Rodney Howard Browne - Minnesota Ablaze 02 - The Fire of God

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[Applause] thank you Liberty hallelujah [Music] hallelujah oh come on it give the Lord praise [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah no ray Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren Lauren [Applause] of course I come from Africa now I live in America they makes me African America [Applause] amen but I heard it said that out here in these parts that when there's an old barn when the farmer builds a new one what they'll do is they just invite all the farmers from the region round about and they'll sit that old barn and father have what they call a barn burner now it's not that there's a no bond you but I just kind of feel with looking something like a barnburner going on yo and and whatever is gonna burn of course it's not the building but your heart I like what the old African American preacher prayed he said Lord dip me and the kerosene in thy spirit and set my heart ablaze that I may burn for you [Applause] how many of you tonight are hungry in your thirsty [Applause] for the Lord to do a deep work on the inside of your heart how many would say with the uplifted hand that this week is going to be a turning point in my life because God is about to take you from glory to glory and whatever he's done up to now has prepared you for what he's about to do because he wants to take you where you've never been before hallelujah and so what's gonna happen over the next nights and this whole week on the inside God is going to expand you to receive more from him and there's gonna be downloads Holy Ghost downloads in the spirit [Music] in Ex effect I'm receiving a transmission right now myself halleluyah halleluyah say this on me so I'm not gonna be the same again tonight is my night for a breakthrough when I walk out of these doors I'm leaving change in another realm of the Holy Ghost hallelujah hallelujah I give the Lord a shout I want you to just lift your hands and let's sing that wonderful song the glories here the glories yeah consensus mighty presence in the very atmosphere whatever you need reach out and receive I may have come with needs here tonight you come with needs tonight wave your hand at me say this I'm leaving here trench [Music] Molony [Music] oh yes God's glorious thoughts [Music] I can sense his mighty dragons [Music] and the very atmosphere [Music] every time you just reach [Music] [Applause] [Music] I [Music] yes God Laurie [Music] periapsis fear [Music] me [Music] [Music] father tonight we spent in forward thank you for your spirit in this place the engines of your word brings life and where the light comes darkness flees and the wind of his spirit brings refreshing the rain of your spirit comes even to those that often thirsty it's not my word like a fire it's not my word like a hammer that breaks the rock at the business [Music] that Lord thy plan and thy purpose with me wrought in this place I asked you for your eternal purpose in this very service tonight let every year be anointed to hear every heart receptive to receive and we covenant with you in advance to give you all the glory all the praise and all the honor and she's is wonderful name and everyone said oh man blow over that dog won't you just read two or three people tell them you love them Jesus loves them and you may be seated [Music] [Music] I tell you we are so blessed and so honored to be here in one of the great churches in America amen with pastors Mac and then Hammond and we've been looking so forward to this week excited to be here see what the Lord's gonna do and you know I have had the privilege when the revival broke out in our ministry in April of 89 to conduct over 7,000 revival meetings over 14 year period and as I was sitting here tonight sitting by a system in their Paris the Mac was speaking I just I said to myself this has the feeling I'm not saying anything but I'm just telling what operas are no meetings you know am I talking too much else but are no meetings and this has a feeling of like an extended meeting like a like a Holy Ghost we you know we used to do six-week extended meetings and then the Lord told me that to pull back because there was a lot of craziness going on and we stood we got the blame for it and the Lord said to me it will burn itself out and of course it didn't has and whatever and but this has a feeling my Oh hallelujah well my mama come here this gentleman over here third row in second useful come in [Music] power gods all of you lift your hands by fire of God right now this is GLAAD's operating table we put you under holy ghost anesthetic amen [Music] somebody said is this is the Bible yes the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down [Music] [Applause] [Music] why does he make you lie down cause you need a rest you've been working too hard praise God Thank You Becky I want you to take your Bibles tonight open the Book of Luke chapter 3 [Music] [Applause] I felt prompted by the Lord tonight to begin this whole week on one of my favorite subjects fire when we first came to American revival broke out in our meetings in April of 89 and we call ourself and have been attacked for calling myself the Holy Ghost bartender for serving the new wine you know people felt that it was not right to call yourself that but another name that I have I'm a Holy Ghost arsonist now an arsonist is somebody who deliberately sets somebody else on fire or or deliberately to deliberately set something on fire and I have purposefully come to Minnesota to purposely sit on fire everything that needs to be set on fire and you might not even realize it but while while I've been talking here tonight a ten-foot angel slipped up behind you and with it with a big several gallons of holy ghost kerosene and and he's been dowsing you while I've been speaking and you better get ready because you're gonna carry it home with you now before I read this scripture coming from Africa and going many times in the African bush what we like to do at night especially when you have lion and you have all kinds of animals and you just live in there mate 20 yards away from you you don't know what's around you I mean I sleep in a tent right by the Zambezi River with crocodiles hippopotamus and lion just right there and so you have to be kind of careful so what we will do at night is we build this big fire and and and we'll sit around the fire and the animals won't come near the fire they'll they'll stay away from the fire so you safe but about three o'clock in the morning when you go outside your tent and you look over to what was of the fire you'll see that you the little coals there and everything's kind of died down and I find that - in churches and places that we go to I am finding here when I walked in i felt i felt it's pretty good fire going on yet so the fire really is for people that are coming here today is visitors and this is a great soul winning church and you know what that's a sign that this fire I mean apart from what we're doing in Tampa I don't know if another churches wins as many souls of what you guys do I mean you people are winning souls all the time you guys were the most radical people coming to help us in New York and Shreveport and all over the place and win souls and and then thank God for all your you and you know what that's a sign of the fire because dead people don't win souls