How To Paint HOLIDAY HORSE & CARRIAGE \ acrylic step by step painting tutorial

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[Music] hi everybody and welcome back to my channel i'm so glad you're joining me today for this painting tutorial we're going to paint a wagon and a horse in winter and it's going to be a holiday themed painting we're going to have some pretty uh reese christmas wreaths with bright red ribbons today i'm working on a 9x12 canvas but this is pretty small and you can paint this on any size canvas that you like i think that if it was on a larger canvas uh like a 16 by 20 or even 18 by 24 would look quite beautiful now i just want to go over the colors i'm using today really quickly and make sure you don't forget to look down below this video in the description box i'll have a full list of all the colors and brushes and some links to other tutorials and more of my work that you might enjoy so let's go over these colors i've got titanium light sap green crimson red scarlet red burnt sienna and mars black the brushes we're going to be using today first are a number 30 filbert brush i'm going to use this brush to just start working on the background and then i'm going to come in and use it in a different way for creating some bushes so i'm just going to start right away we're going to get this brush a little bit wet you definitely don't want to have any drips of water coming out of it otherwise that means you have too much water you just want it damp enough so that it can easily spread the paint around now we're going to begin with white and just a little bit of that black so all we want to do is create a soft gray and i'm going to go side to side just back and forth pick up a little bit more water here and i know it's going to dry a little bit darker than this so i want to make sure that i get a softer gray here and there so it's not solid it doesn't have to be the same shade of gray all over the canvas it's actually nicer to have a few different shades and hues of gray going on so just going to take a little bit more water and soften all the edges here i want to mention that i applied two coats of white acrylic gesso beforehand to prep this canvas what that does is it creates a barrier between the paint and the canvas so the paint will stay nice and bright and last for years to come otherwise paint can fade over time if the canvas isn't prepped correctly okay so now i'm going to come in and start adding a little bit of bushes and i'm going to take my sap green i haven't washed my brush off a little bit of sap green black into that gray so we've got a really nice grayish green color and just gonna start by pushing and tapping and the camps the paint is still a little bit wet which is nice because i'm getting all these softer tones here as it kind of starts to pick up a little bit of that light gray okay you know what i want to do is just pull and cut across you can do this back and forth side to side if you like okay now i'm going to switch brushes i've got a one inch oval mop brush i'm gonna apply the paint to this dry i want it to be nice and kind of puffy like it is i'm gonna tap in to my white okay and then i'm just going to start adding some frosty tops to my bushes maybe make it look a little bit heavier with snow depends on how much you want to add okay so like less less paint it'll look a little bit frostier more paint and you'll have that snowy look either one looks nice you can really can't go wrong pick a few areas here where i'm going to make this a little bit heavier i just don't want it to look the same everywhere so i want to have just a few chunkier looking areas here and then right underneath i'm going to clean that up i don't want that to look like water so it could look like a reflection right if we don't clean this up and this isn't a fantasy painting so we're not having any floating on water horse and carriage today so let's quickly go over that if it starts to look a little bit green just keep adding some white we want this to be nice and bright down here anyways except for a bit of a shadow from underneath the wheels of the carriage or under wall underneath the wheels and the carriage see i'm just going to apply a little bit more of my white around the sides here and kind of just leave a light gray flattish kind of a rectangle and as the paint starts to dry it looks a little bit dull you see even with the um gesso applied it's still losing a little bit of brightness there so just add a little bit more snow wherever you like but i think that looks kind of pretty like that so i'm going to leave it okay so now we're going to decide how big that we want our horse and carriage to be and because it's got a lot of round ends to it and edges to it i'm going to be using a filbert brush for this instead of a flat brush this will be easier for me to get it nice and smooth and round edges that i want so i want my wagon to really be the focal point of this painting so i'm going to start it just about a quarter of the way down the canvas so right about here will be the top so i'm going to just take a little bit of water and i'm going to take my black with my burnt sienna beautiful dark chestnut brown color it's very rich and i like this color for lots of