The ULTIMATE Valorant Rankup Guide (This is Why you are Inconsistent)

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this is why you're inconsistent so inconsistency is match MVP and then dropping like two kills and the main reason for this is confidence and if you're so heavily riing on your confidence you're going to be you know playing based on how confident you are if you're low on confidence you're going to be terrible if you're high on confidence you're going to be amazing and I'm just going to basically give you a bunch of tips to how you can sort of get consistency in your confidence so you can perform consistently so I'm going to start by like warming up/ aim training and what you need to include in your sort of routines right so firstly you just want to like include General like flicking and transferring over to bots you can include like spray transfers like these if you want uh and you want to get yourself kind of ready for any type of fight so like you can get yourself in eliminate 50 and just look at one of these Bots and practice sort of like tracking the bot with your movement you can practice kind of like flicking to the bot on audio cues and whatnot like there's a lot of things you can kind of do but you want to be getting like all of these kind of things into your warm-up SL your aim training because you're going to be more consistent right like let's say you know you can like flick like really well like be always accurate but when it comes to like tracking for example you know you're like kind of all over the place like not steady when people are swinging you in your like mid gun fight or whatever and if you don't hit your first bullet you probably going to lose these fights most of the time and I noticed a lot of people when they're not confident in all kind of aspects of their aim they're kind of like for every kill they're always like crouching and this is like a thing I see from every sort of low ELO player and they kind of blame their rank on them crouching too much whenever they lose on them just crouching and it is a bad habit but I feel like people put way too much sort of focus on it you know when you could just practice sort of strafing like tracking Bots like things like this and it'll be like it'll make you way more confident to actually not crouching sort of gunfights cuz crouching is a mental game I feel like less confident players Crouch if they're not feeling their aim too much and then they'll blame sort of their gaml on them crouching too much when they're actually just not confident in hitting their shots in the gunfight because I feel like it all stems from confidence aing if you're confident and you know you've sort of you trained everything you can do you're feeling it you're hitting all these kind of shots in the range or whatever you're going to be aiming better in your games you're going to be going for more sort of precise head shot and better first shot accuracy and also you're going to be more consistent in the way you're approaching your gunfights right like if you haven't warmed up you're not feeling confident like you a lot of people kind of use a Crouch as an easy way out and sometimes it can work if you're in low ELO like most of the time they're just going to whiff on you anyway cuz you know everyone's sort of a bot in low rank uh like all lead you into thinking you're playing well when a lot of the time this sort of play style will lead to your downfall as you kind of rank up and they will lead to you being inconsistent like let's say I don't know someone whiffs all their bullets on you you crouch get the kill they like oh I got the kill I clearly better than him right and then next time you get in a gunfight with someone else you crouch and then you just get one tapped like you're going to it's going to be very inconsistent and obviously like that can happen anyway no matter what but like if you're feeling confident in your aim in general you're not going to be crouching and you're going to be depending on it a lot more which will lead you to being far more consistent than sort of crouching spraying too much doing all of these things that kind of plays used to bail themselves out when they with the way I like to practice sort of flicking left and right depending on your sort of skill level if you're very very new to the game you can obviously start with easy and you just want to practice sort of being precise with your aim right so if you're doing on easy you could just do a few kind of shots like this obviously just hitting a few more kind of one Taps making sure you're micro adjusting and you know you don't just see him and just spray or you know go do this and another thing I see a lot of players do is I see them kind of burst like very infrequently to where they don't actually have control of their gun anymore and you know you never want to do this either you always kind of want to be taking a second to burst in between your shots and try and just again it's all from a covidence thing like people just panic when they whiff right if they're not hitting the first bullet all the time or you know they're whiffing they end up like bursting and then they're not accurate even when they're aiming because the guns just the bullets are kind of going all over the place so you always want to just you know believe in yourself trust yourself more or so and it'll end up you know you finding more consistency not sort of slacking as much in general and it'll definitely lead you to ranking up faster cuz if you can even just aim like a shred of how I aim there just consistent crossair placement you know like just normal micro adjustments it doesn't even have to be anything too crazy you don't have to be like tens right you can just make sure you're consistently aiming however you like to aim whatever Mouse script you want to use you know and