Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising Defense Guide (Timestamped!)

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all righty so the very first thing that I am going to cover in this defense guy is I actually wanted to discuss the basics of how offense works not just in Grand blue but in many fighting games are very similar to it right so we want want to understand how offense works so we have a better perspective and idea on the decisions and the options that we commit to on defense right so with this in mind right every fighing game runs at 60 frames per second this means that every single attack has a specific amount of frames it takes for the attack to come out for the attack to actually hit them and then for the attack to get pulled back or recovered right so this is going to apply for every single move in this game but the main important things that you need to know is that generally speaking when the opponent makes you block an attack in this game that is going to be a close L they will be plus 4 on block which you can find The Frame data display in this game itself by hitting start going to display and turning the frame information to show so generally speaking every character is going to have a close L that is going to be plus4 on block what the phrase plus4 on block means is that the person who does this attack is going to be able to act faster than ver well jeta in this case is going to genuinely speaking commit to an option faster than veran which may sound confusing if you don't understand the concept but as an example you can go to the Counterattack settings and we're going to set the counter on block for Vera to be for standing out you see how in this instance aa's attack was the one that came out first after ver blocked her close L right that is because jeta in this scenario is the person who has frame Advantage this also applies to 66 L's the dash L's in this game are plus two unblock so the person who initiates the dash L and gets it blocked has frame Advantage meaning that they're able to act faster so now that we demonstrated the concepts behind how Frame data and a frame trap worked because we showcased that jto is able to win this interaction [Music] right there are other ways in which you can frame trap an opponent in this game it's not strictly about frame Advantage it can also apply to frame disadvantage and that mainly stems from cancel options or spacing traps now what I mean by frame disadvantage right is if we look at jeta 2m minus three unblock as you can see right because she's minus three in this situation ver is actually the person who can act first right but what if VI acted with a button or option that didn't reach right as you can see jeta in this scenario effectively becomes plus right so there can be situations and scenarios where even though your opponent is minus on paper they can threaten with an option that will beat you for trying to take your turn so the spacing of an option is also something that you have to be mindful of right another way in which you can can frame trap opponents in this game is through cancel options so theoretically speaking if we were to continue with your pressing crouching M on block right great jeta's 2m is minus three on block if Jah were to take her turn here as you can see beer is interrupting me generally speaking if I commit to another normal right at this spacing because at this spacing I can't space her out but what if I were to cancel into an option based on the option that I cancel into it can be gapless such as aega cancels into Ela there is no Gap but if I do the mrea it frame trps the opponent so cancel options are another way in which you can add threat to your offense or threat to the things that you or the opponent do to each other that's why even though a situation can seem black and white because the aggress is Plus on block or because the aggressor is minus on block there can be more options that they can do than you think right so now that we've explained this right the reason as to why frame traps and spacing traps and cancel options are strong is because they all beat immediate Mash they usually all beat the opponent immediately trying to take their turn right now immedi immediately mashing is scary because if they frame trap us with something that's high reward it can lean into a lot of damage right so it can be very intimidating to do this so it often tends to put people in a situation where they sit there and go well if I Mass on what they're going to do I'm going to die right but if they throw me because I'm not doing anything then I'm also taking damage and I'm also getting knocked down and being further pushed to the corner right so to understand what makes throws good and the options that people can take versus throws it's important to explain how they work from a mechanical standpoint so in this game right there is a 16f frame throw tech window this means that they basically have a quarter of a second to actually break the throw they don't have to break the throw right away so as you can see there's also something called Throw invincibility where if you try to throw the opponent right away based on what you do they may be in a period where they can't be thrown so generally speaking if the opponent is getting up or if you make the opponent block an attack you have to slightly wait to throw them the specifics if you are curious is six frames out of block stun and nine frames on wo as you can see ver has to wait a bit before she throws me so there are two options that I can take versus the throw in this situation for starters if I think that she's going to throw me I can Mash you right I can immediately Mash her out of the throw but of course if we go back to the initial example I'm taking a lot of risk because if I immediately mash and the opponent frame traps me especially if a close heavy I might be taking a lot of damage right but it can be something that's really strong to do despite the risk that it carries right another thing that we can actually do is we can actually commit to dealing with the throw itself so there's two ways in which people will deal with the throw number one they can actually Tech the throw if they Tech the throw here as you can see jeta is flashing gold which means that she is even so we essentially both reset to neutral we're both able to play the game again and neither of us are at an advantage in this situation but if I were to Tech with a button because you can also Tech throws not just by pressing L plus M or L plus u you can even also if you are curious map a throw macro ha you can also Tech throws in this game by pressing attacks like you see how I'm pressing to L here I'm going to use the 2L to break the throw but what happens here is if I use the 2 to break the throw number one I am minus 6 on block well I am minus 6 post Tech not on block so in this situation because Vera threw me and I typed with a button I am the person who is at a disadvantage the game says Nah because you didn't Tech with an actual throw input you are in disadvantage number one and number two you also take a portion of damage this damage cannot chip you out but it can put you at a pixel and in a situation where the opponent can ship you but you cannot die from actually late teching the throw but if you look at jeta's life bar when I I do this one more time you're going to see her actually take a bit of damage you see but if I normally take the throw this won't happen the upside behind this though is she is only plus six here ver is only plus six compared to me actually getting thrown which look at the frame Advantage she is plus 44 so she gets gets a knockdown into Oki into offense that based on the character will genuinely be DP safe a lot of characters have DP safe safe jumps and Oki that they can do after they throw you so the the reward that they get from actually Landing the full throw compared to the late Tech is night and day right so now that we've covered these Concepts behind how their strike Works how they can punish us for mashing and how the throw works right now let's go back full circle so when we understand these things it can feel very scary for us to take our turn cuz if we hit a button we die well we can die based on what they do right well if we don't hit a button they can throw us right and they're able to deal a decent amount of damage and they get great reward push us further to the corner and we're in another bad situation right so it seems like we're picking a lose lose scenario this seems like it sucks right but believe it or not there's actually something that we can do to cover both options