Radiant Omen Lotus In-Depth Guide (Valorant)

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hello guys welcome back to the second Omen guide on this channel today we're going to be doing it on Lotus which I think is oman's best map in terms of carrying potential so if you want to dominate your ranked games and be in more control keep watching and we'll get right into it I've done this guide so you can dominate your ranked games and climb the ladder very easily I'm just going to start with a two default smoke she'll need for a the first one will be here by stairs and the second one will be here by ropes or by GT where they can drop because if they can see you from here they can kind of get an angle people pushing out of tree and people pushing out from stairs or from site so sing this off is very useful to take so leaves you only having to worry about site which leaves your crossair placement to be way more simple because everything on this map you will find is the same elevation like this map is quite flat for the most part now for B I would say there's only one real main default of smoke which would be CT and then for your other smoke you'll either put it up here or you'll put it here now I always think having it here is really good if you have a lur on a and because not worrying about upper just means your Crosshair placement it's still quite flat this you would always have smoked this sometimes can be a problem if you're not smoking linkoff and you have no one lurking link because eventually someone from a will break this door to even come through into link fast if they know it's to be here early in the round so I recommend smoking this off if you're F man pushing it on an Eco round or something and leaving this but always smoke CT always so for this Seas site you just want to be smoking off waterfall like this Shadows traveling and you want to be smoking off CT like this cover going out so use a default smokes to see obviously because waterfall if you're planting anywhere they could probably see when you're planting as you can get direct access to anywhere from here of a sideline which is smoke blocks CT obviously you smoke CT on every map but especially here because there's two different elevations you can be swung from so it's lot harder to guess where your enem is going to be high I don't know where they're going to be swinging you from and they can also be in that corner too so it's also what direction they could be swinging on cuz you can't be seen from here so that you'll be smoking TT and water for as you're entering the site and make sure always with your smokes as well to time them as you're entering out because they only last 14 and a half seconds that's a downfall of omen but that gets made up for because the smokes always regenerate on this agent so yeah you always want to be timing them as your team is walking in so they're up as long as possible now I'll be going through a lot of plays you can do for our attack on a on Omen just bearing the smokes so first you could obviously start by smoking off stairs or the moment the barrier drops you can actually get to Rubble as soon as starts because if they're pushing you can obviously catch a lot of enemies off guard as they're going to be like looking around here where the checkpoint is so you could easily get like a couple free kills if they're pushing you and then when you're here you could off stairs and you can actually come up obviously careful of this box cuz they changed that now so you can't see them and as you're actually clo like opening this door you can Flash through and you can obviously clear all of this another way to open this door as well if you want to be careful cuz they could actually just be sitting here close if to do this s back up then flash CU you actually have time now and then you can obviously work on CLE this and as you're inent tree you can just SM this this is how I usually take space onen and I let my jewelist take from me onto the site and I'll obviously come here with maybe one more on one of my teammates the say hit another play want to add as well on Omen if you actually take this space here you can actually smoke this off and then break this door and take over take B and obviously I'll put my smoke to be honest if I'm doing it from here because that's like the next possible direct threat you can take B because a lot of your enemies rotate very fast on this map because it's got three SS so they have to kind of be that fast so you can actually easily Juke smoke here and then bu your way out onto B and take B so for B I would say say with your flash there's three potential flashes you could do you could walk up and Flash early like this or you could flash kind of in the crater where the stairs are like this obviously I would usually always SP CT and then up here it be someone ready to go link or we have someone entering link from site take that space without the smoke I'll usually spoke off CT and up here but you might also have to spoke link if they're always playing with good p you from that and if you want to take it you could also flash L as well you have three potential flashes that you could do and also just because the maps updated make sure you're always clearing this left hand corner because I've seen like three people die or radiant just by walking out and not clearing that because they weren't used to the change in the map so yeah that's my tips and for C flashing the right side is also very good as well but you could also flashback side it