How to play KillJoy on Ascent (Radiant Guide)

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hello guys welcome to a brand new series on the channel today I'm going to be starting on my kill jooy guides and today we're just going to be starting with probably the map you see kill show on the most common Ascent so you can dominate your ranked games so we're first just going to be starting on attack hoay and the first thing I want you to say is I want you to use your turret and place it for flank because I think using your turret is way better than using your alarm bot because you can use your alarm bot in my opinion for this Heaven push here you can basically place it here wait until it gets broken or wait until someone triggers it you can basically SP through this wall and while they're vulnerable maybe get a free kill I think that is very valuable with this alarm bot or if you want or you're on an Eco or something you can place your tire up here and allow it to be able to spot anyone peeking this angle then bear in mind that your Frank is UN watched so if you're going to do this taret to stop someone from peeking or spot someone peeking I'll would suggest maybe Ling mid and trying to take some space around this area while staying in range of that tet be a team as you can see this big circle this big white outline on the map like this will tell you how if you're in range in the turret or not maybe you might want to do a tree lur or a late mid lur but with lurking as well I always suggest playing around the sound and I'll show you a Molly lineup now as well you can use this Molly for a little execute so you see this little part here where it's a lighter shade on the metal if you aim this line in between your lambot and your turret and just throw it will actually land tree and I see it happen where basically everyone can easily just hide here and timing a quick de out of tre maybe getting a few kills so if you're moling this this either forces them to go all the way back so they can't peek or it forces them to peek out and if you have a Sil Dart to play off of here you can basically just tear up and get some free kills and you can take the side a lot easier and bring down the numbers as a whole vice versa if they decide to go all the way back it means like they're not going to peek you and you don't have to worry about holding tree now you can calmly just close the door few more Molly like just learn is coming to this corner here and if you aim just in between these two little bends in the sky here I'm not sure what to call them and just throw like so this will land Jenny so if there's anyone playing behind Jenny you basically force them to peek out and another one is if you just aim right here so from where this little Rift in the side sky goes from being sort of grayy Bluey to full white you just place your crossair there and throw this will land behind dice and this will force anyone Behind These two angles to peek out and these Wes are very good just for taking that early space because in my opinion these are the two most common sort of angles that are complete one and done off angles to play on on this site so if you can Molly at least one of them you could probably possibly get yourself a free kill and it's even better if paired up with any information like a s Dart or drone or fade ey or Sky dog or just something maybe a KO knife anything compare up with that Molly line up there yeah that is everything think I have for a on attack let's move on to B so for B I just want to start by talking about the turret this is the default turret for B so if you're flanking as well I would always suggest just preing this T once you've preed all of these angles here and shooting it because this is by far the best turret in my opinion for Flank In the whole game and if you're not putting your turret here you're probably going to be losing the round because this turret watches here and this push here all the way from catwalk so this will spot the Earth as possible opportunity of a flank which is very strong for your team and it will waste time for that flanker as well in terms of retaking the S so though that is the best turret for flank kind the game if you're doing anything else if you're placing it anywhere else my opinion you're playing around wrong unless they're just coming over and preing this turret every single round and breaking it and you can maybe Del that turret there and just place an alarm bot or something around there yeah always do this turret if you're like attacking on be and you need a good flank watch this is by far the best turret in again because it watches the spawn push and it watches the catwalk push so I'm going to show you a few Molly lineups for this site now so the first one I'll show you will be for stairs if you go straight into this corner and aim sort of at this corner where it's the metal is a little bit worn out and it's a like a shade and the moment you jump through like this and this will land right on the back of stairs and this is a very good little angle that people like to Peak from especially if you're playing main so if you have this moled off as you're pushing obviously you have to time these lineups right because they'll just break the Molly otherwise so be ready to instantly pop your Molly after you throw it down and basically this will force either anyone to swing out or go straight on the site and if you can pair it up maybe even with like a Sil Dart there or there it will instantly spot them it'll be a much Freer sight and it'll be a free kill because you'll basically know where they are and pre- aim them as well especially if you're dualists so that's the first one I'll show you on to the second one so the second one I want to show you is actually really really good for people rotating off sign so if you line yourself up with this little frame in this doorway here and sort of aim in line with these two little dots and go all the way up here and just throw your Molly this will go straight into CT and obviously if you po your Molly it basically covers this corner anywhere here it forces them to push right back or and it will toast them and it will do a lot of damage so I always recommend doing that Molly as well every now and again make sure you switch these mollies up by the way maybe use one for cuz you can also once you're planted like post one down like for bom more for post one or whatnot so you want to switch up how you use your monies but these monies are all good to know depending on how you want to execute the site that's what kind of money you want to be throwing to help