this is known as fuzzy defense taada so how fuzzy defense works right this term sounds like it's super super super Advanced but I kid you not it literally is just delaying the option that you commit to which sounds very bizarre right but admittedly when you see this in motion it's going to make a ton of sense so what I'm going to do is I'm going to set verra to do close l in thow and I'm going to set her to do close o to close H and we are going to commit to one thing that's going to be both of the options right so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to show what it looks like on both recordings and then I'm going to play both on random so you can better understand what I'm trying to Showcase here so for starters the First Recording she said to do s if we press a 2 L at a later window instead of right away we will press the 2L at a timing to where we will T the throw late like this right this isn't bad for us all things considered because we're onlyus 6 here and she has to run up for pressure and because she has to run up for pressure we can RPS her in this situation it's not as bad as actually getting the throw knock down right from a on paper standpoint now if we set the other option to play she's doing close on to close H right I can press my two out of timing to where I will block the close H at the timing of when I block the close H I'm hitting to L just like this see if I press too early though I can [ __ ] up like if I press right away as you can see frame trap but by delay enough I'm safe versus both of the things that they do this is what it looks like with both recordings we set it to random watch this I have no clue which recording it's going to be see this is what makes fussy defense strong if we delay our options on defense it enables us to safely deal with two of the scenarios that our opponent is going to do against us right so what makes late Tech in this scenario beneficial for us in a way well I think it's important to understand the RPS that occurs in this situation so we can do here is we can set the throw break to throw break attack button which is essentially this later attch right so as you can see in this scenario because the Vera Brook might throw up an attack button I myself as jeta I am plus six but I am at a frame advantage to where the opponent can interact with what I'm going to do for example if she thinks I'm going to 66 l in because generally speaking that is what a lot of players will do in this scenario she's at a frame situation where she can DP I'm just messing up this 6 go pain not again okay there we go but as you can [Music] see she can directly interact with my attempt to continue pressure here yes I am plus six and there is other things that I can do here besides 66l like I can try to run up but if I'm running up and trying to commit to deeper offense what if ver does us this what if she hits to you see I'm getting hit but what I can do here so I can 60 tell if I time it right as you can see right but if I'm 60 selling that opens me up to DP so there's a lot of things that you can do a scenario that gives you more Breathing Room on defense than taking the throw because taking the throw can be valuable All Things Considered and I'll discuss why but I do want to showcase this in terms of the difference in the situations so genuinely speaking the opponent manages to successfully throw you pretty sure it's j I think it's super J I don't know sa jum yeah there we go so generally speaking they're able to attack you with an option if they land the standard throw and you didn't take of a button that gives them better Oki versus your DP or what you're going to do next right but sometimes that can be very useful for you as a Defender to be in that situation and that sounds a bit weird to say but I say that because all things considered the opponent can blow you up for doing the fuzzy defensive options that you are committing to what they want what they are going to do is they are going to introduce delays in their offense that are going to look like this as you can see ver did a close light into a dash close light watch what happens to me so if they catch onto the fact that I'm delaying my attacks they can punish me for doing this so sometimes it's okay to just eat the throw and deal with the damage that you get because ultimately it's much less L damage than getting hit by this right so sometimes taking the throw in this game is very valuable now after we explored this triangle right you're now looking at the fuzzy defense like well it doesn't really seem like it's that good because it could just delay their attacks and blow me up for doing this well what happens if they're delaying their attacks we can Mash right away cuz they're not taking their turn right away they're not doing the close cell close St that's fine this is what enables us to mash right away on the options that they're committing to a lot more comfortably because we're in a spot where we know that they think we're going to delay but instead of delaying we're just pressing right away so this gives us more luxury to mash on what they're doing on defense that is why fuzzy options are super strong because it makes the opponent have to add in gaps to what they are doing and because they are adding in extra gaps to what they're doing that gives us more wiggle room on defense to contest the gaps that they leave because the gaps are going to be bigger ver running up in that situation after the close out like this is a bigger Gap than this so this gives us way more breathing room so now I think we can go on to reversals and discuss the other options that we can do on defense more I just wanted to mix TR really convey how strike though works even to someone who just doesn't have much knowledge or understanding of how this core fighting game RPS triangle plays itself out right so now meterless DPS in this game are pretty privileged to have the main reason as to why is the fact that a lot of characters in this cast such as fairy for example right if we look at fairy she actually does not have a DP in this game that is Invincible without her spending 50 m as you can see I set the Counterattack setting to beo sium which is her ex DP which used to have Inon in the first version of the game which we call vanilla Grand blue as you can see she's getting counter hit out of it it no longer has in in this game what she has to do is she has to do the ultimate version of this move for in so as you can see that move actually punished my frame trap because it is an ALT DP so if we look at jetah right or Vera these are characters who actually have DPS that meterless have inol so if I test the same frame trap versus Vera should actually be able to deeply through this see she did not have to spend meter on that this is very very strong to have the main downside to note when it comes to having a meterless DP though is is not all of them have the fastest startup why is that important even if we look at a character like sik freed right who is commonly regarded as one of the best if not the best character in this game's cast Sig freed also has a meterless DP but if we look at the start up on his DP it's 11 frames on his expdp which is three frames slower than the ultimate version which as you can see has eight frames if we look at the first active frame now why this is important is a lot of characters are able to either a safe jump or B safe jab s fre alt DP well non alt DP so the medium and the EX version if you time your knockdown right into your Oki you can generally do a jump in or a close light based on the situation that'll let you block his DP in time so his DP won't get him out of the situation which if I time it right will look like this as you can see I actually did the close H there but I was able to block in time see so that's the downside behind meterless DPS they are very very strong but they are vulnerable to this that being said though this matters Less in a mid pressure situation right the main reason as to why see Sig freed ex DPS after blocking my close l or my 66 L watch this see he's more effectively beating my options especially if I delay my pressure from my close light and I don't chain I can chain it so it's gapless like this but if I introduce an option that has a gap either by delaying my close SL or conate to another option I get d so that's why a Metalist DP is still strong despite this they are very good mid pressure but they are hard to use on wake up based on the knockdown so now we have ultimate DPS right ultimate DPS they do not have this issue so you know how I was able to safely do the close L and Block versus S's expdp versus