Top 10 Board Games for Magic the Gathering Players

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[Music] he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and that's how I ended up with all the money this explains a lot I walked in on them recording that and I just saw mddy exchanging hands and then we scooped away the money don't don't worry about it Tom don't worry about it that's true all right welcome everybody I'm Tom vassel I'm Z Garcia I'm Roy KY and today's top 10 list we're talking about games to play with magic the Gathering players Fanatics nerds it's okay to say nerds W what's wrong with the word nerds I don't like the word nerd I like the word geek dweebs Magic the Gathering dweebs have you partaken in the magic the Gathering here's the thing though well I have actually so yes um this happen happens a lot at gaming events where we are when I go to the local game store there's a lot of magic to Gathering players there and um who's out oh they're backups we got some mag Gathering players there and sometimes they wander over and want to play a game and these are the kind of games that I would I would use to play games with these people so I want to be clear from my end well first of all I banned ccgs from this list we're not trying to or trading card games collectible card games right or collectible card things I didn't even put all of their money on Magic they don't have any money for other collectible card games that's not why I I jettisoned all that and a couple of games that I thought were a little too close actually like key Forge is not on my list yeah I feel like key Forge is still in the same category CG thing it's cuz still I I I I got a couple things out of there that I thought this is two on the not I definitely have some stuff that will definitely give them very REM reminiscent Vibes but none of them are collectible you know okay so there's that and I I am not necessarily I want to be clear here if you like magic gathering you love Magic Gathering that's fine I'm not trying to convert you with these games these are just games I think you would like to play there's going to be a bridge in between your world and our world sure but it's not a oneway bridge also it is a one-way Bridge though from my world to your world you just said it wasn't a one-way Bridge until a set comes out that you like the theme of and you buy a whole bunch of and then it no they can come across the bridge and then go back they can go back I'm just not allow you're not going to go over there well youying to right now I you bought more magic CS than either trick let me see the magic trick oh your wallet is gone yeah I've seen that trick you know what by the way as a side note board games are the biggest Hypocrites I've seen sometimes really like oh at least I'm out of magic you know not spent $100 doar a month that's hilarious don't look at my Kickstarter bill it's almost I would bet that there are board gamers out there a lot of them who spend more than magic players per month and some of those people don't actually even play the the game at least the magic players are using the card magic players are playing magic boy you know what I mean the board gamers yeah you know when that new game comes in you're like o ah eight boxes what else can I back I think we're going to have a lot of crossover I I expect there to be very little crossover really yeah I think Tom are at least going to have some cuz there's some games on here that I extrem high I have one here I tried to be outside the the usual like obvious you know recommendations I went right down the middle of obvious obvious I went obvious town this was a question someone asked me yesterday like why don't you do top 10 just don't pick the obvious things said they wouldn't be a top 10 right it has to match the topic this is subjective so yeah yeah all right well here we go let's get started what order are we [Music] all right I'm going to start off my number 10 here with an oldie but a goodie and I think this is actually one of The Inspirations for Magic the Gathering along the lines cuz I think it came out before it and this is Cosmic Encounter so this is if a player enjoys that multiplayer game of Magic the Gathering where there's backstabbing and negotiations like oh kill his card oh take this card out do that if you enjoy that sort of negotiations in Magic the guy in multiplayer magic or like Commander style magic I think you'd really enjoy com counter and com en counter has those counter spell or not counter spells they have like things that Nerf cancels things that Nerf stuff and this was actually an inspiration from Richard Garfield for making a little bit of the theme of magic or a little bit of stuff that was in Magic the Gathering but yeah this is the game where you're racing to get those five colonies battling out against each other allying with different players Cosmic is a great space game where you're basically trying to negotiate all the stuff and I'm pretty sure it's going to be higher on other people's list it is not on my list what what no because I don't see that this is a correlation yes I know there's the special powers no just because how obvious is your list because this definitely should be on it like if you're talking about board games is you saying this is too outside of the norm no I'm thinking forget what inspired what I was thinking someone's a magic gathering player these are games I would say you I don't I'm not saying that I just didn't it's not in my top 10 it's in my top 10 games worried about your list I am like genuinely concerned that you put a whole bunch of obvious crap on there what's wrong with obvious it's saddens me and you should reach a little higher be like my number 10 tarium Community College oh wait that's a YouTube channel was That like a secret shout out you just did for players I feel like you're just going to be exactly correlating is how you're is going to be anyway a great game Cosmic Encounter about space aliens magic powers or space Powers I would lots and lots of negotiations top 10 game for munchkin players I think munchkin players really would jump into this yeah I think so I also think munchkin could make this list but I didn't put it on there is your munchkin on your list no these are good it's the title of my list is top 10 good games for magic players no Cosmic is fine I'm not I'm not critized I'm just saying it wasn't on my list that's all let's see what's going to happen here like criticism to me all right Z I'm on I'm on Roy's cam so far Tom I'm blown away that that wasn't on your list or won't be unless you're lying through your teeth in which case good job um my number 10 is a game I like to call uh and so everybody else really the small world oh yeah world is good magic the Gathering type uh board game it has I wrote to the first thing I did for myself was I WR I wrote down kind of the things I think Magic the Gathering players like magic the Gathering for gotcha so I wrote like lots of combat subverting expectations factions and identities uh lots of theme drafting Tempo hand management synergies I I wrote down all this stuff and I think this one Taps into a few of these certainly the the combat though it's quite abstracted but it's more about those combos and that Tempo that's what you're getting in this game at what point do you cut cut your losses and and draft a new faction to take onto the board and what combinations what powers seem to be you know which decks do you want to run with right so it has that feeling of two ideas coming together and maybe you think that won't work against what's out there on the board so you skip over and put money on it instead you know put your victory points on it so yeah this one if you're looking especially for one that is fairly simple and pretty straightforward to to get to the table for Magic the Gathering player this would be very straightforward I would say so yeah I think all the fantasy factions in this will really make people excited about it and they're like oh this these guys do one little rule I I can grasp that let's go yeah my number 10 small world my number hold on hold on go if you say Cosmic Encounter I swear I'm judging you hard right now okay first of all I barely I I didn't criticize Cosmic Encounter I just said it wasn't on my list and your your pick is good oh how the mighty have oh I know my pick is good thanks Cosmic that's crazy to me that's wild I'm not saying better I'm saying these are good games for Magic Gathering plays I don't put Cosmic count on every list this isn't bang a dice game era shoot soon he might be watching my number 10 is a basically feels exactly like a collectible card game it's just not collectible and you're playing from I think the same deck and that is radlands it's on your list later thought this one too soon I really thought of this one yeah well rins I mean that's the thing when we played rits we're like this is like a ccg but it's not now I tried to temper my list there's a lot