How To Paint SANTA 🎅 acrylic painting tutorial

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hi everybody and welcome back to my channel my name is tony young if you're new here and i'm an acrylic artist and instructor today i'm going to be showing you how to paint santa just a portrait of santa here a vintage old-fashioned looking one those are my favorite and i'm working on a smaller 9x12 canvas today you can use any size of canvas that you want of course for this and i'm going to be using a number 30 filbert brush to start just to get the background covered and i'll go over the colors we're using today and don't forget to check out the full list just below in the description box of this video as well white i'm using titanium white but you can use any white that you want i've got blue teal uh bright olive green sap green a little bit of mars black crimson red neon red and neon yellow warm i'm going to start this painting by getting my brush a little bit wet so i'm just going to scoop up this teal and just start covering the entire canvas with it i chose this color because i know that it's complementary to the red you could use a bright aqua green as well if you want if you don't have this one either one will be just fine okay so i'm using my small filbert brush here it's a number one and i'm just going to start making the basic outline of him first just to ensure we have the right proportions everywhere i'm going to get a little bit of water on my brush and i'm going to get a little bit of white and this beard shape and come right down here i'm just with a little bit of water in that white just starting the first kind of little curls and sorrels for his his beard come down lower down here right off the bottom of the canvas so and then we've got his hat in here but i'm going to come in with where i know his mouth is going to be somewhere right in here and then we'll just rough in his mustache that we can adjust later on that one up a little bit higher they almost look like little birds don't they or little whales so i know some mouth is going to be um kind of a pinky color so let's just take both of those reds a little bit of yellow let's just go scoop down and across and just get the first initial part there and then while i've got this color on my brush i'm going to go ahead and start the first layers of his skin so crimson neon red and yellow warm if you need any other suggestions alternatives for these colors don't hesitate at all to leave a comment or question below okay so we're just gonna have a round circle right here for the ball of his nose okay then i'm going to come in with a little bit of yellow and white very lightly add that very softly and then a little oops a little dab of white but we'll come in and add some more layers after it's a bit too wet for that bright bright highlight but this is a good start to building up and it's all going to dry a little bit darker too so by the time that's dry we'll be ready okay let's take those colors again we're gonna come right in here close to his nose scoop down for his cheek and then around the side like this up where's his forehead gotta have a bit of weight in there to break the uh blue teal underneath because that's gonna show through and in some areas i don't mind that because then we'll get um [Music] a nice a shade of shadow colors but we just don't want it to overpower everything right take a bit of white and make his cheeks really puff out and be round and then come around the side here the rest of his nose now just a little triangle right here and we're going to add a little bit more of the yellow and the white line across there go ahead and add a little bit more to his nose here bring this up a little bit higher i'm going to make it a little bit darker where his he's got a bit of shadow from his hat i'm going to bring this in a little bit because it gets narrower right here okay i'm going to start working on his other cheek a little bit more of the reds this time it's a bit darker on this side pick up a little bit of white with those reds i'm going to bring his nose over a little bit more this way and then add the indication of a little nostril right there and we'll cut around that with some darker shadow colors and then just dip this down a little bit come over his other cheek i'm gonna go into the white a little bit of that yellow i'm gonna go right above and outline his nose and then the side of his eye right there and then we'll just bring this up a little bit and pull it over top of his nose more on the yellow side and his forehead in between and in between his eyebrows here just add a little bit more white make sure it dries a bit brighter and most definitely we'll have to go back and add some more i'm sure especially with especially with this teal underneath but you can see how nice the colors look together already i'm going to switch over to my number two round brush just so i can get in here with a little bit of black and i'm just going to add just fill this in i'm going to be coming over with a little bit more of his mustache after and i'll just come right below here and eat a bit of water on my brush across and i'm going to make a bit of gray a little bit more water here and then you're going to go around that just a little bit darker not by much though we're gonna have that mustache just curl around up his cheek there go and mix up a bit more of that color a little bit more black especially right here by the nose where it's going to be more in shadow this is what i'm going to come down here and make his mustache come down a