How to play KillJoy on Split like a Radiant (Guide)

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hello guys welcome back to another video today I'm going to be doing a kill Joy split guide where I'll be showing you some setups a few cool Molly lineups and whatnot and really how to play the agent on this map I could also do a cipher guide as well so let me know if you want to see that because Cipher is arguably just as good if not better on split the kill Joy is still definitely very much playable and quite matter on this map too so yeah for a change of pace I'll be starting on defense instead of attack this time so let's get right into it so we'll start for defense this time because obviously kill jooy is mainly a defensive agent for now I'll just give you an early push setup so firstly just put your first turret here then put your first Molly right here and then put your second Molly right here so you see like where the this becomes shade in the sort of little right angle corner and then just go all the way to this back wall and put your alarm down and then off this side you can kind of play off of this corner because they're going to be getting toasted very badly and you can sort of maybe get a few free kills at the start of the round and whatnot or if you want to switch up where you're playing you can sort of peek off behind this sign as well and this is quite a good little early push setup you can use I'll quickly show you what the mollies look like as well when they're both fully popen out you can see it basically covers like every sort of place the only place I can sort of get out to is this corner here which if you're peeking anyone from here you can just preim it but by the time that alarm bar pops they're going to be close enough for you to swing and kill one without you having to expose yourself to all of this anyway so yeah onto the second setup so for the second start go all the way to this corner put your turret here and this turret is really good because if I'm attacking I've got to go all the way out of here before I can see it so it basically covers everything of the push you can see it gets all of this it's much easier to shoot when it's placed up here or up here or even down here which is where I see a lot of turrets getting placed this is quite a fair B back hidden turret that still watches everything that these three turrets watch and your first money is going to be right here into this corner your alarm bot I would put just directly here alarm out and your last small is going to be right here as you can see when I po you get maximum coverage of everything from here and everything from here if you want to switch up your Molly placement you can actually put your Molly kind of like further out here so get this corner and this corner as well but I'll leave that up to you to decide what you prefer to be optimal yeah that is the set this is probably the main setup you're going to use if you're holding down a to be honest because it covers more it's the turret sees more it doesn't just see when they walk up to this point if you want to switch up your setup you can use the first one I give you and it's quite good if they're pushing early you catch them quite off guard with this setup as well so yeah that's everything for the site on a on to ramp so if you want to switch up your setup and still play a but kind of hold somewhere else I recommend this turret as it kind of watches everything down here if you have no one watching mod as well it will spot them the moment they kind of push sh from here and go through here doing a mid lack so it'll spot anyone from lacking from mid um also you can maybe put a Molly down here I wouldn't dedicate your Molly and your alarm bot to this as well though I would have I'll still have your alarm bot watching site kind of like this anyone walking out from here or you can switch it up and put it down here which is a lot harder to dodge maybe you could put a Molly down here or you could save your mollies and save them behind that you can can it down here and try and take like elbow if anyone wants to peek off that M they can or you can kind of throw this corner down here grenade out yeah you can do all of these things so this is quite like this is quite a good setup for maximum coverage so you can have info everywhere yeah this is everything kind of a ramps that I would be using if you want to switch up your to placement you can also just put it down here I mean there just kind of watching this general area you're fine so yeah that's everything for a home to be so if you're B set up I always recommend putting your turret here kind of in this corner as it's a little bit more hidden than putting a turret here or here and I see this turret a lot people putting it on top of here and this is an extremely easy one to shoot but this turret in my opinion is way better as it watches just as much as any of the turrets I showed you before and it's harder to shoot I said I say it's harder to shoot you're not going to be clearing this angle are you like it's going to spot you and it's going to do a little bit more damage before you're able to shoot it if you're attacking your first money just put on top of this sort of drain if that's what it is and put the second one on top of the other drain and you can just kind of put your Lambo down here now the dral backs of these kind of setups is you have to play a little bit further back because a jet can kind of just Dash passes alarm on the RIS can fast T your pass that alarm before you can really do anything so if you can kill him and then pop your set up but as long as the rest of them are pushing you have a much easier time in holding the site down and to be honest for kill Joy specifically I wouldn't really say there's any other sort of setup on B that is really good if you want you can set up a little bit deeper and maybe put your alarm down here and you can kind of put like a little hidden Molly in that corner down there so if they try and find default they'll get toasted by the Molly so yeah these are all decent setups as well if you want you can put your alarm bot kind of on top like this with this if you want to just toast them as kind of planting the bombb you can save the other Molly for a retake situation yeah that's everything for sort of setting up on most of the time on you are probably going to be playing on be as it's kind of the harder to take so you're going to need the less numbers on it and you can focus on having a num sort of mid ramp and you can kind of just be a solo be hold for your team which is also super good as well so yeah on to Mid so for a mid setup I don't really recommend playing mid on kill Joy but if you have to play I would recommend kind of putting your turret just in this corner if not you can kind of put it like sort of around here so it sees into mid and you can kind of hide your firsty in this corner down here put your second money s of I'd recommend around here and then you can have your alarm Bo just between the two of them to hold here the vent I wouldn't really say there's a crazy sort of set for vent to be honest everyone's kind of reluctant to push out into vent really fast you can always place your alarm bot down here and you can kind of hide a little more around there as well if you want to just quickly stop the push out interent and you can back it up with another cover everything you need but usually you would have like a sage wall or like a sage holding mid or You' have like an if you have an Astra you