Learn to Paint Santa Claus Portrait Step by Step Acrylic Painting Tutorial

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louse Angela Anderson thanks for joining me today in this video I'm going to be showing you how to do a Santa portrait it should be really fun hopefully not too hard I'm gonna try to break it down into steps step by step for you so it's not too difficult I've got my husband mark with me hey there everybody it'll be men and chat for us so let's get started [Music] all right so this is my example painting that I did this morning just kind of working out some of the colors and composition and everything I think he was a lot of fun to paint I really enjoyed it I don't know do portraits a lot that Santa you know got a do Santa that dummy here so I started out with a neutral gray background I kind of just mixed some burnt sienna or I'm sorry burnt umber and ultramarine blue to make a gray and added some white to kind of get it sort of a soft light gray so not too dark and I'm gonna go over real quick we'll go over our palettes with you and then we'll draw him out I've got unbleached titanium titanium white quinacridone magenta that'll be for the Hat cadmium red medium cadmium red light cadmium yellow medium yellow oxide burnt sienna burnt umber carbon black and ultramarine blue so those will be our basic colors will be mixed in our flesh tones from those and then like I said doing some of the Reds in the Hat and if we've got time we'll do maybe some holly berries on his hat too I've got some Dale of green on the stand by yourself in the tank yeah depends on how long our face took it didn't actually take me very long to do the example but it always takes me a little bit longer to slow down and explain things so hopefully we can get through it pretty quick I'm gonna use my tombow watercolor marker here this is kind of a light brown and I'm gonna try to use it to sketch out our face so you can kind of see what I did so kind of the first thing was just to kind of figure out where I wanted to put the face and I wanted his face slightly above mid mid level probably his nose is right about the mid level just so had plenty of room for his beard to go and you could even do it on a longer canvas if you want I'm using 8 by 10 today but I actually could probably move him up a little bit but I'm not going to kiss everybody drown him answer ideally maybe move a little tiny bit but anyhow so then I kind of figured out where I wanted to put his hat from there you know and kind of made sure that I just kind of usually visualize it in my head and try to kind of figure out how big I'm gonna need for the face and that kind of thing so then I started out by sort of sketching in the upper part of his forehead kind of how wide I wanted his hat to go and sort of did a nice wide band for that and then sort of dipped it in on the sides and brought it down lower than at the top so it's gonna come down and wrap around the head and be a lot lower on the sides than it is at the top there and then the Hat is gonna kind of come up and curve over and up around dip back down just kind of wiggle it around there's really no wrong way of doing that and then his hair is gonna come out to the side so it'll cut off part of that hat and then the little ball in the end it'll kind of be in that area there then his face we're gonna define the sides of his face they're sort of a little bit more on them inside there yeah right about there and then right down the middle we're going to figure out if you if you I was normally doing a face I would kind of do an oval and so his chin would be maybe about right here and then split it in half and that would be where my eyes would go in this case we're cutting off the whole top of the forehead but the the top of the head would probably be about where that top of that hat level sets may be a little higher so I'm gonna come down just a little bit and do his eyebrows just under the band of the Hat there and then right in the middle there I'm going to do the little dip for the nose and then right in here I'm gonna do kind of curved-in where i want those two eyes to set and i kind of come up at an angle and sort of flatten out and then come down right here and then you're going to do that little teardrop shape right there and they're gonna come down a little bit and then sort of connect up to that and then this side is basically the same I can't see my drawing there there we go I did the eyes a little bit different I have a reference photo and in this reference photo his eye was a little bit crinkled up a little smaller so you can make a matching if you you know if you don't want to do it that way but I feel like it kind of adds a little bit of realism if you don't have them exactly matching so that's up to you though there's a crease for the eyelid there and there and then there's some creases along the sides that come down there's one that kind of comes down that sort of meets up with the edge of the eye on either side and then curves up and like that for his little wrinkles and then there is a kind of a bag under his eyes there a couple of them pretty close I just kind of did parallel to the eyes and then it look and then it curves down right here where it meets up with this smile line and then there was another little one in between there okay so as eyes he's gonna look really creepy at first that's a nice way to put pretty new thing wrinkle what did I think smile line not wrinkles no and then for the eyes we're going to cut off so if you think about a circle I think a lot of people when they're doing eyes they tend to have we're going to draw on the back so the tendency is to do to do it like this and then to maybe make this one might kind of do like that or it might it might go off in a weird direction or be or be real real tight when this one's like kind of longer so just mentally do a circle even though most of it is cut off that eyeball is still a circle so you're only seeing this part in this part but it's going to continue up and above and below so that'll keep you from having your irises in a weird shape you know like you don't want one to be like this and the other one to be like that I see this all the time and that you know that obviously doesn't make a circle so just make sure that when you're drawing yours out that you you may even just draw the circle first and then cut it off like that and then this part and this part gets cut off by the eyelid but make sure that you're doing is in a circle so okay done with that explanation I'm gonna say it multiple times because I see it so often I don't want that to happen to you guys when you're trying to do yours so just write like that and that - inner circle and just kind of mentally check it even after you paint it check it just to make sure you're getting that curve curve correct okay then you're gonna come down from the inside of the eyes and that's going to be where the outside edges of that nose is going to be there in there and it's gonna do just kind of like a little bump bump and this part is dip down a little bit lower and these two side pieces kind of come up and curve around like that then kind of diagonal from that you're gonna come out there's these smile lines right here in here and that's kind of where you're going to round out his cheeks from so that'll I'll let you know where the edge of his cheeks go and then the mustache is kind of I don't know kind of just have to sort of imagine since the mustache is in the way but you know sort of imagine where the lips might be come down I I did mine about the same width maybe a fingers width or so down below and then this mustache is gonna dip down and curve up gonna dip down and curve up kind of follow those cheek lines like that and then we didn't put our pupils in but our peoples are gonna be here in here right on our eyes oh he's gonna be so creepy until we get those painted in it's the creepy stage so you're gonna come from the people down that's gonna be the edges over your lips there so there and there and then we're gonna kind of curve it in and and we're not gonna put in teeth we're just gonna kind of make it like a tongue sort of hanging out so this will be dark in here there we go so there's our Santa smiling and then we're gonna bring his hair in the beard