of games that go this is like a ccg that's not my whole list but I put this one on there because you are attacking the other person you were trying to take out their B and they and but it has a different cool theme and I could see a magic player coming and playing this now I would bet that every magic player who plays this would go this is really good it's not as good as magic I get it I'm not trying to say any of these games are better than magic even though all 10 of them are but I'm going to jump off the bridge now let's do it no no but I think that this is one that they would actually understand too and there's a nice give and take and it's not very long it's an easy game for people able to jump into also has really cool artwork it does it does so and lots of combos which is cool that's my number 10 R [Music] awesome my number nine feels like it has a very direct like correlation with magic because you're trying to knock your opponent out of their life Point specifically it's head-to-head different characters against each other they do have Cooperative modes of this as well but I have I'm recommending the head-to-head version of this but this is with dice a yti style dice game called dice throne and I put the pictures of Marvel Dice Throne on here because I really enjoy the Marvel theme on these but this is for chucking different Dice and and you have cards that you're actually using and using your combat points to play out these cards to upgrade the different sets of dice you're trying to get like different Straits or different symbols of stuff to activate your character's different powers there's tons of different tokens here they're going to add different status effects to your opponent and you're trying to figure out the best way to trigger those things and Trigger all of the dice I mean magic players might find this a little bit too wild and chaotic and random but this is a really good thing to play like a casual head-to-head game that's fun maybe have maybe you're just like the extreme magic player and you want to play something with someone that you can actually play on their same level play dice throne and it is a lot of fun to get in and play um and you're just battling to knock each other out of your life points to win the game so uh a great head-to-head combati Style game and they have this in fantasy versions and then the Marvel version and they actually have Cooperative that you can play this as well and soon the X-Men version come on yeah uh this is this was on my short list I I like I like this one a lot I think that some magic players will think it's too simple although they'll say that about the vast majority of games on our list it depends on the tier I mean the thing when you say magic players there's people that play it super casually there's people that play it in between there's people that only draft there's people play Commander there's people that play it at Tournament level the tournament LEL people would think this is too simple even even at most simple you take two starter decks of magic I would still say Magic's a fairly complex game I really do I think you I mean if you grow up playing and everything there's a lot but there's so many rules and so many things with timing and stuff that's even in the most basic of games yes I that's why I I honestly I don't mind Gaming With Magic Gathering players because I'm always of the opinion if you could understand that game you could understand pretty much anything I'm about to throw on the table I agree there is something to be said for for familiarity though sure like some people know games that they're familiar with Classics and they don't realize how much it how many moving parts that thing has and then you go to teach him something else maybe even simpler and they're like this is too much you're like but you play that yeah but but I get it you know they play that and they have for years this really feels like they M mesed up magic and yatsi and we're like boom let's go so Matzi Matzi matah my number n is all about the drafting part of Magic the Gathering so people like drafting Magic the Gathering I like drafting Seven Wonders oh yeah and uh this one's going to have a little bit of that you know it's going to have some set collecting you're kind of building up something um Gathering more and more things for their various effects leveling yourself up there's a little bit of combat with your neighbors but it's very minor it's all about that feeling of you know before you play magic and you do a little draft this is that game this is that aspect of it taking the hand you've been given looking at that and like oh okay what do I want to pass iMagic the Gathering players will also be much more concerned likely than I would be about what they're passing rather than what they're keeping so there's going to be a lot of hay drafting probably playing with magic the Gathering players I feel with in an interesting way change the tenor of this of this game a little bit so yeah Seven Wonders or any other good drafting game like this but this is my pick you don't hate drafting Seven Wonders not so much you're going to pass the science cards all to the same person yeah 100% I hate draft science what are you talking about you have to not pass science cards to all the same person not that big calm down I'm counting Roy for half a person you get the other seven and a half is that a hateful seven and a half okay thanks Z I'll take it as a compliment there you go okay for my number nine there are two games that I F were like really on the nose so I put one on my list the other I didn't I'll tell you I'm going to talk about the one I didn't put on my list so obvious I didn't put Heroes a dominer on my list which is the magic the Gathering well one of the magic the Gathering board games there's actually two of them there's a hero Escape ripoff thing this is the board game version I think uh whz kids did it maybe and here's the reason I put it on I I wrote it down first and then I was like wait a minute I'm pretty sure Magic Gathering players would hate this game so which is why I didn't make the list even though I think it's a good game has a magic gathering thing I think they would be annoyed by it but this one is also really on the nose but I think players would enjoy this one cuz it's about the collectible card game Hobby in general oh jeez Millennium blades oh yes you always talk about wild well no I'm telling you I think this one fits because I I was actually I was watching some people play this at uh the Bor Game Geek spring which we just at and they had the big piles of money all over the table cuz you you have stacks of cash in this game that are WRA together and I just some of the things about this game like every card you get is a single card but on the back it's a pack of cards because when you buy a pack of cards you only keep the rare card well once you get into magic you're you're usually looking at the last few few cards right right okay if you like to crack packs this gives you that like junky feeling of you're like more of them packs let me throw another some more of them packs let me give them really and also there's trading with other people yeah you have you have a certain amount of money so you can be like I'm gonna buy a pack there's like the base set then there's some expansions you're like oh this expansion has these kind of cards and maybe I should buy that one and then there's singles you can buy and then you trade with other people I like that concept it's really without actually the actual cash involved and I think this will work well with that regard because you can explain it be like got it and I think they would be amused by that meta commentary because it's not making fun of collectible card games at all it's just one so yeah so Millennium blades it's a great pick at number nine H all right my number eight here is a pretty it's a card game but there's a lot going on in it and this is for the magic the Gathering player that likes those specific Combos and trying to do that hand management Resource Management this is race for the Galaxy this is a really quick playing game because you're all kind of playing cards at the same time and then doing all of the actions on those cards you're trying to manage the cards you're getting your hand building out a tableau of different powers and abilities there's a lot going on in this game so this is if you're a really crunchy like combo player in Magic the Gathering and you like those intricate interesting turns this would be a great game for you that you can really math out on and be able to figure out how to okay I played a windfall planet that gets a resource immediately but this planet I can spin it over here to get my victory points and figuring out how to get those engines going is a blast to play if you like combo engine building control decks and Magic the Gathering I feel like race for the Galaxy would really crunch your brain in the right way I wonder about this one