Walking In A Double Portion Of The Anointing - Part Two | Nancy Dufresne | Thursday AM

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hallelujah good morning everyone hallelujah we're going to pick up where we left off last night and the good thing about it is it's nothing new that we haven't heard you know that's what we so loved about going to dad Hagen's meetings as you knew what you're going to hear and there was safety and knowing that right and God so faithful to remind us of what we know and what we're coming to know better and Paul when he wrote he said it's in the amplified it said it's not some for me to write to you the same thing over and over again but it's a precaution for your safety and so he's keeping us safe by letting us hear what we've heard before and fortifying these foundational things in us so that we can go further in what he has for us I want to again read what Jesus said to me when we were in Russia and then I'll pick up where we left off last night when he said to walk accurately in this full and and in the fullness of this errand season do not misspeak under the anointing bring great consecration to the tongue and speech and then he tells us how not speaking lightly inappropriately or with exaggeration only truth can be in your mouth for God and his power only flow through truth so when we read that for truth must be in our mouths in our personal lives as well as in the pulpit amen the word isn't just for being preached it's for being lived this one of the phrases that kept going over and over in me once he spoke this was that only truth only truth can be in your mouth and those of you who were with us when brother Copeland would be here he would talk about how he was learning to just say what only God would have him say and I'm talking especially more in the pulpit as well and it's it's it's R it's feeding back up here I don't know if you can hear that brother but that kept going over and over in me only truth and a few nights after this I had a dream and in the dream someone was standing and worshiping God in a service the music was going people were singing and a person was standing there worshiping God and their eyes were closed and their hands were lifted and the preacher came over and said you're not worshiping in truth because your heart's not even engaged so when he says in truth that we don't just have a stance of things but our hearts are in because otherwise it's not truth it's not the truth if our mind is on something else and we're staying there acting like we're entering in it's not true and we have to think about how far truth really is a reit reaches into every act and that we're not pretenders pretenders to worship so it takes a there again it takes a discipline of paying attention to what's going on here and going on here that your mind isn't just taking over while you're in the habit of a worshipful stance because we know by habit what's appropriate for that part of the service but if by habit our mind is somewhere else it's so easy for you to get in mental habits and you look like you're flowing and moving but you're not we were with one minister and you you would know his name is a well known minister and years ago he was in the in the home with mom Goodwin and they were having a prayer meeting and there were other ministers there and he said her back was to me and I don't know maybe there was about 10 or 12 of them there and she's in the spirit and all of a sudden she said someone's not in unity and she called out the preacher who was behind her he said I was just kind of laying down on a couch you know how people you know they were getting comfortable the different ones he said I was kind of half laying or reclining and we were all praying and he said she said someone's not in unity and then she said such and such as that you called his name he said yes mom it's me I mean in other words I know it's you just so it wasn't what she was saying it was what the Spirit was saying she was hearing what the Spirit was saying everyone's not in unity and said who it was this is where you're moving into some places in the spirit that everybody must go together and this is when we talk about a double portion anointing everybody everyone we need to go together in this that means to all of us just even if doctrinal differences may be present at least our hearts can all be engaged our hearts and the Spirit of God pleased that everyone's in unity we have a woman who has been have been a member of our church for years and years and she was going home to be with the Lord and she got to the place where she had one foot there in one foot here as she was exiting this earth and she started talking here but she was seeing there and so she was greeting her mother and her family members heard her because she wasn't quite all the way you know one foot was here one foot was there but she was seeing in the spirit realm and and so it was funny because she saw some she saw someone she knew there and they said it's not time for you to come you have to go back she says oh no I'm not going back no I've got you know what you just see just enough she says no I'm not going back and they said no it's time for you to go back she says no I'm not going back and then she wasn't being persuaded by this person that was talking to her so Jesus walked up and said it's not time you must go back and she I love the question that she asked him what can I do to stay what can I do to stay this is what we need to think about regarding the spirit realm what can I do to stay in the spirit realm what can i this is what he's talking to us about these things I talked about last night these are things to do to stay in the right realm so that we manifest the right round the highest realm the spirit realm the faith realm and so jesus said to her I want you to go back and I want you to pray three things for the congregation because he said you have spent so much of your time praying regarding other things and I want you to go back and pray regarding the congregation and he said number one I want you to pray that they would get it and when I asked what did he mean by that they would get it said who they are in Christ that they would get that what belongs to them who they are what that what belongs to them and what they can do because they're in Christ and this is what he said you pray for them to get it the second thing he said pray that the revelations that belong to this era would come and that's something that God had said to me years before and we've been praying that there are certain revelations that are earmarked for this era but they have to be we have to desire them reach for them and then the third thing he said pray that they be in unity why because in unity we go further you say well I've got faith to go further well that's good but so did Caleb and Joshua but they stayed for 40 years they had play they had faith to go further but they couldn't because of who they were traveling with and as a congregation as the body of Christ we're traveling together it matters that we be in unity because you think oh I can just go as far as I want yes but it's not God's plan that you go out there by yourself because it doesn't just belong to you it belongs to the whole body and he's interested in everyone everyone going further and because they set themselves in faith when everyone else was off the scene they got to go further but they were held out by people who weren't interested in going into what God had already said was theirs and so it does matter that we say we're in unity in this unity in truth in a service that we have come and where we all have different circumstances that we may be facing and dealing with and things that we're believing for but we still have to be in unity of heart and faith and move together in a service hook up together it does matter when you come through the door that you lay down yours and pick up ours as a body that we say I am here for his plan in this service I'm here for that I'm not here thinking about what I'm going through thinking about what I'm facing because if I will hook up with what he has planned his plan will affect when I walk out these doors so this is the phrase of all that he said to me the thing that kept rolling around in me the most was in truth that we must speak truth we must live truth we must bring every one of our actions in line with truth and theirs as as I said and as he showed me even worshiping God under the stance of worship but not engaging the heart is a lie die and so we have to not be okay with maybe how we've operated how we thought how we have whatever habits have been it's time for in if we want if we want more anointing we want to walk in full measure of the non manifestations of the spirit full measure of the fivefold offices we can't do what we did but when we weren't walking in that level and in all honesty it's always been available the full measure has always been available and if we're not walking in it it's not because it's not been available because we've not qualified we have not qualified what do you mean you mean I have to earn it we have to pay the price to be in position amen praise the Lord Jesus paid the price for it to be available but we have to pay the price to walk in what's available and it's a delightful price it's not a hard price it's not an unreasonable price it is a joy I'll tell you in about I don't know if it was the end of October November of last year I kept thinking about a certain item not item but a brand and it just kept coming to me about this and I and I got to thinking about I'm gonna get one of those I'm gonna get one of those and I so I had pastor Ruby we were in Chicago so I went to a store that had things like that yes and I walked in and go no none of this suits me none of this is what I sense and so anyway so Morgan had gone shopping somewhere and came home and said she found something I said that's what it is that's what it is that's what it is and somebody had sent me a large one-time offering and so I was considering this and Jesus said to me he said if your husband were here he would have given you a Christmas present I go you're right you are completely right I would have seen to it yeah and he said and as the word says that God is the husband to the widow and he said I have already planned a gift for you and I said oh yeah oh yeah and I had never spent this much money on an item like this it was absolutely of no use no use but pure pleasure there are things that please you in life that are no use but they're just for your pleasure they are simply for your pleasure and over in Psalms I read it I think in January that it says by knowledge he will fill every chamber with all precious and pleasant riches every chamber and so this item was on sale it's a vintage piece it's on sale they lowered the price and I was so delighted to pay that price because it was worth so much more than what I paid for it you understand so the price we pay for the double portion Ordnung it's so much more than what we what we have to you and bring to the table that it is pure delight and I didn't I didn't go in try to bargain with them here's the money here's the money I'll take it because the price was so reasonable so when I got one home I told the kids I said that's it I'm an addict I'm getting more this is just the introductory piece to all that I'm getting and so Sunday we're going and getting another one from the year 1900 and it's right and it is it is also a very reasonable price I'm not going to go in and dicker with them and try to get the price lower because this price is so suitable because it's so much more worth what the price is this is what we have to understand when we talk about paying the price we're paying so little compared to what the benefit and