How to Play MARVEL CHAMPIONS the Card Game - A solo playthrough w/ Spider-Man vs Rhino

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welcome in this video gonna do a solo playthrough of Marvel champions the card game with spider-man taking on rhino so first her hero deck construction we're going to choose spider-man so you can take his main card see we've got his hero and alter-ego we can set that aside then you can see there are 15 cards associated with spider-man all those are gonna be part of his deck next we'll choose one of the four aspects I'll choose justice for spider-man and this is the complete set of what comes in a corset we are going to take out four cards as two of them or max one per player so we've got one of this card already in her deck and then same here max one per player we already have one of that and our deck size has to be a minimum of 40 cards with a maximum of 50 so to fill this up to 40 we're going to take some of the basic cards then put these into play most of these are gonna be maximum per player so we use an Avengers mansion Helicarrier strength genius and these are all four resources and energy then as a unique Ally we'll have Mockingbird Nick Fury and then I'm gonna put in three haymaker cards so we'll take all these and shuffle those together to create our hero deck now for a villain since we're using Peter Parker he has an obligation card this will be part of the villains encounter deck so you can see the backsides of our cards or gonna be blue counters were gonna be orange so that's gonna be the first card for a villain we are gonna Q's Rhino so he comes with a stack of 21 cards we're gonna be using basic mode so we're gonna use rhinos 1 & 2 and 3's more for the expert version this will be removed from the game for now we also have our main scheme so reading on this content it tells you right at 1 & 2 or you can use 2 & 3 for the expert mode I'm going to use standard encounter sets so in addition to the remainder of these cards or bring in the standard card so there's seven of these two three four five six seven that will be shuffled in with that set along with our eviction notice and we get one modular encounter set which is recommended to use the bottom scare so we'll take the six cards with bomb scare on the bottom level and all these will be shuffled together to create the villain encounter deck we'll flip this over and this is what we're trying to do our whole goal is to defeat two Rhino twice so with one player he's gonna start with fourteen hit points when we defeat that well do this one revealed effect and it'll get fifteen hit points and we defeat him again we win our lose conditions as if he defeats us taking us down to zero his points will lose or if you get seven threat tokens on the main scheme we will lose the game so this is seven per player we're gonna be playing eight one hero game so seven on that and we will lose so we've got tokens off to the side of the board some mentioned before for rhino one is health is gonna be 14 starting with so we've got his health tracker there and we're trying to prevent seven threat from getting on our main scheme here our hero starts with alter-ego form up we get a hand size of six cards to start with and Peter Parker starts with ten hit points so we've got our tracker here down to 10 under all six cards so we've got Aunt May benders mansion a swinging web kick webbed up Jessica Jones and a backflip we are allowed one mulligan so fact that I've got some expensive cards probably gonna discard that one along with Jessica Jones and I think we'll stick with these sure and draw two more cards getting great responsibility and another web dump so the hero's start the game so start with a player phase so we'll take turns in player order which it's a one player game so here's my marker let me know I'm player number one on our turn we can play cards trigger and request actions so no solo game won't be requesting any actions we can use our basic attack fort in recovery powers so that's gonna be on our cards so we can exhaust to gain three health or exhausted wart which is removing a threat from a scheme attack to do two damage to our villain and if we are being attacked we can exhaust to produce our damage by three of course our special abilities are spidey-sense interrupts so when the villain initiates attack against us we draw a card and as for your scientist generate a mental resource limit once per round so the first thing I'm going to do is go ahead and generate a resource I guess the proper way of doing that is I want to play this card it'll cost for resources I'm gonna use him to create one then I'm going to discard these three cards for two three and four resources so this card will come into play so maximum per player is an action we can exhaust to choose a player which will be ourselves and we will draw a card so I'm going to go ahead and do that cuz all sit and draw a card getting a Helicarrier and then I'd like to get ant-man into play it's a show cost one resource and the Helicarrier will go for that then gonna flip - our hero form which we can do once per turn and then I'm gonna go ahead and swing for two damage on rhino taking him down to 12 health just a note on a maid she has an alter ego action so I can only do that when our heroes in alter ego form and exhaust her to heal for damage from Peter Parker but we cannot go harder than our max hit points determined by our card so that's going to end our turn there so after all players have finished a turn we're going to discard any number of cards from her hand or up to our max hand size which will change depending on which form we're in and then we ready all of our cards so I have one card in hand that I'll keep on this side my max hand size is 5 so I'll draw 4 more cards getting 2 for justice a surveillance team and enhanced spider-sense and we'll ready your cards and it's time for a villain so the villain phase place threat on the main scheme and that is determined by this here so we're going to put +1 per player so we're gonna get one threat on our main scheme then the villain and each engage minion activates once per player in player order so if you are in hero form which we are the enemies attack us we may defend before the boost card is discarded so we'll see what that does and if we're in alter-ego form it's gonna scheme and add