yeah it would be if you're more of a casual magic player I feel like it would be harder to get into it's not that easy of a game to jump on board in but if you are like one of those like thinky Magic the Gathering players that likes to play those really hard decks to play you'd be all Tom and I are out all right don't include me in your stupidity um it's a great game I've played Magic the Gathering with you fairly recently I will include you don't bring that up that's right the fact that when you play this two players it is so so quick playing two cards at the same time it's just like back and forth back and forth so once you can get over the iconography and everything I feel like the the card management of this is just great I just wonder if it's a little too stayed for a magic player like the excitement I I love race for the Galaxy you know incidentally I was played role for the Galaxy with somebody recently and I was we were talking about race and I was telling about the two card and they had never played two card race for the Galaxy I'm like you must it's the best way to play so what I'm talking about the people that win the magic tournaments can play race for the Galaxy if you're not winning the tournament don't worry about it well then I would never be able to ever play it well I I don't make it P the first round all right what's your number eight all right my number eight is for the same magical Gathering player who WS the combo but this guy doesn't even know that there are magic the Gathering tournaments it's also very much my the the the filler of all these I wanted something light and quick but that still was about looking for combinations and I'm going with Marvel remix on this one oh wow that's okay that's interesting Marvel remix is all about building a hand of cards that's going to score well and all you're doing is discarding and drawing new ones and looking for the those connections hey this guy scores off of the punching symbols let me get some punching symbols and then every one of those cards it gives you a punching symbol has its own scoring condition at the bottom and so you're you're sort of going off of those there's all these interconnected things that is fun to look for and try to maximize and the whole thing is 20 minutes you know very very clean very straightforward it has that feeling of um manipulating my hand I'm sort of making my team I'm doing my combos but without the overhead really you know so again if you're looking for a filler to show to a magic the Gathering player especially if they like Marvel of course then Marvel remix I would say is is it I never played remix with two players I wonder how good that is have you I think it's the same thing right well one of the problems I have with remixes that with like six players or whatever whatever the max count is you can only get a few turns and the game's over you'll get more two players I wonder how well that would play interesting yeah yeah and yes this is someone asked if this is fantasy Realms in the comments it is it's a different version It's a fantasy Realms 1.5 maybe there's a few new ideas like some cards you can flip over end over end and they kind of level up but um similar to Red Rising as well or yeah Red Rising is is similarish I think Red Rising is worse than both of these but I want to try this one yeah my pick would be Marvel remake is just it's a little more fun it's a little more vibrant than fantasy Realms is a little more I don't know I don't I don't see the Pizzaz there especially for a magic the Gathering player very cool all right my number eight is for the player who likes combos which you both just said this also lets you do a lot of fun combos but also gives you that feeling of I have stuff you don't have like my deck against your deck and this is rift Force so Rift force is a two player that I'm coming on in this one here then the picture I'm showing Rift Force Beyond which is the uh expansion SL I think it's Standalone I'm pretty sure you can play it by itself if not you only need a few extra pieces to play it but anyhow this comes with a bunch of factions and then you have these factions and you are playing cards on your side um by by number the number matters and the faction matters and so you can play several of the same number the same faction and then each faction will do various things and you're trying to control the these areas it's it's abstract in many ways but man if you like that back and forth fighting I think magic players are going to grabit towards this especially with the fantasy theme like these factions but I like that there's the I think there's eight factions in the original game and then eight factions in the expansion I would get all this is one where I'd be like buy both right normally I wouldn't say that like you don't need expansion but that that 16 factions and you pick three I pick three boom you draft right at the beginning of the game yeah a little like you take one then I take two and then you take one kind of thing I don't remember how some kind of drafting at the beginning yeah and then you go at it it's a little bit like battle line with powers oh that's cool right uh that's a good way to put it but I think it's more beyond that battle line line Beyond battle line was actually the original name of it and then Kia suum and uh no that checks out I really like RIT Force this is definitely a game that's not going anywhere I don't think it's many people are talking about it but I really enjoyed I really enjoyed all the powers when we played it it was pretty cool so I wasn't as big a fan but that's a good call Tom I I I think it very much fits on this list that's a good pick that's your first good pick I'll take [Music] it all right my number seven is another game that is credited with inspiring magic of the Gathering I know Tom hates this one Roy's bringing the facts Tom I know this one is now I love this game this is a game full of combos full of zany wacky stuff this is like super casual magic and This Is wiiz War this is a game where your Wizards running through a labyrinth with tons of different magic spells and you can get points one of two ways you can either knock out another wizard then you just straight up get a point or you can grab a treasure from an opponent's part of the labyrinth and bring it back to your home base and then would get a point as well but the other Wizards are going to be trying to grab those Treasures back from you or stealing it off of your home base and then making you lose points if you get two points you win the game you're running through portals you're playing like giant hammers to smash people playing lightning bolts that go around corners you're playing stuff so you can see through walls or things that blow up walls this is a zany Labyrinth Magic field wizard romp and it's got crazy Combos and it has counter spells it has all of that stuff stuff that Tom hates in Magic but is a very huge part of magic um but I really enjoy the way whiz War all comes together and is I think was another really big influence on the game it was credited as one of the influences on Magic the Gathering I don't think this is a bad pick for this list I think a lot of magic players will like this I just didn't put on my list because I was putting good games right um that I enjoy in yourin that's the entire dce hour is in my op you have to say it every time you mention that you have an opinion you have to say in your opinion okay you look we just need facts and his opinion in my opinion I'm saying Roy is bringing out the facts I need to catch up I will be mentioning various facts about my games do it my number seven the original consultant on the game was Richard Garfield and the central idea for the game in fact was inspired by something he said my number seven is Neuroshima Hex nice Garfield was in Poland chilling like one does when one is a baller I can't tell if this is true or not what's true that Richard Garfield was involved with this game because it could be true let's just go with it's true then that's not true girl has never been to Poland he specifically said he will not go to Poland he don't you went to the extreme what just happened I'm getting Whiplash from your lies when you say fast why Whiplash you mean lies neros Shima hack is a fighty fighty game with creatures or dudes fighty fighting each other that's what magic the Gathering is according to Richard Garfield in an interview I read [Laughter] um what what classic magazine was that in I think it was people it was vogue vogue yeah they interview Richfield for Vogue um no I new Shea hex to me feels again like you could explore the game find a faction that speaks to you as again a magical Gathering player and then take those things get rid of the cards and try a different kind of delivery system for some of those ideas some of those combos setting your opponent up to fall into your traps that sort of feeling that various Magic Gathering players enjoy right there's so many aspects of