flow of what we get to enjoy and bring into the lives of ourselves our families and our and others so when we talk about the price don't talk don't treat yourself or think in terms like you're being victimized I'm a victim of having to walk this way it's burns um no it's not it is pure joy pure delight and everyone is paying a price for something in their life you pay the price of fear you'll pay the price of worry you'll pay the price of strife in your home you will pay a price for every day of how you live everyone is paying a price for something and it is such a joy to pay the price to walk in truth because the exchange of that is its unsearchable they men it is a joy so when he says to walk in truth it's not so that you have to live under a stringent thought of oh is this right or is this not right or should I do this it's not about that it's about you know something he's offering us a purity of his flow let's move into it let's move into it let's move it but it's not okay for just one or one or two or just a handful of it's about us going there in unity and unity can you imagine what a service would be like with every single person's heart wholly engaged wholly engaged now this is what Caleb got the Bible says the word talks about that what he got because he wholly followed the Lord you know what he got when he wholly followed the Lord cities of Giants became his possession his personal possession of the corporation I am going to be rich rich rich rich rich rich rich rich I'm just gonna get richer and richer thank God the ministry is gonna increase but God's gonna increase me personally why because I'm gonna choose to wholly follow the Lord and if Caleb had cities in his private possession he didn't win that for the he didn't win that just for you know his tribe he said give me that mountain give me he didn't say give my tribe that mountain give me give me God anoints people God's not just trying to bless the ministry he blesses a man and it is perfectly alright for you to own own it all so perfectly alright praise the Lord but now if we're going to go if we wholly follow the Lord and we want all that following truth will do for us you can imagine what it requires truth not only to lay hold of it but to to maintain it so we have to be well practiced in truth and if anything's not truth we can't we can't allow it in our lives because what's not truth will steal from us what holy following the Lord would bring to us amen and I love that Caleb didn't just say give me that said that mountain it was he said their cities plural that he was after and it was a nakum's you know and what were they the Giants give me the mountain full of giants I want the cities the Giants built why they have bigger houses their stuff is bigger their ceilings are taller their beds are longer they had bigger crops because they eat more he didn't want just a city he wanted the city that the biggest guys built in other words I'm just not okay with the nice car I want the one the big guys get amen this is what belongs to the church I said this is what belongs to the church well what makes you qualified to be able to receive it and to walk in it truth truth truth means we cannot be permissive in our lives toward anything that's not truth it's not truth we're cutting it out because it will rob me from what belongs to me I can't just sit around and talk anyway I want to talk think anything I want to thank go anywhere I want to go watch anything I want to watch nobody sees you know I just clicked on that on the on the on the computer nobody saw that truth saw it truth saw it and this is the phrase of all that he said this is the phrase that stood out because once you get this thinking right and bring yourself in line with this all this other comes in line walking in truth will parent every other thing that he's talked to us about it this truth is your safety truth is your victory truth is your Redemption truth is your inheritance it's all in truth jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth will what amen set you free so it all comes out of this flow of truth so we have to we have to not be okay with anything that's not truth and really that's the way to enjoy life because you know that all things around you are safe for you when you only surround your life with what's truth amen and you set that standard what happens then then then you you bring those around you into that standard the hungry ones will come into that standard and you'll be safe around people who are just reaching for the truth amen praise the Lord what does truth do it brings you into a renewed mind and you know what that does it transforms you thank God for ministry lines thank God when someone lays hands on you but that will never transform you it will bless you but it will never transform you only truth transforms amen praise the Lord so you can understand the importance of when he showed me that dream and I saw someone standing there and worshiping God but the preacher walked over and said it's not truth because your hearts not even engaged it's a lie you see so we have to pay attention to what what do we do out of habit that the truth is an attached to or that our spirit isn't engaged in praise the Lord it puts it puts a demand on us but it's a it's a righteous demand and it's a healthy demand and it's a demand that's for our betterment and our for our good and far fullness you know we just can't live mindless amen that's the way the Gentiles live that's the way those who are without God lived they live mindless and witless that's what the amplified says amen and then what's it saying over in Ephesians 5:17 eight to be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is then he goes on and say you know talks about speaking yourself in Psalms hymns and spiritual songs but notice this if you don't understand what the will of the Lord is about because you and wise if we if we surround ourselves with truth we won't be in the ranks of the unwise and he's writing to the church be not unwise he's not writing to the world he's writing to the church be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is amen do you know why Psalms hymns and spiritual songs are so important to our spiritual development and well-being it's because they're there there other full of prophecy and it flows from a place of truth amen well praise the Lord we won't get off on that but when Jesus said that night only truth can be in your mouth for God and his power only flow through truth then 2nd Timothy 4 chapter 4 verse 2 Paul told Timothy what preach the word well we know this the Word is truth so what's he saying preach the truth preach the truth don't preach for people and because if you're if you're preaching for the people that are sitting and what I mean by that Catering don't cater your message to the people deliver truth and let the people come in line with a message and today what's happening and so much of the circles as people are catering the message to the people instead of bringing the people to the truth and they say well you know we're reaching more people yeah but you're lying to them you're lying to them and if you'd love people you don't tell them you can do anything you won't be anywhere you won't go anywhere you want say anything you want because Jesus loves you and there's absolutely everything's forgiven no matter what you do well they're there they're not preaching the truth they're not preaching the truth is there any wonder there's not miracles there because there's not truth there you know I've told Francine our financial gala say when people in the congregation give lar as somebody gives a large amount don't tell me who don't tell me who because I don't want to change what I would preach based on them sitting there because sometimes they need a rescue and a rescue will involve a correction a rescue always involves a correction if you aren't needing correcting you wouldn't need rescuing if you did it all right all the time you would be you wouldn't need a rescue and I said when somebody needs rescuing I can't let a big offering they got they gave get in the way of that and then I preach to keep people in this seats no no you're not that's not truth that's not truth preaching to keep people in the seats I my job is to give them truth truth truth but we know this truth does not mean harshness it doesn't mean it doesn't mean rudeness and saying something outside of grace that's not truth delivering truthful words under wrong spirit is not truth because it says in Ephesians chapter 5 it says speaking the word in love in love amen praise the Lord I give this example one time when Stephen of course Stephens 9 years older than grant and so grant delighted to watch if Stephen ever got in trouble he just delighted to watch that you know if he heard of spanking going on or something he'd run in wait a minute I want to see it you know in the arms and elbows are just flying trying to get in there to watch it and I remember one time I was there's something about that we just love watching somebody get in trouble though and there there was one time Stephen was upstairs or something and I said grant go tell Stephen to come here I want to see him so he goes to the bump stairs you know just spewing out the words so he says that under this air of judgment and this air of you know your life is on the line well he said the right words but he didn't deliver it in the same spirit therefore it was not a truthful messenger it's not true it's not the way I said it Steven was not in trouble but grant loved to make him think he was in trouble right so when we preach the truth we have to preach it in the right spirit the right inflection the right grace upon it amen but then let's say the flip side there have been times that God has had me to speak word a truth that's the word but it's a warning for me to get up there and then pacify it and change it as though it's not a warning it's not truth because in times past we would have we don't have much of that today but in earlier years of the church I would say to a department head you go tell that person I'm not going to allow that kind of behavior in that department they're not going to handle the people that way you go tell them that and so they would go well Pastor Nancy thinks that there's a better way we see they they lied that's not a truthful representative well pastor I just didn't you know I didn't want to make you look bad and make them think you're mad so you decided I don't need you as my mediator I don't need you representing and softening what I said because that's a lie when I tell you to say something you say it under the same spirit I said it under you say it under the same emphasis I said it under it's not truthful and sometimes preachers need to understand sometimes God will send you to the pulpit with an emphasis to be made and if you don't make that emphasis you're not truthful even though you delivered the same words he told you it's not truth because you have to rescue people and he knows the emphasis that's needed to rescue someone he knows the way something needs to be said he knows the way something needs to be addressed and it might sound harsh to you but that's not your job to be the softener for God it's not your job to represent him in a way he didn't tell you to represent him in that situation well praise the Lord preach the truth but also preach it the way he tells you to preach it preach it with the emphasis he gives you on that some person some minister he'll give them one emphasis another he'll have him to emphasize that Scripture another way and both are right but you have to emphasize it the way he tells you and then if have you ever noticed this somebody I mean you had somebody like dr. Sommer all or somebody that was bold and they could come