How to Play Necrons in Warhammer 40k 10th Edition

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welcome to this how to play necrons in warmer 40 000 10th edition I'm Jake harling from Vanguard taxes I'm joined today by Michael Costello Michael how are you doing I'm very well thank you excited to talk about sort of the unending evil from aeon's past that has resurrected to retake over the universe yeah and simply won't die he did this once for one of the armies and now it's not doing it I'm here for it Mike yeah I'm not saying that's bad thing do you know what I also love what Games Workshop and you know why why because I want to say a massive thank you then for sending us the preview copies of all of the indexes data cards points everything so we can be able to make this content to talk to you about what we feel about necrons what's changed and also just how we feel they're going to sit in 10th edition so if you do like this sort of content make sure to leave a like uh comment and subscribe but let's get straight into it Michael with the Army rule reanimation protocols so we remember this as a basically what it sort of was their army rule before right yeah um so what's he do now so now in your command phase for every unit that is below starting strength okay or that contains any models that are have taken any wounds okay you're gonna roll a dice yeah okay um and it's going to be a D3 so obviously a one and two is going to be a one a three and a four is going to be a two five and six is three yeah okay and that's the number of wounds you can reanimate okay now this is a step by step so each time you reanimate a wound yeah you're gonna look at your unit if all of the models have their starting number of wounds okay but the units below starting strength you can return a model to that unit with one one wound remaining okay cool okay so if it was like necro Warriors you'd return one necron Warrior to that wound to that unit with a wound okay now but they only have one wound don't have one with it right yeah um so let's now say that um we've got another wound because we've got three we're gonna allocate three wounds one of these wounds now is going to bring back another Warrior yes and the last one another Warrior because they have one wheel because they have one wind each and they're below starting strength obviously you can't go above your um static strength it's any destroyed what does it get brought back okay what if they're multi-weed models okay so let's look at Lich guard which have two wounds each Okay so we've got a lich guard unit that has um lost two models okay so it's a total of four wounds kind of yeah um the first wound that we bring back is going to bring back a destroyed Lich guard with one wound remaining yep the second wound we reanimate is going to heal that lift guard back to four wounds okay cool and then the third wound that we reanimate is going to bring back another Lich guard with one Moon remaining essentially bringing back one and a half Lich guards exactly okay cool um like pretty simple that when you explain like that so thank you for being able to break that down for me um so is that it that is that their only Army rule yeah to be fair what an army rule that is it's great every command phase every command works on vehicles characters everything obviously if a character just leading a unit then it works on the unit you don't do it again for the character but things like the monolith yeah there's some good yeah really good on Satan oh no so lots of potential there so let's look at something that probably has a bit a bit more potential as well being the Detachment rule the Detachment rule um okay so I've got one qualm with this okay it's very basic basic basic if a necron's character his model is leading this unit each time a model in this unit makes an attack I'd want to do it wrong that's it okay simple simple it's simple right but it's simple it's simple it's simple um it's a little dull yeah I guess um for an army that has struggled with its image yeah for a little while for being a little bit boring it's it's a little bit of a boring command protocol it's but it's still effective it's still useful it's just it's your Still Water yeah isn't it it's the index you know you're gonna get detached later on maybe a boring choice but still an effect active one right plus one's a hit in the unit with a character pretty good yeah absolutely and so yeah reanimation seems great sadly command protocol seems a bit boring but let's move into the enhancement see if they can maybe bring the flavor cool but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today the link in the description below um so every Army has four this is one of them yeah what is the first one the veil of Darkness for me an auto take yeah one's for battle at the end of your opponent's turn if the bearers unit is not with an engagement range of any enemy units the bearer can use this enhancement if it does remove that unit from the battlefield yep then in the reinforcement step of your Next Movement phase you basically deep strike that unit okay nice cool ending your opponent's moving face if you're not happy with where the unit is teleport it over somewhere else yeah um awesome great yeah really great that and we saw it in ninth Edition it was an auto including every necron Army potentially is still an auto include in economy uh so what's the next one next one is hyper material ablator okay very flirty yeah um while the bearer is leading unit models in that unit have the stealth ability in addition each time a range attack targets that bearer's unit if the attacker is not within 12 inches models that you know the benefit of cover okay that seems quite good this actually is quite good and there starts to be a few combos because you can have multiple characters in the same unit yes this is one of the armies that's quite unique in that fact we'll go into how that works a bit more in a second but so that's that's pretty