How to Play Marvel Champions - including 1.5 rules

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one of the coolest things about this game is that people are slowly still getting into Marvel Champions which is phenomenal to say it's really cool to see every single time I stream either here on YouTube over on backslash D20 we're working people make comments about how they just got in this game they found these videos and whatever and it's really amazing but I realize I haven't done a video yet of how to play and I know there's other how to play videos out there but they recently did I think it was in May or June somewhere around there they did the 1.5 rules update and it changed the a fair amount of things in the game right including some basic things in the game that I think if you're getting into the game the first time some of the older rules videos won't really touch upon so we are going to do that in this game so what are we gonna do we're gonna play Marvel Champions I'm gonna show you a Marvel Champions game but we're gonna take everything step by step I'm gonna probably over explain some things hopefully explain enough things um but that's what we're gonna do it's gonna take a really slow time go through uh go through it make sure we cover all of our bases and uh hopefully this helps you get started with Marvel Champions or we just need another rules primer to kind of get you going again so the very first thing we gotta do Marvel Champions select our identity all right so when you first start setup uh this is on page 43 of the 1.5 rule book is it's appendix 2 and set up and we're just gonna go through this step by step if you need to find a a new copy of the rules of the 1.5 rules or anything like that in case your copy has an older version or something like that it's it will be linked down below but it's also on fantasy flights website so first thing we have to do is select your identity each player selects one identity placing the ultra ego side face up so one thing I'll note really quick uh because people are going to ask this mat is a game Gen X Matt that I got from them the sleeves are Dragon shield and I'm also going to put out some accessories they are from buy the same token uh just in case your stuff looks a little bit different than mine that's why just important note because I know people ask so very first thing we're going to select your identity place the alter ego side face up so we're gonna have Peter Parker and that is who we're going to select and put his alter ego face side up then we set our hit point dial to the number of uh starting hit points that they have now I don't use hit point dials I use tokens because I'm just a big fan of tokens so we're going to set his life to 2 4 6 8 10. we'll go all the way across there that's fine okay so the way that we got this was down here it says 10 hit points so that's what his maximum hit points are so that's what we set it to and again we have 10 life around on the board then we select the first player I play a lot of true solo so I'm always the first player uh but this is just whoever you want to be it could be you your friend whatever it doesn't matter so let's take our first player token and put it on our board so we're ready to go so now we have to set aside obligations now when we go into this it's important to note for all your Heroes you're gonna have 15 hero cards that kind of look like this and you'll be able to tell it's a hero card because in the bottom corner it's going to have uh Spider-Man's face and then one out of 15 for example because he has 15 cards some Heroes have more than 15 cards it's important to note but you're gonna grab all of his cards when you grab all of his cards there's going to be cards that look a little bit different right and their backs are going to be different they're gonna look like encounter cards instead of player cards that have the blue back on them so of these they're going to be five of one kind usually 501 kind and one of a different kind the different kind one just says Spider-Man the bottom and at the top left it says obligation so that's how we know we're gonna set aside this player's obligation then as far as the treasury cards we're gonna um also set them aside and step five of the rulebook is to set aside Nemesis set that is what this is right this is your Nemesis set and again we can tell on the bottom Spider-Man Nemesis three out of five one two three four five cards we're going to set them aside as well the next step is to shuffle player decks now one of the things is is that they don't say in this uh in the rules is that you want to build your deck first right so the the general rule for building cards or I'm sorry building a deck in this game is that you can have between 40 and 50 cards very generally speaking it's better to have 40 cards than 50 because these cards are your your hero cards are probably your stronger cards and you want to get them as much as possible so the deck that I have built is actually the deck that you can find in the back of the regular rulebook the the how to play rule book right not the rules reference but the other one under the Spiderman section this is this is what they recommend it's not the best deck in the world I'm gonna be completely honest but we're gonna try it this is a 40 card deck now it's just really quick for deck building rules just so that you know again you have to use all your Heroes cards you can choose to use Basics you don't have to but you must pick an aspect and then when you pick an aspect you can include any amount of cards of that aspect of total assuming you don't go over the 50 card limit right so basically I'm picking Justice and we have a bunch of Justice cards in here there could be more Justice cards or there could be fewer Justice cards right like I just want you to understand that there doesn't have to be a certain amount of Justice cards you're just picking the Justice aspect and putting it as many as you want and then filling the rest in with uh basic cards so the other important note is that you have some cards like Nick Fury here who has that little star symbol that means you can only have one copy of Nick Fury uh in your deck right you're not allowed to have more copies you can only have one and he can be the only one on the table when he's playing the way that the the reason that this is important is because we're playing multiplayer you could put a Nick Fury in your deck and your teammate could put Nick Fury in their deck but you can't have two Nick Furious on the table so I could put Nick Fury he