out and they could just boldly declare something and I mean your hair would just blow back and that thing would just land in you with such force and such truth and it was it would mark your life it would change your life and then you try to go out and imitate that and you just came off as rude arrogant and stupid why because it's not the same emphasis that God had you to deliver something you're not authorized to deliver it the way God tells another man deliver something the way God tells you that's the truth because it comes out of your spirit honestly and not as a replication of how somebody else said it preached the truth and preach it preach it with the other genuineness of your own flow the genuineness of your own spirit the genuine way that he had you to deliver it amen when he said only truth can be in your mouth for God and his power only flow through truth God in his power can only enter through the open door of truth but the devil doesn't need truth to enter him truth is his closed door truth is God's open door lies or misrepresentation or little eschewed the devil can come in at that but God can't because he only enters through truth amen so in preaching truth that means we have to leave out opinion opinion is not truth opinion is your way of thinking then we're not to preach conviction because conviction is a truth truth is the same for everyone conviction is true for you but maybe different for someone else I love something pastor Edwin Anderson said to our Bible schools he said don't preach conviction but you better sure have them have convictions live by your convictions that preach the truth because God is preparing different people differently for what he has for them I remember you know years ago when I married ed and of course I was I had a lot of catching up to do spiritually you can understand and God would deal with me about stuff very firmly you know I knew that he wouldn't permit certain things for me and I'd get around other other women or something they would go oh how do you get by I don't get by with that how do you get by with that but then now I realize where God's been bringing me and I'd go because that God wasn't bringing to the same place he was bringing me so you can't go by what others are permitted to do and say well they get to do it why can't I do it because God's plan for each of us is different and he's training us and bringing us into the fullness of the plan that he has for us ladies I don't know if you've ever found this true Morgan and I have talked about this anytime my husband and I had a difference we were never combat if we weren't strife well we weren't argumentative but there were differences there was some maybe I would think of something differently than he would or he would think of something differently and then when there came a point where the discussion was very warm every time without fail every time I would go off and I'd say to God you know I'm right about this anybody could ever go have a talk with God about that because you've come to the end of talking to the spouse the spouse isn't the green and even even if God wasn't correcting my way of thinking he would correct something the way of delivery something he would correct and it always came out of it that I was wrong no matter what my stance was I was wrong I was the one who had to adapt every single time I yeah Morgan and I we'd be singing the same note real loud because it just seemed to me in the marriage if God ever dealt with him about it he never said anything to me I'd never say anything to me you know God dealt with me I'm wrong about that you know it was always me and I'm going wise as it seemed because I know my stance isn't wrong on this and I think he's but why am I getting in trouble because God wanted to bringing me to a place of leadership and a leader has to be someone who follows without defending there because with God when it comes when it comes to following God you can't sit and defend yourself in the face of God he's got to break that know you'll have to defend your vision you have to defend things with me and but I'm talking about with God and he knew if I was gonna I was going to resist with my husband how much I'd resist with who is now my heavenly husband you understand that so just because others may but you may not amen so the in command following your conviction you can't preach it because God's not bringing everyone and edex same things when it comes to their personal plan amen so if God's dealing with you about something don't go hammer on there with other people about it just correct yourself about it and don't turn it into doctrine that's how things get off that's not it's not the word that's conviction and God will certainly deal with you about conviction I'm not saying you won't but I'm saying you let everybody else that let them have their own convictions and teach them to follow their convictions but don't teach them to follow your convictions just because that just because God tells you to go exercise for two hours and you know eat eat leaves and things like that don't get up and preach that that's a conviction it's not the word it's because people will I told I took my sister Ruby pastor Ruby I out to all of us pastor Ruby they may not agree but I'm still gonna do pastor Ruby pastor Noel and I were driving up to Merced in the three of us center car and we always have such a good time the pastor Ruby she's a great audience she laughs at everything so you just say something that's not even halfway funny and she just roars and so that it just throws fuel on the fire and then Pastor Noel is really funny I'm just telling you that man's wet I just said and I just sit just sit back and listen it's just it's just great he said we're going to Russia to put out poutine I mean just just things like that all the time just all the time and and and he says it's so quiet quietly like under the radar that if anyway so we're sitting in the car the three of us and lamenting our fat bodies we're going out we're so far we gotta quit this you know and investor Noel said yes I want to be willing and obedient not wailing in obedience I don't know why I went off on that but oh I know what I was gonna say and I said we're going to get like Edie because Edie you know he would take he'd get on the diet and he would take you and Steven called him his girl shots for those of you don't know what I'm talking about we'll just let you remain ignorant but there there's a certain diet that you know anyway we take this Steven said his girl shots well he would lose weight you know and it was great and then he would come and preach you fat preachers were you in those services remember that and I said we are gonna lose weight and get skinny suing tell people how fat they are well we might need to lose weight but that's more of a conviction sermon you know and anyway how many of you know that's not really called preaching the word even though God may deal with you about it it's not your new revelation God did not authorize you to go put it in the face of people and say this is what you should be doing that you should be praying this amount of time every day well if God's dealing with you about it go do it seriously and if people put out put others under condemnation when they're they'll have the same grace for what you're called to what you're called in fact you may be you may be praying three hours a day and it's not enough for what God's called you to you know you can't get up and tote what you're doing and tell others they should do it because you might not be reaching the fullness of what God's anyway so to have great powerful and we have to weed anything out let's weed our gardens how about that that isn't in line with truth and in line with the word so when I'm talking about truth what we need to do is we need to maybe make a list what's got dealing with us about make a list what is God prompting me about I have what I call the obedience list it's in my organizer you cannot see it I'm not copying it to hand it out to anyone you cannot get a copy but everyone should have their own obedience list of what am i emphasizing right now for this season of my life because every season god puts a new demand upon us and it's a healthy demand it's a righteous demand it's not a hard demand it's not a demand of hardship but we need to be writing what is God convicting me about why because following our own convictions will bring us into truth that's truth for our lives following our conviction but don't take the truth the convictions and make it truth for someone else's life let God do that but everyone needs to be knowing what is God dealing with them about what is the truth for their life amen praise the Lord so you may be able to quote bit you may be able to quote verses but if God says for you to partner with somebody for example God tells you to give certain amount of money you can quote verses of truth all day long but you're not walking in the truth if you're not walking in obedience amen Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 says if you will listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God and do all his commandments then he will set you on high above all so many times people are trying to get set on high above all but they're not listening and doing the listening and doing comes before he's committed to setting you on high above all your circumstances above all your opposition praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah the Holy Spirit only works with the word and when the word is preached then his power can meet that word but he's not working with anything other than truth if we want greater manifestations of the Spirit that has to be greater flows or greater degrees of the truth coming in flowing Amen Jesus only confirms the word with signs following he doesn't confirm opinions or convictions with signs following proverbs chapter 8 go with me if you would proverbs chapter 8 in verse 8 and I'm going to read out of the amplified proverbs chapter 8 verse 8 the amplified says there's all the words of my mouth notice that big word all not most oh all the words of my mouth are righteous upright and in right standing with God there is nothing contrary to truth or crooked in them that's quite a verse [Music] so it's not just truth in the pulpit it's truth in everyday life to meet this all the words of my mouth not just all the words of my sermon all the words of my mouth dad Hagin said he said the greatest difficulty I have is - he said I'm my greatest I'm my greatest problem but my greatest difficulty is to live what I preach this is what this is saying really all the words on my mouth our righteous upright in right standing with God there is nothing contrary to the truth or crooked in and this is the description of the mouth of our man so when we are looking at maturity what does maturity look like we can't leave this out when Jesus stood in front of the grave of Lazarus remember he said and the amplified says this and Jesus lifted up his eyes and and said father I thank you that you have heard me so he's talking about a past tense well what's that statement referring to three days prior when they came and told him Lazarus whom thou lovest is at the point of death and Jesus said this is not under death but for the glory of God so this is what that that is referring to he said I thank you that you have heard me so three days before he heard him what it said about this such an outcome of this then he goes on and says yes I know you always hear and listen to me notice this God doesn't just hear him three days before it God heard him all the time God doesn't just hear us when we're directing our words to God God hears us when we're directing our words to people they can't be words that don't agree with each other