How to Rank up from Silver and Gold in Valorant (Iron to Radiant series)

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hello guys welcome back to another video today I'm just going to be doing like a little tips and tricks video of how to get out of silver and gold and I'll be giving you my insights obviously I've been radian numerous times and I've had experience playing in every rank so I do know like what is different about each Rank and how you can get yourself to that next level from wherever you are so let's go the first tip and probably the most important tip is just to warm up before every game you play soever that's just going in the range and just practicing your aim on these thoughts just clicking slowly not too fast I don't recommend doing it too fast cuz you're not going to build that consistency that you need then you can practice your spray in the Box as well just really get used to playing with the gun cuz obviously if you're in silver especially you're still somewhat need to the game although you have the core Basics like you know the objective of the game you understand about you know accuracy when shooting and being still so it's all about just refining that and taking it up a level so yeah you just go in the range practice just strafing between these Bots you know really getting that clean movement an exercise I actually do like to do is I like to you know pick a bot and just practice strafing and tracking the bot's head you can kind of practice you know switching targets as you get like better at it like what I'm doing here you can kind of line up two Bots and just like get to them like so and if you really want to just practice your like pure mechanical way a good way to do that is with jet knives and you can constantly just startd draft you know trying just get like three or four in the air or whatever so yeah it's just good to like practice constantly warm up for playing you're going to be playing better in your games and if your aim's feeling good you're going to be out aiming the people in your rank which will lead you to ranking up faster so yeah just warm up before you play that's the first tip I have the second tip I have now is start learning some basic game knowledge and by that I mean what all the roles do and know what sort of works best for each map kind of I don't think you need to understand the meta yet I would just learn an agent your comfortable on on every role for each map and I'll go through so the four roles there's obviously dualist initiator controller and Sentinel and you might think that it's a bit basic but trust me I'll explain so with a sentinel you know that's designed to hold a site and maybe lur and try and you know gain space in other areas and it used to give you you know information on whether people are flanking and whatnot and initiator is made used for flashes stuns and Recons and there are different agents that suit this best so initiator is quite a wide variety of agents to play obviously jewelist are for entering and getting those first frags of the round that can lead you into easy situations to play the round out and obviously smokers are used to take space on the map and smoke your enemies off so they can't see you so you can take further space so obviously you know how all of those sort of agents are important to winning you a valorant game so firstly explore what place style you are and what suits you best I notice most people when they start in the lower ranks of the game like to just pick jet or know duel lists mainly and I know it's a lot of people like to have a really wide agent pool in lower rank which I think is a trap to be honest I think if you're trying to play too many agents and you're in a lower rank I think you become way too distracted with your utility and you tend to you know neglect your mechanics a little bit so for now I just suggest picking One agent for every role on every map that you can can fill especially if you're gold this is a tip for more of the high go players you can fill and sort of learning and being comfortable and playing multiple different roles because it will be a game where you know if you're a jet one trick your jet will get install locked and you might have to play someone else for example you might have to play I don't know a sentinel instead so let's say you want to learn how to play Cipher instead know it's good to have a couple setups on hand for the map you're playing on or if you're playing chamber it's good to just feel comfortable on whoever you're playing pretty much so it's good to learn One agent on every role and learning how to apply it to every map you're playing for me i' would say if you're kind of on the cusp of gold to Plat sort of area you can start to explore what's matter for each map and kind of being comfortable around that so yeah I would say somewhat widening your agent pool but limiting yourself to what you're comfortable on and still focusing on improving mechanically is my second tip the third tip I have is just working on your communication and working on your call outs and learning what to call out for each map so let's say someone is playing Shon a you have to tell your team where the enemy is and also start coming your utility before you use it so for the First Communication tip I'm going to be giving you is to stop backseating your teammates when they're clutching because this isn't going to help them especially when they're this level the only two things I would reckon communicating to them when