Radiant in-Depth Guide on KillJoy Lotus

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hello guys welcome back to another kill Joy guide the map we're doing today is lotus and we'll start again just by doing the attack half and I'll show you some good tarrs for flank there aren't any executable lineups but I can do some postplant ones and I'll show you one for each default on each site instead to replace that then I'll get you into the setups after let's go so firstly how to hold plank on a I would always use my turret for this site rather than my alarm Bott and what I would do is I right click to turn my turret around and just place it on top of here because with this turret you're allowed to play like as far up into the tree if you look at the range and this can really help just with holding the site you can kind of at least get on the site a little bit as well yourself if you need to fight and your turret will usually always be up but if your turret's a little bit further back like I see loads of their kill Jo put turrets here or here or lot here and they'll just turn off and switch off so like you can't really push with your team or trade them if they push out further up or and it keeps you ped back if you like are aware of it so if your turret's here in that spot there you're going to be living you can basically like go all the way up to here and playing to tree which is where you're going to be playing most rounds you're on attack from a because your julus will be doing all the entering and yeah onto the B turret b as the turret's been nerfed i' kind of place turret kind of here horizontally as it watches this and everywhere up the sea so people pushing from sea the moment they even come here they'll be spotted by this and obviously people walking up from a they'll get spotted from it if they go here so this will give you a complete flag watch and gives you the information as early as possible which is what you always want and obviously for the range you're allowed to play in main you can even come on site a little bit fight with the team obiously you don't go on to the actual site itself so if your teammate is trying and drop you the bomb drop it back because your role isn't to really be taking bomb and off this turret as well if you want if your teammates are pushing B you could maybe try and fish for a kill on a like have a little luck around you know get yourself into yeah you can kind of like stay in range of your tet your whole the whole time other than obviously when you're going inside the store but by the time your turret's like offline like your here it'll still be online anyway so I don't think it actually ever goes offline if you do this like but you can do that like as well if you want on kill Jo with this turret as I'll be watching a c push and anyone coming close so you'll get a lot of early info with C it's a little bit harder because I would never ever put my TR down here cuz this basically means I can't go on the site and you don't want that so I would once you've taken a main I would always basically put my turet here for m so I can kind of play anywhere on the side that I want obviously I can't push into CT but I can even push wle which you don't want to be doing you want to be playing L and playing s but you can I'm saying the range is very big for this turret what you do have to be aware of is anyone early flanking might be able to kill you if you can't take the site so unless you're going to fast dive on maybe you could like use your alarm but and put it down here or something just F the information my or like get your alarm down here and then take it back once you're on the site I gu so yeah I think this turret is the best turret you can do for flank on C I don't recommend putting a turret here or here I wouldn't say it's bad but it's just not optimal because it means you can't play in many places and you're quite further back I'll place your M so you can kind of play wherever you would like and have a little bit more freedom so you can have more fun on the game as well can help your team more as well which come obviously contribute more to the round and maybe get a few trades and whatnot so yeah now I'll show you where to all so for C I would always just put my Al straight here this is quite straight forward this takes all of so obviously you have to bear in mind anyone compling here that's the only place where they can be and I'll be spit off anyway so it's not a real big issue yeah this this all basically gives you all of sight be careful when you're kill your alting though I do recommend pressing tab so you can see what SS the enemies have if they have a Sil Al a brim Al they can break it if the breach is playing on C they can have the shock yet pretty easily bear that in mind cuz breach is quite commonly played on L this if they do have a breach you can simply just put it down here and you still get everything but it won't cover as much of CP as you would like it to so yeah that's why you would offer see and on to A and B so for the bo I just recommend coming right in this corner and all like this also covers all of sight so no need for any like Molly combos or whatever cuz this pushes anyone playing in CT all the way deep into here and anyone from upper is forced all the way out of Upper and it also covers link as well as the site so this is basically like the perfect Al my I was all of link as well so yeah that's where you would Al for be I wouldn't really Al anywhere else as it wouldn't cover as much of link so St here and for on to a so for a you can all like this and I see a lot of kill like this and this is bad for two reasons one it leaves all of drop not covered so they can kind of play on certain timing your all and two anyone playing for tree can just Spam it like this and as you can see the spam goes through the wall so it will definitely break it so if you want to W I would just take Tri kind of directly all like this and this will force anyone playing drop into this corner so you can kind of pre fire it which is always good obviously this pushes anyone trying to retake all the way far back before they could see anything but with a if you've gotten tree more or less people will be like coming off the site anyway and trying to play retake so using your kill Dr on eight to be honest is a waste but it can still be done but I would say definitely using it for seal for B is a lot better than for a so I'll kind of save it especially for C like I C is definitely the strongest way you can take deite so yeah that's enough on to the lineups now so the lineup for default on a is if you just line yourself up with this and go straight to kind of where the dirt ends and turns into grass and then you aim your right Mouse click Diamond thing above