10 Common Rules Mistakes in Marvel Champions

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over the past year I've done a Reddit reply almost every single Friday and it's a fun way to talk to the community about different topics about different things going on and while this isn't a Reddit reply video one of the things that does come up in these videos a lot are rules questions rules questions are one of those things that a lot of people Marvel Champions have uh generally questions about obviously and in the 1.5 rule book it's 56 pages long there's a lot of stuff to cover and that doesn't even include the other rule book that comes with the game uh so there's a lot to go through things so I wanted to create a a list of 10 Common rules mistakes that I see or 10 common issues that I see come up and maybe this video will help you out right and if you still have more questions uh put it down in the comments right put it down in the comments we'll be more than happy to answer them down there and if there's enough of them down there I'll just do like a part two I guess or something like that that's not a problem but anyway I just wanted to do a a video just to kind of address a lot of these these uh common rules mistakes because there are a bunch of them or just like things people need clarification on right because like I said there's a lot lot of rules to go through and and people don't always do it which I get because you just want to play the game so I understand so we're going to go through 10 of them the first two are a little bit different than the rest of them and I'll explain as we get to it uh but the very first one has to do with timing all right so this is the 1.5 Rules book this is on page five of the rules reference book uh like I said 1.5 um you can find this online timing is one of the new things they kind of like really updated and really talked about I think it's really important because some abilities have timing priority over other abilities in order the time priority abilities with the same triggering condition is constant abilities with keywords and the bad icons then status cards such as your stun your confused um guess you're tough as well uh Force interrupt abilities your interrupt abilities your Boost when defeated when revealed abilities then your Force response then your response then your consequential damage and we'll go over uh interrupts and responses later on but I think this timing thing helps out a lot of people because a lot of people aren't always sure when a card triggers or like doesn't Trigger or what whatever else this will give you a very rough idea right this is a very rough idea of when those things would trigger and I think if you just kind of either memorize this chart or just you know memorize this page page five this is really good uh there's one other thing that I think is really important again it's not necessarily A rules thing um but initiating abilities is the next thing we're going to go over and if you understand this section I think a lot of questions are going to be solved for you all right so now we're going over this is number two initiating abilities this is on page what is that 20 page 20 of the uh rules reference page um it starts in the rightand column here kind of behind my head so when it says is when a player wishes to play a card or initiate a triggered ability that player first uh declares their intent then the player checks the following condition in order check play restrictions can the card be played or the ability initiate at this time if the card or ability uh specifies one or more targets check that it has at least one valid Target if that card or ability does not have at least one ballot Target it cannot be played or initiated I determine the cost or costs to play the card or initiate the ability taking any modifiers into account cool so then if those two things have been established then you can do the following things which is apply any modifiers to the cost pay the cost um Mark or make all choose decisions required then the card commences being played or the effects of the ability attempt to initiate uh the card is played or the ability if not cancel in step resolves the card enters play or if it is a an event card its effects resolve and is placed in the owner's discard pile if any of the steps above would or if any of the above steps would make the triggering condition of an interruptibility true right we talked a little about interrupts and whatnot with timing that ability may be initiated just before that triggering condition becomes true okay if any of the above steps would make the triggering condition of a responsibility true that ability may be initi immediately after that triggering condition becomes true right so again interrupt first um uh what's the second one response second if the ability being initiated is on a card that is in play the sequence does not stop from completing if that card Leaves play during the sequence unless that card leaving play uh prevents a required cost from being played it's a very nuanced thing but in general like you play a card even if it gets like knocked out whatever like it still would go through its thing so I know this seems like very Broad and very weird um but if you understand I feel like those that that sequence of things and just go through that sequence of like uh can I play this card right and go through those steps and outline those steps it'll help solve some things right can I do XYZ thing especially with playing cards right that's a big question is just playing cards if you go through that sequence and go through all that I think it will answer a lot of your questions all right this next one is a big one and this is defend and defense now defend and defense got updated in the one .4 rulings it made defending um a lot bigger and more important of a thing and there's a lot here there's a lot under defend defense like so for example it starts on page what is this 13 of the rules reference and it starts on the left-and Comm Midway