Marvel Champions - Solo Playthrough and Teach!

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody how's it going I'm pollen with the dicey review and today we are going to be doing a solo playthrough of Marvel champions now there's a few different reasons I've been wanting to play through this game solo for a while it's been a really awesome game that I've that I've just really gotten into quite a bit in the last couple of years and I want to do some solo plays on the channel but I thought it might be a good idea just to get a base level kind of a level set idea of how marble Champions works so that on future videos I won't necessarily go as much into detail about like how to play the game but I'll just maybe try some interesting scenarios like maybe this this game has a ton of Heroes so maybe I want to be uh you know Hulk against Ultron or something like that but this first game I thought I would do just the basic um standard intro game and kind of talk a little bit about how to play the game not an in-depth how to play tutorial by any stretch of the imagination but kind of talk through the game how it plays how it goes and then you'll kind of get a good idea by me explaining a few things and then watching me play how the game works in general this is an lcg meaning this is a collectible card game but not a trading card game as it were right so it's boxed sets that are released and you collect those boxed sets and you have every card you're not chasing booster packs or things like that and there's a core box that includes five Heroes and three villains and a number of different cards but essentially what you're doing in this game is you are a good hero a good person fighting a bad person right so there is a villain that is trying to complete a scheme so we've got rhino in this case trying to complete the break-in and there's a number of threat that if Rhino places on this scheme they win and this is seven threat per player this little meeple symbol in the bottom right means per player so the game kind of naturally adjusts to the number of players as far as difficulty right so it's just me playing which means that if Rhino gets seventh fret on this scheme Rhino wins how I win is I use my hand of cards and my hero whether they be an alter ego form or hero form which is a really cool aspect of the game to thwart the scheme that Rhino is trying to complete to keep it from being accomplished and to attack rhino rhino and myself have a number of hit points which is tracked by these two dials once I get rhinos hit points to zero Rhino then moves into stage two and becomes a slightly beefier Rhino and I have to beat beat him again once I beat Rhino a second time I would win if any point if I get knocked out or if Rhino completes their scheme Rhino would win now this is just your standard comic book meat and potatoes your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man facing off against rhinos trying to grab some loot so let's see what happens okay so that's essentially the game there are a number of different Heroes that you can be I'm choosing to be Spider-Man because this is the recommended hero for the basic game Spider-Man the way this game works is there are heroes and you have Alter Ego forms and hero forms when you are in Alter Ego form you may have some abilities but you're just the alter ego right you're not Spider-Man you're Peter Parker you're at school you're working on things and as such you cannot be directly attacked but what will happen is when you're in your Alter Ego form uh Rhino will be scheming he may not be attacking you as Spider-Man but Rhino is still trying to accomplish his nefarious schemes so a big part of the strategy in this game is is deciding whether or not you want to be in your Alter Ego form or in your hero form to do damage or to kind of recover and another interesting thing is you have different hand sizes depending on if you're in your Alter Ego form or if you're in your in your hero form right so so Peter Parker has a hand size of six but when you flip a flip over to Spider-Man you had you have a hand size of five so there's a lot of strategy as far as what you can do on your turn and what you do to prepare for the villain phase the way the game works is we will have a hero phase and then we will have a villain phase and then back and forth until the game end is triggered and in the hero phase you can do a number of different actions right so you can attack the villain you can play cards you can activate cards that you have already played there's a number of different actions that you can do but most of them revolve around your deck of cards right so you have a hand filled with cards and you have to pay costs to play them but once they're played they might be some type of a support that gives you a cool ability it says action do a thing right so I can exhaust the Helicarrier to do a cool thing but before I play the Helicarrier on my turn I have to pay resources to play that card the cost once again is indicated in the top left and how you pay costs to play cards is by discarding other cards that have these symbols down in the bottom left these are all resource types there are a number of different resources there's lightning bolts there's Wilds which is green there's mental which is this little sciency symbol but in most cases it doesn't matter what type of resources you are spending it just matters that you are spending a resource some actions and cards will require you to spend a specific resource but that probably won't come up too much in this first game in general if I wanted to play this Helicarrier I would discard three cards that show one two three resources and that would get me the ability to play that card some cards have double resources so there's different cards like that that you might see and in general a lot of the cards that you will play will be supports or they might be an ally that comes out and has their own abilities and stats or they might just be one-time events so this is an event that when you play it it gets played