How to Play T'au Empire in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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so you've got four Loan operatives in this list it's a very strong rule yeah it's pretty good you've got Shadow Sun you've got the Fireside team and you've got two of these if you can shoot people and just not be shot back that's uh you're winning yeah guard armies are you crying right now hello and welcome to this how to play video I am Jordan and today I am joined here with Michael Costello and we shall be looking at the Tau today we are going to look at the Army rules and Detachment rules and everything that comes with the Detachment and then um Michael has kindly created a competitive towel list yep so we shall look at that at the very end of the video see how the new index matches up okay Mike so what's the Army rule for the towel the Army rule for the towel which coincidentally was my first ever 40K Army okay pretty nice nice um is for the greater good I don't like the slogan but yeah sure okay so not every unit has it cruets vespids um the fortifications they don't have this ability so you're auxiliary and stuff exactly exactly they're not gonna this isn't gonna apply to them but what it means is when you have a unit and you're going to shoot with it you pick a friendly other unit right that friendly other unit picks an enemy unit right and then your shooting unit gets plus one ballistic skill okay against that Target right but if it shoots anything else yeah it's minus one to its ballistic skill okay right so one of them's getting plus one ballistic skill that's right the other one's getting their normal shots at that Target but if they shoot anywhere else to get minus one blister skill close Okay your main unit yeah gets plus one business skill against that Target yeah but if it shoots anything else it's minus one ballistic skill okay right okay I've got a unit that's spotting for them yeah or the Observer unit as they're called has doesn't have to shoot the target right that is spotting um they can shoot anything else and there's no debuff to them cool so the only buff and debuff is happening to the unit that is exactly benefiting from the exactly that however your Observer unit is not able to then observe or be guided by anyone else they've killed their role in the sort of the the team to work sure so they only work in pairs they can't work in triples that's right right okay yeah um there are some rulings in some events that say that you can sort of do a trickle effect okay um I don't think that's how it should be and I don't think that's how it's intended right I recommend you run it you do a pair someone that has um observed to someone else is no longer eligible to be guided or observe again right and can we just clarify what eligible is in in the game so um what how how can you be eligible to shoot okay so eligible to shoot means that you haven't um Advanced or Fallen back right um or perhaps you have a pistol or a vehicle in melee okay an engagement range so you don't necessarily have to have a ranged weapon no you just have to be able to fight a range yeah exactly okay however the unit that's observing doesn't have to be eligible to shoot the target they're picking okay okay they have to be eligible to shoot right but they don't have to be eligible to shoot the target that they that um was observing right so for example if you have a unit of Crisis suits an engagement range of an enemy unit you could uh observe right um the target unit that's in engagement range okay with an infantry unit that's somewhere else right sure even though they wouldn't normally be an legible Target yeah and then the crisis suits can be guided to shoot that infantry unit that's in common with it yes so I know this is quite we just want to clarify a few of these interactions because it can be quite tricksy um so what you're saying is because these have the big guns never Tire rule that's right yes they are eligible to shoot in that combat yes but you can't save they were in combat with an infantry Squad as you said other units can't shoot the Infantry Squad right that's right but they can't select them to observe because they can see them they can see them right and you have to have line of sight to observe that's right calls right I've got it now I'm like awesome it makes sense cool yes cool excellent nice and is that everything for the rule yeah um not quite so if you if you've got the market like keyword and you're observing right then the guided unit gets ignores cover as well oh fantastic yeah perfect and things like the drones can give you mark like keyword or you can have it inbuilt if you're like Pathfinder or a Fireside Marksman that cool thing yeah sure um so super handy to sprinkle some drones in there for marker lights that's why you want that that light drone in there so definitely recommend you do that um if you're starting to play Tau fantastic fantastic all right well um the next thing to look at is the Detachment rules so what have we got going on here all right so this is carry on this is the towels equivalent to like the patient Hunter laying a trap and then engaging With the Enemy and hence uh the rule is only from the third battle round onwards okay okay so there's basically no ability uh until the third battle round right okay and what you get is sustained one on all of your shots fantastic so yeah amazing and then sustain two if you're guided okay right so it's it's building into the army rule you obviously want to start getting these benefits for The Guiding and then you get sustained too if you are guided yes sustained anyways fantastic yeah the downside may be coming I mean turns one and two aren't usually the damage turns no but if someone's like quite an aggressive Army yeah it can be a bit of an issue that your damage your Detachment you're relying on on Surviving till turn three foreign yes there's one way around it to get it a little bit earlier with an enhancement but otherwise you're stuck with it how it is you need to play your game a little bit slower okay don't try and get close to the only too early on yeah you'll have the opportunity to score some points later um and bear in mind that some of your units are actually incredibly tanky so um they can survive a turn to charge or whatever and then start to kick back damage yeah when it comes to your turn three most definitely see what you're saying is be a patient Hunter be a patient Hunter that's literally what the rule is or the whole thing so just make sure you are playing to that yeah so it's a thematic way of playing the Army um okay cool cool nice I like it there are a few other little bits here right just to point out so if you've got an ethereal in the list you can't have command of our sites makes sense and vice versa okay cool all right that makes that makes complete sense because the ethereals are the Abomination the towel cast yes yeah they are called cast right yeah they're cool cast so talcast and yeah and Far Side doesn't like them fast action absolutely they do not like fast on it no no they don't get sort of like them they don't get on don't put them in the Army together because you can't cool all right and can Shadow sun does does she go with farsight as well so um shadowstone this is all about keywords actually okay um so Shadow sun doesn't have a keyword about being fast by enclaves or Tau sept okay so there's nothing here to say that either of them couldn't team up right okay so but it's they have in the past they haven't oh they have in the past they're having the law right so you absolutely could do it oh fantastic sorry I was under the impression they never interact no so they've got like a um a respect for each other okay they don't like each other they're both masters of different styles of warfare he's monk cars she's carry on exactly right um so yeah fantastic but