Granblue Fantasy Relink Guide : Cooldown Vane is INSANE!

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Shields up iron Breakers welcome back to gramble Fantasy relink and today we're once again going to be talking about Bane and this is for two reasons number one I actually learned some new information that I wasn't aware of at the time of posting the vain guide so I'd like to give a shout out to the user sha vertica he posted his own best Vin build and one of the things that instantly jumped to my attention was the fact that he was running supplementary damage times 3 and in there he wrote it procs is sigil to trigger cool down faster I wasn't aware of this this was also not the first time that I had seen people that play vain use supplementary damage because before I did the guide I was scouring through YouTube trying to see what was the top damage number on the dummy just to see how far off I was going to be from it because I was building my vein to be more tanky just to see what was going to be the difference in terms of damage and that user that had one of the best videos I think he was inting like 20 million or something like that he was also running a bunch of supplementary damage and at the time I just thought you know you can hit the damage cap so easy with most characters that one of the ways that you can go beyond the damage cap is just put supplementary damage in there and I just thought that that was the reason why that user was doing that I was not aware of the fact that supplementary damage would also reduce Bane's cool down due to the way that his mechanics work with his combo finisher and his signature sigil so that was pretty cool and then reason number two was that earlier today I was actually able to pull a vain Awakening sigil Hero's Awakening it was actually my third poll of the day which I was like bro really that's insane I did not expect that at all and I and I thought you know what let's actually try out cool down Vin let's see how it works out and uh it is absolutely insane as you know doubt I've been seeing by some of the footage that I've put in this video where it's just me and my friends and we're testing out just how many mechanics and bosses we can Skip by using Bain's shield and it's actually pretty sweet even though it's not the most use thing simply because at this point of progression both me and my friends were so decked out with our characters we dis shot so much damage that I can barely recover my shield in time to use before the next mechanic however if you're not there yet maybe this can help you out and maybe this will also be useful like I've mentioned previously in the lucilius fight so anyways let me just show you guys how fast we can actually get this stuff done right so I'm going to pop the shield right here we're in training mode right now and after that we're going to go in and we're going to do just a two combo with a combo finisher because that does the most number of hits whenever you do that now let's just keep doing that and see how fast we can get the shield boom and once again the dummy is even floating all up in the air and stuff from getting hit by this attack and this should pretty much do it watch boom Shield is up again like that is really really fast and that is without even using all of our other damage abilities because remember on top of that we have the the whatever destruction ability that we have that's like 1.8 million damage and if you're reducing your cool Downs this fast this skill is also going to be dishing out absolutely insane amounts of damage throughout a fight because you're going to be able to have it up a lot more often I'm also using the Gap closer here because the Gap closer out of the other two skills that vain has is the skill that deals the most damage because you have like the one that deals stun damage then you have his Gap closer and this is just a joy to play because of how fast stuff gets back up like look we already have the Gap closer again this is insane how fast you get your stuff back up and Rift divider still deals a ton of damage I still like Rift divider I know that sha vertica doesn't like Rift divider but I think you can really use this in big openings like breaks and paralysis and slow and other moments and I just love using that thing but this just flows so well that I was like bro I got I got to do another video so I convinced my friends and we went through like some of the uh more challenging fights naturally we didn't really do it for Proto Bahamut not because Proto Bahamut is challenging but more so due to the fact that PTO Bahamut doesn't have a lot of situations where you can actually skip phases by using his shield I mean there's a couple of situations whenever he's popping out for his breaths and whatnot Shield can be really useful there maybe you can do some tech where people are you know charging up their sbas earlier and you just Shield them from the the shelling of stuff that he throws with the orbs and whatnot but fundamentally we wanted to test out other fights that are maybe a little bit more challenging in some situations and it was really cool to see the results because you know just how fast you can get the cooldowns back up it just feels really nice to play vein like this however one of the biggest problems with this and this is something that's very frustrating for me is that I do not have all of the best sigul to do this so I'm having to sacrifice a lot of damage so my my build right now for vain does not have the top damage but naturally you can change things around to suit your own needs when it comes to vein so let's talk about what we got going here so number one I had to get rid of crab vestment returns so we're not really going above 45,000 health and for that we just go ahead and we put the mule near at plus 99 naturally so we got Hero's Awakening which good luck getting that because that's just desire sensor for you you got go into trans Marvel and best of luck I this is one of the reasons why I don't even use that many Heroes Awakening in my builds number one I don't have them number two they're extremely hard to get but naturally in order to be able to get this particular build to work the most important trait is going to be heroes will now I also really like Heroes Creed which is one of the ones that I definitely didn't want it to sacrifice because this gives you damage cut after landing a combo finisher and you're consistently Landing combo finishes which vein so you pretty much just have minus 20% damage taken all the freaking time which is awesome but then on top of it you know you now have Heroes will and this is the more important one because whenever