it does its thing and then it goes into its discard pile that is a very brief overview of the cards in the game how you play them and what they might do for you and we'll probably see a lot more of that as we play the game which it's probably a good idea just to kind of jump in and so you can see how the game is played right so we've done our setup we have some setup instructions on the scheme it'll tell you do these things this is what this villain deck should contain and then if there are any special setup instructions you can complete those as well we don't have any special setup instructions for this as this is the intro scenario we're just stopping a break-in hopefully we may lose we'll see so after all of this setup is done you would draw your starting hand I have a hand size of six so I've drawn six cards at the start of the game if you want to you can Mulligan honestly with the hand that I have I think I'm probably okay I will keep this hand because there's some things that are kind of cool that I can do with it and that's that's my that's my setup right so now we will go into the player phase during the player phase you can do any number of things you can flip your Alter Ego to uh hero or vice versa one time per phase so if I wanted to I could turn into Spider-Man you can play any number of cards on your turn you can trigger actions on your cards or on your ally or on your Alter Ego or hero Peter Parker has a has an ability on his alter ego form that I will absolutely use in this first round and that's pretty much it right so the first thing I think I want to do is I want to play Aunt May ant May is a support that is very helpful one of the things that you can do on your turn is you can exhaust your hero to use their basic stats so in Alter Ego mode you have the recovery stats so if I wanted to I could exhaust Peter Parker and heal three damage because my recovery is three that's really helpful if you start getting hit right but Aunt May has a special ability where she can exhaust and heal four damage from Peter Parker the reason that that's so helpful is that that heals more than Peter's recovery and Peter doesn't have to exhaust to do that so you still get the action of exhausting Peter or Spider-Man if you want to um and Aunt May just comes in with some chicken noodle soup and some love and heals Peter Parker right so Aunt May is a really nice card to have out there and I'm lucky that I got Aunt May in my opening hand because it's really great to be able to have anime on the table however Aunt May costs one resource so I'm going to use Peter Parker's ability Peter Parker has an ability that says scientists generate a mental resource limit once per round so that's just a thing that Peter Parker can do I don't have to exhaust him I don't have to note that in any way other than just remembering that I did it right so I have done that thing and I've paid the cost to play out Aunt May so we're doing a bit of setup to try and hopefully make ourselves a bit more successful later in the game which is fantastic so Aunt May is played that's one thing I've done on my turn so and the way this works is I will continue to do things until I choose or cannot do choose to or cannot do any more things so I'm going to continue to take turns now I have a couple of choices here some things that I would like to some some cards that I would like to get out I would love to get out either Helicarrier or black cat Helicarrier is a support that when I exhaust it it will reduce the cost to play cards for as long as it's out which is a really nice ability kind of getting that resource efficiency out is super helpful um but black cat is an ally that can come out and um and attack and thwart if needed and provide a bit of a buffer if I need somebody to block damage I think the play here and what I will do is I will play Black Cat first and if needed I will save hella carrier because black cat has a has a win-played forced responsibility that will happen that may help with this and I'll show you what that means so I think I want to play Black Cat now black cat costs two resources so what I'm going to do is I'm going to discard the power of justice and the spider tracker to play that card so I've paid my two resources and black hat has a forced response after you play Black Cat discard the top two cards of your deck add each card with a printed specific type of resource discarded into your hand so I'm going to discard the top two cards in my deck so one hey look at that surveillance team so I add that to my hand it has that particular type of resource if I could get super lucky here with my draws I could play Helicarrier on my turn and still save Spider Sense which is what I'm wanting to do I don't think I will I will get that lucky but we'll see turnover two okay this Haymaker this is an electric resource so I cannot keep that card that being said I have played Black Cat and I still have a few cards left in my hand so here's what I think I'm gonna do I am going to save Helicarrier and I'm going to save enhanced Spider Sense the reason is because enhanced Spider Sense can protect me against a villain treachery in the villain phase which will make more sense as we as we play through the through the round here so I think what I'm going to do next is I'm going to start to maybe maybe try and ping Rhino a bit so as a free action or as a once per phase action I'm going to flip from Alter Ego into hero mode so that's an action I can do now Spider-Man is on the table and as you can see Spider-Man has different stats than Peter Parker he has a thwart value which if you exhaust and use your thought value you can reduce threat on the scheme he has an attack value which means if you exhaust and attack you can do that much damage to Rhino so he can do two damage or he has a defense value which is how much damage he could block when it's incoming from Rhino and we'll see how that works in just a bit so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to just go ahead and attack with Spider-Man reducing the villain's Health