the ultimate DP I cannot do that the only reason why he was blocking in those two situations is because I mtim the clo if I time it right like that I'll always get punished they are much better to ensure the fact that you will get out of the thing that they commit to on defense now they can still be safe jumped but a it's much harder because they usually can only save jump it from hard knockdowns or in the corner so you'll usually be able to alt DP out of many of the situations opponents put you in in this game now when it comes to DP inputs right this is actually something that is very important to understand generally speaking every character in this game has a different way regarding how they DP from an input standpoint so if we look at jeta for example right her DP is a 623 input or a forward down down forward right usually when it comes to doing d P's on defense or as an anti-air you want to actually do the easy input version so you'll do four to M plus h for the medium DP which has in or forward h plus s which is your ex DP right both of these have inom and our two meterless reversals and for the alt DP you're going to do for S and which also is inil now the reason why this input is important is because if your opponent is pressuring you in this game it is a lot harder to actually DP what they're doing if you commit to the technical input which is the actual DP input so if I do the 623 as you can see I'm trying to do it but it's kind of hard to get out in a pinch because it's three inputs right the forward down down forward and the m so even very Advanced players in this game they will use the easy input DP so the Ford M plus h well Ford M plus s to ensure that their DP comes out on defense this also applies to wake up so if this is not something that you're doing it's something that you really want to be accustomed to now let's talk about DB inputs from a more advanced standpoint because this does have more advanced implications not every character DPS the same way in this game if you look at Zeta for instance her alt Rap City input is actually not on down back she does not do one es cuz then she just gets all air spear it is on back so she does four esos this is strong because this makes it so when she is reacting to certain things on defense she can react to it easier than other characters because she's not going from down back to forward like jeta would be going from down back to forward to do her DP which takes longer than going from down back to back so in the case of a character like lucilius right wait I canel to something else hold on let me do it's easier for her to react to what the opponent is doing and punish it so that's the benefit behind him behind having a back input for her alt Rap City PR that's not the best example cuz she got punished but you catch my drift llot is another strong example of this because he can actually punish this better due to his o DP being on a down back input so he does not have to actually leave down back he does not have to do forward as plus you you can just continue crouching and do this which is very very strong because if they are doing a full block string this is a true block string into the fireball look at this see I don't have to leave blocking input this comparatively if I playing Gaeta and I am trying to DP something that ver does there's a potential chance especially if they're using a lot of low attacks there's a potential chance that she can punish me for trying to input the DP because I'm not down backing anymore I'm hitting forward this is what I mean by not every DP input is the same it's a bit of a weird thing to demonstrate but it does have a lot of implications that high levels would play in this game so I think it's something that's very important to get the cogs turning on and familiarize yourself with so now we are going to discuss reaction DPS versus certain options a good example of this is actually near so generally speaking when n cancels many of her normals or any of her options into death she'll put you in a situation or the option that she canceled into will have a gap so what you can do based on your character is you can react to the special cancel granted this is harder to do in this game because in vanilla the cool down icon used to fresh frame one she used to be able to just watch their cooldowns and once you saw it go dark just rip the DP or commit to the option that you're using to react to the cool down right but in this game you have to focus more on reacting to what the opponent's doing but this is really strong versus characters like meilus cible in certain instances there are characters where if you have access to your 50 meter alt DP or your expdp is on cool down it's something that you want to actually make sure that you represent or are aware that okay I can actually react to them canceling into this with my D so it's a really strong option to do because you reacting in this scenario to what near is doing or what the opponent is doing does not put you at any risk you are doing the safe option in that situation by trying to react just as a quick assign if I just set this to two recordings just to demonstrate the point I trying to convey I'm focusing on reacting I got hit this is hard but you see that time I reacted so that is why this is something that's really important to abuse and it's important to understand how well your character can do it so now let's talk about everyone's favorite topic right 66 L because there's a lot of things that you can do versus this move currently who do we want to cover this [Music] with it's actually cra so the biggest thing about 66l in this game is that it can be difficult to deal with but based on the changes that they made to the RPS on block by adding more push back there's many options that players can take that I don't think a lot of players in a wider Community are aware of so when it comes to dealing with the RPS up close on block admittedly it's still strong because you will usually be at a spacing where the opponent's 5 l or the opponent's close M or in certain instances the opponent's 5 m or 2m right they'll usually reach post 66l if they do it very deep against you but the RPS defers if they space out the 6xl like this because as you can see six 5 L actually whips so you block the Deep 66l what you want to do is you want to assess what your opponent is actively doing after you block the 66l if they are taking their turn after by using say a plus 5 l or committing to a close M to try to frame you right this can be beneficial for you to take a gauge on because you then have a better perspective on okay this opponent is mainly just establishing air type pressure here and they're not at a range where they can throw me so they're just committing to Strings like this it's perfectly okay for us to just block or even if we want to be on the extra safe side we can even fuzzy Mash you right because they're disc committing to airtight offense but then we have to gauge if they're trying to steal turns after their 66l where if they're trying to steal turns at their 66l we then have to assess the situation a lot closer because admittedly it becomes harder once they actively start trying to enforce their pressure but then they're introducing using wider gaps for us to interact with right which of course it isn't that simple as in oh if you think that they're going to do a wider Gap after 66l take your turn but you do have to assess if they're even introducing gaps in the first place or if they're just doing airtight pressure because if they're doing air type pressure then you have more Lux to just block out the situation right but if this is speed outy watch this based on the Range we block this round D that t go so far holy shoot s okay any other character but normal ass let me grab ver now let me grab six six is a good example but say six were to do this right his swim doesn't even reach there so there's a certain characters you can back dash or up back post space 66l and they can't easily stop you from committing to these options after the space Su EXL because none of their normals will reach we can literally go through all his buttons here and to make this even faster let's swap the rolls none of the things that he's going to do here are going to reach so watch this see see see based on this sing that he does this R none of the options that he's having are reaching he can do a deep 60 C again but he can't really convert off the air hit here and he's leaving a really big gap because he can't easily take his turn here so you have more luxury to reset to neutral here after these space 66 L's more than you think this is something