you land a combo finisher your skill cooldowns get reduced by 3% but the cool thing is if you now notice on our vein whenever we hit the combo finisher wait that's not the combo finisher right there's multiple numbers because we have maximum supplementary damage and what that does is 100% of the time you are going to have supplementary damage and when you do the two hits because it hits multiple times so his combo that is Two Times Square two times triangle or two times primary attack and two times combo finisher right whenever you do that one it just hits so many times and it procs all of that additional supplementary damage and all of that just going to give you Giga cooldown reduction because of that signature sigil and it is just so freaking beautiful that you can it just flows so nicely and with being one of my favorite characters are like bro I got to got to make another video you know I I don't always know everything like with the super expertise I played most of my most of my endgame with oan keep that in mind oan and Bible you know even though I really like Bain I wanted stuff that de more damage at the start so anyways continuing onwards we naturally have War Elemental then we have uh steel nerves now if you want to make this build more offensive this is the first thing that you're going to cut even though I just really like steel nerves as well as guts so I'm going keep that but you know it's it would be better if I was able to get steel nerves from an offensive um from an offensive U sigil as opposed to having it here or maybe maybe even get steel nerves with a better offensive sigil like stamina or something like that that would have been good but I don't have anything I don't have steel nerves on anything that is offensive and that can improve my build which sucks so hopefully you have that that would be really cool then on top top of it we have critical hit rate with stamina which is actually really really good so we have our critical rate uh our critical hit rate at 98% stamina is going to increase our damage significantly then we have uh three supplementary damages and I know that you guys are going to say ruran one of your supplementary damages is only at 12 yeah it doesn't matter because when you have your um Terminus weapon that is going to give you sigil boost and you know that basically gives us 3 plus 42 45 maximum damage so I don't need to improve on that one because we're already capped on the skill so I don't have to waste materials on it then we have our damage cap skills which for me I have one with quick coold down which actually also suits this build really nicely I have one with auto revive that I love having and then I have one with uplift as well as well as one with drain so we have everything that we could possibly want in terms of survivability and then on my imbu traits I went ahead and I put some critical hit rate some quick cool down and a little bit of Garrison this is to make up for the fact that I've lost uh crab vestment returns whatever I wanted to have something a little bit more defensive on the weapon but you don't need it you really don't it's just like I don't have that great um that great that many great right Stones which kind of sucks I've been very unlucky with that stuff so I was like you know I'll just get this one for now and it's whatever maybe I'll get a better one down the line but this is what makes Vin like so much more fun to play like my previous build is still good it's even tank than this one but you're not going to be able to use the shield as often which is one of the things that I definitely want to do with v more and more especially because I'm hoping to God that the developers give us something that is harder because right now I can't even use this build properly even though the build is fantastic right I can't even use this properly with my friends because we just dish out so much damage that we usually clear fights too fast for the effect of us having multiple Shields to really come into play either we go through the phases too fast and I don't have the shield ready in time or we just even skip phases where the shield would have been really cool but we just skipped the phase cuz we're dealing so much damage now one of the things that is very important is if you end up using the same skill setup that I'm using with this build which by the way you guys are curious we have Rift divider energy destruction ramp art and heroic beat and again the reason I use heroic beat instead of arm destruction is because heroic beat deals more damage I haven't even T if the cool down comes back fast or not but it's just more damage so it's whatever I just went with the damage um but uh you know you can also swap swap Rift divider if you really want to get arm destructure instead that makes the build easier to play but I like Rift divider the thing about Rift divider is if you are rushing to get your Shield back up you can't use it you can only use it whenever there's an opening like when you when you have a slow on the boss a Paralysis on the boss a break on the boss there's plenty of openings that you'll be able to use but if you're struggling to get your Shield back up you don't want to be using this skill you want to be using the two hit combo together with the other stuff that you have so like do the two HIIT combo you make sure to land your link attacks as well as the follow-ups you do your big uh energy destruction or whatever it's called and you do the Gap closer and finish that off that is going to you know keep this up as well as the two hit combo rotation going that's going to be what's going to reduce your stuff the fastest to get your Shield back up and then once you have the shield ready then just use whatever you feel like it and you can use this cuz especially after you put three supplementary damage in this this skill is ridiculous for the amount of damage that it deals so you know I love it and I wanted to share this build with you guys let me know what you guys think about that once again thank you for bringing this stuff up to my attention and uh yeah you guys enjoyed this video hit the like button subscribe notification I on all that jazz and I'll see you guys in the next one stay strong stay safe he's out
Channel: Rurikhan
Views: 32,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Granblue Fantasy Relink, Granblue Fantasy, Gameplay, Trailer, Rurikhan, Granblue Fantasy Review, Review, Granblue Fantasy Gameplay, Action RPG, Granblue Fantasy Relink Guide, Guide, Granblue Fantasy Relink Endgame, Vane Guide
Id: WDs3SfpHSk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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