How to Play Space Marines in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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so in this video today we're going to show you and tell you how to play the faction Space Marines in Warhammer 40 000 10th edition hi guys I'm Jake Harding from Vanguard taxes I'm joined today by Michael Costello Michael how are you today all right um well thank you it is nice to see the poster Boys The Front Runners of the warmer 40K universe and games workshops fantastic miniature range um here on the table and I'm looking forward to explaining exactly what they do fantastic but before we start we want to say a massive thank you to Games Workshop because without them we wouldn't have this preview copy in front of us to be able to help and show you and explain obviously all things Space Marines right Michael so let's start with the faction rule for Space Marines okay what is it so the fiction rule for Space Marines and all Space Marine factions get this okay um so whether they're whatever chapter it might be um so they get oath of moment okay all right that's the name of the rule English and what that is is in your command phase you can pick one enemy unit on the battlefield and all of your units that make attacks against them can re-roll their hit rolls and they can reroll their wound roles against that unit well that's quite strong isn't it it's pretty good yeah um it's a very very good ability um and I think there's a couple of ways you could probably make the most of this ability one of them obviously if there's like a a very I don't know intimidating Target perhaps one of the primarks perhaps a giant vehicle something like that re-rolling hits and wounds against that is going to be really really powerful yeah and we're equally even just like a unit that's not as tough but it could be really annoying because it's on an objective you're just like I have to kill it you don't have to put as many resources in right yes exactly I think that's the best use of both the moment is to uh destroy unit with less resources than you normally would have to put in to destroy it yeah yeah so it's kind of making your army a bit more efficient and actually Space Marines as a whole this this index is all about maximizing the efficiency of your army right so let's get into the next part which is the Detachment rule but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today the link in the description below say Michael what is this attachment rule okay so Space Marine things in their index get the Detachment rule combat doctrines and this is really really cool because you basically get three different options so three different doctrines and those familiar with Space Marines from any previous Edition this is the Devastator Doctrine the Tactical Doctrine and the assault Doctrine and what you can do is in your command phase you can pick for one of these doctrines to be active for your army until you start your next command phase okay okay but you can only use them once per battle all right and it's only three there's only three so some battle rounds you might choose to just not have one active and then when the moment arises you'll pick one so let's go through what each of those is the Devastator Doctrine allows all of the units in your army to shoot after they've advanced wow okay that's pretty good that is pretty good actually yeah um well when you think obviously you've got like these big tanks and everything like just the ability just to go straight forward and shoot that's yeah great for getting firing Lanes um this really is a turn one or turn two activation you probably want to be using this um just to get those lanes and if you haven't used it in those first two turns it can be quite useful in the last couple of turns of the game maybe you need to get to a certain part of the board but also still be firing it for the effects of Effectiveness I quite like this one Terminators uh I think Terminators because they're slow but they also want to shoot you get that little bit of extra movement early in the game and you can still fire up full Effectiveness yeah exactly yeah tactical Doctrine okay okay this is probably one of the most powerful ones but it's the one that's going to keep your army functioning during the game okay okay so this allows you to shoot and charge in a turn in which your unit's Fallen back wow okay yet again wow um that's very good obviously the ability just to be able to fall back and then do whatever you want normally is super strong some armies obviously you know like they may have to use a strat to do that yes but this is wow okay yeah pretty good you know maybe in the mid game maybe there's a critical turn where a lot of your shooting assets are tied up and you're like okay well I actually want to be able to use these so you activate this at tool option maybe your combat units you want them to be somewhere else they're bogged out maybe you've got a unit like perhaps um assault intercessors in combat with maybe an enemy vehicle okay which then they don't excel at killing because of the high toughness of vehicles and you want them to go off and kill a unit on an objective yeah now you can activate the tattoo adoption and have you know full efficiency from your army wow yeah definitely very powerful that and there's still one more there's still one more okay um and this is probably Steven's favorite now and this is one that I used relentlessly um back in the previous Edition the rules equivalent