you can have them together if you wanted nice nice well I think overall it works to the Army I think I do like the spotting once you get past the word in a bit I do think it's a fantastic rule um but yeah yeah brilliant all right well let's um take a break and let's look at the enhancements next cool but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today Link in the description below okay Mike so tell me about these enhancements okay all right so um you can't have any of these on a crude shaper except for one of them which is precision of the patient hunter that must hurt you mate I know um I know you can't want the crew will be good one day then one day one day it will rise and overtake their Tower overlords uh no they just want them to be quite good oh okay okay um so we'll do that one first since I mentioned it yeah um Talent power model only obviously each time the bearer makes a range attack what's this one called first Precision of the patient Hunter nice okay um each time the bear makes a range attack add one to the hit roll from the third battle around onwards add one to the wind roll as well Okay cool so this is only going to affect your character yeah obviously this is going to be more effective on a Model that has lots of guns yeah sure so one of your commanders is probably the I think this is going to be a common theme right yes the commanders are obviously going to be some of your best units anyway yeah they have been if you've played Tau previously the 10th edition um so nice little upgrade for your commander um or your crew shape if you really want to do it we do love a cool shape around here yeah okay so let's move swiftly on yeah um Exemplar of the cow yawn okay all right now this is the one I alluded to earlier yeah while you're leading a unit that unit gets the effects of cowyon one turn earlier so from the Second Battle around onwards Okay so I think this is good I agree I think it's a good um good enhancement do you think it's in the category though of Auto take uh I think it depends how many commanders you're running okay uh if you're running at least two commanders it's probably up there with the auto takes yeah it's you know reasonably pricey but uh it's it's worth it because what it means is turn two you get your sustained one all the time yeah and sustain two and it makes that crisis brick an absolute Powerhouse I wouldn't take this on anything else I don't think it's worth it um and remember that effectively this is only giving you one turn of a buff yes you're paying for that extra Just One Tone at the end you're paying points just to make sure you're doing a maximum damage right exactly exactly but when you start to pair with something like OverWatch you actually get two shootings out of it if that makes sense okay right because of course if it's turned two you get to shoot in your turn two yeah and then you can OverWatch and get the benefits of sustained and your opponent's turn to as well fantastic so it is actually pretty good yeah sure um yeah I really like that mate um it also counts as maybe that weakness that we were saying that obviously if you're going against those Ultra aggressive armies yeah you actually have a unit that can do the maximum damage against the combat charging armies the world eaters not the blood angels yeah um yeah yeah absolutely absolutely you see once did that yeah yeah of course yeah exactly what's the third one mate the third one is puretoid engram neurochip and exactly and this is like a neuro chip made from all of his um tactical memories anyway hi um so the Tau Empire uh model yep can have a stratum used on its unit even though it's already been used on another unit that turn or that phase rather so we've seen disability with the captain for Space Marines however this is not making a strategy not to zero CBS not zero CP um it'd be incredible yeah zero CP it's still good yeah okay and there's a couple of reasons why so if you have the command points to hand yeah you can do fire and fade later in the game uh you can do the so there well we'll talk about the stratums in a minute yeah yeah sure but I've just gone ahead and just that's there that's fine I know your emails it's a towel so that's fine but core strategies wise you could do a double OverWatch fantastic which is insane okay I hate that so you could have two crisis bricks one could spend it the other one could do it do it and spend it again but you'd be able to do the discharge them again you could tank shock twice potentially I find that hilarious that crisis suits can tank top yes they're Vehicles yeah their vehicles strength fives you know running many dice um but yeah it's doing that twice yeah absolutely yeah absolutely yeah exactly if you have don't worry if that we'll talk about Far Side later because you could you could yeah anyway yeah anyway what's the last one mate uh through Unity Devastation okay this one I think is a little underrated right so what this does is while this model's leading a unit yep then when that unit observes a Target right the guided unit gets lethal hits against that Target okay so this is going to help you against your tougher targets right yes so plasmas if I'm right nine eight strength eight so when you're looking at something that's uh strength nine or higher which is most Vehicles think well pretty much all vehicles yeah game right yeah you're gonna be looking at fives whereas this will your sixes are just going just going straight in straight in exactly that's fantastic yeah it's really good the only downside to this one is which unit to put it on yes um so this is probably best done on a maybe a Fire Blade that's with like a Strike Team or something yeah or an ethereal breaches um breaches exactly um put on with some breaches um but it doesn't quite work on your suits because they're the unit that you want to be guided yeah sure rather than the one that you want to be spotting for someone else yeah okay so yeah well they seem like they've all got a place maybe the patient Hunter one isn't up to the standards but yeah I think overall you've got one Auto includes yeah definitely which would be the patreon hunter not patient the sustained that's the one yes getting your carry on a bit earlier yeah that's one that's pretty yeah pretty good yeah and then if you can find it in the list I definitely recommend the extra the extra stratagem um even though you've already used one yeah yeah nice all right well we'll take another break and we'll look at the stratums next sure let's take a moment to appreciate color Forge our fantastic sponsor their range of spray paint has become our go-to for making our Miniatures come to life quickly and efficiently the quality and variety of colors they offer are truly unmatched providing a smooth application for stunning effects every time check out colorforge for your next hobby project okay Mike so what are the stratums all right the first one's stem injectors okay right right now you're gonna use this in the fight phase or your opponent's shooting phase okay after you've been selected as a target of their attacks right and what this does um it's only for Battle Suits but you get filter pain six plus until the end of the phase fantastic right yeah this is great um but it's only really effective on either a lot of wounds yes so if you're taking crisis suits and there's only maybe three in the unit it might not be as effective yeah but if you're taking like six or three broadsides um or you've got like um I don't know Riptide or one of the Forge World fancy variants this can be incredibly powerful yeah um and when we get to the the well the star of the index in my opinion crisis suits we're going to see how effective this can be numbers wise yeah yeah definitely definitely I mean having a six-up feel no pain anyway just on because they can get like six wings each can't they so this is the thing yes when