you can't take dead people out to witness brother icicles sister icicle and all the icicle the popsicle family the Frigidaire family so what you have to do to that fire you have to go and you have to shake loose the ashes try to get all the red coals together take fresh wood and put it on and within about 10 minutes you have to find just like a one's the night before you can have a fire just like it was at nine o'clock in the evening you can have it at four in the morning you just got to scratch around in it and throw some fresh wood on it so if your fires burning tonight it's going to burn up a little little brighter if your fires died down tonight we're gonna scratch in your horse or your heart we're gonna scratch on the inside day we're gonna get rid of whatever it needs to get got rid of and we don't poop oh head oh and we're gonna put some fresh wood on there and you can leave here blaze [Applause] let me just share this before I read the scripture I was just in the outback of Australia I was so far out back that if I went any further I'll be in front and yes it took two days to get home two days from there to get home we had one of the largest gathering of Aboriginal people in the history that they can remember thousands came from all over the desert area some Rovers fast 2,000 miles to get there and they came you know and whatever means of transportation some came on kangaroos and camels and I'm kidding you but they came to the meeting and we were in this big open area and a wild stuff happen I've got some video footage I'm not sure I'll show you but I was about to give an altar call and I was really it was very intense and as I turned it was a dog peeing on the altar right there I've got it on video and instinctively I just kicked the dog and the dog took off and it took me a while to get the church back and get everybody back to every head bowed every head bowed every eye closed but I was thankful that it wasn't a camel or something else but listen the five God fell you think it's funny do you it was a ruining trying to ruin my meeting the dog he had everywhere he could go but no he had to come and give his all on the altar no lord have mercy I got on video I'll show you past it it's not very funny it's very fun anyway so that people came from across town because they saw a fire over the whole group averages are people are very spiritual you know they they flow in their demonic very easily they do they that's how they operate witchcraft and in the morning so when they when they see that wrong have gone they respond like a flower opening up to rain and they came from across town they said we saw this glow I could glow like a fire over the heads of the people and hundreds and hundreds were saved hundreds and hundreds were safe now Luke chapter three and I read verse sixteen John answered saying unto them I indeed baptize you with water and I say water not water water [Applause] but one mighty then I come at the letters of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire whose Fannin is in his hand he would thoroughly purge his floor he will gather the wheat in this garner but the chaff he will burn the fine principle and many other things in his exhortation preached he under the people now I've had people ask me about this fire they said why are you always talking about fire fire fire fire fire fire you always throw by fire I said well define that we're talking about is not an extra fire the fire that we speaking about is a father Holy Ghost which is right out of the mouth of Jesus can you say Amen hallelujah now John spoke it john said i baptize with water but this coming one off to me who's gonna baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire who was he speaking about Jesus is the one that fire comes out of his mouth to baptize you to immerse you to anoint you to appoint you to equip you to empower you to grace you to enable you to run the race can you say Amen hallelujah hallelujah and we have to have the fire of God you don't want to leave home without it the fire of God will work in 210 countries and regions of the world I've had people tell me your ministry will not work in this country it won't work in that country they said when you go to Korea you'll see it won't work we got to Korea and we were there two and a half thousand Methodist preachers on the platform four minutes and then the power of God hid the whole place and there was joy and kimchi all over the room and then they said to me when you go to Egypt it will not work in Egypt because the Egyptians are very sad and very just just surly and sad I we went to Cairo Egypt last year and 3,000 people saved in Cairo Egypt come on now same in some body and when people came in they looked sad and depressed like an old camel but I - when the Lord finished with them the fire-god hit him and we saw the fire God in Egypt just like we've seen the fire God in America just like we're seeing the five God and trainer just like we've seen the five God in South America just like we're still the fire of God up in the Arctic villages of the north there's not a place and we've been do now over fifty countries in the world there's not a place on this planet that the fire of God does not burn when you allow the fire of God to come and it's got nothing to do with culture it's got nothing to do with language barrier it's got to all to do with all those that are hungry all those that are thirsty the promise is under you and to your children come on now say men and all them that are afar off how many might be a little far off tonight here we are two thousand year for off but it's still as fresh as when it fell at Pentecost john said i baptize with water but this coming one off to me he's gonna baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire John baptized was born he was a Baptist John was a Baptist he said so he said I'm a Baptist but this coming one off to me he'll baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire what was he saying he said this coming up any hostile [Applause] not at in nada denomination not a denomination but a book of Acts encounter can you say men 120 people together with one Accord in one place now people say what's all this fine stuff why did we need the file well let me say this you either gonna have the fine now you have the file later you either have the fine now to purge and do work on the inside of you number one or you have a five the judgment seat of Christ and lose everything still get into heaven but have no trophies to carry with you or you have Hellfire pick with fire you want I want all the fire now come on now say men I don't mind the fire lady that's gonna be at the judgment seat of Christ if I've had to find now because I know what's gonna come out I know it's gonna be gold jewels and precious stone I know it's not gonna be wood hay and stubble but they're people that were dog Holy Ghost meetings they're running as far they could go I'm gonna get out of here there's some fire going on you know no don't get out of here you get in here and let the five dog grab a hold of you burn out all the dross burn out everything that's holding you back come on now same in somebody so that at the judgment seat of Christ you will not know empty handed this baptism involves so much more than just speaking in other tongues and we thank God for the language of the Spirit I've got a message called tongues the Gateway to the