thereof um this is the assault Doctrine uh your units can charge in a turn which they've Advanced okay yeah so pretty good for your combat Space Marines out there or even good just for you know if you really need to get onto that objective and you're pretty far where you can run like a full game shooting and then manage to charge it exactly take your AC is higher yeah um and this works great on units that auto advance um six inches so instead of rolling the dice they might just move flat six inches so very powerful on them because you've got a guaranteed um long move nice yeah so those are the doctrines yeah they seem great very strong and I think the timing of those is really really going to help you do well in the battle so it's time to move to stratagems so every Army seems to have six that's right this is the Marine six yes what are Michael well we saw the 200 ones and you can go and watch that video if you like the tuners you want to see what they're up to and there's exceptions were fantastic so our you know get hyped because the spaceman ones are also very very good um so the very first one only in death does duty end okay that used to be like a stratum in the old rules yeah yeah and what this means is that um once you're targeted in the fight face okay someone's about to hit you with their melee attacks um you can play this strategym and when any of your models are destroyed before you remove them they can fight okay now um you would fight with all of them after your opponent's finished with all of their attacks from the attacking unit yeah um but you just get to fight when you die um which we commonly refer to as fight on death yeah it's pretty it's expensive at two command points yeah but it is guaranteed that you will be fighting yeah and I can imagine there's so many units that would be benefiting from this right no too many to even yeah you know I think obviously a few of them in front of us today you know your terminate is blade guard um even the mighty dreadnoughts yeah fists wow it's a scary Prospect the stratagem so yeah um if you're playing as a slate stream player um but make sure you've got command points in the pocket or perhaps you want to take certain units that we'll be covering later because it'll really help you in this regard um and if you're playing against space rings of course um be very very wary of this it's a fantastic way to uh interact in your opponent's turn and add to the pressure uh of your Army against this nice one so what's the next one Mike the next one this one is very simple okay but very effective okay this is armor of contempt okay okay uh now this you use when you're targeted either in the shooting phase um fight phase whatever you're targeted and you choose one of your units and you reduce the AP characteristic of any incoming attacks by one okay um obviously if you're familiar with previous Edition this this was a thing that was like an army rule however if you just joined in 10th edition that means that someone shoots you with an AP one weapon you're going to reduce that to ap0 so you'll still have your three plus save if that's what your model has okay that's really good um and Space Marines Jake have a lot of units with two plus armor saves ah that is very good um obviously something that you've probably noticed from the Edition so far is that AP is a lot less it's a lot more scarce um so many units that were ap3 and now AP one now I say I think this is quite a massive thing yeah um and definitely a strat I think you're going to see a lot yes you may end up using this five to five times in a game yeah potentially it's really strong a testament to how good it is with obviously such a reduced amount of CP that you would want to be using that nearly every turn so your Terminators with the two plus save dreadnoughts now with their two plus saves and these are great um targets for it there was is one very important thing to say about armor contempt when you're using Space Marines um now in the main rules you don't receive the benefits of cover against an AP zero weapon if you've got a three plus save or better okay okay so what that means is if somebody shoots you with an AP1 weapon and you're in cover you're going to get plus one to your armor save and have a three plus save okay so don't use armor of contempt because that reduces the AP to zero and now you don't get the benefit of cover you're still on a three plus save yeah so you do speed bending just a little bit of a tip there like that um don't use Arm contempt if it's AP1 and you're in common because it makes no difference now I really like that and you know you say days when you CP because you're gonna get it anyway right yeah exactly exactly nice one so obviously we've gone through the first two what's the third one um so the third one is honor the chapter okay okay uh this one you use um in the fight face with the unit that is in combat yeah and they gain the Lance Special Rule okay and what does that do just so that gives you plus one to your wound rolls oh okay okay that's pretty good that's pretty strong yeah and now in addition if your unit is in the assault Doctrine uh then you also get an extra AP on your melee attacks oh nice say that this is our first instance of seeing a stratagem that is affecting depending on what you're doing so yes really like that I think that's proper cool yeah um yeah it's pretty strong actually yeah very strong um good on uh units have a lot of attacks but maybe they're low strength low AP