Marvel Champions: The Card Game - GameNight! Se10 Ep11 - How to Play and Playthrough

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[Music] we have a solution for that give me that [Music] [Music] supplies [Music] game night tonight on a limited edition foil cover double sized issue of game night iron man captain marvel black panther and spider-man will attempt to thwart the plot of an evil super villain as we teach and play marvel champions the card game it's a game for one to four players published by fantasy flight designed by michael boggs nate french and caleb grace so put on your tights strap on your cape and fly on down assemble with us and see if we can save the city hey erin hey lincoln will you teach us marvel champions the card game i will marvel champions the card game is a living card game which i think is mostly what they're going to call collectible card games from now on you know that means there are many many sets you can buy many many heroes beyond the basic box that we have and we are using captain marvel black panther spider-man and iron man in addition to she-hulk those are four of the five that come with the basic box that you can buy and there are several more of course to expand the game and uh more villains and more things that you can add onto it this is a co-op game so all four of us are going to be playing heroes fighting against a villain that their schemes preventing their schemes and fighting their minions and you know stopping their evil plots from destroying the city or the world or whatever so we have uh we'll each have our individualized decks that we'll draw from and we'll work together to counter the villains moves and you can see here we're playing with and this game is really brightened up by a lot of our cool new game genic components we have art sleeves on our individual hero decks we've got these marvel sleeves on our encounter deck and this uh card dispenser is called the squire which our central encounter deck is going to come out of we've got this token silo to hold all our miscellaneous tokens and of course some other cool little sleeves for our mini cards and our player cards and everything else feels like there should be one more way to brighten up yeah that's right we should play with the player match player mats let's get him out hey spiderman spiderman all right and we've got more more more oh that's yours it's yours this is mine that's mine this is yours okay okay well here's the spider-man one look at how these look yeah wow wow wow well let's set them all up so this is a cooperative game and we're going to take our player phases in turn and then the villain is going to take his phase after after each of us has acted uh the villain for our particular setup is claw there are three villains that come in this basic set and we've chosen claw because he's a little more interesting and uh has a little more finesse than rhino which is the basic just i punch and destroy everything villain that they sometimes recommend you start with and i mentioned the four heroes that we have have chosen um so um we chose me to be the start player randomly and i will go first and uh this is how we're gonna do a little more setup before we start but this is how a hero phase will go a player phase will go i'm going to have some cards in my hand which will have actions and on my turn i can play cards they are usually going to have a cost up here in the top left corner when i need to pay the cost for a card this top left number is the number of resources i need to spend a lot of time that will be done by discarding other cards so if i want to play this card with a cost of two i may discard two other cards with single resource icons at the bottom the resource type does not matter in that case it can be any color of resource for your information these are the four types of resources yellow is energy red is physical blue is mental and green is wild can substitute for any of them occasionally a card will have a cost that says you must use one physical to do this action or one mental to them with this section and so you would need that particular one or a green wild to do that some cards have multiple uh resource icons here i go and so if i had to pay say a cost of two just discarding this card would substitute for that or if i needed two energy for anything specifically that card would be great we just we each have just a few of those kind of cards in our deck um is there any change let's say you have a card that's a one no you're okay you're just wondering like you could play you're paying if you overpay you get no change okay but you don't take any extra damage or anything from feedback on my turn i can call for actions and help from other players like you can't play cards when it's not your turn but for instance if you had a card in play that discounted one of those costs i was just talking about right or that let me draw another card if i needed one to do something you could use that action and probably exhaust the card if it said to do that out of turn i can call for assist it's a co-op game so we're all working together so if i have a card that allows you to do something or says choose a player to draw a card i might choose lincoln be if it's most beneficial when he's fighting somebody or something like that so you cannot play cards on other people's turns but you can do other actions on their turn if they ask you to um you can use your basic powers and we all start here in alter ego mode because this is a superhero game we have our secret or not so secret identity of our personal uh name i'm captain marvel so i'm carol danvers but i am also captain marvel when i flip it over and put on my super suit here so you'll notice that your alter ego has a recovery stat in the yellow starburst there and your hero side card has a thwart an attack and a defense power those are your four basic powers and using any one of those powers is an action and it exhausts your character uh we'll tell you what those four things do but using any one of those is an action on your usually on your turn and it exhausts your character that's another thing that you can do on your turn the other thing which i just implied is on your turn you can change your form i can go from my alter ego to my hero side or vice versa but limit once per round so if this round i went from carol danvers to captain marvel i am aside from any other game effect that might change that limited to that and i'm going to stay captain marvel from the end of the round next turn i might decide to turn back for some reason but it's one swap per round one form change per round and you will notice we all have hit point dials here that tell us our maximum health our hit points that will not change on your form but at the bottom of your form card your hand size for cards will change depending on whether your hero or alter ego in most cases in fact i think in every case in the basic set for these heroes that we're playing the hero card side will draw and have a smaller maximum hand size so that's one reason you might want to stay or go back to alter ego you draw more cards at the end of the round okay all right those are the things you can do when it's your turn and then one of the last things you can do on your turn is end your turn and that just means it goes clockwise to the next player and then they can do the same thing they can play cards from their hand they can call for actions from other players they can use those basic powers that are printed on their cards if they have allies next to them which we will get to in a little bit the allies can also perform basic actions like attacking things like that and they can change their hero form so those are the things you do when it's your turn when we have all taken a turn like that and done as much as we want we might have no cards left in our hand or we might save a few we all can discard as many cards as we like if we want to empty our hand or we don't like some of these cards then we draw up to our maximum hand size which as i just mentioned may have changed it may not be the same hand size you started the term with and then you ready all your exhausted cards so your hero and allies and anything else that was exhausted by using something uh re-readies and it's ready to do another action do you have more cards in your hand size at the end of the round do you have to discard down you do so that's a reason you should probably spend those during your i'm asking because iron man's uh hand size is one yes he has a very interesting hand side that can be augmented we'll get into that later but he you may be wanting even more than the rest of us to just empty your hand each turn or come close to it but yes you discard down okay if you're forced to all right so then once we've done all that and uh you know we'll get a little more context about how to attack things in a minute the villain phase happens as we mentioned our main villain for this game is claw and the way that he's going to defeat us and win the game we haven't finished setup so we don't know what his scheme here is but it's going to be underground distribution and there's going to be a second phase to it but each part of his scheme has a number here this little symbol means per player so this is threat per player when there is six threat per player i.e 24 for this part of the scheme the scheme is completed and then goes to the next phase so we want he's going to constantly be adding threat to that card and we're going to be constantly trying to remove it and not let his scheme advance to the next phase but the first thing that he does when the villain phase happens is add threat to the scheme how much does he add he adds one per player four now so at the very beginning of every turn he's gonna currently add four threat to that card and then the next thing is he's going to attack or scheme against each of us in turn starting with the player the start player if you're in alter ego form with your civilian name at the top of your card he will scheme and that means he's going to use his scheme ability to try and add more threat to the card because he doesn't recognize right he's uh he's not attacking you directly in your costume right he's just doing his evil plans and the attack ability is similar but i'll cover scheme first so i'm in carol danvers form he's gonna scheme clause scheme uh raw score a power is two so aside from anything else that means he would add two threat to this card but because he's the main villain he draws one of these encounter cards as a boost which is possibly going to add more okay so because it's a scheme there's no way for me to defend against it she-hulk has like one card that lessens the amount of threats something like that but mostly a scheme is just gonna add some threat so it's his raw number of two and we flip over uh one boost card in this case we're not looking at the main text or the main title of the card we're only looking at the bottom of the card for these symbols at the bottom and if there was a star there might also be a text down here that said boost with an additional effect but we're just adding these symbols to his scheme in this case so in this case he's scheming against me and he's added four more thread now let's say nicki the black panther is in hero form yeah so instead of scheming claw is going to attack her he's going to attack directly because he knows where she is and that he can start a bat he uses his attack uh score which in this case is zero this works pretty similarly he's going to draw a boost card except there are two wrinkles the first wrinkle is that claw's special character ability is when he's attacking meaning he's a physically attacking a hero he actually draws two boost cards so there could be even more damage or more chance for special effects the other wrinkle is that if your hero is ready like this and not exhausted you have the option to defend meaning that your defense stat the green number here you can defend and reduce the attack damage by that value okay so now but his attack value is zero it you could get lucky and take zero damage right so let's say you don't defend for this this one all right and claw attacks you with his base attack of zero and then one more from this card and two more from this card so a total of three okay you take three damage and you move your head dial down to eight and black panther has an ability as it affects that but we'll get to that later we're just doing the examples right so he goes around the table and he schemes or attacks each person in turn so for one more quick combat example let's flip yourself over to spider-man let's say you were in hero form and you had in a previous turn [Music] drawn a minion or had a minion attached to you engage with you that means that minion is in combat with you until it's defeated essentially um some some minions will say you can't attack the hero until you defeat this one but for in this case it just means it's also going to attack you apart from claw during this part of the face okay so first claw attacks you he has his bonus cards and you decide if you'd like to defend and let's say you don't defend and he does his two damage to you zero plus these two symbols then the minion attacks he does not get a boost card unless a specific keyword applies which it's probably not going to in this game but he's just gonna do his one damage again you have the option to defend if you wanted to but you would also take a separate damage attack from each minion in front of you that's engaged with you seven damage seven seven hit points left yeah yeah okay so each minion attached to you are engaged with you will also attack you but they don't get boost okay what about this it is basically the same the minions also have a scheme power they will just scheme against that player so no boost card they would just add one threat to the central uh scheme up here okay all right and then so they do that to each player in turn now if that didn't seem bad enough now the villain gives an encounter card to each player you don't look at these just yet they will resolve in turn it's also possible that you could have one of these from a previous effect later or in some other part of the turn and actually have to resolve more than one when your turn comes around so when this happens we again in player order we'll flip these over and resolve these sometimes as we just hinted it's going to be a minion that engages you and then it's there in front of you to be default and defeated sometimes it's going to be a simple event that happens this one is this one is either if you're in hero form you're attacked if if you're in hero form the villain attacks you if you're in uh alter ego form draw another card it has the keyword surge which always means draw another encounter card and add it and i drew the exact same card this one says the villain schemes so the villain would take a scheme action as we just explained they might be upgrades that add equipment or weapons or new powers to the villain they might just add some threat or some damage to people they might be minions they they'll have all kinds of effects but they're all going to be bad because they are um [Music] you know villain cards that he's sending to us one thing that i should specifically mention which players who people have played this before will know about but each of our uh heroes has an obligation card which does not go in our decks it went in here into the encounter deck and that is like a personal challenge or a personal obstacle we need to overcome and if that card comes out during this encounter phase it immediately goes to that player like if i draw the spider-man obligation it's it'll say give this to spider-man and he has to do something immediately and it'll be something bad but not too bad those cards do not trigger if they come out like when you're setting up the game or if they come out just when you're checking for these boost symbols but we each have had one seated in here into this encounter deck one other thing i didn't mention that we also set up off camera is we have again we're using the basic heroes from the starting uh set but we each have individualized cards for our heroes i've got a lot of captain marvel cards in my deck and you've had a lot of iron man cards in your deck but we each have some semi-generic cards called aspects captain marvel has leadership cards in her deck that are about bringing the team together and acting and everything and black panther has protection cards which may be a little bit more about healing and defending from damage and things like that uh you have justice cards but so those cards we are using all the ones that are set for these heroes um iron man and she-hulk both who were not using have aggression cards which are mostly about combat and doing damage but you're allowed to swap those around if you decide you want to play a game where today spider-man is feeling extra aggressive you can take that set of cards and swap out his normal justice cards and just uh make spider-man the aggressive one for this game or make both spider-man and black panther aggressive and that's all you do is you just want a damage claw this time you know so you can you can manipulate around the sort of moods and like constitution of your deck a little bit before i shuffle the sin yes this minion in front of lincoln can only he defeat that minion no uh sometimes it'll have a specific effect that attached that does something to lincoln because it's engaged with him but it's out there on the table as an enemy and anyone can attack it okay so on your turn you can attack any enemy that exists okay unless it says you can't however the way we win the game is by attacking claw so there may be times when it behooves us to ignore the smaller enemies and just do damage to the villain okay provided you don't have something that prevents you from doing it right now and i have not mentioned again we're going to finish setup on camera here but claw uh we're using the recommended claw one and two you could also use claw two and three for a stronger more powered up lot more hit points version so defeating claw means defeating both claw one and then claudia correct okay because claw level one has 12 hit points per player and claw level 2 has 18 hit points per player wow so we need to do a total of 120 damage to him to win wow wow while preventing him from getting however many threats sure hey oh so that's how claw wins that's how claw wins well i don't think every villain wins the same way but claw basically phase one of his scheme says reveal phase two and phase two says you lose if this one has filled with okay we'll we'll cover that in just a moment and while i'm talking about the composition of the decks the one last sort of mystery wrinkle card to be aware of in the encounter deck of the villain here is a thing called shadows of the past