your team out because people seem to think that with kill Joy she's just a pure defensive agent and she can actually have a lot of impact if you know how to play her properly and you have these sort of Molly executable lineups she can actually help you with your push so yeah I do suggest learning a few of these Fe each on every map she's met her on so yeah yeah now I'll just go through where to Al on attack so for a site I always suggest just alting in this corner and I have heard a few things that if you actually face this to the wall they can actually there's a glitch in the game where you can wall bang it I'm not sure whether it's been patched but just to be safe I would recommend just turning away and then plpp it down like this but I would always suggest alting B because all of this section of Heaven is still open so if you're going to be doing this Al you have to bear in mind that you'll probably have to clear even on site as well someone could just be holding you from here so bear that in mind whenever you're using your alt for a but on to the B so with your kill Joy here the reason why I always say it's better for B is you can actually right in this cor and it will cover everything of the site like there's no way they can hide in boat house there's no way they can hide anywhere they have to run into CT and market and if you want you can even do that M line up into CT here obviously like soing SW you can pair it up so as they're rotating out they're also getting toasted by this Molly but if they have like Aries is or Odin this will this can be spammed very easily so I always recommend if they do have those kind of guns and they spaming you you can post it right here and you can run straight into this corner and see if you just kind of line up with this sort of bar of the window you can running through it and the Molly will basically land right into back so it will cover where the AL is basically not holding and they will get either toasted or they will get forced to play in the O and they will get detained and this is very strong so if they have AR and Odin and you're worried about clearing this corner for boat house like don't one you couldn't easily just have a Molly landine up for it so yeah on the defense now cuz I think this is everything I kind of need to cover for attack so for now I'll just start with a like a side setup aray so firstly you want to kind of put your turret just in line with this black bar here underneath H and this will basically see anything in to Main and anyone pushing towards the right side of site and this is a good turret as well because no one's going to be expecting it and it's quite hard to shoot and the first M you can do is just one kind of just in the center of here and you'll actually be surprised how little people shoot this because everyone's trying to push this s quite fast and clear these G angles here if they don't have a drone so this this Molly can go quite unknown and then this Molly you always want to be putting your molly on the far edge of this green patch in the middle of this place here and this is so it covers all of this space as you can see gr out they'll be toasted from anywhere they're in they can't stand here that'll take damage so put this here and put your alarm bot right next to it if you don't want to do this mlly or they're shooting it or you feel like this m is not key you could obviously just switch it up and maybe place it Jenny like so maybe just underneath the ledge so it's kind of hidden and on if you hear a jet Dash or something you could just that along with this one as well so they can't walk back and maybe you can even play off that Molly and swing as he dashes on and you pop that because he'll be vulnerable so even if you miss your shot and you hit two bodies you're going to kill him so yeah that's the first setup for that I can show you if you want to set up youry for Jenny you can firstly just place your turet here place your first Molly just behind Jenny here your second mly just in this corner kind of around here so it's hidden and then place your Lambo here so someone's dashing on all of this is covered and they just going to get toasted behind Jenny straight away that's a good set for Jen you don't like the turret hell for this setup here I show youen put it straight Behind these boxes just on top of close right and this can this is also a good turet cuz it watch this into tree as well so yeah you can push your turret H or you can put it here so if you need to set up the mid just come here and sort of aim just by the edge of this PO here and will land right up top here and then the second Molly will kind of just go sort of buy this little speck on the floor any around this directions fine and you put your sort of alarm bot in the middle of this drain and this alarm bricks and then your T will just go straight here so we can see the earliest possible push into T into tree and then you can just pop your mes down your Lambo will go off and hopefully they'll get toasted and this is really good if you keep playing a or keep playing B eventually your enemies will just start trying to filter out through mid every time so if you have a set up for tree stop that push that'll delay a lot of time and it will lead you maybe even into winning the round based off this setup alone for round but also if you miss the Gamble and your enemies don't use their brain and play like low Bobs they'll probably just keep going sight so you missed an opportunity to set up sight as well so it's sort of kind of dependent about what rank you're playing in but saying kind of a higher rank this setup is pretty good but maybe in lower ranks you just want to stick to trying to hold so as well so yeah I'll leave it to you to use your best judgment on when and when you want to use these setups yeah I kind of think it's probably best if you I'd say more below I would just stick to just sort of setting up on site maybe using to because most Lu they're going to be doing are going to be brain dead anyway and they're not going to be grinding much space for their team so yeah I would just suggest sticking to sight if you're playing maybe Diamond above you can kind of try this setup out see if it works for you if you've been getting a lot of Joy on sights maybe try switching up setting up a tree for around yeah hopefully should work on to be so the main setup you'll be using is you'll come up to here just kind of put one Molly straight behind this pole your alarm bot kind of around this area and then you can kind of go down here and place your second alarm bot not alarm bot M Sor on