we need to also be skillful in and travail is one of the flows of the Spirit amen that we have to we have to yield to and that happens best when were full dad Hagin stated hunger is the key to the miraculous he set in the back room here in the green room and said hunger is the key to the miraculous he said you don't get miracles by praying you get miracles by hunger but let me tell you this you're hungry you pray hungry people ask for food don't they so if you're hungry you're gonna be asking some things because you had not because you ask not why is he saying you have not because you ask not you hat you ask not because you're not hungry for it not hungry for it so it's good for us to be hungry for our needs to be met but our fullness is for something more than our own lives our lives are the practice place for fullness but our fullness is to be brought to what is important to the heart of God amen pastor bill today since pastor Amy shared a vision about when you were you might poke him he said can I share that vision you were in an arena preaching and I guess during the praise and worship you fell out under the power of God and Jesus showed up he showed up and you stayed up you didn't fall out and there were am I correct 120 ministers on the platform in the congregation and when Jesus appeared to you he introduced each one of them to you is that right spoke to you about each one of them and I don't know what country I don't care what country but he said this is pastor so-and-so and his wife so-and-so and they passed her such as such a church and he did that to all the ministers present is that right and then he would say in a nutshell this is pastor such-and-such and his wife this is the church they passed her and they're not real interesting yes he went through how about how many pastors were there about 120 or something like that 120 something so it took maybe what 30 minutes or so too so he's going and pointing out each one and says they're not real interested but when he came to three different ones he said they're interested now minister to those three and I love what pastor Amy said she said we go to meeting sweet we say god this is Joel and Amy and we're interested notice what not think about it they were present they were at the crusade they brought their congregations they endorsed the meetings but jesus said in his definitions they weren't interested why because what are you hungry for what are you reaching for what are you asking for what are you open to what are you responding to what are you distracted by so dad Hagin stated hunger is the key to the miraculous but if people aren't asking it's because they're not hungry they're not talking to God about it if we don't care enough about something to ask we don't care enough to receive so we're instructed asker the Lord reyne listen Elisha controlled the rain you say God did well in response to Elijah's faith if Elijah had not asked some things and demanded and cleared some things God could not have worked what he worked so notice this we have a bigger part to play sometimes than we realize and because our part is bigger than we realize we we need to make sure we're full so we can play that part rightly now we're going to talk about the rain and how to get it you want to talk about that go with me to hosea chapter 6 again go to your index if you need to you probably didn't do this chapter and your devotional this Hosea chapter six Hosea chapter 6 in verse 3 and I'm going to read out of the amplified because when we're praying and asking for the latter rain what does it look like right Hosea chapter 6 verse 3 the amplified yes let us know recognize be acquainted with and understand him notice how important that is let us be zealous to know the Lord how many of you know if you're uninterested you're not zealous let us be zealous to know the Lord to appreciate give heed to and cherish him his going forth is prepared and as certain as the dawn and he will come to us as the heavy rain as the latter rain that waters the earth so what is the latter rain God Himself poured out on people God Himself poured out that's the flow of the letter rain how does he pour himself out do we just sit here and wait He pours him out himself out through vessels right he pours himself out through vessels full of him God pours himself out through us right Ephesians I'll rial read this don't turn there Ephesians chapter 3 verse 19 the amplified that you may be filled through all your being unto all the fullness of God may have the richest measure richest measure there's more to have that's what that means you ain't got it all I ain't got it all that you may have the richest measure of the divine presence and become a body holyfield and flooded with God himself in other words if you ain't wet yourself you can't pour out he can't use you to pour out through this was written to the church at Ephesus and when he says a body holyfield in flood of course it would pertain to the individual but how about to the local body there the local body so filled so moving with the word so responding to the spirit then when people come in with those that of us were dripping wet and they can't sit next to somebody dripping wet and stay dry let's haven't your kids ever been swimming or something they want to come up and give you a big hug and you're you're dry as a bone I mean you may look all perfect you a be going somewhere slick but they give you a hug and now you got marks of wetness all over you it's not just for the preacher to be filled and flooded it's to the body filled and flooded with God himself and people come and they go I got no idea water I like about that journey but I like that church and they can't even articulate about the witness of the blessings of God and and and of the atmosphere of the presence of God they don't have to understand it they can just receive of the flow of it you can receive of something you don't understand right so what is the latter rain the latter rain is a downpour of God Himself flowing through those who are full of him Jesus came so we could be a vessel he could use and the Spirit filled us so that God's power could flow through us amen now is it any wonder that Jesus said pray in Matthew sit excuse me Matthew 938 pray ye therefore the lord of the harvest asked the Lord of harvest send forth laborers couldn't we say this send forth full vessels send forth full vessels that he will send forth full vessels into what the harvest why that's the latter rain that harvest needs the latter rain the labor is the rain that God excuse me the light the labor is the vessel that God is going to pour the rain that that harvest needs God Philip Philip Philip fill up your vessels bring them into the fold and bring them into the fullness that they may become a body holyfield and flooded we need flooded people flooding things amen the more labors there are the more vessels God has available to him what happened when he told the widow woman the Prophet gave her word and said go collect all the vessels you can and as many in vessels as she collected the oil just kept pouring but when the vessels ran out the oil stayed God wants more vessels so the oil doesn't stay so the oil doesn't have to quit flowing amen that's why Jesus said pray pray more vessels more vessels more full vessels right we could say that hallelujah revivals are the down pourings of God isn't that right upon the people and that pours out through men not through organizations not through denominations not through committees through vessels an organization is not a vessel amen how do we get a downpour from God we have to ask ask e of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain we have to ask it has to be important to us it has to matter to us that not just our life is well watered but his entire harvest gets the rain amen so a downpour of God how if the downpour of God is God Himself pouring out through us then