which also may come out in the encounter phase you can ignore it when it comes out as a boost card because it won't affect the game then but if it comes out as in counter-card it is revealed it'll say when revealed do this and that is what will place these separate cards which are all bad things like iron things from your backstory in your history and they will add new enemies new wrinkles new things to the game that are specific to spider-man's story or black panther story or captain marvel story etc and so these are new cards that will go in the deck and make the game a little harder to us one puts mickey rourke in the deck the worst part of iron man if it's pulled is it only spider-man's problem i think it's it's whoever well it it's everyone's problem because it'll go into yeah for example this one here says when revealed each player places a random card from their house each player okay but when but if lincoln draws the card it's his five cards that will go in there okay so ah not every it's not triggering everybody's five cards wow that'd be crazy yeah so after the villain has played an encounter card and we've all resolved those then we pass the first player token and we do it all over again so that is roughly the entire game just remembering that uh there's gonna be lots of wrinkles because new cards are gonna come out and change the state of the game fairly constantly we win by defeating claw which is reducing his hit points to zero twice twice because yes he's gonna go to a second form and he wins by getting his second phase of his plan to the maximum threat level which we can peak and know that it this is six threat per player so 24 and this one is eight threat per player so 32 so if both of those if the second card fills up with threat we will lose the game that way sounds like that could happen pretty easily too if a yeah it does i mean it's going to go faster than you think yeah if a hero is reduced to zero hit points they are knocked out of the game so try not to let that happen we can heal each other with certain effects and uh try to you can defend other heroes attacks if a hero is being attacked by the villain or a minion in front of them you can defend the attack that's going to damage another player okay so that is important and your allies can do that too right your allies can do that too yeah i said i was going to mention allies and i didn't really but there are cards in front of me an ally is basically a minor character and we'll we'll see more of them but here's spider woman next to me so if i pay the cost and play spider woman this is now another character and ally she has her own thwart score so i can take a thwart power action and and reduce threat with her she has her own attack score i can take an attack action and attack a minion anywhere or the villain with her right most allies have this consequential damage symbol underneath them which means when they take one of those actions they also take a damage this is their health their hit points which means they're not going to be around forever they're just going to take a few actions and then discard so but there can be very useful i said before i was going to tell you about thwart and attack and how to use those powers so spider woman and all of our hero side cards have a thwart and attack value we never use boost cards those are only for the main villain but let's say i wanted to attack claw or a minion in front of me or as i just mentioned my ally wants to i could actually do both of those on my turn as two separate actions but so i just would for instance spider woman is going to attack claw she has an attack value of two uh without any other card boosting her attack value i might very well have a card that adds to her attack value for the turn she would just do two damage to claw here's his 48 and we'd move it down to 46. that would exhaust her and if she had already taken this one damage that would be one more damage which would discard her she would because of the consequences the consequential damage for the ally correct sure um same thing for me captain marvel i have a two attack value but let's say i wanted to thwart thwart is how you get uh threat off of these schemes so it works the same way my thwart value is two um spider-man is not very good at thwarting schemes he only has a sport value of one same thing if i have a card that boosts it it gives you some compound w but with without any modifiers or cards changing i'm just going to use the thwart value of two and move this three down to a one that's the fort action it's very simple okay and i did mention defense pretty clearly you can do that to an attack that's coming into you you can do that to an attack that's coming to another player but not if you're exhausted correct it it does exhaust you or your ally if i'm exhausted can take the damage from any incoming attack okay no matter how much damage is coming if the villain has done something that's gonna do five damage to me and my ally has one damage left i can exhaust her bravely throw her into combat instead of me and all the damage goes to her it doesn't none of it pours through to me or any other target and then discard the ally does that work for claw as well if if we defeat claw one and there's excess it does not doesn't carry over nothing spills over to claw two we don't get it we don't get the bonus damage so we may as well we may as well just beat him exactly and try not to have any extra damage the last um basic power which i mentioned is on your uh alter ego side card is recovery that's the yellow star that's how you heal okay you might have other cards that heal but if you're on your alter ego side and you're ready not exhausted you can exhaust your hero to recover that many hit points uh so that will that's essentially your heel but not past your max right not past your max correct these cards here are status effects certain things will stun or confuse an enemy or even a hero or one of our allies those basically just mean that they can't do something tough is like a shield that absorbs the first incoming damage from something erin am i limited like as to how many actions that i have on my turn no with two exceptions okay in that you need resources to pay for some actions you if you have cards you need to pay for them for resources or actually if they're not already down on the correct okay and a lot of actions will just say limit once per round like the hero changing form action carol danvers has a choose a player to draw a card action but after that it says limit once per round okay so other than that no and other than the basic powers exhausting your character so you can't do that until your character is ready again if you if you can play every card in your hand you can play everything if i have an action that costs say a resource to use but there's no limit can i pay a resource and use it and then pay a resource and use it yes okay although i think you'll find that that won't happen too many times [Music] uh we have done some of the setup off camera and done all the decks and everything and the last few things that we're going to do which are the last few steps of setup are read clause schemes and then we're gonna draw our own cards and do one's one hero setup ability which we have in play and then we'll start the game so claw has this underground distribution scheme and it says the attack on the shield facility has been linked to an underground weapons network contents claw one and claw two broad and nick thank you does everyone get the joke does everyone know that limits or claw two and claw three instead for expert mode uh and then it tells you what cards to put in the deck one modular encounter set oh it's that's another thing there's another like mini uh villain set in here which you can also swap out it says recommended masters of evil and that is what we have in here okay but so you could change some of like the minor villains and minor events in there alright so setup search the encounter deck for the defense network side scheme we've already done that the villain may sometimes have side schemes this may this will probably not be the only one we see but this shows that this side scheme starts with two threat on it plus when revealed an additional one threat per player so we have six thread on the side scheme and this symbol is a crisis symbol which means we have to clear all this threat before we can clear any threat on the main scheme okay but that's all it does it has no additional effect besides that it's just more that we have to deal with first and then we advance to stage 1b which means flip this card right so this shows that six per player 24 threat will advance to the next stage of the scheme and it's going to add one uh threat per player every turn it also says when revealed discard cards from the encounter deck until a minion is revealed and put that minion into play engaged with the first player so we're discarding these cards they are not going to have any effect even if they say when revealed do this we're just searching for the first minion in the deck and there's some side schemes that we're never going to see well you might right you're right but not very so we've got an armored guard and he's going to immediately engage with me he has the keyword guard while this minion is engaged with you you cannot attack the villain so i cannot attack claw i have to get this guy dealt with first or you guys can help me he also has toughness which is basically a shield so before i can damage his three hit points the first incoming damage whether it's one or twelve damage is just gonna discard this guy okay so that's an armored guard all right that was the end of the villain setup now our setup is draw up to your hand size which for all of our heroes happens to be six or all of our alter egos actually now at the start of the game you get one mulligan you can discard zero to six of your cards you can discard any cards you don't like and draw new replacements and i suppose this is just based on what you want to get into play or what you're looking for or whether you think these are good first turn cards i'm throwing four of these away so we've all discarded cards and drawn new ones that we if we wanted to yes yes all right i did not i just went with you you went with what you you liked what you got oh nice all right if you wanted to all right so the last thing we should do before we start is uh let's read our special abilities on our characters okay i mentioned that my uh alter ego side can choose a player to draw a card it could be me could be one of you my hero side is uh if i'm damaged i must be damaged to pay part of this cost i can spend an energy resource which would usually be on a card and heal a damage to draw a card but i can't do that when i'm at full hit points okay nikki chawla is got a foresight it's during setup i can search my uh deck for black panther upgrade and add it to my hand and then i shuffle my deck because you know i've looked down we're about to do that because that's the final thing i am about to do what's the other side of it the other side is i can retaliate oh yeah um so uh after this character is attacked to deal one damage to the attacking character great nice all right mr peter parker all right uh i'm genius uh scientist resource generate a brain resource or mind resource camera but it was lim limit once per round right now i'd trade the whole trade the whole spider-man bit for a rocking chair in a good book and then that was his alter ego as a as a hero spider sense interrupt when a villain initiates an attack against you draw one card just your friendly neighborhood spider man nice tony stark uh futurist so my action is uh look at the top three cards of my deck add one to my hand and discard the others limit once per round that's going to get me through my deck faster isn't that cool is that good or bad um it's good and bad okay um i mean you're gonna be able to choose good cards out of it of course however when you like most games when you run through your deck you're just gonna reshuffle when you and draw new cards as you needed however in this game every time you do that you get an encounter card immediately played in to you okay you don't resolve it immediately you resolve it in the villain phase at the normal time when everyone gets one more including you okay so i have an extra one for that face um when this deck runs out the villain deck we place an acceleration token which adds more threat every time we place threat on the okay so running through the decks is actually kind of bad but it accelerates well considering that you're going you know your discarding cards that could be useful yeah it might be good to go through well plus gaining a card yeah for spending and stuff yep and then iron man so i mentioned before my hand says size limit is one yes but plus one hand size for each tech upgrade that i control that i've built basically to a maximum hand size of seven so i couldn't get up to seven if i find all seven that's what i was asking about going through the deck but right and it might be worth it because the his stuff his numbers are all very low but i'm assuming all the tech build up quite a bit yeah cool okay so nikki have you looked through your deck and gone through an updated card yet and i pulled you shuffled all right you're ready to begin yes all right carol danvers carol danvers is going to play a card i'm going to play alpha flight station it's an uh it's a support card it costs one so i am going to discard a card with one resource at the bottom and then i'm going to use alpha flight station exhaust alpha flight station choose and discard one card from your hand and then draw one card draw two cards if you're carol danvers nice so it lets me is that a basic card uh oh no if you're on the carol danvers side on the carolyn versailles correct if i'm hero side it just lets me cycle a card basically um and now and that card doesn't go away correct unless something discards it okay but it does exhaust the card so it's basically one's current and um i'm going to also play captain marvel's helmet which is an upgrade card it doesn't do all that much uh i'm gonna discard two cards because it costs two yeah and we've discarded two other uh symbols okay those are wild yeah well i have a lot of wild yeah that's cool i don't think i have that much but it's i think it's his deck it might it might be you or because you're because you're no captain marvel no it's the leadership cards oh i think i think that's part of their strength okay sure um so this just adds plus one to captain marvel's defense which is now two you're flipping over no i'm just showing you okay um i might flip over uh if i if i have the aerial trait which i don't know where that comes from some other card then it's the more defensive becomes three plus two defense okay but i think i will flip over because i want to attack this guy it's just gonna otherwise wait then if you're gonna flip over use your thing first oh yeah okay i will use thanks good good good effort dave good good teamwork i'll use commander choose a player to draw a card and i think it is good to have nikki draw more cards because black panther needs to get those upgrades going right sure so go ahead draw a card that is a limit once per round which is why i'm marking this miscellaneous token and then i will change my hero form and i will attack i cannot attack claw because i am guarded by the armored guard my attack value is two but it doesn't really matter because the first attack is only going to remove this tough shield now my turn is done i have two more cards but i don't want to spend that you need to exhaust that card though thank you i thank you good call okay you passed my test all right i'm done with all my actions all right now it's your turn yeah so what they're talking about is my character has a special ability where if i get all my upgrades out and a certain card um then you know wakanda forever it'll trigger all of my upgrades so you definitely want to get those and they're all very attacky so my first i actually uh did not get an upgrade from your draw but my ability yes so i got one so i'm going to play this upgrade and that is gonna cost me two and i'm gonna use the energy card for that um this santa claus panther claws is special attack it deals two damage to an enemy for instead if this is um the final step of the sequence wow i know four is pretty good but that's really good it does nothing by itself it has to be triggered it has to be triggered by the wakanda forever car she's got a bunch of those oh i'm decked out i'm just pointing it up and next and then and then and then i'm gonna turn over to my hero side okay my black panther side and then i'm going to do a haymaker hey hey maker which is an attack so i had to be on that side and um pay for that i'm gonna pay for it with two vibranium which is my wild i was a little worried but i think uh three damage to any enemy is good armored guard so anything i can do or claw do you do you want to be free i think it's probably a good idea okay so there's three damage too all right and he's done your guy okay we need a discard pile for those you haven't both i knew and that is used actually right but it goes away so that was an event the haymaker was an event haymaker is an event okay so it's a one time and then the vibranium is just a resource yeah um can i do anything else nope that would be my turn oh and he's no no no no he's not exhausted he did not do that in fact you can do a fight right now well let's do it let's just fight fight fight fight so i will attack for two one five now there's only one target so you're just going to do two damage to claw yep and exhaust your hero he is he is tired now i can't see what the readers what's your thwart number two she's two two two two all right then i'm gonna play my wakanda forever card which triggers that and i gotta pay my power clause and then i gotta pay i don't believe in power clause yeah with that i raised my kids to believe in how it was oh my gosh so uh it's the last thing in the run because it's the only one so it's four damage and and this is the only target yeah to the tarp two look at that to claw we're on our way so he will take four more down okay okay and you can you're going to hold those two cards for later or discard them all the time they're they're good to pay for things yeah okay all right well first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to get aunt may into the game she helps me heal oh nice that's persona uh alter ego action exhaust ant may heal four damage from peter parker goodness peter you've been so clumsy lately and i'll pay for that with the free resource that he uh generates as his alter ego all right so that once portrayed used it i've used it yep there's a reminder okay and then i'm going to flip peter parker over to hero form spiderman he's now