through and goes all the way through um so we're not going to go through all of the no I guess we could go through all this but it's it's a lot going on here right there's a lot going on here so only one player at a time can defend against an enemy attack while a player is defending no other player can defend against the same attack right so if you're playing multiplayer you can't team up on the defense pretty simple a hero can use their basic defense power to defend against enemy attack a hero must exhaust to use this power the amount of uh damage dealt by the attack is reduced by the hero's defense value and any remaining damage is dealt to that hero while a hero is defending against an attack no other friendly character could defend against attack kind of reiter what it's saying before the big thing with understanding about this is that you have to use or I'm sorry you you you must exhaust to use your basic defense power and then the modifier applies so I've seen people ask like if you play desperate defense right so let's just desperate defense let's just see that being brought up really fast um if you play desperate defense where it has like plus two stat line but you didn't exhaust to defend would you get that plus two defense well no because you must exhaust to to do that right that that would that's just how that would work um so when your hero defends against an attack it gets plus two for that defense um we'll get into more convolute defense stuff possibly later but just people have asked there's ways to trigger this without actually exhausting do you get the plus two defense you would but you're not defending so thus you can't you have an exhausted so thus you don't get to actually use your basic defense uh the amount of damage dealt by the attacks reduce all that okay when a card ability says to declare a hero the defender of an attack that that hero is considered to be making a basic defense okay an ally can exhaust the defend against enemy attack damage from that attack is dealt to that Ally while an ally is defending against an attack no other friendly character can defend against the attack right so if you're Allied defend you can't like pop it in like try to step in as well when a cardil says to declare an ally the defender of an attack that Ally becomes a defender of the attack okay cool uh when a player initiates triggered ability label as such as defense such as hero interrupt during an enemy attack uh that player's identity becomes a Defender is considered to have defended the attack if there is not already a Defender so this is a big one right this is this is kind of one of the bigger ones and it kind of goes into more of these steps down here the players identi is consider to be Defender as much defense label and all that fun stuff okay so why is this important so I need to actually find the card uh for a second but this was one of the big changes in um the the 1.4 ruling that kind of honestly kind of changed a lot of things for people so let's take for example um where is uh ghost spider so ghost spider had something like jump flip okay so jump flip says when you would take any amount of damage prevent two of that damage if you pay for this card using energy resource remove up to two threat from the main scheme now why is this important well this has the defense word on it and interrupt a hero interrupt defense right so even if you never exhausted technically there is no Defender for the attack you're about to get hit with damage let's say two damage and you play this card jump flip right play it and you are now defending that attack right even though you didn't exhaust a defend you played this card to defend right this is this is kind of huge to note and we'll get back to desperate defense in one second so a lot of people have questions about this when do you become the defender do you have to exhaust to defend not always if you play a card like this the condition is when you would take any amount of damage then you can play this card prevent two of that damage Dage and because of Defense card you are now defending this is important with desperate defense because what people have asked about is that well this is the defense card does this work and it says well if you read the actual text when your hero defends against an attack so we first have to defend against the attack it gets plus two for that attack if you take no damage from that attack ready your hero now let's take this a step further right we're going to get really into this for a second if you were to play Jump flip right let's say you were already exhausted for some reason I don't know you defended against something else and you're you're getting hit by a minion now right you defended against a villain but you're going to get hit for the minion the minion's attacking you for two you play Jump flip right so the minions can to hit you for two but when you would take any amount of damage prevent two of that damage you are now defending so when your hero defends against an attack on Desperate defense because you are defending now it gets plus two defense for the attack which means nothing don't worry about that but if you took no damage from that attack you can ready your hero it's kind of confusing right it's kind of confusing but it's important to learn this right it's really important to learn this uh because stuff like this will really help you out and kind of understand now does that situation at all like ever happen no I've never played the game that way and it probably never will happen for me but it's just important to knowe when you are defending I'll bring up one more thing why it's important with jump flip to understand okay you know jump flip when you would take am of damage you're now defending is a card like unflappable right so after you defend against an attack and take no damage exhaust unflappable and draw a card again even if you don't exhaust it's okay because if you play Jump flip to now become Defender and defending you can then trigger uh unflappable if you