magic that I wanted to try to hit different flavors and this is a different flavor for Magic Gathering I think in my opinion so number seven for me Neuroshima Hex tile weighing I believe I said fighty fighty game fighty fighty fighty fighty game all right my number seven tell me a true fact about it though my number seven Richard Garfield uh the people who designed us he no actually he has had an effect on this because the designer of this game was a magic player um a lot of designers were magic players yeah that's actually that doesn't narrow down at all but it does narrow down to the genre which is deck building and there's no way we can do a list like this without talking about deck building because deck building is the number one mechanism I've seen in real life that has attracted Magic Gathering players I like that concept that you're building a deck during the game so for this pick here uh which is not the only Deck Builder on my list I put shards of infinity oh shards of infinity is a really fun back and forth and this one also works really well with two has some interesting ideas now this is clearly based on ascension in many ways but there's some fun things that this game does where you're playing cards back and forth attacking each other and also you know getting money to buy more cards but you can have you have cards that level up because you're increasing levels in this game and that's fun because as and there's there's and each person has a card that basically says you win if you get to level 20 or whatever if you play that card um but the cards will level up and then also there are mercenary cards in the middle that you can buy for and then just use them right away but then you don't put them in your deck okay which is a really interesting concept so I like those those combos and like I said this is designed by a I want to say that this was a magic Champion uh who designed this so many protour players go on design board games yeah there's a there's a lot of them that do that that that have done that yeah including the other one of my list was also designed by someone involved with magic but um shards of infinity a really fun game and it it could be play multiplayer but it really shines at twoo and yeah people are talking about other games like this this is simware two Star Realms and actually it's closer to Star Realms sorry than not Ascension it's it's been the same company made Ascension but it's similar to Star Realms but it does a few things Star Realms also works Ascension also works for magic players but I'm picking shards of infinity in this little box that's awesome good [Music] call one number six was designed by Richard Garfield I'm just throwing out there actually designed by the man himself who made the magic he made other games too he didn't stop is he the only designer of this game I'm not sure I think maybe it's a CO Rock I think it's maybe a CO Design This is no no this is mind bug this is straight up very much there's several other designers this extremely extremely Magic co-designed by Richard Garfield by the way so there you go um but in mind bug basically your playing out you have a hand of cards and you're choosing a card to play Whenever you play that card each player has two mind bugs right two two mind bugs that they're going to have on their side and when you play your card they can choose I'm just going to steal that card from you um and then it's going to count as me playing it and then you can play a different card you know you can basically say oh counter spell steal the thing you just played if it's too good um but if it sticks then you have these cards on on your table you can say oh instead of playing a card this turn I'm going to attack with a character and then they can choose to defend you only have three life points you're trying to knock your opponent out of those three life points it's very much a game of tempo and being able to control the board and being able to keep everything and there's tons and tons of keywords on all the stuff which is the keywords a lot of them are very much Magic the Gathering style but this is the same sort of thing like if you want to play something you don't have your deck around or you want to play something that's a little bit more casual where both players are kind of using the same sort of card pool um this is a lot of fun to play and it's just that interesting game of tempo it's like oh I'm playing this creature that has an effect that's similar to Flying so I can fly through I'm gonna play one too so I can block you well nope I'm gonna mind buug that one so now I have two flying creatures we're coming in you know that's sort of thing um but yeah I really enjoy mind bug and I think it's a very good correlation with magic it's funny how the game comes down to like that decision of when to use a mind bug that's like that's the game of the game get that Tempo advant definitely feels like magic Express this game yeah for sure my mini magic that was the original title actually before when Richard Garfield was designing it on his own it was called Magic Express and Hasbro told him no bad Richard and then he went and found some code design I am under I am under the impression that the other guys designed the game and showed it to him he liked it and got involved you contradicting what I just said I am 100% contradicting your fake history 20 hit points was too many three hit points way everything you say is on an episode of that Drunk History show and then and then uh he walked in and he was like no this is two mind bugs that shows wild all right where we at number six we are number six is uh my pick is this my only one yes yes I wanted to pick a game in which you had your own deck that was you yours you weren't drawing from each others that you had your own personality and but I still wanted to kind of shove them onto the playing field of board games gotcha the magic the Gathering players drag him out there if I had to kicking and screaming this is unmatched yeah unmatched is an excellent card driven game with a little movement miniature movement and I'm using one of your pictures here guys y'all this is actually from the wrong game but I don't care um the picture is not unmatched yeah it is that's the Cooperative unmatched it just which would not be the one I would introduce at all what I'm saying okay do what I say not what I do play unmatched I'll do neither thank you um unmh is really fun yeah and you want to you can you can pick whoever you want you you have quite a few genres or or factions at your disposal at this point you can go Marvel they have a bunch of those if you don't like that stuff you can go with these mythical you know or historic figures and then just take a couple of them up up against each other you can do it with three players you can play with four mhm you have your own deck of cards you will do a little Movement Like I said but it's a lot of that bluffing that interesting I'm attacking you but I have Mana back you want to block well that seems weird you're not tapped out so this feels like a trap you have some of that feeling in it for Magic the Gathering player um I think Richard Garfield played the dinosaur in this movie I was going to say multiplayer unmatched definitely feels like a game of multiplayer magic as you're trying to talk the other players into the reason why you're not the threat know so yeah I don't care for this multiplayer I like it I mean I don't think you care for magic multiplayer either that is correct because you know everybody wants to kill Tom vassel cuz he's the biggest threat at the table the half size of a threat that's not what I meant I meant you're a good player of magic oh okay all right my number six been lying all Roy Roy said awesome after my last few picks he shall not do so after this pick I saw I saw a 16 person game of this no at Board Game Geek spring they're not going to and I was so impressed and I and I count it because if they had less than 16 I would have joined um this game and this is Challengers I think Challengers is a fun light game for magic togethering players I need you to play it Z can you teach this to me Tom I I I can in Challengers you are it is essentially a deck building game sort of where you are playing war against someone else you all start with the same deck and you're flipping cards over and you see who gets a football back and forth and then you by you you draw some cards and you pick one and added to your deck and then you play war against somebody else at the table you just you're going back and forth in fact you if you play with a ton of people you have to stand up walk around the table which I know you hate I don't like that no I is there a chair for me when I get there yes that's fine Z I need you to play this so you can feel my pain I think this one is a lot of fun it's silly fun and it has not a ton of strategic decisions in it for sure I'm not I'm not saying that but it has good decisions to make it it's fun and it's