threat to the main scheme then we're gonna be dealt in the counter card and we'll reveal and resolve our encounter cards then pass the first player token if we're in a multiplayer game so he's going to attack and with our ability here when the villain initiates attack against us we will draw a card so getting daredevil he'll lay out 1 boost card so he's gonna do a base of 2 damage when he's attacking and a base of 1 scheme when he does that well flip the card we're gonna ignore everything on the card except what's in the bottom right corner so those two symbols there means he is being boosted by 2 so he's doing 4 damage to us which I'm kinda ok taking this early so we'll just go to six then we'll be dealt an encounter card and we will reveal that and resolve so when revealed for an alter-ego form court gain surge just means well discard didn't draw another one but if we're in hero form the villains going to attack us so he's gonna initiate an attack allowing us to draw a card put down a boost card and we're gonna choose not to defend again so doing base to attack plus another two so another four damage coming her way one of the cards in your hand is back flip as a cost of zero it's an interrupt during when we're defending but we do not have to actually defend to use this it's just during the defense phase when you would take any amount of damage from an attack prevent all of that damage so we will take zero damage for that and now we'll end the villain phase so back to our turn I'm gonna go ahead and use Avengers mansion to draw a card getting another back flip not to definitely come in handy later so I want to put black hat into play cost of two gonna spend these two resources to do that and then she has a forced response after you play black hat discard the top two cards of your deck and each card with a printed mineral resource discarded this way to her hand so discard two cards not mental not mental and even though this is wild we can't it doesn't work when just revealing cards it's looking for that specific icon so nothing from that we'll go ahead and use her to attack with now these little symbols down here means when we use them to attack they're gonna take consequential damage this is her health but as you can see here for her attack she does not take that consequential damage for attacking so go ahead and do that let's do one damage to Rhino then we're gonna use spider-man to attack for two damage taking it down to nine then we are going to flip over into Peter Parker for or alter-ego and even though we're exhausted we can still use this ability to make our next card come in a little cheaper so I want to play this for to will use his ability for one resource and pitch this one for one basically it's got three uses and Inter's play with three counters on it when those are going discard the card and for an action we can exhaust this card and remove a snuke counter to remove one threat from a scheme so it's gonna come into play with three counters and we're gonna go ahead and exhaust it to remove a counter to remove a threat from a scheme then Aunt May's gonna give us some Tylenol so we'll exhaust her to Hill for damage which will take us back up to 10 so we're full health that will end our turn I do not want to discard any my card so we'll draw up to six now that we're back in this form so four more cards getting great responsibility spider-sense spider-tracer and another interrogation and we were ready all of our cards and moved to rhinos he's gonna place a threats I want a scheme since we're an alter-ego for him he's gonna scheme he's gonna get one card with his boost so one plus two so he's adding three and of course with seven we lose so we've got four out of seven there so then we will draw one a counter card so we're an alter-ego card gain surged draw another card so gain surged again and this one when revealed place an additional threat here so this is another side scheme we have coming on it's gonna make an additional threat come out every round and it's gonna start with another two so we're gonna get three threat on this and as long as this scheme out start the turn we're gonna get two more coming out go ahead and place another one of these out and put three tokens on that so now we've got a little pressure go ahead and draw a card getting a genius so that's going to give us two resources I want to play for Justice of two resources I'm gonna use one from there which gives us our mental and one here and I just realized this is a hero action so I'll take that back a step I'm gonna flip over to spider-man and now I can play this and as a hero action for two resources and actually I'm gonna use these two resources to give my mental is when I use a mental I can remove four threat from a scheme so we'll go ahead and remove all four threat here then we're gonna have black cat for taking one off there but because of the symbol down here under the thwart she will take one damage she's got two health will exhaust this remove a token to remove another one then we'll have spider-man thwart it removes the last one and that will remove a bomb scare from the play giving us some breathing room there well in return we can discard cards I think I'll go ahead and get rid of that one and keep the other three so we'll draw two more getting more energy and a swinging web kick and we'll ready all of our cards and with just the one scheme back and play it we'll get one threat rhinos gonna declare an attack so we get to draw a card getting some more strength and I'm gonna choose not to defend so we're gonna take two plus another two so for damage going down the six then get an encounter card so when revealed four I know Hills for damage no damage was healed this way this card gains surge so he's gone from nine back up to thirteen so all this work and we've only gotten one damage off of him so with that sit back for our turn benders mansion draw a card getting Nick Fury so I want to play a swinging web kick so here are action till eight damage to an enemy so there's gonna be our three resources so taking him from 13 down to five now I'll go ahead and have black cat attack for one taking down the four then we want to play Nick Fury for a cost of four so four resources so when he comes into play we can remove two threat from the scheme draw three cards or deal for damage to an enemy the end of the