How To Paint SILVER BELLS CHRISTMAS PAINTING tutorial in acrylic

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[Music] [Music] food [Music] hi everybody welcome back to my channel my name is joni if you're new here and i'm an acrylic artist and instructor i'm going to show you guys step by step exactly how to paint this pretty black and white winter holiday landscape so i'm using a 9x12 primed canvas today and i just used some liquitex basics acrylics gesso even though the canvas said two to three times primed already or double primed already it never hurts to apply uh another coat of gesso and i found over the years that it does make a difference if i skip adding the gesso my paintings tend to be a little bit duller and darker looking than when i do take the time to apply one coat of gesso so it doesn't take too long it's not expensive and it's really worth your while to do it so you're going to need a few different brushes for today's painting any size canvas you want turn it portraits ways like this you can turn it landscapes so if you decide to turn it this way which is landscape um it'll it'll kind of change the dimensions and everything it'll still look really pretty but this is how i recommend if you want it to look like this in this format then turn your canvas this way so of course we're going to be using some black and white i've got mars black and titanium white you can use any black or white of your choice it doesn't really matter now i'm going to be using a little bit of this is light olive green you can use yellow and black you can mix yellow and black to make this color or something similar to it you can also use a sap green or hooker's green if you want any type of yellow yellowy green and i'm also going to be using some crimson red this is by artezza and any red will work so choose any color red that you want and that for now i may or may not add a few other colors along the way but i'll be sure to list everything below the video in the description box for you guys so we're going to go ahead and get started to begin this painting i'm going to use my number 30 filbert brush what i want to do with this painting is i'm going to start with white and i'm going to go around in a circular circular oval shape and then i'm going to widen it and i'm gradually going to come in around the outside with the black and in the reverse direction pull it in to meet the white and then it'll be ombre so kind of like a dark grayish to gradually transitioning to white so to start this i'm going to get my brush just a little bit wet dry off any drips and i'm going to take my white i'm just going to go around like i mentioned i'm going to take a little bit more okay so we've got white there without washing my brush off i'm just gonna take some black and i'm gonna start gradually coming in around the sides nice and gently not too too much paint and definitely don't want to have a lot of water on your brush or it's going to be very difficult to get the transition nice and soft like this so you can stumble around with your brush a little bit as well now i'm going to take a little bit of white with mine and i'm going to line it up halfway here halfway on where i left off and halfway on the white i'm going to work this up into my black take a little bit more and continue the same process remember that the black that you add even with a little bit of white like this is going to dry a shade or two darker so i'm always more generous with my white unless i want it to be completely black now i'm going to need a little bit of water so i just kind of want to work that into my brush mix up that paint that's kind of starting to make its way to the top of here and it can possibly ruin those bristles so i want to just make sure that i'm mindful of that i'm gonna work a little bit quicker here it's kind of warm here in my studio slash kitchen i've got a bunch of smaller canvases that i'm working on and it works well here in my kitchen um i will be going back to my studio soon when i go back to larger canvases but these smaller canvases are really nice because it helps you guys learn how to paint uh some smaller sizes like you can paint all these scenes all these christmas holiday scenes i've been doing on christmas cards and christmas ornaments so i'm just going to take a little bit more of that black now and work my way down here making it a little bit darker okay i'm gonna wash my brush out i'm going to take a little bit more white light gray see i've just picked up just tinting it a little bit with that lighter gray line it up twist okay there we go i am just going to take my mini filbert brush here and just dab full strength just heavy body titanium white right here or any white that you want if you're using this is a cool white titanium white's a cool white so it's going to be more of a cool gray and yes there are different temperatures and tones to black and white and if you're using a warmer uh white then it's going to take on more of a warmer gray either one is beautiful and i don't really recommend one over the other i think but i've done it with both and they both look really pretty in fact you'll get more of an old-fashioned almost sepia kind of leaning towards the sepia if you use a warmer white you can even also pull in a little bit of yellow ochre and burnt sienna to really add the sepia tone to it okay so i'm going to dry this off and then we're going to come in with the next step we're going to start building up a soft little landscape back here little cottage fence um trees whatever else that kind of comes to my mind i'm working um intuitively right now so i don't have any reference photos or anything that i'm going by or looking at and this is how i like to create 99 of the time [Music] okay so it's all dry now and i've got a number four filbert brush i'm gonna get it a little bit wet and what i want to do is start to pull in some trees here and a really simple way i want them to show up so i need to choose a shade darker than what i've got there a little bit more water you want your paint to be not dripping