this is why many dot their faith doesn't work they they're saying right words to God but what are you saying to your boss what are you saying to your spouse what are you saying in the lunchroom at work the other co-workers who have a burr under their saddle about their boss well we're not getting paid enough you weren't saying that the day you said yes to the job your words are contrary the day you took the job you agreed to take the job if you agreed to take the job you agreed to the salary so what after three years of determines that you can't agree with the salary anymore where did that change it's dishonorable to to change your agreement on the day you took well I thought he'd give me a raise well if he didn't tell you that on the day you were hired you see we can't be crooked in these things we've got to be straight in them and then you say well I don't know why you know I believe in God my God shall supply all my need yeah but you're griping about your boss who really is being righteous to you if he's paying you what he told you he would pay you but she think you deserve something different you're the one that's off not him well I'm worth more than that was that what is that what you agreed to on the day you were hired see in all what Jesus I thank you that you hear me but you hear me always now here he's talking about this he's saying God will always hear me that's a wonderful thing but that's a sobering thing amen in all places and in all conversations truth must be in our mouth now let's pay attention to that amen any wrong talk about situations and other people that's not truth that's not truth well this really happened yeah but it's not your business it's not truth anything that's not your business it's not truth because it's true it's not your business it's not true that it is your business and even though you may be speaking of fact of what happened it's none of your business so therefore it's not truth if you're getting into something that's not your business I'll never forget it such a sobering story that dad Hagen used to tell years ago he was at a big convention and there was supposed to be there was a leading Minister that was scheduled to preach and he did not end up coming and preaching and they they substituted him with somebody else that preached and another Minister came up to dad Hagen and said I understand that the scheduled Minister had fallen into sin or whatever and that's why he wasn't here a preach they basically uninvited him to be the the guest Minister for that and he said I understand that that's what happened brother Hagin says we all that's what I understand basically you know just pass it off they weren't conversing having a big long conversation the guy had made a statement that Hagin goes yeah yeah yeah yeah something like that so dad Hagen is in bed that night and although he said the room was completely dark lights were out he's getting ready to go to bed and all of a sudden the room lit up brighter than day and he said Jesus stood at the foot of his bed he said who art thou that judgest another man's servant and he said Jesus I didn't judge another man and the question came again who art thou that judgest another man's servant he says I haven't judged anybody I I don't know what you're referring to basically and he said did you not say yes that that's the story that had had gone around about that Minister he said well yeah but that's the story that's going around he said who art thou that judges another man's servant he says I will make him stand now why did he deal so strongly with dad Hagin because that Hagen's voice in the body of Christ is so it was so large he had to make sure that he got that settled early that God doesn't put up with to see if you're if you never if you someone never develops and they really never come into a grace to be had that kind of voice God may not there may not be a life that appears within to your bed but you understand anytime anytime something happens regarding someone else it's not true that it's our business it's not true it's not true in fact if somebody came and told me something bad about a minister or somebody else it wouldn't make me think less of a minister make me think less of the one telling it right giving opinions is not truth gossip is not truth and when gossip reaches the ears of a wise man it dies silence kills gossip that you don't repeat it dr. Sommer I'll made a statement and one of our services that a man had comin had stated some things about a minister and it caused great damage and then she came and later repented and she said something about it to dr. Summerall and he said sister he said if you took a pillow full of feathers go up to the top of a mountain where it's windy open that pillow up and that wind takes those feathers and carries it he said that's what your words are they're carried and he said you can repent but you'll never get all the feathers back those feathers went somewhere they landed in someone's ear they landed in someone's way of thinking and you'll never get them back in your repentance won't get them back got to forgive you but the effect of those words you'll never get it back amen well praise the Lord so it makes us understand how important truth is because in John G's lakin John G Lakes ministry in Africa he was receiving much support from the states and he had other pastors that were under him that were that he had set up there in Africa and there was a man who started a well-known minister started this rumor and set it in large settings and said johnsy lake is over in Africa just living up the good life just living lavishly and taking the money and just living you know spinning it all on himself and so it's so spread that all this support stopped from the states and so all the money stopped flowing in and so John G Lake called in all these pastors all these ministers that were under him and that benefited from this support and some of them traveled several days to reach him and he had a big meeting with them and he said he told them what had happened and he says I don't have any there's no more funds coming in to fund your mission and fund your work and for your family and stuff so he said so I'm releasing you from the position of where you're at because I don't have the ability to fund you through those resources anymore and he said every single one of them said God sent us here and we're not leaving and he said every single one of them died of starvation over the next several months and their families why because one man started talking what wasn't his business and how far reaching that is and you can speak words of doubt think about it 10 spies spoke something that wasn't the truth and the impact that that had on a generation and on a nation 10 people just 10 people out of millions said the wrong thing and it held the whole congregation out you have to wonder what they're accountable for you see praise the Lord so can you understand why he's emphasizing truth to have a double portion anointing how important it is that we measure our words with truth now let's talk a minute for about this called facts verses truth facts are not the same as truth facts are well the Dow is up today the Dow is down today it's a fact but in about 10 minutes let's check again because the factor that will change right facts may be true for that moment but they're not truth they're facts they're variables they will go up and down newspapers are facts sometimes unless it's fake news right it's a report of something that's currently in place but truth is always the same something may be a fact in your life but that doesn't make it truth it may be a fact that they're symptoms in your body but that's not truth because the truth is himself took your infirmities and bare your sicknesses all fact is subject to truth truth is higher than facts because truth changes facts it might have been a fact that yesterday or let's say Saturday you had a pain in your body but on Sunday morning when Richard Roberts came here ministered by the spirit that fact was changed because truth started flowing so so many people are absorbed with facts instead of truth and that's why they miss out on the flow of truth they're so absorbed that they don't have enough money in their account well that's a fact but that's not the truth the truth is my God shall supply so when he says only had the word in your mouth only have truth in your mouth that means you can't live the truth and have facts in your mouth it might be a fact that your mortgage is due and you don't have the money in your account right now but that's not the truth the truth is my God shall supply it so to have the flow of God's best you have to you have to give more precedence to truth into fact and so many Christians are my are fact mindful instead of truth mindful you're authorized to speak the truth in the face of facts and that's what changes facts amen praise the Lord because people get this is where they get confused they say well I have pain in my body you're trying to get me lying no I'm not trying to get you to lie but it's not the truth that's a fact but the truth is amen so focusing on talking about circumstances and not fact that's why as preachers we don't want to get up and preach facts preaching political too much political stuff and no we ought to be praying absolutely we ought to be pranked but everything that's going on in the political world is not truth its facts don't pump your people full of facts don't pump your mind full of facts by watching hours and hours of of what being or reporting it will affect the truth the truths effect on you that you'll think oh it's hopeless out there no it's not hopeless amen to walk in a double portion anointing our thoughts attention in words must meet not beyond facts they have to be on truth remember what it said in proverbs eight eight that we just said there is nothing contrary to truth or crooked in our words then Jesus went on that night on that Saturday night and said to me I only said what I heard my father say I only did what I saw my father do in a nutshell there is the power plant of his ministry I only said what I heard and say only did what I saw him do pastor Anderson was preaching yesterday morning about Jesus was a man as a man he had thoughts as a man he had opinions as a man he had a way of thinking right but what he's saying when he said I only said what I heard my father say Jesus didn't use the influence he had to express himself he didn't use his influence because God gave him a voice God gave him an influence that the multitudes ran to him but he didn't use that influence to get the people together and say what he thought tell them what he thought they ought to do he didn't use that influence to express himself or his own ideas his thinking his own opinions because you know he had he had them as a man but he only spoken did what was authored by his father when you're in a position that God gave you only God is worthy of filling that space he didn't give you that influence so you could fill it with yourself he gave us that influence so he could fill it with what he would have us to say and what he would have us to do at that place of influence praise the Lord now you go this sounds like a big job yes it is a big job yeah it's big it's big but it's not hard in the sense of the way of the transgressor is hard Jesus said my yoke is light and easy and so when we yoke ourselves up with his plan his plan is that we preach truth and that truth be in our mouth and he demonstrated that you can live your life only speaking what God says now I'm not saying this that you're a robot and you can't ok father can I say that ok you can be you can be the Bible says you know if you want free and show you so friendly right so you can have friendly conversation