spider-man he's an avenger um he's friendly he's friendly he's my neighborhood he says you're friendly i think he's spectacular so and then i'm gonna do web uh swinging web kicks three i will use these two cards here nice i'm using the anger as an energy card and i will now deal eight damage to an enemy wow so let's hit claw he's the only enemy yeah this game's so he sadly gets discarded the next time it comes up maybe i'll get to use it again if i get through my deck that'd be cool wait what are we at now 34 yes and then i'll do one final attack with uh spider-man himself well i guess the let swing webkit was one as well this is an additional two attack on club that was ten yeah that's pretty cool well that is cool it won't keep happening guys i mean what are we gonna play next this is gonna be over so quick that's right true all right for my first once per round action i'll do this to the them look at the top three cards in my deck nice i'm gonna keep one of them and discard the others come on tech tech that's what i want i'm keeping this one and then for wow okay for three i'm gonna build my mark v armor not to be confused with my mark v armor i'm mark v armor pleased to meet you yeah there's a two energy and there's a third thing so that pays for that now this says i get six hit points you do you add to your max does this mean uh my max goes up by six uh it means both in this game gets has a very specific meaning okay your maximum hit points increase to 15. your current hit points also increase by 6 which is currently to 15. as it okay so if i was at three hit points i would go to nine and your max would also be 15. if i wanted to heal further but in this case i just jumped to 15. the only thing to now be aware of is if at some point in the game you lose that card right your max hit points are going to drop to nine but your current hit points are also going to drop by six because you get six while you have that card okay so if you were at five you would die oh my gosh yes but but it's armor tech which is what i want which also increases your hand size right yep yeah all right um so all right good good card and don't lose it yeah i don't know if there's anything that can destroy your tech but who knows okay and then well you know what i'm gonna spend two for this combat training upgrade here's one two um and this goes to myself or any player and it gives them an extra plus one every time they attack oh and i'm giving that to you oh wow oh combat transfer well i think you're the attack person right maybe i hope so i mean maybe i'll be the attack person later but yes sort of but because of you but because of the hand size i'm gonna be tony stark for a while i agree i'm not going to be iron man until you're not you're not going to attack as often as possible person yet and all right you're holding one card all right so we've all done our first part of our player phases now you can discard any cards that you don't want to hold and then you will draw tony she did it again janet van dyne i don't know what that has to do with anything but there you go [Music] then you can draw up to your hand size okay and you did not turn into iron man so your hand size is still six yeah the rest of us i think went down to five so after we disregard we will only drop to five good boy and then once we've done that you ready each exhausted card in your display so you can go i'll just keep it over here when i need it oh ready it okay you put them right here in the corners and now for bad things so first we place threat on the main scheme and that's one per player so it's four then the villain attacks or schemes against each player in player order he's going to attack each of us but scheme against dave because he's an alter ego so he's going to attack me and this this remember goes like this he draws his boost card for claw it's two part of refreshing is take this thing off that says you use your once per turn ability okay i can now choose to defend and my defense is two because of my helmet but i'm not gonna do it i actually want to take some damage so i can use my captain marvel also if you defended now you would be you would be exhausted at the beginning of your next correct correct okay yes but at some times you're going to really need to of course take something of course so i'm drawing a taj zero attack plus one [Music] two damage and no special boost abilities so i will take two damage and that's perfectly fine yeah i was thinking it well he starts at 12 which is pretty cool she starts at 12. yeah that has quite a bit nikki are you going to defend or just take some damage two cards yep it's gonna be two every time he does have zero to start i'll just take some damage i thought you might it is one and a star uh-oh boost give the villain a tough status card no so he now will just shrug off the next damage that he takes you just take one damage okay and then what happens black panther with your ability written on your black that's correct i can retaliate thank you and what does that mean um so i was just attacked i can deal one damage to the attacking character hey well that'll get rid of this tough card that's fantastic that's pretty fantastic that was maximum value perfect all right uh spiderman yeah are you going to defend you have defensive three you're gonna see yeah but i don't want to be i don't want to be um but then he can't do anything yeah yeah next round he's got him when you have your cards he's got aunt may to heal all this well that's the good thing is since you're going to attack i have an interrupt when a villain is attack against you draw one card that's right nice card all right so you get one damage two three damage okay well aunt may to the rescue that's right and you can do that once per every round yeah wow that's a great one oh is it just once per round not every attack exhaust yeah tony stark cannot defend against the scheme claw is just going to scheme two three four threat on the main scene yep okay we'll just do that that was that now we all get an encounter card as if that weren't enough right just when you thought it was over and then we reveal our encounter cards mine is masters of mayhem treachery this is a treachery card when revealed each masters of evil minion attacks the hero it's engaged with we don't have anything we have any minions at all okay ah well if no attacks were made this way search the encounter deck and if there aren't any encounter deck starts the discard pile for a masters of evil minion and put it into play engaged with you then shuffle the encounter deck so that's going to be a fairly strong and powerful minion to uh be messing with me i have a hero interrupt card can i play that now uh you are in here i am in hero form so i have a card called get behind me it only costs one and it uh when a treachery card is revealed from the encounter deck cancel its when revealed effects the villain attacks me instead so it's going to come after me but but i think we won't get more bad guys out this is strong there i want to know it's ms marvin yeah um stand aside citizen uh so you need to discard one more thing all right well it lowers your deck though yeah that's a good one i'm not sure what to do for the pain it gets rid of the thing okay i'll pay with that okay and then he will attack you yes you could defend but i assume you're not going to since you still have ten yeah all right he does oh three damage plus a boost to deal one damage to each hero ah i tried to help us so i get three on mine you get four you get four four and i'm down to nine however you also should get to retaliate and do one back to him all right that's your special power because he attacked you okay it's a tacky i'm already down to six health okay well you're gonna flip over flip back and recover on your turn go to zero but she saved me from whatever that was going to be all right okay business problems oh what's the first thing it says give to tony stark player oh this is my objective yeah uh yeah this is my obligation obligation you may flip to alter ego form well i'm already there and then choose exhaust tony stark and remove this from the game or exhaust each upgrade you control i mean i have an upgrade that i can exhaust it doesn't mean anything though right doesn't alright well like some of your upgrades might have an effect where they were useless if they were exhausted one's in my hands and you're absolutely right but since since exhausting this would have no effect whatsoever let's use the optional grim rule from the rule book and say you have to choose an effect that actually has a negative effect it makes sense it's so actually i think it makes a lot even if i could do that i would discard it and it would come back in the game whereas tony stark it's removed from the game which just means you're giving up a single action on your term so let's just remove it all right and spider-man's encounter okay boo sound manipulation treachery when revealed alter ego claw d uh heals four damage if no damage was healed this way this card gains surge okay but you're not only i know when here i'm reading them all when hero revealed hero take two damage claw heals two damage move to that oh yeah hey look at that i'm down to four sonic boom treachery when revealed either spend one of each of the non-wild resources or exhaust each character you control so aaron i'm already exhausted yes do i have to do the top one or can i uh because this one actually is faq clarified yeah uh because you cannot re-exhaust an exhausted card while you're still speaking because i actually have all three of those resources you have well even if you had less you would have to pay as much as boots goodbye rocket boots okay rocket boots i think it's gonna be a long long time it's gonna be so i see those again oh my gosh okay and what else would you like to pay for that sonic does anybody else have a treachery stopping card like that whatever mockingbird or uppercut i can't pay for either of them so hero okay uppercut oof it's all right i'm not going to be on the hero side for a while anyway wow that was harsh yeah it was terrible yeah well only because my obligation came up otherwise it would have been fine right right all right two cards you have one sorry i think you have three oh three i have three cards the good news is the good news that turn is over that was the last villain thing we passed the start player wow now don't we've already done our ready cards so don't ready anything exhausted you've already drawn your cards so if you have three cards that's what you've got for the turn yeah that's pretty bad we now start our hero turn with nikki with black panther okay um yeah all of a sudden things got a little worse they really did i can't afford to put out a helper that is the only thing i can do is do a wakanda forever all right and do something so i will that would be the end of my run too so it's going to be four damage sure to the bad guy you can attack right yep so he's down to 29. oh my gosh and i need to pay for that one too so there's one okay okay and then i'm going to turn over so i can recover and enter ego yeah yeah and i'll get a higher card limit too all right of course which is good so i take that right now uh if you're taking the recovery i am then actually exhausting them take four yeah take four they're small those are a little bit bigger than two those are bigger and that's was my whole turn because i had three cards all right oh that's right wow we got our cards yeah i have three cards i have thankfully because i was interrupting i have six so i uh i have stuff here first i am going to put the web shooter into play it's an upgrade i'll just put it over here hey web sugars so what it does is it lets me it cost me one to play um and what it does is it gets i get three counters and they uh when i exhaust it it creates one wild so i will have three additional eat one additional um resource each round because it's a rea you have to exhaust it to use it i see it's all i see so every but it gives me three resources it has three it has three uses but it's one wild per gallon which is pretty great i mean yeah i could would be nice to be able to not have to spend all that stuff okay um and then we're going to go with so i have i'm just going to spend one right now it's exhausted okay and then i'm going to spend and you can do that because you're still on the hero side yep and then i'm going to spend three uh i can't do oh no that's four right okay and i'm gonna webbed webbed up claw's going to get webbed up oh yeah what that does is it blocks him and then there's also after that he gets stunned so two of the attacks will be reduced right on the next round here of this and then all these cards go away and then i'm going to flip to the uh alter ego side and ant-may is going to exhaust and heal me for four and yep i know i said one more thing he's also going to heal for himself so then i'll exhaust this and he'll uh two more be a max nice nice wow so that was seven seven but i only got six out of it but that's still great exhausted i'm getting excited here may is pretty good okay dave arc reactor it's more tech yeah it's another upgrade it's not rocket boots though that's one i can exhaust when i put on this armor i took on more power than any human was ever intended to have and maybe more responsibility than my heart can truly bear said tony stark that costs two which i'll spend with this one card giving me this last card that i can't do anything with but i still have it anyway that's my whole turn i can't do anything else because you were already exhausted yeah yep all right i'm going to use my re-channel ability i spend an energy resource and heal one damage to draw a card then i will flip over to you know what i'm actually going to use captain marvel first i'm going to exhaust on this one i am going to thwart take two off of this nice before i flip to alter ego and use the other ability i'm going to use a hero action which is an additional fort but it's not the basic action so this costs two and i have a card that has two symbols on it genius genius and this removes two threat from a scheme nice if i had arial which i haven't seen yet i don't know how to do it yet i can remove two threat from a different scheme nice but i don't think i can actually do that because it specifically says that you have to do this because of the critical but if we had two multiple schemes out there sure i have cards that can do multiple threat removals so i paid for that and i did that then i will flip forms i have not used this ability yet but i will now use it to draw a card now i will use alpha flight station to discard a card and draw two because i'm on carol danvers side oh nice we're all on carol danvers i'm still not drawing like anything i'm not drawing anything oh i drew something with ariel from the little mermaid that's a wrong universe totally all right so i'm playing cosmic flight upgrade captain marvel gains the aerial trait she's not captain marvel right now but when she is and that also gives me the chance to uh discard this to prevent three damage but i'm not going to do that right now but that is the aerial trait that you just when she's captain marvel i have the aerial trait yes so i'm going to save things that need ariel and i'm going to pay to and now i am done because i've already done my actions that is the end of the round that is already yeah all right so discard any cards you like and then draw up to your hand size i'm going to keep this and then once you've done that ready all your cards okay the main scheme gets four threat no oh yeah we are now at uh 12 okay 24 halfway there oh that's that happened pretty quickly yeah uh the villain in each engaged minion attack once we don't have any minions right now right yeah so in player order yeah uh do are we all in uh alter ego it's gonna be all threat okay so there's no defense against that so um mickey's turn two plus two is four add four okay oh i'm sorry threat not yes not pain not damaged just do it this way uh lincoln's turn two plus nothing is two uh dave's turn star put weapons runner into play engaged with you so two more plus dave has a minion engaged with him finally so does this attack me now um yes it does this is some somewhat of a rare occurrence but because in this attack phase the villain attacks first and then minions that are engaged with you attacks uh in other situations he wouldn't attack you immediately but now that minions attack so yes uh it interrupts the normal flow of our turn and you take one more damage and that's what you want one scheme a one scheme because i am not on each side oh no that's gonna be terrible yep yeah this weapons runner really has done his job and screwed up our whole plan because the scheme against me is going to probably add at least two threat maybe more based on the card i draw does anybody have a card which would probably have to be an interrupt that would like lower threat or deflect any kind of [Music] i don't have anything i'm just just checking yeah because otherwise we're pretty much guaranteed to go to the next phase of claws evil schemes just do it just don't prolong the pain just so we're all on the same page and we know what we would like to do if we could all right yeah so claw schemes he's gonna add two threat plus plus zero but there's a boost effect which exhausts every ally i control luckily that's nothing so okay just the exact two that he needs exactly to get to exactly the weapons runner i know weapons runner got them exactly there pretty fantastic um and it's horribleness and i'm not even like it would have been nice to have like a three and have the overflow not have yeah exactly so we can put all this back okay we immediately just discard phase one of his plan and we've set up the next card secret rendezvous oh claw has found a buyer for his illegal weapons it's up to you to stop the sale but the meeting is surrounded by claws cronies i thought it was going to be like the pina colada song when discard cards from the encounter deck until a minion is discarded put that minion into play engaged with the first player so you get radioactive man engaged i'm so happy about that advance to stage 2b to be or nope not saying it claw is meeting with the crimson cowl claw and the mysterious figure dart into the shadows when you confront them and claws minions move to cover their escape if this stage is completed the players lose the game all right that's it no special powers or anything it's just eight per player so 32 threat we lose the game we still haven't even cleared the six that started here just two on it yeah all right we've cleared four of those six and this is just one per player every time we do the villain phase so ah now that was just the attacks now we all get an encounter yeah this is pretty thirsty go off at all right now no because you already had your phase where millions of villains attacked