supernatural thank God for the heavenly language but for too long you know people just said if you just speak with other tongues you you'll be fine and really there's a lot of tongue talkers they they just don't have a baptism of fire because you see I grew up in Pentecost I grew up in a Pentecostal church we were raised in all-night prayer meetings when I was five years of age go to sleep in living room playing with my little cars under the coffee table people falling out on the power all around me I've been in church where they at the altar no and then on the way out they're punching each other up in the parking lot seen all that stuff hello people come in to church and act like little angels you look around it everybody they look like angels just like little angels look just look around you look at all the Angels tonight look at the halos excuse me get your wing out of there brother's ear please until people get outside I used to line up all my teddy bears as just five years old and lay hands on every bear would fall out in the power [Applause] [Music] we baptize the Bears by fully merged I mean just dipped my mother walked in one day the whole bedroom was water everywhere what's going on here you kids I'm not five years on my brother stream we just looked at her we we baptize the Bears boy we we got minister to there was a weeping wailing and gnashing of teeth and the Bears couldn't handle the punishment because when they got in the water their eyes fell off in use for it off and all that but we didn't mind because then we had a healing service for the bear and I'll be totally honest with you nothing much has changed I'm still ministering to bears except these ones growl at you but I was filled with the Holy Ghost when I was eight years of age but when you read the word and says you get baptized with water but this coming one off to you baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire I knew that I've got to him to find if God called me the ministry I've got to have the fire why is it that so many people on fire today and tomorrow you do you can't even find them how many of you personally know are people that used to be on fire for God but today they're not even serving the Lord way the enemy what happened why did the fire go out if they ever had one to begin with I want you to go out of your way to bring people that once had the fire and they're no longer around go get them drag them in here knock him out bring them in you let him come round in the services so really falling right now somebody said oh I hear joy that I hid yeah that's how it falls the Lord uses joy to bring the fire otherwise people couldn't handle it it's like the joy is the anesthetic while you sit in there filled with joy the fires burning all everything that needs to be burned out see this service is brought to you by the makers of oil of joy [Applause] this service is brought to you tonight by the makers of Gorman Dupre's have you had a spirit of evidence have you had ashes for ashes you'll get mutti for heaviness you'll get a garment of praise for mourning you get the oil of joy you've come the right place I mean it has bothered me I you know and we've been pastoring now seven years and seven years the church will be in December and and I've watched people I've watched them how they they they'll they'll come around the fire garden hanging around and then you'll see them start moving back and moved back and moved back and and this sit in the back road and I'll tell my wife it looks like they're leaving she said how do you know well I said when they won't find they were you couldn't keep him away from the front now let me say what there's no seat for me it's amazing how they always found a seat if you really wanted to see that front you'd get you I'm not saying anything to anybody at the back please I'm just trying to prove a point and then you don't see them for a while they'd be gone two three four five six months and you find them what's happened file went out the Holy Spirit comes send by the head of the church the Lord Jesus Christ so that you can be immersed into him the best modern word that I could even use today to describe what happens to you is you are marinated you are marinated [Music] that's why people come they fall out on the power and they'll be here for a while then they flip over the other side [Applause] you want to know why so when you get to heaven Jesus can say well done not medium-rare though good vapor civet not medium now well done thou good and faithful service [Applause] you've got to catch the fire you've got a warmth the fire you've got to desire the crop defile you've got to acquire the fire you cannot go around with blankets to get fire can't go hang around some dead preacher I hope there's some fire here when I walked in here I didn't need a magnifying glass to find it tonight I walked the Unger feel it I felt it I swore running the moment I walked in to feel the whole air was vibrating with the presence of God what does that tell me it's good pastures you've got you've got good food oh yeah because sometimes would take us a whole month to just get to where we are tonight and we here already boom just like you just gonna be hard so everyone say marinate jesus told his disciples to go tarry at Jerusalem till they win dude with power from my heart go to Acts chapter 2 while you find the X - I'm gonna read from x1 and being assembled together he commanded them they should not depart from Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father which save he herded me for John truly baptized with water but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence verse 8 but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you you should be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria not out of most parts of the earth and then the Bible says and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were always one Accord in one place and suddenly nobody say suddenly suddenly they came a sound from heaven as of a rushing wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and they appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it said upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's some people today they just want a gentle breeze and a little flame but the Bible says a mighty rushing wind [Applause] rushing wind there's no doubt there's no doubt someone said I wonder if the fires here what this there's no doubt there's no doubt there's no doubt a mighty rushing wind cloven tongues like as of fire hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah slower the dog glory to God glory to God I feel the fire of the Holy Ghost in this place I feel the fire of the Holy Ghost in this place oh hey Lowell red glow red somebody sit but how I don't know how to act brother Rodney how do I act when you don't have it's not how do you act when the fire gets on you you know you know let me tell you when when when Samson took 300 foxes and set fire to details the Foxes moved because of an urgency you won't get around and have a conference to move or not to move that is the question when the fire of God gets a hold of you I'm telling you right now you won't just be sitting there just quiet when the five God grabs hold of you I'm telling you right now it's gonna be rivers of living water coming out of your innermost being out of your belly not out of your head out of your belly out of your belly