How To Play Granblue Fantasy Relink: Captain Tutorial!

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Untouchable is actually the only way to increase your walking distance as well I'm going to do an in-depth guide on the captain I will be going over the Arts gauge how to best utilize the arch gauge the fastest ways to maintain your combos the most damage output you can achieve and what the captain's best at over all the other characters enjoy also a tldr for anyone that wants to like not watch this long video so I'll be performing the combos in the video just so you know there's no Tom Foolery so we have jeta skills first we have Ragan Leaf this is basically the Cornerstone of all ofus damage you'll want to run this on a build then we have OverDrive surge overdrive surge is a very good attack it does a lot of damage the cool down is pretty minimal and it does high stun to the monster the amount of stun that this does is a lot there are some other characters with stun damage but none of them are going to use them as much as overdrive surge because of the Arts mechanic a lot of your damage is going to come from decimate decimate whenever you deal it the tick proc Cascade so make sure you're running Cascade and use decimate last inside of your damage rotation armor break is good and I think it is the best damaging skill to use inside of this load out because of the lunge and it's cool down and you just dump the damage you don't have to wait for any animation failinks isn't bad if you want every Arts level after the first is going to give you an extra 10% damage cut healing is relatively useless inside of this game in game fight me in the comments if you want to rain of arrows isn't bad but it's not as good as armor break they do about the same amount of damage but rain of arrows requires an animation and it requires constant downtime on the target you just dump armor break on the monster defense down is relatively useless inside of in-game because of damage cap you're hitting your damage caps and debuffs don't increase the cap same reason I wouldn't run miserable Mist if everyone's hitting their damage caps you're actually doing nothing although you do get honors for debuffing and buffing anyway whether it's useful or not it is important to note that Buffs do actually work inside of s Spas because s Spas usually aren't hitting their damage caps once again healing relatively useless at in game stall is very useful you can pause the monster and it gives you a time to break apart which is what I run on my parts breaking build it also gives the party time to deal extra damage to the boss it does not work against Bahamut though only paralysis and glaciate work there revive isn't that useful in my opinion it's just not I mean you can just go revive them if they are dying this is useful because it stops your party from getting glaciated or attack downed or defense downed or any of those this isn't really useful does hard any damage two it's very it's situational at best I could see this on a specific build for giving SBA to your allies it would be kind of fun I haven't done it but I think I might if you're going to activate this make sure you can proc in vulnerability somehow otherwise you're just going to die the defense 50% does nothing when you're taking four times the amount of damage that you should be taking we have rean leave overdrive surge armor break and decimate this is the skill Loadout that you want if you want to do the most damage possible with the captain we have the Arts gauge the Arts gauge goes from 1 to four I'm playing on an Xbox controller X and Y are what I'm going to use for this there's two fastest ways to obtain Arts 4 I've got your back both of which will be inside of the description of the video the first one is going to be x x y x y and then you're going to hold y until you get to power AR raay plus power AR raay plus once you release it will give you Arts four Power Ra Plus+ will also give you Arts 4 but it will do more damage foret y so this combo does 1.5 million on my current build I do not have a build optimized for damage because I like playing the game with sigils that I enjoy playing the game with and it comes with a lunge so use the lunge if you use this combo so the next combo is going to be One X two y's four x's and another y x y y x x x x keep it up like what you see this one will only give you 1 million damage so you lose about 30% of your damage if you use this combo to get to Arts 4 however if you charge to power raise One Plus on the other combo you will obtain Arts four at the same amount of time the fastest way to get one art so let's say you're stuck at Arts three because of whatever the fastest way to get plus one is x y y That's the fastest way to get plus one art the fastest way to get two Arts is going to be x x y x like what you that will give you the fastest way to get two Arts so there's a quick charge mechanic whenever you charge up power Rays after this combo Yep this will do like what you see much faster jeta performs links probably faster than almost every other character and can do so because of overdrive search like this for instance I like what you see instantaneous a link with jeta will give you plus one art so you can use the amount of time you're about to gain a link to your advantage in this way for instance if I were to perform the xxyx Y combo it gives me a link attack so that's much faster than charging up the power Rays for the extra link it also does about the same amount of damage you don't lose too much damage by performing the link to get your arts for faster every time you get an Arts you are awarded extra cooldown on your skills this is without the sigil Fearless dry it does also stack with the sigil Fearless Drive Fearless Drive