little bit more across his mouth and because mustache curl over like that go back to our gray a little bit more black there's a nostril there make it a little bit dark and then just outline this nose right like that i'm gonna take a little bit more white a little bit of water on my brush and i'm just gonna start and then i brush like this and stumbling through the top of his hat or the front of his hat okay a little bit more black and if i have any of that teal i think it's all dried now but i'm just going to pull in there and maybe i can loosen some up if you've got any leftover teal go ahead and use it i'm just going to go partially over the red so you rate the red there that dark red and the white we added for his hat then i'm going to take the red red a little bit of that yellow and then right in here by his nose i'm gonna add a line like that looks like a v right now and we're going to pull over scoop over like that and then come up just to about there the same thing over on this side just a little bit different shape now this dark line is going to have his eyebrow come up over top of it partially same with this one and get a little bit of water on my brush just to loosen that paint up and then he's got some laugh lines around his or little lines around his uh eyes i guess laugh lines are by the mouth not not the eyes outline that a little bit and we're going to continue his beard up to here but it's going to be a little bit of this dark reddish color and a few more wrinkles and lines right here how are you guys doing so far hope you guys are following along all right and enjoying this video i'm gonna come in with that little kind of kidney bean shape right there just with some bright white and then i'm gonna give him a little shine to his lips little highlight right there take a little bit more of my yellow a little bit more here and we're just going to go in between under his eye with those lines in between his wrinkles oh i got a little bit of paint there stuck to my finger better be careful of that see i often rest my finger here to steady my hand which is very helpful but not if it's still a little bit wet underneath okay i'm just going to continue up here above is where his eyebrow is going to be we're going to have a little bit more of a highlight there there and this little triangle right in here and that nostril so we're adding a little highlight around it so i'm just going to cover this up in here and bring his nostril down just a little bit further i'm going to bring it just right here that'll place it a little bit better then i'm going to go in with a little bit of red yellow yes let's add those colors again a little bit of all three of the colors now plus some white bring that nose over just pull it over a little bit more this way then i'm going to outline in the light light yellow i want that i want the inside here where it's black to be a little bit less black and i'll just pull it up there and i'm going to cut that color from red and black to just a dark color by breaking that with the complementary color which is green the opposite and i'm gonna bring his flip over a little bit more up here and now we can come in and add some more white i think i might use my um rake fan brush that i really love but right here at the right under his nose or by his nose it's really bright right here on the very end where it curls and i'll just come right here see this this part side of his mustache comes over top i'll just pull a few dip that down a little bit lower and then bring it up around the side and curl over and then we can come in with his eyebrows i'm going to start with the gray really bushy eyebrows make a little bit darker right here we'll follow that line that dark one and then go right off the side there and then bring it in a little bit more narrow here and he's got some hair whisping out here okay i'm going to use a number 12 filbert brush for the first layer of his beard i'm going to let that dry there let that area dry and then go back we'll work on his eyes as well but i want to start coming in with his beard and i'm going to mix up white and black for gray to make a nice sort of mid gray color like a payne's gray or slate gray i'm gonna go right underneath there make it kind of wavy so just grazed over the bottom of his lip there a little bit more white but that's fine i'm using a little bit of water here guys just to loosen the paint up a bit that's when we use the rake fan brush that we're really going to be able to get those nice lines highlights and make it look a little bit more 3d i'm just going to bring that right off the canvas down there okay so i've got here a number number says it's a number three rake fan brush um this is level two it's also known as an even tail and you want to make sure that it's really really wet it's like how you use a liner brush you need a lot of water in it to help loosen up really really saturate the brush and i'm just going to start you want to just really layer and wisp whisp up the ends of his beard a little bit more water i love using this brush it's great for grass and hair and fur i use it for the for quite often on my animals i also use it for um palm leaves as well foliage waves i've even used it for clouds so you can use it on its side too and kind of do little curls little half curls like that but you really need to load it quite often with both water and paint it runs out fast because it's like using multiple liner brushes right now i'm going to come in with more white and less water sometimes turning it this way and then sometimes this