have your Astra holding mid or your viper holding mid and then or you can have an omen smoke with someone else holding if you need it as well but I don't really recommend playing with on kill I think for this map especially she's sort of best used on site I wouldn't really hold Place her you to anywhere else for other than h a side yeah onto the retake coats on to retake coats for a is quite simple you would just all like this but the result bear in mind that someone can easily be hiding in this corner down here so yeah this is a good all it covers everything basically it covers most of heaven and ramp if you want to have someone could definitely hide here so if someone's playing c one of your teammates is playing CT just you tell them to clear that corner and this second part is very optional because if you do this in a professional valer and setting you will get banned for doing this mly so don't do it if you're playing pro or if you're playing in an actual tour but if you're playing in ranked you'll be fine but you can basically just go in this corner if you want to just solely play for retake kind of aim around here jump and right click your Molly and it will kind of just line right here outside of the map out and it'll be able to toast anyone there is trying to hide in that corner with the as you can see it basically covers everything grenade out yeah not really a still getting damaged even in that corner if you f it doesn't cover it so yeah onto the B ret take out so this Al this is all is very straightforward just go in this right corner of c and just put it down it basically covers everything even that corner and it forces everyone back into Main and anyone that can't get into main will be detained on site even you can't even stay in this corner and hide I don't I don't know if you can or not it looks too small but if they can be sure to clear it just in case I don't think anyone will be playing there anywhere before your team rotating I would have already cleared this I don't think you can hide from not half your body still in it so yeah basically it covers everything it fores them back into main if they're not in main they'll be detained so if you're doing any other like kill J you're doing it wrong pretty much cuz if you do it from the left side I can easily get one these boxes here obviously you'll detain some but you can get one if you have an own or J they can up draft all TP raise the Satchel up there if they still have the satchels in the round so I always recommend from this right hand side cuz it does block everywhere on yeah onto the attack half now and split attack is a little bit more straightforward asn't there wasn't any complex execute lineups on this map that you could do so for attack we'll start on a and just for your utility watch flank I suggest either putting an alarm B in this corner or having your turet and face it turning this way whatever you want to use to be honest I would prefer the yarm bot here because I think you can actually make a lot better on site just by the amount of elevation that's on it you can put it up here if you want or you can kind of put it back here in this corner force them to look away from you and you can swing off it yeah having that for flank is a lot more useful especially because if you're just putting your turret like here for example people could flank around from Rams but if you larm bots there no matter what if they're trying to get out it's going to spot them especially in the turrets here no matter where they are or spot them a ramp push or push from your spawn spot them yeah that's everything I would do on a for attack to be honest if I'm actually pushing with my team for B I would just suggest putting your like turret just on the SP as it spots them from anywhere from here if they're R from middle spawn I mean your turret there is very good and you can basically get away with playing anywhere on site and know you want be out of range of it as well and see literally everywhere on site you'll be in range of that turret so that turret is quite good for fing if you want to push mid as well and and you have no one liking the in I would always suggest putting a turret down there just to spot anyone peeking so you know about the potential if they could be peeking you will finding from Lobby if you're pushing mid likewise if you want this is optional because I don't really see this pushing a lot you can Alot this but I don't really suggest doing it because by the time they're going to be getting up sewers hopefully you would have taken M by them yeah Los some extra spare turrets and alarm Bots if you need to use them for bid pushes and obviously with your moles you can kind of use them however you want like you can just kind of throw your mly into V and whatnot on site for b as well uh for default you can kind of like hide your mes and thisit here and it will cover the pl like if they're trying to diffuse they'll cover everything and they're quite hidden this is kind of on the other side here yeah those are some good molies you could do as well there's not really many crazy execute lineups that are good without a kill Jil but we're going to get on to some old combos now in this next segment of the video so yeah on the next so for the first Al for attack I recommend just running up and kind of buy where the C just placing it down here if you run back here by this little dust bin aim on this sort of right hand part here of this little roof and you just do a jump throw and you throw the moment you jump it will land back site and you can just pop your Molly like so and it will cover everything you need just to go with that obviously you'll do it a lot faster so it'll be more timed but it'll basically toast anyone that's playing back site you can take site quite easily onto the asack so if you want to Al a I recommend just walking up into this corner and and if you just stand kind of in the generality and you can kind of line your cross with this bush and maybe move it a little bit to the left and just throw it normally it will kind of land CT so they can't just like escape and they'll take a little bit of damage on their way out of the site so yeah that's that's a good little Molly old combo if you want to use that and obviously it covers all of sight and it covers a decent amount of ramp as well believe it covers all of back here Tower you don't have to worry about kind of being peaked unless they're playing really aggressively but hopefully you would have C and power of smok so yeah and with this this will conclude the end of the video I have two more kill Joy guides coming I plan to do one for Lotus and one for ice box bind Breeze and sunset are all Cipher maps to be honest or chamber Maps I think both of those agents are stronger than kill you on this especially Sage on ice box is also quite good if you want to see a sage split guide also just let me know in the comments and if you found this video useful please leave a like and follow or subscribe that'll be most appreciated and see you next time peace
Channel: MG Valorant
Views: 763
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Keywords: Valorant, Valo, MG Guides, GUide, Guide, Tutorial, How to, Lesson, Agents, Valronant, Competitive, FPS, Games, Shorts, Youtube, Radiant, Immortal, Ascendent, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Tips, Valorantticks, pro, valorantpro, coach, killjoy
Id: KMjwgrXgzwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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