depends where your jeel list is going to enter from because if you have a raise they could sat you straight over into back site or they could sat around Bend so you want to use your flash depending on which direction they're going to go for taking the site but also you could just TP up here as well and take a little bit of space for your team and a little bit of control and just clear angles like this so your raise all your jaet and take right side or your or whatever je you have don't want to assume and obviously make sure CT in waterfall that is what I would do on for a SE take now that we're done through just smoking and flashes and what you can do during an execute for your team I actually want to talk about the luck potential an omen here because this is something is not often talked about with this agent and because the range of the smokes are so big you can basically smoke from anywhere on the map anywhere you want so you can reach all the way from CT from B and that's only from half the distance you can do that from a as well and I just want to say this so lurking on Omen can be very very very vital and especially on this map you have three sites so there's a lot of space to play around with on this map and to be honest I don't ever really see anyone check for a lot of Lux these days on this map like I you can get away with them if you time them correctly so there's three tips I want to give you for Ling one always check for sound so if just that here your team will go in a or C and you hear footsteps of them rotating across the map that means you know they're probably not going to be checking for you but if you hear a lot of Shifting or just not a lot of sound then they're most likely going to be checking your look and you have to be a lot more careful when lacking so when you when you hear them step you can basically take any way you want and you've got three rain and you're basically guaranteed at least two fre kills every time especially from this B to C L or going up through b upper for an a l or anything like that or even if your team are taking B and you go through stairs ID say that luck is probably the most watched luck though any snars push on the B hit is quite watched for but not a lot of people check link if you're going be so you can definitely take Link because someone will always be rotating through link if you want be see I always recommend Ling maybe not an omen all the time because you're going to become quite predictable anyway but definitely for at least three or four rounds in an attack half I reckon you can get away with lcking in a game and you can have a lot of impact for your team yeah that's my like potential part of the video onen and now that we're done with the attack let's move on to defense on the a site I want to do a nogo smoke so never ever smoke this going out because this smoke basically just allows them to cross into Rubble for free so never ever smoke off of rubble or close Rubble when you're smoking I would suggest always putting a smoke down here if they're trying to push tree if you have a door open put a smoke down there as well uh if you're fighting you can even smoke this doorway here with a breach stun or raade or neon stun whatever you have to push them back and you can take all of a for free and basically either force them to rotate or force them to push out of the smoke this speed you have the advantage for winning the round for your team because if they're pushing out of your smoke you see them first another play you can do for a is actually flash this and then TP up Rubble like this I recommend doing it with a raisin a or something as well to push them back and the reason this is so effective with the flash is because the flash makes them basically death to your TP so they can't actually hear your TP up onto this and this is a very good freee angle to get a lot of picks and kills on if you're pushing I always recommend maybe being up Rubble once or twice throughout game and you're basically guaranteed three if they don't clear you every time or if you want to switch it up you can TP just here like so and fight from this side of rubble and they don't always expect this either so yeah there's a lot of plays you can do around Rubble on and on a which could be very effective another play you could do as well if you want to hold from tree is you can smoke this off and unless say they open the door like so you can just throw a Flash and TP up on top of this doorway definitely get a few free kills and this is even more effective now because the door takes a lot longer to open and close so you can always try this play as well or you can play here flash like this swing one and maybe TP out like this there a lot there's a lot of impact you can have from tree or if they're full pushing through main you can even just use your flash like this and swing off it so you can play a little bit deeper on Omen as well on this site and obviously this isn't W bangable anymore so as I said if you get someone to bait for you here you can get a lot of join success just playing off this angle so yeah lot lot of potential for him on this map and on this site as well so the only other smoker that Rivals Z is Astro for this map I wouldn't really play anyone else or consider playing anyone else as a solo smoke anyway because you can play Viper or har but you only need two smokes so yeah for B there isn't a crazy amount of players you can do if you're on Omen you can definitely cross to here and CP back they don't clear you and you