interesting it has good decisions okay yeah no this is this is great game nominated for the Kenner spos Ys um that's in Germany uh um but I I think it's I think it's fantastic so yeah you have a large group I never heard you talk about this game I've only ever heard Roy talk about it well he's drowning me out try prot I played this with my family and it was just so much fun as we all pair off and again I'm I'm I'm not ever trying to make this to be some this is the lightest game on my list here today but I think magic gather players we get a kick out of it I want to try this will I'll say there's more strategy in this game than there is in whiz war that is not even close to true this one you just you're right I'm probably understating it you're just flipping the cards you're flipping the I know you don't like Wiz War because you don't like counter spells and you don't like people attacking or ganging up on people counter spells in Cosmic CU there's like four yeah and you can plan for them this one no one has ever actually played the game the game just plays them that's just the way it is actually I heard that Richard Garfield ones played this game no no he was the only person to actually play the game ex it's like basically chug Norris isfield now anyway I think people would like because of the tournament setting and moving around I think it's like a game that you could play in between uh matches that aagag together tournament and no one's going to get mad playing this is this the reason you invited me on this list so you could put this on your list and then I would no but I thought it was funny after I made this because I knew list I told Chris all right my number six challenges [Music] hey folks before we jump into our our top five here just wanted to thank you for watching the dice hour and if you like games and want to buy and sell games check out we have a new website there um at D at District there's a website called District where people can buy and sell things back and forth and so dice to district is now live and we'll have a link in the comments uh where you can go and check it out and buy and sell games you want a quick really easy way to do so to buy games back and forth I've seen there's a lot of cool games that listed and it's a very nice interface so we'll talk more about it we'll have a video up um uh eventually showing you how it all works but it's really simple very userfriendly so Dice Tower District check it out I sold all my magic cards and now I'm getting all these board games all right you sell your magic cards on District you could I could I I sold my magic cards forever ago to cool stuff and bought a bunch of board games and I think maybe whiz number five uh my number five is aame game that might be on someone else's list probably will be on somebody else's list but we haven't had any crossover yet which is insane to me but this is Summoner Wars this is basically if you took Magic the Gathering style card play with magic and spinning resources to get units on the board and then also had like a tactical Miniatures game that feels very like chess likee but there's also dice chucking and tons of special PS on all of those characters Summoner Wars is a blast to play basically each player has their own different Summoner and different Deck with those cards you can deck build in this game if you want to but you can also just play with the pre-built decks also and you're building up all these units coming out of gates and trying to just knock out your opponent Summoner if you knock out your opponent Summoner you win the game some factions Rush their sum the opponent Summoner and do tons of damage some factions are more defensive if your deck runs out you're left with whatever is left we haven't played the two new factions yet we haven't played the two new factions yet um but yeah I really want I really love Summoner Wars I like playing all the different facts I think Magic the Gathering players will find a it's very different from Magic but also gives you a lot of that same Vibes it's very fun yeah that's a great pick I'm put together a list of what I think are going to be Tom's I have three out of what I think will be your top five okay you might be right I feel like said one already and I forgot it but um dice Throne or mind bug is probably on his list apparently Cosmic isn't but H mind buug and dice Throne are both good all right my number five is another one I think might be on Tom's list and this one is my the closest actually I would say to a game that feels well there's one more but this feels very close to magically gathering in the collecting cards playing cards making Combos and it is when you're making points instead of stealing life but similar idea this is veil of Eternity um the veil of Eternity is has a little bit of an economic system in it in which you are managing money sometimes you can throw a card away and take money instead or you can claim that card spend money and play the thing out you have a limited amount of space on the table you are comboing these things together they you're going for that know that that track in the middle there that's victory points there's all sorts of effects and abilities built into the deck there's colors and they usually interact together very well the whole thing has a real trading card G feel honestly I think if you are a player of any of these trading card games you're likely to enjoy veil of Eternity I certainly do this is a great pick like I I honestly as we were doing this list I was like I like as we were talking through I was like Veil eternity I missed that one and this would this would have easily it might have been my like number 11 but it does have a little bit of that like take that too as well you know like I'm going to burn your thing you know yeah it has a lot of the same Flav where is my expansion Avil attor is great Daniel thanks for the super chat um longberg I'm assuming that Jay is silent thank you for being part of our community yay thank you all right my number five is my other hang on yeah my other deck builder um and this one I just picked a very different kind of deck builder I think magic to Gathering players would like now I thought about putting Dominion because Dominion is the deck builder and it's the best deck Builder never but I want to pick one that had more magic in it I thought that players even though I guess Dominion has magic uh you'll never know like if I show you a car you don't know if it's magic or not oh Village the witch is alchemy there's some magic anyway Thunderstone Quest yeah which I really like I really like Thunderstone Quest and it has a lot going in you get to do some cool things and upgrade and give your character's weapons and and go into the dungeon we just played this recently and while it's clear that I am the one who likes it the most in the studio um I do like this idea of it you could play it I play epic but you don't have to you can play with 10 decks figure out the best combos from those decks as you're going in yeah I just think it's a fun it's it's one of the most damatic deck building games out there you think it's too much crap all over the board like oh I do think it there's a lot of crap all over the board but I think a magic player is used to that have you seen some of these commander games Commander I walk by and I'm like is going on yeah that's true I feel like almost any deck builder can fit as far as a magic the gall player but this is I really thought you were going to say Ascension is the one I had written down for you I thought about it but Ascension is too close to shards of Infinity but Ascension good pick so Thunderstone Quest my number five ni [Music] all right my number four is our first crossover let's go and this crossover is with Mr Z Garcia this is unmatched I put a box cover here of one of the Marvel sets I like Marvel sorry well then you're going to be broke next year when Marvel magic comes out my goodness I know we're all going to be broke you guys realize that there's Magic the Gathering Marvel happening okay and Richard Garfield has said it's his favorite set that he's ever played okay he says if he could go back and change after this set comes out Tony Stark's going to be broke here's a cameo Richard Garfield in endgame did he blip out or did he come Cameo of Richard Garfield battle throwing Magic Gathering cards if you see in the distance you that would actually be pretty cool um but yeah unmatched for everything that Z said just the head-to-head nature but the fact that all the decks feel very different you have all of your own powers you can mix in you can mix up which deck you're going to play each time you play the game and figure out how to combo those cards together with each of the special decks it's just so much fun to play and just really head-to-head straightforward I play a card out see who wins the battle try to keep card advantage that stuff feels very Magic the Gathering but it does feel different enough to like own a space