how does he come as the rain he comes as salvation he comes as healing he comes as peace he comes as deliverance he comes as all those flows right these are the ways he manifests himself who will God pour himself out on well Matthew 5:45 says he makes his Sun to rise on the evil and on the good and he sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust so who gets the rain everybody when you walk outside and it's raining outside do you have to be a farmer for it to work for you you can just have had your hair done at the beauty shop ladies and the rain will have no regard for it you can have on a dress that will spot in the water and the rain doesn't care it's gonna get you and the downpour of God he doesn't see someone too evil and say oh no they can't have my rain he'll pour on him and give them the opportunity give them the opportunity to respond to his outpouring and his deluge on them right you want to know how you're sitting here tonight you want swarthy unjust that he rained on that's how you're sitting here you joined the ranks of the just by when you were in the ranks of the unjust God rained on you God sent a word God sent a message God sent something that watered your spirit amen you've been wet you've been rained on whether you know it or not you are part of that a recipient of his downpour but see we always think at certain things but we have to go to the word and find out what it looks like amen he rains himself on humanity now Jesus came we know but still there are there are there's there's rains that come in the time of the latter sq-- the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain so he rains himself on people the healer rains healing the provider rains provision the victor rains victory the deliverer rains deliverance that's what he rains amen it's not just healing people need it's the heater it's not just provision they need it's a provider he doesn't just rain blessings he rains himself and the blessings are the result of him reigning himself he rained himself as healer and healing was the result he poured himself out as the provider and provision was the result he poured himself out his deliver and deliverance was the result he poured himself out as victor victory Invicta and excute as the victor and victory was the result so when you're struggling with your healing quit trying to focus on I need healing you need to be mindful what he's poured himself out as the healer he is the healer that results in healing but it's him it's him as the provider when people worry about finances it's because they're thinking about provision and not about the provider when they're struggling with receiving their healing it's because all they're trying to do is get their healing instead of remembering he's the heater that has poured himself out on them amen because this is how He pours himself out praise the Lord God wants to pour himself out even more but we have to ask ask you the Lord reyne Amen father reign in our service as the healer reign in our service this morning pastors can go to church Sunday morning father rain rain upon these people as the deliverer you are rain upon the people as the victor you are rain their victory out on them amen now those of us those of us who are born again we can just stir it up because there's a well springing up and you you don't need to come and wait for the rain I'm talking about the harvest to get the harvest in we're talking about people who don't have this well springing up amen go with me to Amos chapter 4 Amos chapter 4 in verse 7 and again I'm going to read out of the amplified on this passage Amos chapter 4 verse 7 Amos chapter four verse seven and also I withheld the Reina from you when there were yet three months to the harvest so this is time when they need the rain I : to this I caused it to rain upon one city and caused it not to rain upon another city one piece of ground was rained upon and the peace upon which it did not rain withered so the people of two or three cities wandered and staggered into one city to drink water but they were not satisfied yet you did not return to me says the Lord so what does this passage talking about several cities came to the one city that was water to get a drink but when you got to go back home there going back to a place that's dry God did not intend for them to wander out of their city to come to a place that's watered he intended for them to say there's water over there I call for water here amen what about in your church you don't want to have to go visit a church to get healed you want the healer reigning in your church but how many times people do that they see God moving in a certain place and so they just go over there that's not how God intended to feed your life he reigned in one place as a demonstration of what he will do if you will ask he reigned during the heating revival for us to look at that time and say not just then not just reading books about then now in our time in this place you zoos a Street revival not just that place not just that location that time in our time in our day because I'm not satisfied it said here you won't be satisfied just going to a location you don't live in and getting a drink I'm not satisfied just picking up a book and reading it and him to put it back down and go back to where I was out right that tells about miracles and revivals and stuff and you got a little along now I'm drier than ever those things are not just so we can admire and those things are for us to say if you did it then you'll do it now amen and I'm not okay with wandering to the bookshelf to see a miracle recorded these miracles of the Bible certainly they reveal to us the acts of God and the mind of God in the works of God but they're meant to bring your appetite and put a demand with your face then it be present around your life it's what it said God did not intend for people who weren't water to go to a different location and just drink and go back to the way they were it would be an injustice to what God has done for us in these weeks then excuse me in these days this three-day conference and go back and just live the same way you were before you came same thing and he said that's not what he send us here for he sent us here so we can say wait a minute where I live where I live God said to me when we started the church he said to me I want this to be an example Church he didn't say I want this to be an anointed Church he didn't say I want it to be a powerful church if we're an example Church were in all that we're in all that we're an example of the anointing or an example of power an example of the word we're an example of a church long the spirit we're an example of what Holy Ghost music is that that that facilitates the anointing we're an example of giving we're an example of a body that is prosperous for an example of faith an example in every single way and when he said I you your this church is to be an example listen brother Copeland has gone from these meetings here that he's been our church and talked about him you want to know why it's an example amen because you can't go everywhere and get wet if it ain't raining there you gonna come as dry as you were when you came right and this is what we endeavor to do be wet around here and stay wet and let everybody come in and get wet with us right people say well do you have to you know pastor Noel and you know Tony they were blessing people as not in their running do you have to do that not if you want to stay dry you don't you don't have to you can go out the same way you came in yeah but for us we're just going to splash all over you now if you want to go dry off after you exit the doors that's fine but at least you had the opportunity to be with [Laughter] remember your that I don't know where I heard this song maybe I'm the only one that knows it but I always I don't know if it's on him but I don't know some drunk guys singing hell dry well he