you're just sort of being slow strafing in between the Bots uh and you can kind of replicate this in game as you get more confident you're going to be ranking up to like diamond at least just from sort of that aim pattern alone right obviously you need game sense and things like that I'm not saying you can just solely aim your way up the ranks with zero game sense but like you know what I mean like you're going to be feeling way more confident in your games to where you can kind of pair up your game sense off of that alone uh but also like if you know you feel like you're better than easy as well you can definitely kind of do this on medium it's super hard to talk on AIM at the same time by the way but like you can definitely like click to these Bots left and right and it kind of helps you with audio detection I guess like you can I know there's some players that can be like 180s of audio cues but uh my sens is way too slow for that so that is not happening and I don't think that's like a very good way to train as well I saw it in one guide but like you just want to be making sure you're hitting your one Taps know you could obviously do this with Sheriff too and sheriff is a gun again where people will be like yeah I'm really bad with a sheriff for example opposed to a v or just and this is only a confidence thing like how does it make sense you can be worse with one gun than another when the aim is kind of just the same right like you just want to be aiming for the head I feel like this is just a coping mechanism people use again like if you're good with a vandal and you're hitting one taps with a vandal the reason you're bad with a sheriff isn't because the gun or you know it's because you're less confident it's nothing even to do with your aim like you know if you're just whiffing all over the place with a sheriff you know it's kind of one you have to be more accurate right but if you're hitting one taps with a vandal like why not hit one taps with a sheriff as well when you have a sheriff in your hand there's got to be another issue that that isn't to do with the gun and that is your confidence and you can get confidence by warming up by doing death matches and once you're like really feeling it you can do like hard as well although hard is really hard as you can see I am whiffing while speaking but you can kind of do this kind of stuff and whatnot right but hard I don't really recommend doing until you're like diamond plus to be honest because it can actually lead you into a lot of bad habits cuz the Bots are like going really fast great like you can end up like over flicking everything aiming too fast not taking time with your shots you know like kind of these kind of bad plays rather than if you're like sort of high you can kind of still line up and micro adjust your shots fast enough so it kind of depends on what you're comfortable doing you can see I'm like flicking very fast if you're doing this in game and you end up whiffing you will probably die but yeah it's quite hard to sort of of do while speaking so do do take that to account as you see me with all their shots but yeah that's kind of how I like to do my warm-ups you can use aim Labs as well I know a lot of people that like to use aim labs and I use it sometimes and it does help me but usually like I'm too lazy these days I just go in the range and like my mouse around until I feel warm enough to play and again that gives me the confidence to sort of trust in my aim in any sort of situation and yeah again this is leads into to another Point as well swing like don't be a swing because if you're not killing in your games again obviously you could just be having a bad game and not hitting your shots right but if you're like let's say going double negative or you're not killing let's say everyone on your team has like double digit kills and you're like six and seven for example that is again due to your confidence cuz you're not swinging or taking enough fights right and you have to think like what you can do to get your confidence up like whether that's warming up before a game whether warming up on an ALT account for example although obviously smurfing is never correct but if you want to warm up on an old account it is good I know people kind of cry about sming on this game a lot but honestly it is a game at the end of the day it's not life or death like some people make it out to be when they're like saying oh this is very ethically wrong to do like it actually matters in the grand scheme of things but you could definitely hop on an auto account if you want to get your confidence up uh kind of depends on anything you want to do whatever is going to help you but I always recommend warming up and I I always recommend warming up with some form of variety so you can kind of just do some of those things I told you that all of those exercises are very very simple and low effort for anyone that is lazy like me for my fin fin tip here everyone that is sort of like install loocking Sage for example this kind of goes out to these players that don't have the confidence to play anything to where they believe they'll get flamed if they do bad try someone new try like I don't know a jewelist or a sentinel like chamber for example like find an agent that you like where you know you can frag on as well if you use your Ule correctly or you can set yourself up off your own utility unless you're like Grim for example exle but who likes SC he's a rat he plays so ratty but like for example you know if you want to play Jet but your confidence is saying ah my team will flame me if I do bad your team who cares just play Jet or like if you want to play like I don't know Raina or you want to try rays but you're too scared to fail your satchels right like don't be scared to fail like it's a game at the end of the day right but that being said before