shall flow out of your belly shall flow the problem is we've been trying in the church world to get this to flow out of people's heads [Applause] are you animals Bing REO REO boom readings in young Libra fist ear paradata REO Branca lost of rumba very D stay out of among the last Abbeville robust a pea are you belly my belly is just a container that's why the Lord gave me the one he gave me because I needed to have a big container to carry [Applause] [Laughter] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so if you really have the fire then just then just get it a little bit more just heat it up if you were kind of going a little lukewarm then it's time to get on fire again and maybe if you didn't come with any fire tonight you set ablaze you know I love the story that Ron our bunker shares when he came out of Bible school he was studying Bible School in Wales in his early 20s and and he was going to go back to Germany and he thought he'd take it to her and go to London he hadn't been around in London he took a bus and went around London and he felt led to get off at the bus just get get off at the bus stop and walk and he walked up this one road and as he walked up the road and he looked at any of the houses they all just together like that and they had the nameplate on the house and he read on the house they said George Jeffries and he thought to himself could this be the great evangelist George Jeffries that shook England is he still alive so he went and knocked on the door Narada was only in his early 20s knocked on the door lady came to the door Rana said does the great evangelist George Jeffries live here and the lady said yes but he's not seeing anybody but a voice from down the passage said let him in and Ronald went in and he walked up the passageway and this gentleman came he was probably just on ninety years of age he was it was just all of them all the people that left him the crowds have left him nobody was there to see him and Ronald said when they met in the passageway he grabbed him and as he grabbed Renaud the fire of God hit right on and they sunk in the passageway and then Elton he prophesied over Ronald and prayed over him and Ron I could even speak in English and he staggered out trying to find the bus go on the bus when to the train station and rode by the time he got back to Germany he was so still under the anointing it was the next day and he's far I said to him Oh cuz his father was a pastor and the father said we just had a telegram from England George Jeffries just passed away and Ronald said but I just saw him yesterday the old man was waiting for somebody to come that he could impart then importation of the fire and there are anointings that are waiting for the body of Christ that's okay that's fine it's all right she's okay you know we call for the fire then the fire falls what's happening [Applause] [Music] where's exit somebody get me hotter here [Applause] well do you think I just came here to speak tonight no because the Bible says wherever they went they preach the word and the Lord worked with them confirming the word there will be confirmation of the word that is shed here tonight in this place that the same fire there fell at Pentecost will fall here tonight the saint not Alessa try not to slip out at this moment I know how busy your schedule is but try to make every effort to hang around please don't go oh please come back I'll change [Applause] don't don't don't leave the service is not over it's gone over some mama I'm in a hurry it's only eight city well what's your problem when people were in the world they'd go out drinking two to three for power in the body [Applause] it's amazing we'll teach on on financial breakthrough people get up get mad and go home to watch Who Wants to Be a Millionaire [Applause] they'll be joy in the service they get up and get mad go home and tomorrow then make an appointment go see a doctor to get some prozac this is where it's at folks this way it's out just stick around stick around [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] fire [Applause] cool [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and those are you in the balcony you in the upper room Oh hallelujah glory to God glory to God I should have the ashes at the door to arrest anybody that leaves [Applause] [Music] let me just say this you just quickly if you're feeling uncomfortable here right now you have to ask yourself the question why why are you feeling uncomfortable is it because the heat has been turned up do you think heaven you you think you're gonna feel more comfortable in heaven if if this makes you feel uncomfortable what you're gonna do when you get to heaven because this is just a little taste [Music] there's no safe zone in heaven there's a real move in the church in America do to have it what they call seeker sensitive but you know I'm not seeker sensitive never have been never will be and the reason is because hell is not seeker sensitive when you go to hell they don't put you in a sauna first okay in your introduction to hell the first week you will spend in a sauna the flames will come later just open your heart tonight say Lord do whatever you wanted to come and do work on the inside of me and Lord if there's anything that has to go that's none of you then let it go I want it out [Applause] there's nothing wrong with you that a little bit more of the fire of God wouldn't cure Oh hallelujah your marriage will be healed your body's to be healed your life will be set free you be turned inside out hallelujah glory to God let me share this and then I'm aware when I was 18 years of age I knew that I was gonna go into the ministry and a spiritual hunger does not come overnight you don't just wake up hungry for the things that God it's something that has to be cultivated and developed and I I begin to cry out to the Lord because I said lord I know you've called me in the ministry but I want to go out there without this fire I mean I'm baptized in the Holy Spirit I speak with other tongues but I've got to have this fire now if others had it then I wanted this as well and so I got this but you have to get desperate you've got to get desperate you've got to get thirsty you you've got a wanted more than anything that life has to offer if there's anything more important to you tonight then you better go get that the five gon is gonna become number one you go because the Bible tells us the book of Revelation that they're three temperatures hot lukewarm or cold and he's running the latest in church and he says you either hot you even lukewarm called he said I'd rather have you to be hot or cold but don't be lukewarm don't be lukewarm I don't want lukewarm God says lukewarm people I'm gonna spit out of my mouth or they make me sick there's only one place for us to be in that's hot we don't want to be cold we don't want to be lukewarm we're gonna be a hot hot to be hunt means you're on fire for God that means they can wake you up at two o'clock in the morning as Jesus Jesus in the morning Jesus in the noontime Jesus in the evening Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I mean that means you're a radical you don't have to be encouraged well let's encourage them to come to church you don't have to be encouraged to come to church when you're on fire you can't keep them away they show up even when there's no service they they come by just to see maybe just maybe