good at that um what's the next one the next is The Sovereign coronal this is an aura so while a friendly necrons unit is within six inches the bearer that unit counts as being led by necron's character model bouquet so this is better than you might think yes because of the Detachment rule yes yeah yep what that means is um units that might not be able to be led by character like a monolith or oh yeah oh doomsday arcs or canoptic stalkers yeah now suddenly get plus one to hit whilst they're within it's an aura didn't even plus Wonder here didn't even think of that that is really actually really good wow okay uh low include or not uh it's it depends how you build your army okay if you build your army around characters leading units it's not an auto include okay if you want to include lots of canoptic units yeah this is the way to go yeah um or lots of shooting units like your doomsday arcs you might have a little character at the back giving them all plus one to hit okay interesting um final one or include for me on a specific unit okay this is um the sem paternal weave the bear against the filner pain four plus ability okay just the bearer just the bearer interesting I'm quite excited to see why you think that's gonna include but we can go into that in a second for a specific character say and we're going to cover that it depends how cheap it is right yeah but it's pretty cheap with the release of Warhammer 40 000 10th edition avanga tactics we've put together the perfect course for you if you're already playing ninth Edition but you want to seamlessly transition into the new edition leave behind everything you know about ninth and understand everything you need to know about 10th then this short course is going to be ideal we break down all the complexities and give you step-by-step guidance on how to really make the most from 10th edition we're going to help you understand all the basics of the game and then some top tips along the way to help you really get the most from your army and your playing experience and if that's something you want to do and get signed up on our short course which you can study in your own time then do check out the links below and get signed up to our accelerator program then we've got six stratagems to go through as as you know there are six transoms for everyone yes these are the necron 6 what are we starting with we're going to start with protocol of the undying Legions okay the tip of our soon to be revealed Iceberg of reanimation protocols you're so it's one CP in your opponent's shooting phase or fight phase just after an enemy units resolved its attacks you choose a necrons unit that has lost one or more models okay from those attacks your unit now activates its reanimation protocols and reanimates D3 wounds if a Network's character leads a unit you get D3 plus one in wounds instead so let's say you shot some Warriors yeah um they lost maybe four guys yeah okay um this would activate and it reanimates D3 wounds because that's what it says on the stratagem uh D3 plus one if there's a character AK the ad you could just get all four back well yeah well you know you could use this to really mess up your opponent shooting phase with me you could do it again yeah um cool very strong stratage in that yeah um what about the next one sudden storm protocol of the sudden storm one command point in your movement phase um your range weapons gain assault yeah and if you've got character in the unit you can re-roll your Advanced roles Okay cool so let's unique out of the table this movement still do something as well it's all right it's not not great not terrible um next one um protocol of the vengeful Stars One command point uh in your opponent's shooting phase after they've resolved their attacks choose the necron unit there's lots of one or more models okay as a result of those attacks your necklace unit can shoot as if it was a shooting phase and must Target them but only if they're eligible in addition if the necron's character is leading your unit you're getting lost cover okay again it's not bad I mean some of the shooting from the necron units is okay but you have the loser model to get this which means it doesn't work on the monolith it doesn't work on some of your other units um quite cool actually on the silent key sorry yeah because you could lose a man here okay and then just shoot the silent King at them okay that's probably the most powerful use of it I've yeah most likely um I think that's more of a niche strategym like it involves your model's die equally could you combo this to maybe lose a warrior shoot someone and then bring them back and then bring them back um does would that have an effect or not yeah I suppose you could choose the order because they both happen at the same time yeah um yeah so that's that's an interesting one yeah Locus destroyers uh pretty good shooting unit oh yeah that could be good on them as well yeah nice one um so the fourth stratagem uh protocol the Eternal Guardian okay one command point you select a necrons infantry character I love this one in any phase yeah when they're destroyed set them back up with half the starting number of wounds remaining you can only target each model with this charge and once per battle okay so infantry character so we've got Overlord cryptex we've got Lords we've got four pack Lords Lords loads of name characters as well she's one can you do it online characters yeah just necron's infantry character awesome they're really good just stand them back up one CP uh next one next one is protocol of the hungry void one command Point fight phase till the end of phase you get plus one to your strength characteristic and if you've got character leading the unit and extra AP as well okay yeah the ap's the kicker I probably wouldn't bother using this on a unit that didn't have a character leading it yeah but bear in mind if you've got that Relic the enhancement you could use this on a unit that's within six inches of that