Radiant Guide on Chamber Sunset (Valorant)

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hello I'm skeleton I've hit radiant countless times on multiple agents and I've also peaked rank one on Europe I am a experienced coach and player and I'm basically just here to help you learn everything you need to know about valerant okay so we're going to be looking at chamber on Sunset now in my opinion Cipher is better on Sunset but chamber is playable maybe if you already have a cipher or you're a chamber one trick you know you just love playing chamber then this guide will help you but if you're just like a random person you know you never maybe played chamber I would probably suggest trying to play Cipher if you like the Sentinel role but chamber is okay on this map you know there's some pretty cool stuff you can do so I'm going to show that now so we're going to start on the fense now if you are Solo Sentinel you're going to be wanting to play towards B if you was playing Cipher usually where you would be playing you be playing towards B but obviously chamber's very different um so mixing it around is not as bad but is just a nightmare to hold now when thinking about how you want to be playing chamber obviously we want to be playing him aggressive we want to be trying to get some picks um yeah we want to be getting in there now this space here is super important if you're trying to get a pick the best TPS I can suggest is either you know this kind of basic one or you can put one like here now you only want to be putting one here if you're pretty confident like they're not hard fighting B main it's might maybe only one guy cuz then what you can do um said the barrier drops you can kind of push in deep you know um take the space early um that's only what this one's good for and then obviously it's good because it kind of follows you up a lot deeper but usually the one I'll do is just this one pretty boring but yeah now when thinking about peeking B man you need to think do they have a cipher and if they do have a cipher is their Cipher using the camera on B and if he is you're going to want to ask a teammate to come and break the camera for you obviously you can do it yourself if you have a bundle if you have enough um you know ask your teammate to break the camera for you you know just hold this while he's breaking it and then you know then you can peek up then you can start to walk up if there's no pressure um if there is pressure you know this angle is strong um but what I like to do is even if even if there's pressure in the steps I'll just peek here early I'll just like I'll hold this PK early and if someone swings me I'll either try shoot or I'll just instant TP and if no one's here you know as I said you can begin to push up this is a really strong angle um and make sure you play your corners and just be wary you know there could be a guy like sitting here be in as well you know you can put like a you could put like a TP here play behind the box as long as someone breaks your camera or you know even play like a weird off angle like you can just sit here Crouch with an off in general you kind of want to be using this TP and again if you are using this TP playing an angle like this is fine playing a little bit deeper like this is fine you shoot and then your TP mix it up you know do just do the same thing every round uh a nice TP is you put one here you can just kind of hold this like tight angle like this or you can even jump up and hold this tight angle kill one and you're on site now you know you can maybe hold like this for them to run out or or you can keep fighting depending on what gun you've got and how you're feeling and what's going on this TP is strong you know you can put like a mid sight TP and you can just play like everywhere which is okay and then if you really want to play safe you can put TP here really and kind of just play back site but in General on chamber you know you don't really want to be like per playing retake your teammates going to get annoyed at you and you're probably going to lose the round B site's not an easy site to retake so you want to be trying to fight and you need to work with your teammates you can't just no VC run it down B man every round if they are taking B man properly um so yeah now in terms of where you want to put your trip like tripping Market is valid or putting it you know you can just put it like up here thats and it'll work I like to do is like maybe say I have I have a Norman or something a Norman's leaning towards be like he can solo B site usually um and then you can play on this box this is a really good angle if they're pushing heavy on Mid you don't want to be sitting like this cuz they're going to see your legs you want to get deep on this corner like that or you want to get here this is probably this is like the best spot really to play um and just hold the running if you want to fight with I do this quite a lot is I just put my TP here and um you know on the way the timing works is you can basically run here you can hold this maybe you don't see anyone and then you can fight the guy tiles and then T so it's pretty good if they're going be a lot and you still want to fight mid make sure your TP is here okay like this because I did this this happened to me the other day where I had my TP here um you know I peaked mid killed one I tpd and then there was like three people just out on B staring at me so if they are going heavy the contesting be a lot just put your put your TP more to the left and so it's covered um I mean you can just do this one every single time really like it basically does the same thing um so yeah that's something to keep in mind you wanted to be fighting mid obviously we want want to be mixing it up on chamber then a pretty nice angle the problem with this angle is like you're going to eat a lot of flashes you need to be a little bit careful for the tiles guy but you can stand like here right and you block this off for a little while so if they're going fast tiles you know maybe you hear one tiles you need to be pretty aware if you're doing this um you hit on tiles hold tiles you can kill him um or if they're swinging mid a lot you know they're just smoking and Swinging out mid you know you can just kind of hold like this um but again just just be careful for this guy if I'm actually jumping up here I'll use the vand a lot um just because I can see you know if I'm if I'm opening I can't see with a bundle you know you can see this so I