wasn't dry there's a lot of people proud of how dry I am had dropt proud of it he isn't sending rain in certain locations just to feel you he doesn't expect you to go somewhere other than where you live to get wet bring the wetness to your own home your own family your own church your own city how do you do it you got ask ask of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain and realize that he's going to flow through you out of your belly out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water what are they for to wet people splash them get them all did I get rid of the dryness sickness and disease will dry you out bad lack will drive you out won't it hallelujah God wants us to pray for rain in our own cities and realize that when we pray for them then we have to be available to be the flow the vessel that He pours out through oh god I'm just praying to send the rain send the rain and you never you don't respond to him in a service I've noticed this have you ever no have you ever noticed this when you pray for God to move and bless somebody he'll speak to you about doing something I can't take the number of times in pastoring 25 years I have had people come to me and say you need to start this out reaching that outreach and I said brother just because God dealt with you doesn't mean I adopt your assignment don't try to cause this church to adopt what God put on your heart and then accuse us of not loving the harvest because we didn't take your assignment if that's on you you get up Saturday morning go knock doors but transferring of assignments is not a scripture just so you know but what I meant to say it this way if somebody's going through let's say a financial problem and you pray for them many times gotta say go give him something good why because he's trying to rain on them through the vessel so when you ask for the rain you had to be prepared to flow out in obedience to God amen praise the Lord so many Christians are content to partake of someone else's flow and someone else's witness instead of having their own someone else's faith someone else's provision you know I don't know about you I want my own I want I want my own you know in all honesty I've you know there's such a thing now with weddings and you know everybody likes different things when I was growing up a wedding consisted of a ceremony and the reception was a cake on a table with nuts and mints and punch and it has become a very big thing hasn't it it's become very big that's why I looked [Laughter] different strokes for different folks different things like Pete but you know people will go it's it for me for me this is me don't get offended at me people will go and have a location wedding some I am at a location come to me don't make me travel halfway around the state you know but there again praise the Lord don't get offended to come on don't get offended at me but I guess the thing you can see some of the people that will go to other countries and they'll have a wedding you know like at a castle I go after the ceremony it still ain't yours that is a letdown you thought you thought that was your life that's not your life because when you get done with that ceremony and you leave that castle you're gonna do laundry because you were pretending something was your life I've never been fulfilled just tricking myself into thinking I'm living a life of luxury when I know I gotta check out on Monday you know what I mean I want my own I want my own prosperity that's why I get so disillusioned with their marriage they thought their marriage was the event of being at a place they didn't own that's not your life you're in it and after you have kids let me just tell you let me just say let me just begin let me just begin ladies every meal you eat will be cold for three years and when you go to a restaurant you cannot choose off the menu what you want to eat you can only choose what they can eat just telling you it ain't castle living anyway what am I saying about this just like God did not want cities to go to a different city to get their water supply God doesn't want you to go someone else's fate to get your answers God doesn't want you to have to go to someone else to get your healing and get your peace and to get your and to get your encouragement we can't encourage one another and it's biblical to do that but at some point we have to come where David was he encouraged himself in the Lord Amen don't let the rain be a calling card of where to come let the rain provoke you to say I want it myself I want it myself I'm not okay with our our finances not wet with provision I'm not okay with our bodies not wet with health I'm not okay with part of my family members out of the will of God I'm okay with that I put a demand and I say the reigns of God I asked the rains of God pour out on my home the rains of God pour out on my family so it belongs to us now if all you're going to do is occupy yourself with the dryness you'll never focus on the rain that belongs to you if all you talk about is how you struggle with money and how you don't have enough and the pain in your body now I'm just tired of hurting if that's what you're gonna focus on that's gonna be the flow the way to get something more than you have is focus on something different than you got amen but the Copeland came here and he showed a picture I don't know how many of you saw it he showed a picture when he was at in Nigeria he had ministered there for several days and after that they had a tremendous they had like 120,000 people joined the church in like three months because the Prophet showed up that's what happens things get built and so because they had a deluge what was there there was not pouring and the the staff was working hard to keep up with the growth that had happened in this short amount of time I mean this is a church that you know they they have a half a million a week that come you know it's the largest church in the world and so one of the associates that had been helping with all this growth he went to bed one night the Spirit of God spoke to him and said I appreciate what you've done and so now I'm gonna work for you and he went to sleep and when he woke up he had had years before he had been it's kind of like a drive-by type shooting it was a violent thing he was involved in but they got a bullet to the elbow and it shattered his elbow so they put in an artificial elbow but he said it was constant pain constant pain it just you know you know your man tries but bless their hearts they dry but and so he went to sleep that night when he woke up the next morning that artificial elbow was laying on him by the bed and there was a new elbow in him he brought it to his pastor and they put serial numbers on these things so he was able to research it back with his medical doctor and verify that it was the exact same one because of the serial number and brother Copeland brought a picture of that and showed it to our congregation and we just shouted which we should this a proper response but you know it didn't make me say all praise the Lord would just good it makes no hear hear there are people that are going to be in this church these elbows they need hips they need nice they need hands they need thinking thanks here here here and I'm not okay being drinking out of the water of a location that's not my location and God does not intend for us to have those testimonies so that we can be satisfied with the testimony he gives us those testimonies so that would be dissatisfied to have less than the testimony amen what about at the Pool of Bethesda he only God only had sent an angel down that had enough healing power for one so healing power can be had in measures there was only enough for one deposit in the water why does God not care about the five porches full that he only cares about one he's trying to get them dissatisfied with the porch I'm getting out of this porch the seat you think