round if Nick Fury is still in play discarding so he's gonna come into play and do four damage - Rhino which will take him down to zero meaning we've defeated the first phase of ride house but now the second one he's gonna come back with 15 health so we'll mark that up and when revealed search the encounter deck in discard pile for the break-in and taken sides game and reveal it shuffle the encounter deck so I'll see if it's over here nope looking for break-in and taken here we go there's that card go ahead and shuffle those back out then this side scheme when revealed place an additional threat here and it's gonna come out with another two so we're getting three threat and the symbol means it's a hazard deal plus one encounter card during the villain phase so instead of one encounter card coming to us we're gonna get two so we don't want that around for long either so then we'll go ahead and use Nick Fury to thwart he'll take one damage to remove two there and we'll go ahead and use spider-man to thwart you go ahead and get this thing out of the way so breaking and taking is going I'll go ahead and stay in hero form choose not to discard any cards it will draw four more getting a surveillance team a maker heroic intuition and a spider tracer we will ready our cards and place a threat on our main scheme villains gonna attack their ability will draw a card getting a surveillance team I'll get a boost and we're gonna decide to have him attack Nick Fury so no bonus three damage coming his way which is enough to take him down and we'll get encounter card so false alarm when revealed you're confused if you're already confused this card gain surge that's gonna be one of our status cards so the next time this character would thwart or scheme discard the status card instead so we're probably done thwarting with him now back to our turn start with avengers mansion to draw a card getting mockingbird I have black cat attack for one damage user lass stooop token remove a threat will have spider-man attack for two getting them down to 12 so I want to play surveillance team so to come in with three counters on it and I'll pay these two resources and I'm gonna go ahead and use it taking one of the three tokens off to remove a threat then we're gonna flip over to my alter-ego form and amas it's gonna heal us for for taking this back up to ten then I want to play Mockingbird for three so I'll use one from him and these two resources so after she enters play we can stun an enemy so we will stun the Rhino so the next time he would attack will discard the status card instead and she'll go ahead and hit him for on taking one damage herself and taking him down to 11 go into our turn keeping back clip just in case turn 5 more cards giving a power of justice web shooters two of those for justice and a haymaker and our cards will ready and on to reveal and I'll get one threat on the main scheme since I'm in alter-ego he's gonna scheme himself doing one two threats and will be dealt an encounter card so attached to Rhino so this is charge gonna give him plus three attack and when rhino attacks the attack gains overkill so excess damage to an ally from this attack is dealt to that allies controller the end of this attack discard charge and that is why this card is so awesome so that's everything for the villain phase back to us we're gonna draw a card getting great responsibility oh use our free resource put web-shooter and play so it gets three web counters exhaust the web-shooter remove on web counter from it generates a wild resource and that's during our hero or rower in our hero form go ahead and salt steer remove a threat and since we've got two hands we'll go ahead and put in another web shooter with great responsibility it will attack with black cat for one they came down to tin will flip over to our hero form and swing for two so down to eight and we're gonna do a haymaker costing two and exhaust our web shooters remove a token from each so with our haymaker your action deal three damage to an enemy so you've got him down the size I'll go ahead and have mockingbird take a damage yourself to put one more on him so down to four I believe that's gonna be it for our turn so ready everything we have three cards in hand so we'll draw two more so one card since we need to draw another one we're going to be dealt an encounter card to reveal later so shuffle our discard pile and our next card is a swinging web kick so that's what we have in our hand now two web kicks what's your overkill back flip for justice and the power of justice so advancing the scheme we're in here modes who's going to attack but he's stunned so instead of attacking we're just gonna discard this card and we're gonna be dealt another encounter card and we'll resolve the first one so when we reveal choose to either take to damage or place a threat on the main scheme we're feeling good enough we'll take the two damage down eight and the second one attach try no hero action we can spend three fiscal resources to discard this card I don't think he's gonna be around long enough for that to matter so just for health we want to play a swinging web kick I'll go ahead and use some web shooters first pitch the other one for the resource so dill ain't damage to an enemy and that is more than enough to defeat rhino so with our second villain card defeated that will in the game so I hope that was a good tutorial or the basics of how to play Marvel champions the card game I do plan on doing several other playthroughs thinking maybe doing another one with the same spider-man deck but take him up to expert mode just to see what happens so the other two villains in the base set are the claw and Ultron so I'll probably do another playthrough against those but all use two heroes instead of just one so that way if we can see all three villains with all five heroes so I hope you enjoyed this video so please click on the like button below and be sure to subscribe thanks for watching you
Channel: Dale the Casual Gamer
Views: 101,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marvel champions the card game, marvel champions the living card game, marvel champions, how to play marvel champions, solo play, play through, marvel champions lcg
Id: 99-cEKH7c0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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