different things but i don't think i've ever painted a horse and wagon together before so this is brand new for me and i'm really excited okay so like i said about a quarter of an inch down and i'm just going to start going over the top like this slightly rounded so it doesn't have to be straight bring it over just a little bit like that so we want it to have a little bit of an overhang there and then we'll bring down slant this line a little bit okay if you guys want to sketch yourself beforehand that's just fine i like to freehand bring that out a little further now and we're going to have snow on the top so don't worry about it uh if it looks like a little bit bumpy or crooked on the top we're just gonna camouflage that and hide any imperfections with some snow scumble pick up a little bit of water here i'm going to take some white now give it more of a grayish look as it comes around here [Laughter] go down further here now taking a little bit more water so rounded and then slightly slanted like this and we'll have some sort of a bit of a seat here showing this is going to be covered up with lots of snow and another christmas wreath in this area here and then we'll have our horse of course didn't need to rhyme but keep bringing this down here add a little bit more white to make that gray tone at times especially down here so don't try to think about exactly what you're painting think about where you're painting if it what color it is if it's dark if it's light and that's all i'm doing right now because it's quite busy with the wheels that are going to be here as well all the snow and of course the wreath it'll be a lot less complicated if you change your way of thinking about what you're painting and that's what works best for me everybody's got their own way of of doing things it kind of just dips down right about here and then i'm just gonna just gonna stumble in this area here where our wreath is gonna be so it shows up and we have a nice shadow going on okay and then i'm going to take more of my burnt sienna this time a little bit more with a bit of black and i'll start my horse and i'm just going to bring this actually out a little bit further that across okay and going to have sort of a half oval shape just go up and over and then the horse we're just going to see some ears there he's looking that way right and then his head neck it's going to be really covered in snow and then it comes down like this around the side legs nice and skinny just let off on the pressure you're using on your brush so that you're using more of the tip just going to get a little bit of water help loosen that paint out of my brush here so we're going to go in a little bit and then right over here just kind of slant off up right about here we're going to pull over there will be a wheel covering up this leg but let's just add that there i'm gonna bring up this area a little bit more and make his make his head a little bit wider because once we add the snow we still are gonna be able to see a um bit of the side of his face a little bit of brown here on either side so just to be safe let's go ahead and add that and i'm going to take more burnt sienna now and i'm going to pull kind of rounded rounded like that take a tiny bit of white what the white will do it is it'll make it opaque so it's not uh transparent we're not gonna be able to see uh the trees underneath i'm going to take a little bit more black now and i'm just gonna go right from there up above pull that over oh we need another leg in here i'm going to add a little bit more black right in here because i know that there's some darker shadow and base going on there and like i said well the the legs here don't worry at all we've got those wheels right that are going to hide that and then here we're going to camouflage and hide the rest of the horse with our wreath in the front and we're also going to add a beautiful red ribbon to the side of the horse as well i'm going to take a little bit of my burnt sienna now and just go around kind of just outline that area there and i'll take some black and i'll go inside so that separates from this area here i'm going to lighten that area up a little bit more by taking some white and making a softer gray and right from here i'm going to bring it up across the top leaving it dark underneath go ahead and add some snow so a thick amount and this is why it's important to have gray background so that your snow shows up so i'm using quite a bit here so it's nice and thick and it really stands out and you might need to add a little bit more later on a little bit here i've got a little rectangle shape right there a little bit of snow right there and a little bit right there so i'm just looking at a wagon for reference right now and i'm not sure what all these parts are called so apologize i'm just adding i'm looking at colors and shapes and like i mentioned before that's how i find it the easiest way to approach objects and paintings and structures okay so i think i am ready to start adding some snow to [Music] our horse i'm just gonna wash my brush out okay and i'm gonna go just right into that white there a tap to load it up on the bottom and i'm gonna come around here place my finger on my brush like this pull and drag