Arts cool down whenever you get to Arts 4 you basically have acquired 9% cool down on all of your skills so you want to use this to your advantage rean leave for instance every time you get to Arts 4 you will be able to cast Regan leave because of its insane cool down if you perform your actions correctly and you time your combos you'll be able to perform all of your skills at Arts 4 this however is not the most efficient way to deal damage we have Regan Le now I have 6.5 seconds to spin my Arts gauge 6.5 seconds later it's gone so as you can see even without any arts or anything it recharges extremely quickly Lo on it's working like what you see it's over and with that I have already gotten my Ragan Le back with one combo because of how the Arts gauge works if you want to do the most amount of damage work Regan leave around all of your skills and your art gaug use Regan leave dump all your skills get your Arts gauge to level four use Regan leave again then get your Arts gauge to level four and use all of your skills this is an easy damage rotation so it's going to look like and leave I like what you [Music] see it's working y got to keep it up and now I have rean le [Music] back now because it took so long to get to my Arts gauge back I want to restart my Arts 4 combo here so a full damage rotation will look something similar to this XX y XX it's working like what you see all right Yep this is Arts four Yep this will get back here it's working got to keep it up Yep this and I have Arts 4 again and rean leaf so now I would cast Regan leaf and then do that again and have all of my skills again and that would be a standard damage rotation that you would use in actual combat there is an optimal damage rotation made specifically for fighting the training dummy not going to to work in combat because you're going to miss your timings with your Arts gaug so you have to leave room for air because of how much the monster moves around if you are going to the training yard and you are trying to perform the most damage as possible you're going to get around 32 million damage with jeta if you have a load out that you like and you're not going for optimal damage like mine I can get around 26 million in a minute however if you would like to see the optimal damage rotation from the training yard please go watch this person's video so one full damage rotation will give you 24% of your sbaa gauge with uplift so this is my current build that I've been using for the video it doesn't do the most damage I like playing the game so as long as I'm hitting damage caps I I don't really need more than that I don't need three supplementary you don't really you don't really need to optimize damage it is getting to the point in the game where the game is getting kind of easy so I think I might start running berserk and glass C Cannon and that just to make the game more difficult the reason I run improved Dodge is because I like dodging multiple times cuz it's fun the reason I run Untouchable is because it's fun to clear large distances Untouchable is actually the only way to increase your walking distance as well so if you're interested in increasing your walking distance and running faster than all your friends just put on Untouchable and improv Dodge and the amount of dodging distance that you can you actually end up going farther if you want the most damage you can possibly get out of jeta you should run something more akin to this Max damage cap with quick cool down Cascade tyranny life on the line and stamina once you get your Terminus weapon maxed out and all of your other weapons maxed out and you get the masteries and you're over Mastery situated honestly you're only going to need two or three attack sigul she has so many different damage caps on all of her abilities the things required on your build are going to be damage cap obviously Fearless drive you don't need the other Fearless one but you have to have Fearless drive it's better to have it than to not have it though with jeta you will need quick cool down and you will need Cascade these will essentially let your skills rotate on a basis that is very comfortable what do I think jeta is better at than everyone else stunning I do believe she is the stun Queen of the game rean leave overdrive Surge and decimate so after you cast rean Leaf overdrive surge whatever and then decimate decimate because of fearless Drive makes the overdrive surge recharge like 25% tldr explanation for one that click through and doesn't want to watch the whole thing the most effective combo is going to be XX Y X Y working like what you see hold y for power race Plus+ release this is how you get to Arts 4 dump all of yours using decimate as the last one perform damage however you want until your art guge resets at 6.5 seconds then do it again that is the tldr explanation for anyone that clicked through the video if you think there's a better way to play jeta link some videos in the comments yes I do know about the bugs to get more damage out of the game the Arts bug the rotor bug it I know about all of them I'm not going to recommend people exploit the game's bugs one if you get used to playing a character that way and then they fix it and you were playing the character that way you're no longer going to like the character cuz you're not doing 42 million damage anymore two a lot of people just want to play the game if you like the video like the video If You disliked it what I did wrong so I can do it better in the next one I see y'all guys later enjoy your day bye
Channel: Ryechews Games
Views: 4,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, granblue, tutorial, guide
Id: eS1vPhva9Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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