about it it says that the ports here were halt withered in lame there wasn't people there with our you know with allergies and headaches and just back aches they were halt withered in lane they were the severely handicapped severely afflicted how was it able that only the severe cases would even stay there because it was a the the the sheep pool at Bethesda you understand that if you're around animals you know what happens at the water they drink out of it but they also eliminate in it so while they drink they eliminate and it's the stinkiest place you can ever be because now you've got the wetness that carries that smell didn't you've got all the insects that come and the bugs and everything so if you wanted something and you stayed in that porch you were hungry for your answer to stay and set your life up around that location that was a very undesirable location I mean my dad had cattle I know at the feeding trough you had be careful where you step and there's flies and everything else it's it's an unclean place why did God choose that because he was wanting to help someone serious right the halt the withered the lame but it wasn't so he could get them to stay around there it's so he could get someone to say I'm not satisfied watching brother Joe over here get in the water and get healed good for him but I won't mind God was trying to provoke faith in those who saw that if there's if God sent power to heal them and it did that for them he'll do that for me that's what he was trying to provoke but see people people read and mistake these things wrong and so they sit back and wait for God to dump something on them and Jesus came up remember to the man for 38 years he'd been afflicted he said do you want to be well do you want to and what was his response I had no one to put me in the water see he found a man who was thinking so wrong God wanted to help him so bad I'm just gonna do it for him out of mercy I'm gonna do it but that's where a lot of people are they just sit back and they just wait for God out of mercy God out of mercy has offered himself to you but you have to take it amen God did not intend that they just sit and wait one by one till each one of them got in the pool that's not what his intent was to get them directed toward him pouring himself out on them amen Jeremiah chapter 10 turn with me if you would be thirsty for your own City your own church your own home you know when you see Edie and I and I've said this you've heard me say this but it's true our home was heaven on earth we didn't have problems we didn't have issues we didn't fuss and fight did we have differences yes but we were we had our minds renewed and we knew - how to handle the differences I don't want for you to just say oh I'm glad they had that I want you to not be okay with not having that amen you will have in this life everything you're okay with quit being okay with what's less than what he's provided Jeremiah chapter 10 verse 13 the amplified now see we're still talking about rain okay when he utters his voice there is a tumult of waters in the heavens and he causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth he makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind out of his Treasuries and from his storehouses you're not the only one that has a storehouse you're not the only one that has a safe or safety deposit box or a savings account he's got Treasuries noticed Treasuries yeah so biologically when we look at this verse this verse tells us basically the cycle of evaporation is this the rain comes down right biologically in the earth rain comes down it evaporates as a vapor you don't see it evaporating right I mean if you have if you had your kiddie pool or a pool you can if you quit putting water in it you can watch that water level go down what was that the water evaporated you didn't see the vapor of it go up but biologically that's what was happening it rises and it condenses and it accumulates and that accumulation is called right then clouds get to a point of saturation so they're full and they're heavy and they dump and down comes the rain and then the whole cycle starts again and then it starts evaporating and rises as vapors that's what here this verse is talking about but we can talk about it also with the spiritual sight of it when we ask of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain our prayers are like the cycle of evaporation our prayers rise as a vapor and they condense and as it accumulates it starts forming brother Copeland when we went to see him off at his plane the Saturday after he did a meeting here he said Nancy he said there's a cloud right here over you he said it's full of finances but he said mainly it's full of people and he said one poke into it and it's going to downpour see so spiritually in the spirit realm there's the same things they're an accumulation and prayers when they rise up to God they rise as vapors if we could use that terminology and then it accumulates when does it dump when it gets heavy when there's so much of it that it just right gets to a point of saturation how long do you have to pray till it dumps till it dumps and the more you can get praying the more vapors are going to rise and accumulate right now let me read to you you can go with me if you want Revelation chapter 8 because we're trying to show a process because see it's about the harvest isn't it it's about this latter rain we have to understand the process of this revelations chapter 8 and verse 3 and this is the amplified revelations chapter 8 and verse 3 because we're going to see that biological thing that's in the natural we're going to see it in the spirit and another angel came and stood over the altar he had a golden censer and he was given very much incense fragrant spices and gums which exhale perfume when burned that he might mingle it with the prayers of all the people of God so prayers are stored right isn't aren't clouds just a storage he mingles it with the prayers of all the people of God the Saints upon the golden altar before the throne so your prayers end up on the altar before the throne and the smoke of the incense the perfume arose in the presence of God with the prayers so the prayers arose to write they come up as a vapor with the prayers of the people of God from the hand of the Angels so the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar so God adds his fire to our prayers God not hard to do he's fired from the lawns up and fired from the lawns down but he filled it with fire from the altar and cast it upon the earth then they're followed peals of thunder and loud rumblings and blasts and noises and flashes of lightning and an earthquake so but we see the process in the spirit realm that's what I want to show you there's a process that happens with your prayers prayers are stored and poured out at strategic times it's not just our prayers that will move at this time it's the prayers of previous generations that have prayed about the last days and they're mingled with ours too no telling how many times God has poured out of your life out on your life in answer to the prayers of someone years ago you have no idea what ancestors you have that knew God and God used them to pray for you and at a time when you came to a particular place those stored prayers pours them out and it rains on your situation and changes it and then you thought it was all your faith well your faith would have to receive it wouldn't it your prayers today are stored for tomorrow's needs if we fail to pray today tomorrow's needs won't have what it what it's gonna call for amen you won't have to turn here but I'll just read it to you Ecclesiastes 11 verse 3 says if the clouds are full of rain they empty themselves upon the earth we not only have to pray we have to pray until the clouds are full that's when you get the big dump we know this when you study the revivals of the past there was always