that a lot of people do not do if you block the space 66l and you're aware of the spacing and you know that character can't do anything that can reach this is something that you really got to abuse it isin strong versus a lot of characters in this cast that being said though this scenario is still pretty strong because if you as a player were to commit to trying to immediately take your turn post 66l right what they can do is they can do another 66l into a delayed 66l and based on their timing and the spacing they can whip punish your button recovery it can be kind of hard versus a character who has longer reach on their buttons like cheetah but this is why you see a lot of players at higher levels of play do this a lot because it's really good at beating immediate Mash like this and it can also beat fuzzy Mash so see if I were to set six to record this against me and I were a fuzzy Mash I'm going to die for it so that's why if they're doing space 66l into 66l it's kind of [ __ ] up if you press a button but you can still at least move away from it wait hold on let me walk back like see oh you see I'm trying to delay the to here and I'm getting smoked that's why you see players do this a lot in this game that Mash is risky it is yeah but this game is about taking risk I'll play it I'll play it I I do get it though but it's important to show the whole RPS triangle especially because in certain instances it's important to know why people do the things that they do at all levels of play in this game right okay so now we are about to talk about the God mechanic which is brave counter this mechanic is [ __ ] up I cannot stress enough how good this mechanic is I want F the yeah we can just use Lance why not so it makes Brave counter such a good mechanic why do we see people complain about it on Twitter all day and why is it not universally liked by everyone right so for starters it's important to understand how BC in and of itself Works any single time you block an opponent's attack if you press M plus h you can perform a technique known as a brave counter the radius on this move number one is huge this mechanic has such a wide hitbox it is the entire red circle number one number two the brave counter itself has 10 frames of start up 10 10 that is not a typo 10 so there is so many options in this game that if you commit to a button or option after and they Brave counter you you will not recover in time to be able to block the brave counter this applies to close mediums or even close lights in certain instances right watch this when na cat do you walk up close light wait when cat you run up close light and even though lights have way less recovery than Heavies based on my timing watch this the brave counter may still hit her I just have to do this like immediately dang she's blocking it what the heck it could be kind of tricky let me just do two but as you can see even two L as low recovery as they have they're very susceptible to Brave counter now what makes his mechanic so strong is number one despite the fact that you spend one bravery the opponent is in an air reset state where here you basically get an Oki situation just like lat Tech where genuinely speaking what a lot of characters will do is they will run up and suel at you like this right you basically get an Oki situation from this number one number two the opponent as you can see from cat's life bar also takes a fair bit of damage so you basically get an Okie situation and a lot of momentum this is also great from a resource economy standpoint because say if I were to Al DP or DP out of this situation I'm spending 50 meter right but if I were to Brave counter I'm spending none of my skybound art gauge I'm spending none of my super meter which I can sa for other things right such as if I want to Al DP or if I want to use any of my other alts right so it enables you to be more efficient with your meter number three it gets even darker number one as to why it gets darker number three there are many special moves in this game that I Plus on block and have recovery that's not on the faster side such as sh loaded ex hands if you Brave counter this move on Brave counter in this game if your BC counter hits them this causes a hard knockdown where you get oky and frame Advantage so the amount of pressure and momentum that you get from this is absurdly strong now this mechanic is Godlike right but we're sitting there like well what's the cons behind this mechanic right because there has to be some way in which you can counter it and blow it up well same this scenario is charlota where they try to spot Dodge to beat my Brave counter she is only plus two if the opponent is spot Dodges they are not punished you are not punished for actually Brave countering there are very few characters who can actually counter this mechanic and generally speaking with those characters it usually applies to their own ultimate skills such as for instance where are you Naya is one of the only characters who directly has an option in this game that cause meter which beats the opponent's Brave counter which she has to do on a read mind you if naria's in cogress dance she can do this she punishes this for a full combo yes but number one she can't react to the brave counter number two she's spending 50 meter and number three if you sit there and do nothing you can simply anti-air her so it is a high reward option that she can take for your Brave counter but it also is a risk and a commitment that the Naya Player is taking too so basically the counter play to BC from a character standpoint is that it's hard for a lot of the casts to deal with encounter and there isn't that many answers to it which is why you want to spam it now from a resource standpoint right because this game has a bravery point system up to three bravery points when you lose one bravery point there is no downsides that incur but when you're are down to one you take 20% extra damage if you're down to zero you take 50% extra damage you also lose access to raging strike as you can see I cannot ring strike so that is the downside to this mechanic right which makes you think that's super risky because if I'm just Brave countering all day then the opponent is going to put me in a situation where they can kill me they can yeah that is true but this game has a phenomenon which I call the brave counter tug of war where how the mind game works behind Brave counter is this see if Naya where to run this pressure string right and I brave pter her I gain momentum and I gain offense from this situation right but I can always gain my bravery back how do I do this well in this game if you do an SBA or an ssba you will gain your bravery back so as you can see I said Lance's bravery to two at the startup of my SBA I gained a bravery back this does not matter if my opponent blocks my super I just have to do the super in general I gain the point back that I spent number one and number two if the opponent gets hit by this look at what happens to their bravery they lose one so they lose an opportunity in which they can raging strike raging chain and they lose an opportunity where where they can Brave counter so it puts you effectively in a situation where you can gain back the resources that you spent especially because you build meter so fast in this game so with this tug ofwar in mind let's revisit this example I'm going to be ARA then open her up and I'm going to gain my bravery back now we're basically effectively even in this situation so the BC that I just spent didn't really matter much in the grand scheme of things number one number two you can explode for B seeing too much right but it also depends on how much and how often your opponent is brave countering you because sath n Maya was Brave countering the hell out of me right and she has one bravery left but I have three bravery left we have to consider consider the momentum and the life in this situation because if we were to take this a step further from a resource standpoint and go okay n Maya has me in the corner the amount of Health I have is I have 20% at 24% that's fine right and Naya has 70 or 80% this is a very common situation that happens a lot in this game at higher levels of play you'll see these like life St SWS a lot I have 24% and I have three crystals right now Maya has 70% life left and one bravery and she could combo into Super now Maya is actually winning from a resource and positioning standpoint she just has to hit me once and she won you can theoretically die if you waste all your bravery yes but it does depend on the full resources from the entire match and it does depend on how your opponent is