but it doesn't have to violate truth right so it is a big job but it's not hard in the sense of the way the transgressor is hard we're not transgressors why is it a big job but it doesn't have to be hard because the greater one is on the inside of us and the greater one is our help in this now it's hard in the sense of paying attention it will it will require discipline discipline is a hardness upon your mind in your body but it's not the kind of hardness that a transgressor lives under it's the kind of unbending and unswerving that's what we're talking about we're hardware unbending if something is hard it's not you're not going to be in debt easily and so when Elijah said to Elisha you've asked a hard thing you got something you can't bend you can't bend it to suit you you can't bend the qualifications of walking under double portion Oien ting to conform to you you have to formed it it's a hard thing it's already set of how you must live and how you must talk and how what your life must contain amen praise the Lord then he went on to say this Jesus said this to me that night you well let me back up I only said what I heard my father say I only did what I saw my father do you have the help you need for this task with the tongue he called it the task with the tongue you have the help you need for this task with the tongue through the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit will help you choose to have a guard set over your mouth to have your tongue tamed by the power help and reliance upon the Holy Spirit no man on his own contained the tongue it requires the divine help of the Holy Spirit which is what James talks about right Psalms 141 verse 3 the amplified says set a guard oh Lord before my mouth keep watch at the door of my lips now notice the way Jesus said it to me he said you must choose to have a guard set over your mouth meaning this the word can when the word is in you the word will constrain you right when you're in and the Holy Ghost is in you he'll constrain you he'll prompt you but if you choose to override that then although the help is there you're overriding it and he said you must choose to have a guard serve you right in other words don't override that when in just in daily conversations we have to learn not to override our spirits not to override the word that was preached well God didn't tell me I couldn't say that yeah but what did the preacher preach last Sunday what he preached should be help you help constrain what you're getting ready to say God didn't have to tell you because the man of God told you God told you through the man of God amen so the word in the Holy Spirit are guards we have the word in the spirit they're guards but we have to honor the guards you can't bypass the guards you when we were we'd go to London and you know they would have the guards around Buckingham Palace you could go up and you know and in different places through the city that were government places they would stand there and you could go up and you could you know do anything you can to make them smile you know how and with Grant we've got pictures of Grant you know being goofy taking pictures with them and stuff you can do all that but you're not gonna get past the guard you make all the faces you want you can try to get them black you do anything you want but you're not getting past them because you try to get past them and all of a sudden you're gonna be called a prisoner when the Holy Ghost says don't go past this when the word says don't go past this something's going to imprison you if you get past it your words will imprison you it'll imprison your finances will imprison your peace he'll imprison your joy it'll imprison your health something will come and charge over you if we go past the guard so I thought it was interesting when he said you you must choose to have a guard set over your mouth and then the word in the spirit our guards keeping watch over our mouths they will direct us and what to say but we have to get place and listen to them ignore not ignoring them when the word spirit checks us Romans chapter 8 verse 13 it says ye through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body so the amplified says through the power of the Holy Spirit you are habitually putting to death making extinct oh when someone when there is a certain species that's extinct you're never going to see it again it will never walk on the earth again it's extinct and he said through the power of the Holy Spirit you were horribly putting to death and making extinct deadening the evil deeds prompted by the body so this passage saying if we will take time to pray in the Holy Ghost we will bring the tongue under control and things that tongue used to do will now be extinct are why do why does praying in the spirit have the effect because by praying in the spirit you're strengthened your spirit is strengthened building yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost and when the Spirit is strengthened then it can rise up and dominate that flesh and that tongue in that body that wants to go the wrong direction amen and then he went on and he said this he said slowness to make changes is unacceptable we're so soft well on ourselves sometime aren't we but he said slowness to make changes is unacceptable there is to be prompt obedience to my correction direction and instruction that slowness of change is a bad habit of the flesh that bad habit can be broken through the power of the Spirit walking in the spirit is a requirement and a must for that change to take place why you know years ago it was talking to a man who was a he was an usher in some of Smith Wigglesworth meetings and he talked to ad about some of the things he saw in Smith Wigglesworth meetings and then he went on and told ed about something that happened him personally because he was taking a train trip years ago as a younger man he was taking a train trip and he said he there out you know in a remote place there's no towns or cities and he's there in England and the Spirit of God said to him jump off this train now it sounds like that spirit of suicide I rebuke you in Jesus name you know and it doesn't sound like God because now you're out in a remote place you're going to and it doesn't sound right but he said I knew the voice of the Spirit and he said I jumped off that train and he said that train didn't go another mile until that thing was derailed and everyone on it was killed promptness so if we practice slow obedience it could cost us our lives because in this last day era we're going to have some dramatic happenings and there's going to be dramatic moves of God but I believe there will be dramatic attacks and the Spirit of God will protect us from those but if we practice delayed obedience it could cost us something in this era full of power Amen it could be life and death so he wants us to practice prompt obedience 1st Corinthians chapter 9 and verse 3 says this the amplified but if one loves God truly with affectionate reverence prompt obedience and grateful recognition of his blessing he is known by God recognized as worthy of his intimacy in love and he is owned by him so notice this if one truly loves God with prompt obedience so if we delay obedience we're not loving God right loving God right means loving him with something with prompt obedience in 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 verse 7 the amplified says this we are aware of this passage let each one give as he made up his own mind and purposed in his heart not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion for God loves he takes pleasure in prizes above all things is an unwilling to abandon and do without a cheerful joyous prompt to do it giver whose heart is in his giving why are you prompt to do it because your hearts in it yeah right so if it's delayed our hearts not in it delayed obedience means our heart has not yet attached and agreed with what he's told us to do because when our heart is hooked up we want to get it done quick what about if God shows you let's say this God showed you there's a house I have for you you go over there today and all the money will be there and you'll have it by the end of the week brother you would put out prompt obedience because your heart would attach to that thing real quick I'm believing God for our house I want that so our heart hooks on real quick to what is real personal to us but what's personal to God we need to make personal to us and if he says to do it we want to do it I've been training myself I remember several years ago at night financially it was tight for us personally and God said to me I want you to give such-and-such a certain amount of money send us to to them it wasn't a minister but it well actually they were in some measure of ministry it is more of a personal friend and so I it was very tight financially and I said okay I'll do that you know when it when I get a little bit more money so I was waiting for it to be comfortable a comfortable gift because right then it would be an a constricting thing for me financially and so I don't know it was maybe I maybe in a couple months there really I'd forgotten about it is what had happened and usually I write things like that down but I hadn't and I forgot about then I remembered it it had realized several months had gone by so I go to get that amount of money because I had it now and I was going to send it to him and I go to put it in the envelope and God said double it I said double it and he said you didn't obey me the price has gone up what's he showing you it'll cost you something to the life now was he punishing me no he's teaching me something so next time I'll do it quicker right now you understand it's not a hardship to obey but I'm just saying on the flesh so the other day I there's there's certain steps I take to bless certain people financially and God didn't put that on me I kind of put it on myself I just I choose to do that and so there was there was coming you know somebody was coming and I thought well I'm just going to give them something personally and then I thought well you know this isn't the most convenient time then I thought no no no just for that thought just for that thought I'm doubling it devil just for helping with that thought I'm doubling it not cost me several thousand dollars not cost me enlarge me several thousand dollars God didn't tell me to do that but now I'm punishing the thought I'm not being punished I'm punishing the thought now the devil knows that if he suggests something to me I'm going to double it and when I did that the spirit didn't prompt me to do that I just decided I'm punishing the thought and I can't do the anointing linked out of my spirit when I did that and God was pleased with that when I chose to punish the thought you know it's wonderful when your children go clean the room because you told them to but how much more you walked in and they had it clean because and you didn't even ask if you oh come on let's go to the toy store and get you something there's such a delight that they took it upon themselves to take amateur action to keep themselves restricted and right and it pleased God when I decided to punish the thought do you want to mature yourself punish wrong thank him instead of dismissing it and being gracious towards yourself amen praise the Lord then I'll I'll read this then we'll close this morning oh this is going slower than I thought proverbs 10 verse 17 the amplified talking about prompt obedience let me let me tell you about a testimony that I heard there was a well-known television minister he was more of an evangelist his sermons were very impactful you know just had that he could just bring you in and when he preached it was it was that just dynamic eloquent preaching and it was a big Convention