could leave the table then my teammate could put Nick Fury in later on hopefully that makes sense as far as any other card that does not have that star symbol so for example let's say Avengers Mansion does not have that star symbol um but it does say Max one per player so we can only have one per player on the table that's an important rule to know but we could have several in our deck if we chose to same thing here with uh heroic intuition right Max one per player uh playing another player's control so I can play under my teammates control if I really want to we could have a bunch of them in their deck because there's no star symbol but we can only put one into play now car it's like surveillance team instead it has no star symbol and doesn't have a Max so what we could do is put several copies of this card into play so if we we have two in Our Deck we could put both these cards into play if we so choose right it's important to know all right so that's that we are now going to do um Step six which is to shuffle the deck up all right so this is all shuffled up I zoomed out a little bit so we can get more space because now we have to collect tokens and Status cards and all that fun stuff like I said I use a bunch of tokens and stuff uh you can choose to or choose not to I personally really recommend uh ready tokens and exhaust tokens because it's easier than just like exhausting your cards and taking up a ton of space that's my one recommendation so now we have to select a scenario so selected scenario input it's villain deck and Main deck or main scheme deck in the play area near the center of the play area so as I said earlier we are going to be playing claw and then once again you can see with claw that he has three out of or I'm sorry 21 cards uh so we just get all of his cards in his deck and then we take his villain cards which are signified up here that they are villain cards and we're going to be playing on standard on Expert the rules are slightly different but I wouldn't worry about it too much right now to grasp the rules so on standard you're going to take claw one in the top right here you see a one that is what we're gonna put into play first so claw one is going to come into play and the other thing you do is you look for these things that say main scheme and you start with one a so on the back of 1A it will state the contents of this of this deck right with claw and everything and then what you use for expert instead and then you use this uh claw and standard a counter sets generally speaking your standard sets can be used in almost every single game there's like one maybe two scenarios that don't use the standard cards but they look like this uh in the bottom left it says standard there's seven of them one two three four five six seven this way this one gets talked about a lot so if you're wondering what that is how that gets talked about a lot and this is this card is how your Nemesis cards are going to come into play a lot of people have that question has the Nemesis cards come into play that is how okay so we grab our standard uh kit scenario and then we also it says one modular encounter set right there and it recommends master of evil you can change this to be any modules that you want and this is one of the cool things about Marvel Champions it could be anything that you want so you can change it how you want we're just going to use masses of evil that I recommends just so you can get a feel for it all right so here is the masters of evil set we're going to take that we're gonna put uh that right next to it so we have the main scheme in the play We collected our decks we did everything set there we would set the villain hit points as well um once again you would put a bunch of uh for me put a bunch of tokens he has 12 hit points so we will put 12 next to him in total so hopefully that you can see that okay and then now we have to create the encounter deck so we Shuffle the encounter sets listed on 1A that we kind of already collected with the obligation card which is this card that we put set aside earlier with the obligation card uh Shuffle it all together right so again Clause set master of evil standard or obligation all this gets shuffled up and as we Shuffle this we are now creating our encounter deck then we're going to put that slightly off to the side the next step we're going to do is put setup cards for a hero in the play now our hero doesn't have a setup on this side so we don't have to worry about doing that but some do so you would do whatever the setup thing is that you have to do then we have to resolve the scenario setup and any one revealed ability so the first thing we have to do on this card is look at setup okay search the encounter deck for defense network side scheme reveal it shuffle the encounter deck advance to 1B so we're looking for defense defense network there it is and we reveal it revealing and putting in play are two different things and you have to like catch yourself with these terms when you reveal things you do what's on the card when you put in the play you don't and that's very very Broad and might not make 100 sense right now but it will in the future um so when revealed and put in the play are two different things just know that for now so when revealed for this card we would Place one additional threat here per person on this card so right now we are going to put two thread on we're playing a true solo game so we put a third one on so we put this off to the side and we take two threat three thread now this symbol here is the crisis icon I the exclamation point is what I call it a lot so this is important this means that we cannot remove threat from the main scheme and it's worded that way specifically uh which is kind of important just know that right now it means you cannot remove any threat off the main scheme so we advance this to 1B and one B is on the just on the other side and there's some flavor text and it says one reveal discard cards from the encounter deck until a minion is discarded put that minion to play engage with the first player now the one thing we didn't do yet is Shuffle I don't think we Shuffle these chords again so we'll do that the one other thing I will note is on the bottom here it has a zero and then it has a one on top whatever that bottom number is is how much threat that scheme starts with right so there's a two there it would start with two thread there's a three yada yada it starts with zero so we put zero in here so we do exactly what it says discard cards in the encounter deck until a minion subscribe