took no damage right so after you defend against an attack well even if I didn't exhaust I jump flipped which counts as a defense card which means I'm now defending you and and you take no damage from the attack uh you get to exhaust you get to exhaust un flap B and you get to draw one card I get it it's very very weird and complicated and for the most part you don't have to worry about it um too much right this is more realistic of something that you would see come up that kind of affects your game um but that's that's one of the main rules things that they talking about here and kind of and in this whole section of it um you know so again uh abilities that trigger when your hero defends against attack can be triggered while when resolving a defense label ability right that's that's like specifying it very very obviously for it um so again read through kind of this section um they talk about when it can be played and all that fun stuff and whatnot um but all this stuff is really important to note the other thing and we'll get into more of this is any triggered effects that resolved before the defending player was declared uh uh I'm sorry any triggered effects that resolved before the defending player was declared that refer to you right and we'll get into you later still refer to the player who was attacked originally any constant or boost abilities that refer to you refer to the defending player that's a whole thing we'll get into that later but anyway this is the main defense section I know it's it's kind of complicated but that's one of the big things to learn is that even if you don't exhaust and you use a defense card you are now defending all right number four is cost Arrow uh this gets asked a lot because a lot of people get confused do I have to resolve everything before the arrow absolutely so this is page 12 of the rule book a cost errow icon in ability text distinguishes a cost from an uh from an effect in a pay all pay cost Arrow resolve effect format non-bet text before the arrow must be paid and or resolved in in full in full before the text after the arrow icon can be resolved so let's take our unflappable example of once again so after you defend against an attack and take no damage let's say you do that but you can't exhaust on flatball because it's already exhausted or something like that well then you can't draw a card right that that's that's very simple what it means you must be able to do all the things uh before it now I'm not gonna get so much into this ruling uh because this ruling is still really hard but there is the deal andake ruling um and we'll try to quickly bring it up when I talk about but this was a ruling they brought in later it's in the 1.5 rules um kind of but it's not really my favorite explained rule so we're not going to even look at it because I I personally think it's more uh confusing than it really needs to be um so let me just really fast here we go so the deal and take ruling basically came around because of this card right um so steel fist says deal five damage to an enemy you must you may discard a tough status from your hero Arrow stun and confuse the enemy now the reason this important is because according to the cost eror ruling all of everything before him must be resolved in full before the text of the arrow can be resolved right so the the issue that arose from this originally was that well let's say you have an enemy with only four life right so can I play this card right because I can't deal five damage because they only have four life I'm not able to deal the full five damage so then I can't do the rest of the card where it says you discard a tough status from your card and then stun a confus the enemy like why can't I do this so they basically invented the new rule of the difference between deal and take and we're not going to get into Super Nuance stuff but basically anything that says deal you don't have to deal the full amount but you must take the full amount and we're kind of combining this because this is the time like what do you see deal and take it's usually with the cost error that's most important but anyway if a card says deal x amount damage you can deal up to x amount of damage you don't have to do it but if a card says take damage you must take all that damage for that card to uh to work and to actually be effective another quick example of this that a lot of people ask about is actually has to do with Wolverine and he does something with with take so for example his claws say exhaust Wolverine's claws choose an attack event in your hand and take damage equal to its printed cost play that event during the resource cost that attack gains piercing now again this is the same exact thing as kind of Colossus that Colossus says deal x amount of damage he has to take it which means if Wolverine has tough and tries to use this and when he takes damage it runs into his tough well he never actually took all the damage let's say you're playing a three cost event and you're supposed to take three damage if it runs into a tough you're no longer taking three damage so thus you can't play this card deal and take is really tough to learn right now it's really kind of weird hopefully you don't run into too many issues with it but it all revolves around this cost arrow and fully understand that cost Arrow I'm kind of shoving deal and take in there too cuz again it's in the rules but it's not really explained very well so I hate bringing it up but that's like the really rough idea to to understand what deal and take and the cost error all right we're halfway there with number five and we're going to talk about Inplay and out of play uh so uh Inplay out of play this is page 19 of the rules um so Inplay a card is considered to either be in play or out of play depending on the state within the game uh for player cards the face up side of a player's identity card is in play the face up Ally cards support cards upgrade cards and all that stuff are in play encounter cards the face up side of the villain deck the