character and they'd get the extra AP yeah so you can make unit connected wraiths an extra AP provided then near that character so AP is big I think manipulating AP but plus one strength isn't that great no I I do agree um and then the final one protocol of the Conquering Tyrant okay okay so one command point in your shooting phase you choose a necrons unit that hasn't shot yet you get to re-roll your wounds at half range yeah or if you've got character you can reroll wins at full range okay nice pretty nice um this one goes well with a um Locus Lord with a locust Destroyer unit okay nice yeah um so yes that's all the stratagems overall um not not super super good but we have that one okay we have that one standout one to be able to bring models back bringing models back I like extra AP I like uh stand back up I like but the rest of them leave a little bit to be desired again a bit of white bread not not exciting let's take a moment to appreciate color Forge our fantastic sponsor their range of spray paint has become our go-to for making our Miniatures come to life quickly and efficiently the quality and variety of colors they offer are truly a match providing a smooth application for stunning effects every time check out colorforge for your next hobby project let's talk about some data sheets now okay let's talk about some data sheets so run me through some of your top picks and it's quite a few in Europe I've got I've got a lot of dirt sheets here I'm going to run through them really really quickly okay um because some of the main characters just have like one standout ability okay and there's a lot of known characters pretty sure half the next ones are just named characters so imitech the storm Lord is the first one I'm going to cover okay really really quickly uh so this guy uh start your command phases if he's on the battlefield you get a CP okay yeah single-handedly you might look at putting this guy on the table just for that yeah no I think so you have an extra to have an extra five command points during the game especially for you know how precious these command points are super solid yeah and then his other abilities once per barrel you can basically do an explosion of mortal wounds within 12 inches of amazing cool sounds solid cool chasing the infinite okay I've got a soft spot for this guy if I ever play necrons I'll probably put him in the list just for fun yeah um so while they're leading a unit at the end your command phase if that unit's within range of an objective marker you control yeah that objective marker remains under your control until your opponent takes at the start of it and start or end of any turn she gives you a sticky on your unit yeah really cool put him in a unit with a cryptek that has the veil of Darkness okay and you can start sticking and then teleporting yeah okay so love that combo there very cool and then surrogate hosts the start your command phase if this model is on the battlefield you can select one other friendly necrons imagery character model on the battlefield excluding score pick Lord or epic hero models that model is destroyed and this model is put in its place with all its winds remaining um and is now attached to the unit instead of that model so you could teleport him around with a very darkness in a unit then you could you you could take some like sacrificial characters that are really cheap just so then he now gives his uni sticky as well wow okay it's pretty cool and it's a bit weird actually because you could replace a cryptic yeah and then you'd have him and the Lord in the same unit which normally couldn't do because they're both Lords essentially yeah okay I think that's hilarious I haven't yet thought of a good use for it maybe just to like need to Sticky somewhere yeah but then you're killing your own model which is a bit Yeah hard to say yeah but I still think that's funny like the scorpic Lord yeah okay okay so this guy is toughest seven three plus save six wounds um I personally would give this guy before throwing a pain yeah if it's cheap enough because I think it just keeps them alive uh he walks into combat with four attacks hitting on two string 10 ap3 flat 3 damage okay so they're pretty tasty um he gives his unit lethal hits which isn't great because his unit gets devastating wounds on the chart when you use a plasma site okay um but is otherwise good if it weren't for the devastating wounds not working it does do basically D3 more wounds when he charges okay cool which is nice yeah it sounds decent the only unit that can join scorpect to make them hit on twos yeah nice again not great not not great not terrible right Lord this is just the Lord not an Overlord yeah okay and not the same um and not what not the singer no okay um so you get passed onto the move okay he's leading um and you can use structures on that unit even though they're battle shocked okay nice very useful for reanimation yeah um that stratum okay even if they're battle shocked um and then this guy can have a resurrection orb like the overlord uh what there is leading the unit that unit's reanimation protocols activate at the end of your opponent's command phase in addition to at the end of yours yeah sorry yeah I'm starting to see it you're gonna get deep if you want us back before they've even had that turn wow okay we love to see it aurican the diviner okay another name uh this is a cryptek essentially so you can join a unit that the law is already in um four plus in vulnerable safe on the unit yeah 20 Warriors for people I like it yeah great um and then once per barrel he can buff himself um he can triple his attacks and strengths um okay so he's trained 12 of like what six strength 12 yeah six tax he comes a bit of a beat stick once again I actually think he's really good yeah maybe definitely goes in the basket right yeah yeah technomancer gives you a five plus feel no pain on your unit very good with lichgard but equally just as good with 20 necron Warriors the United