using their bravery too so sometimes when you Brave counter something that your opponent does even if you Brave counter them doing a 66l on block and you do that [ __ ] for momentum cuz you're just like [ __ ] it you just 66 out at me I'm just going to braak counter so if Naya does this and I BC I could be thinking okay I can just gain The Bravery back by coming into Super or well what if the Naya player tries to break counter me back then we're going to be even that's why I call it a tug of war in this game cuz you have to think about BC in terms of a not just how much you Brave counter but B how much your opponent is brave countering too that is why at a higher level of play in this game you see even this RPS occur so what I'm about to do here is going to be kind of weird because it's kind of hard to record this in training mode cuz there's no BC setting so Naya's going to block my jump in and BC like this as you can see right she BCD and she's plus six on block by the way so even if they block the BC you're plus six but watch what I'm going to do here if I time this right you have to delay it a bit as you can see it doesn't work right away but that time it worked I was plus eight because what I did was I count cter bced her I bced her back after blocking her BC why this a strong is if she presses a button or she takes their turn after the BC my counter BC will hit her number one and number two we just traded our resources but I'm the person who has momentum now so it's a mechanic that's is kind of weird to understand cuz you would think that this mechanic would be way more penalizing but in practice it's actually not you actually just have to practice this signing though for the delay DC like that just delay a little but this is very very very strong to do against break counter this is something that you really want to be doing if you're in a scenario where you block their BC BC them back is your best option if you can afford it so now with all of this in mind we will now talk about raging strike so raging strike is another way that you can strip the opponent's bravery it's a bit weird in terms of how it functions because hold on I'm just trying to make sure my settings all right it's a bit weird in terms of how it functions because there's a little mini game that occurs at many levels of play with raging strike for starters it is 28 frames startup it is plus six on block main screen you cannot combo off of this normally but in the corner even if you do not rageing chain they do nothing you can combo that was a combo so it's plus eight right now what's strong about raging chain with this concept in mind is mid screen if we spend 25 extra meter we can then follow up with a raging chain which works on Combos and on block we're plus 15 after so we get access to really high damage right there actually is a bit of a mind game that occurs here so there is no RPS if you have 25 meter well if you don't have 25 meter because if I raging strike Naya midscreen and say I only have zero meter I literally can't follow up a rageing chains so doing this literally does nothing to her like sure I can take away one of her bravery but that's why you don't really see people do Raging strike with low meter because there's literally no reward from this outside of stripping the bravery and the startup isn't the fastest you can cancel normals into this by the way too you don't have to do this wrong but when there is meter on the table based on how much bravery you two have you can decide okay I'm going to fall up with the Raging chain but what she can do here to counter this is because the Raging strike itself takes away one of your bravery if you Brave counter the Raging strike you lose another bravery so if I brave countered this I hard knock downa but I just lost two of my bravery but what I can do here though is I can also play chicken I can go you know what I'm going to hold on to my bravery and I'm fine with you doing this combo to me because I also think that you're chicken too and I think that you're just going to do this I don't think that you're going to do the followup I think that you're going to try to save the meter try to save the 25 meter that you spent on the Raging chain to try to Gold me into Brave countering you even though you're not following up so sometimes you'll see players do this a lot it's intention because they're doing it to try to beat you into spending the meter on the Raging chain so sometimes you can opt to do nothing and take the Raging chain the main way that people will beat raging strike though it would try to spot Dodge it on reaction if you spot Dodge it on reaction you are plus 15 and get a guaranteed punish after the Slowdown you can punish with anything that you like usually if your character has enough meter sometimes you can punish with raw alts sometimes you can punish with heavy into a raging strike raging Shan so the damage that you get access to in this situation can be really high like this let me do it so the access uh so the amount of combos that you have access to in that scenario are very very strong so you get rewarded really highly if you do this to them especially if you spend all your bravery because if your bravery points are really low and they do the Raging spke Raging chain to you you can't Brave counter this so so this is guaranteed so a strong way to win in this game is if your opponent has one bravery this is something that you want to spam versus them if they can't deal with it well because when they have one bravery and you commit to a raging strike raging chain this is essentially guaranteed if you have the 25 meter to follow up I can't do anything about this and the Damage that you get access to is very high because they have no bravery they're taking 50% extra right another tricky thing that a lot of players will do this is something that's a bit more advanced with raging strike a lot of characters have ways to mask raging strike mid combo so they can either do it as a pressure reset or as an Oki option versus you this is one that marrow is doing a lot since the very beginning of rising of Ule wait you as you can see how the mdp temporarily hides you on screen for a couple frames she can do [ __ ] like this and she can make it so it's harder to react to the initial raging strike startup a lot of characters have setups like that so it's very useful figuring out what your mey raging strike setups are with your character and how you want to use them all right so now covers the last section which is option selects so when it comes to option select in this game there's a couple that you can utilize we already covered one which is fuzzy Mash right but this is the big one that you see at high levels of play fuzzy Mash Brave counter option select unfortunately there is not a term that's been coined for it so we just call it fuzzy Mash Brave counter option select I know right nezu that [ __ ] is ham I love it too I spam it all the time so for those who do not know what an option select is an option select essentially is what fuzzy Mash is an option that covers two options that your opponent can do in a situation right every character can do this this is a universal technique every single character can do fuzzy Mash Brave counter OS the input to this is 2 L M plus h and you slightly delay the M plus h because if we press M plus h right we get raging strike which is very risky on whip especially if we're delaying our offense and they're trying to BC by doing the M plus h raging strike watch this see how s reset to do this I can just simply delay my offense and it gets hit so if they're actually just doing the M plus h raging strike it can be more risky because it's much harder a time right now we enter the fuzzy Mash Brave counter option select because we don't get raging strike if we do this properly the input is 2 slight delay M plus h so it looks like this we do it properly you see how only the TOs coming out can also do a five out you have to be careful because if you do it too fast you might get the throw into it you can also macro M plus h though this looks underwhelming but it's strong for many reasons actually let's we to do this so if we're trying to BC after 6366 out right you see look at this I'm getting raging strike by pressing M plus h immediately but if we option select watch this we do two out and block sun and we delay the M plus h a little but what if 6 fre does nothing look at what happens if I get this right I won't whip through I won't whip anything besides a two this is why this option like is very strong it shuts down a lot of the pressure options that your opponent would normally be