but more on the thin side so a little bit watered down and i'm just going to start see that just a light little pull flick so just it's in your wrist right so just practice this technique and then you just have your brush there just the very tip of it and i'm going to make them smaller and smaller kind of wipe the excess off there it's a little bit wet and then underneath you can pull off of and this is just going to be a reflection in the water i'm just deciding right now i'll have some water down here and then i'm just going to cut across like this for a little reflection in the water and i'll take a little bit more black a little bit more water here and maybe add one or two trees here so just pull a thin tree trunk and i'll just start tapping side to side for some little branches like this and then a subtle reflection here in the water so if you want you can turn your painting upside down to get this mirrored look or you can turn your brush the opposite way you want to get those you don't want to try to make it look exactly the same it's going to be kind of tough and you really don't need to as long as you have it kind of similar and a little softer and blurrier looking so you don't need to use black as much black as you used up top here okay then i'm going to come in on this side and add a little bit more a little bit more water here maybe pull in a little bit of that light gray slide my brush side to side pick up a little bit more here and then do a gentle little pull and flick a little bit darker add a little bit more black up here make these trees a little bit darker this looks pretty already and a gentle back and forth brush stroke here look a lot of tree that's going to be taller than this one right about there this tree turned just a little bit thicker and i'm just going to go over this to make it look a little bit more subdued and not compete too much with what's going on up top so just slide your brush create all those little squiggles to give it more of a ripply look okay now i want to add some snow on the trees so i'm going to use the same brush here and i'm going to go right into my white no water i'm just going to place my pinky here where i know it's dry that helps to steady your hand give you more control when applying your details like this there's just something about black and white artwork photography paintings and the nice thing too is that you can always go back and add color to it after a lot of artists work in a process of grayscale so they'll do all their paintings in grayscale first like this and i'm just going to come in here and just start coming in with some trees here in front of those ones in the background making them a little bit lower so just with white only and then just a little bit of snow kind of going down swoop swoop a little reflection so we've got this white here and i'm gonna add a reflection down below so just line it up from the sun underneath and then wiggle wiggle tight little wiggles i'm going to get a little bit of paint on the very tip of my brush here come in with another layer and i'll start adding some snow to this side now you can decide if you want yours to be uh winter or you could you could also do this and and make it summer so what you could do is add a little hint of some olive or sap green um to to your black if you wanted to change up the seasons or you could leave it just black it looks really pretty how it is too but this is a holiday and winter tutorial so i'm gonna add some snow to mine now them the harder you push and the more white that you apply will be the deciding factor of how snowy you want your trees to be you could just do a light little frost so that would just be obviously less pressure and less paint i think i might have uh maybe i wanted to add a cat a little cabin somewhere i think i'll have a little cabin maybe down there i was gonna add some trees here but if i add some snow here then my cabin might not show up well enough so i'm gonna keep that dark back back there and then i'm just gonna add a little bit of a reflection here a little bit more snow here okay so now i'm going to come in with a little cabin i think i'm going to switch over to my smaller brush my smaller filbert brush for this you could use a round brush a small flat brush if you want and i'm going to use just straight black first because i know this will really show up here so i always paint my little cabins uh the same way simple a little diagonal line slightly scooped another one on the end slightly scoop this is going to be just decided it's in front of the tree and then i'm going to pull across and then side to side i'm going to paint it in the direction that it goes so diagonally like that for the roof and [Music] start the other side and then i'm going to bring in the side of the other side of the house by tapping just so that it kind of has a feel like a log cabin or a log house it's a little bit more cozy and i'm going to take a little bit of white configurate crisscross just to blend it up nicely in a small spot you don't want to be over taking way too much space to mix your paints up because when you do that you're just wasting your paint you're just spreading it around and painting your palette and you want to keep it all in in a small space you're not wasting it if that makes sense okay so i'm going to paint this in now come around the side here this time obviously i'm just choosing a lighter color lighter shade and i'm gonna just take a little bit of white now and i'm gonna pull and drag inside the roof i'm going to bring the roof down a little bit lower wipe off that excess great and i'm picking up or black i don't want to push too hard here oh where i'm just gonna be pulling off the paint and i'm gonna pull some lines start pulling a few little lines in like that but i'll be able to add more as the paint starts to dry and come in with some more black now add more of a roof line and shadow so right under the roof and then i'll add a little chimney a little dab and then a little line like that for um the shadow and then i'm going to take white and