way over the corner my brush i'm going to push on the side and again the edge you can just gently line it up there and just create a little flex okay so now i'm going to come in with my rats mainly the crimson i'm going to come up here right from the side bring it up right to the top of the canvas then start to pull it over this way little end curve bring it in a little bit more okay now i'm going to take a little bit of white and the yellow and the neon red and add a highlight right about there okay with a clean brush i'm going to take a little bit of green with my crows and red for my shadows bring it in here a little on the outside just a little dab right in there i've got a mini mop brush here that i'm going to use for the bright white and the ball on his hat okay i'm going to go right into my white and tap in with my mini mop brush and i'm going to start it around this side partially over the gray and then add a little bit of hair in here and then we'll tap in our ball and then i'm gonna add a little bit of a shadow so i'm gonna with the white on my brush mix it in with a little bit of black soft tap and even a little bit of a swirl there and then i need more of a mid tone here in between so i'm just gonna soften that a little bit go back over to my white i'm going to get a good amount on it this time and around the edge let me use one of my liner brushes this one is a number two and i'm gonna come in here a little bit and just loosen up little pulls and flicks like this i'm going to come in around behind the back side of the end here where it starts and i'm going to come down a little bit lower now quickly with that red and that right there pull that over a little bit more a little bit of green tiny bit of black make a dark color again i'm just going to need a little bit of water though to help loosen that come along very lightly outline definitely need a little bit more water i don't want that all those little dry areas showing through i'm going to use a little bit more of my gray along with this liner brush there's some other areas in here where i want to have some more shadows in between his hairs making it look a little bit more 3d and the rake fan brush is a great brush it's just a little bit harder to control um for smaller areas i don't have a mini one i should get a mini one though i really could use one for areas like this so i'm just gonna pull and sweep and then gradually add more and more white come around this area here and start to bring this up higher back over to the gray and i'm going to outline this in here and then right back over to the white and a little bit more no water at all on my brush for this part i just want full strength paint his mustache comes out a little bit over his beard in the front that beard is tucked in there okay i'm just gonna take a little bit of gray here and add some shadow scumble lightly blending however you want to and i'll take a little bit more of that green with a red pull his mouth up a little bit more and i'm gonna just go over his nostril here a little bit again kind of lost that before didn't we and i need a little bit more of a shadow from his pom-pom here so i'm going to make this a darker gray than the beard underneath and we're going to add and it'll look kind of like a crescent moon and that's the shadow a little bit of water to loosen that up and then we'll have a few more ends of his beard showing in behind here that we can do carefully here with our liner brush we'll have some little curl that comes up right there a little bit of water i'm going to add a few little dabs of the bright white a little wiggly making it look kind of textured there little hairs foreign i'll have some hair coming out from underneath the hat and just peeking through there and just short little strokes like this a straight white and go over this highlight again straight white a little bit more right here and i've got a little bit of that yellow left that's all we need i'm going to take some more red with that yellow and white start adding it right in here just a little bit of red there to touch up where i accidentally placed my finger i'm going to come across here a little bit of my light yellow red and white a few lines right there then a little highlight right here on the ball of his cheek the darker color get a little bit more weight and just add a few more hairs in here and brighten up the highlights on his eyebrows so just really making these little half circles and without touching um or pushing too hard another little highlight right here a little bit of my light yellow same color and round out a few lines like that i'm just going to add a little triangle here for the weight of his eye and then a little bit of light peachy pink color a little bit of red and green mixed with that peach and a little bit of water just to help loosen that up push wiggle so it kind of goes up dark there and then down grab a little bit more green remember i'm using the dark green for this because it's complementary and it'll just look better i'm just going to paint it all in this dark color first it'll be easier to do that coming after here we're going to go around the corner of his eye and then just very lightly go over that part gently push go across a little bit of water on my brush a few little eyelashes here and then come down up around for his eye a little bit more water come down here and i'm going to go in between for his wrinkles do a line here under this eyebrow on this side of his nose for shadow okay then i'm gonna get that peach color again a little bit of white dip down