you can start to mitigate some of the damage when damage two and threes coming in at you it becomes really really important um yeah nice all right solid strap yep what's the next one mate strike and fade okay I'm I'm pretty familiar with this this you'll see this in a few other um fast armies uh indexes two command points towering per battle suit that can fly right after it's shot if it's not with an engagement range of any enemy units it can make a normal move but cannot charge we don't we don't care about charging with Tower so that that's absolutely fine but doing a normal move so how far to Chrysler suits move uh so they moved 10 I think it's 10. it might be eight you know it's eight okay uh no it's ten is 10. it's definitely 10 it is definitely ten ten so they can move ten the reason I'm confused is because if you attach a cold star to a crisis team right you go to movement 12. ah okay right which obviously pretty big implications because it would work with that strata jump yes you could shoot and then move 12 inches yeah that's brilliant that's brilliant um yes you can get your line of sight and then literally just go back into cover and stuff because don't forget these aren't as maneuverable as in previous editions right no because of how Vehicles work with fly and buildings and terrain they can't just go over a top of the building now you it's really difficult to get them in in those situations having the ability to move out and stuff like that is yeah it's brilliant yeah that's really good but 2cp it's it's expensive yeah expensive yeah expensive all right well what's the third one um coordinate to engage okay I really like this one I think it's very very cool um basically after you've guided your unit okay um The Observer unit you can use this stratagem on the Observer unit right and they essentially become guided right against the spotted Target okay now it's not it's not worded it's not guided yeah they just get the plus one ballistic skill and ignores cover if they've got a marker light okay okay right for that reason it doesn't stack with the lethal hits ability right because they're not being guided yeah sure a bit of a shame it would have been awesome to see a bit of crossover there by using that wording um in which case you might even consider it on crisis suits yeah because then you could get lethal hits on yourself and another unit yeah um alongside you but it is still a good stratum yeah definitely getting plus one ballistic skill one Tower is pretty big yes so being able to pop this and have your two units on plus one ballistic skills is good yeah it's another strap definitely I like it mate I like it well what's the fourth one point blank Ambush very very simple this one um so basically shooting phase uh against targets within nine inches of your unit extra AP fantastic however you can't use it in the first or second battlegrounds right so we're seeing the conjunction with the cow yawn yes um and that's not obviously it's not going to work in conjunction with the enhancement either is it where you get the extra no okay right it's not okay that's a shame um but but still getting an extra AP extra AP when you've got pretty much Army wide ignore's cover yeah extra AP is nasty really nice so I think the way that this Army is looking to me is that you really want to be holding back holding your forces back trying to get them at objectives maybe have some Alpha units just to keep the objectives like for them first few turns and then your big stuff comes in turn three yes and just does a world of hurt to your opponent exactly that that is how you want to play this you want to bait them into onto your objectives of time take them off you yeah or to do all their cards and stuff and then you want to do this turn three boom in there um you can start a little bit earlier turn two with the unit that has the enhancement yeah but you want to yeah absolutely absolutely right that's the play style that's how you can do it nice well we've got two left so what was the next one mate so the next one is Photon grenades okay I remember these from everybody I hated it I absolutely hate them the previous Edition um so one Tau Empire grenades unit right okay in your opponent's charge phase after um they've declared your grenades unit as the target okay so basically throw your photo on grenades at them while they're trying to charge at you they're now immediately take a battleship test right um and regardless of the result they're minus two to their charge rolls so does that mean your opponent could then select a different Target or not no so they have to go into that yes yeah yeah because they've selected you as the Target now you use the stratagem okay now their charger always minus two before they make the role if they become battle shocked there's no re-roll on that charge essentially yes yeah potentially okay that's that's really really it's good for this Army it's good yeah because I mean combat isn't as prevalent right in the 10th edition however those combat armies I'm thinking World eaters yep my blood angels yeah are gonna struggle again and it's gonna make you think right if I want to get this charge I'm gonna have to make sure I'm even closer to you exactly because they're going to use the exactly exactly yeah minus two yeah that's that's really good it is limited to grenade units only so you're looking at pretty much just the fire Warriors and strike teams and Pathfinders the crisis do not have grenades just yes just make sure you don't declare a charge against both because there's it would apply to the entire unit yeah nice all right last one uh combat combat embarkation oh okay um this has to be maybe my favorite of the snow gyms I there's a play style with towel that I really like with this it's not what I've written the list around okay um but it's certainly an oven you can go right and what this is is in your opponent's charge phase after they've declared a charge you choose an infantry unit that was declared as the target and you choose a transport and provide your infantry unit is wholly within three inches of the transport right you can Embark back on the vehicle in the vehicle it's very very hilarious uh it's just within it's not even holy within well it's even better oh brilliant oh that's going to help out quite a bit then when you have your 10-man units right um yeah nice uh there does have to be transport capacity for them of course yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's just crazy please um so yeah that that's really great and it's nice to see a little buff for the the fight fire teams and stuff uh very good on breaches because they're a close range unit yeah you get up close with your devil fish you get out shoot your breaches and then if your opponent wants to charge you there's the threat the bridge is just getting back in the double fish and because tanks are so much tougher than infantry yeah they may not have the tools to take your tank down right turn after you get out and you shoot them again so let's say I declared a charge against the breaches they'd come out and Embark yep do I then get to redeclare charge yes yes you do yeah yeah so you can choose not to charge or you can choose to charge something else right okay so it gives the option for both players but it also means that you're not losing your valuable asset of the breaches yeah potentially could lose the devil fish but that's that's much better option exactly than than the unit that you want to be doing yeah it's fantastic and those two stratums I mean all of them work uh well but those two stratum's very hilarious a sort of breaches and double fish mobilized infantry build yeah um and what I would love to do to do is run a build like that but use that um enhancement to let you do an extra strategy I was just thinking that yeah that was so funny you could have two breach units get out Target