all right he's kind of not good wow he's very strong too so strength yeah now you get to flip over here and counter no i don't want to do this anymore that's there's no choice i mean yeah you can quit the game and leave but i guess shadow of the past oh that's nikki's cards that's do they shuffle in i don't know well let's see okay it's treachery when revealed uh reveal your set aside nemesis minion and put it into play engage and put it into play engaged with you reveal your set aside nemesis side scheme and put it into play shuffle the rest of your set aside nemesis encounter set into the encounter deck okay well that's all this stuff if your nemesis minion does not enter the game in this way this card you know it's a gains surge you know what's crazy there's like three cards in this deck so her three cards are shuffling wow that's okay they're going to mostly be used for boosts oh that's true so this guy is a bad guy it is longer does he have a will does he have a when revealed effect no he just has he's just annoying what does he have he has cannot uh can kill its killmonger cannot take damage from black panther upgrades so i have to just yeah you have to do this or we have or we have yeah regular stuff that's right nikki's side scheme that she's brought into play for our story sure is usurp the throne the renegade killmonger is leading a coup to seize control of wakanda this is black panther's nemesis scheme so it has three threat per player so we're gonna put 12 on this card and we have to clear that to get rid of it okay and it has a hazard effect this plus card symbol means every turn from now on when we deal out these encounter cards we're going to deal one more so that for instance next turn lincoln will be the start player and we will give each player one card for a total of four and then a fifth card which lincoln will get and if it's still in play the next turn you'll get two well it'll still be in play there it probably will no we might be dead by then and then we have three new exciting cards in this tiny deck of cards for our encounters yeah thank you here you go so yeah you shouldn't have drawn this this was a bad car oh thanks for handing it to me all right lincoln what's your encounter okay oh man yeah advance guard i've got one of these guys toughness that's a tough yeah yeah and i can't attack you can't attack them hey assault treachery when revealed alter ego this card gained surge that just means you do draw another one because it does nothing it's not a black panther card that's what i was trying sound manipulation when revealed all three go claw heals for damage oh come on it is all right aaron oh yeah are we at 48 again no he's still a weapons runner serge after this card is revealed reveal one additional encounter card so he attaches to me black panther ritual combat yeah when revealed discard the top card of the encounter deck then choose to either deal x damage to your hero or place x throughout the main scheme x is one more than number of boost icons that's these little shuriken claws on the discarded car on the discarded card okay and it has heart-shaped herb it has none of those it has a star so okay i just choose to take one of the cards that nikki's are in the debt that we're adding yeah in there now yes out of there now uh i'll take one damage damage is fine because i have a lot of heels everybody remember aaron said damage all right shall we take our last turn uh we passed the first player token yeah right okay lincoln you are first what are you talking about we've only taken two we've got like 10 turns to go to win this game to win it all right yeah i know it got real bad all of a sudden i really like it though really fast yep what's your plan yeah not much [Laughter] so i do have i do i can have someone draw a card which i'm happy to let someone else do at this point i mean i will do it but it is good for other people to draw cards too well i'm going i would like another card it might help me be able to go right ahead pay for everything here done okay i'm gonna try to get matt murdock in here hey hey he's gonna cost four i will use the power of justice which is his card nice um it pays for two of a yellow justice card so there's two of that i'm going to exhaust this to gain an additional uh one yep so that's now three and i have a free one here if you're going to use that's true might as well just do it four four is done no you don't you don't even exhaust that you do this you do that yeah yep and then this goes here and daredevil's in nice thing is when he thwarts he deals damage which is what i'm going to try to do with him well i will flip over peter and then i'm going to play the interrogation room which is a support it says after you defeat a minion exhaust the interrogation remove and remove one threat from the scheme from a scheme oh i didn't read any of these sometimes i think i accomplished more with my fists than with my law firm and then we got here for the interrogation oh she's sorry let me get the keys and call you a car service misty night okay and then i'll pay for that with this and then let's deal uh thwart for um daredevil we'll do it on this one here takes off two and then it will also deal one damage to um an enemy okay should i do it for that one and it takes the tough off yeah okay that makes sense right yep um and that is take two off of that though i was waiting for him to do yeah and then i take one uh damage you guys got him and then i will do a haymaker and i'll pay for it with these two and i will deal with this takes three and he's out nice technically you're dealing four damage to an enemy why because you have this plus one that's right that's right no that's an attack that he's not using right now haymaker's not attractive he's using a haymaker i'm gonna do that next because i still have that so that goes out he's gone that goes over there yes and then that's discarded and then i the last thing i will do here is i defeated a minion by the way exhausted this and remove one threat from a scheme nice nice so that'll bring us down to four there and then we really kind of need to we might work back to get that um and then the last thing i will do is i will attack um but then next turn we're gonna all be in alter ego and then have 15 threat all of a sudden right i'm not going into alter ego right now okay um so i will um attack and he's going to deal three damage to uh to um claw back down to where we were okay and that's my turn all right that's a good turn all right first thing i'm going to do is look at the top three cards in my deck and keep one okay next aaron i can get rid of this threat but do you want me to not do that the only reason i mean if it's the only thing that seems valuable for you to do no i can do two damage over here instead then if i can do damage if i can get rid of two threat do you want me to get rid of that one or do you want to i want you to do the other one because mine is essentially a bonus effect that gets rid of two more so you'll be able to get rid of that on your turn great that's what i want to know okay in that case if you get rid of that one i won't be able to use the bonus that makes sense okay i'm going to play i'm going to put this upgrade on the table what's it called it's called sorry it's my mark with my mark 5 armor i have my mark v helmet tony are you sure you want to do that says p-e-p-p-e-r uh the other ai i can exhaust it and remove a threat and then i'm going to spend two for power gauntlets oh his hand size is getting up there those two and now i'm gonna go here we go flipping him over i am iron man okay so i am going to attack weapons runner i'm going to attack weapons runner with iron man okay okay so that's one i'm going to exhaust the power gauntlets that deals an additional damage as part of my attack so that's two so that kills this guy all right all right i am then gonna play for free chase them down after your hero attacks and defeats an enemy remove two threat from a scheme take two off of that i am then going to use my arc reactor i'm going to exhaust that and that allows me to ready iron ooh nice nice i am now going to thwart there two more no because i'm going to use my mark v helmet and that allows me to remove an extra threat from a scheme when i do that so that takes three off of that very nice that is my turn all right done i will exhaust alpha flight station choose and discard a card and if i'm carol danvers i'd draw two oh this is free i'm gonna play energy channel it is a free upgrade power and it essentially allows me to store energy resources and then up to there's no limit i can put any any number of energy counters on this card and then use them as double damage so if i have five counters on that card i can deal 10 damage wow i'm going to flip to captain marvel side and i'm going to play crisis interdiction discard two resources to do that and crisis interdiction allows me to remove two threat nice okay from a scheme then if i have the aerial trait which i do because captain marvel has ariel with cosmic flight i can remove two threat from another scheme so this one is now done [Music] from the beginning of the game just in time for the reshuffle just in time for 25 thread on this yeah and then that's crisis interdiction i do have several copies of this card this is one of the more impressive messes i've ever seen sounds good yeah i'm going to spend a an energy resource and heal the damage i always turn this dial the wrong way me too and then i can draw a card i don't have enough to pay for the other thing i want to do i used that can anybody give me one card or one resource nope no then i'm going to do i'm going to spend a wild wild i'm going to spend a while to place as an energy and put a counter on this card which i can then spend as two damage whenever i want to spend an attack at action um i will also since i haven't taken an action yet i will thwart two and clear this oh wow all right yay right why not it's like we almost know what we're doing it's like we almost had a good turn for once and uh that is the end of our oh no nicki minaj yeah she was the first player last year yeah all right then i'm done with my turn well that kind of changed what i was gonna do all right you can just uh punch people yes i was gonna do a lot of thwarting i don't think there's much supporting to do i will try to do a bunch of i thought i was the final player sorry i need cards to spend first for spending yeah um oh i can't do it do we think swarting is going to be a big problem or should i idiot immediate future like this term like no like right and maybe the beginning of next turn no so i would just fight whatever you can if we're all on the hero side does that mean nothing adds to that scheme except for the the base like four all right there's always four right and plus he's only going to do two people there are also remember there's some encounter cards that just say the villain does a scheme so there could be another four actually we're about to go through this deck right and that accelerates this right which means well let me just i will turn t'challa over to the black panther side i am going to place a vibe vibrabian yeah that cost me um two yeah i'll do two like that then i'm gonna um do my now i have two so i can do both of these with a wakanda forever i will pay oh yeah i hate paying for it with that but there it is um so i think i'm gonna just do um move a damage from your hero to an enemy um first and then save this one for last because it's four damage because it does four damage this will only do two if i save it for last so um i guess that means i only i can hit one of these for one because i'm i only have one damage on myself right now yeah move one damage from your hero to an enemy so this one can't take damage from from an upgrade so it's going to go to him right so that means i am going to go to 11 here and move move that damage to here so i need a damaged token i can't do anything to him because well with this stuff right then um this is my last one so i'll do four on on radioactive man cool yeah take that and put that back and um so that's this yep then for the normal attack i'm going to hit killmonger for two all right or you finish him off two yeah or i finish him off that's totally better then you're gonna yeah then i don't have two things coming out and you're not gonna lose any card which would happen this turn sure so then a normal attack on him and get rid of him and exhaust your hero he's very tired though it's a lot of fighting fighting all the time do you have anything yeah no i have nothing else i can do i think that was a pretty slick turn well i finally built up some cards yeah i didn't help here and i just actually you had all your bad cards come out i mean that was yeah yeah you had to deal with some stuff i have um my other upgrade is a strong thwart thing but so discard anything you'd like to discard i'm getting rid of this then you draw up to your hand size be aware of your hand size yours is my hand size is five five wow that's crazy iron man he's all refreshed it looks like we're all on hero side so ours is also five a one a two three a four oh wow that's fun fun a card i drew you don't know what it is okay no no judging don't question it oh i see oh man i didn't i literally didn't draw what i needed all right um and then ready all your cards and take your once per turn tokens off them if you had any here comes the bad stuff okay we've all uh readied our cards now we place threat 4 on the main scheme which is currently the only scheme and the villain in every minion attacks in player order the good news is he's webbed up for now so first he's going to attack spider-man i like that spider-man's web stops stops the attack on spider-man's thematic so you discard webbed up instead of that attack and he becomes stunned you have no minions attached to you right right you get that to be discarded now he's going to attack you and the stun is discarded instead that attack does not happen all right okay you have no minions attached to you no and i really should start taking damage this is i know you've got so much health now now he is going to attack me and the weapons runner is going to attack me but we we've avoided quite a bit of stuff there so i i'm at 10 i think i'm just going to let the attack happen two cards right thank you it is which is why we're going to exhaust that deck i'm going to let it happen or take five damage oh my god what wow wow wow you might be sitting here and watching the rest of the game playing i can't be killed [Laughter] and i got rid of your other third black panther card whatever that is for now so oh and my minion i have a i also take one from weapons runner unless you want to defend i do have three defense because i have captain marvel's helmet i should have used it on the first one yeah i'm fine i'll use it later okay maybe i'll do a heal this turn or two i can do some other things and then heal all right um nikki claw this is how you believe the last no there's two cards in the deck are you going to defend or take the claw i'm gonna take the i'm gonna take the attack you just take two two nothing and two all right and then you're also gonna take two from killmonger but am i hold on well first off she has her counter-attack to the villain oh that is important let's not forget that thank you because black panther was attacked claw goes down to 29 yes before killmonger attacks yes we have run through the entire encounter deck so dave i'll let you have the pleasure of reshuffling this okay and we will add an acceleration token this now adds five one one per player plus one every time the villain fits okay and now killmonger is going to attack you and do two damage unless you do something well i want to defend all right so i don't take that you have to exhaust black panther all right so then that is zero damage zero damage to me um did i get to retaliate even though i defended it it just says when he attacks you right okay so one hit retaliate on damage and then i've got this um event counter punch and that is a response attack after your hero defends against an enemy attack deal damage to that enemy equal to your um atk sounds like he takes another two so he only has two left that's right and this was cost zero and it's just hey nikki read the flavor text on that card okay that's what you get that's all it says it is good and uh all right lincoln gets the first encounter card oh yeah okay luckily we got rid of the extra hey whirlwind oh boy masters of evil forced interrupt when whirlwind attacks you also resolve his attack against each other hero and boost d1 damage to each hero so luckily we got past the attack treachery advance when revealed the villain schemes ah that's five right no it's his scheme power plus a bonus card which is a total of three one symbol two plus two of hers ability and mine is clause vengeance treachery when revealed hero claw attacks you if this attack deals damage place one threat on the main scheme i believe i will be defending against this attack okay since i am down to four and my defense is three as captain marvel and i could easily be killed by this attack let me just make sure i don't have anything else to like help you help me out although actually any of you could throw yourselves in the way do you have an ally i do not okay what do you need to do live no i know but what is it um oh you have 14 health but yeah no i'll throw myself in the way why not i have 14 health but it exhausts you for the turn that's okay because that's okay because you have your reset thing yeah you're right you have your arc reactor you do yeah but that gives me two attacks right all right i'll i'll take it all right it's not going to do seven damage right i just prevented three so and hopefully this will do no damage which will not place threat all right so he does zero daredevil do you want to just throw it daredevil take the hit oh i think he's useful okay well he's only got two more damage i have three defense and i've never used it okay so unfortunately i it was four so i knocked it down to one damage which does place one thread all right so i took my one damage i'm down to three captain marvel can never die and the villain schemes right well we got me why would he do that no i placed one threat on the main screen no thank you that's okay and i got more treachery and now the man schemes dave you foretold the future by by three seconds i am a futurist it does say futurist on my own so he adds two plus one for three more thread okay [Music] and that was the encounters and now we can pass the first player token and take one of our other final turns okay all right so uh i don't get to draw cards but i've seen these rocket boots before and i'm only just now noticing that that's how i gain my ariel so i'm pretty dumb however however this iron man guy ain't so smart i have to spend this i have to spend this