they're in a clutch is the damage you've done to whoever's still alive and if they only have like three bullets in their gun and they clearly don't realize but don't tell your teammates what to do when they're like clutching because that's just Cloud their judgment and it's probably going to end up in a toxic argument and that round being lost in the end anyway so yeah don't stop backseating the second tip I want to give you guys for communication is to press Tab and as you can see you can see an ultimate section and you can see credits and for this level your teammates aren't going to be doing this so you want to come to your teammates what SS the enemies have every round and how they can play around those alts and how they can use those alts so you can play the random Planet a little bit better and also look for their credits cuz then you know when they're on an Eco and when they're forcing and I know a lot of people don't do this so I just thought I would get it out of the way and show you so yeah that is another tip so prior I mentioned you know picking an agent for every role and getting comfortable to playing that agent but I'm going to expand on that and I want you to start learning what the ideal Necessities for a team comp is so you obviously need a smoker you need a jewelist that can push you need an initiator that can have a bit of Recon and give you a little bit of information such as fade Sil or sky and with Sky you can get flashes you need a sentinel for every map I would argue in ranked and the fifth is a flex and you can adjust that fill spot to whatever you sort of need so if your team are lacking flashes you can you can play a flash agent you can play a second jewelist you can play a second initiator and double up on initiator or if it's an extra defensive map maybe you want another Sentinel to cover off if you're playing ice box you can have a sage or something to pair up with the kill joy and whatnot so yeah you can have that and get that knowledge of just what you need in a comp and what the Necessities are so flashes Recon and entry is want a smoker usually what you want those are the five key components to a good team comp on any map so yeah learn that and you'll be fine and you can then adjust your pick according to that sort of guide this tip is going to sound very repetitive but even in silver and gold you might think you have this worked out but you don't that it's crossair placement everyone's crossair placement Bel low even I'd say low emmo high ascendant have decent crossair placement is bad and I tell you it's bad sometimes you you I guarantee you if you're you know not focused and you clip your game back there'll be several moments in the game where you know you're looking like me in the range and you're kind of aiming for the body and you're not thinking about where you're placing it always be thinking about where you're placing your Crosshair at all times make sure it's head level through every elevation if you're struggling with elevations there are some markings like these boxes that can help your place your Crosshair and you'll get used to it the more you think about it and then soon I'd say after maybe a few weeks of doing this and playing every day or every other day you will start having good crossair placement without even needing to think about it it'll probably still be a little bit bad sometimes but it won't just be fully AFK in the brain looking like a zombie kind of not really paying any attention to where you're placing it yeah please please please focus on crossair placement because it will get you so far it will get you so many free kills and you'll be able to win so many gunfights in these lower ranks and just climb your way out honestly another tip is to plan out every round before you play it and constantly switch up what you do because if you have an agent and you get comfortable on their utility and you think you have a way to you know use your util to maybe get a few kills for example using like a so D Al combo if you have your alt you know you can get yourself a lot of free kills and it will help your KD it will help your gaining and it will help you most importantly to win rounds for your team in the game so constantly plan out your rounds if you're playing jet think about where you want to play up make sure you're not playing in the same place every time think about where the enemies could be smoking you so let's say you're going to hold up from CT as you know everyone smokes off CT in every map every game so probably not the best idea you're not going to really see anything know playing in a smoke the whole time you know unless you're cheating which I doubt any of you are if you're silver and gold no offense but yeah constantly just think about how you can catch your enemies off guard think think about how you can you know play for yourself and you know bring the round down and bring their numbers down give you an easier chance of winning the round and winning the game because I guarantee you if you plan out your rounds try and get it down to a 4v5 of whatever util you have or you com something with your teammate and you want them to play off your utility and they manage to you know make a play from it your win percentage will you know go through the roof in these ranks because honestly people don't know what they're doing people don't understand the game one bit and they're not going to know what to expect so it's just going to be like shooting bots in a Range if you can plan out around