a unit yeah and then if your opponent tries to charge those breacher units you can pop it with one and then get in pop it with the other get back in the other one um or you could do double Photon grenades that's hilarious um so I actually really look I must say I don't like towel right they're one of my armies I've had to play continually with my brother yeah and towel just because because this is the Army I always have to play in tournaments for some reason yeah you do yeah um and yeah I just I hate to shoot your face I don't know mini Steve in that regard right fair enough but that's really cool to me yeah it is I've really like that that's very cool um I know it might not be the most competitive it could it works competitively it will work yeah it's I don't think we're gonna see that as the primary build of Internet it's not the the min max kind of option exactly yeah exactly but overall though six great straps yeah great stratums um you've definitely got your choice yeah of stratums of what you want to use um you've got your counter to combat armies yeah you got your boss to your shooting weapons um so yeah you've even got your defensive ones for your crisis suits to help keep them alive a bit more brilliant nice I really like it dude all right so should we look at some of the units that you've picked yeah we'll look at some units and I do want to talk about Jones as well briefly okay right we'll start with the drones and we'll be back in a moment with the release of Warhammer 40 000 10th edition our Vanguard tactics we've put together the perfect course for you if you're already playing ninth Edition but you want to seamlessly transition into the new edition leave behind everything you know about ninth and understand everything you need to know about 10th then this short course is going to be ideal we break down all the complexities and give you step-by-step guidance on how to really make the most from 10th edition we're going to help you understand all the basics of the game and then some top tips along the way to help you really get the most from your army and your playing experience and if that's something you want to do and get signed up on our short course which you can study in your own time then do check out the links below and get signed up to our accelerator program okay Mike so let's start looking at these these units okay drones drones right this is a big shift if you haven't played Tau or if you have played Tau in previous editions yeah and even for a newcomer where you have a kit and then you make one of these really cool drones um it's no longer considered a model I wondered why there's no drones on a table um well actually Droid is because they take ages to set up and there's so many oh so you're being lazy uh in a way yeah yeah I mean you know guys so when you've got drones they're essentially a war Gear Up upgrade okay cool right now what I do recommend you do is have some of the models on the table right it's easy for your opponent to see oh you've got a marker drone in that unit um and of course place the the Drone next to the model that is is equipped with the Drone okay so essentially what you've got here is for example you've got Guardian drones which a lot of your infantry can have and this subtracts one from the wound roll for range attacks nice okay and this would be equipped to the shazwi the uh sergeant of the squad the guy without helmets usually right yeah you usually people love to have sergeants without helmets Yeah fish heads anyway um or you could have a gun drone which basically means your model is equipped with some extra guns that's that's how you use that essentially yeah um but if the model that is equipped with those drones dies then the drones go with them the War gear goes with them so that's that's why it's important to maybe if you only have one model in the unit to have the Drone next to it just to indicate that that guy's gonna yeah so um Christ suits there's six models in the unit you can each have two drones if only one of them has a marker drone yeah then I definitely recommend putting a marker drone next to that suit all the time yeah sure okay especially when we come to Shield drones which actually increase your wounds characteristic cool you need to know which suit only has a certain number of wounds compared to the other ones but if the whole unit has them has the same equipment it's probably just best not to put them on because when you've got 12 well six guys that's 12 drones just floating around them yeah it's a lot of it's a lot of faff yeah yeah is that your excuse for not putting them on the table uh in a way yeah I mean I love joint models I think they're very cool and I would probably put on a few anyway but if they start to get in the way of movement or because of terrain or whatever remember they don't technically exist as a model so they can't be charged you can't draw on a site to them exactly nothing like that so it's all my combat brothers and sisters out there if you see someone with drones don't worry about them they're not there to charge no it's the rest of the guys okay yeah so um just wanted to cover that with yes I think it's important because they have played quite a pivotal role right for they've had a towel for a while so it's nice to see this way I think personally I'm not a towel player but it's nice to see not having as much interaction with the drones themselves because there was quite a few Shenanigans where you could just sacrifice drones yeah yeah um they led to a lot of the the hate surrounding Town exactly whereas now it's actually a lot more simple Yes um which is great but let's look at some Spotlight units dude so what's this first one that you want to look at um I actually really wanted to look at Shadow Sun cool right so I wanted to cover Shadow sun and farsight yep uh and and you know because a lot of players out there you're probably thinking I like one of these two so I'm going to run one of these two yeah maybe you're a huge fan of farsight's law so you want to run farsight yeah okay um and obviously with VT we encourage you to run the things you want to run and just make the most out of them yeah rather than necessarily drop something you love because it's not strong in in the game like Dante like Dante for example and I will always respect you George for running Dante even though some people don't think he's the meta pick thanks bro uh so Shadow Sun what does she give you well she's um loan operative fantastic she's infiltrators fantastic she's got stealth fantastic cool excellent um she's relatively tough toughness four six wins three up save fine she's got line operative doesn't really matter yep um she can fall back and shoot okay probably you don't want to be that close to the enemy anyway yep but fine here's the kicker while a friendly Tower Empire units within six inches of this model each side model that unit makes a range attack we roll a hit roll of one so is that every roll of one every single roll of one perfect cool right nice well that's brilliant when you can start combining spotting and the stratagem you can really increase your efficiency so she's she's got tactical face not really any other way in the index of getting re-rolls to hit okay right that changes things then doesn't it because she becomes almost an auto included in that sense right yeah exactly there are look there's some four Droid units that do it for you but in the index she's your only option for rerolls right it does of course affect literally anything yeah so if you take I mean she affects herself she affects hammer heads crew yeah crew um broadsides oh and she is probably best when you've got your ejectors on the table because she's an own operative maybe that second objective that you really want to really want to hold have her there and then have some units around her benefiting from her kicking out lots of