uh like assault intercessors for example yeah um you know lots of AP1 attacks but even on units like blade guard veterans um this is a very effective stratagem because it pushes them um to ap3 to damage that strength five so plus Wonder wound is great against other Marines um yeah so a very very good strategy awesome all right let's have a look at the next three with the release of Warhammer 40 000 10th edition avanga tactics we've put together the perfect course for you if you're already playing ninth Edition but you want to seamlessly transition into the new edition leave behind everything you know about ninth and understand everything you need to know about 10th then this short course is going to be ideal we break down all the complexities and give you step-by-step guidance on how to really make the most from 10th edition we're going to help you understand all the basics of the game and then some top tips along the way to help you really get the most from your army and your playing experience and if that's something you want to do and get signed up on our short course which you can study in your own time then do check out the links below and get signed up to our accelerator program adaptive strategy is the name of the fourth stratagem okay okay and this is one command Point uh to mention but the other two were one command Point as well it's just um only in death is the two command points okay which makes sense because it's quite powerful um so this one adaptive strategy in your command phase um you can pick one of your Space Marine units and then you can apply one of the three doctrines to that unit instead of the one that's active for your army instead of so it's not in addition oh okay but if you have a combat unit that you want to get into combat one command point you can put them into the assault Doctrine and they can advance and charge okay that's nice so considering that like the doctrines obviously weren't usainely I guess this is a nice way of going okay like I don't want to spend that yet but this unit would really benefit from that or you know vice versa exactly that's pretty solid yeah really solid you know fullback shoe that all that goodness great run and shoot um yeah it's a superb stratagem yeah yeah the next strategy that we've got is Storm of fire okay and you use this in the shooting phase um and this affects range weapons okay from one of your Space Marine units and what it is it gives them the gnaws cover keyword nice over there Target doesn't get the benefits of cover and affects all of their range weapons wow okay in addition if that unit's in the devastated adoption you increase the AP characteristic of those range weapons as well so not only are you getting rid of their cover you are getting an xjp on your guns too they ironically there's a unit right under my chin and it seems probably they've probably quite benefit from that right yes yeah yes the Desolation Squad is is a an excellent Target for um increasing AP we'll come to those um in further detail later yeah because you may not even need the stratagem to gain some of these keywords on those guys oh no um yeah this is this is this is excellent yeah that's fantastic all around anything you use it on and bear in mind of course that it does stack with adaptive strategy so if you put a unit into the devastated Doctrine and then use this strategym on them they'll get that extra AP even though the devastated doctor is not active for the whole Army but okay yeah that's pretty good we're starting to see a few combos there yeah well you know something that we obviously will talk about maybe a bit later is some combos but that is yeah really good point there obviously so you could either be using your tcps for fight and death or a little Wombo Combo of this so I'm going to put you in this and then do this so I really like so what's the last one then the last one scored tactics right okay um so uh you activate this after an enemy unit finishes a normal Advance or fallback move within nine inches of one of your Spaceman units yeah um you can then and it's one command point you can then move that space ring unit D6 so it's a normal move of D6 inches wow okay yeah again I got the proper solid if that unit's in the Tactical dot trim yeah you can move a flat six inches that's really good like because you could get some move blocks going with that yes you could get a charge block going you could just equally get out of someone's charge range like wow okay for one CP I I think to be fair like what's nice about this Edition I think you've attest to this yeah is that all the stratum seem so good because there's not as many of them um but I think that was probably my favorite one out of all the ones you just read it's very cool um yeah obviously we're a big fan of any kind of movement yeah uh Shenanigans any extra moving you get in the game is massive um so yeah excellent set of distractions for the Space Marines um so Time Jake to look at some enhancements let's do that let's take a moment to appreciate color Forge our fantastic sponsor their range of spray paint has become our go-to for making our Miniatures come to life quickly and efficiently the quality and variety of colors they offer are truly unmatched providing a smooth application for stunning effects every time check out colorforge for your next hobby project so enhancements while they and what do they do and how many are there and tell me everything I want to know I want to know okay we're interested when you