before a revival there was a renewed interest in prayer not only a renewed interest and renewed emphasis on prayer why what was that that was the vapors of their prayers going up before God and as it accumulated it would pour out brother Copeland sent me maybe I guess it was last year he was going to date in Ohio and he said Nancy I'm sending you this because it reminds me of you but he sent me a video of Dayton Illinois Dayton Ohio excuse me right thank you miss Joyce she keeps me straight Dayton Ohio I know that and Miss Joyce helps me to know it better so sent me this and there was a pastor who got hungry for an outpouring this was in the 20s 1920s and he he got his congregation together and for two years they prayed for a revival and then they sent sister Amy a letter and said it's ready to flow see when you're in the spirit you can tell when something is full and wet I mean it sometimes it hasn't started pouring yet but you can it's like a drizzle right I mean just the atmosphere you walk out and it's just so wet California if you've never left California you won't know much what I'm talking about but sometimes you just walk out and your hair is dampen there's no rain necessarily it's just so it's just so full and they said we have we had prayed and it is ready to rain we're asking you to come and she came and they had a major move of God but see it was what accumulated accumulated hunger accumulated prayer accumulated faith accumulated asking and it got full was it up to God whether or not they had a revival nope it was up to whether they're hungry or not are they interested are they interested sister Amy had under her platform in Angeles temple a room she called it the five hundred room and because it could seat 500 people under there and on through every service she had a team of people that prayed and she called it all that they they would take turns and pray throughout the service right under the platform and she would say I'm standing on the power plant because she knew the power plant was down below her feet amen what were they doing now there is no wonder that Smith Wigglesworth when he came benches temple said he experienced the strongest anointing it ever experienced in his ministry was that angel is simple why accumulated prayers amen now when it rains everyone can feel it the just and the unjust isn't that right you don't have to be saved to know that it's raining outside right sometimes it be raining in your walk out saying it is pouring cats and dogs today right you ever heard that I don't know where that came from pastor Johnny you should know about you usually know all those phrases what does that mean I know I'm from Oklahoma well I don't I'm begging for mercy I don't know what raining cats and dogs means but that means it coming down baby maybe it's gonna end up you gonna be looking like a cat in the dog by the time we know I don't I don't know but we all sensed the rain when we walk outside it's raining but no one walks out and goes ooh it's evaporating today whoa you sense those vapors no one does that right because it's almost if I could say this the hidden process the unseen process praying is the unseen process that so many people are unaware of that prayers are going up in someone's prayer closet someone's car and others don't even recognize they don't know it they don't know it but the effects of it they will all feel because when the rain comes it is undeniable amen hallelujah even during a city a city will have no way of knowing that prayers are going up for that city the people that are hurting in that city have no idea that someone right down the road is praying and their prayers are sending to God and God's going to bless that city on behalf of that if you've ever read anything about Maria Weber theater she recorded in her book a mirror a diary of signs and wonders at one particular meetings that she had that the power of God was so strong that in a 50 mile radius everyone fell out under the power God saved and unsaved what was it the rain rained on the mall the just and the unjust they said that people would be on the roads now back then it was wagons and horses they would be leaving the meeting and people would be on the side road falling out of their wagon they're laying on the road under power God they would have visions of hail what was it whatever they needed to see the rain was on them and give it was in a down port on them she was a praying woman I mean she was a praying woman and she had a whole team of people that went and they prayed she talked about how she would hold meetings all day and get to bed at one o'clock in the night and in the morning and she would be so exhausted she'd lay down to go to sleep and all of a sudden she'd have a vision and their God would take her off of the spirit and I mean just these wonderful things why because they understood how to cooperate with God in these things they understood amen so when they prayed everybody got rained on and some dramatic things happened when that happened so biologically after it rains what happens the vapours started singing again you know what that means then it goes the process never stops as long as we're on the earth it never stops never stops is it any wonder in Ephesians 6:18 praying always never stop never stop never stop it doesn't mean pray 24 hours a day it means make it a lifestyle it means every day praying it's a process that never stops we're never going to get to the end of needing to stop praying we're done now whatever you did to get the rain you have to do to keep the rain amen let me just read this James 5:17 and 18 Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months and he prayed again in the rain gate and the head in heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit so notice this Elijah controlled the rain by his faith he controlled it we control outpourings in our city God does it but he's looking to do it you know when I have talked him into it he's just waiting for someone to desire it and hunger for it amen God waited a hundred years for Noah to complete that Ark why for the flood he waited till man was ready yeah we can accelerate Jesus's return we can accelerate by doing our part praying for the latter rain now see doesn't this help you to pray because when you think about all this is so big I mean it's so big not to God it's not not to God it's not and that's why it when you understand it you you say father send the rain when I pray that's why I father I ask you the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain it's time for it and I'm asking you for it and it says then you shall make bright clouds that's what they can't you shall you shall you shall do it if I ask you shall do it I'm not asking without any hope or expectation of it happening you will you will respond to what I'm asking amen the more people that pray the greater the cloud will be I mean if one man does all the praying then he can only the only a cloud that is accumulated by one but you start adding everybody everybody believing and praying and asking for the same things amen so what's our part ask Lord rain in the time of the latter rain pray for God to send forth laborers write more vessels then our part is also lift full so that we can be the proper vessel and then number four respond to him respond to him wiglesworth made the statement he says I have revival everywhere I go because I live full that should be us there should be you and your own personal life you can live so full that nothing stays the same after you visited it amen he was always ready to respond wasn't he but notice he was a man of the word in the spirit dad Hagin said and you've heard it said in these last days when people would ask him dad what's that what is God doing in the United States he said he's raising up strong local churches that move with the word and the spirit because it doesn't matter that you pray if you don't know how