damage nice you know because she could buff a couple of hammerheads and some broadsides yeah on an objective that's tough to remove and very efficient you've just made a castle which is getting extreme benefit exactly nice and don't worry about the damage she puts out because she can spot for you he doesn't have to do damage to help you so she can spot for you um I think she's she's all around she's great um she does also have the ability to refund CP for you because he's a stratagem on a friendly unit within six so that could work in conjunction with the enhancement where you can use two stratums so there's the potential to get one of those back yeah exactly okay right so that's really nice I see some utility with her then which is brilliant yeah nice all right cool so what's farsight do then so uh yin and yang we've got Commander farsight um his model is fantastic it is a fantastic model we don't have it painted up yet we are going together we're going to do it I might have to take things into my own hands he's in the other room Mike yeah um so farsight has a pretty standard battle suit you know date sheet um but he's got the dawn blade right this is the corn infused only melee weapon available to a um towel model okay it's the guy the cardray Fireblade with a little dagger in his hand he doesn't get to use it no he doesn't get to use it there's technically a ceremonial dagger oh little plastic toys you can get from Toys R Us it's like a ritual knife oh okay um because they they bond to each other using a ritual with knives involved before battles right and that's anyway so the towel law for you sure um so commander Fireside it's got the dawn blade right um this is four attacks hit on two strength 10 ap2 flat 3 damage nice so it's better than anything else you've got yeah if someone does try and tag your unit with maybe three Space Marines you're pretty reliably killing them well reasonably reliably killing them you're putting them on 500 Days right exactly exactly so that's quite nice more importantly though it's a strength 10 weapon on a vehicle model so you can take yeah that I was sorry yeah I don't know why I'm actually surprised I've said this earlier yeah so he could run in there and just shoulder barge or Point his sword in their face I I think let's just say he actually sweeps his sword because that's more of the damage right okay cool yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah um so he doesn't just like two foot kick I reckon that's what he does he dropped he drops using his jet pack yeah yeah it's like Drop no no that's a Dante move dude yeah true anyway anyway so um yeah nice nice to have that option do water wounds on the charge yeah um there's not a huge amount of mortal wounds that can be done with the towel no um there's not a huge amount of devastating wounds uh so this is a great way of getting some more wounds in there cool anyway um while they're leading a unit um you add one to the wound draw if you're targeting someone within nine inches uh so yeah plus one to wound fantastic big on Tau Phantom the Chrysler suits themselves Fusion blasters are very short range yeah but plasma rifles iron blasters missile pod strength seven strings eight plus one now means you can kill Vehicles so what you could do strike and fade or sorry move forward yeah shoot all your Starstruck back yep so you get close get back yep or extra AP yeah because you'll be within nine for his rule as well so I can see he's definitely buffing up your crisis suit yeah and that's the unit you want him with right whereas this is Army wide yes here's one is more unit specific yes yeah um also rapid Ingress is quite good yeah um because if you know your opponent can't shoot you or can't do enough damage to you you can turn up and then move your 10 inches yeah get within that nine inches and again another good strap for that enhancement being able to Rapid Ingress two crisis bricks is spicy it's very spicy that's pretty spicy yeah that's some hot Nando's um okay cool and he's got a once per barrel ability to reroll his hit some wins in common not so great well I mean it's great I take it it's good for that one time it matters yes but yeah yeah exactly not exactly all right so next unit mate okay let's talk about um I think crisis suits is probably worth talking about yeah because I I personally think they're the All-Star unit yeah they are iconic they are probably the most popular towel uh unit they're the the elite of the elite right this is your your top dogs these are your top dogs uh so these guys 10 inch move cool toughness five nice three up save four wounds oc2 oc2 is nice yeah oc2 is nice it's very nice uh these are vehicles so this is a massive change this is a massive change and it has upsides and downsides yes it is a lot of anti-infantry two plus or whatever out there doesn't work on crisis suits hey why baby Haywire does work baby uh grav does work because they're vehicles um the main downside to this is do you give up so many points on the bring it down secondary yes so expect your opponent to have an eye on taking fixed and taking bring it down if you have even just the six crisis suits yeah and some other stuff in the Army um because it's two victory points per crisis suit that they killed it's a lot isn't it well you've got a lot to fix I mean you um you're looking at a lot of vehicles in the Army anyway yeah it's quite a mechanized arming yep so yeah okay right what's the upside saying well the upside is they can have four pieces of equipment oh okay okay including duplicates of weapons so the first go-to for me right is The Shield generator because it gives your model a four plus and vulnerable save okay right nice cool whatever's shooting at you four up yeah you're fine nice right and then of course after your four up invent you might have a six plus feel no pain from the Star jump okay which again you could be able to use on two different units if you've got that that enhancement it's sounding even more and more like an audio tape to me yeah that enhancement okay right um okay either that or you could also have another piece of War gear which is a fullback and shoot a vehicle you've got big guns in a tire yeah you can shoot at the Target that's in common with you anyway and shoot out and shoot out of combat too because I'm really effective too much um or you can have a weapon support system lets you ignore modifiers to your hip rolls it's not bad I think that's quite good actually it's not bad because you can ignore the minus one hit while your engagement range it's not bad but you probably want the four opinion and three weapons yes yeah because it's either a weapon or you know one of these things and I'd rather have more shots to roll you're probably going to be scoring more likely to hit exactly because as you said that there are ways to get re-rolls there are other ways yeah you can you can guide the unit guide them so yeah sure nice cool okay so there's a few standout weapons here that I consider right and a few that I probably wouldn't so I'll just mention the ones I think are very good cool Okay so we've got the plasma rifle yep uh this is one of the only sources of flat three damage right it's very important um it's only one shot 24 inch range uh strength eight minus three flat three damage potentially ap4 percentage probably hitting on threes yeah because you'd be guided uh with sustained okay that's fantastic and three shots a model three shots of model I probably wouldn't take three on a suit no no I'd probably look at maybe one on each suit and have six across the whole unit right and then two of another weapon okay all right cool what what's the other weapon then so if you prefer to engage at longer ranges right the missile pod's perfect of course it's 30 inch range right and you've got two shots per gun so that's gonna be at least four per suit strength seven AP one