write um an army list for 40K intent Edition um you can take characters we have to take at least one character okay and you have to choose a warlord okay it's that guy yeah um and then you can take up to three enhancements okay and they go on characters that are not epic Heroes so not like named characters you can't give um yeah um an enhancement and they cost points okay cool they cost points um so yeah yeah the first one is artifice arama okay an old classic an old classic I used to be a war gear upgrade yeah um these days uh you put it on your character they get a two plus armor save oh nice okay so you change their characteristics to two plus and they get a feel no pain of five plus so I think the special will feel no pain five plus nice so you could put that on like I don't know maybe a lieutenant with a shield or something yeah and he just becomes like weirdly tanky right yeah you could put it on yeah it's exactly a single model yeah um and it just affects that model not the unit that affected they're leading um so yeah any of your characters that maybe has a three up save um and you want to be a bit more tanky that's the way to go um my personal favorites to grab this Captain for that nice yeah good channel it's it's quite strong halves damage as well um so and the feel no pain yeah it gets the feeling of pain so yeah very good choice there I like that one um not necessarily an auto include neighbor but it's it's very nice if you have those points Fair you could put that in so we've talked about artificial armor but what's the next enhancement next enhancement is the honor vehement okay and this one this affects the bearer only okay and he gives them plus one attacks and strengths on the melee weapons oh seems pretty decent cool if they're in the assault option they get plus two instead to bathe yeah oh plus two attacks plus two strings oh we're cheeky that sounds pretty good um so I've seen that one obviously if with the artifice your arm was for your more tanky hero yeah we're looking at this for your more smash hero yeah um any sort of Heroes you'd recommend that to be on yeah um so a prime RS Captain um probably leading a squad of Blade guard okay um and of course equipped himself with a Relic Shield and a master sword yeah cheeky because they've got a once per game rule okay where they can get plus three to their attacks and the devastating wounds keyword which is pretty strong so that's like potentially five extra attacks I'm afraid um I'm I'm pretty excited to see that on the table seven minus two two damage devastating wounds yeah um he could wipe out a universe very spicy that's very good and yeah definitely maybe if you're taking a smash hero like that probably pop that on him yeah yes nice yes I should think so awesome so that's all about the next one the next enhancement is Abbott of the Codex okay now this one is a little bit technical yeah um but it's a captain only so you can only put it on a captain which is fine because you're going to be taking them um and what it allows you to do is when you choose your Doctrine yeah instead of choosing one for your army you can pick the Tactical Doctrine but it only affects the unit that this character is leading okay that's quite an interesting one actually yeah because it means you can't have a Doctrine actor for your army but you can't get for the Practical adoption on your unit so I guess we can look at it in like two ways of like for two turns of the game you're definitely no matter what would have that active yeah um of what was happening you've got the Tactical production um so that's really good yeah um I just I think I think that's that's that sounds pretty good it's it's yeah it's okay it's okay I think if I had the points yeah I'd probably put it in this may be more of a you've got Point spare rather than uh it has to be in yeah exactly okay cool but still great all the same right yeah because you can always fall back and shoot yes like you Stern guard been able to do that seems pretty tasty um even You In fairness people anyone really seems quite good it's pretty handy yeah um right so the final one okay is this if we built up we've gone from like pretty good so yeah this one's called Balter discipline okay nice okay um Range weapons in the bearers unit gain the sustained hits one special okay now to confirm you can see so saying hits one obviously also hit sixes it'll also get another hit that's right so each 60 roll causes another hit to because which you don't have to roll to win for okay pretty good I think oh no there's a bar if you're in the devastate adoption okay yeah you get Critical Hits on fives I show you every five then becomes an additional an additional hit that's um now you combine that with uh oath of a moment yeah oh yeah oh no and you could be wrong anything that isn't a five or six to just try and get more fives and sixes yeah that sounds that's pretty good honestly that sounds incredible I'm making space for this yeah however many points this cost I'm putting it now I know obviously we've had a bit of a theme of like putting them in different units surely we could just argue this one could go in any unit that shoots pretty much any the majority of characters have a sort of a more limited selection I would say the best option is Stern guard veterans yes um they're a unit that can be joined by many different characters um so maybe a captain in with some Stern guard veterans okay um and you want to put this unit into devastated Doctrine when the