intelligence resource to get it yeah yeah and i don't have any but it does it doesn't allow me to draw an extra card so i will build this now for one and i will get rid of no i will not i will not build this for one let's go crazy all right i'm gonna do this event this repulsor blast and i'm gonna spin repulsive that for one you do have your repulsors gloves going so your power gauntlet all right here action attack i'm going to deal one damage to an enemy and then i'm going to discard the top five cards in my deck and for each printed lightning bolt i deal additional two so here we go so that's one plus are you you're discarding five yep i'm doing it all right nope nope okay there's two so that's three four five come on double lightning okay five there's always why did you say there's almost there a double in there no there's a double lightning card in here i just didn't get it why did you say three for the first card and four five one second two three four five it's two for every lightning bolt plus one thank you so five damage to the villain please nice nice i'm gonna put those separate off the sides so i can cry over what i just got rid of and then i will build these rocket boots and that is my turn i had a bunch of those uh look at what the resources were on those cards though of course two of them well yeah i know i'm gonna play oh hey plus one hit point oh wow your armor really builds you up all right i'm you know i'm stepping in front of everybody you should be wait i'm not done i'm what am i saying i'm not done i have attacks what do you want me to do i think attack you think attack i can do more thwarts right one of each can sure all right so first i'll thwart for two and i'll exhaust this helmet for three so get rid of three thor and then i will exhaust this to ready iron man and then i will attack for one and exhaust this gauntlet for an additional one so that deals two here wait unless does someone need me to hit their thing for two before i do two here wait what's the deal with whirlwind if you attack he he won't attack till the villain phase most likely two whirlwinds bad yeah he's ruined attacks oh my gosh he takes six damage yeah well he's got two now okay i'm playing maria hill all right here is the two resources to pay for her maria after maria hill enters play each player draws one card oh yeah oh wow thank you i like that okay that's right double though i'd have to waste one it doesn't bother tony scott uh tony scott tony uh it's doctor strange oh i am actually in trouble because i can't i have two good heels and i can't use them right now so i'm actually oh no i also have another damage preventer i'm going to do this i'm going to play photonic blast and use all the rest of my cards to pay for it and it deals five damage to an enemy another nice whirlwind oh that's fantastic but it falls on cartoons that's crazy well that's that's my channel whirlwind is bad he is bad he is but it kind of would be great if someone took this care of this for me because i have three health yep maybe i do also have an ally and a shield so i'm not on the brink of death as i appear but right i remained exhausted unless i have some sort of card just like i correct we both defended and that's the the downside to it okay oh wait i could have maria hill attack which i might as well okay because she has two hit points i may as well use one of them so she can thwart or attack it's only one unfortunate well what here's the deal daredevil is going to do it for you he'll take care of that so don't waste do something else do something i'll just work yeah here we go just take these two away okay all right i can't do much so i'm just going to kind of try to get stuff maybe to happen so it's two for another one of the upgrades so i'm going to use my vibranium for that camps i think that's what the vibranium is all about it's just getting that stuff i can't do anything with this right now though and um i could burn these two to put my last i think you should love it and hopefully draw like four of those wakanda yeah and then just that would be great and then play them all it's i need the what kind of forever cards to come into my hand but now you have an empty hand and you can draw five or six cards actually why don't you flip that so you draw more cards at the end i guess actually i guess i'll i should have done the same thing yeah just do it yeah just just to draw an extra card sure right okay it means that scheme instead of attack though that could save you from that could save me from death yeah although i do have a and this is down pretty good all right okay um first thing i'm gonna do is daredevil is gonna take out this weapons room yep nice and does he do he takes the damage oh yeah of course because they're just the uh disposable heroes of hypocrisy and then then everyone's gonna get that reference wow and then uh first thing i will do is i will spend the last one of these ah web shooters and that goes away and what does it do again this is another resource and that's one because i'm going to do the s swinging web kick once again yeah and i need two more to be able to do that i'll use the interrogation room which i already have out and i will use that's pretty great but it's expensive so i'm going to use the helicarrier which you guys have as well that deals eight damage to him yeah nice nice 24 down to 16 no yeah yeah yeah 16. then uh for this i'm going to attack killmonger and you will be out good that does three three damage but you only need two so thank you lincoln i wasn't expecting that it's good to get that away from you it's a nice turn and then he's not even done yet yeah crazy uh well probably because i have other great things here great uh responsibility with my power so you have great power clearly okay so uh discard if you don't like any of those cards i love them all and getting rid of this then draw up to your hand size and refresh your cards that would have been the other reason flip to switch but that's fine right wow okay i've got more of these i'm at six oh six that's like a grown-up handsome three four uh-oh aaron i have to reshuffle oh dave give me a you have an encounter card waiting for you when the time comes you guys can give me any uh cards that would be great well not right now but no no i know when it comes to the time to do that stuff okay everybody's got their cards and everything yep we start the villain phase with five threat yeah because of the acceleration uh now the villain engages or attacks or schemes depending on what mode you're in so he's going to attack iron man not defending go for it all right gopher yeah because you have so many hit points you don't get at this point yeah he has zero attack plus four you take four wow done i'm in carol danvers mode so he's gonna scheme add two threat plus give the villain a tough status card yeah that's not great you are in alter ego so he schemes yeah it works scheme plus if this activation deals damage to you exhaust your hero but it's not going to exhaust it's not going to deal damage there it's just going to add okay um we're at uh 15 now i told you it's going to go up real quick uh and now we're attacking you are you going to defend attack i'm just going to let it happen i'm going to let it happen because daredevil might take the oh right or you know what maria hill could take it too can daredevil interrupt for this attack yes your allies can be thrown into the way of any attack on any hero got it as long as they're ready got it uh it's two damage and give the villain a tough card that you cannot have more than one of the same status so luckily he does not get double toughness oh nice so i'm going to interrupt backflip uh defense when you when you would take an amount of damage from an attack prevent all that damage have you been training because that almost hit me spiderman nice also draw a card for your interrupt that's right your spiderman interrupt nice and no one has any minions we cleared all the minions last turn huh yeah crazy nice that's great that was actually a fairly nice uh villain attack during my second year here's your second counter card oh man and then mine and yours and like so i think you just do them one time so i'm gonna do the oldest yeah i think you should do them okay it's the melter it's a melter minion okay it's a masters of evil oh so the engaged player must defend against melters attack with an ally they control if able oh but if i don't have an ally then i can just whatever and he's bringing me five three attack and five hit points yep and then gang up treachery when revealed hero aside the villain villain and each minion engaged with you attacks wow oh my gosh that's so bad all right the villain hang on i'm trying to figure out if i'm going to defend or not that's that's what i'm asking you no all right look at all these healthy yeah you've got so much armor the villain does three damage and and the other credit is nothing okay i thought you're going to say and also and then don't want to take your image look at that yeah i'm down to five your big numbers wow wow right all right i'm down to five all right uh and you're good oh no masters of mayhem this is the one we countered before when revealed uh-oh each masters of evil minion attacks the hero it is engaged with no yes all right i'm down to two can you can't boost your defense wait wait no yeah let's have maria hill take that bullet okay she has one health left she's done an action i think she can absorb it thanks maria hill thanks maria hill you're a hero fair enough yes that's the then nothing else happens because it only you only draw a minion if there were none out there when revealed alter ego claw heals 4 damage oh my gosh and mine and he's up to 20 again boo that's not too bad hey armored guard toughness i can't attack the main guy yeah uh it could have been worse yeah i mean dave did a lot of damage gosh amazing okay now we are done and we go back over we've had one complete round of the game played four turns wow that's harsh i know right yeah all right okay um who thinks they need to draw an extra card i really could use it okay i'm fine i think i can give it to you um [Music] let me do this first though i'm going to exhaust alpha flight station discard a card and draw two because i'm carol danvers see what you can get out of it yeah and i got what i wanted so i think i'm gonna do this um i will okay i'll go ahead and i'll go ahead and have uh spiderman draw a card that's that's fine oh look at that this works out good i'm gonna i'm gonna use my carol danvers recovery and heal four damage gosh these are all good this is terrible you don't want to spend them because i mean a couple of these are really helpful um it's like my first time i've seen it dave how's your hand my turn actually looks fantastic okay i don't need more cards if that's what you mean how about what if i could do exactly five damage to that minion and take care of it would that let you do other things freely if you want to do that great i can do five damage to that on my turn but i can do that same five damage to claw does that make sense sure and so can i claw has but a tough on him right i mean oh i have a card that does five damage so i'm thinking that it's sort of didn't do this all right i'm gonna play photonic blast it costs three but i'm going to use this and this if you paid for this card using an energy resource draw a card and it does five damage to an enemy so that is done thank you i think i think it was good and now wow i just drew energy absorption so i'm gonna play hawkeye and spend this one card with three resources on it wow hawkeye gets four arrows on him and every time a minion enters play he deals two damage and spends an arrow huh a minion at anyone's play or just in you every time i'm in kenya isn't that cool yeah yeah he also has your normal he's a kind of a wimpy attacker but i'm just gonna let him shoot his arrows all right i am done go ahead black panther okay the first thing i'm to play well is um an altered ego insists ancestral knowledge choose up to three different cards from my discard pile and shuffle them into your deck oh cool so but it's different i would love to take all the wakanda forever that's exactly why it's different yeah so everybody would shuffle i'm gonna do that and i think i'm gonna do we draw strength from the knowledge of our ancestors and our garbage pile and yeah and our discard garbage file that would be great come on where's the vibranium discard pile i like the theme stuff it's fun and i really would like her to come out would be nice it would be nice sure it wouldn't be nice i did not want to discard her um all right so then i these get shuffled into my wait did you pay for ancestral knowledge i did not i was so excited i know we were all too excited i know it's good it's a good card i bet i bet she only has one of those okay so then i will pay for that with this one yeah yeah yeah yeah um turning over yup to my fighter side then i'm mute hero i'm using my wakanda forever and pay for it with this one which i wasn't quite sure but i think that's what i want to pay for it with then lincoln let's help you out choose a player deals one to the villain and to each enemy engaged with that player nice so yep he takes it goes and this one goes they both lose tough claw and the guy engaged with spiderman fantastic i'm doing that so i know i used it yeah and then i'm gonna do i have two attacks and a thwart um so i'm going to be able to do i think 13 i'm going to do eight that's 21. so don't do the same don't do anything on this that would be nice even just one deal two okay yeah i can deal two i think she can oh that's great she can do two two or four i can do two yeah or four i think the thwart should be the last one right yeah if i do thwart it'll do two if i if i save it for last so um and then i've got this tech which is move one damage from your hero to an enemy yeah that's great then oh you know what to put it here do that then daredevil can take care of that and then i can do all this other stuff cool right that counts as an enemy yeah okay so one so i go up to nine okay and he got hit for one so there's that one then i can um well i can hit him for two and take him out for you uh it doesn't really matter you you do it or daredevil does it does does it and then the other one's gonna well here's the deal like if we do that then this can just do i can take out i can't it's it's going to happen on dave's turn never mind yeah either one cause i can i can do damage to either claw or this guy well if she does it this guy you can save daredevil for a turn if you want sure that's true you can save something else so why don't we do two damage to that get them out of there yep sure and then my last one is a thwart so i can uh remove uh one but i can do two but it's boosted because it's still the final one nice so there's all of those forever forever they they're kind of tiny hits though compared to like you yeah but if you had three of those cards in your hand right right if you did that two or three times in a turn that's a lot of stuff and it doesn't it doesn't exhaust your character that's the other yeah you still have one more right now i'm gonna oh do some more thwarting forward it forward it okay two you gotta fight that at the work fight now he's tired that was tiring hey that was time okay that was a good turn so uh all right first thing i will do is these guys are gonna punch i'm gonna do the swinging web kick once again ah i will spin this card and uh this card and unfortunately well maybe this card let's see here um card and that will give eight damage to signal claw yeah nice 12. and then um that goes out and then i'm going to uh huh do i throw it with him that's two i mean you don't have to do anything with him if you don't need to right dave said well but ford isn't bad it's either for it or just wait until he needs to soak up yeah it doesn't split my things split right as an eight mi i have an eight five split basically right and you need it needs to go down well i mean i can have both of these guys attack and then you can oh i could eight and then the new one immediately come in i think it does well it has an effect but then yes so you could do the five let's just do that yeah if you can do it before so that's the end of daredevil but he's gonna do two damage and then same for you you're going to do two more three more technically oh that's right right yeah because he's forgetting about his that combat training is paying off he's down to seven you know it's funny i didn't realize that i was going to get two attacks per turn like this i should have yeah the last thing i can do is i can do first aid i can stay on the hero side and give it to myself or i can give it to you aaron if you really need it i think i'm okay right now because i have a three damage shield and i can flip and heal next turn if i need plus i have a one i think i'm all right okay well then i'm gonna i'll do that just that way that way i can stay on the hero side i think that's you have to flip to the altar you're going to help another player to help another player i don't know is that how it works no it's just an event oh i didn't read this does it qualify as first date if it's your second day in the hospital clint barton back to dave okay so first things first i'm using nick fury's genius to exhaust rocket boots i am now officially in aerial mode toronto raw i'm going to use the double genius of doctor strange to bring out my second powered gauntlet wow okay what's that no dave they're they're both left-handed you can't have both of those okay all right all right i'm good yeah yeah doing this all right and i'm gonna spend two for this supersonic punch oh nice technique but if you do it like this it hurts more okay to spend two by the way um one of the two i'm going to spin is hulk i just want you to see hulk hulk has no thwart value but has three attack but listen to this okay after hulk attacks discard the top card of your deck if that card has a strength you deal an additional two damage if that card has a lightning bolt then all characters get a damage all characters that card is intelligence you discard hulk and if that card is a a wild you do all of the above yeah it's pretty fantastic but i'm spending it for supersonic punch which is deal for damage but if you're in aerial mode it's eight wow nice all right so we don't get to use that one overflow damage he goes to zero okay he has 18 hit points per player which is 72 new hit points for claw two that's lovely when revealed search the encounter deck and discard pile for the immortal claw and reveal it i know but there's only gonna be one copy i'm just seeing if it's in here if we don't have to mess with that if it's in here you have to reshuffle that fair enough right that's why and i'm pretty sure it is a scheme i do not see it in here so let's go and reveal it shuffle the encounter