that's P here and then for the turret I would always kind of place here so we can spot the lane walk up and the stairs walk up so you have both sides covered and where I would play off this is you can maybe play back site and just kind of play for fights and peek off your mollies and if you notice someone pushing you from stairs where your turret sees in you kind of peek off your turret so I kind of suggest playing a little bit more passive kill Jo to be honest so if you're dying you're just allow on your enemies a free sight so if you can take one or two down with you you'll give your team a big advantage to win the round on I think B in my opinion is a more common place I would see kill Joy set up but a is also good as well and I think this is kill Jo's best map in terms of diversity and how many plays you can sort of do so yeah that would be my Lane set another setup you can do is you can put your turret straight here you can put one mly on there and the other one you can put here and you can just put your alarm here and off this turret I recommend playing close in the other angle yeah this is a good setup just for entering just for the entrance of the site and if you want to switch it up just from playing your setup L every time it's also good to make setup so yeah that's the second setup for B another kind of setup kind of half setup which is good is placing your turet right here and this is really good for early information you can put a m around here if you wanted to and then I would put Market as well especially this is really good they keep taking market for free you can have an alarm bot here possibly maybe even a Molly there to use off your alarm bot kind of thing so this is quite a good spread up site and it can allow you to hold more of the map but at the same time it's quite hard just to solely hold a site like you're going to be a little bit weaker on this B site here but the market P she'll be a lot stronger you can maybe benefit of of this and take a bit of space mid so it'll be easy for you to R take me here this is a good site this is a good little setup if you don't want to use your monies you can kind of use it so you can save a money to use with your retake all which I'm going to show you literally straight after this so if you want to mix this up you can kind of do this if you just want to quickly hold you get somebody info and then have you set up for market and this alarm bot will still be activated as you're rotating anyway just in case anyone's L laging behind you you don't have to worry about that so you can focus on retaking tree or maybe cubby and then obviously the site itself so yeah onto the retake ALS the first retake I'll show you put your roll just like here like so obviously you got to take this space first and get in this corner and just aim across her in the corner of this box and just thr it and this will land straight into wine so anyone kind of playing here is going to get fully toasted as you can see it covers all of wine perfectly so yeah this is a perfect retake all obviously make sure you have this space taken before and be prepared for anyone to be pushing you for this Al and reason it's really good to put it on top of this box they'll all usually be pre-firing theault from kind of here behind here and you can obviously switch up the placement that does the same thing this Molly works for both of the both super strong moles I recommend putting up there to start with cuz everyone's going to be preing that kind of spot anyway if they want to try and like retake it or take that space again so yeah be prepared to contest have at least this space taken before you check the soul down and yeah you throw your Molly down so they can't just sit in wine and you should be living and on to the B ret take out so with both of these alts just not really any like proper good rake bodies you can use like lineup wise that I found anyway so the first all you can kind of do is just all like this and this is like a very low risk go to be honest and I don't actually recommend this all I think this all is quite bad but if you're really in a situation and you're in a pinch where you need to take some space this all does a job but you just have to be careful for back site uh but this is the main or I be doing for retake also be careful to never be looking at this wall it will just be always on top of here and they can spam it so always make sure you're looking away when you're doing this just on the floor and this will cover everything and it will force them to push you which is what you kind of want and if you can kind of like maybe get one or two survive the rest will be detained on site but make sure you kind of have like mid control as well when you're doing this all so if you want to play like sort of a retake set as well with a set you can have your turret here and your but there so like if you want to hold the space maybe you sit here wait for them to smoke you out if you can sort of get yourself into CT and all your you will s be up will be broken by this point they taken site and you can kind of contest all of this space back and you can sort of put you roll down here you have a alarm B cover and the mid push which is also very strong and also that means you have to kind of back up from Main but be prepared for them to swing your main anyway if they're playing really aggressively like monkeys CU I kind of happy so always recommend Ting here if you're retaking on B yeah that'll be it for the kill Joy guides for today the maps I'm planning to do guides on would be Lotus split and ice box let me know if you want any other guides but I think those are kind of the best maps split I would say her and Cipher are quite interchangeable Cipher is arguably better on that map but definitely for Lotus and ice box she is the strongest Sentinels on those maps by far but I will be doing a split guide in case anyone just has a preference to play kill join she's very much playable on those Maps so yeah look out for those if you enjoyed the video and found it useful please leave a like and follow And subscribe and comment if what you want to see down below and yeah peace see you next time
Channel: MG Valorant
Views: 271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valo, MG Guides, GUide, Guide, Tutorial, How to, Lesson, Agents, Valronant, Competitive, FPS, Games, Shorts, Youtube, Radiant, Immortal, Ascendent, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Tips, KillJoy, Setup, Rank-Up
Id: KNnJwvQRZk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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