in people's collection to play c yeah I think the hands management is probably the biggest part of this game cuz you have the moments where your hand is just getting depleted and you attack and it's that moment of do I block at all yeah you know what I mean like do I really sacrifice the very little power I have left to block maybe your card wouldn't have been that bad if I had just let it go you know what I mean I feel like almost every unmatch game is like well time to run run and gather my strength again I love that's a good pick all right my number four is it's one of debated back and forth on until it dawned on me that it's actually really really similar to a magic the Gathering game that came out or I guess like magic the Gathering spin-off I don't know called Explorer explorers of Exelon oh yeah they put out this magic gathering set that was I never played that did you yeah yeah so it's like magic the Gathering but there's a board with tiles and you can pay Mana to Ral real tiles and they have abilities you're supposed to be exploring Exelon okay n you know like nothing to it it's kind of magic right well explore Expeditions here is kind of like explores of Exelon a little bit you know what I mean so it's just idea of managing your cards having combos getting new cards All That Jazz but then moving on the board revealing the tiles and utilizing those powers on those tiles to do various things so I think if you're looking for again the exploration in something like explor explorers of Exelon uh in a different game with a very different theme a different vibe a different look then Expeditions is a good one to check out and the card play part of it isn't going to let you down so yeah Expeditions is probably the the reest one for me I would say but it's a very different game yeah it is but I can see them liking the card management part of it as well that's a big deal in this game yeah yeah so you get to kind of use your same cards over and over so it has that that deck building aspect or feel to it you know once you get to once you get to know your moving Parts you can utilize them well so one one of my worries about this game though in this case would be I don't think Expeditions I would want to play two-player well maybe you would you just don't want any I don't know why you're hung up on the two-player thing yeah most magic these days is not played D well I don't know if that's necessarily true you just made that up I mean I don't know that there's stats that most magic is not two I think most magic these days is straight multiplayer Commander yeah I know their most popular format now is Commander is almost always multiplayer but all the tournaments and stuff are so anyway doesn't matter they don't really have them very much anymore multiplayer Commander tournaments as well yeah they don't do them very much all right Richard Garfield has said that Expeditions is one of the best picks on this list my number four is a crossover it would be a three-way crossover if Roy remembered it but he didn't so just me and z and that's veil of Eternity blo I got you for one veil of Eternity and I'll tell you what veil of Eternity as soon as they have an expansion I think it's going to go up one more cuz I just want there to be a few more cards in this game but I love the combo the greed of this man greed this game is hot hot hot right now for sure I thought this could have made it to your number one Whatever Ian see Chrissy's husband is a big Magic the Gathering player I believe and he says he likes Expedition so well then you're validated nice thank you Chrissy Stern what were you talking about the B of Eternity that's a crossover with you yes I was correct again you're sabotaging [Applause] yourself all right anyway if you've not played the veil of Eternity I think the Val T is like one of those cool games that's a crossover though like I'll teach you some magic players and they like it but also I played with some pretty stayed Euro Gamers who also enjoyed it because it's a thinky esque game and you're trying to find that cool combo um it also plays pretty quickly it's weird there's only that one deck of cards but because you never know the order of those cards coming out I like the the the money system it's just a unique interesting game I a lot with very little right I mean it really does the money management thing is very small yeah but it feels epic it feels like big and challenging and I like that you can't make change is pretty cool yeah that's great yeah just an interesting game definitely check it out veil of Eternity all right uh so my number three here is my deck boating pick and I went with a very two-player head-to-head deck booting game in the vein of uh sh I just got yelled at for a seconding two-player it's fine it's fine um you have to have it sometimes um but this is in the vein of Star Realms and this is Star War for the deck building game if you like magic the Gathering and you like Star Wars and you want something to play along those lines this is a great game to just get in there one side's playing the Empire the other side's playing the rebels and you're fighting back and forth over this Force track to trigger different abilities you're also trying to knock out your opponent's base to win the game when a Bas gets knocked out you get to reveal a new base and you get kind of like a little bonus so the more you're losing the game the more of these little bonuses you get but you can attack if you're Empire you can attack the rebels out there the rebel scum that's doing things and you can get bonuses for attacking them or you can recruit Empire cards if you're the rebel you get to sabotage the different Imperial cards and then also get bonuses for that and recruit a bunch of different Rebels and there's a bunch of neutral cards as well kind of like the scum and villain guys can be on either side in either deck um this is a great game to play and there was a um kid playing this at uh at uh was it uh BGG spring that we just went to and he had a play one the kid left crying no no no he he he had the players wanted sign I was like h i I walked around with Tom a little bit and he was still sitting there and so I was like crack my Knuckles like all right kid let's go and just kid did you drop an elbow on him no I taught him how to play the game and it like made sure he understood everything was going on learned we say and I mean it was actually decently close go upside his head I taught him why you coold cards in games so you can just do damage damage damage and then you know I was like well next time you'll know it's not where I thought that was going but go no it was it was fun no he had a lot of fun we we casually played the game I was like oh now you can teach the game to the next person you play and stuff like that and maybe maybe have a chance little guy he's probably watching out we lost a fan for life we lost a fan for life also playing the game with you um and to your parents I'm sorry oh my goodness life lessons all right are you excited about the expansion for this I am stoked about the expansion it was dur in my uh my uh we do board game breakfast we do like a a eye-catchers the expansion was in my eye catchers they're doing a earlier a thing that matches with the earlier stuff like what like the prequels and stuff so yeah that's cool more and more deck building it's a nice self-contained game though even without that it's a small box for sure it's a nice portable version of you know of that kind of game all right number three is a crossover with Roy canid day a game that clearly should have been on Tom's list if it really isn't it's not this is Cosmic it's not encounter I don't think this is a bad game hat it I remember back in the day when this was one of your favorite games but lately it's really jumped off a cliff much like Richard Garfield once went skydiving in the Himalayas and then wrote about it it's on a card you know one of the aliens is like made after Richard you can find richfield's biography if you sort the magic cards out in a specific order yeah yeah that's true anyway Cosmic is great and it's old and you should play it that's a picture of Tom and the way he feels about it now look at screenshot that anyhow man I had two offers of this to play at the convention over the week but both times I was just about to do something ha this game I know I feel it what was a kid and his mom but I took Mercy on a child unlike Roy the kid had a fun time playing the game the kid had a fun time playing the game I declare I refuse to say I whooped him my number three I did not refuse that at all my number three is an old older game older than Cosmic no Cosmic is almost 50 years old now anyway remember came out I I almost anyway this game is all about comos and if you play this game on its highest level you can draft at the beginning and I there's a lot of that it's a fun drafting game yeah but the fun comboes nature of this game brings it out and I think it stays up today this