by two and then I am going to also attack with black cat the cool thing about allies which is what black cat is is you can have up to three allies on the table so there's a hand limit or there's a Ally limit of three unless it's adjusted by uh special rules which it is in some cases but I have three allies that I can play in the table and black cat can attack and thwart on on their own black cat can also defend for me normally whenever you attack with an ally they have this tiny little symbol right here this star symbol below their stats which means they take a consequential damage whenever they use their stats so for instance if I was to exhaust Black Cat and play and use black cat's Fort ability black cat would take one damage she has a health of two right so that would be basically you get two forts before black cat is knocked out you know fighting bad guys black cat is is a pretty cool Ally though her attack has no consequential damage which means I can attack Rhino with black cat which I will do pinging one more damage and she takes no consequential damage for doing that which is pretty rare from what I can see in in allies that I've that I've looked at so now that I've attacked I don't have any more cards in my hand that I really want to play I could discard both of these cards and play the surveillance team but in general threat in my opinion is not as big of a is not as big of a problem in this scenario as rhinos damage this statement by me is very incorrect threat becomes quite a big problem so I'm going to save this this card to hopefully reduce some of Rhino's treachery and damage that's going to be incoming and I'm going to save Helicarrier to see if I can hopefully play that out to reduce the cost of cards as I play through the game so I'm going to go ahead and end the hero phase so are the player phase rather so at the end of the player phase all of your exhausted cards will unexhaust you can if you want to discard any cards from your hand and I think I am going to discard surveillance team and then you draw back up to your hand size now important to remember Peter Parker's hand size was six but Spider-Man's hand size is five so I will only draw three cards up to my new hand limit and I drew some pretty cool cards so far let's see what else I get interrogation room okay sweet so I drew some cards that will definitely help me in this villain phase and we will see what that means here in a second so in the villain phase what's going to happen is the threat first and foremost is going to increase based on the player count so for Rhino with the break-in threat increases by one per player at the start of each villain phase which means that there is now one threat on the break-in one-seventh of the way to Rhino winning we can do stuff about that but threat is increasing then the villain and each minion that is engaged with you which minions can come out will either attack you or scheme based on what your form is right so if I had been in my Alter Ego form Rhino wouldn't attack they would scheme against me which means they would do their scheme Value Plus a boost card that would come off the top of the deck which we'll see that in just a second since I am in my hero form Rhino will attack me now if I wanted to at this stage before the Boost card is revealed I could declare whether or not I wanted black cat to defend for me and take all of that incoming damage or I could declare that Spider-Man will defend and soak up three of that incoming damage it might be different based on your hero's stats I just drew however a card called backflip that is a zero cost event that just avoids damage it's a fantastic ability that Spider-Man has in Spider-Man's basic deck that just avoids incoming damage so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to say bring it I don't care Rhino is going to be doing two damage plus a boost which means that he's going to turn over the top card holy cow and for every little star symbol down here on this card we'll do an additional damage these are boost symbols right here that means that Rhino is going to be doing two three four damage now four damage is a lot to take to the face so what I'm going to do is as a reaction you can do this if this says interrupt some events can be played during the villain phase outside of the player phase as like a defensive reaction this is one of those abilities when you would take any amount of damage from an attack prevent all of that damage I take no damage that was the attack that was that was resolved now however each player will get an encounter card that they have to resolve so encounter cards are basically events that will happen that are bad that I have to deal with right so as Spider-Man I have to deal with an event now it is a treachery when revealed discard and upgrade or support you control if no cards were discarded this way this card gains surge now this is really bad because I do have a support Aunt May that I do not want to lose but I also just happen to have an enhanced spider-sense card that says when a treachery card is revealed from the encounter deck cancel its when revealed effect I think I'm going to spend spend this to do that so I'm spending one resource and then playing this card costs one resource to cancel this treachery so nothing actually happens now I got really lucky with the cards that I had and I took no damage and took no treachery card I also realized that I did not trigger Spider-Man's ability which I will correct now so Spider-Man has an interruptability that says when the villain initiates an attack against you draw a card so I should have done that and I will do that that's the villain phase what would normally happen is you would pass a first player marker to the next player in clockwise Direction since I don't have any other players I just go again that's the whole game it's player phase villain phase player phase villain phase until this is triggered you are knocked out or the villain is knocked out that's how the game works now a bit of a bummer is I have really expensive cards