in the middle leaving brown and black on either side and then pull it and drag lightly around so you want to kind of create a little half circle type of shape and brush stroke i'm going to go ahead and add more white on the very top and we're gonna add snow covering his ears the top of his head and clean this up a little bit so i don't want his ears to look too long and i'm going to make that gray background color and make these just a little bit shorter back to some white fill that in and come around the side here just trying to match that background color a little bit more i'm going to bring his body out with a little bit of that white or gray and a little bit of burnt sienna and come out a little bit wider right here with a little bit of a highlight like that then right over to burnt sienna and black mixture just a tiny bit here and i'm just gonna carefully go around the edge making that a bit wider and then we'll just tuck a little bit right in here so that it looks like it's curving so we want to bring this in and make the white a little bit narrower the snow a little bit narrower right there and that is those come down here but they're going to be kind of hidden with some snow so let's just kind of dab dab dab a little bit here there's also going to be a shadow so i'm just going to rinse that paint on my brush and i've got the right colors here that i can kind of softly blend that out right and it'll look like a little lines for some shadows take a little bit more here any kind of light gray and before we start adding our wheels let's emphasize this shadow a little bit more so you just want to take gray [Laughter] and just slide it along the bottom [Laughter] just kind of flat like that [Applause] and then add some white below that i'm going to make this a little bit flatter a little squashier it's a little bit of gray over his legs here they're a little bit further away and we want to make them a little bit more subdued i'm gonna go back into my burnt sienna here without washing my brush off there may be a little hint of that gray in there and now kind of from the bottom up like this well i need a bit of water on my brush we're going to go up a bit more paint even a bit of that gray got a bit of a shimmer and shine kind of along there and then i'm going to do is just take a little bit of that black burnt sienna mixture and go right above that and right below all that snow and there's a little line which is probably so just touch that snow with my pinky got to be careful where i place my finger one of the the reins is right there so i just used my black burnt sienna first and then i'll just apply a little bit of snow over top and i'm going to take a little bit of black now and i don't know if it's some type of harness or something that's coming around here this is what's holding the ribbon we're gonna have a ribbon but i think i want to add a wreath and a ribbon add some greenery there because i think that will look really nice with all the red we've got that burnt sienna which is very red and then our ribbon so i'm going to start with a little bit of black and my sap green and the angle it's on it's going to be kind of an oval skinny oval like this just because of how we're seeing it from this angle okay then i'm going to take a little bit of just a little bit of white and green i'm going to kind of tap tap of my brush to make it act like a stipple there we go now i'll add the red ribbon on after and we'll start on this one right here again a little bit of black and our sap green and we're going to have another wreath right here a nice big one a good size this is closer to us get a little bit of that white in there okay and i'm going to come back to that with a very small mop brush i'll show you in just a moment i'm going to do our third and final wreath here and i'll have it right about here tap tap tap i had a little bit of black inside here for a shadow a little bit more right on the inside here here we go so i've got a really cute small mini um mop brush here it's kind of on a on the oval side i guess but this is going to work really well and what i'm going to do is take some white with my green and we'll make that kind of a frosty mint color here and we'll start on this side just adding a tiny bit a tiny bit in here and then as we get over here we'll add a little bit more a little bit more of the white this time because it is snowing heavily i mean look at how much snow is on that poor horse there and then go ahead and start adding it to this one and you can kind of add it in like sections i'm going to take more white i really want to cover the top of this one with quite a bit of snow and i'll probably once it's all dry add a little bit more towards the end of the video depending on how quickly it dries my studio is actually pretty warm today i forgot to shut the heat up in here last night i'm gonna add i've got um this is a number one size liner it's pretty small and i'm gonna add some snow to the top right there and then i'll add a little bit of white in between the legs here i've gotta apply a little diagonal line there because the hooves go up on an angle like that so i'm just gonna do that we're not really gonna see and then i'm before i forget i'll take a little bit of gray