restroom is in something else um and yeah very very strong enhancement yeah really good um so we will move on yeah let's have a look at some units yeah so Michael what is the first unit you want to tell me about okay so this is a collection of units because there's so many different varieties of Captain I'm gonna talk about captains all right yeah now obviously we've got the captain Terminator armor from the Leviathan box yeah whose nicknamed now Captain Vanguard Captain Vanguard um so captains have a really cool rule called rights of War okay which means that you can use a stratagem on their unit for zero command points even if that strategy has been used elsewhere right now that's quite strong because we've just spoke about how well we did think about how good the stratums were and now you're telling me that if you've got a captain you can just do it for Z and TP and in addition in addition to doing someone else okay um however if you've got two captains only one of them can use that ability per battle round oh cool battle round once we're about around and only one of those units can do that but you are definitely including at least one captain in your army yeah I think for this ability so that could arguably be your mandatory hero you know is it the first name like team Captain absolutely so absolutely um the combo with this I think um you you know the terminate Captain's excellent okay um and using armor of contempt for free potentially indication to one of your other units are using armor of contempt yeah I mean this unit sticks around a very long time yeah and also potentially only in death does duty and you could fight on death with two units uh in your opponent's turn and cause all sorts of problems or equally just do it on one for free yeah like anyway like just have no yeah yeah absolutely so good that is so good and it extends to the core stratagems as well um so oh yeah wow okay so you know comma interrupt you could do twice in a turn potentially um obviously not in a row but you could do it twice in a turn wow okay yeah there's lots of yeah it's it's very good I think there's a whole heap that yeah right you could keep going with this yeah um forever and ever the captain and Terminator armor gives me real charges to your unit uh which is nice especially if they're arriving from Deep strike um or even just because I've got low movement okay so that's really really nice and as we've mentioned the other characters like the primaries one gets that really cool once per game devastating wounds stuff so Captain's very strong and you'll be definitely taking them in Space Marine armies fantastic another unit that you'll probably be considering which also comes in the Leviathan box uh is the stern Guard veteran Squad yeah these these guys are good yeah um so they've got a couple of weapon options one of them is a Combi weapon which I think everybody's um probably keen on running uh I do like the other version though the standard bolt right for you so the combi weapon uh is um it's anti-infantry four plus which means that every four plus to wound counts as a critical wound and therefore a six uh and then devastating winds on top of that means that each of their sixes to wound are all fours against infantry will inflict a mortal wound because that's the damage of their weapon wow okay so if we think unit of 10 would have something what like 20 shots in Rapid Fire so it's rapid fire one as well yeah so that means that 12 inches they'll have 20 shots across the unit with all your stuff with all the stuff potentially a moment kicking in um that's potentially a lot of mortal wounds dished out on an enemy infantry unit and they've got another cool ability haven't they like speaking of thing them killing a lot what does that do um so it's called bolted drill okay uh it allows the unit to if once per game okay after that they've destroyed an enemy unit in the shooting phase they can then fire again um a different Target okay when I said cool I didn't mean like that okay not cool yeah that's awesome right I guess that is incredible it's devastating so let's turn our boat rifles 24 inch range yeah just like the other one but they're two shots based okay um and the rapid fire one so you're going up to three shots three shots each yeah they're heavy as well and assault so you could either run and shoot them or stand still and get plus one to hit that's right so you've got flexibility there and it's still devastating wounds but just not the anti-in just not anti-inflammatory okay there's probably an argument there then it also hits on threes instead of fours you know there's a trade-off there and the heavy bolt was pretty cool as well because it does also have devastating winds the stone guard one nice okay damage two so each of those sixes to wind will actually be two more wounds so Stern guard veterans very good yeah and obviously outfit them with okay a captain maybe yeah and we're starting to see some very strong combinations get some enhancements in there and you're definitely got a unit that's going to be devastating yeah yeah um so let's have a look at some more data sheets right we're gonna look at another character Jake okay um and one of my personal favorites is the chaplain on bike okay so this guy here that's right yeah um so the chaplain on bike has two very very special rules uh one of them is he gives plus one to wound to his unit in melee okay that's pretty good yeah really good yeah um and then his other rule is in the shooting