able to do if you were just mashing BC [Music] immediately and if it Clips them watch what happens on hit it seems really good on block but it's also Godlike on hit see S free try to dash in deeper let's see what we got with certain characters you can do it with five out too so the reward we get here we you get a full combo now what happens here if they throw us this is the third layer what happens here if they throw us well if we time it right we get late T this is something that you have to practice though to make sure you can do it consistently but it's really really strong sometimes I mess it up but it's very very very strong I'm just timing a little late that's why I'm getting thrown why does pressing to and blockson stop you from raging striking before you block the second hit because nothing is coming out because the 2L is the only thing that I'm doing in Block Zone hold on let me actually try to read that closer again CU that's a good question and I want to make sure I answer it correctly why is pressing two and block and stop you from raging striking before you block the second hit okay I see what you mean I see what you mean it's because pressing the 2L in Block stun means that I'm pressing an action that I can overall do quickly and safer if my opponent introduces a gap than the Raging strike like if there's a gap the reason why this is strong it there is any form of Gap I'm risking a 28 frame option coming out compared to a six frame option which can actually lead into a combo I literally get nothing if this comes out because they can just Brave counter this or they can do something mid pressure to punish me for doing this cuz this isn't a reversal this isn't Invincible like the Raging strike itself is not invincible so if they literally commit to a frame trap I die but here if they commit to a frame trap and I time this right I get Brave counter if you do it too early you'll get the throw input though it's just something I need to practice a little more but as you can see here this is why it's strong the option s your break this is probably one of the strongest defensive techniques in this game period but even then every now and then you'll still see Advanced players they'll accidentally like get a raging strike Miss input or they'll M time this but that technique is extremely extremely extremely strong literally every experienced player and high level player in this game is doing this every single one everybody what is happening is if you block yes they leave a gap the two comes out and will probably cancel into raging strike yes because if they're leaving a gap and the TW comes out they can call that out via delaying their offense but generally [Music] speaking there will be in AR range based on what they commit to if they do something more greedy where the two will hit them what are the exact situations you'd be looking to use this OS against strike throw in general so let's look at a very standard stto situation in this [Music] game Let's cover everything that can happen in a standard strio situation I mash here immediately right h y frame traps me but if I do fuzzy Mash Brave counter RS number one I'm fuzzy mashing so I block versus the immediately mash and then I brave counter after blocking the immediate Mash option so number one it sh down air tight pressure because you block and you break counter them if they throw you if you time this right you late Tech the throw number three will a frame trap not beat this a frame trap will not beat this they have to delay their offense to beat this or they have to do a big frame trap to beat this but if they're delaying their offense the reason why this is strong they're delaying their offense like see Bello is doing this you call me out for doing [Music] this as you can see but if I just Mash on him right away cuz he's leaving a gap I punish him for trying to take his turn they basically have to take risk and leave gaps in their offense to call this out if they do not leave gaps in their offense the just as the why this is so strong to just stum this up if they are not leaving gaps in their offense you can literally just do this it beats everything that they do this will beat everything that they do if they commit to something airtight you Brave counter or you block based on what they do right [Music] this is a very very strong defensive option this card is a gist of it though if anyone has questions on anything related to defense in this game with regards to any character any situation that option select is probably the hardest thing to understand but it's probably the strongest thing in the entire game what's good yoru that is the fuzzy match BC throw us yes especially because if they try to shimmy you right another reason why this is [ __ ] up too so if you think the opponent's going to throw something that you can do in this game is you can shimmy the opponent if you think that they're going to commit to the actual throw input chimy right let me demonstrate this mid screen all right but you have to be careful in doing it because throw range is kind of big it's huge in this game but it's really strong because enables you to reactively punish their throw and counter the option that they committed to right but what if you just did this they're trying to shimmy you they're trying to put you on a Twitter clip but you do this because two L's in this game generally hit low mind you [Music] watch it literally beats everything that your opponent can do in this game a lot of the options that your opponent wants to do they can't even shimmy you that is why this mechanic is really really strong to abuse with this option select raging strike raging strike makes it so that when you actually manage to mash them for the thing that they did it leads into a combo doing the 2L during blocks and matters as opposed to just delaying the Raging chain it matters because the two is a lot safer than pressing the Raging chain this is an option that has 28 frames to start up turn this this is an option is a lot slower than this so committing to this is more risky too because this is also not inol printed the two out is also not inol as well but you're more likely to interrupt certain options that they're going to do because it's faster yeah exactly because the thing about it you have the right idea because the thing about it too right key here's the thing the opponent can stack Hager their offense watch this I'm fighting against Lance and the Lance player is just doing things like this imagine trying to mash Brave counter against this Watch What Happens oh it's very very hard to do because lights in this game don't have much block on that's all I'm trying to Mash bre hounder after the light it's very very hard to do if they're doing stagger pressure with lights and even 6 LS in this game based on what they're doing it can be really difficult to actually react to the option that they committed to with brave counter yeah this is very very hard to just sit there and React to what they're doing but this option SL saves you because it makes it so if you mash you get the combo but if you block like oh my mashing didn't come out I get the brave counter but when it does come out I get the Raging strike that's what makes it very very beneficial what about standard good old frame traps what do you mean also what's good chat I wanted to read more of the chat while I was explaining everything but I figured that this topic was a bit more dense and I wanted to make sure I covered as many points as I can I think this went like okay all things considered I don't know if it was as good as a neutral guide I think my neutral guide was ham this one I think it turned out all right well actually not I think it turned out pretty good I just had to explain a lot of I think I had to explain a lot of how standard offense works is there a way to see the neutral guide yeah it's on on YouTube let me pull it up I wanted to explain a lot on how standard offense works for players at any level of play so they could just understand how to approach even offense if you have zero clue what a plus frame is or a minus frame is or have not developed that knowledge yet right I don't want to leave anyone hanging I didn't want to leave any players and be like figure that [ __ ] out like just figure it out yourself like that's not nice right wanted to make sure I helped everyone that's a neutral guy I've made I actually think I snapped on it I think it's really good no problem you think it's absolutely great thank you up for sure hell yeah we love to see it yo we love to hear people ining that's awesome I'm also down to answer any general questions about