and I don't have a lot of them in my hand which means I'm not going to be able to do a ton in this round other than maybe just attack Rhino so this is probably going to be a pretty quick round but I could potentially I could potentially pivot a bit and play an upgrade that would boost my stats just a tad which might not be a bad idea so what I'm going to do is I'm going to play heroic intuition it costs two resources which is a bit of a bummer because these webbed up and Helicarrier cards are really powerful and they're costed appropriately for being very powerful they're very expensive cards but I will go ahead and play heroic intuition now heroic intuition is an upgrade that says my hero gets plus one thwart so now Spidey stats are three two and two which is pretty helpful because I may need to do some thwarting to stop the scheme from triggering other than that I'm going to just rinse and repeat I'm going to attack one with black cat attack two with Spider-Man for a total of three damage and hopefully draw some of my big hitter cards one two three so that I can really knock Rhino out and kind of push for the win okay so that's really all I can do so at the end of the player phase everything will ready back up and I will draw to my hand size so I draw five cards one two three four five did I get any of my big hitters no oh my goodness I did get some powerful allies though that I could potentially Play If I wanted to just use these cards for my next for my next round so I got some stuff I can do I drew another enhanced spider sense so I can cancel out another treachery I drew Nick Fury who is a very powerful one-time play Ally who does a really cool thing when he comes in and can attack and defend so I've got some options here but first what I have to do is go ahead and go through my normal sequence right so we're in the villain phase which means that two this threat is now up to two uh Rhino will now attack me now I do not have a way to cancel damage this turn I don't know that I want to I could defend with Spider-Man the only problem is if you defend now Spider-Man is exhausted for the round probably a good call Rhino hits hard so I think what I'll do is I'll go ahead and defend with Spider-Man so Spider-Man is going to take one two plus a boost amount of damage but he will reduce that incoming damage by three so total damage incoming is one two three four probably a good choice that I defended that because I will only take one of that four damage taking me down to nine health which means that uh Spider-Man can live to fight another day but the villain phase is not over I have to resolve an encounter card if it's a treachery I can cancel it if I want to also don't forget the trigger Spider-Man was attacked which means I draw another card ah okay so now I have six cards in hand and I may be able to let's see here I may be able to do some cool stuff all right let's see what this is first oh no a Hydra mercenary so whenever a mercenary comes out or a minion rather comes out that minion becomes engaged with you what this means is there is now another bad guy that I have to worry about they have three Health they will attack me for one damage each time they attack and they have a keyword this minion has the guard keyword which means that if I wanted to attack Rhino I first have to take out the Hydra mercenary before I can get to Rhino because this minion is guarding Rhino right that being said that's all that's all I have to deal with and I can also attack the mercenary with black cat and things like that so there's some things that I can do but that is a wrinkle that I have to deal with the good news is I have enough to play out one of my more powerful cards and what I think I might do Daredevil is really good Daredevil is great at thwarting I could play out Daredevil to take that threat down and after Daredevil thwartz deal one damage to an enemy or I could play out the Avengers Mansion to have a really powerful upgrade in play and then save Nick Fury to play next turn after I've hopefully knocked out that mercenary that might be the play that might be the play okay it's back over to me for the hero phase um and what I'm gonna do I could flip over I could flip over to Peter Parker which would give me a free resource and allow me to draw an extra card at the end of the phase which might be nice but if if that happens you know what that might be the play okay that's going to limit some of my options though because this enhanced Spider Sense is a hero interrupt which means I can only play it in hero form so that might limit me a bit if I do that oh the choices they're so tough but if I don't do that he's going to attack me again and I've got the mercenary attacking me now the next 30 seconds or so or me just hemming and hawing about what to do so we're going to skip that and get back to the good stuff I want to do this first I'm going to flip over and be Peter Parker now I'm almost at full health but since I'm in Alter Ego mode I will go ahead and exhaust aunt made to just top up on my health here so I'm now at 10. which is great wow this may this may have been the wrong call this may have been the wrong call okay but now since I'm in Peter Parker form I have a free resource that I can generate which means that I can play out Advent Avengers mansion by paying one two three four and I have still saved I have still saved Nick Fury and enhanced Spider Sense for next turn I can go ahead and activate Avengers Mansion right away as well so Avengers Mansion says exhaust this card choose a player that player draws a card so I'm going to go ahead and draw a card it is energy oh boy this is a great card to have energy we have three of these types of cards in each deck energy just states that this is just a two resource card so we have one card that does two lightning one card that does two blue and one card that does two fists in each deck typically so that is what energy does so what I think I'm going to do is I'm going to one two three I don't have quite enough to play Nick Fury I'm going to save energy