phase when his unit is selected to shoot you pick an enemy unit within 12 inches and your unit gets the devastating wounds special against that Target really oh no outriders which are sort of these people yes yeah um so outriders can go up to six in their unit in 10th edition and also have an Invader ATV attached to the unit oh wow okay that's a massive change massive change yeah very very cool very cool yeah um so you can imagine now that this chaplain is going to lead this unit of six outriders and an ATV uh around and then they're just gonna yeah so they'll dish out hopefully mortal wounds using devastating wounds imagine getting a six of that multi-melt yeah that could be pretty pretty nasty new and the special rule for outriders is um that they Advance six inches instead of rolling okay nice which obviously combines very well um with being able to shoot after advancing okay with the Devastator Doctrine nice so turn one you could be moving this unit very far and getting line of sight on whatever you want and definitely within 12 inches for that chaplain ability and then likewise the turn you want to advance and charge with Plus on a woman in combat you're going to hit really hard yeah the outriders have got a great they've got so many attacks for the chainsaws yeah this this Scene It seems pretty good but mostly because of our man here right but I do love how you can attach an ATV I didn't know that that's pretty easy that's pretty awesome actually um right so what about the next unit Michael all right let's have a look at these blade guard veterans that we mentioned earlier okay okay uh these guys um they've got a fair few attacks in combat strength 5 ap2 two damage as we've mentioned nice right so they hit hard in combat they've got a four plus vulnerable save courtesy of their Shield yeah three wins each okay toughness four three up save so decent unit yeah their special rule at the start of the fight phase you can pick for them to either be defensive with reroll ones to their saving throws yeah or we were ones for their hit rolls so it's a really flexible unit one of the um tankier units in the army with that four plus Immortal save and of course you can go up to six in the unit yeah you can attach a character um so you could put captain in there yeah and you could even put a lieutenant in the squad as well as the captain yeah or perhaps a blade guard ancient to increase the OC characteristic of the squad yeah so there's a really cool combo you can do with these guys I think captain and a ancient uh makes the unit very good at taking enemy units off objectives um so yeah I like the blade guard um everybody loves play guard they are and they're still great yeah they're definitely a fan favorite model and yeah since they've come out so it's great to see them having some legs in templation yeah um so what is next Michael next we are going to look at the repulsa Executioner this guy yes he's cool this guy okay the repulse executioner is packing heat okay it's got two weapon options we're gonna look at the heavy laser Destroyer nice right so it's got the heavy keyword which means if this tank stays still it's going to get plus one to hit it's got two shots at 72 inch range okay so yeah it's in range um it hits on threes yeah obviously twos if it stayed still okay it's strength 16. nice okay ap4 okay probably one of the highest APS I've actually seen so far yeah yeah it's D6 plus four damage I'll uh say minimum five minimum five damage maximum ten maximum ten wow okay okay okay okay I can get behind that that's pretty decent actually but then it's two shots two shots so you can just do 20 damage it gets plus one to hit as well against anything that's below half strength okay nice say any sense if I guess you could move and still shoot you could move and still hit on twos yeah against uh a wounded unit because it ain't gonna be wounded for long no because it will be dead after that so um yeah this is if you want anti-tank in your space between Army um this thing is at the tank as it should be though as it should be as it should be not to mention the fact that it also has um like 60 million other guns yeah as you can see it's getting a Gatling Cannon yeah the heavy button the assault launches yeah it doesn't end I don't think that's even well there's even one on the back I didn't even know there was one on the back oh yeah it's got a little gun at the back um it also can carry six models oh nice so it's a transport as well guard yeah six play card nice okay six blade guard or um other units with counters too like gravis okay three aggresses um Terminators couldn't get three unless the unit was wounded or sorry but that is something to obviously note is that you know we know it's been mentioned before but there's no there's no split between that so you could have even yeah I don't know really any units that are free in the sort of firstborn yeah this is the thing like so you could have a Repulsor which is like the more transport focused version of this tank which can carry 10 models and you could put five terminators in there because it counts too ten standards or ten Stern guard like you know it doesn't matter what era the model is from or transports which is a fantastic change and I do have I tip my hat to Games Workshop on that one because absolutely something that was needed for a long long time I think absolutely um all right um let's have a look at another tactical tool in the spaceman toolbox and now for a word from our sponsor