the game right now if anyone has them it could be about defense versus a character defense about anything in general or it can just be about offense or anything G related [Music] hell yeah R that's what's up thank you Yu an offensive narm guide I have a narm guide have you actually seen it I made a really good Naya guy too I actually learned how to play the character from the vest arms reminiscent quotes I don't think Hazel was playing Naya at this period in time but I remember asking her questions though but my goty actually think is really good I think I snapped on it it's pretty extensive but it does cover everything I learned let me link it it was more for Basics I don't even think it's necessarily Basics I think it's more advanced things too because I cover literally everything on Naya I cover like strong frame traps I think strong combo choices how you want to think about utilizing her tools it's a it's in general a very Advanced guide I think how do I always win and also never lose if you want the real answer here it's called a character [Laughter] select yo yeah you pick a character named Lancelot cuz that's my dog that's how you always win and never lose cuz you're playing the flyest character in the game so even when you lose you're winning good looks Dr Razer Blade thank you thank you if you are wondering I imagine you probably felt like everyone else was never having their Brave counter well their raging strike come out on whiff that's why that's probably why but in terms of sik freed though cuz I didn't want to cover how to deal with s Freed's Fireball because someone asked me there's multiple things that you can do calina let's grab a character like cat because I think that that's she's a character who I think has all the options you had to learn how to play land slot so you lose that first yeah that's true D Bel calina yeah especially because a lot of players are just fuzzy mashing too if it feels like it's super impossible to throw them or like actually hit them a lot of people are just delaying their defense so it's very very important to understand I do want to make an offense guide too eventually okay so s fre when it comes to dealing with this ex Fireball this move is strong for multitude of reasons number one it's [ __ ] up because it's 18 frame startup and point blink no matter what it's always plus not every ex Fireball Point blink is Plus on block but six Freeds is so no matter what distance you block this from it's Plus his l and m farall they see some use but they're a bit more Niche because the L farall is 20 Fram to start out the Len M Fireball also not plus un block Point Blank this is 20 frames minus six pretty sure this is 40 andus 7 no 40 - 6 yeah so his L&M Fireball the startup is on the slow sign so he effectively wants to use them at ranges like this generally speaking you cannot 4G or spot Dodge well you cannot 6G or roll any of his Fireballs you can always forgy or spot Dodge them though like this the L Fireball travels the fastest but he doesn't get pressure from it and it's the easiest to jump over the M Fireball is the slowest because it's 40 frames to start up but the durability is also not that strong the durability is about the same as a two hit nonex Fireball so ex Fireball so three hits will beat this as you can see cat y Fireball is actually piercing through it it loses two hits but the third hit will go [Music] through the main thing that makes his M Fireball strong though genuinely speaking it's hard to jump over because it's hitbox is really high up you can super jump over it but the downside behind super jumping it and like why it's tough that you have to super jump normal jump with Catalina as you can see she's minus 46 so her jump takes 46 total frames right if she super jumps look at this 51 total frames so she takes five extra frames when she does the super jump and this is important because taking a longer time to jump and hit the opponent means that it's more likely the opponent can block in time this is what makes punishing this Fireball hard it's the fact that you have to super jump over it which makes it so your jumpins are likely going to hit later which just take freed more of a chance to be able to block it that's like why his Fireball is so Godlike the fact that you have to super jump over it cuz they jump is slower the ex Fireball this move is God because this move trades with three hit ex Fireballs number one number two it travels slow enough for him to effectively get pressure after it and he can get a combo from Hit so you can use this as a means to approach himself like this and he can also use it as a means to stop the opponent from approaching because see if cat were to run into sik freed she's trying to attack him but she's just running into him doing the xball and based on the distance that he's at he can even combo from it this is why this Fireball is really oppressive because it's super strong offensively at forcing his way in and he can use it to wall you out defensively to stop you from trying to 66l poke or just Zone him out so it functions as a very strong double-edged sword in this regard what you can do if he throws his move there's a timing when this move comes out where you can spot Dodge it but it is really really hard to do the timing is around right here right before it's close to you you want to spot Dodge it if you do this if s freed approaches behind this move he is still plus but he is slightly less Plus and you avoid the chip damage from this so it looks like this if you do it correctly important thing to note about this though is you avoid the chip but it's very hard to stop the next action that s is going to do here if your character has enough reach you can clip him but based on the distance that he does this from it can be kind of hard because sometimes what he can do is if he 60 LS in a bit early he can actually clip you for taking your turn so usually you'll see after people spot do they still block cuz this will usually happen if you tried to take the turn let me see if I can get it you usually Clash a s breed or get hit generally speaking you'll get hit if the S player times this well like he's plus post Dodge so he can 6L at you in another thing that you can do is if your character has a good enough anti Fireball Al you can ult against this this is really strongar to do on reaction the main characters I would suggest doing this with gr jeta she's close enough cat if she reacts in time Mata can do this Ferry can do this Zeta can do this Naya can do this vasara can do this sores can sort of do this but it's hard Zoe can do this C can do it but it's kind of hard Ana can do this sa three can do this to himself Grimmer can do this usus can do this Uno can do this six can do this n can do this beo can do this Bello can do this Avatar Bello can do this lucilius can do this TB can do this van cannot do this so those are the characters yeah the fact that you have to spend 50 meter to beat a ex Fireball is kind of broken you're fully bided feeling that way nuu it is just broken like I'm not going to sugarco it it is really nuts [Music] yeah yeah your options are to just super jump over Dodge or use an ultimate skill essentially it's hard another thing that you can do is you can interrupt him out of this because the start but this move isn't the fastest if you're close enough using 6X LS or counter pokes against this is really strong which is a bit easier to do in this version because Sig fre 66l doesn't go as far what you don't want to do is you don't want to do this I would have to set myself to be S show this but this is something that you don't really want to do against this against s fre ex Fireball you can upback it but it's not the best thing to do in the world because number one you forfeit a lot of space and based on the distance that he does this from you see that that hold on based on the distance he does this time he can unblockable you I want to make sure I get the timer I was so [Music] close got it see that is really really oppressive if you AIR block the fireball you can die that's what makes it [ __ ] up it goes so far when you jump back there's a possibility that you might just AIR block the fireball anyways which is tragic when it happens right so ideally you can upback it at certain spacings but it's kind of hard to do what is going to be a better option to do that I will recommend post patch is is you can back dash it too back dashing is pretty good in my opinion but it's kind of hard to do currently and I say post patch because you would benefit a lot from having a back dash macro to be able to back dash on the table you will benefit a lot