what i'm going to do is with my white i'm going to line it up and just start to gently create little circles for the smoke coming out here i'm just going to soften my shadow up so i don't want it to be as black as the chimney take a little bit more white here and more white again this step will be easier once it's dry so i'll come back to that after i'm going to switch over to my liner brush now this one is a micro mini liner brush it's short it's number 10 it's by princeton i'm going to get a little bit wet and i'm going to take some white with a little bit of black so just kind of like a grayish color here make sure you don't have any water drips on there and i'm just going to apply some lines side to side reload my brush you can paint any kind of make your little cottage cozy cottage any style that you want this is just um how i like to and i've been painting my little houses and cottages the same way for years simple simple simple so everybody can follow along okay and a little dot for the notches on the end of the logs and we're not going to see a whole lot this way because it's more in shadow on the side but maybe a little bit of snow here on the end and some lights in the window so we want to use white for this oops and i'll add a little loft up there a window there for our loft a window there and then one for our door i'm gonna go right over to my black clean up that line there add just a little bit more here to my chimney and i'll go around and outline everything here my door windows that was way too thick i'll fix that in a minute just add a little bit more black in here for the other side of the house whoops and i'll come back in just add a little bit more inside the window there okay so i think yeah i just had an idea i think what i want to do is use this brush or maybe i'll use this one i think i'll use this one i'm just going to start to pull in a little bit of land on this side and then i'm going to add a little bit of bushes i'm going to be using either my oval my one inch oval mop brush here or my one inch angle mop brush okay so i'm just gonna take a little bit of black here this is gonna be our first uh base color so i'm gonna just start pulling off to the side so see i'm doing a line and then pulling over over over and then i'm going to come and bring it here into the foreground so we still have our reflection there we have what we haven't done is the reflection of the house uh maybe maybe i'll do that i'm just gonna add um some bushes here first or some snow covered something and um let's see what else could i do i know i'm gonna be coming in here with with something and i just feel like i'm liking this sort of a s curve sometimes i'm i'm led by shapes and then i make a scene out of them or in them within them i'm just going to wash this out and like i mentioned i'm going to switch over to one of my excuse me awesome little mop brushes here this one is my oval mop without getting it wet i'm just going to tap right into my white okay so i don't have a ton on there just a little bit and i'm gonna start above and partially on the black that way we're left with that nice shadow and we're bringing up a little bit of height here so it doesn't look like our house is sort of floating on the water and then just a soft little make it sort of disappear still have little circles give it a kind of blurry dreamy powdery look to it right about there well just a little bit more now and then just a light give it that sort of a bit of an icy look dry brush and i'll add a little bit up here as well maybe there's some icicles or something right there i'm gonna wash that brush out grab a little bit of water on my filbert here and blend this around now what you're seeing mostly here is just water it looks kind of white but it's going to dry clear i just wanted to take a little bit of that off and add a little bit more white to straight white here and back over our sun or moon more snow i can do another layer now or add another layer i think oh okay so clearly i need to wait for that to dry while i'm doing that i'm going to i'm torn with two things right now i want to do the reflection but i also want to add a little bit more of a icicle kind of effect here so um [Music] just going to take my little liner brush here and add a few little squiggles so it's just going to look like um like a carrot like a really bumpy a little bit of water that's what icicles kind of remind me of with a few little lines and what's next we'll work on a reflection so i'm not going to do two too i'm not going to try and mirror it but i need a little something there because there's we can see a bit of a reflection of everything else so just kind of pull here a few little dark grayish lines water on my brush now if you need to turn your painting upside down for this like i mentioned earlier that's how a lot of people do it if you really want that that mirrored look um that'll help a lot and i'll just add a little bit of white wherever i see white whoops i've got a bit too much water there on my brush a little bit of white and then for the roof we've got a little bit of smoke reflecting from our chimney all right i'm just going to come in with a little bit of gray and my smaller filbert brush now make some of this a little bit darker like it is above and then slightly blur it up a little bit just by going over i'll add just a little bit more white right here and here and then kind of just wiggle around for the smoke oh i almost forgot my little loft window up top there anyways that's how much detail you want to add but i'm going to add a little bit more foliage in here or snow and maybe oh i don't know maybe another tree right here and i'm just going to go straight in with light this time i like to do this i like to have some trees i love that look when you don't even see anything else on the tree it's just all white you could just do a painting all in gray and white you don't even have to have black and that looks really pretty too i'm able to white head add this roof just using a thick amount like that look better anyways get that heavy