deck and then that's it he has oh he now has two scheme and one attack plus his double uh here it is right here is that what the little star means no the star the star just means he has this don't forget he has a special ability but remember he had zero attack before the immortal claw is a side scheme i'm you tell you what i'm not going to reshuffle because this was the second card from the bottom i did not see any of these cards okay the immortal claw is a side scheme it has three threat per player so give me 12 please claw gets plus 10 hit points oh good he has 82 claws mastery of sound allows him to restore his solid form through sheer power of will what's this when this scheme is defeated claw loses these hit points this symbol is an acceleration symbol which essentially it's just leave it this it's essentially another one of these while this scheme should play so if we get back to the another top of the villain phase we will actually add six uh new threat to that actually here why don't we put one here that's gonna put it on there sure so that's the immortal claw we need to clear 12 threat to do 10 damage and clear that from him and then we just need to do the other 72 days come on no problem okay okay here we go iron man are you out of actions do you have no okay i've got all kinds of amount of cards all right but uh iron man is going to attack a claw so that's one plus two for gauntlet in aerial mode plus two for gauntlet in aerial mode that's five okay then i will ready iron man and then i will thwart for two plus another two because i'm in aerial mode so four wait a minute i'm gonna ask dave where he's gonna take it from i i think we gotta take it from here yeah so it does 10 damage to him if you clear it yeah okay and that is my turn i have done everything okay you may now discard and then draw up to your hand are you right now sierra now seven hand limit right i'm refreshing yeah refreshing is technically after but i know it really matters i don't think i'm going to discard that or if i'm getting close to a re-show you know reshuffling i'm discarding all my cards and i'm okay jesus at the very end i have drawn the end of my deck so i'm taking an encounter card oh it's happy now good luck there gone through my deck okay i need three more cards because i'm in hero form everyone everyone who's not iron man only drew up to five correct yep villain phase place threat we are now adding six threat to the to the main thing four plus one plus one yep and now the villain activates starting with me no does no one have any minions that's actually some good news yep so so far anyway yeah um villain attacks but i do have seven health and a deflector shield so but he now has one attack do i defend or do i take i can take it i can take one more solid hit so he does five damage that would kill me it would take me to two see i should have given it to you i'm gonna look at my hand before i see what i'm gonna do i'm gonna discard cosmic flight because it is when captain marvel would take damage discard cosmic flight to prevent three of that damage so this absorbs three and then i take two there's one there's one okay nikki would you like to defend or be attacked i would like to defend then you must exhaust black panther so you will take two less than the one that you would have two that you would have taken you took zero instead okay that was perfect then i'm gonna do this one oh you got the thing that's why i did it yes i get it so my response is an attack uh defend against and uh it's just so it's just attack value and and one more for the retaliate i was gonna just do that so you do three three damage to very nice mr mr claw lincoln defend or take the damage i'm gonna take the damage i think one plus four is five okay yeah plus i actually interrupt there so i should get an additional card and i'm probably going to need it yay okay dave's turn let me just draw these cards and then dave can think about what you want to do so if it's five i'm out and that basically just wants to i just watch you guys play yes oh my gosh i mean yeah i should have as it turns out what i should have done was not when i refreshed i should have flipped over and healed last turn that's what i should have done instead of attack twice or yeah i think i have to defend i think you do too or do i take the chance no no he just went up in attack and he did five damage to two things already hanging on there you're insane because i can't remember i don't want to hear okay i'll just thank you all right this is going to be bad it's going to be it's going to be like no it's going to be two and it's going to be nothing no it's two stars oh that's not good put weapons runner into play engage with you it's immediately gonna attack you okay and if this activation deals damage to you exhaust your hero so you take one damage but you cannot be re-exhausted by sonic boom and you take no damage so it's one minus one whatever you defended so you take no damage i take no damage from claw okay then you will take one from this because that also attacks you in this phase um okay so wow yeah now if i hadn't defended what would have happened you would have taken two one from claw and one from this guy i know fair enough yeah you would have missed but you would have also been exhausted anyway because oh so you saved the damn hooray hey we did it we saved one okay all right now we all get an encounter card what's this this one that's an extra deck and had to take a second remember i did that and there aren't very many cards in this encounter no yeah we're about to add an acceleration operation there's still some all right aaron good luck okay we're all counting on you i'll play the first one first radioactive man yeah he's the one that discards cards yep from your hand when he attacks you does hawkeye happen now or on your happens immediately thank you for the reminder after a minion enters play remove an arrow card what about that one too that should also have immediately that should be dead it would it entered play and he doesn't take damn he doesn't take injury either because he no it can't be dead it needs two right right that's what he's going to do two damage oh so you should take your damage back nice okay hawkeye yeah yeah thank you i totally forgot so his second arrow will put two damage on this nice my second encounter card is ritual combat no no this is where we draw one of these and i choose to either take x damage to my hero or x threat on the main scheme which is four i think you need to put this threat i think i have to yeah because otherwise i'd be at what yeah you can't go down to one i can't go down to one can't can't i guess hawkeye can't take it right well it's not it's not no it's it's literally just damage to your hero or threat that's all right thread it is i mean well four hold on look let's no because this is still going to happen no no that don't know you're right it already happened you're right do i want to go to one no are you gonna heal on your turn i might be able to heal twice on my turn is the thing lincoln just discarded first aid but we've all got that in our deck well i used it i didn't even discard it i'm just conceivably selfishly on my heal five points on my turn that's the thing and hawkeye can absorb my next attack so if we think that four threat is really really better we're at right now we're at 17 and gaining six every time a villain faces you gotta take it we can't take can't take four threat i think i gotta go to one i don't think so at least i go first there's enough well no what if something you don't go first you go last no when in the upcoming player turn oh shoot i don't know no you you're the last one there's so many things that could do one damage to every character all right fourth round i think it's too dangerous i agree with that all right i i don't want to do it i just think it's but i agree with you if you were first that'd be one yeah all right that was my second card all right nikki yeah yeah nikki's card right here could kill you and we're done with this deck so we're gonna do another excel does that happen now or after i do my thing it won't matter because this isn't gonna happen for a while i have a masters of mayhem oh do we have any are we this is a masters of evil he's going to attack me this would have killed me yeah or would have killed hawkeye okay so he immediately attacked so each master of evil minion attacks the hero it is engaged so that's me because that would be like that would have killed you exactly i just told you well no i could have sacrificed hakka true but in this case i will just take the one damage okay and then oh i have to discard a random card yuck you get to look at it yeah it's that one that counts double for paying for leadership cards it hasn't been that useful for me yet all right all right lincoln yep hey it goes to me peter parker you may flip to an alter ego choose one uh which i will do probably i guess to heal um oh it's your objective yes it's my obligation obligation it's called eviction notice exhaust peter parker removed eviction notice from the game discard one card at random from your hand this card gains surge discard this obligation so i guess i have to flip it and exhaust which is terrible but it i can i can't even heal you can't because you're on the correct side so i'm good and this is gone yeah i'm gonna put it over here because it's i'll put it face up but that way it just comes back into the uh oh math the masters of evil side scheme okay they have arrived to attack the heroes when revealed discard cards from the encounter deck until a masters of evil minion is discarded [Music] whirlwind put that master evil in engagement with the first player no aren't you glad you didn't make me go down one hit point hey look there's another one of those plus symbols again oh my gosh [Laughter] and three threat per player so 12 on this yep come on oh yeah that's great we're so doomed we are done doctor doom is our doctor doomed all right well past the start player marker i know we're going to run out of tokens i'm going to die before my turn gets here yeah all right nicky yeah i don't need wait what hawkeye gives him two damage from an arrow [Music] pew pew all right showed up yep he was put into play literally have nothing i can oh my gosh wow wait um can someone have her draw a card i'm not on that side of my character i cannot i could pay for a lot of stuff but i don't have anything you want to look at my cards oh i believe it's all strength wow she literally has nothing no actions and nothing to do wakanda forever yeah that is crazy yeah it is crazy and your hero's exhausted do anything all right so just figure out what side you want your hero to end up on yeah i guess we have to be on the non-threat side i think we have to be on the non-threat side if at all so i go i'll just no no that is the same i'll just stand this way yeah yeah all right lincoln that was my turn wow we're at 21 right we only need pretty crazy more 15 more ends the game yeah and we're gonna get yeah we're gonna at this this yeah yeah okay wow and look we're all exhausted too it's not even like the only ready hero oh i can at least ready myself yes wow and i lost a card this is crazy yeah okay well first thing i'm gonna do is mockingbird is gonna come into play she's gonna cost three she stuns an enemy stun something you wanna stun i suppose whirlwind whirlwind because he does he hits everyone yeah yep okay and then i will spend one to play this web shooter which gives me uh yep three right yeah oh nice so i at least have some juice and then i'm going to flip back over to this don't don't unexhaust yourself oh that's right you're here yep oh and uh aunt may it's gonna have to be oh no alter ego right so i have to flip it to this i have to do it before you start yeah do it so do that i'm gonna get four that gives me nine which is helpful and then i'll flip over to the heroes side and you know what i actually spent this to pay for this but peter parker did it on the other side so there you go so i have two cards in my hand that's fine because i'd like to hold on to them all right okay wait wait it was this that goes and that gets discarded okay all right i am going to exhaust my arc reactor to ready iron man ready iron man but i'm not using him just yet instead i'm going to pay for this uppercut event card with these three things and deal five damage to this guy nice that's good okay then i'm gonna play chase him down yeah after your hero attacks and defeats an enemy remove two threat from a scheme it's free which scheme do you think aaron uh well they're all bad they're all bad this one has an ongoing effect this one already placed whirlwind so i think this one okay two sure two two is what it takes yep only two to make a thing go right all right and then i'm gonna spend one to play this first eight event on myself and take two healings and then i'm going to flip over to my tony's dark side and i'm going to take my tony stark action just to look at the top three cards and add one to my hand and it's definitely going to be this one those go here and then i'm going to exhaust the heel for three and i'm back to 10 soon to be down to lower than that when the thing attacks me end of turn i am going to use my re-channel ability i spend an energy i heal a point and i draw a card i'm going to exhaust alpha flight and just discard a card and draw a new card i don't get the bonus because i'm not carol danvers right captain marvel i'm gonna put three energy on this energy channel card nice with energy absorption and i'm going to i'm going to thwart i can only take two off of this unfortunately all right so we're down to one no we're down to four oh okay that was a five yeah um and i could have i could have hawk i'll have hawkeye thwart he's oh he doesn't have any damage yet he'll take one off of there okay and you know what what what aaron i'm gonna play for costs zero ready an ally and have him do that again okay damage yeah because i mean he's almost he can still take more damage and fire his last arrow yep it's like goes down to two i think i think we should do that one yeah so now with just a two we'll clear that uh that scheme that's so that's about all i can do if only we had another turn yeah to live yeah yeah uh get ready's got some nice flavor text on it we train hard every day so when the time comes we'll be ready steve rogers very nice um let's see so i'm done okay so now we can all discard draw up to your hand limit and then ready your cards i am going to get rid of that it's the phase that refreshes oh we get to refresh this is going to be don't worry you'll need to you'll need to defend again he's a fighter dude it's gonna be bad yeah it it's always bad okay now everyone ready yep yeah uh we're gonna place eight threat on the main scheme go for it i don't like it uh we're now at 29 out of 36 30 36 to die okay okay i don't think we're going to survive no no i don't either we're going to die probably on my turn on your turn yeah oh cause you get to do a scheme i'm on alter ego well no that it's going to be like we're going to get to like 33 or 30 yeah all right let's see the villain engages so attacks black panther sweet let's go are you going to defend are you going to take some damage um uh oops i've got three cards i don't know that exhausts me right if i differentiate defend and exhaust you that is correct no i need to have my hair you have the most out of anybody yeah right you take five five one plus both of those man there was that decision i know right lincoln um i'm here to take a hit and yeah you ready you're built up you take six oh my gosh wow yeah wow yeah what happened to these cards remember when there was nothing on them dave you can do nothing about the scheme no the scheme adds three threat i believe that puts us at 32 out of 36. all right since hawkeye to make this clear i might have been about to do this wrong but since hawkeye only has one health point left i am going to exhaust him to defend this he's going to soak up all this damage and pretty much die but yes i have to make this decision before we uh see these boost cards okay you can't see the incoming damage and then decide how to defend makes sense i should have done the same thing with mockingbird because you know she could have just taken it all that's fine but yeah you had nine i mean yeah yeah you didn't know it was going to be six but so i mean either one of them i could have taken it you know it could have taken the damage it's three damage spending plus give the villain a tough card so i would have been down to two but hawkeye is just going to go ahead and retire early okay and now we get some encounter cards here's yours here's yours and here's yours and let's see if we make it to the next turn all right nikki oh i'm first yeah you are oh wait sorry okay and on my turn whirlwind would attack but he's stunned so this comes off yep thank you family emergency obligation give to the carol danvers player have they have that hey i'll have this you may flip to alter ego form choose exhaust carol danvers removed from the game or you are stunned this card gains surge discard this obligation it really makes no difference whether we remove this or discard it so what is better exhaust or stunned well you don't want to search right you just pull another card yeah i don't really but i don't really want to be exhausted either who who does i mean that's what we've been doing to injure ourselves and yeah try to be able to do something the problem is i don't think we're gonna be able to do anything my thought is terrible yeah so if i do this no you know what i'm going to be stunned because i can still take all my action i'm not going to attack you stunned only blocks attack okay it does not block thwart okay extend in a surge yes okay but i think the surge attacks affects me because i have this card okay well good luck okay that's fine it's fun that way it's fine everything's good unlike normally when you have more than one encounter card surge says reveal the additional encounter card right now makes sense this is sonic boom when revealed either spend mental plus physical plus energy or exhaust each character you control nice and i can spend all of those but in this case i think i'll just exhaust myself let's see can i i can because i chose to be stunned and not exhaust myself and i don't want to discard three out of my five cards so now i will be exhausted by sonic boom okay and you have no other characters right correct okay hawkeye has retired all right we're done with that yes we'll come back to your other card yes now it's the spider mine is armored guard toughness once again i get they keep getting this guy yeah at least he's not too terrible no just annoying assault treachery alter ego side this card gained surge card please treachery ritual combat when revealed discard the top card of the encounter deck then