from having a back dash [Music] macro to be able to back Dash versus his ex Fireball because currently it's pretty tiring to do even on hit boox hold on I want the opposite goes so the opponent does this right look at how hard this is to back dash you literally have to be an Olympian when you're back dashing this move I kid you not you see very very hard to do but what they did in the Evo Japan build for this game is they made it so you can back dash via using the dash macro too because currently you can't do that you see if I'm holding back and I'm pressing the dash macro I'm getting four dash but in the Evo Japan build with Beatrix they change that so you can back dash at the dash macro in this game they're adding that to the game soon but now currently this [ __ ] is mad hard to do especially because at C certain spacings you get clipped [Music] anyways and Lance is a cheap back dash by the way too like Lance's back dash is really good but this is very hard to do currently like it's something that you can do but you still end up blocking the fireball anyways that's why sometimes your best bet is to just dodge it but it's hard [Music] cuz what certain SI free players also do is they even do [ __ ] like this hold on did did get the recording I think I just need to spam it I didn't mean to hold it I think I got the right timing oh [ __ ] I tried to hit a button after I'm trying to avoid the [ __ ] man unfortunate you see this a lot at high levels of play for this reason cuz if you are a pixel this chip kill is so hard to avoid but that's it just on how you deal with this Fireball it's really [Music] hard damn you hate s even more now something that s fre players could also do even if you try to walk backwards with the fireball look at this based on the spacing that they do this round you can 6m after and this will catch you usually walking back like that caught me walking back if they can do a certain spacing but it's hard to walk back versus and then they 66m you and this 66m is Turbo safe yo hante what's [Music] good this is the big mey patch who could hire save you yeah yeah it's broken the rabbit hole goes so deep with s fre y'all y'all don't even know this character he's so funny you already 's the Big Man on Campus yo what's good Kaa yo good [ __ ] by the way I saw that you won tmn congrats yo you Lu to see it I think it was last week where Yan versus greed I think it was you versus greed and GRS did I catch your question early on what was your question [Music] how do I think about whether or not you're going to spend BP on defense do I Lally just Spam the OS or are there situations you prefer to hold off on it particularly early in a round that's a really good question okay a really good example of a character I like to spend bravery a lot against is Charlotte [Music] I think this is a great example what s I feel like listening to you so the main reason why I like spending bravery a lot against charlot she is a character where you benefit so much from having momentum against her because is she commit the elbow right she's minus two on block granted I can whip punish elbow I can all DP versus elbow right there's a lot of things that I can do but if I block elbow in this situation I'm committing to RPS because what she can do here in this game because elbow's only minus two she can RPS me how she takes her turn here and she can do options like elb into expdp and I can't take my turn here without getting punished if I commit to something immediately all right if I brave counter this instead though what then happens well the RPS goes out the window I'm just right number one number two I'm able to secure a lot of momentum from being correct in this situation and it enables me to more effectively push her towards the corner especially because as a character like Lance a lot Lance is so [ __ ] privileged in this game keep this this is also a strength of L A lot because the character you play also does influence how you see bravery in this game something that's really strong about lelot if Lancelot has 50 meter and he hits you in the corner generally speaking the combo that he will do because ex reca meter gain is super strong it will lead into SBA or ssba I buil The 100 so I know in this situation if I BC versus charlota doing a ball or a 66l if I don't want to RPS of her I will put her in an offensive scenario that will push her further towards the corner and I know that if I aggressively open her up in a situation and I'm correct I will easily get back the one point that I spent by comboing into s SBA or SBA yeah I probably could have done that from 40 exactly his meter gain is nuts in this game so the fact that you can combo into SBA and ssba to gain back your bravery while stripping one of your opponent's bravery is very very strong and it's something that's very important to know how much meter your routes as any character you're playing are actually doing so I know that when I'm right from from this BC especially because he gets wall bounces from so far that nearly wall [Music] bounced if I did Auto combo here it would have so this game rewards momentum so heavily for the reason that the meter economy is super strong and the fact that you can easily gain back your bravery of SBA and ssba so it's not as expensive of a resource as you think when you consider that in mind also it depends because Brave counter is really strong on defense because there are guaranteed options that your opponent can commit to that you can Brave counter there's guaranteed spots essentially where you can BC them a very strong common guaranteed BC spot in this game is 66l if you block their 66l it doesn't matter what character it is you can react this is a reaction you can react to the 66l being blocked and BC this is why you see this so much it is a guaranteed BC spot in this game they cannot bait it they cannot option select they cannot counter it if you block their 66l you can BC even on reaction if they're doing staggers of course like this of course like this is harder like BC on reaction right but you could just wait for the six C and go all right I can BC the push back can make it whiff yeah but that's at very specific spacings generally speaking like at let me see if I can get it and it can depend a bit on character six yourselves but usually you'll be safe it's a pretty guaranteed spot in a lot of situations there can be instances where the push back can make it whip though if it's super super spaced out but usually be you'll be able to BC safely which is why it's so privileged yeah charlota can't do it cuz hers goes Super far yeah it's very character specific like Lance he can sort of do it but it depends on the character another thing too is moves that actively guarantee BC as well like Char loaded ex hands that's a guaranteed BC spot oh wait I recorded it wrong because when you react to this move with BC counter hit hard knockdown this situation on paper is not necessarily terrible for charlot because she managed to get in force you to spend the BC and force a hard knockdown right so it's not awful for her outright like it's easy to see this and be like damn charlot is completely dog [ __ ] but it's not that bad for her but it's also really great for you as a Defender because when you BC this what can you do you can always gain back the BC that you spent and another thing that you can do is when you're comboing into s SBA or ssba you are stripping their BC as well as the fact that you can rage and strike them to take away their BC too but it does also depend on how much and how often your opponent is brave countering you because if I'm doing this all day right if I'm Bing after literally every single block 66l pretty quickly right I could be in a scenario where I'm out of Bravery right but also on the contrary what if I'm doing this res charoda and she's Bing my 6X L's right then I'm like all right I'm getting you to spend your BC so I don't feel bad about being at BC at a BC fesal that's kind of low like if I have one bravery and you have one bravery that's fine we scrapping you feel me yeah guaranteed counter hit on BC is super strong in fact we can actually show this as example by pulling up a lot of we could just pull up a replay of any character or any player in terms of how
Channel: Rose Lockhart
Views: 1,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: defense, games, gbvs, gbvs rising, gbvsr, granblue, granblue fantasy versus, guide, rose, rose lockhart, tips, tutorial, twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 19sec (6859 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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