the door was open when you're on fire for God you don't need an excuse to serve Him oh brother tonight you can look at your own heart and ask yourself what's my temperature are you HOT to join you on fire for God are you lukewarm are you cold cold big trouble lukewarm even bigoted probably there's no option for you it's only hot so when I got serious with the Lord and I cried out of the Lord and I I shouted the top of my voice someone said you don't have to shout God's not deaf but he's not nervous either I was only 18 years of age had about a whole bunch of young people around me and I just began to shout out of the top my my voice these are all people they were not even penny constant Lisa just Baptists Methodists Presbyterians of mine but they knew I was you know he's he's that tongue talker but I was desperate I said somebody said what happened nothing and in stop god I want you fire I mean I'm mr. Charlotte for about 20 minutes I mean I didn't quit I said I told the Lord tonight's my night edu come down here and touch me I wanna die and come then touch you now somebody said don't say that the Lord can arrange that anytime he wants to nice but I didn't care I'm in business with God I mean I'm in business with the Lord I sheriff about 20 minutes I mean I was desperate I said lord I don't kill if people don't even recognize me when you throw I need you fire and was like somebody poured hot oil over me and then just from the top of my head to the soles of my feet my body just begin to tingle I it was it's like Penza near but it's not it's like electricity but it wasn't it's different and from the top of my head that the soles of my feet instantaneously I was literally just beside myself if you looked at me and said that man's drunk out of my belly out of here begin to flow this river I was overwhelmed I was beside myself this Joey begin to bubble up out of my belly I was laughing just uncontrollably beside myself and I was weeping at the same time have you ever left and wept at the same time I was laughing and weep in the same time and I was spending other tones I thought maybe this would lost about an hour because I'd seen it happen on people but one hour went by two hours went by this is July 1979 three hours went by four hours went by five hours went by six hours went by one day when my two days went by three days and by in the fourth day I'm not praying anymore Oh God send your fire I thought Oh Lord he heard my prayer he heard me say either you send your fire come touch me I'm coming up there to touch you now he's come down he's touched me now he's gonna kill me and take me home now I'm praying Lord I'm too young to die I said Lord I realized why we then all gonna have to have a glorified body because this physical body can only handle just a little bit of the presence of God when the natural comes into contact with the supernatural something has to give way and I said Lord can you lift it just so that I can bear it and he did he lifted a state like me for about two weeks I was conscious of the presence of God and from that moment God begin to do and I tell you what he hasn't finished yet he still does his work it's an ongoing work from glory unto glory from glory unto glory from glory unto glory from glory unto glory and that will be completed on the day when we see him face to face can you say Amen but I'll tell you right now I wouldn't be standing here tonight if it wasn't for the fire of God I would not even be standing here and they've run this race from when I first went in ministry in 1980 until now I would not even be here today many obstacles have coming our way many circumstances have coming our way many situations have coming our way if it wasn't for the fire of God because the same fire that will purge you is the same fire that will protect you and when the enemy gets around the fire the fire will consume the enemy see if people want to get close to you then I have to get close to the fire of long that's how that's how the Lord will protect you if you study in the fire you won't have to be afraid the fire will protect you go talk to the three Hebrew children huh the safest place for them was the father because the fourth man was right there with them who are these that come in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who are these to come there are those washed in the blood they are those baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire who are these that come and turn cities upside down who are these that are shaking nations their men and woman full of the fire who are these reaping the end time harvest they are men a woman full of the fire of God who are these that are unlocking the wealth of the nations to fund the end time harvest they are men and woman full of the fire your number one goal becomes Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol Sol you you live it you eat it drink it Walker talk of Prayer breathe it you you you're thinking of ways to get people saved huh you learn your baby thinking about getting people to how I get them saved you've got all kinds of ways of getting people saved you get them saved the funerals weddings restaurants you grab the microphone in any restaurant just over the intercom if you die today where would you spend eternity [Applause] pray this prayer right now Caesars come into my heart hallelujah what God wants to do is is a fire to burn across the state of Minnesota until you America has to have a Great Awakening we have to we it is critical right now we have to have a Great Awakening I'm telling you right now and the only way it can take place is by the mighty fire or the Holy Ghost come on now say Amen somebody if you are set ablaze and I am City blaze wherever we go we'll light the fire of God glory to God hallelujah hallelujah but God will never force himself on you you say well Saul of Tarsus I mean he we he wasn't even for God and God hit him listen sometimes when you fight God the most you really is looking you searching he was searching you don't know the cry of his heart we've had people come to meetings run out and drive down the road in the pickup and just start shaking under the power of God turn around and you find them in the parking lot this I'm telling you right now you go out David sitting here what happened I left the meeting I didn't even like it but the fire-god fallen them out of here may the fire of God just totally baptize every person in this room the fresh shape the whole Twin Cities shake the whole in Minnesota burn in every town and city and village of this state Oh God a Great Awakening we pray for that would go outside the four walls of the church hit every religious institution in every institution of Education hit all the Penitentiary's all of the hospitals places of infirmity all the retirement homes and villages Lord every place they're people that are alive and breathing we pray that your fire would fall upon them let there be a divine visitation of thy glory shake America again more shake America shake America South America Oh hallelujah but Lord tonight let us be your pray let your shaking and let your fire beginning me just like that song says not my brother not my sister but me Oh Lord standing in the need of prayer start with me Lord don't worry about my wife stop with me don't worry about my children start with me no matter how much of the five God you feel you have approached this tonight as though