around the sides and that's about all she wrote they're not too hard really the main thing is just to kind of get the the dimensions on the face correct you know get those eyes in the nose in the right prison position but I think I think it looks pretty good alright I start mixing some colors I'm gonna start out with a little bit of red cadmium red okay I'm at me where am I thinking okay it's right there all right way to move the thing since our pictures gonna be blocking my hand most the time red a little bit of cadmium yellow and a little bit of burnt umber and then a little bit of ultramarine blue those would be KBR kind of main colors for the skin tone and we'll just vary them in different strengths so now we're going to meet make kind of a dark color maybe a little bit more blue started out with quite a bit of red there but actually with the Santa it's kind of nice because you can go a lot more red than you might normally on a portrait because he's got you know of course he's got a red cheek like a cherry right or nose like a cherry so we can go a little bit darker than you might normally do on a portrait there we go so that's a nice color that's actually pretty close to burnt sienna that's why I put that burnt sienna out just just kind of show you that you can kind of mix it let's go a little bit more blue a little bit more burnt umber it'll be our kind of shadow color this is not one come off of my knife this direction it's so small it doesn't want to bend that way okay and then we'll grab some of this color and make a little bit more of a yellow a little bit more red I'm gonna want sort of an orangey color might even add a little tiny bit of our kid cadmium red medium I'm gonna add some white to line it up start getting some lighter colors it'll help if you do this mix your colors beforehand and that way you can kind of work quickly while you're painting in your Santa features and things okay so that's a nice kind of orange e tone a little bit more white it's exciting thank you guys for joining us today we really appreciate you these this is our patreon bonus video so those watching are the ones that have been supporting us this month on patreon and we would not be doing this without you these are those extra long detailed videos that we get to do because you guys are so generous and allowing us to do these longer videos I really prefer these kind but YouTube doesn't so I'm gonna grab some you lochside had that so it makes it difficult to do these kind of longer ones cuz they just don't get the views on YouTube so this way we can do these videos and you guys have subsidized them so we don't have to worry about what YouTube does with it what we want to do alright so this one will have a little bit of yellow oxide in it it's an actual really I like that color that maybe some of our base color let's do it redder gonna clean that off let's start out with a little bit of red am i still and camera gets a pic it a little bit a little bit of blue you know I'm not used to having to pay attention to pella camera bit of burnt sienna done Bernie yeah I know well you can always close it down if it gets in the way so put it down I mean you know top what stand out of time I'll but Santa it's been naughty okay so that's burnt umber and ultramarine blue red that'll be a good I think that'll be kind of our basis for our cheek color probably let's add some white to it to see what it looks like with this point yeah that's pretty cool maybe even go a little bit more red or add a little tiny bit of yellow too let's add a little yellow and see what it looks like oh yeah that's pretty go a little bit more of a glowing feel that's so dull and the blue and I mean this is really you know just your basic basic primary colors that we're using here but the blue having that burnt umber just kind of helps tone everything down so it's not so bright in your face and when you mix all three of the primaries together you get around as well so and just depending on the more you know for gonna want more of a yellow tone we just add a little bit more yellow for one more of red tone we just add more Reds you know but having all three of them in a mix they're really kind of creates a interesting colors so let's go really bright with this a little bit of the burnt umber to tone it down so again wait I got some scent effects mm-hmm so back in the day Santa used to deliver the presents to my house early and hide him in the back of the closets really I think you know he just got too too much to do on one night so I don't know if it happened to anybody else's houses but yeah I found I found that he did that at my house too I think I was about six or so when I figured out that Santa was hidin in my presence in the closet it was kind of a myth I know that he delivers everything in that one night I mean there's some stuff he does early obviously well he's got a lot to do so it makes sense that he's kind of doing some early deliveries so so there you go save room under Flay okay so I added some burnt umber and I forgot what color dye sorry okay so with cadmium red light cadmium red medium cadmium yellow and burnt umber that's what this color schema is here a little bit more white here this is one it's gonna be very very very very sparingly so because it's so Orange you know you don't want his him to look orange but sometimes you know you're gonna have a little bit of orange II miss you might have the you know candlelight glow I don't know can you turn your sketch upside down it's kind of creepy just kind of staring at me with those beady eyes add that to I'm gonna have way more color than I need me here good no you know I got one guy covered come on grab a little bit of burnt ultramarine blue that'll tone it all down that blue and orange drop some color will so they'll neutralize each other create more of a kind of an olivey you're only getting one eye covered there you need thanks and that was Jesus even creepier that was even creepier it's like he's peeking out at you exactly alright let's just do some yellow oxide over here with some weight all right I think that'll be a good starting point want a little bit of blue am i off yep ty sure him okay no no it's okay I'll move it over here I think up that room over here put him back up seconds he yeah I can put it over do some bloom tiny bit of red kind of purply spray that down so it's not gonna dry did all these mixes wanted to dry before you get the chance to actually paint anything with it and some white here and see what we got on that's pretty great kind of good color that's like eyelet color a lot of blue run the eyes okay any more white we started painting so I did my example one with the filbert this is a number to fill but is a bay is a krill it's actually not on my brush guys list I got it just online but if you've got a small filbert or your small flat bright would work as well I'm just going to use the filbert because it's a little bit more soft and rounded and we'll start by kind of putting in some of our darker areas so I'm gonna grab that sort of burnt sienna type color and starting around the eyes and some of our shadows around the eyes place those in I'm gonna go over what we've already drawn in there I'm gonna kind of work from dark to light like we normally do with acrylics this kind of works the same with there's painting it's gonna look really weird before it looks better so just going to know that going into it that's normal as always we're gonna have a definite ugly stage on this let's put this in some of our shadow areas just to kind of throw in some dark areas okay let's put some in the mouth here I grabbed that red that we mixed up and put that in there with the tongue that'll be a good color I've still I have no idea what color that was I used in there so I hope I don't have to mix any more cuz I think it had i'm just red and blue mostly grabs on that pink color i'm gonna work pretty quickly cuz i want to kind of get that wet-on-wet effect and sort of do some soft blending as i work so i'm gonna be kind of picking up and moving pretty quick between the palate and the canvas we'll need to put some darker colors in the mouth there but that'll be a good start let's put a little bit of this red under here under his cheeks I've been that reddish and underneath the nose is