put that minion in the play now that this was oddly perfect so we are putting that minion into play we are not revealing that minion the reason this is important is because a card like this says surge so after this card is revealed reveal one additional encounter card it was not revealed it was put into play this is one of the first tricky rules things that you're going to kind of get into and you're going to learn that there's some there's some rules that could be a little weird at times uh this is one of them this is one of the ones that can be a little weird he is put into play so we do not resolve the surge now if we're just playing the game normally and he would come out and he'd be revealed we would rev uh reveal the search so hopefully that makes sense and and clears things up a little bit uh but it's a little bit tricky so don't feel bad if you get that wrong uh your couple first times next would be uh resolving campaign set we were not playing a campaign so we do not have to worry about that at all all right so now we get to draw cards right so we're gonna draw cards equal to our starting hand um on the bottom here on the bottom left it says hand size six we are going to draw up to six cards so one two three four five six it's kind of hard to tell you what to look for generally speaking when you're building a deck there's certain key cards that I have in mind that I go oh that'd be really good to have and I really want those cards um I don't know how to explain that to you now until you get in the deck building but just know there's certain cards you probably want to look out for for me when I look at this setup I want to get rid of the defense network because I want to keep this main scheme down because the way we're going to lose the game is either this main scheme advances to the next one and the next one advances all the way and then it's done we lose some some games there's only one main scheme and if it advances it will stay at the bottom like you lose the game if it hits the max amount the max amount is in the top left here so each round is going to go up one per person there's only one person and if it hits six we advance the main scheme and if there is a next uh another main scheme to advance to then we go to the next one if there's not then we lose the game the other way we can lose the game is if the villain does enough damage or the villain and or minions do enough damage to take out all of our life right so we attend life if we lose all of our life then we lose the game now the way we win the game is pretty simple generally speaking we just have to defeat the villain with standard you get the V defeat villain 1 and villain two right on Expert would be Villain 2 and then M villain three just in case you're wondering why there's three of them uh so that's how we win the game now there are certain scenarios later on that change it up a bit we're not going to worry about them right now but there are uh scenarios that do things a little bit differently really quick I also realized I forgot to mention that when we were resolving uh the one revealed here if there was a one revealed on the villain you would also resolve that right after you resolved this one um I just didn't do it because it wasn't one on there but if there was you you would do that as well so we drew our cards and these are six cards that we have uh one great card is webbed up but it's really expensive so let's go over the anatomy of a card really fast in the top left here is the cost of the card right so how do you pay for a card well there's a little resource icons in the bottom of our all your cards these are how you're going to pay for your cards so for a four cost card I have to use four resources now it could be any resources unless a card specifically States it has to use certain resources it could be any resource so for example if I wanted to play this card on the table one two three four I would throw away four cards because it has four resources on it some cards will have two resources on it so in that case I'd be able to throw away uh one with two resources on it and another one and another one that'd be four total and that's how you play the card upgrades and supports and allies come out onto the table and are played out on the table um events are just played and then discarded right so they don't stay out there on the table but we're not going to get into that too much right you actually still have to finish doing set we're almost done with setup I don't want great responsibilities so what we're going to do now is called Mulligan right so the way that you you do a mulligan is that you may discard any number of cards right you can discard zero cards all the way up to your entire hand and then you draw back up to your starting hand size whatever the amount is so for us it's six I don't want these two cards um I do want that one I do not want that one I do want that one and I do want that I think so we're going to throw away these three cards they go into our discard pile which we're just gonna put off to the side here uh you will have an opportunity for the Discord pile to shuffle back in We're Not Gonna worry about that right now and we're gonna draw back up to our starting hand size which is six so one uh four five six so these are six starting cards that we have the very last thing is you resolve character setup abilities resolve any setup instructions listed on the identity cards we talked about this a little bit earlier that if there was a setup um you would have to set or I'm sorry put set of Cards into play or you have to set certain things aside read the rule book um it kind of explains what you do there but now you would actually just resolve the setup on whatever the hero is Peter Parker doesn't have the setup so anyway that's all I've set up we are completely done now all we have to do now is actually start to play the game so once again like I said we want to be able to control this main scheme we want to keep this down as much as possible if it goes up to six we go to the next main scheme if that one gets up to its max amount which is like six or nine or something like that then we lose the game if the villain and or minions do enough damage to us the fetus we lose the game and if we defeat the villain and stage two of the villain we win the game now very generally speaking some rules that you need to know your Alter Ego you cannot attack on your Alter Ego you cannot defend on your altar ego the only thing you can do is recover so we will look really quick at our card in the top left here