this was the very first time approaches tonight as though you never been heard this this was the first time you ever heard this message how the Lord to come and do a work so that when you go from here even as you lying upon your bed tonight the Spirit of God is working the whole of tomorrow through the day and the by night when we come back here and we pick up along these lines tomorrow night and in the hold of Tuesday and then Tuesday night and the whole of Wednesday and Wednesday night the Holy Thursday and Thursday night listen that there's more it's not a drive-through when you pull up to the window and say I'll take a shake and give me a roll it's not an instant thing we'll just come hurry up pastor pray for me quickly before the ball game comes on TV know everything else must be on no importance you and Jesus you in Jesus and the condition of your heart [Music] I won't ever hit about as every eye closed Becky would you sing the song the Lord gave you sing that song right now you're fine let your fire [Music] [Music] say it again that your firewall [Music] - fine here are firming for Oh [Music] here at Furman [Music] I'm touched [Music] they just won't let a new I won't live a head bowed every eye closed I'm gonna give a call first of all three categories and then we'll minister to others as a spirit of god I'm rich tonight we just want to follow the holy ghost this whole week but while the heads about knives are closed maybe you came into this place tonight you never ever given your heart to Jesus if you die the day you don't know where you're going you might not have somebody to hold you in their arms and kiss you and pray with you when you breathe out your last breath you might never have that opportunity but tonight I'm asking him if you breathed out your last breath tonight where would you spend eternity I want you to know there is a heaven again and a hell to shun you don't have to go to a devil's hell but tonight you can go free maybe you come into this place tonight then once upon a time you gave your life to Jesus but over the years you've grown cold for some reason you've allowed the things of the world to come in you've lost your first love you've lost their first love that you had and the joy of your salvation you've lost their fire that you once had and while you sitting here tonight you really are concerned of your spiritual condition maybe your wife doesn't know and your husband doesn't know it your pastor doesn't know it but you just know I'm not where should be I really the things that are cropping up the things that arise in my life that I really am embarrassed about and I shouldn't even be this way and never was this way I don't even know how I've got this way but you realize now it's because the fires plane and waned and gone down but tonight that fire can be rekindled and then if you in this place and you're not sure of your salvation you do love God with all your heart but the devil's lying to you telling you that you're not saved but you want to make sure once of all that Jesus is your Lord and your Savior while here it's about neither clothes if you're in this place right now would you please and in this issue you fit in any one of these three categories slip up your hand and say pray for me right now I need Jesus raise your hand up high thank you thank you thank you hands and going up all across the building right now I put the balcony on the main floor just slip your hand up high this is very important do not delay do not delay slip your hand up today is the day of salvation deliverance in freedom today is the day of a new beginning for you today the past will be past today will be a line in the sand where yesterday will go and a new day will come anybody else really uplifted hands say please pray for me I need Jesus tonight I've got to have him tonight carry on the way I'm doing slip your hand up [Music] hands are going up everywhere thank you up in the balcony on the main floor thank you put your hands down now I just feel the Spirit of the Lord just tugging with a hearts of men and woman in this place I want you to look at me right now on the main floor this section right over here you did not raise your hand on these three invitations but you want to be included in the parameter pray right now for these three invitations just slip your hand up and say include me anybody else thank you thank you thank you anybody else put your hand up high thank you sir thank you young man anybody else right over there thank you god bless you anybody else thank you thank you what about the section in the balcony didn't raise your hand but you want to be included put your hand up high thank you anybody else thank you anybody else all right what about this section and the balcony in this section you did not raise your hand but you want to be included in the parameter pray right now slip your hand up and say include me thank you anybody else thank you thank you thank you don't delay in the balcony put your hand up high what about the section and the balcony in this section didn't raise your hand but you want to be included put your hand up high say pray for me right now thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you yes what about this section you didn't raise your hand but you want to be included put your hand up right now and say including me thank you anybody else balcony raise your hand up high and say yes anybody else already can put your hands down I want everyone that raise your hand to stand to your feet right across the building every single person that raised your hand stand all across the building stand in the balcony on the main floor stand right now stand right now [Music] every single person that raised your hand I want to have the privilege of praying a prayer with you so if you would if you're by yourself if you would bring your personal belongings if you with somebody leave it with them make your way down the aisle and come stand all across the front right now I want to pray with you and for you come from the balcony and the main floor come right now stand right up against the front um right now right in the middle I want everybody right in the middle stop spread out come right in the middle come right in the middle come right in the middle come right in the middle some right in the middle come right in the middle come right in the middle come right in the middle today is the day of salvation today is a day of freedom today is the day of deliverance today's had lady go free [Music] wonderful cheese wonderful trees [Music] wonderful teachers [Applause] [Music] give him your life today I'm under thesis let him have his way they coming they coming they're coming they're coming just come walk in try to get in the middle try to get right in the middle wonderful boy [Music] wonderful [Music] I want you to look at me right now every person is standing here tonight you did not come to man but you've come to Jesus all I am I'm just a messenger come to deliver message the power that is in the firm tonight is not my powers his power I'm just a vessel that yields to the Lord just like you I walk the aisle just like you I gave my life to Jesus just like you his blood cleanse me from sin just like you I came and stood as a little boy just 5 years of age and tonight a few members with God God means busy with you I want you to close your eyes right now and raise your right hand to heaven that's what