Center that he had and right in the middle and he I had never seen him really operate this way not saying he hadn't but I hadn't seen him upright where he would just call out words and knowledge to operate by the spirit you know through the gifts of the Spirit I'd only really seen him as a preacher as a preacher and he said he was in the middle of his sermon and he's preaching and you know I mean he'd had the people on the edge of their seat and he was spellbinding and in the middle of his sermon the Spirit of God spoke to him and said call out someone who's ready to commit suicide and he thought I'm in the middle of my sermon and it came to him several times but he just kept on and I don't know if he thought I'll do it after I'm done but the Spirit of God came bringing that to him and he didn't he went ahead and he finished his sermon and at the at the end of the service somehow they came to him and told him a man walked into the men's restroom and pulled out a gun and shot himself in the middle of his sermon and that was of course the one the Holy Spirit was trying to reach and God said to him now hold you responsible because I tried to get you to reach that man delayed obedience will cost somebody it will cost somebody and when we're talking about a double portion anointing and we're talking about a full measure of the flow of God that must have called for a full measure of obedience and full measure of obedience as prompt obedience full obedience amen praise the Lord proverbs chapter 10 verse 17 amplified said he who heeds instruction and correction is not only himself in the way of life but also as a way of life for others your listening doesn't just rescue you at rescues other people when you listen to instruction the instruction of the word the instruction of the Spirit right when he listens to instruction and correction notice that you need to love correction as much as you love instruction we had a been having the Bible School student supper to cast a lot we have a great time together in one day I just did like a not a scavenger hunt but I hit a couple hundred dollars on the property and then I gave clues so the clue was I'd read it well that's their instruction but they all kept running the wrong direction so then came the correction it's not down there and they were just walking around you know they're looking like this they're just running and just looking like I'm laying it on top of the ground and they're not searching under anything I said I didn't lay it on top of the ground I just promise you I didn't lay it on top of the ground you're gonna have to look so I gave them instruction but when they didn't follow that fully then I'm gave them correction because they're missing instruction and then you know who got it brother Joe's mother 80 year-old woman she followed instruction better than anybody else cuz she had more practice at it right she lived longer than anyone else she's the one that found it one of them so here he says if you listen to instruction and correction it's not only yourself in the way of life but others you bring in the way of life and he who neglects or Rieff root or refuses reproof not only himself goes astray but also cause us to err and is a path toward ruin for others others are affected by delayed obedience or neglect now here he says he who neglects didn't say you refused it said neglect or refuses there's two different so sometimes you intend to do it you're just neglecting doing it in a timely manner and even that causes ruin just neglecting the neglect of doing a right is just as dangerous as refusing it whether or not we're prompt to obey affects other people amen well are you helped this morning praise the Lord we've got we're learning I said we're learning but go home can I give you homework every service find your homework in that sermon find your homework what would it be a correction list what is God dealing with you about what is it many times it's not even something you're doing wrong it's something you want you to implement I mean he's he's redirected my studying he's given me instruction I want you to study this vain one of the things I'm so grateful here pastor Anderson preached on he said I want you to start studying more on the name of Jesus that's so and then when he got up and preached on it that was just right up right up the alley of what God's bringing us into but there are so many things that God has for you for this era and he's going to direct and guide you in that so we all have to be prompt in this because what what Jesus said to me that night is that he no longer accepts slow some obedience he no longer accepts that will stand with me to your feet this morning father were so thankful how about we sing something whoever's got something come up here and let's just sing something and worship the Lord together praise the Lord I'll say yes [Music] we'll trust you [Music] answer will be yes [Music] I'll say yes to your will I will trust you and when your spirit speaks to me with my heart and my answer [Music] yes Lord he has to be a wheel with my whole heart I will prom [Music] when your spirit speaks speaks to me with my agree yes morning I'll see yes I'll say yes Lord yes Lord [Music] yes and when your spirit speaks to me with my heart when you spirit when your spirit speaks wish when your spirit when your spirit speaks to me and my [Music] you know something that will help us something god corrected me over recently many times I wake up in the middle of night I woke up I don't know is about 2:30 3 o'clock in the morning something like that and I just started thinking about something of the day nothing nothing bad just started thinking about something and about a few minutes later the Spirit of God rose up on the inside of me and said when are you going to stop turning to your mind and turn toward your spirit that I realize oh he woke me up and I turned immediately to my mind and he said when are you gonna start turning toward your spirit and not toward your mind first thing get to practice that that's part of this if will turn toward our spirit then we'll deal with these things out of our spirit and they won't trip us up amen hallelujah let's practice that that's as a pastor many times you can preach the word and you tell it's just some people take it in and some don't why because some are sitting there with their minds engaged and others are sitting there with their spirits engaged amen we're word and spirit people that means we have to practice being skillful turning toward our spirits amen all your help is in your spirits all your answers are in your spirit right we need to practice turning there so with our hearts we agree amen hallelujah we say yes Father yes your your plan is the best plan and we so delight in your will we so delight you know it dawned on me the other day I had read read the book years ago about Corrie ten Boom when she told her testimony and she had said to her dad her dad was a godly man and you know they were hiding Jews during they lived in Holland but they were hiding Jews and she said to her dad at one point she said dad she said if we were ever found out I don't know that I would have the faith to face what we would face and he said to her he said honey you remember when you were a little girl and we would take train trips and I'd go down and I'd buy the train tickets and he said I have me in my pocket for weeks or have him in my possession for weeks but he said I didn't hand you the ticket - you needed to hand it to the conductor on the train he said God will hand you what you need the moment you need it don't worry about whether or not you feel like you have it now he said when you need it it'll be there that's really what faith is when I need it it will be there doesn't matter whether I it looks like it's there or not now it doesn't look like no matter what the circumstances look like when I need it it'll be there see the thing we think we needed about three weeks in advance so that we can sleep good and restful but that's not really when you need it when do you need it deadline day deadline time and he said when when you need it it'll be there [Music] well no matter no matter what you're needing when you need it it'll be there just rest on that it'll be there amen I said it'll be there and so many people get so wrapped up in their minds and entrenched in their minds because they're trying to calculate how it's gonna come when it's going to come why it isn't here what a veneer is going to use it'll when you need it it'll be there when you need it it'll be there and I was thinking of this whenever I was reading about when Jesus right before he was arrested and he went to the Garden of Gethsemane and remember he sweated great drops of blood it dawned on me that was the first time he moved into the continent I don't misunderstand what I'm saying that's the first time he even addressed the consecration to go to the cross now he was consecrated to the plan of God you understand I know but what I'm saying he didn't he didn't live under that all the time it was just moments before he was arrested then he addressed it in a spirit room he didn't address it the three years prior he didn't address it he wasn't living under the burden of what he felt in that end gun in the Garden of Gethsemane those moments but this model is before he's arrested maybe an hour what'd he say an hour so could you not watch an hour it was an hour before in other words he wasn't worried about what he was going to face he didn't address it till it came right up to the time then he addressed it we we get we stay out of the flow of power by trying to address things mentally we're not even up to yet don't even worry about it you're not even there yet well you know that you know the money for the mortgage to do it the first of the month and I don't have it you're not even there yet just have a lifestyle of resting just have a lifestyle of believing and in when you do that then whenever you need it the ticket will be handed to you amen God gave us an easy life the faith life it's a big slice it's the best line I said it's the best life it's the best life I said it's the best life Stephen hand me that microphone widget how do you know your pastor Noel come here just follow what God has on you yes Father I'll do it I'll do it yeah yeah pastor Matthews from Africa the Lord has something for you it's been in my heart days and I know God will call me through pastor and Holy Ghost will minister to you what that's why you're here you here and you yeah you will go to Africa to bring the anointing the word and spirit anointing this era to those places that you have to go to and today you were receiving partition yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Amen pastor can you kindly there's there's something that he needed to be ordained by the anointing by the spirit that thinks that there's a supernatural why this man here yeah yeah oh cool congregation thank you for the greatness of your plan grace the anointing the empowering for the fulfillment of that plan going back a different way going back a different ways yeah going back a different way unrecognizable unrecognizable unrecognizable Holly Lou Holly Lou hello Louise thank you for it thank you for we thank you for yeah yeah yeah L spread out the birth and many nations from this place but well spread out L spread out haha to go to Conan Maha yeah we see one now we see one that will bring this anointing from this place from this place the the spirit the word in spirit that was prophesied by the prophets of old yeah it is it is predestine by God the way he predestines the life of our Lord Jesus Christ when he was born on the earth when he was born on the earth uh-huh because so mentum the east came yeah yeah it is written it is written amen it