I'm going to attack with black cat I have to attack the mercenary when I do that um so the mercenary has taken one damage and I think I'm just going to end the end of the player phase there which means that everybody readies up and I drop to my hand size which is now six the only problem is thwart may become an issue if I'm not careful so I'm going to draw up to six hey there we go I drew some big damage so we're going to be able to do some work against rhino this next round but first we have to survive this coming this coming villain phase at the start of the villain phase threat is increased to three that ah this this might have been such a bad idea because depending on the type of encounter cards that is that are drawn I could just trigger the scheme in this villain phase it only needs he only needs four more so now what I'm experiencing here might be what some people call regret from what some people may say would be poor decisions some mental anguish as it were this is really risky let's see what happens that's happened Rhino will now thwart or attack since I am in Alter Ego form Rhino will do some thwarting they're not going to worry about attacking because Peter because Spider-Man's not around so what's going to happen is Rhino is going to do one fort plus a boost for a total of two Fort okay so now we're at five oh my goodness we only need two more and the only problem is there are encounter cards that will cause the the villain to thwart now the mercenary would also thwart against me but the mercenary scheme is zero which means that no extra thwart is added from this from this mercenary but now we have to go ahead and deal with an encounter card fingers crossed this game won't end right here we'll see what happens Okay so ah perfect no well not perfect but anyway attached to Rhino uh forced interrupt when any amount of damage would be dealt to Rhino place it here instead then if there's at least five damage here discard armored Rhino suit so Rhino can soak up five more damage which is not ideal but it doesn't end the game which is ideal and that now means that it is back over to me in the player phase all right so in the player phase I can go ahead and activate the Avengers Mansion to draw a card get me some extra resources ah the web Shooter's perfect okay so I'm going to use Peter Parker's special ability to pay one resource to get some web shooters out there now normally you put these little snoop tokens these are just generic tokens that say this is a number of uses for this card or whatever I also have dice that I use from time to time and I think that might be easier here so there are three uses on this card this card basically says you can exhaust it to generate a free resource which is going to help out a lot for what I'm needing to do in this round so I am going to then flip over to Spider-Man as Spider-Man I am then going to attack now since I can't attack Rhino directly I'm going to attack the mercenary but he only needed two more hits mercenary is dead knocked out sorry I didn't kill him Spider-Man doesn't kill uh probably I don't know so then that guy is now out of our way which means that Rhino now has five plus three more Health but what I'm going to be able to do is I'm going to be able to exactly deal with that much health because what's going to happen is I'm going to pay one attack for one so that does one damage there then I am going to exhaust the web shooters to get down to two that pays for one two three four total actually you know what two three four total resources to play Nick Fury because what Nick Fury does is when Nick Fury comes into play as a forced response that does one of three things I could either remove two threat from a scheme draw three cards or deal four damage to an enemy so Rhino takes four more damage which gets rid of this now oh man this is going to be this is going to be tough I don't have enough damage exactly to finish off Rhino because I don't have the resources I need to play Spidey swinging web kicks these are great these swinging web kicks do tons of damage um so what I think I'm going to do instead is I'm going to go ahead and thwart with Nick Fury taking this down to three now Nick Fury takes a consequential damage because of that but it's okay because Nick Fury Leaves play at the end of the let's see here at the end of the round so Nick Fury is going to stick around to the end of the villain phase and then go away because Nick Fury always gets called out to do stuff right he's got to go somewhere and deal with a galactic threat of some type so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to save these three cards because I can't quite pay for these and power of Justice might be really helpful because power of Justice doubles the number of resources if you're playing a Justice card which is yellow and Justice cards do well against thwart that's a whole other side Rabbit Trail to talk about different aspects of character decks which I can go into in more detail if there's interest there but I'm going to save that for that reason so what that means is I'm going to go ahead and end the player phase and it is now going to be the villain phase everything on exhausts and I draw back up to my hand size I don't think I want to discard any of these cards and man oh man look at that probably pretty good idea that I saved those cards because now I might have enough to play Jessica Jones if I want to or need to but anyway first things first this thwart threat is going to increase by one and then Ryan is going to attack me now since Nick Fury is leaving at the end of the round anyway I'm going to declare Nick Fury as a blocker for this attack which means he's going to do one two no extra damage there's no boost symbols on that which means that Nick Fury takes two of that damage no attack happens that no damage happens there oh no a side scheme came up okay so a side scheme comes up which means that you place this much threat on the side scheme plus there may be some additional threat listed which there is this one has two plus one