really most of the reds are gonna kind of go down here around the cheeks maybe a little bit under the eyes definitely creepy stage let's grab some more that left lighter pink and kind of blend that in slightly just kind of working softly varied light touches here kind of softly blending as I go really at this stage don't worry too much about what any one brushstroke looks like or what it you know what it's doing I just want you to kind of get the color down on the canvas and we can adjust later so right now we're just kind of wanting to put our first layers of color in and then we'll go back in and decide if we need to not just anything let's get some more of our yellows up in our foreheads so I'm gonna grab this kind of middle tone color that's more that orange II feel blooming that up here on the forehead what Wendy would like to know are you try brushing no I'm doing wet-on-wet so I'm kind of laying it down fairly thick and then and then putting my next color in and kind of blending them together there so grab that kind of like darker version of that color and put a little bit up here maybe blend out over the top of that dark stuff in this area and I find that using a smoother pallet especially for portraits a lot of times they'll use like a smooth linen or something like that smoother is better with portraits I feel I feel like so you may want to if you've got kind of a rougher or more textured canvas you may want to adding white to this flesh color over here the pink version you may want to put a couple coats of your of gesso on just to smooth it out a little bit you can even stand it if you want to just to try to get a little bit more soft the colors are gonna look a little bit weird at first so we're just gonna try to kind of work with them until they tone down let's grab some that orangie color get that up here on the top of the cheeks maybe a little bit up in the forehead dark-brown will go in around the eyes and deepen up this crease here I'm gonna grab some of that blue that we mixed up and put in a little bit of that on the inside of the eye and here in here it's kind of blending a little bit with that dark color that I just put in - there we go it goes together fairly fast put a little bit of this shadow color down here let's put a little bit of it on the sides of the cheeks too just to kind of tie end up in together face let's use that peak again so is this kind of like doing makeup seriously like you'd like in different layers a little bit yeah yeah a little bit I would say getting that pink that's still not that I would know when you're doing your makeup is this gonna the same techniques yeah you don't put the foundation on I blush stuff mm-hmm I just assume it does where is this why it takes so long yeah so this is that kind of medium pink color here that I'm just kind of adding it up and around the eyes creases in that kind of thing well he's already kind of taking taking shape no good too bad let's add some weight to our pink I'll put a little highlight on his lip there just kind of pulling to the side Oh much better good did you just zoom in yes I did you were supposed to do that earlier I know you even told me before the show I just I forgot to tell you to I forgot to remind you do you got to go in and forgot so there we go a little bit to the nose here to kind of pop that nose forward it's gonna be at the top bearing a little bit on this side nostrils there we go just kind of get in those cheeks rounded out putting some highlight on them dark dark color here put it down in here you may want to when you're mixing yours kind of lay your colors out at the same places that I did here just so that you don't you can keep track of what I did because I don't remember what colors I used or I would be saying it I'm just gonna mix as I went so grabbing some red here to add to that color yeah a little bit of that in the tummy area a little bit in our shadow that's the side down there and there okay let's add some of that color like that that's the that's the I think it was ultramarine blue and red and burnt umber discolor and now I'm adding a little bit more red to it we'll add this in the cheeks down in here deep enough that cheek shadow grab that kind of blended color and will blend that in let's grab some that yellow we haven't used that yet seems it would put the yellow on the top carving that burnt umber burnt sienna kind of color here let's deepen up our crease shadows [Music] okay I'm gonna switch to a little bit smaller brush here I'm gonna grab my two OTT we'll work on the eye a little bit you're welcome mark ultramarine blue I'm gonna add just a touch of burnt umber to kind of tone it down make it a little bit more gray blue there we go and then I'm going to outline I the outer rim is a little bit darker usually no it all depends on the eye color obviously but a little white to it and tap in around and I'm gonna work it worried about the people right right now too much just want to get in some color on there oh one other thing to mention is you know obviously you want to make sure that the circle whatever circle you do besides you do over here you do the same on this side that way they match so whatever even if part of its covered up you still want the size of the circle to be the same okay I'm gonna pull in from the outside in just some little lines people don't worry about your highlight right now we're just putting in get them parallel in the same size obviously okay looks pretty good I'm gonna use this dark maybe even grab a little bit of that blue and go around the top of the eye now to really deepen up those shadows in that crease this part is almost completely black just slightly tinted same thing on this side this whole area is pretty dark one of the things that will help your eyes in general just doesn't matter if it's human or animal is to make sure that you shadow the iris or the white part of the eye not the iris so here's my white and I'm gonna use just a little bit of our flesh tone here maybe a little this blue gray that'll be a good class okay and we're gonna go in and put in our whites and the whites very very often or not pure perfectly white they're usually tinted a little bit and less here you know directly looking into the Sun may be no more especially if you've been out delivering presents all night true he's a little bloodshot was a grab a little bit that Brown and we're gonna shadow the top portion of the white of the eye and that will give it a it'll set that eyeball into the face and make it look more realistic and we can't even go darker than that probably maybe a little more gray there we go and just a little tiny bit of yellow to make that blue a little bit more green maybe a little tiny bit more oh quoi mixing that with the white so that's our eye blue eye color with tiny bit of yellow and white here lighten up thought I had just a little bit give it a little sparkle let's get that a little bit darker color kind of blend it in slightly this painting I'm keeping it kind of more painterly maybe it's not gonna be super smooth you know want some of the brushstrokes and things to show so we're going a little bit a little bit like I said more painterly with it so I'm gonna define that notice back around it kind of lost some of its shape there and really the personality of the face can really be changed a lot by just changing the shape of the nose so you know if we gave him more of a pointed nose he'd kind of maybe look a little more yeah I don't know you know there's different all different kinds of shapes to the nose Marx or Italian nose we have you know more of a straight bridge here the less of a less of a button nose I actually was gonna use my dad as a model my dad has a real good Santa face he but I couldn't find any good photos to use as a reference so unfortunately I've always thought he'd make a good Santa like Christmastime you've got the white hair for do the white beard okay go grab some of that Brown really darken up this area down in here let's grab some of that Brown and do around the eye here in this crease now that we've got the eyeballs in we can see you know we need to kind of set those eyes back in the head a little bit more just darken up around them a little bit create some shadows happening darker just trying to get my values dark