snow look it looks kind of lumpy and more real there come in sometimes with a little liner brush and make some of the snow on my trees a little bit thicker just by wiggling a little bit you'll have a little bit of a fence over here i'm going to use a little bit of black first with my filbert brush and i'll just start coming in with a few little lines here and then you just kind of disappear off up that way and then i'm going to pull down lower right here and then so this one they start to get a little bit longer thicker and darker as they get down here in the foreground closer to us like this now the shadow's going to be because the sun or the moon is reflecting this way so we're going to have a little shadow of each one not straight black right you just want to have it a little bit transparent okay with thin paint i'm gonna start kind of just barely touch right there and then where it gets closer to us we're gonna bring in the board so we really feel like it's curving around a little bit more black and we'll add some snow okay clean brush come along the edges where the light will be hitting maybe a lot um let this one come down a little bit lower and i'll add another another board right there i think that looks nice and wash all that black out go right back into my white add a little bit more right and there tap tap like little tabs for that snow actually i'm going to be a little bit more generous right here just because i really want this to feel a little bit more here in the foreground okay so i think it's time to start coming in with some color i just want to add a little bit of color here and there because i really like that classy kind of old-fashioned look adding a little bit of colored black and white in in this painting today anyways um but as i'm just noticing here as this white is drying kind of can't see it as much so i'm gonna there that looks better and i might have to add a little bit more later add a little bit more there to my smoke coming out of my chimney um what's next just a little bit of black here along the edge and got a little bit of a shadow here too from these boards aren't we we can't forget about those i mean you could but i think it looks a lot better if we add them so remember you just want to have some thin watered-down paint or a dry brush of light gray okay so i'm going to start adding some holly up here and i'm going to use black let me just pull this a little bit closer black and green just to start okay and i'm going to add place my pinky right here and i'm going to start like this a little line scoop scoop scoop scoop same thing from the other side and then bring it in okay so there's one on another one i'm going to make this one a little bit smaller this is the first base we're going to make it stand out a little bit better here in just a minute and we're gonna have our little berries in here too and then i'll add an even smaller one right here okay then i'm gonna come in with more green but pick up a little bit of white this time and work that paint out of my brush use some of that and apply it inside each of the leaves so it's a couple shades a couple shades lighter here but we're leaving it outlined in dark add a little bit more now and i'm going to switch over to my liner brush and make the ends of them stand out a little bit more and be pointy so i'll use my black mostly black a little bit of green in there so for each one like this i'm going to water down my brush a little bit here and i'm going to pull the line i'm just a little bit more black to make this show up but better and then from each point i'm going to pull in in you could add a few in between if you want as well something anyways sort of like that and then i'll give them a little bit more of a frosty look inside and i'm going to add a little bit more let's see i've got a little bit of turquoise and a little bit of phthalo blue so i'll see what color i prefer best or maybe i'll use a little bit of both i'm going to mix um a little bit of phthalo blue with my olive green and see what that looks like first so i'll take a little scoop of each a little bit of white i think i'm going to use a little bit more of my olive green i like that it might be a nice a nice color to add here whatever green you want really okay just took a couple seconds to dry this off a little bit so that i could apply the paint a little bit easier i'm going to switch over to my small filbert brush and it'll be uh easier as well just because this is getting a little bit bigger if you pick up a little bit of black here and there that's fine there depending on you know the plates hitting them in different areas causing to be different tone brightness it's going to dry slightly darker than this too just going to go right over this because i know those lines will show up once it's dry okay now i'm gonna paint some berries so i'm gonna do let's see red with a little bit of black first for my base and again i'm using crimson red if you didn't see at the beginning crimson red you can use any red you want i'm gonna paint four and then i'm going to take a bit more red this time and i'm going to go inside each of them and then i'm going to take a little bit of white this could be a little bit of snow or a highlight i think i like that snowy look i'm just gonna add a little bit more i'll be able to do this once it dries to go add a little bit of snow inside part of these leaves so a little bit there a little white highlight here and there it's just gonna bring up that shade of green a little bit lighter okay i'm gonna add a little bit more red now on the inside a little bit more white you can wait for it to dry or you can add it really gently and you know i'm kind of liking this so i think i want to add a few more berries here i like the bit of red so the black first and the red you have a few up there as well i'll take a little bit of my red and white back to my black and my green and add a little leaf here and maybe we won't see these other ones very much they kind of just go off the canvas take a little bit of white and some more red a little