extra threat per player so I've got to place three threat on this side scheme now what this means is that this is going to be a bomb scare that's going to increase tension or threat or it might draw you extra encounter cards there's all kinds of symbols that could come up on side schemes this one in particular means that every round instead of one threat per player we're now going to be dealing two threat per player on the break-in until I can get rid of this bomb scare that's bad there's pressure on me um also I forgot to trigger Spider-Man's ability sorry about that okay but that is everything Nick Fury leaves at the end of the round it's now the player phase so what do we do I think we could um let's see here we could try and knock out Rhino the only problem with that so we could do one two three I wouldn't have enough if I played so the only problem with with knocking out Rhino is Rhino's going to do some bad stuff whenever his first phase is defeated that could potentially make things much worse for moi I could well first off let's do this let's go ahead and draw our card and we also have some web shooters that can do some things okay so what we could do we could just attempt to Blitz Rhino here we've got let's see we've got one two three for that one two three oh we've got enough to attack him twice but is this going to be enough this is the moment when I decide to be a hero a true Marvel Champion will it pan out who knows well I mean you in about five minutes but other than that who knows I'm going for it I'm going for the risky play this is probably gonna pan out poorly for me but let's see if we can do this I've got two swinging web kicks in my hand now is the time to go for it so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to play a swinging web kick which does so I'm going to exhaust this for one which gets me down to one use left on the web shooters that pays for one two three resources to play The Swinging web kick which will do a total of eight damage to Rhino hey eight damage that means Rhino is defeated for stage one we did it not because now Rhino just Reveals His Face to form now when revealed search the encounter deck and discard pile for the break-in and taken scheme which is in here somewhere and put that out too all right breaking a deacon which means that now in addition to increasing the threat we're going to get an additional encounter card each round and this one also needs three thread placed on it which this is just this is Bad News Bears it might work though it might we might win this by the skin of our teeth by the hair of our chinny chin chin we might win this let's see now Rhino resets to 15 health health points per player which means that Rhino is now up to 15 HP which is very bad news everybody okay but what I can do is I can do a swinging whip kick again so let's see how this works I'm going to pay one two three to do another swinging web kick which does eight more damage okay so that is going to get us back down to seven it's not going to be quite enough to finish him off this round but if I can survive one more round one two three down to four and that's all I can do okay so into the villain into the hero phase now the villain phase a whole bunch of crap is gonna happen good grief let's hope we can survive one more round if we survive one more round I think we win okay five cards let's see what we got we got some stuff that can yes we got some stuff that can cancel some damage all right this is good this is good okay first things first though uh five six threat total is now okay if if an encounter card gets revealed that increases threat we lose but we almost won either way so here's here's here's the resolution Rhino now attacks me for one two three his damage increased one two three four five damage I'm just gonna take it because I want to save I want to save all the cards I can he did trigger and attack against me which means I've got some great stuff okay but now I have to deal an encounter card and because of this I have to deal an extra encounter card first encounter card is another scheme for two threat and this one has the crisis icon which means that I have to deal with that before I can deal with any other scheme which it doesn't matter we're rushing to try and win this will determine when you are view when revealed you are confused if already confused this card gains surge okay there are a number of statuses that can be given in this game confused is one of them confused says the next time this character would thwart or scheme remove threat discard this card instead it cancels a four-door scheme what does that mean that means that on our turn we will spend one two three resources to play a swinging web kick and we knock Rhino out meaning we win wow that was that was a close one holy cow so that's the game hopefully you enjoyed it uh hopefully all scenarios end in a win that's definitely not going to happen but at least now you get a good idea of how the game plays and if you're interested in at all in seeing more of these solo playthroughs I love playing the game and I would love to you know play through a campaign expansion or play through you know what does it look like when you're fighting claw or Ultron or things like that what do other Heroes do there's all kinds of different aspects in this game right so there's different flavors of the type of character Decks that you can build every character deck has 15 standard cards I think it's 15. but you can sub in Justice cards or aggression cards to kind of give that hero a different flavor so if you want to see more content like this please let me know but in the meantime hopefully you enjoyed this play through and until next time everybody I'll see you at the table
Channel: The Dicey Review
Views: 3,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel, champions, log, fantasy flight, solo board game, the dicey, the dicey review, BGG, mtg, coop game, comic board game
Id: qo83ytYLICg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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