it has recovery that means how much we could heal back very generally speaking you cannot heal over your your maximum hit points actually really can't I don't think there's a situation where you can yet so you can't heal over your maximum head point so we have full life at 10 so there's no sense in recovering uh because it's not going to do anything now let's say we only had four life left we could exhaust this to add three life back we'd be up to seven out of ten we'll be doing a little bit better so on the hero side we're allowed to flip from Alter Ego to hero or hero to alter ego once again we can't do a flip and then another flip you're only allowed to flip your card once now there are cards later on that you can play that allow you to flip your hero that doesn't count as you choosing to do that action right so you're allowed to do the action of flipping your hero which is just you yourself doing this card nothing else is forcing you to do it you're allowed to do it once per a round really quick uh talking about how a round is done uh this is on page four the 1.5 rules reference it has a very short summary of what it is and I think it's important to note um so one player face begins two each player takes a turn three the villain phase begins four the villain phase ends five uh or I'm sorry villain phase begins five you place main threat or a threat on the main scheme the villain and minions activate you deal in counter cards you reveal and resolve camera cards you pass the first player token that's the other mouth that's the very basic general gist of how the round Works overall it's just important to keep that in the back of your mind that's the round as a whole and then there's phases so there's a player phase where you take your turns and then your phase ends then there's a villain phase which is entirely separate thing they do all their stuff then their phase ends so you'll see some cards that say happens during a phase or whatever it's only during that certain time it's not the entire round so there isn't a difference between rounds and phases player phase and villain phase and those combined make one round all right so we drew our cards uh we're all set up ready to go so what we're going to do is look through our cards and think about how we want to move things around we talked about how we want to get rid of this I want to defeat this so there's a couple of ways we can do this now the very first important thing to note is on your Ultra ego side and your hero side there's going to be text box at the bottom and it says something you can do so for Peter Parker he's a scientist he can generate a science resource limit once per round and then Spider-Man has Spider Sense he can initiate attack or when a villain initiates attack against you you draw a card which we'll get into a second so I want to use the science resource so when we generate the resource we have to use the resource I can't just like generate it and then do some other stuff and then then use the resource right we're generating the resource to use it so what I actually want to use that for is a card called spider Tracer so it's a one cost upgrade and we attach it to a minion when attached minions defeated remove three threat from the scheme so we're going to generate the one resource we're going to pay for it because as a one cost and we're gonna do exactly what it says which is to attach it to a minion that the grammar would focus attach it to a minion it is going to be attached to web Runner here that's all I'm going to do on my ultra ego side uh pretty sure at least yes that's all I'm gonna do on my ultra ego side so what we're going to do is flip up to Our Hero's side now we talked a little bit about how we're allowed to do this uh once that I'm flipped up I'm not allowed to flip back down right I'm only allowed to flip up the ones so our stat line is one two three with 10 Health five hand size now what does that mean one thought means we can remove one threat from a scheme two attack means we could do two damage to something as maybe we'll do to this weapons Runner and then defending uh is we can defend for three and then again we'll worry about this text box in a little bit and then our hand size is five so we don't discard down to our hand size it's just when we draw back up to her hand size we would only draw up to five cards so if you had six cards in your hand still and you flipped to your hero side you don't discard down to five you would hold on it's whatever you have that's just what you draw back up to I will also know at this point again on rules reference 1.5 I'm on page 28 under player turn a lot of these rules will will what I'm doing will be explained there so in case you want to see it written out it'll be right there so the first thing I want to do is I think I'm going to exhaust to attack right so we talked about that we could thwart we could attack we could defend there's nothing to defend right now so we could really attack or thwart I'm gonna exhaust Spider-Man to attack two now I could choose who to attack right now if I want to attack claw I can attack claw if I can attack if I wanted to attack weapons right I can attack weapons Runner there are instances later on where uh enemies will have keywords that's a guard uh and that means I can't attack the villain unless I defeat the guard keyword first we don't have to worry about that right now that's just important to note for later on when you're playing so we're gonna deal two damage to weapons right now the anatomy of his card is pretty simple he does one scheme which means adding threat onto I'm sorry the main scheme one attack for when they do damage to us and over here is how much life they have he only has two life so my two attack does his two life we just subtract right so he starts with two life we use two damage we minus two we're down to zero he has zero he is now out of here now this card States it's a force interrupt when attached uh minion is defeated and we just defeated that minion remove three threat from a scheme right this is gonna be any scheme so we're gonna remove three threat from this scheme we're gonna get rid of this and there's no text that on here it says when completed or anything like that sometimes they do they say one completely then you have to do a special thing but as of now we just put that into the discard pile so that's the discard pile and we have to get rid of this token because it's no longer implied so it's no longer in effect um okay so what we're gonna do is I'm actually going to throw away all these cards um