enough really want it too you don't have your values dark enough you're just gonna look a little bit flat of course you don't want it to go too dark too quickly that's kind of why I'm building it up in layers cuz you end up looking like he's got a black eye okay so let's put in some of our lighter colors here and grab actually let's grab our unbleached titanium because that's a good high light color for our face and I'm gonna give him a little bit of a highlight on his eyelid the inside of the eyelid they're gonna be a little bit of a highlight right in there and then there's also gonna be a little area that's highlighted kind of on the inside of the that little Cupid's bow or whatever that's called right there what is that called no no Cupid's bow I don't know there's some I'm not sure if it's what it's called these are not matching up so I need to bring this one down I'm noticing I need this one maybe a little higher and this one needs to come down a little lower no they keep exposed on the part of the lip I don't know I can't I don't know what this is called this little in inner eye portion disbarment there give a little a little highlight there and put a little lighter color on the top of the lid where I might be poking out a little bit more at us grab some that gray blend that in as part of that I usually kind of pokes out right here catches some light and then the tops of all the creases are gonna have a little bit of a highlight too so kind of the middle part of all of those creases in the eye or in the wrinkles are gonna have some there we go now he's starting to kind of look like a Santa thanks guys some of that darker color and I'm gonna bring this part down a little bit to match this other eye there we go just want this in this matchup bring this up higher okay fixed pupil on this one is a little bit off-center treating it up a little bit and with this one maybe use a little bit of that dark black gray outline the eye a little bit I'm gonna use some white getting nice and bright and put my highlight right there because I Sparkle and then let's add a little bit of that bright white just in the eye just slightly then I want to water it down some and add a little bit of a glow right in here there might be like a reflection okay and he needs a little bit of eyelashes so no not too many but needs a few so it's gonna go just underneath that lid there and just do some little dots like with the black here just a few little keep it random and then put a few at the top - you're just gonna create some uneven border on this upper eye crease here doesn't have to be super like I'm not you know putting lashes in I'm just kind of doing these sort of Criss crossing lines and things oh he's cute and he's looking very smiley now I like it all right let me grab some burnt umber in black and some white I'm gonna create a gray for his eyebrows start those in and the eyebrows will kind of start just on the they kind of come over so kind of you know if you use this little section right here that's probably about where you want to start the eyebrows so they kind of wrap around the eye a little farther than the eye itself okay I'm gonna put the crease down here a little bit lower on this one and they can match a little bit better okay looking good use some of this gray in the creases of our shadows there I'm liking it okay where's we're still gonna work on the cheeks some that I'm gonna start putting in some of this color in our beard that way we can let it be drying more working on the rest of the face I'm gonna grab a little bit more and make a little bit bigger pile of this gray burnt umber black and white oh yeah sorry got it off the camera but it's well it's okay it was close enough so let's use that as our what are you laughing at so we can use that as like a de bonus bonus so you want to see the the colors beneath the Santa I'm gonna grab some burnt some ultramarine blue and put in some of that color too I'm in these shadow areas and don't be afraid of going nice and dark because we want some color underneath our beard or yeah here right up underneath the lip and go a little bit darker maybe maybe around underneath the mustache there it is quite interesting seeing the evolution of the face with every different color you had it changes it uh-huh changes the perception I know it's it's really fun I am really I don't know why I don't do more portraits I do enjoy them when I do them they're just you know it's just not something I tend to enjoy or want to paint I guess it's not that I don't enjoy it it's just I just don't when I see some something I'm more like I guess you could both flowers on the face we could make him boho Santa give him some flowers on his hat I said he'd be driving a tank - uh-huh that's Jim puts them in a dark grey up underneath the nose here just make sure you've got the mouth kind of as dark as you want it to be before you we start putting in our hair you don't want to have to paint around your individual mustache hairs that would be not fun okay I'm just doing the beard hair a little bit different color just so I can have an easier reference that grab some of this Brown from the face to use a little bit of that in the beard just tie it all in the more you kind of you know I've said this before my other paintings but you know using the colors from the face down in the beard you know we may not think of using Browns in in a white beard but it will really tie in your painting and make it more unified so just a little tiny bit will do it you don't need a lot of that color but but your I will make that connection for you and it'll it will look a little bit more pleasing a little bit more realistic or good for your composition know why alright let's got some white I'm gonna make a little bit lighter version towards the bottom here and I'm not I don't think I'm gonna use the rake I think I'm just gonna kind of do the hairs a little bit more I was looking at the Norman Rockwell versions of some of his Santa's and his a very kind of brushed painterly they're not super fine details you know so that's kind of who I used as my sort of inspiration I'm not copying him by any means but I am you know kind of using his style somewhat stop you know stylistically trying to kind of emulate him a little bit we're channeling channeling Norman Rockwell today and his his images are still not they're still under copyright I can't use them too as a direct reference or I would for sure add a little bit of bluing this yellow here together create kind of a green gray probably ought to give him a little bit of read under there I want to now Norman Rockwell's did not have a he didn't have anything around his Santa the one I was looking at it was just on a white background but I figure we can give her scent a little bit of a red coat there so well I didn't do this on my reference on mining - I kind of did the the white so just whatever you prefer I think I'll go ahead and do a little bit of a red at the bottom here so let's see his neck would be here so his shoulders would be coming down right about here just go ahead and write it that'll kind of make that the white beard really pop up give it something to pop pop against you know I know how you like that word so I grab some of that quinacridone magenta and make it even more of a deeper deeper red there and maybe a little bit of black black quinacridone magenta oh I'm underneath my Santa there I was just noticing that okay black quinacridone magenta a little bit of red here we'll use that as our shadow water will want a shadow up underneath our Santa beard grab some more that red we need a couple coats on here because it's not covering very well you again let's put some of this up in the Hat while we got it out as well let's grab that dark shadow color and we'll put it up here and I'm along the top edge of our room of our hat and then we're just gonna kind of create some folds in it so maybe here I have a little bit of shadow maybe around here we'll have a little crease where that sort of folds in on itself let's do a little bit right in here where it kind of content connects with the little ball there maybe do let's do a fold all the way across right here just trying to figure out where the light would hit it if it was folded you know so like that hitting the light