to respond to the spirit that moves amen we have to know the word but we have to know the spirit so this week we started what about talking about filling up through praising worshiping God right I will sing with the spirit I will sing with the understanding all of these things play play a part in us being the full vessel God needs for the harvest it's not just about us it's about the big picture living in the spirit pastor Noah saw that fellowshipping with God every day living in the spirit right God needs us full this last day revival needs us full what about this full of the word full of the spirit what about this full of joy isn't that what was talked about full of joy you said well I don't understand you know this is a prayer conference and they're not you I don't understand if you can't you don't know how to respond to joy your prayer life is gonna be deficient because you get in the presence of God and if you can't laugh you're not where you should be in his presence because the Bible says God sits on his throne and laughs there was this one preacher some of you may know of him I was never in service where I saw this happened but he was out of mom and dad Goodwin's church and he would have all these kinds of manifestations to where people would administer to him and they would bend over and do a back bend to where they could touch back there with their feet still on the floor supernaturally they did that their body normally could not do that or they would do God would put him up against a wall on their head and they would stay there for like an hour all these things and when it started first happening he went to mom Goodwin started telling her what was happening in the services I said mom is this God what's happening in my services she said and she started laughing she said all you're just now beginning to get acquainted with the colorful side of God yes it was it and that's who I'm speaking about yeah joe jordan and said now you're getting a quant you're beginning to get acquainted with the colorful side of god you know what i'll do with the grandkids i mean when they were little i just take him and flip him and stephen and flip him and edward quit doing that i'm telling you as a man of god quit doing that it made an ER vez but what is it it was just you having fun with your kids and God will have fun with us if you can't enter into the joy of that you're not going to be a body filled and flooded with God Himself amen hallelujah only what we're full of can pour out of us right he needs us he needs us for God needs you full of joy not full of depression not full of worry not full of anxiety not full of panic attacks not full of fear because he's not pouring that out on humanity and if that's what you're full up he's got to bypass you as a vessel even though he loves you just because God loves us doesn't mean he can use us people say God can use anybody that's not true that's not true no and so we have to realize God doesn't want us just full of what we know about the word God wants us fully the experience of the word what about full of peace what about what about this full of prosperity ah full of it why because when you're full of prosperity you can be a blessing to someone I have found out this the more I get the more God tells me to give away everything I get is not for the keeping it's for the sowing why God wants me full of prosperity so that people I come in contact with their lives are different I had somebody recently call me and they said Nancy I their they're an older older people and said Nancy yeah I I hesitate to call you but I need some money and God had said their name to me like three times the week before and I just got I just thought about them and I noticed I it kept coming up and then I saw their name on my phone and I go oh this this has something to do with what God's God was saying their name to me for so we chit-chatted at the end of the conversation I need some money can you help me I said I sure can I said I sure can let me get hold of Francine and I'll contact you back and then we were able to help they called me like three times in the next day and a half to thank me they just they said I I just can't tell you and I said they said we just don't want you to think less of us because we needed this and I said I'm gonna tell you something in this world we need rescuing and I am so privileged to offer rescue because someday I'm gonna need a rescue I'm gonna need a rescue and let me tell you something God wants to prosper you so you can rescue people not so you can become stingy and and hard-hearted he wants you to rescue people I want you to rescue people he wants your faith tree to be so full that people can come and recline themselves in the shade of your faith and that they're out there getting Torah beat up and they can come and they find shelter under the rescue you're able to provide because you know some things God needs you prosperous don't think down on the prosperity message your unknowledgeable if you do your unknowledgeable and you are you are shutting off god's ability to flow through people to pour out to be part of the the flow of that rain on people if you know if you're against prosperity because you know why people it's just not spiritual are you kidding me it's not the highest form of spirituality but I guarantee you our spiritual people know what to do with it it's unspiritual people who don't know what to do with it Amen God needs you prosperous can I tell you this God also needs you whole he needs you well he needs you well he needs you well because you can do so much more for him when you're well then when you're not well he needs us well he needs us peaceful this last day harvest needs your fullness needs your fullness it needs us to be full doesn't it well are you help tonight praise the Lord praise the Lord stand with me to your feet tonight because when you have more understanding of some of the things we know we should pray about it helps your heart to engage it doesn't keep it like just a big prayer project it helps your heart to engage that you're not just well what can I do I'm just one person but you don't understand when God has all of his people asking the same thing the accumulation of that is so large amen we are just one member of a body the whole body that we may become a body holyfield and flooded with God himself why does he want us flooded so that we can go flood amen hallelujah father we thank you raise up your hands and lift up your hearts and father we thank you for the greatness of your plan father we're hungry for you to receive your harvest this last day harvest is yours and we're jealous for it for you we want you to have all that belongs to you and we want to be the vessels that cooperate in you receiving what's yours and so father we say we love you we say we honor you we value what you've done and we return that honor by cooperating with you we return that appreciation by cooperating with your plan so lift up your voice with me repeat these words after me say father it's time for the latter rain it's time for your harvest to come in so we ask of you the rain to come and we know that you shall send bright clouds lightnings and outpourings of yourself in manifested ways upon the just and the unjust and we thank you for that and father we pray that you would sim forth laborers into your harvest we're signed up for that but we also pray that more respond to that and then father we purpose to live full and we look to the Holy Spirit to help us in this but we yield to him so that we may live full and pour out that rivers of living water would flow through us as vessels of your downpour upon humanity we thank you for it father we thank you for it father just lift up your hands and in the spirit just began to pray mash taqueria DuBose taqueria domestic IKEA DuBose taqueria domestic iki a Manju Korea domestic I Addabbo to Tochigi Kiana Mitaka yatta-mecha yada