is written when they're about to hallelujah when Herod is about to do to kill him and they were they were moved to Egypt by the by the by the by the message the angels and hallelujah they motivate the poor it is prophesied that he will be in Egypt and then they moved back to - after the death of Herod and because it was prophesied and they they moved to Nazareth because he will be a Nazarene every details of the plan of God for our Lord Jesus Christ was prophesied it was spoken in detail by the Spirit of God through the mouth of the Prophet and and we have entered into a place that we are his children and everything that God have spoken by the prophets Amen Halligan so by the Spirit of God through the mouth of the prophets and to the mouth of what those that was used by God spoken in this pulpit oh yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yo ho ho ho ho yeah whoo those that will obey the promptings of the Holy Ghost yeah yeah because it is already predestined by God every child of God there is a Protestant plan the way he he predestines the plan of God for our Lord Jesus Christ we have the same divine nature and it's already been predestined by God the that's why we have to cooperate with the Holy Ghost Ocampo Cuccia yea yea yea yea yea Josip ha ha Joseph was the natural father of our Lord Jesus Christ then in Mary they were being prompted by oh yeah yeah yeah yeah by God ha ha to the Ministry of the Angels the angels that all was said message from heaven and they have to follow every promptings every promptings and every promptings that they that they obey is written it is Protestant yeah ha ha to go so it is because yea yea yea they stand by God they stand by God hallelujah that's the reason why we have to obey the Holy Ghost to his promptings because he he knows the mind of the Father he knows what was written in heaven before even the world was Amen hallelujah so we have that same nature in every details of our life is already predestined by God and we have to obey the promptings of the Holy Ghost yeah yeah my ego no for God is good and his promptings is good ah yeah the gesek oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ha ha ha even even during the time that Herod learned that that the the the the wise man went into a different direction he he ordered the killing of the babies even that was prophesized even that was spoken amen ha ha the ghost who named Andre and ha ha ha ha ha and today this here the Spirit of the Lord because you will hear precisely what was I yeah yeah yeah by the spirit of wisdom of God yeah oh ho yeah yeah mo kosha yeah go to to toca this is a great example passer matches was a great example he heard details of his life he doesn't know that he doesn't know yeah yeah but the pastor Craig it but there is a destiny of his life he followed fully the the hunger cacciucco ke ke talk O'Shea a kosher ah he didn't know that years before him coming and meeting a pastor Craig pastor Craig heart is full of the desire to minister to Africa and a gokhan America to suka and they just pray and pray in the time comes because this is the whole yeah yeah yeah ah the ghosts show it was spread out it will spread out yeah it will be it was yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah mmm yeah yes Lord hahaha yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it'll go all the way ha ha ha ha to Australia yeah yeah to London uh-huh yeah yeah yeah the a Burger King occurred everywhere that thing's ha ha ha that it seems like it's darkness they will see the light oh yeah yeah the gospel will be spread all oh yeah yeah because they'll agree yeah yeah you see the North Korea yeah don't go get somebody prophesied about it it might not be you but somebody spoken I've spoken over that nation yeah yeah yeah toko so it seems like impossible to man but now they the Iron Curtain oh it was prophesized go critical of a career toko solo Kesha ah thank you lord thank you lord ah ha ah ha ha yeah yeah yeah ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha [Music] my spirit pastor Michael yes Lord huh yeah okay together yes lord thank you for giving me this last name uncle show ho yeah pastor Michael ha ha ha ha yeah pastor Michael yeah sure there are things oh there are things that you got to obey God I know there's pressure but hey but I know you will not listen to that pressure yeah pastor will lay hands on you amen to go so a spirit of god there's more coming go take a stock go to Costco Echo's call a a Kosuke Tenga it goes to Pretoria I got the coke on day it goes to papaya it comes to katoa ha ha ha cost of you ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you the boundaries of your ministry the boundaries of your ministry pastor just wide enough the boundaries ah ha ha yeah yes yeah go Hawk oh gosh oh ho ah ha thank you lord thank you lord ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha come up here brother Steven come up here I sister Morgan ah ha ha ha come up here ha ha ha ha pastor yeah uh-huh yeah like oh sure sure you you're gonna enter into a new face today there will be a new face ha ha ha ha you know what face you're in yeah yeah do you know about the Morgan yeah you're gonna what pace you're in the Morgan yeah not the face second that's how what I heard my spirit this is going to be your second face today today you are Dane to get enter into the second phase of your ministry in pastor you know I can lay hands on you but I just have to be submitted to the higher flow anointing amen thinks that your struggle because you you try to but that's in the second phase that's not on the first place but now you're free from that struggle financially whatever your struggle is because it's gonna come to pass in this face because you're faithful in that purse space obeying God to the best of your - yeah yeah oh my oh my oh my hallelujah keeper of course elegant obokata oh yeah yes Lord yes Lord ha ha ha ha ha ha yes Hey yes Lord allegation yes No thank you thank you thank you for reminding me of their names it sometimes forget I got a dirt by the spirit by so Angela you know I can't remember your name the Holy Ghost said ok I know they're the Andersons but yeah the same way as them they're the oddest not done yet amen there's there's a new face for them yeah faster hey yeah you're the next in line for the price is right you know righteousness has a price and it's right you know price is right yeah I just thought I just thought about it [Laughter] oh oh oh those this is where the doors greater doors will be open Oh in this place oh my oh my hallelujah you know the tangibility have done anointing would be greater in this face that time you put the time you well you know that that the frame when he lands on that the strong tangibility of that anointing now he's going to flow that was in part I never been to your church and a meeting of that but that was imparted to you than those meetings this is the time that you see the greater greater degree of that intangible anointing when you lay hands on people and there will be immediate immediate result oh thank you lord thank you Lord Jesus mark the day book was that yeah thank you lord yeah speaking when you stand in front of somebody and they the words come up let them out speak them out because their rescuers in them your rescuers in them and their rescuers in them all story are all the revelation the revelation the revelation a star there was such light ah such light a whole nother degree of Revelation huh we thank you for it father and God will open doors God will open doors that's one of the things I've been praying in my time with God as I say Father open doors for the ones with the revelation because there hmm I'm not just saying give revelation I do pray give revelation of those who have the voice but give voice to those who have the revelation that's you that's you and he's going to give that voice he's going to give that voice do you know you've been praying about this I'm hearing the port face that's what I'm here I don't know pastor if you yeah yeah that's what I'm hearing lately I've been hearing those spaces you know that closed in darkness saying that I've been hearing things like that coming into the fourth phase or yeah he's coming in right now did this importation that's why we have some men minister have some struggling because they try to do things which is on the next they're picking up picking up transitioning so your position it up in the transition what's in the next phase and it's not quite fitting and it's what not trying to yeah I know you're hearing doors of utterance that bill but this is this is the time of that place and sometimes thought will come to you well you know some nobody's having me and their churches yet blah blah blah the devil would like to you you know you know but there's yeah because it's not it's time for now it's time for it hasn't been time so he talks to you and tries to make you think then the time ahead isn't going to have it because the time you're in doesn't yes yes but the phase you're in house has its own flow the phase you're coming into yeah praise God it'll be there yeah you'll be there yeah and now I'm calling brother Joel Amy I can't remember your name is just the Holy Ghost you know Holy Ghost respond tom brokaw so locust area so go ho ho ho ho oh ho ho hahaha this is a new face for you well amen oh ho ho if you show ho yo ho ho yes yes pastor na ha the tangibility the tangibility in the hands in the hands not just in the hand in the hands ha ha my stuck is sticky we thank your father miss Amy come here love mush - got your the bus - Oh young amateur you must suck our store is sticking ha clarity clarity clarity not figured out prayed out didn't walked out looking at the time I'm getting into the natural you know hallelujah I hear this in my spirit just obey the Holy Ghost the way positive thought there will be impartation for the ministers right now that is flowing and and then we can have lunch that's what the old ego says but be a passive ministers to the pastor's for their impartation and then you can have lunch that's what I heard yeah I know some of you wanted to have lunch now but we're not yeah we got to do that first remember prompted by the Holy Ghost we gotta obey it that okay pastor absolutely I mean I'm just so sure you know i you know praise the lord i'm submitting to my pastor and amen what is that joy you know and I obey the holy ghost that joy close that's my indication you know Amen hallelujah I'm looking at the clock there big club and we pass 12 past 12 already yeah praise the Lord but they amen can I mean pastor I'm just okay okay okay yeah my pastor said okay if not you know I just submit to my pastor amen amen if I were you I would run in the front get my importation it man me to the Lord yeah yeah amen praise the Lord oh yeah thank you lord oh honey Oh My there's a lot of Ministers blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus blessed in Jesus name blessed in blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus ha in Jesus name mushnick Akaya if that was thank you [Music] blasting blessed in Jesus name half a batch of nama God's gonna restore love there were things lost time was lost progress was lost possessions were lost income was lost things were lost but God's gonna restore it how to make it up - see you say that you say that don't talk about what was lost talk about the restoration blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name I stuck board the edge tikaa kiaa pastor Noel where are you over here God has something for him I don't know what it is but you're part of that pastor Emmanuel the most anointing yeah press anointed fulfill the plan to fulfill the plan person Oh anything yeah and greater clarity greater clarity greater clarity for your