should we yeah I'm gonna throw away all four of these cards to play webbed up okay so one two three four these are gonna be our four resources down here uh energy energy mental to pay the four cost upgrade now the card States hero form only which means we're on our hero form so that's the only way we can play this card is if we're on a hero form only attached to an enemy Max one per enemy so we put it on the enemy and then it states when attached enemy would attack you discard webbed up instead then stun that enemy and we'll get into all that in one second but basically it's not gonna be able to do anything for two rounds all right so that's everything I can do in my my turn I have no more cards I have nothing else that I can do um so at the very end of your turn you ready up your hero and you're ready up any cards on the table and you draw back up to your max hand size so for us it's five cards so one two three four five we can look at our cards first aid heroic backflip hero okay these are some cards I don't want right now but that's okay and then that is the end of the player phase right everything on the player phase is done now we would go into the villain phase all right so for the villain phase again I'm gonna be going through the rules uh 1.5 rules on page 39s listed under villain phase so if you're you know I want to see it written out you can see it there first we have to do is we have to place uh the amount of threat indicated in the main schemes acceleration field by um by whatever it is so for example right now it's just one there are times that an acceleration token be put on here and be higher than one we have to worry about that right now so it's one per player that's what that little symbol means so we take one thread and we place it on here we're going to check it's not higher than six so we're good right we don't we don't Advance the scheme that is fine so in player order and again we're just playing true solo but the way it would work in player or order is the villain would first activate against that player and then the minions right and then you would go to like the next player starts with first player then second player then third and fourth yeah yeah so now for us the villain would activate against us but here's the thing because we played webbed up and it says when attached enemy would attack so when they activate they either attack or they scheme those are the two activations they generally do what they do is based off of what form you're in so in hero form they want to attack Us in Alter Ego form they're going to scheme on the main threat okay those are the two big differences now so generally speaking there are exceptions to that rule but that's very generally speaking so he is going to activate against us and he's going to want to attack but he can't attack because of webbed up so what it states is is that oops when attached enemy would attack discard webbed up instead then stun that enemy so we discard that so again when attached enemy would attack you discard webbed up instead so he doesn't attack we're just discarding this card instead and now we're placing a stun token onto um claw so now he is stunned right so it doesn't discard this and then remove the stun or anything like that he is now stunned we'll get into what stun means in a second we have to worry about that um but that's just important to know how that that interaction works now step three is we deal one encounter card to each player okay and if there were other things that modify this we'd deal more in camera curse we have to worry about the right now so we just deal the one then we're going to reveal the encounter card so we flip it over and it is assault okay interesting so there's two different texts when the when revealed if you're an alter ego but we're not you would do one thing so we're not an alter ego so we don't have to worry about that and it states uh when revealed hero we are in hero form the villain attacks you so the Villa would initially attack against us but because we did webbed up uh we discarded website last time and now he is stunned according to the car stunning takes place of the activation okay so he doesn't actually attack or anything instead we just remove the stun um remove the stun token with the with the base game it's like a little a little card you would just remove that instead so that's all that happens right normally he would attack but he doesn't do that because he was stunned stunned replaces that activation so that's it for his turn now you would pass the first player over uh sometimes at the end there's like villain when the villains uh phase ends or you know after the villain's phase ends or wording like that you would do that thing as well but there is none there right now so we don't have to worry about that so now it goes back to our turn and this is the pattern it just passes back and forth like this very generally speaking so as Spider-Man um I like the idea of throwing away two cards we're gonna pay uh two resources to put in heroic intuition so we're allowed to place one on our table or one Place one uh under the player's control Max one per player and we get plus one thwart is what this says on this card so it means exactly what it says where we normally would have one thwart oops it's not focusing we normally have one thwart now we have two Thor ability so there's one here so we could exhaust to clear this or we could do two damage on the claw I think for right now I'm just gonna do the damage onto claw so we're gonna deal two damage on the clock I'm gonna remove this by two and then uh he only has 10 Health left now we're at the end of the round or at the end of the phase I'm sorry and I have two cards left in my hand you don't have to hold on to these cards what you can do instead is throw away cards you could throw away one I could throw away both if I didn't want them or I could hold on to both it doesn't really matter I'm not gonna want heroic intuition so I'm going to throw away that card and hold on to back foot so now at the end of our our phase we're gonna ready up our cards and we're gonna draw back up to our hand size which is five so we're holding on to one so it's already at one two three four five all right so we have our hand size out there of five cards and now it goes back to the villain phase so we look at the acceleration icon this goes up by one so now he has two threads on there now claw in the way he works is a little different he attacks for zero but there's a little star next to it that little star tells us to look down here and