might just hold like this see a guy on my left and TP on a um this TP is super strong just cuz it kind of covers everything when you're fighting a and for elbow if you're playing elbow like put your TP here and it just covers like the whole of elbow really like where you're going to want to be playing um and if you want to peek out elbow you covered as well and then you're safe when your T in this angle is really strong so you want to utilize this if they're going a a lot and this angle is really cringe as well again if they hit in a over and over and over again your team can't hold it sit up here like even if they smoke C you can just see over the smoke and um you can get like two kills easy playing up here it's super hard for the enemies to deal with and they're just not going to be clearing it so this is like a very passive angle but if they are heavy hitting a and they're spamming a lot of Ule it's actually a super strong angle that you should do um and again you know if you're play an elbow you can put your TP like this and kind of play a bit of a like a off angle um I see a lot of people put their TP here but I just don't like it you're just stuck you know there's no exit you need to be thinking about your exit when you're playing chamber how are you going to get out of the situ you know what what route are you going if you're just if you're just slapping your TP down you playing like this maybe you kill one guy and you TP and then you're stuck right and it's a teammates use their util properly you normally just die um so you want to be thinking about how you're going to get out of the situation after you've used your TP and where the enemies are going to be after you've used it and again you know you can play up here but this angle is a bit like weird because when you're up here you're kind of up here you've got nowhere to hide you're open to left you're open to right even if you like kill one elbow and you try drop you know you're still open so it's it's a good off angle but it's a bit open at the same time um and I I would really say that's everything you need to know for defense on chamber there's not that much you can do as I said he's not the strongest agent on this map but he is playable and he's good enough um you really just want to be pushing for the op kills pushing for entries and taking space the good thing is you know on a if they go heavy mid you can flank if they're going B you can flank there's a lot of options to flank you can take mid there um you know through Market through top mid there's a lot of ways that you can find an early pick but there's just not that many options in terms of TPS and stuff from now for attack when we're looking at chamber obviously you want to be trying to use your trip to cover the flanks usually I'll just put my my trip here so the air flank and the reason I like my trip here is if you put it out into the open you know they can break it at the start of the round if you put it here if they try and peek behind you then it's going to go off right by the time they get here the trip's going off again I see a lot of people putting these TPS in the corners and then the enemies just walk around and maybe they just sit here for half an hour and hold and they eventually kill someone so putting your TP there is like a lot better you're pushing a this TP is super strong to cover you as you're running up and again you know you can just throw one down here if you're takeing elbow or you hold on to your TP you can can put one here or sometimes what I actually do is I'll put it on this box um and yeah you can just play up here hold hold man for your team this is actually pretty decent what I like to do if I'm like lurking mid is put TP here but you just need to be really careful when you're when you're playing around tiles that there's some guy buom rushing it so you know just kind of hold this be super aware sometimes I I'll even peek this first as long as I know they don't have enough and then then you can you know you can take mid so that's a good one for there and then for if you're peeking lower mid I would say you can just put it anywhere down here it doesn't really matter for b um you know you taking B put it anywhere in main it doesn't really matter but what what I like to do is let's say you're late right maybe you're playing towards tiles you're playing towards mid and then you're coming into B men late bombs down I'll throw my TP on this box and um I'll just play up here on this off angle this is really good if they om smoke main cuz you can see over so you know you can see back height and you can see Main and it's just a really strong off angle a lot of people obviously are not going to expect it so you can kill someone just drop off that type of thing yeah I I do this a lot I do actually use this angle all the time it's not just like some weird like flute thing I actually do that like more times than I'm trying to think of the expression I do it a lot I don't know what I was going to say I do it a lot so this TP is also good just for like um you know utilize angles like this you know play Play On Top hold when you when you've got a TP you can of this chamber is the only agent where you can literally play on this box on a right say Market smoked or something and you can just kind of play like this right and you can just kill kill the guy back site and TP out um you can play Super ballsy and play in position that people are never going to expect you and that that's what you have to do on chamber you have to be playing off angles um and getting the most out of your TP because it is really your only bit of Utah that you have honestly that's really it for um chamber on Sunset there's not that much you can do on him to be honest and I wouldn't say I wouldn't recommend someone to pick it he's decent but definitely not the strongest agent Cipher by far is much better and we do have a cipher guide on Sunset and we go in depth on you know the setups and what you need to be doing on Cipher so check that one out if you're interested but chamber does work well enough
Channel: Skeleton Guides
Views: 220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, Valo, GUide, Guide, Tutorial, How to, Lesson, Agents, Valronant, Competitive, FPS, Games, Shorts, Youtube, Radiant, Immortal, Ascendent, Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Tips, Rank-up, Chamber, Skeleton Guides
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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