face up side of basically any of the Decks that you see right anything that's face up is in playay a card enters play when it moves from an out of play area to an Inplay area uh card abilities only interact with and can only target cards that are in play right so if something's out of play you can't interact with that out of play thing unless the ability teex specifically refers to an out playay area right card abilities on all card types except events cards and treachery cards can only be initiated or affect the game while being in playay unless they specifically refer to being used out of play right so it goes a bunch of different things also face down cards attached to inlay cards are out of play right that's also important to note why do we bring all this up well this has to do with entering play um let me see if I can find it really fast so my number six thing that we're going to do is um enters play so the phrase enters play refers to anytime a car transitions from an out of play area into play playing a card putting a card into play by using card ability revealing a card from the encounter deck are all different means of which a card uh may enter play this is also revealing a card right if you were to reveal a card uh let me do that really fast um I think we can find it if you reveal the card it's basically kind of the the same exact thing right during set for the villain phase each player in player order reveals top uh reveals and resolves all face down encounter cards uh that have been dealt to them one card at a time to reveal encounter card a player card flips the face up resolves a card right it went from out of play to in playay um so this putting a card into play resolve uh uh that's based on the different things right attachment end play element minion all this fun stuff right all these different things obligation blah blah okay also with obligations is given to a specified player if any no player specifi the player who Del that card uh resolves it just fun fact to know okay so what we bring this up well there's put in the play and put in the play is a little bit different and it's kind of annoyingly nuanced um but put in the play a card that resolves and by placing this card into the player this card this causes the card to enter play um cards are played from a player's hand some ability cards uh to be put in the play this bypasses the need to pay the card's cost as well as any restrictions that prohibit regarding playing that card a card and this is important right some abilities cause cards to be put in apply this bypasses the need to pay the card's cost as well any restrictions or and or I'm sorry or prohibit prohibits prohibits regarding uh playing that card a card that is put into the play enters play in its control players area so uh when event card is played all this fun stuff a card that's put in play that is considered played why do we go over this well one of the things that comes up especially early game when you're going through everything is claw right so when you're playing claw um when you're getting set up if you looked at uh I think it's this card um so this is 1B when it's revealed discard cards from the en counter deck until a minion is discard put that minion into play with the first player why is that important to note uh because if you did a card if one of the cards that you put in the play was weapons Runner right normally this card would surge right so it says surge after this card is revealed reveal one additional encounter card well you don't do that during setup right because during setup you're putting it into play you're not revealing the card now any other time generally speaking it came from the encounter deck you are revealing the card and thus weapons Runner would surge this is one of the first really weird rule instances you'll probably deal with in your Marvel Champion Journey uh it can be a pain to deal with uh but it's important to know the difference between putting in the play and put in the play or I should say revealing and put in the play see even I mess it up sometimes the the wording exactly but just just understand revealing is different than put in the play the one other thing I want to address with that too is that this whole this bypasses the need to pay the card's cost as well any restrictions or prohibits regarding uh playing that card one example and they don't have the image for is build support right so build support is one of the new player size schemes that's out there each player May search their deck and discard pilot for a support with a cost of three or less and put it into play so for example if you did Quin carrier it States play only if your identity uh play only if your identity has the Avenger trait you don't have to do that anymore you don't have to check that anymore so for example a web Warrior an X-Men whomever can use build support to put Quinn carrier into play that normally wouldn't be allowed and then you have a resource generator by using this card now if the queen carrier gets knocked out for some reason you can't really get back in unless you figure out way to use build support again but still it's just an important note of understanding um putting in the play and revealing all right number seven is indirect damage this is one that came up a lot especially during s man time so this is Page 20 of the rule book uh some card abilities May de deal indirect damage indirect damage dealt to a player can be defied as that player chooses among characters under their control so you your allies whomever indirect damage uh dealt to a group of players or among players can be divided however they choose right while assigning indirect damage a character cannot be assign more indirect damage than would cause that than would cause it to be defeated this is assessed without accounting for interactions with other abilities if an enemy's attack deals indirect damage the indirect damage is dealt during step four of the enemy activation after players have the opportunity defend against the