choose to either deal x damage to your hero or place x threat on the main scheme x is one more than the number of boost icons on the discarded card there's one so you may take two down i'll take two damage or two nope i went to ten for a reason i hear you i'm now at eight and mine is claws vengeance when revealed hero claw attacks you if this does damage place one threat on the main scheme so i can't defend mockingbird could defend yeah go ahead are you are you or it could kill me no i mean absolutely go for it then you have to exhaust her but i agree that that is the correct decision so claw has won and he does a total of three but also [Music] it says if this deals damage to you it exhausts your hero it's not dealing damage to it to me or you so no one is exhausted mockingbird takes three damage and retires to the country however the attack dealt damage so we do get one threat here we're now three away from losing the game okay we survived that villain nikki you get a turn i get a turn we pass the first player no we pass the first player oh that passes it but you're right into the villain phase okay so she still gets a turn if we live that long if we lose no it doesn't you don't know that you haven't seen my cool card yeah okay well i will spend one of these put that into that i'll put it down here it doesn't matter and then i'm going to attach this to a minion it's fighter tracer forced interrupt when attached minion is defeated remove three threat from a scheme oh that's pretty cool so that's the first thing interesting is can i do you do you want to attach it over here this mean is a lot more dangerous sure it's designed because it damages everyone and has attack too yep that's fine put that over there i mean i'm not going to be able to deal with him anyway but somebody might want to well i mean i might deal with him now i'm damaged when i'm just doing uh i'm pretty damaged so then i'm gonna spend so is he yeah i'm gonna spend everything to put out nick fury i mean you know he isn't really it's like we've been talking about he's kind of expensive and he doesn't really do that much right but after nick fury enters play choose one remove two threat from a scheme draw three cards or deal four damage to an enemy at the end of this round if nick is still in play discard him so first thing is what do we have left there's two left on that one correct yeah let's just deal with that is it just two is what it is yeah remove two threat from a scheme however that does 10 damage to claw because it was boosting right by 10. yeah i'm just reminding everybody [Music] well we're making a good showing exactly we're trying we're saving face so i have to deal with him and i have no buffs so i think they both have to do it to to take him out first off does that do again the little one token i used it already that was that's how i got the that you know one little power so first off two damage to uh to uh armored guard so just this basically yeah okay and then an additional two damage three three exactly plus one yeah goodbye armor guard yeah okay and that is the end of my turn top cards keep one uh oh yeah oh but these are good no it's gonna be great too all right i'll keep this one that hurts okay well the good thing is only we only put in seven uh threat right if we get to the end of this turn right okay so if we can knock this down let's see what's it at right now i'm going in an aerial number 32 is it 33 okay so if we can take out five we might live a whole another turn oh wait we're just like hanging on like earth all right with your with your power i'm flipping over yeah if she has wakanda forever she can take two out here and two out there meanwhile what are you doing okay i'm flipping over i'm going into aerial mode by getting rid of start tower i just wanted to read this to you okay i never used it if i had it on the board i could exhaust stock start tower and choose a player and that player can return the talk the topmost tech upgrade in their discard pile to their hand oh yeah yeah but instead it's got brains but certainly using it okay okay supersonic punch in aerial mode i'm going to spend these two to deal eight damage to claw please he's down to 56. well that's close now we're there right oh man oh man that's just funny to me okay then i am going to attack peter's going to die this round anyway i'm gonna attack with iron man i guess i'll defend that is one two three four five i'm gonna get rid of this guy i think that's a really good idea it also removes three threat from a scheme all right so i assume the main one is yes please will kill us so that guy goes away and then chase him down for free after your hero attacks and defeats an enemy remove two threat from his game hey we may live a turn okay and then i'm gonna do this to ready iron man and then i am going to uh i'm gonna thwart plus my helmet that takes four off of a scheme wow yep and then finally repulsor blast i'm gonna pay for it with this this is that one all right one damage plus one two three four five plus two for every lightning bolt so one nothing nothing unless it's wild i know it hasn't because it says printed nothing and nothing and nothing wow unbelievable well you're gonna you're gonna take another one of those cards that's a good thing i'm gonna do my dad did we do the one already no do the one i'll do the one just um i've got one card left i'm going to keep an end return okay i'm stunned and exhausted me too so i can't attack or take a basic action but i can play i can heal spider-man i'm gonna play first aid okay and i'm gonna pay for it with this card so you can heal two damage yep thank you i'm going to i'm going to use my character ability to spend an energy heal myself one and then draw one replacement card hey avengers mansion that's not going to help at all i'm going to exhaust alpha flight station to discard avengers mansion and draw a replacement card and okay i i have i'm going to do this because i'm going to have to do it eventually i'm going to play photonic blast which is an attack hero action paying the cost i pay the cost with energy i draw a card but because i'm stunned the next time i would attack i discard this card instead okay okay there's a reason i now oh hey now i have a card and now my next attack will be to discard energy channel which has four tokens on it it does eight damage to clock nice it's just basically the only thing i can do yeah but that's something something yeah and you're going to draw a full full set of cards almost yeah uh 47 but i can't can't do any fort or anything and you want to flip over or no we don't want anything no we don't want a threat right we just have to hope that we live i'm done okay i'm gonna put out an ally here black widow hey and she actually has an interrupt if i have the correct card so let me pay for it first um yeah i'm going to pay for it with this oh cool there's three so her interrupt is when a card is revealed from the encounter deck exhaust black widow and spend is that a science resource uh mental yeah mental um cancel the effects of that card and discard it then reveal another card from when they encounter deck okay so you just get to like say not that one a different one you still have to draw a card sure text nope what there was a lot on that card there was no flavor then i will also play sherry yeah for two yeah you've got the card there that's nice um now she i can uh i have all of my when she comes into play you can pull and upgrade but i have all my upgrades so um that's it and then i'll just attack with iv yeah short thoughts i am tired you can twerk with the other two if you want to oh yeah okay so let's uh thwart for two and she exhausts also and she takes the damage she does take a damages okay right and then thwart for one wow we got down to 20. 19. and she takes the damage yeah okay discard draw back up to your hand size and refresh all your questions hey guess what i need to uh we have to do a one of these oh you oh cause you're running through your deck yeah so you just get this which will you'll get two this turn yep well three because i'm gonna start playing hey i need one two aaron no there's no extra cards oh there isn't on this one i need one too no you went through your deck again yeah because i'm like oh dude because of that raspberry stick is getting smaller and smaller we're almost about to get to another one of these tokens because of that completely worthless repulsor blast or whatever it was give you one right five cards for nothing yeah great i have one card oh my gosh yes that's actually good because at least you don't get a bonus card this turn all right so we have three accelerations out so we are gonna have seven new threat is this a scheme this is the village scheme no this is place threat it's the first part oh he is got it he's not going to scheme because we're all in hero mode unless a card tells us yeah okay so now do we have this are there any minions we cleared all the minions right so he's just going to attack us each in turn so spider not that oh yeah yeah we're an attack first yep oh and this is refreshed nick fury should also refresh right he doesn't know he's dead well no at the end of this at the end of the round yeah so he can soak up into yeah yeah that's refreshed as well refresh and they can soak up an attack for you which may be very valuable or they can so kind of attack for someone else who's about to leave yeah oh it stays for the whole round the round nice not just our part of the round exactly makes them a little more valuable so literal shield as well as an agent exactly shield spy yeah uh so lincoln yeah here's your attack what are you gonna do i'm gonna take it because nick fury's probably gonna where you're gonna let nick you have to decide now okay so he's out i'm just exhausted yeah he's taking one two three damage and exhaust each ally you control so good thing he would have been exhausted anyway three damage takes him out uh and does that count as an attack to you that draws a card i guess it does nick just defended it but you were attacked so another card i would use yeah i would say yes uh iron man uh just bring it on i got eight you got eight yeah you your attack is one four total four all right down to four i just have i'm just gonna take my damage i can take six four plus weapons runner who attacks me for one so i'm at one [Laughter] yeah the problem is we we keep staying on this side to try to prevent threats to prevent threats nobody's getting nobody's good well we're healing up to just enough to get yeah slammed down to one to or less now um i think i have to defend throw an ally oh an ally yeah let let black widow die or or shuri because sure he's got terrible stats she does so uh sure yeah let her soak it up she takes five damage well then she's well she is gone i know hey it came in i mean i wish she had come in earlier because it would be well worth the two costs you paid to avoid five damage okay now we all get our encounter cards lincoln and i each have two oh wait oh nicki can't have one oh good acceleration token because we've run through the deck again oh man [Laughter] [Music] there's going to come like a turn this turn or next turn where we all just have to flip to alternating i have a feeling that the next round is going to be just lincoln and nikki playing by themselves it might you i think you and i are gone maybe i don't know like right now health that's not good it might be just lincoln honestly will save you from one thing yeah you have nothing to protect me hey if players die is it still per player or is it per active player i think it's set at the beginning of the game it doesn't adjust to the current number of living players it really should that makes sense that would be too easy all right all right lincoln one card at a time heart-shaped herb herb treachery surge after this card resolves reveal one additional encounter card when revealed give the villain and each minion engage with you a tough status card so he's got he can't have another one yeah and then uh oh and he and you don't have any minions so right but you do get another card yeah oh my gosh okay well first let's do this one because we do them in order no no this one's not reveals as part of that okay hey immortal claw scheme side oh no claw's mastery of sound allows him to restore his solid form through sheer power of will yeah i guess schemes are just discarded and they're back into the deck so he goes back up 10 hit points to 57 and we add 12 threat to that card oh man yeah what are we out of well we're out of fives so we need a five a three acceleration or that that's acceleration are we going to run out of acceleration tokens we do have no more wow are we doing something wrong no we're just we're just hanging on to death this is the last one surge after this card is real reveal one additional encounter card okay so one more card wow this is crazy i know tiger shark shark uh forced response after tiger shark attacks give him a tough status card wow he's not attacking right yeah no he is no he's not no we're going to have that part of the face you have a villain in tough stuff okay we won't be alive to worry about it dave all right here we go he's got six he's a masters of affairs of state obligation here you go chala oh no what do i have to do [Applause] huh you may flip to the alter ego and then choose um exhaust t'challa remove affairs of state from the game choose to discard a black panther upgrade you control discard this obligation i was so excited i was gonna have a good turn i thought i was um i'm exhausting and then armored guard toughness yeah and you can't attack i can't check the villain while i have this thing okay turn yeah oh it's assault which is the villain attacks you what you're in trouble aren't you i think i need black widow to save me i can do it i can do otherwise i'm dead no matter what i can do right i can interrupt or and do when the card's revealed no just let the attack happen and let her die okay well because otherwise we don't know what the next card is going to be that's true it draws another card it doesn't make it happen right okay i think it's better just let her take the well my goodness 5 000 damage got those two out there and they didn't last so black widow takes one two three plus this is the one where if it if it deals damage to you exhaust your hero so she took three damage thank you black widow you're welcome all right again now you do your card oh no what is this guy melter he actually he's the one that targets your allies first and you just got rid of all your allies oh well then there you go um yeah but so he's engaging with you and me engaged he doesn't really do anything except more damage annoying okay he's attack three though that's huge no that's a tire shark as well wow okay okay uh that was everything now we passed the first player token and we get one more turn all right okay oh k well let's do this first aid first [Music] we were so close get rid of the war machine for that and that takes me up to six that's the right card come on oh i have to do this first boo yeah well you can attack other players minions you just can't attack the claw well i want to attack the claw no i don't want i don't no okay i'm going to use uh iron man to attack this guy for one right and then i will bring him back and then i will do ooh i will do relentless assault it cost me these two i deal five damage to a minion if you paid for this card using the strength thing which i did then any excess from the minion goes to the villain oh so this does five so three plus two to the villain nice this goes away relentless assault there's no flavor text on that and then because i'm a glutton for punishment here comes that repulsor blast okay dude all right i just shuffled my deck one two three four five so that's gonna be one plus nothing plus nothing plus nothing plus nothing plus nothing no crazy fool one please horrible one damage to them one damage yeah your misfiring repulsor is that i could have built myself and then last but not least iron man fights again do you want a fighter thwart guys what do you think do you care not really all right i'm gonna fight then all right let's just go down swinging that does five damage okay because i'm no does i'm sorry it does three damage because i'm not in aerial mode and i'm done okay i'm going to i'm going to play maria hill everyone draws she's back i told you she was okay she just retired and yay took a break uh i will i don't have enough for that damn it uh i have to i this is risky but i have to do it i have a flip to carol danvers and recover i need to recover four damage or else i'm just gonna dive to the first thing that touches me okay um i will choose a player to i will exhaust this discard a card and draw two because i'm now carol danvers and i'll play uh cosmic flight so captain marvel can fly when i'm captain marvel that's all i can have and i'll have maria hill activate taking a damage and do two thwart i'll take this thing down maybe we'll get back down to have claw have 48 points before we die i'm done right now it's nine that comes out every round yes i mean it's not enough it's not enough yeah six it puts us at 34. unless nothing else adds up now aaron's going to add some because i'm going to add this all right let's go all right so i'm turning it over to the fight side and i'm doing a wakanda for forever hey yay is correct pay for the card pay for the card okay uh we really just want to pretend that we can knock him out right that all this doesn't matter as much well we can get him 10 damage to him when we clear it okay let's see then i will leave my thwart till the end but it's only two yeah um who has bad guys on them that want to get taking yeah i would like to you you and lincoln and me but this one's the two you and lincoln you can do two damage this is two uh only if i save it for the end so lincoln let's do this special choose a player you uh deal one damage to the villain and each enemy engaged with that player all right then um we can thwart remove one threat from a scheme on that yes sure it's at ten i mean we can do either one well i mean we're never going to take we really need to try to hit him i know but we also need to just right now we're going to survive a turn well maybe maybe well just do it just do it which which one is the question i think it should be that one all right whichever one she picks because we have to try to if we're going to try to win we have to i understand we have to stay alive i agree all right uh then let's take out one of the vibranium suit yeah so it's something if you can i yeah sure i take a dan i take one of my damages so i go to five and i put it on a bad guy so there yeah okay and then this is my last in the sequence so it's four damage to the bad guys i mean 47. we can get there pretty quick all right it's really only it's really like 37 once we get rid of that i know right