here bring it up scoop down a little bit and then go back this one comes down here and just meets with his cheek you add the light on his pupils here so this one it's not in the middle of of the black and actually this one goes a little bit i'm going to do that again this one goes over a little bit this way they both do they both lean more towards the left side okay going back into that highlight color pull down and then up bring that down a little bit lower and then pull that up so it kind of comes down to even more often ends and the ease closer to the left in the center i'm still just using this soft peachy color that's more of a dry brush i'm just going to add a little bit more hair to his eyes first before i start that a little bit of green and red we're just defining some more shadows here and right over to my white because i really want this to stand out a little bit more and it's quite normal you just have to have patience i know that you're going to have to add more highlights just make it a whole bunch like this if you guys heard that my dog is snoring she's such a tiny dog and it's so funny to hear her loud snoring noises that she makes so i'm just going to keep going over wherever i want these to show up a little bit more oops a little drip in there let's just take that out while we're adding some more highlights okay so i'm going to take a little bit of red white and blue and i'm gonna make um sort of a purple color here just that so that his eyes are a different shade of blue it's a little bit more white here turning into sort of a dusty bluey gray color okay so i'm just going to do a little ring around here use a little bit more white in here so it shows up a little bit better it's going to be narrower in here okay now i'm going to come in with black i'm actually going to use black i'm going to go right under here and pull a little bit of water to help along i'll add those little eyelashes and then be really careful and add just outline my white now we need to have a little bit more phthalo blue right up in here it's darker right up here okay then i'm going to take the black and go from the side start at the corner of the eye go up and over a little bit more black here and water help loosen that with a clean brush i'm going to take that peachy color again get it on the tip of my brush and go over part of these eyelashes because there that looks a lot better just made them a little bit too long okay and then there i'm going to add a little bit of a shadow with my gray color around his eyebrows again pick up a little bit of a really thick white that i added and i'm glad i did because it's still wet and i can use some of that now i'm just going to go into this blue and white and make it a little bit brighter here i'm going to give his eyes a little bit more life to them so mainly down here on the bottom i'm just going to do little tops like this this is where the brightest part of his eye is going to be even that makes a big difference doesn't it and then i'll add one more highlight to that with a little bit of a little bit of white down here and it'll dry a little bit darker but it'll it'll be good i think that looks a lot better what do you guys think let me know in the comments if you guys are liking this add another uh highlight here whoops make sure that those are joined i'm taking my neon right again if you guys are wondering it's luminous red by whole mine i'm gonna go over my bright highlights again to make his hat look more like a velvet a little scoop here and start from the side so just off the canvas around the side bring it down the edge like that a little bit to his cheeks and mix a little bit of that light peachy color in there i'm going to need a little bit of my neon yellow and it's the same brand the whole bite mix the two together make a nice neon orange color there that's a good color this santa is glowing take a little bit of white take both of those colors again and go right under his hat you i'm gonna use just a little bit of crimson red here go back to my rake fan brush water and white foreign we've got to make some areas here a little bit thicker and brighter to give it more 3d look i'll just add a little bit more up here make that part of his hat raised so we come up and add a nice bright highlight here right where that it'll emphasize the shadow a little bit more [Music] just twist like that you can see how this would make some beautiful waves and clouds this easiness brush one last highlight and i'm gonna call this one all done you we'll just cut these ones here in the back and add the final shadow just to find the shadow a little bit more right in here bring back that crescent moon and anywhere else a little bit there a little bit there all right you guys this painting is all done it was so much fun i this is my second uh tutorial i've got a santa claus uh the first one i did is also a vintage one too so be sure to check it out i'll try to remember to leave a link below for that one thanks so much for joining me for this one today and watching and subscribing to my channel i appreciate all of your support wishing you guys a wonderful holiday and new year see you all soon in another video bye you
Channel: Joni Young Art
Views: 4,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acrylic painting tutorial, How to paint Santa, Santa clause, Christmas, Art, Paint, Winter, Joni young art
Id: ieEYSjngKN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 11sec (4571 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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