your help comes from and pray this off to me right now say father I come to you in the precious name of your son Jesus Lord you sit in your word if I confess with my mouth Jesus it's my Lord and my Savior and I believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead I will be saved it's a father right now I confess jesus is my Lord and my Savior come into my heart right now take out the stony hearts put in a heart of flesh wash me cleanse me change me fill me use me let me never be the same again I turned my back on the world I turned my back on sin and I'll follow you Lord Jesus from this night on I'll never be the same again let your fire fall let it burn in me lloyd's that I will never be lukewarm I'll never be cold but I'll burn bright and brighter until the day that you come to take me home I confess Jesus Christ has come in the flesh he is my Lord and my Savior and father I thank you right now for setting me free from this day on I'm chained now lift your hands and just begin to thank the Lord right now just thank him right now just thank him right now just thank him right now [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus now look at me every single one of you as a servant of the Most High God by the power of the blood of Jesus by the power of the name of Jesus by the power of the word of God by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit I tell every single one of you right now your sins are forgiven you right now [Applause] right now forgiven somebody said just like that just like that how did this you Jesus loves you so much that's why he died that's why he shed his blood and now he wants to use you because he puts this file in the inside of your heart and he wants to use you so your whole family can be touched and your friends in your neighborhood and then regions beyond [Music] now let me pray over you've closed your eyes father I pray for every single one of these that you would seal them by your spirit that no one of them would be missing on that day we about them as a wall of fire put your bullet upon the Lord mark them raise them up to be mighty men and woman have gone mighty pastors and evangelists Oh Lord missionaries that ascent of the nations of the world that through them millions will come into the kingdom we thank you for it Lord let not one of their feet stray keep them on your paws but your angels about them as a wall of fire and on that day not one will be missing not one will be missing we thank you for it in Jesus name and everyone said how many of you standing here you feel something's happened on the inside tonight just wave your hand I mean wave your hand at me tonight tonight is your night glory glory glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah hallelujah I'd say the power of God is so strong right now it's just so strong thank you Jesus how did you praise God praise God I want you to go we have some prepared for you we'd like to bless you with it and please do not go back to see the service is not over cuz I'm still gonna be praying to be with him if you would turn upon our brother waving his hand just everyone no matter what your invitation was for just goes with him please everyone just follow through this way just for few moments come right back come right back go for this way go through this way go through this way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to the heart thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus Oh hallelujah hallelujah the brother who spent most of the night sleeping here on the floor come here I'm just teasing him I know he was under power come here come right up here I want to talk to you [Music] what's happening what happened to millions [Music] I would say he's pretty much getting marinated wouldn't you know again some people get hit the first night but I will tell you if you press in this week if you cancel everything that you held important and just tell everybody I'm busy this week do whatever you can during the daytime and then bring come in the night and come and just sit and get marinated I promise you by the end of the week something happens when you begin to allow the Lord to work on the inside of you because he won't stop on the service finishes [Music] you go home used to be working hallelujah hallelujah over to car thank you Lord Jesus in this this row these rows right up to the soundboard there's several people right now the fire blondes on you quickly stand aren't coming this this those innocent and come stand right across the front [Music] what's happening brother yeah give and give me a microphone give me that microphone tell me I bring them here come here stand over here let me talk to you what's happening it's tingling huh close my hand you can't close your hands look it's like a big balloon like a big balloon do you know what I was like this for three days someone said why's his hands doing that it's just the physical body reacting to the power of God if you run a hundred thousand volts through your body your body will react that's what's happening it's a fact that's a fact that's God's anointing and his powers is electricity God hits sort of tosses so hard not the S of his name it's Tucker PD Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus that's it fight fire got fire fire fire fire go vada OOP arista nombre de este mapa de home bro manda least a broom Denise day Brandon and are bondin a snake Bala bro roasting bronzy bro my mum's a cobra style part Beast Varla be stay Pallavi stay Pallavi stay whoo Peraza Baram baba baba suppurativa sleepy whoo what happens I'll get to praying for people and then I'll get zapped myself No whoo in this yeah this front section give these people the fires on right now quickly come quickly come go over here glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the boy blessed be the name of the Lord Rama ba ba ba koo tok launched ending gaily Mistura rava Bock eats a liberal Jean bonbon Donna basa bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum G Man G B G Man G damn Behrami damn damn blondie labels so fire the fire god father the fire of God right now Balu so probe under probe on Deborah Baha also Monday man Joe mange ma ma Socrates Brown Nelson under and Munna neighbor buon anima super evading bravado no Brahmin on a moon seen Mandela poor man Aneesa whoa capacity fail the fire is gone right now the fire of God right now fire that's it the fire of God right now the fire of God right now blessed be the name of the Lord blessed be the name of the Lord fire [Music] come in the aisle yeah Jesus [Music] Jesus fire lady be careful lady just receive it sometimes there's no room to dance fire fire fire whoo [Music] Laure don't kill him just blessed feathers [Music] fire that's it right now the fire in God right now the fire of God right now just receive it [Music] whoa come here brother come here brother well Jesus [Music] have another drink lady another [Music] good round slap me [Music] Oh [Music] was getting hot around here [Music] it's a slippery creek bank you hang on the side you're gonna slip in fire power of God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] glory glory glory [Music] Laurie now you might say what's gonna happen to me when the fire gets on me I don't know really we haven't we haven't heard what's gonna happen to you because it's still gonna take place come here young man bring that young man here and this young man