attack this is important to note too so if you are getting four indirect damage and you have two defense you can still exhaust the two uh to defend like you normally would and you don't have to take all four indirect damage you can defend against indirect damage there's a lot of people that think you can't defend against indirect damage you absolutely can um only defending character or the attack player identity if the attack was undefended is considered to have been attacked even if other characters were assigned some or all of the indirect damage and that's important for other things um but one of the things that comes up a lot and they actually they have a four example which you should probably read too if you take five indirect damage but you control an ally with four hit points you may assign four of that indirect damage to the Ally Then assign the remaining On's your identity a lot of people think that you can't knock out your ally with indirect damage you absolutely can they just can't absorb more than their life right so this example is absolutely perfect um it's a great way of of learning this but the two important things with indirect damage is you can defend against indirect damage you are allowed to and two you can have allies take the block and get knocked out they just can't take more than their hit points all right next up we have interrupts and responses this is uh interrupts on page 21 and this is just in the general a good thing to again kind of learn they've done some changes in the 1.5 rules with interrupts that players can only trigger interrupt abilities on cards they control or an encounter card players can cannot can Trigg uh cannot trigger interrupt abilities on obligations in other people's play areas uh multiple interrupts can be triggered by the same triggering condition but each interrupt can only be triggered once per occurrence of the triggering condition kind of weird wording but basically if something happens and you can play several interrupts you're allowed to play several different interrupts right important to know uh so multiple interrupts can be triggered by the same triggering condition uh but each interrupt can only be triggered once per occurrence of the trigger and condition so for some reason if the trigger and condition happened like several times and you played one interrupt you you only do it once still right but if one thing happens you have like four interrupt cards that work and you want to play all four then you can play all four off of that one interrupt multiple copies of a card with interrupt can each be triggered by the same triggering condition kind of reiterating what it just said right there uh and that's kind of the big one because a lot of people thought that if something happens you can only do one interrupt on it it's not the case you could do multiple in that would use the word you or would resolve before its triggering condition initiates when that condition becomes imminent right so again wood is important note uh word to note uh so what happens before it so it's just kind of really paying attention uh to the words and and exactly what it says now response is kind of like the opposite J I have to do the alphabet in my head because that's just how slow I am with things um all right so response is a responsibility is a type of triggered ability indicated by the B response okay you can only trigger responsibilities on cards you control same exact thing right same exact thing multiple responses may be executed from the same triggering condition but each response may only be triggered once per occurrence right same exact thing same exact thing so it's just kind of same exct thing except happens after the fact which is important to notes uh so response opportunity occurs immediately after a triing condition has been resolved opportunities to response occur in player order until all players have passed consecutively uh which is another big one to note once the opportunity to respond to a triggering Edition has been passed consecutively by all players further respons that that specific triggering condition cannot be used so what does this mean so um Miss Marvel is a good example of kind of how this works kind of um but there's a few different Heroes that really work well with this but anyway uh a response opportunity occurs immediately after it's uh the triggering condition has resolved right so let's say something happens and you can play response card right you can keep playing responses to the thing right because the the the condition has happen and you're responding to the thing right because as we said uh excuse me up here players can only trigger response cards on abilities like uh uh where was it uh multiple responses may be executed from the same triggering condition right so you could do several different responses from that one condition like don't think again there just one card and that's it so uh this is just important to note with it um opportunities to respond occur in player order until all players have passed consecutively again it means like when you're like done responding to the thing you kind of announce that you're done responding to the thing um especially if you're playing multiplayer makes a little more sense but um yeah it's just I think the important thing to note is that you can you can trigger the same card or you can trigger cards off of one event right you can play several responses off of one trigger and condition that's basically what this this this section and interrupt kind of says to all right so next up I want to do page 38 this is villain defeat this is kind of a big section to learn um because a lot of people have have random questions with this so um we're going to read through this because I think when people understand this a lot of other random questions get solved like a lot of them so if a villain's hit point dial is reduced to zero the players have defeated the stage of the villain remove the current stage of the villain deck from the game the next sequential stage