and i got a second wakanda kind of forever so let's do okay with that one and okay let's all go do it again and we're gonna do the same thing okay so we're gonna choose a player and do some damage which and damage and one to claw the claw that kills this wonder claw goodbye weapons runner yes that's fun okay yeah and then we're gonna thwart so just take another one off here then i'm going to remove one of my damage and go to six and put it over on that dude and then uh i'll do four damage to claw yeah nice that's all the wakanda stuff and i'm already exhausted so i can't do anything and i don't know if that's worth it okay i'm done first thing i'm going to do is surveillance team daredevil is going to pay for that because it's two when i'm paying for one of those um and it puts three tokens on here so that these are snoop tokens and you get threes this time well i'm gonna use one okay i see because that's all i have yeah okay uh and then for an action i'm gonna remove one of these um and then uh take one uh thread off of that one that's fine if we're going to do that sure then i'm going to spend three oh the first date's pretty great so i'll do well you don't have anything to pay for no peter can pay for it on the other side um so i'll spend three to put into play the swinging web kick which gives eight to claw nice i know it's pretty awesome when it can happen and then i'm going to attack tiger shark with peter okay or spider-man that's just the two to take him out plus one because it's yep yep and that goes back into the yep and then he's exhausted but i'm going to flip them over and maybe hang on hang on this does something first right oh yeah another another one off of there yep thank you and then aunt may will heal four for me nice uh go to nine and then the last thing i'm going to do is peter is going to generate a resource i'm going to heal two who needs it uh i mean i can only take one it's prime air i'm at six and he's at five nikki's six i'm at six as well so what do you think heal one yeah it's heal two i would say aaron yeah yeah just just so because he's the star player oh wait i didn't spend anything no i'm the star it doesn't matter i i can save yours for another turn because i have this too for energy to do to do stuff well now that's okay you want to be on that side anyway all right okay and i think may needs to be exhausted yep she does me is done all right maybe done maybe done okay you know what i think really instead of taking those two off of there we should take it off here it will give us a chance to maybe make it so two back over there we're still in and two over there i i can't see we're still going to idea what it is but you're right yeah this is but at least we'll get to see it happen we might get to see it happen all right um so we're i'm drawing all right so that's it refresh everything refresh yes one two three four five six seven seven six okay hey but i can draw six finally that's one reason why i wanted to be on the other side maybe i'll have some stuff to stop some things two now whatever okay we have 20 24. and we add nine okay this is 32. no that person says 33. but 32 would finish the scheme anyway so if this stage is completed the players lose the game the game is over before we even get to oh really it is attacks yeah no that was not enough okay we needed more thwarts to even get to the double uh schemes for carol danvers and peter parker that were probably gonna kill us anyway correct right because that's a minimum of that's a minimum of four more right we were listening we were dead you were correct to not do this but the reason we were doing this was we were going to probably lose anyway and we were just trying we're just kind of trying we're trying to stay faced yeah see how far down we could not claw well i could have been moving from this instead of that yeah but that was two more it didn't really matter but then it's it's a push pull it down that's right it's like it's almost more fun like can we get him down to like 19 before we die yeah right because it was looking very much all right so claws secret rendezvous has taken place and we have not stopped his weapons deal and we are bad heroes who did not save the world we have lost our inaugural game of marvel champions okay [Music] ingenious supplies and that is marvel champions we have failed to defend the city and claw has completed his weapons deal the heroes can't win them all maybe next issue will be better what'd you guys think of marvel champions i'll i must say uh this ticks that box for lincoln like you should never win a co-op the first time absolutely so there you go that's a good thing for him i i did enjoy it i enjoyed we did play with um you know the pre-made decks i think it would be interesting now that i know how the game operates to try to make my um deck a little more interesting but i did love this whole the sequence thing um that's a really was really but i don't know what i could have done to do larger hits a bigger pal like my biggest attack if i can fire it off two times right um is eight but it's supposed to be a lot of little pieces and not one big thing i'm wondering if he wants to work you say that as eight but it really wasn't right there was one time where you you hit if like if someone's got a lot of minions in front of them you get boom boom like if lincoln had three minions in front of him it would be hit right that's where i'm going with this and removing multiple status cards yeah at once you did many times yeah that was really good well that's where i'm going with this with this particular character is maybe right he's not go going after the big guy what he's doing is making sure everybody else that can do a bigger hit right um isn't fighting little minions and things the whole time like i could take care of that pretty handily i felt um and then spider-man or iron man or you can do like that 13 hit that you did early on in the game like that spider-man's deck i thought was cool because spider-man from the get-go if you get the cards yeah do i mean i mean damage in the first round yeah yeah me i have to get there yeah but then once i get there i mean well what was the deal well go ahead what you're using once i can get there the ability for me to do this twice and refresh it and to yeah i mean that's pretty great yeah so aaron's though is it's captain marvel it's super powerful what what needed to happen for you to be i needed to draw well i'd have a lot of drawing and cycling cards but i wasn't drawing the energy resources i needed to power my bigger cards so i needed aerial for a long time as and i have a few copies of that card but you know i have the one that does five damage but it needs it needs and well it doesn't need energy but like so i've got the five damage card and the one that stores up energy but you know i i just didn't get those consistently and the one that stores up energy does it have a max limit or convex ten five energy makes 10 damage wow still pretty good but then it discards the card sure i've got to store it again but yeah like i think i was supposed to do a lot more damage than actually happened in our game okay well you were taking it at the end i was yeah but i like that she i have basically a double heel like i got the four heel on this side and the one every time that also draws a card on the captain marvel side so she's quite versatile in addition to having a lot of combat abilities i like i like i would love to see one big i mean i had a couple of really big tournaments like when i had a 15 damage turn or so like dave had yeah well no both of us i mean lincoln lincoln did eight plus some other stuff i mean i mean five and i had that 13. the the challenge is the allies and i didn't see them nearly enough and i maybe discarded them a couple of times when it was essential to get like this the swinging web kick in because i mean i feel that that's great the downer is is i don't think we i think it's very challenging to win against this because adding it 72 was that what it was for the second part yes yeah i mean that seems really ch i mean we did okay but we got a lot further than i thought it was i mean in theory it says 34 but in theory we took it down to 24 right because 10 is already right we already got rid of this 10 once you think about that 72 to 24 is pretty cool i know i mean it just was really it was 120 to start with both all this so we did stuff ramping up we did about 100 plus getting plus ones on those others you know that's just really what wiped us out but that's the whole point of the game right it's to make it challenging and i do love that it's hard i mean yeah that's what i want it to be i am very eager to try other characters now and i yeah the downer is i it makes me want to get more of these games i think that's right i think that's the whole idea i'm right there with you like i want to try more characters i want to get you know hulk right and like i don't even know what else is out there so ant-man was there that folds out and you have a giant it's funny because i feel the same way and that's really interesting because a lot of times especially the first time you play a game like this yeah what you really want to do is play the same character again now that you know how it works but i'm with you i actually want to play it differently yeah i do yeah and not just because i thought i mastered this character i mean clearly i don't know how to fire a repulsor blast to save my life yeah and you did it once i did it three times i know but the first time it was the one time you dealt damage right but the other two times not only did it was it worthless but it it it put me 10 cards further through my deck to give me a second one of these encounter cards right i mean in other words that was also potentially a mistake i mark on my first time mistake let's say on my part because i burned through my i mean i when i did that last repulsor blast my desk was almost gone yeah so i was really asking for i was asking for it in a way by by doing that but um but i still got these out and so that satisfies sure the iron man thing i'm like pull the iron man both of those things were great to actually happen it would have been great if shuri could have helped here's what i think is actually the coolest uh part of this game and it does tie into the fact that there are a bunch of characters and you can get new characters into your hero rotation is that like each of these characters powers and personality is represented by what seems to be a unique game mechanic on in their character deck yeah so because iron man you have this thing where you start off fairly weak with a one hand size but then as you expand and upgrade your armor you become more and more powerful right and nikki as she gets her black panther gear gets more and more versatile right like so every character has their spider-man has aunt may do you have any science ability nick he's got slingers yeah yeah so like everybody's but they all operate differently yeah they're not all just cards with flavor that do the same right you don't have the same version that i do but just because the captain marvel name instead of the iron man the decks themselves and the way you play and operate your cards are totally different just for these four characters that we've seen and i'm assuming she-hulk as well and i'm thinking every character that you bring in is gonna have like a new sort of way of operating their deck and getting their cards in play and like playing their stuff and i think that's really really clever game design and it's and it just adds to the like novelty of having your new hero play the aspect really one of the things that i think that is interesting about the aspects i think are another cool way of customizing because you know switching to from justice to something else might be kind of interesting sure that's another way of yeah like yeah you know not playing the same exact deck over here absolutely i do love that you have i i you know the the three power for that one card for uh captain marvel yeah that's just you know those kinds of things are great and that's totally thematically great for her character i think that's all that i think it's a blank card other than that though i think it's all it's yours is your big crazy spider-man hit thing a justice card or is it the justice does not do anything so it's just an eight yeah it's part of my base so if you had the aggression deck as well i know that could be pretty then you could have the deal five damage to an enemy and peter parker might be too much spider-man you know which would be cool i'd love i'd love to see that too you know to try some of the different aspects what do you see in there nikki p you're looking through everything i was looking through like the med team i kind of wanted to put out but it was close to the end of the game and it was the choice between the black widow or the bad team but the med team um can heal two damage um on any any character oh like yeah so i get like three tokens and i i move one token off and someone can heal for two um so and then i was looking at the loot cage um i never did get him out because i had to discard him at the very beginning of the game yeah i think i saw him you're like opening hand but he comes out and you get a a tough stats card with him so that's kind of cool because he'll come out and get one of those look at his hit points way takes way more expensive damage so my green cards which i think no one else had because they were the protection card had a lot of interesting stuff that um i didn't use all of them probably to the best of their abilities i felt the same like i had a lot of in maria hill was nice that we play i played a couple times but a lot of my leadership cards just did not arrive at the right time in my hand so that's that concern like the get behind me one that was good yeah you said uh there's ant-man is one of the new heroes so we mentioned that the another hero yeah we have rhino not new right yeah we have rhino in the basic set is like the starter villain right and ultron is like the sort of hard mode like the hard mode the one you build up to you could have played this in hard mode if we had done clock two and clock three this was supposed to be sort of easy i know i'm just wondering do new villains does it or does a new like a pack always come with like a new hero and villain yeah so they're separately so there's a there's hero decks so we do have ant-man and there's uh a scenario pack for um [Music] green goblin that we have i mean this is what we have it's just a separate thing exactly it's like a blaster so like ant-man will add that's a blister pack and we'll add additional um uh aggression cards that they're not part of his deck so there are things that go into this art does he add any of these or those just yeah i'm pretty sure it adds all that stuff okay and then there's um there's actually boxes so there's now box expansions okay that give you more you know more heroes more uh villains and more uh uh these the encounter cards nice is that what they are encounter cards yeah that's what these are yeah the evil ones yeah well these deals here these these these are schemes they are usually in counter cards yeah those schemes i don't know [Music] we went so long without seeing any more schemes that it seemed like the game was kind of easy at the start and then when these schemes started piling up yeah they were putting out like a seven eight nine thread everything nikki's deck coming into the game oh man my deck that hurt us right there too yeah that was fun yeah there was a lot of really fun aspects to it yeah i mean it's i know you're not crazy about marvel anymore i mean you said when we played another just overkill for yeah at this point but i mean i honestly do want to try other decks and other heroes yeah because of the system not necessarily well the fun thing is he knows this stuff that i do i was into this as a teenager a hundred percent and i never dreamed that it would take over the world in the way it has but it's just like you know it's just so much that it's like everybody it's what's great about these these are these ips right there's so much stuff that it makes it can make the game quite interesting and these little tweaks gives you that give you the character the feel of that character yeah exactly and i really love that i think it's a real strong you know it's there's a reason why these ips are are popular is that people will be able to i mean as far as for game companies yeah it seems like every major publisher has some you know marvel some really great stuff with and this is really really solid i i so i know it has some genes connected to the arkham horror card game and you can kind of feel some of that but i do love that the main game box gives you enough to do for the original one that we played ages ago right we needed two boxes to do that to play a four player exactly and i like that it's you can't do both um she-hulk and uh iron man which is a bummer because that would be funny oh i didn't give you enough aggression to do that okay because they are both aggression-based but you could change their aspect um obviously we remove the justice cards from spider-man and she can become justice so she's a lawyer it's the master or if you had two copies of the game right then you'd have enough aggression cards to go around plus you might be able to get them in you can play four players out of the boxes because the ant-man gives you three aggression cards three new aggression cards so it's cool i mean i love that kind of uh growth with this with the games i mean that's what's great about the arkham horror card game it's neat stuff that keeps adding to it and it's a little teeny bits of stuff that you add but adds a lot to the game i want uh i want the uh doctor strange deck yeah let's go buy some new ones right here he was in my deck just no just an individual car it was the engineers it was a basic one but i i would love to see what what a doctor strange deck looks like oh i bet there's some weird mechanics in that one some time loops and i want a doctor strange card that moves me to the other side of the game table yeah and now like i'll go then aaron goes and then i go again before nicki goes okay but on that side of the table yeah absolutely well thanks for teaching us aaron you bet thanks for playing and thanks to you for watching if you like this video hit the thumbs up button and consider subscribing to our channel if you click on the bell to get notified when we put up new videos see you next time [Music] you
Channel: BoardGameGeek
Views: 82,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GeekUsername:heccubus, session, board game
Id: q4DAs625O6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 15sec (11055 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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