thank you and there's going to be a line in here i get my brush a little bit wet i'll take a little bit of white and black kind of at the same time here and it's going to go angle like that then [Music] just doing this with white and then i'll go with black underneath and then i'm just going to add a little bit of black here it's optional it's just a little bit of a extra shadow i'm going to take some more white and go over the top here where i kind of accidentally rubbed it off with my when i was resting my pinky i like to rest my pinky on my canvas to help steady my hand but gotta check and make sure that the paint i'm resting it on is dry so what i want to do is add some thicker heavier chunkier looking snow here on the top of this wreath so this works really well just to kind of squiggle it around with my brush just on the top and i'm going to tap around like this for some other little branches that might have a little bit more snow on them you could also kind of drag it around dry drag like that like a dry brush i'm going to bring this down here a little bit lower with my burnt sienna black and a little bit of white i'm going to switch brushes i'm just going to use another filbert this is same size as my last one just a different brush bring this down a little lower here i'm gonna add um a line and it's gonna go slightly on an angle like this so i'm just gonna take my liner brush again a little bit of black maybe some burnt sienna gray in there what if any combination of those will work actually just come right down there let's just push this over with a little bit of a wet brush you can easily do that add some more greenery in here maybe they've got maybe they've got a little wreath business and they're going around the village delivering wreaths this is just one decorated wagon there's some more greenery around here add a little bit of green in here as well i know it's going to dry a little bit darker we'll start working on the wheels pretty soon but i do want to add i'm so excited to add the red ribbon so i really want to do that i'm just going to add a little bit more another layer of the snow i'm going to take one of my smallest micro mini liner brushes it says 10 on it which is confusing because 10's a big number on us on the scale of brushes and this is like the tiniest so just use a really small brush you could use a brown brush whatever small brush you have and i'm going to take my uh crimson red here first it's starting to dry but it's nice and thick and it's kind of easier to paint with when it's nice and thick like this so add excuse me like a triangle right we'll just do a triangle have that come up a little bit higher two triangles for the ribbon and if it picks up a little bit of that white that's fine because then we get some other highlights which we're going to be adding anyways and it comes around like this the bottom and then push wiggle and squiggle around for the bottom of the ribbon and then we'll make this one a little bit shorter okay then i'm going to take whoops a little dry layer there some of my scarlet bread now we're going to come inside and add the highlights so here's where you really don't want to over blend otherwise you're going to lose those nice bright highlights okay and then we're going to tap some snow on dab don't color blend a little bit of snow then we can also take a little bit of black you really have want to have some shadows in here okay we're going to do the same thing just a little bit smaller a triangle and a ribbon and i'm going to do this i'm going to be a little bit more loose and quicker these ones are further away okay then we'll take some white and i clean my brush off before i start another one i have the ribbon coming outside of the wreath and we'll take our scarlet take a little bit more and wipe off the excess and pick up some white and just a little dab there well i've got this white and i know this is dry right here i'm gonna pull some snow along there as well and i like that i picked up a little bit of that red it's sort of a light pinky color that's kind of pretty i think it'll be i think it'd be really pretty to add a little bit of maybe there's a wreath in the front here we can't really see it or some greenery or something some pretty holiday arrangement and i'll take a little bit more just of the green this time then a little bit of white clean that brush off take some red so we can't really see because it's from the front we just see bits and pieces i guess no one indicating there's probably a bit of a breeze and you can feel that movement in the ribbon i'm gonna add highlight on top a little bit of snow and the highlight and if it turns a little bit pink i don't mind at all i think that's kind of pretty okay it's time to start adding the wheels now the other side first i'm just going to use my filbert brush i'm going to take some black a little bit of water pick up a little bit of white make a deep gray color so right here a bit more water you just want to do a thin half circle and i'm going to thin this out by taking some of that paint off right away i know that i'm going to need to add more shadow right under here so i'm going to bring the shadow up bring that shadow up a little higher here we go i'm gonna go back to