yada Bosco Coco a match Attica honorable Korea tapas taqueria domĂ©stica Kiki a mashed Correa de pasto creati posh tikaa kiaa de bas Coco Coco Jana mastic I a mojo coriander Bosco Korea the Bosto Korean domestic areata pasta Kiki a macho totoko yonder Bosco Korea DeBakey Kia the Bosto Korea domestic Giada Bosco creati pasta Kiki a mosh to Korea the boss Tokido Bostic areata bash tikaa kiaa Davos Acharya the besties Kiki a master Correa de Bosco Korea debasht a Kiki adabo ko ko ko' animosity Kiki a macho nomicon taking Keanu mata Mata pacaya de Bosco curry on the bus star via the bus taqueria Damaso Korea the Boche taking Kia much of Korea the most story annamacharya double Korea the bust area Davos Ocoee master gaya de batata Takaya Davos Coco Coco a man Giardia the Bosto Korean tabash tiki-tiki on the bus so Korea topic area the Adama Korea topic occurring mahadeva ko ko ko' Yadavas stock Economist noted a Takei a margin de Baca Kukai Animoto chicky chicky a de batata tacos oye macho dadada kya the most story a debauched a geeky master Kukai a master Kariya mapa Popeye a map Popeye a Machado korea koreas Korea Marchetta to taka taka ki a master economist Coco Coco a mapa papaya de bas taqueria tapas taqueria the Bosto karyotype st key key key a master corrĂȘa de bas taqueria tabash the key key key Adubato Korea tapas Tiki Tiki a map a papaya de bas taqueria tabash the key key key and Abbas Stoker via the bezdikian of Australian domestic ta Bosh taqueria topic area tapas taqueria tamashii TT ma Papa Papa caja de Bosco Corey Antipas kiki kiki audibles taqueria tapas takea the most Oh Coco Co a match atta boy atta boy atta boy sticky Mario double soccer riot of a sneaky Kiki Makka pakka kakai ma papaya de coco coco Adubato Correa de Bosch the key key key on the Bosto Korea sticky licky licky a ma papaya de Bosco Korea domestic et tu la boqueria - the key key key a market apakah kakeya the Bosto Corey attaboy Maj taqueria tapas to go beyond the page de marche de cacao master guru yet opposed to quarry atop a sticky key a master Gallia the Bostock oye Master Kukai yes so can I remind you that every day added to the things that you talk to God about father I'm asking you the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain it's time for the light of rain and I'm asking I'm asking I'm asking why because we're interested we're interested amen hallelujah and don't ever don't ever fall into the thinking that that's just an insignificant request I tell you what God's gathering up all that gathering it up all gathering up all of it amen amen for his use and for his purpose those prayers are for his use amen we don't understand all that the natural mind can't grab all that but it's it's part of his system it's part of a divine system I remember somebody had given me three big volumes that came out to about this this thick different things that with sister Aimee Semple McPherson and one of the things in there was a vision that she had in that vision she found herself standing before Jesus and he was holding like a branch and the thing was withered and dried up is dead and as she began to pray that thing came back to life and as she would stop praying the the the it would stop turning green and it would start turning brown again and Jesus said to her don't stop praying I need you to keep praying because I there's a work I need to complete and when you don't pray I can't complete it I can't complete it see we're joint heirs we're joint heirs why to make us co-laborers - amen it's not just all him when we invite him he can do what he wants to do but if we if we neglect it then he can't do what he wants to do amen hallelujah we have authority we have authority we last week we were just in some of other Copeland's meetings and he made this statement he said money is the lowest level of authority but prayer is the highest level amen prayer is the highest level of your authority amen why because you're coming boldly to the throne when you do that amen your authority reaches the highest places in the earth did you know that what are you talking about the highest place is praying for kings and for all those are in authority they are elected they have elected authority we have born in authority meaning and when their term is over their authorities gone ours is never gone that's why our authority is higher than the authority of the highest authority in the land that's why we're to pray for those that are in authority because our authority usurps theirs it surpasses theirs rather Amen Alleluia well it also works that way for the revival Amen we were when we were in Russia this last time and we were sitting around the dinner table and we were talking about the last day revival and all of a sudden the Holy Ghost started turning me and I said wait a minute the Holy Ghost wants to say something and I spoke it out and said to go further in the revival we have to go further in the spirit to go further in the revival we have to go further in the spirit this is part of it amen this is part of it amen hallelujah listen remember what is prophesied about all the previous revivals rolled up in one in this revival well then we're going to have to do what other revivals did yeah and like I said that's an emphasis on prayer of everyone praying I mean to where people were just absorbed with it well I just don't feel that way well you have to make yourself available like Daniel did you have to set yourself to pray and to see God have to set yourself when you set yourself he'll meet you there he's not going to set you you have set yourself yeah amen hallelujah what a privilege what an honor another another flow of revivals as Bible schools because it's the training of the next generation brother Copeland said he started talking about and prophesied about the Bible school when we were at the airport and this is all part of it where we get to be right in the big middle of it we get to be right in the big middle of it we need to say what dr. Summerall used to say all the time we'd hear him say it all the time he says God whatever you're doing in the earth today don't leave me out of it I want to be right in the big middle of it I want to be in the middle of it amen hallelujah praise the Lord all your joy and all your Thanksgiving and all your all all your walking in the spirit is for something bigger than you for something bigger than you is for the greatness of his plan amen hallelujah are you help tonight hallelujah hallelujah father we thank you for what we've received in these services oh we come away so so full thank you for all that you've deposited and imparted and father we're doers we're not just hearers we leave this place and having our homework assignments we know what to do when we leave this place we give you thanks we give you glory we give you honor we thank you Father for all for all that you've done father but we're so expected about what's ahead we say we will not be left out we will not be left out listen if look lift up your hands and let's worship Him a few moments more much together Wanda hata Astoria most oh yeah Mickey estados oh yay mojo - Coco Co a muchacha de marcha Tata calle a static Ayanda Bosto yet Abbasi kiki a Marchetta - taco a master Kukai a master kakakaka the most Oh Coco yeh in all in all the the funds for the revival all the funds for the revival the Angels go and you gather all the supply that this revival needs gather for these pastors the buildings that they need the lands that they need to hold the harvest the equipment that they need huh in Jesus name all the money that they need come all the money huh we thank you now see I'm not just saying that because it's a way to end a service the Spirit of God that came out of the Spirit grab hold of that grab hold of that with your spirit hallelujah hallelujah father we thank you master kiya of a sticky key a master key key key Mashti PA renew your mind renew your mind regarding