just using the cadmium red medium here with the quinacridone magenta create a little color story and then grabbing that darker darker red so I wanted to stick to let's see give it shadow along there really just filling it in at this point we'll kind of come back in and put some highlights in it but right now we're just put in the main colors in making sure I cover up all my lines from my sketch defend depending on the thickness of the fabric you can really get some like almost severe cuts you know severe angles in your fabric too so you might have more squared off edges in some places you know like maybe right here we'll have let's do that I have it kind of come out as an angle and cut back in more severely there we go okay you grab a little bit of white mix that with our Reds there see you put a little I like there maybe just do a highlight on this part okay we'll let that set dry maybe we put a little highlight on this fabric here give it a fold ups I'm sorry want to make it higher okay I'm gonna stop fiddling with that Mina I keep saying good well that's it dry and I think I might bring it down a little bit on this side too here we go let's put in some of our hat details the brim there I'm gonna mix the unbleached titanium with with the ultramarine blue here I'm gonna bring this out quite a bit more than I drew it so do you know about how many Santas you've painted in your career you know I I've done I haven't done any like super detailed like this I don't think ever I've only done like crafty type you know ones but we did didn't we do button covers once that were I got burnt umber here so this is making that kind of gray with this blue I want to say we did button covers with Santa and gingerbread and snowman maybe at one point I don't know I did just so many things so many different variations of things over the years there's no talent I'm gonna bring this out that blue in a brown yeah there we go good and if you want it to be more fur like we can do like I'm kind of doing it more like felt maybe but if you wanted to do it more fur like you would just kind of do like like little why would you do that actually I like that can do little hairs kind of coming off overlapping but I'm gonna I don't want it a little bit more of a small nap a little bit more like a felt for that part that Brown with the unbleached titanium now that we've got that kind of red border there we can sort of go overlap it just a little bit get a little bit brighter white kind of right in the middle and then the darker colors sort of around the sides and I'm just sort of tapping and moving my brush up and down in side to side tilting it sideways every now and then so they get random brushstrokes in there good some really white oh I'm gonna side cam it there can't do it go for it so it is your Center how many tattoos like neck tattoos or anything like that don't open till Christmas [Laughter] [Music] how do I gather dust he's got all the Rangers names tattooed [Laughter] a little bit darker here with our shuttle color that blue get some of that darker blue in there I'm not gonna be able to finish this part right now cuz I still need to do the hair but I'm gonna this will be our first layer on our hat here we still haven't finished our face all the way either a little bit of white and unbleached titanium here did I get in trouble for that remark no I didn't mean it that way and I didn't I just I think YouTube kicked you out a bit if you like nope it's too racy just what popped into my head I guess I don't know just thinking of Christmas things get some more that unbleached titanium over here it's gonna want to you know smooth transition like always you know between the shadowed and light lighter area it's just kind of gradually getting a little bit darker as I come around this corner and into this side area there even if we don't change the value just having it blue will push the push it back visually it's really weird how that works but it's just the way your eye interprets color oh yeah an hour and twenty two not too bad really pretty far on his face especially but no I've been being like we need to still adjust that hi there this one's still looking a little bit lower so I'm just gonna bring the shadow underneath it up a little bit right here there we go probably need to soften that up just a little bit grab some want a letter flesh tones there give me is that right fleshed on maybe add a little bit of that unbleached titanium to it and we'll put even more highlight around these wrinkle lines they're really make them pop out at us a little bit more okay and I want to work on his nose so let's grab some more pink color mix it with the unbleached titanium there yeah I'm gonna put a highlight kind of at the top of the nose right there on either side round that off a little bit and then we'll do the same thing here kind of figure out where we want the top of the nose sort of to be and sort of round that out a little bit so that it's kind of more bulbous got a button nose right I'm gonna give them a but notes I'm gonna I think that's frosty no Santa okay got look up the night before Christmas it's in that - the night before Christmas all three houses yet I'm trying to think yeah you need to read it you read it hopefully we won't get trouble hopefully it's not under copyright I'm kid a trouble for reading mmm think it went a little too far there somewhere scrap some that darker color bring it back in really blending is all about managing those transition between colors just trying to get that middle color just right so that you don't have it going too abruptly from light to dark figure out where we want our cheek to be most prominent may be right in here wherever you're putting these light highlights that's part just gonna look like it's kind of coming up out at you so a little bit okay so it says that his eyes how they twinkled his dimples how merry his cheeks were like roses his nose like a cherry hello thank you like a button no oh my god did I say a button nose yeah you said a button nose no okay that's why I said like frosty is frosty the corncob pipe and a button nose Oh radical I hate it when you're wrong right and it always did have a bumper so thank you it is now forever you're right one cup pipe in a button nose you're right yeah that's what I was thinking of his nose like a cherry well the cherries around so good it could work yeah yeah try to get out of that one yeah explain it away I hate it when you're right okay grab some of that orange II kind of more golden color with our unbleached titanium here I'll put a little highlight along with forehead to kind of bring brighten that up a little bit I don't know why I'm holding both of my brushes but I am I'm switching back and forth between them so I think of my back a little bit in the middle now let's run it so I decided to side a little bit so we get kind of the impression of some wrinkles up there in fact let's put in some wrinkles we'll get that kind of medium brown color aka laughs lines you know let's put in some wrinkles in his forehead my picture didn't have any but give him some few lines right there you know just kind of taking that medium color and sort of blending these all ends we're not gonna do them as hard as we did these ones there just be a little bit more softened a little bit more of a suggestion than a hard-line here we go now we get our highlight color and sort of do it around those maybe you have a really bright highlight right up here on his brow bone is that an unbleached titanium Rico I'm gonna bring that pulls up part of the head forward I feel like it needs a little bit of pink though give him a little highlight right here in the bridge of the nose maybe that part comes forward just a little bit just a slight highlight right there and then I want to continue to kind of build up this highlight area in his cheeks so we'll keep adding lighter and lighter color until we get it as bright as we want it to be get some white this may be too bright but we'll we'll put it down and we'll let it set it may dry a little bit darker so put it down and then let it set that for a minute and see if it still looks too bright sometimes when you put in your kind of brightest colors all at first it'll look a lot of place but then it kind of after you live with it a