office greater clarity of how to function in that office yeah don't try to to function just the way that's the way it's been but moving the redirecting yes of how to function in that office my stochastically and I became a master Calle Master Calle March at the bug I must owe us Tiki Master Kukai a mustard a anime sticky key master colada Bosto mash I animal Coco yet a stock Akaka of the most Oh Coco yay I don't know I'm just saying what came out of my spirit walking love in that situation in God will work it out well can love in that situation and God don't even don't even try don't even try to handle it just naturally just walk in love and God will handle that situation Master Kukai you're the most Oh Coco yang no ma ma ma ma ma shticky can't they be sticky key master Kukai you've blessed in Jesus name blessed blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name mastica you oh mama hot are you called a mystic testing testing testing mystic story ah divine divine divine divine empowering for wealth and don't forget that it's for his purpose it's for his plan and it's by his power it's by his ability the credit is his the glory is his it is all his and he will let you share in the blessing of it but it's his it's his obey him in it and there's no limit there's no limit there's no limit to how far he can take you if you'll keep keep it straight keep it right that he gets the glory but God God God gives divine divine it is he that giveth thee power to get or produce wealth that he may establish his covenant the purpose is for his plan the purposes for his covenant the establishing of it so keep that right and he will allow you to keep producing and it'll increase in increased blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name master Gallia blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name are Chuck are you deaf ish dakea it wasn't just a natural desire to be here there that was the planting of the Spirit that was the planting of the spirit because he has an impartation for you now go and be skillful in that learn it learn that impartation be skillful in it study and fulfil off de mastica Kaguya blessed and in Jesus name master Calle mashed acarya blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name for the next blessed for the next blessed for the next the next the next thing he has for you much the next phase he has for you blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name ah ah I don't know what I don't know some some kind of help some kind of help there's gonna be somebody that's capacitor Anderson it's gonna be some kind of help to you in a certain way and I don't know what that is but they'll show up and it'll bring help in a particular way yeah let him move down there little bit come on you know there you go nothing we thank your father we thank you for uh we thank you for we thank you Father bless blessed in Jesus name blessed for the next whatever that is blessed for the next the next phase the next place the next position the next the next flow the next degree of anointing Amato hasta Mata Marte SD Kiki autopathic IA alpha stole the key key key out the Busta Calle stepping up stepping up stepping hahaha stepping up and in the stepping up stepping into something more huh we thank your father stepping in stepping in not sticky at the baby hey sticky geeky a number my chart I now now this phrase comes slowness the pace is no longer acceptable slowness slowness no longer acceptable speed up speed up speed up the function now functioning in your gift speed up functioning in that embrace it move with it no more slowness no more no more no more no more no more holding back I stuck are you oh yeah the Bosto baby kiss tikaa kiaa mana ah that healing anointing huh ah for the earth for the earth oh how precious it is father thank you for opening opening great doors large doors huh a far-reaching flow for that [Music] larger circle larger circle being made huh by the spirit a larger circle being made by the spirit oh I thank you for it father how precious that yes so so so so precious strengthening for it does [Music] strengthening for it the strengthening for it [Music] [Music] did the forefront huh now to the forefront we thank you for we thank you for it father [Music] why thank you for a father blessed in Jesus name blessed blessed in Jesus name ah sh t ta on the bus the coiieague st Kiki a I don't know what this is means possibly but correct definitions correct defining us some things I'm reminded of that first phrase I don't know the exact of how he started that so not with me but in the accuracy accuracy accuracy accuracy so receive the accuracy of that sometimes people don't receive the accuracy because they think they're already accurate sometimes people don't realize that there's in accuracy so they keep on in that inaccuracy that God brings you accuracy Pachuca a blessed in Jesus name hahahahaha arch at the Bogota misty is the key kyoto bestow you a baby the hands that hold up those the hands that bless and serve haha the hands that hold up or strengthen hands so god strengthens your hands to continue to be to supply as Moses's hands were held up by those Joshua and those are just standing there their hands were strengthened to hold his you're standing in the strength in the place and the strength of it will flow up in your finances it'll flow up and your body's afloat it'll show up in every single way that strength will show up in every single arena so many do not honor or recognize the value of holding up the hands of another but you understand that and there is such honor such Grace and such reward that in blessing others you move into their blessing we thank you for it father blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name blessed in Jesus name much I thank you God that both stores do it 880 key key key key unrecognizable muhaha you won't even recognize others won't even recognize who is this little power punch gal they won't even recognize it'll be completely completely different than you ever imagined how you have flow pastor Donna now you would be used but it'll come to pass made up for lost time making up lost God knows how to make up lost time he does it watch other paths turcica Calle Master Kukai yet the best he could get you're the poster dodo sticky key we thank you Father we thank you haha we thank you Father we think we thank you father we thank you we thank you we thank you brother Eric come over here come here my first adieu ki-yay and I don't know what this means I don't know quite what it pertains to make sure you do it right and I don't know what that means and what it directly pertains to but because he has something more no missteps no no snow something that you figured out calculate it out but just let him let him unfold the steps and then you say oh I see clearly to walk it but many so many miss it because there they they hunt for steps to make they hump four steps they prefer and they miss the steps he authored so that's just what I hear make sure you don't miss it we thank you Father we think we thank you for accurate steps accurate steps we thank you for it father hallelujah praise the Lord again that song would you brother I'll say yes Lord yes to your wheel add to your way I'll say yes yes [Music] spirit speaks to me with my whole heart I'll agree and my answer yes I will rest I will rest law in your will rest rest trust I will trust you and obey and when your spirit speaks to me with my war and my I will rest I will rest here in your will I will rest longest I will trust you and when your spirit speaks just spirits from this I'll obey hard I'll agree and my answer land mines answer yes and my we'll be yes sister Annie I was reminded of a conversation that the Andersons and I had a couple of years ago because one of the things I pray is for God to raise up people who will lead us boldly in this word and spirit era and so we were talking about I don't know if you remember it at the other home and we were talking about I when we when I got saved and I would got saved in a 1980 so the word of faith was you know I'm the rise and you walk in there all these wonderful leaders you know that we're on the forefront and I said I'm not seeing that the number of leaders that are so obvious I guess now I've see people that are you know maybe more visible but I'm talking about for the word and spirit era and so we I said I've been praying about that and talking to God about raising up those who will lead us not not those who took a lead but those God gave a lead because people can take a lead for themselves for a while but that doesn't I'm talking about ones that God puts upfront and so then you went to a meeting that I don't know if you remember pastor Anderson y'all went to mean that was here local before our started because a friend of yours and I guess most another minister that was visiting and they answered that for us and they said when the heating revival started that there were no apparent leaders but at the start of it all these men just like overnight came to the forefront and I said that that's I kind of have sensed it that gods had people tucked away hiding him in secret that's the way God said it to me there in secret while he's training and preparing and then all of a sudden he brings them out and it's not just a slow rise it's a sudden it's a sudden yeah when you knock on the day of Pentecost the time was fully come suddenly there came a sound and God so much of the appearing that he brings her suddenly said but it's not sudden in training it's sudden in appearing it's sudden in forefront so take heart take heart yeah yeah because anyway praise the Lord you know what I'm talking about yeah sure hallelujah hallelujah I remember something God had said something to me about a particular project he said it will it will come it will come quickly so I thought that meant quickly and when it didn't but I said God it just doesn't seem like it's time for it but you said it will come quickly and he said quickly mean doesn't mean soon it means suddenly he said you thought quickly meant soon he said quickly means suddenly when it's time it'll come suddenly I didn't say he didn't said I didn't say it'll come soon when it's time it'll come suddenly so those of you that have had things in your heart and it seems delayed don't misunderstand that quickly is not soon quickly as suddenly Amen that when it when it's time it'll be sudden hallelujah hallelujah and then man when that sudden hits brother you know hallelujah Oh pastor Noel did we do it all is it time for lunch let's just lift up our hands and worship the Lord father we thank you we're so grateful so grateful for the things we've heard for the things that you're showing us and bringing us into father with our spirits we engage with our spirits we turn toward our spirits return we turn all toward our spirits we turn toward our spirits and from our spirits we say we're so pleased with your will we're so thrilled with your will we say yes we say yes yes yes yes yes it's our great joy and delight and privilege we give you thanks thank you for not believing us like you found it thank you for your mercy oh you've been so merciful to us you've been so patient you've been so and I say father your patience is not wasted on me your patience is not wasted on us we we choose to show you that your patience was worth was worth spending on us thank you so much praise the Lord praise the Lord well you don't want to miss tonight we'll pick up where
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 19,974
Rating: 4.7528958 out of 5
Id: BuEny4cu0pM
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Length: 129min 16sec (7756 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 14 2018
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