of the villain deck is revealed set that the hit points right the final stage of the villain deck is Defeated You've won the game yay excess damage that is dealt to defeat a villain stage does not carry over right so nothing carries over attachments upgrades status cards counters and non damage tokens on a villain carry over to the new stage right so this is huge a lot of people ask this if they're playing a villain and they have um you know uh drag spear or whatever let's say on it right and they have a spear card and they knock out that villain does the villain keep their thing no they do not hey future D20 here uh don't listen to the Past D20 he waset wrong I literally just read the rules and I got it wrong so anyway uh to to re clarify this so to make sure that you all understand uh if the final stage of the villain deck is defeated the players win the game um excess damage that is dealt to defeat a villain stage does not carry over okay the important thing I messed up here attachments upgrad status cards encounters and non damage tokens on a villain carry over to a new stage and then I used the dragon example and I was like oh if you know he has Dragon Spear and you knock out him like it doesn't carry over it does I don't know how I got that wrong I I I I guess I was reading the next sentence and I messed up in my head I don't know anyway let me reiterate this so that people don't call me out on attachments upgrades status cards counters and non-damage tokens on a villain carry over to the new stage sorry for that mistake The Only Exception is if the villain has a different title which I'll talk about in a second if I didn't just talk about already sorry for the mistake okay enjoy the video the one weird exception is if the new stage of the villain has a different title from the previous stage attachments upgrades status cards counters non-damage tokens do not carry over so for example in the most recent um expansion that we've had in Marvel champions in next Evolution you play through the what is it the Marauders deck right when you do uh Morlock Siege right so uh Morlock Siege Shuffle the villains together without looking to create a villain deck the top card is considered to be in play then you can go through all these different Marauders right Blockbuster and whatever and all these different people so basically a blockbuster let's say right let's say say you start with Blockbuster here has an attachment you knock him out and then Chimera is next Chimera doesn't get the attachment right Chimera doesn't get the upgrade or whatever it is it got knocked out with uh Blockbuster right so that's important though if a villain is defeated while activating the villain resumes that activation using a new villain stage if the new stage of the villain has a different title in previous stage the activation ends without resolving right so if somehow you knock them out in the middle of their activation uh they still activate right it doesn't cancel the whole thing out so these are all important to note one of the other things I'll I'll note that isn't uh in this section but it's important to note is that uh retaliate right people ask this a lot about retaliate um if stage one of a villain has retaliate and you do damage and it goes into stage two they still have retal and and they still have retaliate either printed on the card or attachment that gives them retaliate you still get retaliated right you don't not get retaliated it carries over this was more of a hall of Heroes rule ruling uh that kind of keeps up the things and does a bunch of things but anyway um that still happens right that's a rule I get wrong all the time so don't feel bad if you get wrong too that's that's one that always throws me off um even if you defeat the villain I understand that like especially if it says like on its text box like Zola says retaliate on it you go to stage two Zola you still get retaliate all right this last one was one that I was kind of hesitant to put in but I feel like you kind of have to is the biggest rules question that's out there in Marvel Champions it's one of the most confusing topics that's out there and that's the word you you is very very confusing uh it's very very tough and basically the joke that we make a lot of times is you refers to you unless it doesn't yeah exactly so this is page 40 and continues through Page 41 um that I mean this is how much U there is right it's this entire right- hand column and goes into this left column it's very very compilated uh it's kind of been the same for a while but a little bit changed but anyway there is a chance that there's a lot of nuance with the word you there's a lot of nuance with the word you so um it's still a mistake I make a lot it's it's one I hate bringing up because I'm always worried I'm going to make another mistake with it so if there's a situation that arises with you and doesn't work with the way I'm talking about please just put it down in the comments um we're all just trying to help each other out here but very generally you is you the hero you is your events more L not more or less it's your events and you is your upgrades but you is not your allies and you is not your support mostly and actually almost all the time it just depends on how you think about things so if a card deals damage to you or you take damage the player resolving that damage applies the hit point to their identity right that shows that it's to you not to your allies a lot of people ask this um and actually we'll get this out of the way right now a lot of people ask this that if um let's say a villain attacks your character all right let's say you're Spider-Man and you're going against rhino right and Rhino attacks you as in Spider-Man and you have black cat steeping and block it instead did rhino attack Spider-Man or did rhino attack uh black cat right this is the question and your gut might say well Rhino attacked Black Cat and not really Rhino actually still attacked Spider-Man black cat just blocked it this seems like a