you do try a new agent I always recommend sort of going in a custom and like practicing them first or like having plays in your head right so let's say you're you're on split and you're like oh raay is really good on split let me play Ray for the first time ever and you just have no idea how to sat you you have no idea how to entry you don't know how to use your boom body on a correctly like you're not going to be playing well or you're going to probably have a bad game so like if you actually just look up any sort of guide or any sort of like you look up a pro player or anything I'm going to be doing a few raise guides soon in general but just if you just look up like how to play raay or plays for raay on split and you just take a few or you see how people entry like double Satchel ramp or like Satchel sort of into elbow from a for example on defense you might have a l line n lineup That lands in a main and you can sat your out of it right like you can plan out what you're kind of going to do before the Round And depending on what your team mates are playing you can ask for youil to support that so let's say you have an omen right you could be like oh y Omen can you flash ramp for me so I can double Satchel in like that will get you a free kill if someone's playing ramp usually unless they somehow just hit you full blinded and that'll be really unlucky like you need these sort of plays in your head of what you're going to do before the round starts and again this is going to lead to consistency if you just have these consistent kind of players that you do on certain Maps when you play on certain agents on certain sites and sometimes it will work sometimes you'll get on this just how life is but you know like it will lead you to being more consistent if you have consistency in your play style and also if you're playing who you're comfortable on and like if you know what you're doing on your agent as well rather than trying to overcompensate by feeling because you're not comfortable enough for lock in a jewelist or chamber or something where you know it'll probably be a bit more aim dependent but you're not feeling your aim today so we're just going to play sage like that's not going to help you improve and that's not going to help you rank up either so yeah I now I just spend the whole 13 minutes talking about the people who are low on confidence now I'm going to talk to the people that are extremely confident and that is also why you're not ranking up right nothing can ever be your fault everything's your team's fault even if they going like 2 and 17 it's because your team are baiting not because you suck that is not true if you're overconfident in everything you're going to be swinging when you don't need to fight which is going to lead to you throwing rounds you're also not going to be able to pick up on your own mistakes because you're 10 right you're the best you're demon one like yeah nothing can be your fault no it definitely will be like you have to be thinking like what can I do to improve as well as also not being too level on confidence to do certain things cuz if you're overconfident and I know loads of players that are like this they just instant point the blame at everyone start tilting and they'll lose the game and that will leave them stuck in their reload sadly so if you're watching and you're always blaming your team know you're a very confident player and let's say you're like I don't know you're in a 5v3 for example and you decide to peek into two people because you're 10 and then you die like it is your fault even if you do lose their round whether your team throw the 4 V3 or two or whatever you're the one that started that domino effect of peeking when you didn't need to peek or you know like that's just an example of how an overconfident player could throw around at the top of my head but you know I mean like if you're very overconfident and you're blaming your team you're not going to be improving at all right you're going to be sort of sat there plateau in a rank for example and that's when you need to change your mindset and your mentality like you can be overconfident as long as it's working but if it's not working and you're not ranking up you're not going to improve and if you stay overconfident and you stay blaming your team and you know you end up being toxic throwing people's mentals throwing your own games even if you're doing well like that is just a sure fire away to leave your stuff stuck in ascendant because that's where all the other confident players are send terrible rank so the overall thing I want you guys to take away from this video is confidence is key and your play style remaining consistent is key I feel like I've said consistent so many times in this video but you get the point I'm going to drill it into your brains you have to be confident you have to be consistent in how you play and who you play and I promise you you will get more consistent results but yeah please leave a like And subscribe if you enjoyed the video I'm going to be doing more of this kind of style of content as well uh but let me know what kind of things you do want to see I will be doing some more agent guides as well so don't worry for anyone that wants to learn how to play Ray or Cipher or yoru I'm going to be doing a lot of guides on those agents because I can play them pretty well so yeah see you next time and bye peace
Channel: MG Valorant
Views: 2,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Omen, Valorant, Valo, MG Guides, GUide, Guide, Tutorial, How to, Lesson, Agents, Valronant, Competitive, FPS, Games, Shorts, Youtube, Radiant, Immortal, Ascendent, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Tips, rankup, consistency, how to
Id: h04qZ2Oe2yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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