little bit you know kind of make more sense so put it in nice and bright there and let it all right I feel like the mouth could still use a little bit of work I want to make it a little bit darker on the inside so I'm gonna grab some of that maybe quinacridone magenta and ultramarine blue and then mix some burnt umber with it so make kind of a violet purple color here we go make sure you shadow the sides of the lift almost as dark there we go that's better and then let's use this color up here underneath our hat and some of our shadow area on the forehead here again using the same color in multiple places so we don't can I just have it in one area let's put it on our cheeks there to really darken that up just a something to mention I feel like his underside of his nose needs a little bit of a shadow so let's use some of that pink and still have this purple on my brush so it's it's gonna mix it mix with it and we'll can I go up underneath his nose just a little bit with this color here we go maybe use a little bit of this violet around the eyes oh yeah I like that around the eyes it looks really good okay we are weren't just about there there are any minutes huh 30 minutes I really like the face though I'm happy with it I think looks very realistic that's kind of what I was going for some more realism this time so he's still cartoony eNOS you know got the kind of more button in nose and I don't know but definitely has a level of realism alright so let's start putting in some hairs here I'm gonna go ahead and use this brush until and if I can't get small enough small enough once and we can move to another brush but I'll go ahead and start with some white and unbleached titanium it'll be my main two colors for the hair start in here I'm just gonna use it on this edge and start laying in and make sure that I go down below my lines there leaving a little bit of space just where it's kind of starting yeah I don't know zoom right in there good so going to come straight down right here and then as it comes around the side of here I'm gonna start angling them out and really I probably need to do the beard left the mustache last I don't know why I started with it cuz it's gonna be the one on top so when we'll do the beard first here I like the dark color I think we got it dark enough under there I'm kind so let's do around the face here and I'm just going to lay in small overlapping chairs whatever direction we kind of carve them we can create a little bit of movement in the beard so oops I'm completely off they're in and you weren't on camera okay so think [Music] you bring it out just a little bit more over here now we'll be glad for that dark color underneath so to make this part go a lot faster we're gonna kind of imagine that this grab some grain here and imagine that this beard continues down here so I'm gonna bring it out just a little bit more he might have it tied off with some beads or something I'll let Jack Sparrow come on Jack Sparrow Christmas Santa yeah it's kind of hip a hipster the hipster Santa like it and if you don't follow the kit parts of the Caribbean Jax barrel is death Johnny Depp's character in there for those somebody was saying that they you know they don't live in the u.s. so they didn't know what Pop Tarts were that mess what we must have referenced Pop Tarts the other day she says she had to she'd to look them up they sound delicious was a comment with a loaded they're very very very sweet very sweet very bad for you and they sell them at the vending machine at work no yeah so having them I'm sure you do okay slowly building up colors and if I get too much of the white in an area can go back in with some gray and just kind of tone it down the idea is just to make sure that we don't cover up all the gray so we have a little depth in there if we have it all you know solid white then we won't have any kind of depth so just sort of rocking it back and forth and moving side to side so that I don't have anyone I don't want a lot of rent a lot of repetition so just keep your brush moving and kind of help avoid that and then where we want it to maybe stand it out a little bit more we can go in Swiss some brighter white we brighten it up right in the middle here I sort of wanted to be nice in I'm not gonna worry too much about where this starts because well we'll go back in and shadow this area so I just want two more interested in the direction of the hairs get that kind of comes straight down and then these ones sort of angle out just a little bit grab some that gray there we go you know grab some of that balloon some of the blue in here especially around the sides I want it to maybe look more rounded that's got a little bit burnt number use some of that just doing multiple layers okay I like it now grabbing my white no questions today we've got a real quiet audience I guess huh yeah we just had a couple questions but you know the crowds are pretty big and rowdy during these patreon shows you're the patreon group sir a little bit quieter okay I'm gonna work on the mustache I find that where you end if you pull it the end will be thinner than where you start so it helps if you dress it with this mustache if you start where you want it that gets like up you know where the hair starts and then pull down so that the end is the thinnest part that makes sense the end of the line may be the thinnest let's do very bright let's carve it up in the end there could even go all the way around if you want to give him a y'all rounded pull a few of them not over there we go so I left the sides just a little bit darker than the mustache here yeah just so that my stache kind of pulls pops forward a little bit brighter go in with even brighter white hair and if you lost all your gray and it's looking you know it's looking like a solid white and you know let's just go back in and add a little bit more gray so just gonna do it slowly build up your layers and then now let's go back in and add more let's add some more white up here in his hat create some folds right here so doing a little bit brighter in the middle and along that area there to kind of make it look like it's folded leave it darker right here it's a real great way yes got it you're waiting for the cute yeah I haven't done as many cute today okay so now just going back in and kind of strategically bringing out some areas where I want that beard to sort of pop forward for me I like it still a little ball she is what's on my brush here I got all kinds of colors let's use some of that gray blue okay everybody in Chad wants you to know that how realistic this looks hmm thank you hmm yeah I really I really like him I'm liking him I'm happy I don't do a lot of these things you know it's always fun to do a challenge like this though come and challenge yourself to try something do different I'm happy with how he's turning out my not to hit live on YouTube why not you never you know you can only royally fail in front of hundreds of people exactly what could go wrong mixing up some that dark right here thanks for reminding me of that I'm it I don't want about it I would never get on if I thought about it too hard there's no way I could I don't know you know I just try not to think about it too much the bigger we get the more you know the more critics there are so those I just have to kind of oh yeah what's that flower I'm supposed to end enemy anemone no no this is some Santa this is an enemy anemone anemone not an enemy public anemone they're not not an enema so we gotta get those right cuz that kids going in with the really dark now just to kind of get those areas shadow to really push back that kind of part of the beard there or the dad I mean my purse needs some water maybe add some more that darker gray color around the sides of the face and underneath the beard here now I'm gonna kind of go in with this blue gray color and shadow just that area right there with some watered-down paint so you can still see the hairs through it but it's just gonna set that back in so it's not gonna look like the hairs are floating out in space grab a little bit of black don't get it up even more there we go this makes me ready for Christmas now we're gonna have to put up our Christmas tree next week I can't believe it's already that time of year it's just like blown