it does a force interrupt there's interrupts and there's responses interrupts generally happen before the thing responses generally happen after the thing it's a very broad open simplification of it but just think of it that way interrupts happen before the thing responses happen after the thing so what's he doing he's attacking so we're going to interrupt the attack so it's gonna happen before the attack when claw attacks give him one additional boost card for this activation now what does that mean when the villains attack normally they would attack and they would get one face down card when we decide if we want to defend against this attack or we want to block it with an ally or we want to do something else so this is a normal villain setup they would take whatever this number is let's say it was one and they would add it by this card which has a a amount of boost icons from zero to well I think it's up to four now but generally speaking it can be zero to three boost icons so he could do anywhere let's say he had normally one attack he could do anywhere between one and four attack now Claw on the other hand only is swinging for zero he's still attacking he's just attacking for zero so instead of just getting one boost card he gets two boost cards so now we have to think about what we want to do against these two boost cards but before we do that we have to look at our hero ability which is Spider Sense and it's interrupt when the villain initiates an attack against you what does that mean initiating attack is just the very beginning of the attack phase right like when he's like first like hey I'm about to attack you we're going to interrupt that attack to draw one card Spider-Man's timing could be a little weirdness is why I picked Spider-Man because you like learning interrupts and responses all that stuff is a big part of the game and it can be a little tough so when the villain initiates an attacking answer he's he's working on attacking me right he's initiating and we're going to interact upped it so we're interrupting the attack we get to draw a card hey it's a double um which is actually really nice so we get to draw a card first so now we will get to this side right now if we want to exhaust the defend three we talked about defending uh we would be able to defend three if we want to now the important note with this is on the villain phase when you exhaust the defend you don't automatically ready back up you don't get to do that until the end of the player phase so we wouldn't get through attack or anything like that we'll go in more detail about that a little bit later I don't want to exhaust I'm going to take whatever this hit is I don't care what it is so it's gonna be zero and then we turn over these cards so this is perfect in the bottom here there's a few different symbols there are boost icons and then there's like a star icon the Boost icons is what we count for attack so it's zero plus the two he's going to do two damage you do not include this in the amount of damage okay it's just these little like weird triangle looking things that's all it gets included so it's zero plus two it's two damage but before we do that we have to do whatever the star says so if this activation deals damage to you exhaust your hero so he is doing two damage we are not blocking or anything right so normally we would get two damage and we'd have to exhaust our hero because the activation would deal damage choice but we have a card to get around that so we have a zero cost event so it's free to play and it says interrupt the defense card when you would take any amount of damage um from an attack prevent all of that damage so we're gonna play back flip so we don't take any damage again it's interrupting the damage so this doesn't trigger where it says if this activation deals damage to you it's never going to deal damage to us so we don't have to worry about that he's attacking for two it would hit us but we're gonna backflip out of the way so when we would take any amount of damage from an attack we prevent all of that damage so all this gets discarded and we take zero damage overall because of our back flip a really good card to have so that's the end of that uh part of it then we get our encounter card and we reveal it which is oh okay cool uh the villain in each minion engage with you attacks you now there are no minions so we have to worry about that which is nice but he is going to attack us again now important note he's gonna get his his face down cards we get to do our interrupt again there's nothing on it that says Max one per uh phase or anything like that there's there's none of that wording so we get to do it again so he's going to attack us we get to draw a car okay it's another double um interesting so it's another double that's fine so he's going to attack we're going to defend this time so you can see what defending looks like so I exhaust my hero and we're defending three all right so he's gonna attack for zero to a big attack three plus one so zero plus three is three plus one is four so it's four damage minus my three defense is one damage onto us so I'm gonna reduce my Life by One so now I have eight nine life left this all gets discarded now and that is the end of his phase now it goes to us now we're exhausted so we can't thwart and we can't attack with our hero but we can play things from our hand which is super nice so so what we're gonna do is we're going to use these were the doubles I was talking about earlier you can see in the bottom of a double they have two resource icons and we're allowed Max one of one genius and one energy per deck and one strength is the other one so I'm gonna use um what's known as a yellow double the power of Justice we're allowed two in Our Deck double the number of resources this car generates for playing a Justice which is a yellow card so this is going to generate two resources for yellow cards and we're gonna use two for this to play Daredevil now Daredevil is a four cost so we're generating two here and two here so that's four total and uh he's gonna have two attack or I'm sorry two threat removal two attack a three life and after devil thwarts deal one damage to an enemy we'll worry about that in one second so I throw away all my resources he comes in the play I'm gonna put a ready token on him so I know he's ready to go now with this Ally what we're going to do is is show how they work so we're going to exhaust this Ally to thwart 2. we could attack two but we're going to thwart 2. so we would thort two off of a scheme and under here is a little