singers Trend here keeping them alive uh can a Healer netcon's model um for D3 wounds yeah but it's not reanimation it's just healing okay sweet can't bring models back with it necron Warriors right here's the kicker each time this unit's reanimation protocols activate it reanimates D6 wounds instead of D3 unless it is when is within range of an objective Market you control in which case it reanimates D3 plus three wounds instead so minimum four minimum four so now if you use the stratagem on them yeah the stratagem takes precedence so it's still D3 plus one with the character okay cool but each time the resurrection Works you're going to get D3 plus three back in your opponent's command phase in your command phase and potential distraction as well with the strategy but it doesn't stop there okay we've got the canopic reanimator you're not now you're not telling me that this this guy you're not telling me this guy is finally good he is good really possibly too good okay interesting so ore of 12 inches yeah each time a necrons units reanimation protocols activate that unit reanimates an additional D3 wounds so in your command phase you're getting 2d3 plus three necrons back on your objective oh my so minimum five the same in your opponent's command phase so 10. minimum mind this does stack with dischargeon because it says it reanimates an additional D3 wounds so when you use the stratagem to reanimate you reanimate 2d3 plus one that's right oh my after your opponent's attacked oh I feel faint right and you don't even have to see this got this guy can sit behind a building and do it because it's a 12-inch aura it only took three years but fair play it's an auto include I'd be tempted with two of them I think they've got Fiona pain four plus for God's sake so they're actually they're actually pretty tanky and remember that when they themselves reanimate they're going to reanimate 2d3 wins so if you don't kill it it's probably just gonna heal itself back to full absolutely unbelievable um so next data sheet then one of my favorites Lich guard okay uh these guys when there's a Noble in the unit um they're minus one to be wounded bear in mind they're toughest five say pretty decent that yes it's not just if the strength is higher than the toughness no so that always minus one wound yeah so there's another unit in the game like that as well so it's nice to see they've got that as well really good so if you put a strength four unit into them you're gonna suffer yeah because that six is still wound nice uh they can have a shield for a four plus and vulnerable save and of course you can put cryptic in there yeah four or five if you want to paint super tanky yep and you can bring back a bunch of them back if you've got the canopic reanimator nice one crypto throws you can put these guys in with a cryptek yeah in addition to whatever unit they're leading these guys have the filner pain four plus ability and two wounds each so they can tank a few wounds and if anybody's got Precision they're going to give the cryptek fill under playing four plus as well just to keep them alive okay nice yeah well these cryptects seem really valuable so having those theme good score packs yeah plasma site gives you devastating wounds they've got four attacks each no longer two different weapon types just one okay four attacks each hitting on threes two's with the leading uh character trink 7 ap2 two damage devastating wounds toughness six now okay nice the deceiver I like the deceiver well I'll run through the Satan really quickly um or the two named ones yeah other than the void Dragon this guy gives you a reader point so after both armies are deployed before you roll a first turn you can pick three netcons units and you can put them in Strat Reserve or set them up again deployment yeah really get that and um like the other Satan halves incoming damage really solid this guy is toughness 11. wow four plus save 12 wounds oc6 four plus and vulnerable save wow okay um um and stealth and stealth so minus one to be here um yeah eight attacks hitting on twos strength a b three three damage okay this guy's slaps quite scary actually the deceiver I like the deceiver a lot yeah he's he's good he's relegated for the night bringer yeah okay uh end of the fight phase roller D6 for each enemy unit within six inches yeah on a four plus D3 more Woods okay so just dish out some walls yeah nice half incoming damage again um but I'll talk about one of his things well two actually he's got gaze of death yeah which is D3 shots two plus strength 12 ap2 D6 plus 3 damage dead and then Scythe of the nightbringers strikability strike um profile is six tax twos to hit strength 14 ap4 D6 damage devastating wings say proper good to that really really very tough aphidian destroyers have the ability to go up into the sky at the end of well tunnel underground the end of your opponent's turn and turn up again really good utility piece nice right the creme de La Creme of this reanimation protocol nonsense so this is our cherry on the Bakewell tart we take and that is the ghost dark tell me about the game style okay so you're never gonna kill it because toughness nine with a three up save 14 moons and a four up in them yeah and it's got reanimation and it's got reanimation protocols once per phase just after an enemy unit finishes making its attacks okay if one or more friendly necron Warriors units within three inches of this model lost one or more wounds as a result of those attacks this model can use this ability if it does select one of those necron Warrior units that units reanimation protocols activate okay and as a four up no one will save yeah the cool thing is here because it says reanimation protocols activate yeah you get your D3 plus three sorry your two d three plus three yes um sorry you misspoke you said call it's not cold let's put him down right okay now let's go on to something that I do think is cool the monolith the monolith yeah tell me about the