your swarm on this Leaf here you just give it through like just like so andless will always land it doesn't have to be Pixel Perfect at all so don't worry like it will still usually land straight away so it's quite a good money just for aight and it's quite easy to do and it's hard to mess up so yeah so for B there's not like any crazy lineups if someone's planning you can kind of throw your Molly from in quite easily but if you actually go here from drop you can if it's planted straight here on site itself you can throw your Molly through that and it will land on site if you're playing link so that's like a good little Molly to Del time if you're playing this angle and it will make them have to swing into you as well so be prepared for them to swing off the mly yeah that's it for be onto C now so this mly just walk up here aim the right diamond on your right click underneath this Leaf here and the moment you press space bar you instantly throw at the same time and it will go over this W here if you don't do this it will mess up just like this as you can see that is going straight over onto sea we'll basically cover everything on here and we'll stop them from diffusing and this mly is a very good Molly cuz it's quite unpredictable so they won't be able to shoot it in time you can easily win runs like that to your team so yeah anyway onto defense now so for this sa there are two possible turrets you can do and I was expain the first one you can do and this is a better turret if you want to play a lot further back on site but the big disadvantage with this turret is it doesn't spot any lurkers maybe going upstairs or whatnot so that's why I would usually put my turet here so watch his tree and for the stairs across here and then for the first of Molly you would look here and just throw it directly onto here for your alarm bot just throw it a little bit put down a little bit further here and for this box here you can like jump and left click on top of this box and the point of having these mollies a little bit more elevated is one it's harder to see the radius of the Molly as you can kind of walk here and still get toasted and two they're harder to find and harder to break as well so yeah first Molly here on this corner one on top of this box for default alarm bot here and your turret you can place here to spot obviously tree and Main and maybe spot anyone lcking up into stairs or you can put it up here if you want to swing off it and play a little bit further back but I'll leave that up to you it's up your choice what you want to do so yeah on to the B side setups for B I would say because of the new changes a kill Joy set up isn't as effective but if you want one you could just kind of put your turret on top of the box here or where I normally like to put it just here so you can spot maybe any lers coming from B even if you're already taking a that tur will still be up and then you can just put your alarm bot down here if you want to use your alarm bot and not your turret and then maybe you can put a m down here you can if you want to stop people from pushing into this corner right click on top of here and you can obviously kind of right click and on here as well which covers a lot see that doesn't really cover much anymore so I would say if you are playing B you can kind of split out your setup so maybe if you I recommend doing this with b and to be honest if you want to split out so you can have your first turret on B and then you can actually kind of put your alarm but on C like this you can have information on both sides and you're able to play a little bit more heavy on the retakes and you don't have to worry about lers as much which is why these kind of setups are easier in a lot of higher because know you can have like a cipher or chamber or whoever liking up on you from B into to C or into a and if you want to kind of play around a you put your tight here obviously so you cann't go out of range for B I would say like a full set up here is kind of bad now and I wouldn't recommend doing it but you could do a lot for C which I'm about to show you just right now so this first setup would require you to put your turret just on top of this box here and you would have your alarm bot here next mly and then your second Molly will be a little bit deeper so it's like Molly and I'll say the reason I didn't go as hard with a and and B is kill Joy is far more effective holding down the C site than any other site in the game with an a site a lot of Defenders like to fight it and it's quite hard to do some setups on because there's so many different ways you can push it so you can tunnel in main or tree it's hard to really toast them with yourself but this site it's a lot easier to do and for being for especially for a you can play a lot more aggressive on it anyway to hold it with a c it's a little bit harder to do that especially with the amount of util you can fly around like sky can pop that flash here or breach can Flash this wall so yeah another thing is as well now is since sky is getting nerfed I would probably prepare to play against a lot more breach players on this map so yeah watch out for that watch out for any flashes like this really high yeah I'll cover that more in depth than a Lotus guide soon though but yeah this is the first setup I would just a basic one for now uh but if you don't want to place your turret there and you want to have some info you can obviously just put it right here and you can still kind of play off of your setup and just not have the turret there generally need it if you've got the alarm bot here so yeah on to the next setup so for the second setup you'll be placing your alarm but a lot further back and then your first swarm will be right next to it and then your second Molly will be right in this corner here and for this if you have your turret here the moment you hear a lot of footsteps here you take your turet back and you put it down here cuz you need your T here all the time because this turet will actually get the first Contact of them on to site and then you can pop those M like such they cover a lot of distance yeah that's a second and final setup I think you need for C and now I'm going to be showing you three retake HS for every single site that you're going to need starting with a so fre there's two ALS you can do
Channel: MG Valorant
Views: 150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valo, MG Guides, GUide, Guide, Tutorial, How to, Lesson, Agents, Valronant, Competitive, FPS, Games, Shorts, Youtube, Radiant, Immortal, Ascendent, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Tips, KillJoy, Setup, Lotus
Id: tTQakkH47IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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