is a game I I'm surprise hasn't been reprinted recently and this game is Seasons oh I think I think seasons is a game that a lot of magic players going to like the the the way you get these cards you draft I if you play on the normal mode of the game I mean you can just draw seven cards at the beginning and then draw more but that drafting is a huge deal cuz you want that Synergy between these cards and there are cards that give you special abilities there are cards that give you points you got to try to figure out what combo you want you're drafting during the game you're drafting dice that give you possibly more cards the ability to play cards the resources you need to play the cards this is a really solid game and I I it's been over a decade since Seasons come out right I think and it's been out of print it's really been out of print it's in a dice St library though um I just think this is one that magic players would enjoy it gets almost no attention these days yeah this is it was not a game that was underrated when it came out this was you know this gu played a lot this was done well it did well probably sold well but yeah it's just kind of gone and you're right this is a one that's it's ripe to come back now that being said the folks who made this game are about to release a collectible card game W that's happening like like in a couple months at chenan right that's that um what's it called it starts with an A Ascend ascending Ascension of the ascendants the memorable game as the QR code game Ascend QR code games yeah the QR yeah Richard Garfield designed each QR Code by hand for them he did the little dots yeah ah I can't remember name but anyway these folks these folks are making that game and that and that it's gotten more buzz pre- buzz than most trading card games have gotten it also made a ridiculous amount of money altered you had the a right you were good that was uh that was yeah aam over there um yeah so there you go my number three seasons [Music] BL my number two here is my drafting game pick and the people that like to draft magic there's all sorts of different ways to draft magic this is true you can do like regular just passing the cards you can do like a Winston draft you can do all sorts of different ones you can do ones where you draft out of row and columns this is a game really yes I drafted I mean you just put the row and Columns of the cars out of like a cube in like lines and you're like I'm going to take this line or I'm going to take that line that's all like magic drafts that no joke Richard Garfield made most of these styles of drafting for Magic the Gathering this is actually a true that's actually true um I was there and I watched him do it Z you're not helping my case oh but this is a game that took all of those drafting elements and put it all into the same game and you have different drafts during different rounds of the game and this is Comic Hunters which you can finally buy okay you can finally get it soon super soon I think this is coming out at Gen Con it is coming out yeah this is a game about drafting different sets of comics and you're collecting all these Comics trying to get the different icons and you get different points based on how you score those icons but every single round you have a different type of draft and I really enjoy that and I like the fact that the aspect of it also gives you that Trading Card Game feel of like oh I'm trading this comic in for that comic I'm trading this in it's all of that collecting aspect of the game is very much in comic hunters and I love the fact that it's got a bunch of different drafts in it which makes you feel like if you enjoy those different styles of drafting and Magic comic Hunters gives it to you all in one my number two comic Hunters it's not comic Hunters it is a crossover though with you Tom I want to say I would hope so it's a card game very much in the vein of Magic the Gathering this one doesn't deviate too too far radlands radlands indeed I almost so I almost metag game the whole list when I was makeing list I had r l I'm like Z is going to say that so I don't have too wow I almost put it on the list I just haven't played radlands enough but I know it fits on this list there's a there's a lot of games that could have gone into the spot to be honest it's I'm picking this one because it's the cool factor is super high and the game play does a lot with very little and I tend to be a fan of that a game that condenses kind of like mind bug Roy could have easily been on my list too it condenses it you know the The Squeeze is is uh proportionate to the juice there you go yeah you understand what I'm saying okay the juice is on the loose wait yeah beo juice Beetle Juice if you say that one more time there a 10's over I agree I I'm not sure how the mythology works but yes he shows up I think anyway radlands is excellent has a really cool look the whole thing is awesome and they got an expansion for this one too oh did you know about that I did not they just announced that a very small expansion the designer specifically said I made the game to feel complete they convinced me to do one expansion the only way I would do it was if if it fits in the box so it's a few cards and it fits in the in the box and that's it he says this is the only expansion I will not make another one all right until they come to him with buckets of money they like you will do what we tell you slave the slaving buckets of money are not really kind Richard Garfield indentured servant oh my number two that's right your number two what you got that's boring it's a crossover it's with Roy this is the actually one of the first games I thought of and this is mind bug oh wow like Z said mind bug is mini Magic Gathering it really is it's it's just a very quick little thing I mean because you really are I mean the keywords so far every keyword in this game or every this game does is stuff from Magic you know whether it is you know it takes two hits to take something out or takes beef cake uh I love the art this game I'm actually pretty amused by the upcoming mine bug with the vegetables and the fruits that one yeah oh yeah vegetales or something battle fruits yeah yeah but but it's but I but I like it I like it a lot are you okay you to be reset the whole BBG thing is really intriguing and it's also a really fast last game I played this with my son and he can get a lot of games but he had a hard time wrapping his mind about when to pull the play that mind like that's the game at first you're like oh I'll save these mind bugs I'll lose okay I'll just take your first two guys that you also lose got Geto you got to figure it out so it's interesting so my number two mind bug [Music] all right well Tom I think I know what your number one's going to be oh I think I know his number One's Gonna Be I tell you who doesn't know my number one is Mel cuz he said Dominion but I already said I didn't put Dominion on list although I think Dominion's a fine pick yeah I think any deck Boer really fits on this list you know um my number one I steered away mostly from lcgs just cuz they have a little bit of collectible nature to them but this lcg you call me predictable okay so I so what you know that this list now look at your list right now you know this list is not not a list based on IP Marvel no I'm serious how many Marvel games are on your list three this is the fourth this is the fourth you don't know that that's the lcg I'm picking okay okay you will in a few minutes in a few he said pick a list for Magic the Gathering players and I said I'm a magic the Gathering player I'll just pick a list that I like Roy's top 10 you can that when you get to it my number one here is again where you get to build a deck with Marvel characters you can change things up but you're cooperatively fighting against yeah exactly fighting against a villain together and this is Marvel Champions which they're all making fun of me for um but yeah this game is so great I love the way you play cards in this game by discarding other cards to pay for the cost lots of hand management building your deck can be exciting as you're trying to figure out what cards are going to combo best together with your characters but the characters feel very thematic to the character that they are which is weird cuz just a deck of cards but it's like oh why is this character like freezing people and why is this character he can hurt himself to do extra combat and heals himself you know there's all this stuff that feels like the actual Marvel characters and this is if you want to play if you really enjoy Magic the Gathering but you want to have that time where you're not beating up your opponent you want to work together with your opponent this is a great game that can give you a lot of that feel that does it way better than a lot of the Cooperative modes that magic actually has itself it's also useful if you're used to just spending lots of lots of money on a game consistently over the months this will