by every year I'm not ready for Christmas I never am it always kind of sneaks up on me okay let's grab some more the brown do some brown on here I feel like I want to separate this out from the hair a little bit better maybe grab some this what do you thought he thought that was a knock knock here no I didn't fool him nope he's like I know I know it's you mom not gonna fool me fool me once shame on me shame on you fool me twice Jamin okay add a little bit of wash at this brown hair down in the beard too but you could have pretty lucky on this one this one's not gonna be quite as long as the other so it's just just coming up on well hours five hour and 40 45 minutes we got plenty of time for a stick girl oh yeah I'm just wetting that down okay again some unbleached titanium here there we go with that brown color and then we'll get the white put in some real bright white Fluffy's I can tell the paint's getting sticky so it's not wanting to blend as easily for me yeah I think I'm happy with the cheeks being that bright I don't know I you could tone it down a little bit if you wanted to maybe wash over it with just a slight bit of light pink maybe just around the edges a little bit but I'm kind of gonna like in the bright cheeks I didn't give him dimples that is one thing but we could have they're probably hiding behind the beard okay we got a question oh yeah if they don't have they look green yellow shade what could they substitute do you have yep they look green blue shade or even just a lovely with some yellow because that's really what they look green you know is just kind of a little blue with yellow added well I'm sure it's got more than that but you can get something similar okay David cow I feel like can maybe come out a little bit over here and some random stray hairs this is definitely Christmas card material here I think you could probably have just enough time to get get this painted and get them down to your French doll shop and print off some Christmas cards with this guy on him I think it'd look great of course if you're watching this you know next year there's no telling I don't know what time you're watching it at but right now we're you know just the week before Thanksgiving so in US Canada and their Thanksgiving last month I think which probably makes more sense I kind of think that US probably ought to take a take that into advisement and move it back a little bit so that it's not crowding things you know it get it gets lost with Halloween and everything pretty much after Halloween you're just going straight into Christmas here Thanksgiving kind of gets lost in the mix doesn't get its due attention anymore except for sales you know okay um you know it's kind of messed with the habit I'm sort of happy with it I I don't I don't think I will I don't know I might darken it up just a little bit oh good did something like quinacridone in a little bit of burnt umber here so what about us eyebrows oh yeah yeah thank you thank you I'll put white onion that says thank you too Karen thank you Karen for reminding us me he uses that just for men on his eyebrows again and the newest product and for men to darken up their hair cover up the Grady I don't know why they don't have a product like that for women because it sounds like I'm sure they probably do have you been down that aisle well I know that they have there's a longer color there's one product for men there's a zillion for women it kind of like you go into a clothing store there's ten square feet for men and a million square feet for women as it should be mm-hmm it's not that men don't like to shop is the stores are saying we don't want you here stores are saying you're not the ones that spend money it's your wives you're only here because they'll appear with the woman that's what it says how many times have you gone shopping for clothes for yourself without me there well since I know okay I'll get that look when I come home well I'm all proud with myself hey look what I got for myself and you look how like oh that's nice when you came home with the dad jeans they're dead shorts you say what you're talking about oh just any time okay just adding some really bright red here to give it a pop of brightness like it get a little bit of that cadmium red light mixed in with the white and cadmium red there we go bring another I like it okay eyebrows check white a little bit unbleached titanium a little bit of both of my brush hair and we'll just do a little bits of you want to zoom in I'm already there babe paying attention at the very end check no what'd you do over there I think you do crossword puzzles there's no I know you better than that say what how long have we been married yeah when have you ever done aggressive put you're watching cooking change that that highlights magazine in the ten toes office at one time yeah I guess I could bring the Xbox in here no because then you'll be like yes no you can't play that quietly there's no way I wouldn't know what was going on no way okay do you see anything else anybody else cuz I seem like every time I do one of these I forget something there was something else I forgot the other day it's just like when I get going with these live shows yeah don't lose track of what else planning I like it I think I think it's good what do you think huh let's give him a signature grab my pin here they this this eye and this eye are a different size different okay I just noticed that I gotta change that because it's gonna bug me and I left my paint setting out in my brush I never do that bad habit don't never do that I'm not gonna that one first way ruin a brush my goodness I know better than that there's no telling how long that's still sitting in my brush there okay I'm gonna get the black hair cuz I just noticed this people and that people are different I mean that people are saying there's no flowers oh yeah well you were talking about doing uh or Holly really yeah let's do that thanks everybody we were that close to being done okay so I'm making notes here of food so Justin - who said that you're on the naughty list okay well you can take off the Santa now I think the reference we're done with that I think we're caught up I don't have a reference photo of Holly to use but I'm just gonna wing it we'll see how it goes I think that's dry enough so let's put it up here we need to go over the Hat so we'll do one here [Music] did you just do okay Thank You Ming is that okay so phthalo green and we'll use a little bit of burnt umber to darken it up had a little bit of white so I don't cover it's not one to cover up there we go you probably need a smaller brush to [Music] let's get this get our number one around here yeah a little cadmium red that'll make it more opaque aren't you looking for well I suggest making sure the phone was staying on me reference oh thank you so far so good grab some yellow create some highlights it's sticky I'm gonna have to just let it dry okay so maybe I should do one coming down here this way mixing up some dark green here it's probably not dark enough but I'm gonna have to go a little bit lighter pretty much all your pretty easy cuz they just all kind of poke out like all of these edges kind of curve like seas [Music] let's do one here these are finding me I don't know what the deal is I don't know if that white is still wet underneath or what but it is not wanting to go down smoothly before me I think my paints are just all drying but the but the green is still is fresh I don't know what the deal is like all the other colors you're just starting to get sticky and dry some of that burnt umber Bella green mixture here there we go and maybe one more come down this way no smaller mmm no needs to be bigger okay there we go mix up some brighter more yellow-green oh okay I'm just getting into that gray let's do it over here your funds I lost my picture there thank you okay unbleached titanium I can mix with those green and the yellow can yellow - vain using very thin brush here and then there's bright spots in the leaves because they're so kind of solid you're gonna get kind of more hard-edged or because they're so reflective shiny the the reflections will be a little bit more a little bit less of blending a little bit more like a solid color almost blending is a technical term there kind