two damage so not too bad uh however if you like to get up and up close and kick out enormous amounts of damage right the cyclic iron blaster is the way right um this used to be a prototype weapon and once per Army but now everybody's got one they've upgraded the Tau Empires as they upgraded their technology yeah right it's very good so uh your standard profile is three shots at 18 inch range like seven AP one one damage cool that's nine shots per suit still at strength seven yeah if you don't say the password if you don't yeah if you don't take the the plasmas and if you don't overcharge if you do overcharge it does become hazardous okay which means after you've shot you roll a dice for every single cyclic iron blast you fired from that unit with overcharge and on ones you're going to take three mortal wounds uh because they're there because they're Vehicles right cool so risky risk definitely risky yeah um so this is why you might consider one Plasma on each suit to have the higher damage to cyclic ions so that you're only rolling a certain number of dice yeah sure um all right but the overcharge is worth it because it's strength eight ap2 two damage right so yeah that's that's really good it's really good I I do think maybe putting the part one plasma and two of the others yes uh two cyclic ions is the way to go with it because you're balancing out that that insecurity of potentially killing models right exactly they're quite Hefty points wise yeah these guys so losing one can feel quite hurtful okay dude so overall crisis suits are going to be the staple to your list right yeah absolutely I'd expect to see a unit of six a minimum with a commander leading them um and you could absolutely go for two units of six cool there is even an argument for a unit of three for a smaller deep striped footprint yeah in their fire shots um so yeah crisis suits yeah outstanding unit does unfortunately suffer from the vehicles giving up points thing we mentioned yeah yeah that's what it is they've still got yeah take it exactly they've still got a lot of benefits haven't they yeah okay Mike so what's the next unit you want to look at uh so I want to look at uh very cool battle suit the the ghost kill okay so I never really seen these in ninth Edition so what does he do right so I mean the main thing here is the loan operative so he has loan operative or they have loan operative they also have stealth fantastic all right um now a loan operative usually not a big deal this guy is tough today with a two plus save and 12 wounds so you're gonna have to get within 12 inches first okay and then you've got to deal with that profile right right in addition to that the stealth Jones again it's War gear they're not represented on the table um I would definitely represent these for the go school though because what they do right twice per battle after an attack's been allocated to the model you can change the damage characteristic of the attack to zero and you get to pick when to use these or is it the first one that goes onto the model so you get to pick so it's after an attack has been allocated wow that's very powerful it is yeah um now keep the tokens on the board the sales drones on the board because then after you've used it once you can take one drone off cool after you use it twice take both drones off and then you know that it can't use that anymore yeah yeah sure this is incredibly powerful against a weapon that has devastating wounds and a high amount of damage oh yes because if something like a wraith Knight fires a wraith Cannon shot at this guy and it's 2d6 more wounds you make the damaged characteristic of the weapon zero devastating wounds inflicts mortar wounds equal to the damage characteristic of the weapon no damage okay that's a very tanky drone I like it yeah yeah a lot that's amazing yeah it's it's excellent yeah then you've got a variety of upgrades you can give it so you can get the stealth you can get the smoke keyword okay I mean it already has stealth so it's gonna say you're giving yourself they can't sleep yeah so not amazing so you're probably gonna go um you may as well take it anyway because you can it's like there's no like other option sure sure fine whatever um the cyclic ion and the fusion is the decision right now because you've got loan operative right to make use of that you don't want to be that close to the enemy so taking a cyclic ion gives you a 36 inch range oh that's fantastic yeah yeah exactly exactly and it's strength a ap2 flat three damage with six shots and does it have the Hazardous thing the same as the crisis it does exactly the same right um so three mortal wounds but you'd only roll one dice after you've shot with it okay yeah and you're only going to lose three wounds from 12 so of course quarters if you yeah he rolls that one so you can put in consistent damage over the course of the game yeah with this ghost kill using this ion raker I mean it's damaged three it's fantastic shot yeah that's fantastic um and then you probably would take something like the twin burst Cannon um because it's also 18 inch range so just more shots you can throw in and it's twin link so you re-roll wounds and that's still outside of the threshold of the loan operative right okay um these benefit particularly from the strike and phase stratagem okay yeah because obviously you can go in get it within range shoot and then jump out so that your loan operative is still there yeah because there's obviously you could get within the nine get the extra AP if you wanted to and pop back up right okay it's all making sense now mate exactly and if they're out of range just use them to to uh guide to observe another unit it's so confusing because one unit is guiding the guided unit but you call them an observer yes anyway we will get there eventually we'll get their event exactly so that's the go skill great unit 170 points as it stands so I think he's worth it for 175 I agree yeah I agree awesome what's the what's the last unit mate so the stealth Battle Suits oh okay sort of like a a sleeper unit yeah uh absolutely fantastic um they infiltrate so they're great for any screening you might want to do they're one of the only units in the book that does infiltrate I say that did the ghost kill infiltrate it does oh so it goes so that's two yeah so you've got to go Skilling for traits um they can infiltrate um I think there's like a crew unit that infiltrate anyway so these guys can infiltrate right um and they've got this excellent ability forward observers if they are observing right then the guided unit can reroll wound rolls of one so that's fantastic because you're increasing the output again but on a wound roll rather than the hit roll which is what the Army rule gives originally exactly so you'll get your sustained two you're gonna have more dice now to real ones to wound with that's brilliant nice I like it mate yeah really really strong uh these guys also let you use Rapid Ingress for zero command points on them or if someone arrives within three inches of them okay so this is cool because this is another interaction that's similar to the ninth Edition one where you could have crisis Suits come within yes range of them wasn't it whereas now it's just rapid Ingress that's brilliant yep and stacks well with the using a strategy twice yeah because you could have two stealth teams do it three but twice yeah okay sure and then it's very cool so is it is it holy within three or just three uh it's just within three oh so you could put so you could put six there yeah yeah you could put six in the commander there that's spicy it's very very yeah very good I like it and provided you're not within nine inches horizontally yeah sure um but you could equally sort of string the unit out try and get a few a bit closer yeah yeah because obviously you don't want the Steely it's getting killed too early on like we