uh star symbol that means consequential damage so we're going to exhaust this card to thwart 2 off of here there's hey there's two on here so we get rid of that too and we take one consequential damage so Daredevil has three life we have one damage on our Daredevil and he is exhausted we could we can no longer use him uh this round now it does State as a response so after Daredevil throats were distorted deal one damage to an enemy so we'll deal one on the claw so he goes from 10 down to nine so that's five six seven eight nine life left onto claw now what I'm going to do is play a swinging web kick this is our big attack it costs three and it's a hero action we get to deal eight damage to an enemy so we need to get three resources worth we're gonna use one two three so we throw away three and we can do a swinging web kick which means we get to deal eight damage to claw so he has five six seven eight nine life left so he would be down to one life and then we throw away this card and there's nothing else I can do so we will ready not only our hero up but we also get to ready Daredevil up and then we get to draw our five cards one two three four five get to look at them double yellow Avengers Manchester lots of attacks which is cool so now we go back to the villain phase once again one main ski our main one threat goes onto there which is cool Claw is going to attack he's going to get two uh cards now what we could do if we really wanted to is we could have Daredevil um take the block for us right if we wanted to I'm not going to do that because I want Daredevil for another round um so we're gonna have Spider-Man eventually do it but remember when the Villa initiates attack against you U is one of the most complicated things in this game and you will see a lot of questions that ask about you um one of the things I will say is a 1.5 rulebook go to page 40 and there's a section called you and understand that section right understand that section how that works because that's gonna uh do a lot of things and explain a lot of things hopefully and clear it up so he's gonna be attacking us now it's important to note um if we were to block with Daredevil he is still attacking us he's not attacking Daredevil think if Daredevil just kind of like stepping in the way right I know this sounds convoluted right now but this will help you down the road to understand a lot of things but that's just an important side though anyway we get to draw our card which we didn't do that yeah right two three four five we get to draw our card let's go it's a backflip now we just drew that card so we can play that card right it's now our answer we can play it so we're not going to defend or anything like that we're gonna let him attack us so he's attacking for zero um plus zero plus one two so he's attacking for two damage total we are going to backflip so when we would take any mad damage we're gonna prevent all of that damage so we don't have to worry about any of that damage and then he attacked so now we get our encounter card and we get to reveal uh so it's an advance okay so the villain is going to scheme what does that mean basically we take the two threat that's or I'm sorry the two scheme amount and we give them another activation card so he's now activating again in case you have anything that that triggers when uh villains activate this is an activation but it's not an attack activation uh because again he's not attacking us he's gonna be scheming so he's gonna scheme 2 plus two more so that's two four onto the one is five total so we have not advanced yet because right now it's at five out of six but we're getting very close to this advancing which is not great not a big fan of that uh but that's everything right that's everything that that um that he does now it's back to our turn so with our turn what we're going to do is first thing I want to do is I want to exhaust Daredevil to thwart two off of here so it's at five it will go down to three and after Daredevil thoughts we get to deal one damage to an enemy hey look at that one damage Claw is knocked out and stage two claw comes in and we have to read his entire card to make sure we understand it uh so when you revealed and he is going to be revealed right now search the encounter deck and Discord battle for the immortal claw and reveal it shuffle the encounter deck so first I like to look at the Discord pile first just to make my life easier but it's not in there so we need the immortal claw there it is so the immortal Claw is kind of a big deal it kind of sticks now claw comes in with 18 life this is a little bit more than he had before this comes in with three thread on it on the bottom here and it also states that claw gets plus 10 hit points when this uh plus 10 hit points when the scheme is defeated claw would lose those tenant points so he comes in with three Claw is now going to get where's another 10. 10 more hit points so now he's up to 28 life and this is an acceleration to or icon that looks just like this so now this was going to go up by two instead of one unless we get rid of this card which uh I don't think we're going to yet unfortunately all right so that was our first thing with Daredevil we do want to do some damage to claw what we're gonna do is I'm gonna thwart my one plus my one two off of here yeah we'll do two off of there and then I'm going to throw away three cards to play a swinging web kick to deal eight damage on the claw so it's what does he have twenty eight five six seven eight so now he's down to 20 life and then we're going to hold on to a swinging web kick for the next turn okay so now we're going to ready up we're going to ready up Spider-Man we're gonna ready up Daredevil and we're gonna draw it back up to five cards so one two three four five here we go now end of our phase now goes to the villain phase so this is going to go up by two so it's five out of six uh Claw is going to attack us again now he still gets his additional boost card uh but he is gonna get um one base attack on this so he gets his two cards we could have Daredevil block this but I don't think I actually want to do that yet um I don't think I want to so what we'll do because we have a lot of life left so I'm okay with that I'd rather have Daredevil do a little bit of damage or something so what we'll do is we'll take the hit we get to initiate or respond one two three four five or interrupt we get to draw Aunt May which is fine he's gonna do one two damage and you get to put weapons Runner into play so we take two damage so that's one two we still have