really stupid thing and it shouldn't like matter but it is kind of important with how certain things work you are still being attacked right rhyo never changed who he was attacking you changed who was defending right so again we'll get into this a little bit why this kind of matters uh but if if you are Spider-Man and you are being attacked you are still the the attacke not black cat who stepped in the way so again we'll get into this in a second if a card ability uh deals indirect damage to you or you take indirect damage the player resolving that damage can assign the damage the characters and play under their control and we talked about this with indirect before uh if a card ability exhausts you the player resolving that a card ability exhaust their identity right so again if it's if it's saying you have to exhaust whatever you as the hero have to do it you can't do it to like an ally or something if card ability plac the status card on you you know you put it on your identity blah blah okay so uh actually let's do this if the card ability triggers from a game function that you perform such as after you attack and defeat an enemy the player resolving that ability must resolve the card ability as if their identity they control perform that game function if able for example if an ability triggers after you attack and defeat a minion it triggers after the controlling player's identity attacks and defeats a minion but not when an ally under that player's control attacks and defeats A Min this is really huge to learn and understand understand right it is not when if if you have a card out there that again says this if a minion says after you attack and defeat that Minion or whatever right if your ally does it you didn't do it your ally did it here's the other exception too for abilities that trigger after enemy attacks you you refers to the attack player even if that player defended with an ally why does this matter we're going to take Dr Octopus for example after Dr Octopus makes an attack in damages you place one threat in the main scheme mve it right this is all the Sinister Six it says like after so and so attacks and damages you place one threat okay so if Doc O is attacking Spider-Man and I block with black cat he has still attacked me but he hasn't damaged me unless there is a way that he ends up damaging me then you still activate this card but he has not attacked black cat right so it's it's kind of weird and it's kind of confusing and it's really really again nuanced with it uh but if you understand this this phrase right here and the exception uh you'll probably be pretty good with understanding you generally uh but just really understand this section um of you um and then this talks about resolving card abilities with you cannot be resolved as referring to a player's identity it must be resolved as referring to the player uh this kind of gets into you the first section is more or less you as a player's identity and this refers to you as a player right so there is there is a way they use you several different ways which does get confusing uh so this goes into the cards that are extension of a player's identity which are events resource or resources what's the other one upgrades players that are not considered a part of it or Allies and supports so this is the whole U section as you tell it's one of the longer sections um and again um youu control this talks about the card and all this fun stuff some player cards so yeah this just kind of goes into all this and and whatnot I wish I could give more good examples of you and how it kind of affects things but it's one of those random things that just like kind of shows up um so if you struggle with you don't like don't feel bad like a lot of people struggle with how you works it can be confusing is it referring to my hero is it referring to me as a person and the answer is depends right depends it's generally not your ally um but the other important thing to Just note about that is again for abilities that trigger after enemy attacks you you refers the attack player even if that player defended with an ally that's huge right that's really really huge to to know and to and to learn all hopefully this video was somewhat useful to you um I'm not perfect with rules don't think just because I went through this and I read this stuff that I'm perfect with rules if you watch my live streams over on twitch.tv back D20 we're working um I get a lot wrong all right I have to like clarify with chat or I have to pull up the rule book and read through it and read through different sections like it's tough so play the way the be the best that you can um you're going to make mistakes it happens it's totally cool don't don't worry about it very few people play an absolutely perfect game it's just what happens so don't feel bad or if you been playing Rong this whole time it's all right I've played games wrong for the whole time for for a long while right I've made that mistake too so if you have any more rules questions put it down below I would love to try to help out and um you know and answer them for you if if it's easier join our Discord the Link's down below um check that out to to if you have rules questions you can ask them in there and we'll have some people that are more than happy to help you out um and then finally if this video was helpful to you if you learned anything if it was useful whatever uh hit the like button and hit subscribe that stuff really helps the channel it really helps me out and I really appreciate it and I will see you all next time
Channel: D20 Woodworking
Views: 9,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel champions, marvel champions lcg, marvel champions card game, marvel, lotr lcg, lord of the rings, arkham horror, board games, gaming, games, marvel cards, marvel game, marvel board game, gaming marvel, xmen, marvel xmen, marvel champions xmen, mc lcg, mc game, ffg, lcg, ffg lcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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