said how the Army plays that patient under style yes exactly exactly well they they sound great to me mate do they have good damage output or ah they're not really there for the damage they're just there for the they're for the spotting but that's kind of how you want some of your spotting units yeah I need either need to be reliable enough on their own or they need to give out a buff and just guide and not be particularly strong in any other area cool cool what's great is that these can do your mission cards as well yes do a mission card but they can still observe that's brilliant no I like it mate I like it is there any other units you wanted to just mention um I'm a big fan of hammerheads now yeah okay a big fan of hammerheads so you've got a couple of options the railgun is is okay yeah very high damage high strength the ion cannon though comes in again hazardous right but with flat three damage up and out of it okay you know flat three damage is quite rare yeah in 10th edition 40K being able to kick it out in Spades is something Tau can do yeah so building into that and these guys get an inbuilt re-roll okay so that's gonna hit or a wound yeah sure which means they're actually quite good to be a unit that observes because they're reasonably reliable on their own right yeah yeah yeah um but equally they're going to benefit from being guided to yeah sure because it's a lot of shots yeah you've got secret missiles underneath our accelerator first kind of sure it's a lot of shots yeah nice all right sounds good sounds good and any others well I've got to mention the broadside of course I can't go on forever but the broadsides yeah one of my favorite models um the big gun is going to be some of the highest and most reliable um strength right right is it rail Cannon heavy rail rifle rail rifle well yes heavy rail rifle okay uh so it's two shots right and it's strength 12 ap4 D6 plus one damage brilliant does have devastating winds as well oh and it does have heavy okay so you guide this unit it becomes ballistic skill three plus with them plus one two plus one to hit with heavy but hitting on twos okay with these guns with potentially sustained hits too that's fantastic two three onwards it's very very good however you need to play these guys carefully because they only move five inches you're gonna use those first two turns right to set up where these guys are going to start absolutely nailing the enemy yes you want to do that patient Hunter style try and wait until you get that line of sight then bang you've got all them shots and you're doing the damage exactly exactly and you're still fine to move and shoot the heavy you know hitting on twos is great and all but the hitting on threes see they've got two up to save as well yeah two up save toughness six eight wounds each cool um and a feeling of pain four plus against more wounds oh fantastic so even better um now one thing we didn't mention about the price of suits of course is Shield drones we said they give you an extra wound but you can imagine six crisis suits with six wounds each yeah the four big one and yeah six up if you want to paint likewise you could put children with broadsides right um you could put a broadside up to 10 wounds potentially um and then obviously you can use stem injectors for the film no pain as well yeah so these guys could be like a backfield objective holder yep they've got the range they've got the Firepower so they literally can just be a really good anti-tank and if you're worried about how slow they are put them in strategic Reserve sure exactly come on you can guide them they're still pretty accurate and they've got line of sight on all sorts of stuff now yeah the Army sounds like it's going to be working off synergies with each other right so you want everyone to be teaming up looking at an opponent and being like right this is my target you're going yeah yeah cool I like it mate I I think the units that you showcase are very strong there are a few others that we do know about like tetras tetras yeah so um tetras are in the Forge World index yeah um they're a little too cheap what they can do because if they guide someone basically the guided unit gets reroll hits um which is obviously very very strong exactly and they're not easy to kill either no exactly exactly so yeah that's another way of maybe getting the re-rolls to hit um but yeah I think overall the Army does sound like it's got some good Synergy Buffs yeah um it can do definitely do the damage um definitely but yeah you just gotta hope your opponent doesn't make it into combat and start tearing you up yeah yeah but you do have defenses against you I mean yeah the crisis suits are probably okay um yeah it's as seen in some of our other yeah they um they can soak up some damage yeah exactly exactly so you play your cards right um pay units up make use of your abilities and you are good to go with this Army yeah um just yeah that Target priority is key as a tower player yeah that's yeah and we're saying probably more tactical with this Army right rather than anything and a big weaknesses they give away quite a lot on fixed which is yeah so um tactical can be good depends on how you build it you're gonna need to put some units in there just to do that kind of thing like piranhas or you unit stealth suits can do this yeah FS bids fast units they're cheap fixed is ideal because you can guide yourself against a specific Target you can eliminate it yeah or you can move a unit and and put it in the middle of the board to deploy a Teleport home or every turn consistently because of how the Army Works in needing that turn three four and five yeah as your your big damage turns you don't really want to be playing you know Go in different places on the board yeah one and two yeah um so fix is ideal but you can play tactical with the towel cool cool all right well should we run over your list yeah okay okay yeah we'll talk through the list awesome okay Mike so let's run through this list so what have we got in the Army okay so the first thing I wanted to do was take one of the main characters oh the shadowstone or far side right now far side's pretty popular yeah I'm gonna take Shadows on in this one is there a tactical reason for it or practically um I think she's great as a loan operative yeah I want to build into this patient Hunter kind of style so yeah she's going to hop around with a few other units giving them roles whilst also standing on an objective yeah um a certain distance away from the enemy yeah to make use of that line operative nice nice cool she's in there with her rear ones or that's her main thing yeah uh we then have a cold Star Commander cool which is this guy uh yeah and this guy he gives the unit movement 12 and makes their um weapons assault okay crisis suits um have an advanced related ability so they they get a buff to their Advance right now they don't normally have assault so that that doesn't work very well for them okay but having this guy makes it work so that's like a double buff by attaching him to them they get something and you know well so another Synergy exactly exactly cool um uh now weapon loadouts there's a variety of plasma rifles and Secret Garden blasters here yep and remember that if you shoot with a cyclic iron blaster on the commander but also with the unit yep you can pick where the more wounds go cool and it's a six-man unit right a six-man unit of Crisis sorry yes I'm going through the characters first but he's going to lead okay six crisis suits cool again Loadout definitely a shield generator on there yep and then three weapons like I said earlier two cyclic and the plasma awesome I like it mate all right awesome so then we've got a fire site Marksman yep okay this is just a 70 points loan operative um great for sitting on the backfield yep uh it does have some shots but you know they're okay yeah but can guide