bit more red and white a little bit of scarlet red would look really pretty too i'm gonna make this snow up here look a little bit thicker and all i'm doing is just very lightly and blending along here to work a little bit of that white out maybe we'll have some maybe some silver bells right here kind of around we'll add a couple silver balls so a little circle and then a line and i'll just make that stand out a little bit more a little bit more white i'm just gonna create a little circle and then scoop out and pull a little line i'm going to switch over to my liner brush just so i can make this a little bit easier i'm going to take a little bit of black make the inside darker take a bit of white and then do a little loop a little dab there and then a little hook here loop where it goes and wraps around the bell and then i'm going to take some white and kind of go up and around and that way we can see the inside of the bell a little bit and we can also see the little bell itself so you can just add like a little line inside and then a little ball maybe a little tassel widen that just a little bit make this a little bit smaller and i'll add a little bit of black to it for a shadow and now we'll work on the other one a little bit of a highlight right here okay so there's one bell and then i'll have the other one right down here to give it more white do that same shape it helps just make that circle and then a line comes out a little bit wider i'm going to take some black and go up slightly scoop up like that and more white highlight that little area there where it joins up with the other one i'm gonna go up with my white and then add a little dot and tab a little short little line here and then wait for the bell or the little thing that shakes around in the bell to make that sound so to make the bell look shiny you just want to take some white and do some little lines kind of in the middle of your bell like this or off to the side if you want and then i'm going to add a red ribbon first i just want to make sure that i have enough black here outlining this make sure this comes down a little bit lower and i want to dry this off and i'll add a pretty red ribbon and take a little bit more of my red and just brighten these berries up a little bit and then a little bit of white again and then a little bit extra i want it to look kind of like snow i have a few other berries too if you wanted just easily by overlapping with a little bit of either lighter or darker red whatever will show up this right here i'm gonna put one right in front here just take off the excess paint that's building up on my brush add a little bit of snow and then outlining with a little bit of black too will really make your berries look 3d so it depends on like how much detail and shadows you want to create in yours i really like the frosty look of things on christmas cards and the old vintage look so i'm just going to add a little bit more frost here just by taking a dry brush with a little bit of white i like that i think that kind of fits in a little bit better with our tones that we have here and frosty look a little bit more green with that and then a little bit of white okay now for my ribbon i'm gonna use my liner brush and let's see take some red with a little bit of black well a lot of black we'll add a little dab here a little so a little circle and then triangle with rounded rounded ends i know it's hard to see because it's so dark right now and then another one on this side and then the tassels or the the ends of the ribbon have them coming out here now this is going to show up better when i'll have the other one uh maybe i'll bring it out right here in front of the bell okay i'm just gonna uh dry this off i'll take the excess off here cause it'll take too long to dry and i've got quite a bit on here i'll dry this off and then we'll add the highlights [Music] okay so we are ready for some highlights i'm going to take my red a little bit of white just a little bit and i'm gonna dab right there in the middle partially over and then come inside so we don't want to completely cover up the dark black red base that we have you want to keep it sort of outlined so i'm going kind of below i'm going to leave the dark line right there so it looks 3d and i'm going to come around here scoop and pull in now i'm gonna take some more white go right there it's going to dry a little bit darker than what you're seeing here i want to have it kind of brighter here so i'm applying my white on the outer edge and then it's going to be darker inside so i'm just going to take a little bit of black and go around make that stand out a little bit more or my black red mixture just make sure there now we can call these silver bells right maybe that's what i'll title this painting even though they're kind of small i think i would like to title it silver bells use a little bit of weight again re-brighten those and i'll add a little bit of a highlight here to my ribbon as well just on the ends here with my little bit of that white red mixture and oops i need a little bit more weight here okay so i'm gonna call this painting all done this was so much fun i'm glad i got to share it with you guys hope you had fun watching and that you want to paint along feel free to share this with your painting groups family and friends and don't forget to like this video subscribe to my channel for more it all helps put my videos out into the algorithm on youtube so more people can learn to paint and paint along with us have a wonderful day merry christmas and i'll see you all soon in my next video bye everybody [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: Joni Young Art
Views: 39,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Winter, Christmas, Painting, Art tutorial, Silver bells, Holiday painting, Joni young art, Learn to paint, Snow, Holly, Cabin, Trees, Forest, Lake, River, Black and white, Red
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 21sec (4341 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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