properly so yeah that's my the tip despite what I've told you in previous tips this next tip you might think will contradict what I say but I'll explain and that is to lock jewelist in these ranks if you're playing jewelist not only do you get into more fights which is going to lead you to getting better quickly you have more control over the outcome of the game as you are the one that's are going to be entering and you're the one that's going to be you know able to peek and get into those fighting situations where you can lower the numbers down and lead your team into winning the round but also being comfortable on other agents could allow you to com what util you want from your other teammates because you you know you all know what to do on those agents as well like if you get comfortable on KO for example and you know a good KO flash your KO could use to help you support your entry you can tell him to do it you can show it to him or if your brim isn't smoking properly and you know where to smoke for that map or whatever like you can tell him where to smoke or you know if your kill Joy's turret or Cipher's trip is bad it's too high or too low or not watching flank properly you can tell him these things cuz this game is also a babysitting game so if you're on jewelist you can obviously have more potential to carry your team and get your team winning rounds and lowering the enemy numbers if you also combine that with the previous tip I gave you of you know gaining more knowledge on the game and just learning a few different agents you can actually come and you know Help win your team rounds by telling them what to do with their util because as I said this game is a babysitting game but for julus I recommend playing in ranked jet is one I recommend because jet can be translated to any map although she does have Maps where she's met her on Ray is a good Agent as well very strong even despite the Nerf the N wasn't really significant anyway Phoenix is a really good Agent for ranked CU it you know you can very much play for yourself with his flashes and his wall and obvious you can heal yourself and if you just Farm orbs on Phoenix you know you can just win your team rounds you have two lives basically and yoru is a little bit harder to master if you can Master yoru you know when you want to go down the different route you're going to be able to catch a lot of people off guard with your plays so yeah if you're going to play yoru though make sure you're playing yoru right and make sure you have everything you know all your utilities set you know where to flash you know good TP lineups multiple for every site so you can constantly switch them up so yeah that's yor is also a good agent and the last one I wanted to address is Raina which I'm going to be doing a full guide on soon because a lot of people don't play Raina correctly even though Raina is literally the easiest agent to play in the game but if you're playing Raina in thiser you can get away with it if your aim is good enough but in high REO you're not going to be able to get your entries proper with Raina Raina is more of a secondary jewelist to be honest know you can Flash out for your jet or something to entry off of and then you can play so Raina is already an entry duelist so you're going to have less control over the game if you're playing in a Lobby where everyone is kind of similar skill level to you but if your aim is better and you're feeling it obviously Raina is a good pick because he's a really good Agent for smurfing on or for playing against you know lower skilled players so yeah that is my second kind of point on Raina but yeah I'm going to be doing a little Riner guide soon on all maps not just a specific map so yeah look out for that as well the final tip of the video for any Silvers and Golds out there is to work on your strafing and just again practice what I said in the last video about how to get R and bronze just try and work on your movement and strafing in between gunfights cuz it will make the world no difference when you're actually fighting someone for real because they're not going to be able to hit you mark my words like eventually you'll get one player that will hit a nice shot but for most of the time they're not going to be able to see you so constantly work on your strafing and your movement obviously I'm going to do a more advanced movement video soon and I'll be explaining sort of briefly in a video about how to get out of PLA and Diamond which I'm going to be doing soon but just work on basically just trying a strafe in between your shots and making it nice and controlled and try and just tighten it up a little bit and work on your timings so yeah that's that's the other point I'm going to give and that's the last point of the video so that I'm going to conclude this video here these are all the tips you need to progress yourself out of silver and gold and get into platinum in my opinion I'm going to be doing a video on Platinum and Diamond soon as long as we the Rainer guide so keep in touch for that and keep stay tuned if you found this video useful please leave a like And subscribe down below thank you see you again next time peace
Channel: MG Valorant
Views: 1,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, aim, rank, rankup, tutorial, how to, Master, Guide, Radiant, Immortal, Ascedant, Gold, Silver, iron, bronze, plat, MG Guides
Id: AAl72NP3mWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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