can maybe get two or three kills but I would always suggest having someone there to bait for you so they don't necessarily call you here and obviously the basic defaults for defense would just be smoking off this checkpoint look so on see there's a lot of things you can do onen like if you want to push you could just oneway this this oneway is very solid to pushing out onto Mound and maybe getting a few kills on your one way most likely you'll probably only get one or two though Max because if your enemies have they won't Peak this or without the one way you could just get someone to bait for you and TP here behind this box I recommend only doing this one to half by the way because they will definitely just always spam this bangable so this play is a risk in itself because if you have a team that's just always going to be clearing that it's never going to work but if you have someone baiting for you maybe an OP maybe someone to flash and swing they might not clear you so it is decent to give it a go as you can get it's a high risk High reward basically and the basic default smoke it's just this here you can also play here maybe get one or two with TP here and on this side you can actually get quite creative to be honest there's a lot of creativity with your TPS of off angles you can play on C like on top of here for example although you can basically jump up there normally you can play around here just for this SP here and you could definitely get out as well by tping water for me cuz this off every time yeah a lot of potential for C in yeah more tips just obviously just get creative again like you can t up top of many elovations to catch your opponents off guard like Rubble for example like we showed here or you could just TP like any sort of off angle you want on this box like on this box if you're holding sight you can easily get a few kills here know like even on be every single thing you could TP up I'll show you obviously you could just jump on top of that you can kind of like play here as like an off angle because when you're playing angles right you have to Envision where you would be clearing things let's say you have the best Crosshair placement think about where your Crosshair is going to be placed like for example so let's say I'm playing like here for example right just as an example as you're clearing this you're going to be like up here and you're going to be like here and you'll get the kill kind of thing always have to be envisioning where your crossair is going to be so you can get on top there but you don't have to TP through any of these these are two low off angles you can use anyway or you can just use this one this is kind of new so they don't always clear it so it's quite good to try I think you can jump on top of this without needing a TP so you can do that as well obviously you can use your TP to get behind things as well or you could even just push our Mound without a one way maybe get one flash this side go for another then get out of there the TP would just be very free you can kind of do it you can use your TPS as supports as well like you can Flash this kind of thing with and have someone push off it or you can go link and Flash mo from there for some support or you can even play here and Flash like one of these sides for someone else to swing off so there's a lot of potential with your flashes and your TPS and just be creative now don't be afraid to try new things on agent 90% of the time you're playing Omen anyway you're probably being forced on smokes so if you're creative you can have a lot more impact on the game and maybe frag out a lot more so you can win the game and you would also be having a lot more fun than just playing behind the team all the time and just smoking for them yeah just don't be afraid to try anything have fun with it and you'll enjoy the game more so you're not just moping around you have Place SMS so the final segment of this as well is I want us to talk about the Omen Al because I feel like not a lot of people actually use the omen Al correctly so sometimes people only really think of using om all when clutching so the bomb is somewhere they go to the other side they pick up the bomb and then they plant and then try and clutch the around from there and while this is good I hardly ever see anyone actually fake with the OM and I think the OM is so valuable for fakes so let's say you take your bomb C or something and your fake C and then you instantly onto a when everyone's rotated on to C see how easy it is to fake and you can maybe have two or two people just shifting up a so they can support you a little bit baking with OT is something really useful and I don't ever really see a lot of people do it so I Reon you guys should give it a try and I guarantee you will get you one or two rounds like per half on attack as you try it yeah faking with them not is very useful I recommend this this concludes the guide I'm going to be doing two more on split and sunset as they're the only Maps I think Omen is met are on that still are out because Haven got taken out uh so if you enjoyed and found this guide useful please like And subscribe and see you in the next video peace
Channel: MG Valorant
Views: 737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Valorant, MG Valo, MG Valorant, Valo, Valronant, youtube, fps, Tutorial, Guide, Master Guide, Omen, Radiant, Competitive, Rank-up, Riot
Id: 0e1TDz4UUJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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