modeling why actually you think monos might be an auto include for me okay interesting so it's toughest 14 two plus save 20 wins okay cool nice oc8 nice cool yeah um in the reinforcement step of your movement phase you can select necron's infantry unit from your army that is either in reserves or on the battlefield okay remove that unit from the battlefield or and place it into reserves that unit is now set up anywhere on the battlefield holder within six inches of this model and not with an engagement range of any enemy models that unit cannot declare a charge this term yeah you can do this with a unit that's in combat with the Enemy yeah pull them out put them out Dodge you could use this with a unit that's got really lethal shooting yeah um yeah there's no there's not like a nine inch yeah I was just about to say engaging range that's it yeah that's that's great that's really great cool I like him I like him a lot more than that ghost dog I'll do that for free uh we do of course have to talk about the silent King yes we do have a beautiful painted one he was the main man he was the main man is he still the main man um he's really good so totten's ten two plus save 16 wounds um the annihilator beams on the men here's are still damage six nice um so they still yeah destroy Vehicles voice of the triac start the battle around select one of these three abilities so one of them is Ranger attacks three or ones to hit and one's to wound within six inches yeah decent decent um we roll charge rolls within six inches yeah okay decent uh and then ignore modifiers to your characteristics um and any tests within six inches that's Mega decent yeah yeah really good um really good abilities and then once per turn into command phase you can can basically unbattle shock one of your battleships units oh wow okay that's really good actually yeah I like that it's pretty cool he's got a bunch of range weapons with um a few different well he's got two range weapons with different abilities uh and his side of dust is okay in combat okay he's cool I I don't really like him personally okay I prefer using the other tools the monolith you don't want to take too many expensive units right the very final you thought we talked about the icing on the cake or the Cherry but we're not going to talk about Cherry bake Wars because this is the four you don't even eat the Cherry no I don't know um this is the foil on it okay which is the convergence of dominion yeah that's terrain piece AKA as Seb calls it the speakers yeah um tell me about the speakers reanimation notes while a friendly necron's unit is within six inches of this fortification each time that unit's reanimation protocols activate you can re-roll the dice rolled when determining how many wounds are reanimated so now we're reanimating on our Warrior blob two d three plus three we re-rolling the dice in the command phase in the command phase and then 2d3 plus three because of the ghost Arc in your opponent's shoot phase after they've shot you and then you could spend the straps of three D three plus one after they've shot you as well and then you could do that straight away then in the end of their opponent's command phase you can also bring back td3 plus three that's right yeah and you can rerun either dice when does it end ever um they're also toughness 11 with a two up Seven Ten wins each Henry's e and there's three of them wow okay they're gonna shoot flat damage three weapons at you for some reason cool that was my talk on reanimation protocols being insane yeah so as you can imagine Lord begging at 20 Warriors cryptek um ghost dark reanimator the special terrain features the convergence of dominion um monolith in there as well so you can get him out of Dodge you've got an instructable unit there nearly yeah um before we go to round up Michael how do you feel necrons play the secondary game in the form of do you feel they're going to be a more fixed play style so picking your secondaries before the battle or a more tactical playstyle with drawing cards okay so this is very interesting okay so I think if you build it right with a couple of units maybe some amphibian destroyers getting around you can definitely play the Tactical missions okay I think fixed is probably the best way to play necrons yeah because things like storm hostile objectives you can lose a bunch of necrons yeah okay and then in your command phase you can reanimate onto the objectives yeah and you're already taking them off your opponent something like small hostile objective cleanse yeah anything that requires you to hold objectives really well and do actions on them in no man's land those are fantastic fixed secondaries for you okay sorry fixed uh missions yeah for you um but if you really want to you could do tactical okay but you you think fix would probably think fixed is better and focusing on certain areas of the board with the Army okay amazing well that's all we have time for today guys again we're just a massive thank you to games virtual for sending us the preview copies of all this if you are um liking what you're seeing and you want to see more of this for multiple factors we've done multiple yeah make sure to check them out be a necron and keep coming back yeah please um obviously like subscribe if you do want to see more and equally put a comment down tell us what's your favorite thing about next ones is if you're going to play them if you don't like them just anything we'd love to hear all your feedback regarding anything one with 45 and 10th edition and we will see you in a video shortly
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 38,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Warhammer40K, #new40k, #HowToPlay, #10thEdition, #TabletopGaming, #VanguardTactics, #WarhammerGuide, #40KTactics, #Xenos, #Necrons
Id: b8sxtTVb-Ys
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Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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