seven life left now again weapons Runner was put into play right put weapons Runner into play he was not revealed so we don't do the surge ability because he wasn't revealed but we first did the villain activation now there's a minion so we still have to do the minion activation as well so he's gonna deal one damage to us we're gonna take that one damage that's fine uh that's important note so if a minion comes in during the villain activation you still activate that minion then we get our face down encounter card we get to reveal it and it's shadow of the past so shout out of the past this is a good time to show this um is one of the cards that I tend to get a lot which is always great to see so when revealed there's a lot of text Reveal Your set aside Nemesis minion and put in the play engage with you Reveal Your set aside Nemesis side scheme and put it into play Shuffle the rest of the says a counter set into the encounter deck if your Nemesis minion does not enter the game this way this card gains surge that's important to know a lot of people wonder what happens if your Nemesis minion doesn't enter the game or whatever this card just game search so we take those green cards we set aside we put vulture into play and we put the side scheme in the play and these three other cards the generally treachery sometimes they're attachments it gets shuffled in first thing we have to do is put on here three thread on here and it says each player places a random card from their hand face down here when revealed and then there's a one defeated we'll worry about the one to feed in a second so this is going to get three threat on it oops and we take a random card so we're just gonna Shuffle this up and generally speaking I choose the third card down because that's just how I do things the record down is webbed up so we get to place it face down under there now vulture is a one three four uh minion he has quick strike after this minion engages your hero it attacks uh so he's gonna attack us again deal three damage again I'm just gonna take this hit um now the villain didn't initially an attack against us so again that's why we're not doing Spider Sense these are minions so we could tell because in the top here it says minions instead of the villain one important to note with quick strike is a lot of people ask this if you're on your Alter Ego side does quick strike happen no you only get hit with quick strike when you're on a hero side not your uh other side so okay so yeah what we're gonna do is just win um so what I'm gonna do is with Daredevil I'm gonna exhaust them to thwart 2 off of here now when a mortal claw goes away so does 10 of his hit points so he's down to 10 life left now Daredevil takes another consequently he's up to three consequential out of three life which means he is eliminated so we get rid of Daredevil now it's Spider-Man's turn so we're going to throw away a web shooter to play a web shooter just so I can show this off so it's upgrade um this card states that um it uses three web counters uh enters play with three counters on them when they are gone you discard this card so we can exhaust web shooters remove one web counter from it to generate a wild resource wild resources can be anything that you want I just want to do this so you can show what it looks like or show you what it looks like so I want to play swinging webkick but I only have two resources so I can use these two I can exhaust this card and remove one counter from it as a wild resource now I have all three and we can do swinging webkick to claw so I have 10 life he's down to eight left I'm sorry he uh has down to two left because we did I have 10 life we did eight damage that gets thrown away then we're going to exhaust the deal our last two damage to knock out claw claw is defeated and even though there are Minions on the table even there's a side scheme even though there's a main scheme all that stuff does not matter we just have to defeat the villain that's it so we have defeated the villain we have won the game that's it we're golden we're good um and yeah hopefully that was a good example and showed you everything of what to see uh for a game of Marvel Champions so hopefully that gives you a rough idea right it doesn't cover all the rules it doesn't cover every situation or anything like that but hopefully that gets you a really rough idea to get going in this game right to get started to get playing um and if there's more rules never hesitate to ask myself my community we're always more than happy to help new Gamers out uh help them understand the game get them uh going along so you can either ask the questions here on this video and I'm sure people will answer and I'll answer uh you don't worry about that we have a Discord which is down on the description you can join that Discord I'm also part of another lcg Discord which I'll put that one down there as well that has a lot of rules experts in there we're all more than happy to help you with any situation there is no such thing as a dumb question we've all been there I to this day still don't fully remember what you means half the time so I would never feel bad those rules I mess up on all the time too so anything that that we could do to help get more people in the hobby that's what we want to do and I hope this video helps do that right I hope I hope this I hope this helps you in your journey of Marvel Champions like I said I also live stream on this channel and over on backslash D20 we're working where hopefully you can follow over there as well um turn on the alerts and notification a lot of fun stuff because we do a lot of live streams of Marvel Champions and then you can watch the game be played right you can watch the game be played um I will play a little bit faster so I won't always talk about things but you can always interrupt the gameplay and say wait wait what was that what happened I'm more than happy to answer those questions lastly do me a huge favor make sure the like button hit subscribe all the fun stuff it really helps out the channel I'll see you all next time
Channel: D20 Woodworking
Views: 29,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel champions, marvel champions lcg, marvel champions card game, marvel, lotr lcg, lord of the rings, arkham horror, board games, gaming, games, marvel cards, marvel game, marvel board game, gaming marvel, xmen, marvel xmen, marvel champions xmen, mc lcg, mc game, ffg, lcg, ffg lcg
Id: zDfJE23kElE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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