a unit or rather can observe for a unit yes and has the mark like keywords exactly um to give them ignorance cover as well nice so very nice then I've got long strike oh okay so I quite like long strike because he's not much more points than a normal Hammerhead right but his base ballistically on all his guns is three oh nice so if you guide long sorry if You observe four long strike Mike I'm going to drill this into your head soon mate If You observe for long strike yeah um he hits on twos okay brilliant yeah right so then next to Shadow Sun rerolling the ones to hit he's a pretty consistent uh amount of shooting um he does have a cool ability where um he has plus under here against Monsters and vehicles anyway which means that he can observe for someone else and he's independent enough to do the damage he's an independent he's an independent towel cool um and then buff the other Hammerhead right and that's probably gonna be paired with him to do more damage right so guide that other one so it hits on threes and then he's gonna hit on twos cool like both three row ones around shadowstone right um so he also has the re-roll that all Hammerheads have like this so you can he can re-roll himself say if he had to go off and do something else yeah okay right definitely um then can give lethal hits as well in the command phase to another head which is is pretty nice especially when I'm rocking iron cannons on them both I was going to say yeah because this thing has devastating like it's big cannon right yes so it wouldn't work in conjunction with that no not ideally yeah um no but the ion cannon because it's not as high strength yeah so the ion cannon is strength eight overcharged cool right all right damage three but it's damn it's ap2 damage three so you're making that lethal hits on a different hammer head yeah is pretty handy yeah but I haven't taken two Hammerheads because he only lost one yeah well he's a hammerhead himself isn't exactly so yeah exactly so we've got a lot of Firepower there I like it from from those two yeah uh we then have um obviously the Christ suits I've mentioned yep we have some broadsides just how many three three broadsides three broadsides a unit yeah um they've got the heavy rail rifles cool are you going to strap reserve them or it depends on on them I certainly could right and that would be a good way of getting an angle yeah sure um I've then got a missile drone per and they've got twin plasma rifles and that's the instead of the missiles do they have and they have the shield and they have a secret missile and a shield joint they've got a lot of stuff going on George um so she will drone so nine wins each yeah missile pods so two like missile shots at the edge two each a twin missile a twin plasma rifle and then a Seeker missile each on top of that cool right um these guys are taught out they are talking they are yes yeah cool guys are three man or woman Army right there yeah sure I like it mate um then we've got two go skills okay so Loadout I mentioned earlier yeah you're meant you're making use of the loan operative in the Army clearly I like it yeah and one of them could sell any home objective if if you know so you've got four lone operatives in this list it's a very strong rule yeah it's pretty good you've got Shadow Sun you've got the Fireside team and you got to release if you can shoot people and just not be shot back that's uh you're winning yeah guard armies are you crying right now I'm a little bit sad as a girl I'm sure you are mate um we've got the two stealth teams okay so two still teams start further at the board do matchings for me and support my shooting yep and then I've got two piranhas okay so we didn't mention these so what's their benefit mate um so they're very fast okay they're very cheap right uh and for what you for for their points essentially you've got um a model that is toughness seven with seven wounds cool which means that people don't want to put in the amount of Firepower they have to right to kill this unit right okay okay and be in a vehicle they're going to be eligible to shoot regardless of their situation yeah and they also come with two Sequim results each two Mika missiles not the artist not no affiliation two secret missiles each right um and I've given the burst Cannon um but it's a fair bit of Firepower nice uh and they score objectives really really well yeah it seems like you've got a lot of smaller units and obviously your your piranhas as well to go out and do your your objectives your missions yeah and you've got that you've built heavily into this loan operative um I have yes this is a list that may not do tactical hugely well okay you could probably deploy teleport homers and then kill stuff right it's very kind of killing stuff yeah um but we only really have the stealth suits and the Piranhas that go out and score things I think teleport homers would be good though right I agree you can get five points if you it's five points right Five Points you give your enemy territory so they've got the speed yep for starters yeah you've definitely got the tough units as well to deal with enemy units yep so yeah it really makes your opponent think how am I gonna deal with it yeah I mean if you have a piranha in the middle of the table it's going to be eligible to shoot even if your enemies in combat with it so you've got to be able to do the deploy teleporters every turn cool so I think that would be my my Approach with the list is is that everything in the list that is it is okay mostly guns and well that's the last Hotel plate right yes exactly um so obviously with the piranhas and stuff are you going to be moving them out term one or you can be waiting until that turn to start pushing for them points so I'm probably going to be doing very little term one except setting up my lines of fire yeah I'm probably going to identify a couple of places on the board where I can combine several units Firepower okay and then I'm going to make sure I have units that can guide also looking at those places yeah the Piranhas again great for guiding because yeah so fast they get angles sure um so yes my turn one would be very limited um unless you run at me obviously yeah and then turn to move a little bit more yeah set myself up for that big turn three four and five yeah uh yeah was there any enhancements you've actually put in the list or um so the enhancements I think I've gone for the extra strategym on the cold star cool right you've gone for that on on one unit yeah um I'm thinking if someone shoots one of my other Battle Suits yeah feel the pain and then I can do it again here yeah um and hopefully with the CP regen that shadowson gives me um I can yeah make use of that well I now like you a patient Hunter mate thank you it sounds like a very patient Army um I'm a patient man I'm not that's why I play blood angels yeah yeah that's true I can't do that mate I just want to run at you but yeah this list sounds amazing um I've really enjoyed just talking to you about these towers much as oh I don't know towel but as much as you've explained it to me I've I've kind of understood the way that the Army works so um yeah it sounds really good sounds like they've got a specific way of playing yeah absolutely um yeah ma'am sounds good sounds good all right well everyone thank you for watching and if you have any combos that we may have missed or you might want to just talk about put it in the comments below remember to like And subscribe and yeah we'll see you on a video very soon see ya
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 31,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Warhammer40K, #new40k, #HowToPlay, #10thEdition, #TabletopGaming, #VanguardTactics, #WarhammerGuide, #40KTactics, #TauEmpire, #Tau
Id: TjEcINO3w-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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