come out both of you [Music] ramya [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire [Music] Jesus I mean people think it's all got to do about what's happening right now but you don't know what God's going to do with those kids in five years time 60s times seven years time then you hear of somebody who went to Chicago shook the whole city of Chicago and then you wonder what happened then they say I was at a meeting on a Sunday night in Minneapolis Minnesota the fire-god fell on me I don't care who they are where they are if God has used them it was because at one time the fire-god fell on them it's not so much about just tonight [Music] oh there you guys are wondered where you were [Music] [Music] how do you halleluyah halleluyah [Music] now you can sit and look at everybody all night getting touched why didn't you just close your eyes and lift your hands and just said Lord just touch me let your fire fall on me just say Lord did your fire fall on me just tell the Lord just tell the Lord talk to him [Music] talk to the loyal so lord I need your fire in my life [Music] come here young man he's already on fire [Music] boy [Music] grab ahold of my wife a linden grab ahold of a doughnut [Music] their drinking buddies [Applause] [Music] then match beautifully you have to open your heart you have to heal til the Lord do you have to say Lord Here I am [Music] fire [Music] fire [Music] fire [Music] that you fire phone on me give up [Music] let me find [Music] [Applause] [Music] but you find [Music] bring me up [Music] what's happening what's happening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's good [Music] [Applause] fire ah give him a double dose [Music] Montecarlo bullsh under what's happening [Music] [Music] tire pick him up bring him up pick him up fly up pick him up what's happening [Applause] [Music] there are realms of the Spirit of God that the church has only set on the edge in the periphery of fears but in these last days my people should not only step into it for moments but they'll step over into the realm of the glory and they'll reside in a five-four it's in that realm of the glory that's where the visions and the dreams and that which shall be communicated to you from heaven will be made manifest for it's only in the realm of the glory as you live in that place the hiding place the secret place that the enemy will not be able to touch you in these days when all these things shall happen upon the earth we men's hearts shall fail them for fear but not those that live in the glory not those that live in the glory realm they'll not be overcome by fear but they'll be motivated and moved by faith and they'll live in that realm the safe place of the glory in the cleft of the rock come here the lady right now come stand right over here lift your hands as you did the power of God comes on you fire fire of God that's it fire the fire of God enter in enter in to his glory realm divine enter in come sit at his table come drink of that new wines can eat of the heavenly bread that comes from above come and be engulfed and enveloped in his great love come the table set the place has your name come come you didn't be the same once you taste of his fire his glorious might he'll mock you forever and the enemy will be put to flight Polynesians hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory glory glory glory glory hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus sometimes I get so over in the spirit I have to remind myself the people out there this is get lost in the realm of God and pick that man up bring him here how you doing sir bring them here what do you do what do you do for a living what do you do for God I get ready get ready God's got his hand on you he's placing a mark upon you are you are you with him come here [Music] an eternal purpose you see the Lord everything he does is for eternal purpose everything he does and everything we do must be for an eternal purpose [Music] if it does not have an eternal purpose then it's a waste everything we do must have an eternal purpose the Lord is allowing us in these meetings to tasted the powers of the world to come but he wants us to step over this can be like this in your home around the dinner table [Music] some are so nervous I'm gonna call them out [Music] the worst thing that's gonna happen new tonight is somebody has to drive you [Music] up there what about up there are you feeling left out are you you you just got to open your hearts and receive it you know I mean it's you can't just set up in and watch the screen [Music] brother don't come any further somebody hold him by his ankles if you got a hold of em lady touch all those in the balcony Lord who felt left out tonight touching Jesus touch them touch them more touch a touch of Jesus uh-uh that's it that's it that's it that's it [Music] that's it that's it fire [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey lady lady have another drink [Music] I tell the pile gods falling up there I'm telling you just receive just lift your hands and receive just if your hands are asleep everybody in the balcony lift your hands lift your hands [Music] by fire fill them or lawyer fill them to overflowing fill him to overflowing [Music] [Music] [Music] if you had only seen Pentecost and you'd only see in the upper room and you never saw what followed you would have wondered to what purpose was all this if you only look tonight if people being touched and on the floor and the joy and the other things without seeing what's going to happen tomorrow the next day next week next month next year then you might say to what is all this purpose [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I hear the sound of heaven [Music] [Music] it'll not be long they will stand on that Shore [Music] a quick word a quick word a quick work the move of God will be multiplied what took some five years to see their seeing one what took some 10 they'll seen one a multiplication get ready a quick work heavens on the moon Oh wonderful cheese's wonderful origin that's a there's really no way you could even into something like this Conda you kind of just take your body and go home and wash it and feed and do what you have [Music] I mean how many is getting blessed tonight how many how many is getting blessed in this place how many being encouraged how many being strengthened how many being uplifted how many being renewed having been revived [Music] how many will get on the phones and call father the people that you know need what's happening here how many will do that bring them tomorrow night wave your hand at me whatever you had at me come on don't let this be a one-night stand [Music] how many preachers here tonight all the preachers raise your hands God
Channel: Glorious Church
Views: 7,458
Rating: 4.8843932 out of 5
Keywords: rodney howard browne, howard browne, adonica howard browne, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, revival, signs and wonders, miracles, fire of God, Holy Ghost, faith, charles finney, kenneth hagin, kenneth copeland, benny hinn, ablaze, prayer, salvation, hagin, praise and worship, glory of God, angels singing, laughter, joy of the Lord, gifts of the spirit, spiritual gifts, bible, charles capps.
Id: NwNanS6KDqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 18sec (7278 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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