of doing in a little instead of doing veins on the end like on well I guess I can do a few veins this way too but kind of using the the veins as place where I'm putting my highlights so that it's kind of highlighting those little sections maybe highlight the outer edges of some of them Thank You Ann marks coming through and touching his phone every now and then for me okay I can't keep painting that doesn't sound creepy grabbing some that brighter day little green now tap some of that in this is just a low green straight pretty much so going over to some of those highlight areas and blending them in between I was completely off there you're not very long as just zooming in but instead of looking at the live monitor that's looking at my computer it's like huh why is that not zooming it so yeah sorry about that everybody like me they're a most broke or something no working okay I think I'm all talked out I'm just kind of been quiet and came in here sorry really explaining all that okay so grabbing some that Bella green a little bit of black I'll go back in here and darken up some of these areas and pull out some thin lines little dents becky things a little bit of water to my paint here off my brush it's not coming off your brush easily then it probably means that you need a little water add it to your liner brush it just won't flow off of these thin brushes very well without some water and it's not going on opaquely so I'm going to add a little bit of white to that color a little bit of that black try to get it to get dark enough probably just gonna have to put a couple coats on here it's just not wanting to cover for me there thank you Mark touch touch I should just say touch every time you come around and touch the phone tag that's what I do best just making sure the production continues on well trust me it's nice to not have to worry about that when I first was doing this I always having to do everything and it was very difficult to paint and do that so I appreciate it very much I'm sure everybody else does because I know that the quality I did better most the time except for when I'm off camera and you don't tell me so which never happens anymore no never I'm looking at the wrong thing while I'm doing it right exactly okay so just going in here and adding little spiky tips to all of these I really didn't do anything with the outer background but you could you know you could always kind of actually let's put in some snow like that idea will splatter it with some snow so it looks like it's no-one on ours into one of the photographs I found what was snowing yes I really liked it now I'm putting a lot of detail into this Holi because we've got such a detailed santa we don't want to skimp on the Holi and make it look you know less and realistic so trying to get it as realistic as I can with the paint fighting me the way it is it's like I only grabbed them white here mix that make it shiny goes in a little bit more maybe a little bit of white keep that they love green here I'm gonna brighten up around those highlight areas then I want some attack yellow green some weight with my yellow go back in and kind of Enon huh it's in this color in a couple places as well okay hmm I can whip myself Oh Dale Greene do one more pass make sure everything is filled in solid it's not a highlight color here I'm gonna I just can't see the screen against that there we go hat color there this is the longest holly berry bushes ever thought this would not take very long but it is that's okay I wrote down the names you ruined my my 30-minute warning mm-hmm it's all shot my my average you wrote down the names of those who suggested okay okay there we go I just needed some darker darker I kept going lighter and lighter but I just needed to add to some dark that's what it was missing there we go now that a little bit dark and everything helps all right that's it I'm gonna see who might add a little bit more but I think it's good grab that cadmium red oh you stopped here Oh berries thank you okay doing some burnt umber a little bit Quaqua no magenta with my cadmium red and we'll do a little Barry's gonna start with the darker color and we'll add some knight on top guys I'm that cadmium red light tap some of that in over some cadmium yellow mixed that with that cadmium red light some white well and I just stuck my sleeve in the ultramarine blue one blue sleeve now so I need to be sure that I don't touch that on my Santa overall my sleeve up cuz I could just see laying my hand down on my sandal with my blue sleeve and getting it all over his face that would not be bueno no bueno a little bit of highlights there berries can you grab that cadmium red and darken that up and then there's like a dark you use the black there's a dark like end to some of these go and I'm gonna use that black with some of my green like a really really dark get in real dark in here between them do my little spikes I can't believe I missed a couple but there's a couple here that didn't get the little spike so make sure to put those in okay and add some more shadows in couple places all right I think that's I need to get her to me a little bit more highlight right in here okay a little bit of phthalo green here and highlight color is just kind of washing out the green so I want to add something that phthalo green over the top the brighter just to brighten it up so it doesn't look so washed out it stays that bright bright green color he's growling at you okay that's good I think and just a little bit a white on our berries that's good what's crawling up he's sleeping he's growling in asleep that's funny that's my dog not me likely story I get the blue here and some of this light I'm glitching him I'm gonna add a little bit around the side here cuz I feel like it gonna lost some of that roundness right there okay uh what was I gonna do Oh snow yep and some fresh white I still couldn't mess with that Holly it's still bugging me it's not quite exactly what I want it to be left alone but just right in here this one okay you swear I'm done I can take a left look away so you can't look at me but okay no I'm done now I promise okay let me put that right there men's image just oh here I'll do okay there we go looks good get everything out of the way that I don't want splattered a little bit of water in with my white here I could use a toothbrush for this too like a fan brush because it tends to get a little bit bigger splatters to me then then if you get them where you don't want it to be you can tap off I'm not gonna do it because I I like it just fine but if you get too much in one any one area you can use a wet paper towel and just kind of tap off and get it off oh yeah like that no yes yeah and hopefully it never backlashes and and goes up into the into the camera that would be bad you could even add some like a little snowflake key looking things too if you wanted to you know maybe do a couple with more realistic looking snowflakes but I'm gonna leave it I like it so thanks guys so much for suggesting this in the patreon group those who are part of my facebook group on patreon they voted on this and I really loved it I think it turned out really good I hope you like it too and hope you try it and share it with me obviously and we'll be back I won't say what we're gonna do cuz it'll probably be posted sometime this week but I'm gonna put it nice and dark right here dark grey shadow right there and over here too okay never you just needed a little bit darker write down okay that's it I'm gonna sign off here thanks guys so much and we'll see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 139,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angela anderson, acrylic painting tutorial, art, step, create DIY canvas art, free online painting, easy acrylic painting, learn to paint, how to paint, painting instruction, beginner painting lesson, acrylic paint, canvas painting, painting techniques, realistic, portrait, skin tones, how to paint a portrait, Santa, santa claus, Christmas, Christmas painting, how to paint santa, santa portrait, Saint Nicholas, winter, seasonal art
Id: N98j69QdbTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 0sec (9600 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2017
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