C Studios they are are the experts in providing professional miniature painting Services ensuring your armies always look their best on the battlefield whether you're a seasoned veterans or just starting out C Studios can help bring your ministers to life don't miss out on their quality craftsmanship so what is this Tactical Unit right so I think you probably want to take this in a Spaceman Army um regardless of what it is what it costs or whatever it's a storm speed a hail strike okay um it packs an onslaught Gatling Cannon so it's got a lot of shots can deal with a lot of like low toughness Infantry okay however it has a very very strong rule which is after it's shot okay okay um you can pick one of the units that it's shot at and hit yeah all of the other units in your army shoot that unit yeah increase the AP characteristic by one okay that's really good I don't know how else you say that that is really good isn't it so let's say yeah we shoot that an enemy unit all right which is also oh the moments it may be so you've got murals to hit oh my God yeah and you've got a character leading unit no no that shoots things yeah and uh that character has um the bolt of discipline enhancement ah yeah yeah which in the Devastator Doctrine yeah we'll assume an extra AP as well so actually you're a plus two AP yeah with exploding fives fives re-rolling everything no this that's that's pretty good and ignores cover as well so the xjp animals cover from the stratage of storm of fire yeah wow okay that's a spicy combo that's really good yeah AP of course across the Edition has reduced from the previous Edition yeah so being able to build that back in and get through some Tough Armor like two plus saves and by using Al strike I think is the way to go uh and it's not easy to kill and it's very fast so 14 inch move um and if you go for devastate Doctrine early on that can easily get a bead on something um and shoot it to trigger this ability yeah sorry I still just didn't like how good that is wow okay um yeah so very very decent very decent okay so let's take a look at the redemptor Dreadnought the redempt to Dreadnought um is uh is good yes he's really good uh so as I mentioned earlier a two plus armor save that goes a very long way um uh when there's not a great amount of AP in the game yeah okay uh toughness ten pretty tough yeah um and 12 wounds he is Beefy so very beefy uh you've got a couple of options for the weapon you've got the plasma which kicks in strength nine ap4 damage three um so um 83 sorry um but that's great damage output and then you've got the onsport Gatling Cannon which is a lot of shots with devastating wounds yeah um so great options for shooting um what I like about these guys is they bring some good anti-tank combat is it strength 12. wow okay which means you're going to win vehicles on threes but most guns in across the Army are not going to be high enough um to penetrate Vehicles unless of course you're taking your repulse executioner as we've mentioned earlier um so it brings in a mix of good shooting and good combat and has a special rule for um Duty return which is -1 to incoming damage okay so any guns that shoot with them that him are two or higher in damage will be reduced by one nice like that's a rule it's retained from night physician that's right um so it's great to see that there yeah and but also just how much battery is he seems way tankier now so very solid good independent unit and you take a couple of these and you can rely on them to to do what they need to do on the battlefield nice all right let's take a look at the final unit um and this one has some notoriety to it uh Jake so let's let's go through it now so everybody knows exactly what it does enable unit you're gonna say yeah and I really hate them yeah because they're near me yeah staring at me Michael tell us about desolation Marines okay desolation Marines with their massive guns um right so these guys have two different Rockets they have on their guns they've got a castle and launcher and a super frag or super crack launcher okay um the super crack clocks in at strength 10 ap2 D6 plus one damage with the heavy keywords this casually but only hits all fours normally so less accurate but of course if you can combine with oath the moment these guys do become a lot better as does everything else in the book yeah um in the index so the castland launcher is D3 shots okay with blast and heavy okay so blast obviously they get plus one to the number of shots per five in the Target unit but five models in the Target unit and of course I've got one each so it's five D3 yeah shots you can take a Wenger launcher on the sergeant as well we'll come to that in a second um but the Catalan is strength four AP zero uh one damage yeah um so only really good at taking out little units that are trying to hide okay because it has the indirect indirect fire can shoot at Targets that are not visible um to the bearer right incredible but the minus one to hit with those shots and the target receives the benefits of cover however a desolation Squad stands remains stationary they gain the ignore's cover keyword um and they don't suffer the minus one to hit for shooting someone they can't see and it's heavy and it's heavy say you're perfect there's threes and they can shoot whatever they want but it gets better Jake I thought it was over I thought we were gonna be New Edition and everything and the Simon gets a venga launcher oh no D6 shots this time oh okay it's all blast