help you you can do it here too but you can also buy something play through all of it until you feel you like you want to buy one more thing play through it I don't encourage you to go out and buy everything for especially a Cooperative game buy it how much of it is is it all still in print it's hard to find on line for some of them but I you know you can they do or weren't they doing a thing where the first few decks were all together I think now they publish them as like a pack I think that was only International I don't think that's in the states okay yeah so I think that's maybe for different langues mostly in print Tom yeah so that's what lcg is supposed to be in print so that's what the L stands for you have not you've not picked the one I thought would be on your list yet me with it what is Z's I don't think I don't think you're going to guess it but that's weird okay so this is the one I thought would be on your list Raz Arana no I think it's to I thought about it but it is very small like too dry it's very just like twoo a little bit you know what I mean I think it's €2 it on my I really like it and I you know I thought of it too but I thought it's like even smaller mind bug if if that makes sense with all the flavor kind of pulled out of it I I like it a lot but breana you have a deck of like eight cards or 10 cards that's all and you're making these combinations with be fair so this mind bug just said I mean yeah it's true but mind bug is Magic in in a way kind of feels like magic with the keywords and the whatnot but anyway no that's not it but it's it's one I considered I just felt to Euro game no this one is one that I think I put a number one because I think it encompasses a lot of those things I originally wrote down when I was thinking about magic lots of combat subverting expectations of what's going to happen kind of thing factions or identities lots of theme there's drafting Temple is a big deal deal synergies are a big deal hand management is a big deal it has all those things and that's blood rage I tell you say Blue Moon I was about to I thought about this one because of the drafting oh my goodness you know blood I like this has it all it has all those things I just said in it I'm waiting for you to pull off like I'm say I'm Healey no um yeah it just I don't know it it manages to do all those things you know it has the the drafting certainly a big part of it and it matters in this game and it is that traditional drafting take a card pass what have you you can go tribal and be like Oh I'm going Loki cards so it has that feeling of it you know what I mean it has the combat it has that a little bit of the combat like we said in unmatched that feeling of you don't know what I'm doing I might be bluffing you need to manage those cards though your hand Management in this game is crucial if you catch yourself with fights to go and no fighty cards you're in a world of hurt mhm so yeah I like all those things that are going on in it and it works for me what are you check me out and if you like big monsters got big mon you looking me up and down I get it I'm wearing three layers yeah I was reading the I understand jeez that's a good one let me help you out I can't do the list no more keep going keep going I'm too distracted it's a crossover with me right it is a crossover with you this was easy to pick my number one what what's my number one you said you were rightward that's correct Summit Awards you basic well oh but if I don't put Cosmic Encounter I get yell at you can't win either way is all I'm saying welcome to the internet which is a quote from Richard Garfield actually welcome to the internet anyway summiter Wars is just fantastic I it it has a little bit of deck building and it and the deck building in it now is actually becoming more substantial it's kind of cool and you can check it out and play it on the online version and do more with it there uh but some Wars the building the deck hand management the fact that your units then become resources so it's a little bit of that Mana flow rolling dice which is not part of magic gathering for the most part I know it's in the D and D one and some other and some other versions but I just like it and and the luck in this game is pretty small like when you're attacking someone you hit I think what's it five out of six next to them there's like it depends on whether they with ranged or close if you're like close combat it's five out of six close combat it's five out of six yeah so it's it's very very manageable luck and it just feels very strategic and back and forth I really enjoy Summoner Wars like I said we got the two new factions we I excited to play those there's the the factions I think this is almost more than any other game I've ever played they feel so different they feel really different um to the point where you can kind of if you have certain play style it's probably there we should do a a video on that sometime like I would love to do the top 10 of all these wars factions for different play Styles and stuff I like that so anyway that's my number one Summoner Wars now before we uh check out here folks if there any games we did pick that you think we should have we already mentioned dominion and we mentioned resz Arana cuz I I you thought I would mention that yeah like I said I think it's two I would have I thought about Star Wars deck builder but that's kind of got washed out for me by well Star Wars The Living card game which I didn't want to put on I love Star Wars deck but I like it better than the actual and it's not a living card game that's straight up collectible C did I say living card game did colle um some I saying yashima never played yashima that's the big managers game isn't it am I thinking of the right thing from Greenbrier and l5r is essentially a a trading card game started as a colle those key Forge I said I would avoid that because Dice Masters we avoided because it's collectible also yeah Dice Masters is collectible which I now M Mage Wars is one I considered but Mage Wars is currently a print oh paper tals is not a bad paper tals I thought of and I wear with seven wonders yeah that's cool Gloom Haven so different I don't well you the card management with the hand thing I suppose yeah but if if you're not sure like someone just said if you're not sure what to play with a magic gathering player a deck builder is a straight up yeah like I know deck builder deck builder so hero clicks it's collectible also it's out of print no it's not they hero hero click is not out of print sorry I was think M Wars smashup I would not put on the list maybe it's just too too light villainous maybe ashes I'm surprised you didn't put ashes on yours Roy because it was like lcg type thing and it so close yeah but yeah It Feels So Close it feels like almost the same thing I just like world is kind of like race for the Galaxy and Roy had that on there Clank catacombs I thought about but it once again it's a deck builder I wasn't putting another deck builder but I thought about Clank too I just put Thunderstone Quest but Clank is the most thematic I didn't have any deck builders on my list I like putting on there was Clank catacomb I like that you went with solid board games on your list a little bit more I tried to push it like with um the small world thing Expeditions I I tried I mean radlands it's like you know and the Marvel remix felt like an interesting small one but um I was kind of trying to drag them out into the playing field with the board games there you go but yeah Clan catacombs is the one I considered for that category there you go all right folks we will see you in a few hours uh to do crowd surfing we talk about some Kickstarter projects and there's some fantastically bad ones um there's also some good ones too we'll see you then thanks for watching until next time I'm Tom vassel I'm Z Garcia and I'm Roy candy we now we're going to go play Magic [Music] hey folks thanks for joining us for that video If you haven't yet like the video subscribe to the channel and hey make sure you check out what's happening where I'll cover an app on an iOS or a switch device and you can check it out along with me thanks very much you've been watching The Dice Tower
Channel: The Dice Tower
Views: 33,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board game, board, game, dice, card game, cards, catan, monopoly, tower, dice tower, vasel, review, tom vasel, vassel, settlers, gaming, GeekUsername: TomVasel, board game review, boardgame, uno, ticket to ride, apples to apples, educational games, educational, top 10, juegosdemesa, Brettspiele, ボードゲーム, brädspel, jeuxdesociété, משחקילוח, 보드게임, deskováhra, graplanszowa, bordspel, 棋盘游戏, gioco da tavolo, desková hra, gra planszowa, настольная игра, trò chơi trên bàn cờ, jogo de tabuleiro, لعبة اللوحة
Id: Is6edpyAlQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 52sec (4372 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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