my long liner brush and i'm gonna do some lines for the wheels so i'll go and across like that tell yourself it's a pie and you're cutting up the pieces so however you would cut a pie cut across that's what makes it the easiest for me now this back one we're going to see just part of it and then we're going to see the other one that comes around the front here and i'm going to do the next one here again with my filbert brush black maybe some burnt sienna yeah a little bit of burnt sienna black and white and we're gonna have a line that comes here and the wheel starts here it's like the size of an egg again i'm going to just narrow it out and go across for that shadow i'm going to add a little bit of snow inside so with a clean brush a little bit of white just go around like that okay then i'm going to go back to my liner brush those will same colors water and go [Music] right in half in half this way a little bit more water okay then i'm going to take some light and i'm going to add some snow then i'm going to put some snow on the top right here where we would see it from that side and just a little bit of a little bit of an outline there add some snow at the base of the wheel whoops i don't want black in there or red paint's starting to my palette starting to get a little bit chaotic and messy here but be careful i don't mix colors that i don't want to mix so yeah it's heavy snow and those wheels are going in cutting into that snow right there add some fresh titanium white right here okay now the next wheel is going to come up slightly higher so this one's here we're going to just go up slightly higher here and line it up so that it goes halfway through our wheel in the back i'm going to go back over here to my filbert brush and just cut right underneath where we added that snow i did that so that i could see better okay we need to brown this out because it's just a little bit squarish right here and flat looking so let's just round that out bring it out just a little bit further snow on the inside and then snow in front of it so we're going to take some of this some of this shadow off but you know that's part of the process there we go and then our other one's going to be level with this one right into my black and i'll just make a little bit wider by taking off some of that snow or white then go back into the light and just reapply right there and add some white above we're gonna bring the white right up right up here to this other wheel you're going to bring this just eyeballing this here adjust the sizes [Music] we'll have our center point here center point here okay we'll start adding just a little bit more snow inside and then we'll come in with a bit of water and our dark colors again burnt sienna black maybe i'll do this one first and cut our lines in then i'll take a little bit of white add that little tab back in the center and then the white on the top of that got a little bit there a little bit more i should say okay let's go ahead continue on our last wheel [Music] add a little bit of more of this green from the wreath here let's make it a little bit kind of get blended in and lost i'm going to take that green and black around the edge here as well okay i'll take a little bit of white now add more snow right there on this part of the wheel and then a little bit more on the top come in with a little bit of black right below work out one in here okay i'm going to switch over to my filbert brush clean and pretty dry i'm gonna clean up these edges here and i'm gonna make a light gray where i need to have a little bit more of a shadow you and then i'm going to go down this edge here again right from the top and add a little bit more make it even darker gray for the back side here again take a bit of white here there back over to my liner brush add little lines here and there wherever i see them put this white in the front on the top of the horse there i'm really liking this and i think to finish this painting off i want to add some snow everywhere so i really want to make it look like it's snowing and i'm going to be using my toothbrush that i always use to create snow what i like to do is just kind of dunk it in the water and then gently scrub to get it all evenly mixed up on the bottom of the toothbrush and then turn it over place my finger here and pull and just start spraying evenly one very last thing before i call this painting done i want to make this little line here stand out a little bit more so i'm going to do a little line here and then down okay so this painting is all finished i really enjoyed working on this and i'm glad i got to share it with you hope you guys are having a great creative week stay happy and positive paint along with me subscribe to my channel if you haven't already i'd sure love to have you join and i'll see you all soon in another video bye everybody [Music]
Channel: Joni Young Art
Views: 31,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acrylic, Painting tutorial, How to paint a horse, Carriage in winter, Snow, Art, Christmas wreaths, Holiday, Joni young art
Id: HvkhGyFH3CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 53sec (4133 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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