yeah yeah okay that's right seven though okay yeah I can get that um 81 yeah two damage that's still very good that's very good um yeah and it hits on twos just all the time okay and of course is indirect fire too yeah um he's a good break these Woodies they're already broken mate so these guys are very strong um obviously uh they're gonna have to stay still um for the indirect stuff yeah so if you are playing against these uh see what ways you have of maybe bring your own indirect yeah definitely there's plenty out there um and there's plenty of it that's stronger than a castland launcher or try and get bead on them around uh terrain yeah Etc um but these guys are great for sitting on maybe a home objective being able to apply pressure to the enemy from behind ruins Etc um and yeah they're not that easy to kill Space Marines still um so all round good unit good unit um decent and yeah be very wary of these uh if you're playing against Space Marines because you don't need to see to benefit from oath of the moment yeah yeah yeah okay well on that note that's a fair few of the units of highlighted uh we've got uh more in front of us uh you know the the land Raider it's very good uh special you can move disembark and still charge yeah bear in mind that you when you disappoint you just go out the three inches you don't get to move as well and it can hold gravis it can hold you can hold whatever you want it's all intercessors yeah the redeem is great because he's got some great flamers on there nice um and a capacity of 14 models oh cool nice which means you could actually have five terminators a tour and two terminated characters in there oh very nice depending what they are you can fit them all in the Redeemer yeah um I don't know how you physically manage that but anyway um the ballistic dreadnought's great for some backfield Firepower um uh and there's a lot of great options in there um I do want to talk about the named characters yes um you'll probably have seen some of our fantastic uh units are painted in uh schemes like the space walls the dark angel Etc um they're not in this index no um those factions but of course the units themselves are not locked to a specific chapter we do however have all of the ultramarines characters in this index okay we do have the Imperial fists the salamanders um kosari khans in there um all of these name characters are fantastic yes um if you are a fan of some of these um chapters from any previous editions or from the law these name characters are excellent and we definitely absolutely fantastic definitely run them um and any of the units they join now are also very good one of the Beauties I think of this Edition is that pretty much every unit in the index has a place so which is great yeah which is genuinely great to see for the game yeah well there's one more thing to look at with Space Marines um obviously the game of 40K is played you play missions um and the Leviathan box set gave us a set of cards yes which we're going to use so Space Marines can they do fixed missions which is where you pick two at the start of the game or are they able to do the Tactical missions or you have to go out spontaneously do different things on the battlefield I think Space Marines depending on your build yeah I think a mistake with this building for Space Marines is going to be uh taking a bunch of big units with characters in them yes it's very easy to get carried away putting characters into these these super strong units remember that not every character needs a leader attached to it some cat some not every unit needs a leader attached to it some of these units are going to be great um for just sitting somewhere in a corner deep striking somewhere to do one of the cards that you draw maybe it's investigate a signal or teleport Homer something like that so build a balanced list with space Rings because you don't have a huge number of models available to you um across tsunami they're a more Elite Army yeah um so they're not horde Army um so yeah make sure you've got the tools to deal with these cards Space Marines definitely can though and that's what we can and a lot of cards involve being eligible to shoot yeah so your Tactical Doctrine letting you fall back and be eligible to shoot your Devastator being able to advance and be eligible to shoot um that works it pairs really really well oh yeah yeah I think from the from the sounds of it Michael from everything you've told me this Army seems very good and is going to have some fantastic ways to do anything in the game really yeah probably um yeah it's very very flexible yeah well thanks for thanks for telling me thanks for telling us as an audience and myself I've had an absolute pleasure interviewing you you telling me all this stuff and I've learned I've learned loads and guys if you've learned a lot as well leave a comment down below tell us what you're excited for about space means how are you going to start out your army maybe if you're going to start a space between army or space between player coming into the new edition and we will see you all on another video soon
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 47,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Warhammer40K, #new40k, #HowToPlay, #10thEdition, #TabletopGaming, #VanguardTactics, #WarhammerGuide, #40KTactics, #AdeptusAstartes, #SpaceMarines, #EmperorsFinest
Id: iYwVvgISgSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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