finances renew your mind regarding finances because this survival needs funding who knew your mind yeah you know what brother richard roberts preached the camels are coming but let me tell you something it's only the renewed mind that can receive what they bring it's not just because you're a christian you'll receive it you have to think right about money money's nothing but at all it's nothing but at all I told Francine the Monday after aid went home to be with the Lord I will never book a meeting for money never and I haven't and I mean in 2014 we went and went and went didn't we pass a ruby in 2015 God said I don't want you traveling much and it took more faith not to book something because he's letting me know I'm your provider whether you're home or whether you're on the road I'm your provider and so he allowed me to stay home to prove it why that's called getting getting us getting renewing your mind regarding these things he's our provider Amen hallelujah think right about money think right about money think right ask the Holy Ghost to show you anything that needs adjusting in that ask him to show you ask him to show you hallelujah we thank you for hallelujah praise the Lord pastor Noel you have anything you got something you got a microphone there [Music] Oh this afternoon I was arrested a little bit I woke up and oligo said sons pray pray but for this for this revival pray for the world in spirit revival said son pray I said son you can do it you can do it I know what it means I can do all things through Christ I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me we can do it by the Holy Ghost yeah we just have to be available he said son you can do it you can do it but it takes consecration Sun it takes consecrate but you can do it I'm there I will be there to help you yeah to pray I mean I'm just picking to me and I know it it's not just speaking to me it's looking for every one of us because it's a revelation comes from God amen the week we can do this we have to rely on the Holy Ghost he knows the utterance that we needed to pray for this outpouring of the Spirit amen hallelujah we can all do it just say I can do it I can I will do it I will that's all he wants to want you to help Amen hallelujah praise the Lord he will make rivers in the desert in the desert hallelujah I know Phoenix is in the day in the desert will make rivers there I can say everywhere I go loco a quarter so I broke up of good go go go go - get it all so now you yield to the Holy Ghost that's the anointing that's the help that we sing earlier I'm just I can get in there I just have to teach you when you when you're hungry because I want by Jesus to come so we can be in a in a really good place no more pressure no more there's the whole church we will enjoy heaven but it's not only that for ourselves or the heart of our Father that's why there has to be a flow of life in here amen that's gonna be a flow of love you can never you can never explain that love that is in you for for the church and not only for the church for even for the on Church amen we're don't we have that authority nobody else can pray for the train to come if God the Father can just pour it in an own instead he could have done it but he cannot do it without us because if with their authority in us amen hallelujah just say I will do it I will do it and just end up don't don't just what I say don't just mental assent it iconic that's all you and you have the same anointing that you can see me for we will fall to you it will flow you just be hungry hungry or more than ever before pray and you can do it [Music] the workers of miracles the gifts of the Spirit ministers will be racist echo echo yes taco oh-ho yeah a divine in Greece Okoye divine increasing aha in the nation but that's Umrah started in that don't they send leverage ha ha ha I told you we can do it with annoying thing we didn't know anything might be it seems like short but when it's the annoying thing it hit everyone he will give you words to say he was sitting your spirit English word that you can understand saying as he said it race the Lord amen you can see it in your spirit and he will respond to what you say because he's the one that put it in there get get in the habit of just shutting your mind down and when you're in your car just praying the Holy Ghost when you're driving some writing the Holy Ghost when you're doing chores or something that would allow you pray in the Holy Ghost just get in the habit of yielding to your spirit and don't don't go through well you know I'll pray later today or you know and I get home and I have my prayer time get get out of the formulas that you've put in place you see and just yield amen amen Pastor Ted a lot come here there's something something God has for you father we thank you we thank you my sticker gear for refreshing for clarity revelation [Music] for for her in her ministry we thank your father we think we thank you this comes out of my spirit for a visitation we thank you for a visitation a visitation of God a visitation of God we thank you for a father we thank you for a father we thank you for it we thank you for it father we thank you for it father [Music] we thank you for it father we thank you for it father [Music] we thank you for and father a fresh breath coming back into her fresh breath the fresh breath coming back in are [Music] something I don't know something about your husband and pray down something to be fulfilled [Music] there was a sending station [Music] just extinction Wow [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah well that assignment is still moving yeah it'll come to pass and I come here love what what do you do how old are you now we're 35 what do you do yeah there's something on you that was on your daddy so move in it well can it be bold and he's waiting on you he's wait don't don't let your mind delay you any honker just don't even care what anybody think what everybody says just obey God Father we thank you we thank you we thank you Father for we thank you for uh pterence utterances to teach and preach and declare what God says ah ha ha yeah we thank you Father praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah where the Lord is good the Lord is good Tony we got something we can sing you got a singer anywhere that can sing anything let's lift up our hands and worship and we thank you Father [Music] we will follow with the spirit in the fullness of God [Music] with the word we will follow with the spirit then we'll live in the fullness of God we [Music] with the sphere [Music] with the spirit [Music] we I will [Music] with the spirit [Music] I know the spirit [Music] ah so father we consecrate ourselves to them to your plan and we say your word in your spirit will cooperate respond be full of it and we thank you for the greatness of your plan hallelujah I don't know about you I'm not willing to pass our assignment to the next generation I'm doing it not doing it not doing it amen not doing it I love the next generation but you're not getting ours you get your own we'll teach you how to do it amen hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord anything else Pastor Noel you good already hallelujah pastors again thank you for coming congregation we love you Ministry of helps around here you're the best thank you so so much I know you take time off work even and you spend a lot of hours here and we appreciate it we want you to know we can only do what we do because you do what you do so we thank you and we look forward to seeing you next service everybody turn around to somebody and say I'm gonna flow with the word in the spirit [Music]
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 14,725
Rating: 4.7113404 out of 5
Id: faz3Vzd_1s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 21sec (7101 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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