Christmas Tree Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is angela anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video i'm going to be showing you how to paint a christmas tree i think it's going to be a lot of fun get get us ready for the christmas season i've got my husband mark here with me hey there everybody i almost said mike he's been in chat it's mark [Laughter] in a chat today i was looking at my mic when i said it sorry right let's get started [Music] all righty i think my face is red a fredrik's archival watercolor canvas board it's a mouthful got uh it's a six 12 by 12 size um you really could do it any size you wanted to i was looking at last year's that we did that similar and it's on a 10 by 10. so if you wanted to do like you know a companion piece you might use the same size if you did this one last year but i think i want to do a little bit bigger so because i've got all these gifts at the bottom here that i'm probably gonna simplify the gifts a little bit because there's a lot of them but our brushes we're going to be using princeton brushes and i'm just going to use a probably mostly these summit series 6100 series some filberts and some of the flats and i've got the large aspen two inch for the background and then you're going to want something for snow so either like a a different stippler or a blender these are the velvet touch line and called the blender 3 8 inch and then this one is the dear foot stippler and the select and then a fan brush and possibly a toothbrush where'd my toothbrush go right here for some snow we got lots and lots of snow in this one um and then maybe just a brush or two that's got some smaller for the detail the little ornaments and things let's go over colors i'll mention the brushes as i use them too but thank you to princeton and fredrix our canvas and brush sponsors they're awesome um carbon black burnt umber burnt sienna yellow oxide indian yellow hue cadmium yellow light phthalo green yellow shade it's really large because i had to add water to it and made a mess um phthalo blue green shade ultramarine blue doxazine purple quinacridone magenta cadmium red medium and cadmium orange and then this is titanium white and zinc white which is just a transparent white that's good for snow and then um our on gloss glaze and liquid um i'm gonna give these one more spray here and i'm gonna start with a palette knife and i'm gonna mix up some of the blue for our background since we're gonna be using so much of it i just i figured it'll be easier than to try to mix it with the brush so i'm going to use phthalo blue it's kind of a blue green blue gray but on the green side kind of more of a teal almost so i'm going to use that burnt sienna with my phthalo blue green shade and you can see already with my scrapes here that that's about the color i think it's probably two parts burnt sienna at a one part blue and that will just any kind of any time you're doing a christmasy like or a i'm sorry i was not like a snowy sky kind of thing um adding just a little bit of like either a brown or a black to your um blue will help it to kind of gray it out like it like a wintry sky added a little bit of the ultramarine blue just for an extra pop of blue and i think that'll work okay so i'm going to start with that and i'm going to go ahead and just start with this two inch just dipping the very tip of it in there so the water is going to wick up in here but you don't want it soaking wet so that it's going to drip everywhere so just a little bit of water on there and then i'm going to that's funny that was a habit did you catch them i wet down my brush i did that and then because i didn't do it in the right order i did it again it's a habit more you paint the more you'll start forming those kind of things or like it just doesn't feel right unless you do it just in a certain way okay sorry i just realized i've done that it's cracked me up all right i'm gonna get some white and add that and yeah i like that that'll be pretty so i'm gonna start it fairly dark here and i'm gonna go ahead and spray with just a little bit of water on my canvas i don't need too much just a little bit that'll just help it move around a little bit might even grab a little bit of the glass glazing liquid because that'll also give it a little bit of fluidity and also it has the the golden gloss liquid has some extender in it so i'm going to go about halfway down with this dark and at a diagonal and leave all these nice streaks in there and then up here at the top i'm just going to grab my white and go straight to the canvas with it and if it's not moving around you can spray it again with water as long as you're using like a fine mister it won't leave any big water drops um you can spray as you're working especially on a large canvas i usually would spray it at this point you know when you get a little bit ways down because this paint will start to have kind of dried and get sort of sticky so all right just very lightly once you get the paint on there then you can very lightly kind of just blend it blend over it to kind of smooth out any rough spots like that okay and that's pretty much how i want to leave it um for our tree um it's got all this really pretty stuff going on here i'm sorry my phone's going off here forgot to mute it pause for hello everybody glad to have you joining us tonight well thank you yeah i'm glad to be here mike [Laughter] that's funny it looks straight up at the microphone when i said that and i was like nope that's not right i almost said mike i will add that to the list of names that i've been called yeah somebody like somebody like um left a comment that i thought was pretty funny they were like he sounds just like cinnamon's husband and i'm like like are you thinking that it's the same person and you're like he's he's just goes between gigs and i think so suspiciously like she was accusing us of something i think it's more like her husband sounds like me yeah there you go i don't think you guys sound alike at all but that's just you do get called his name a lot though oh yes yes yeah but that's okay and i'm sure vice versa yeah it's been a while but for a while there when i was first on youtube when cinnamon cooney and i were first um we were kind of one some of the pioneer art channels on youtube here and uh i would have people come into my group posting her art you know saying thank you cinnamon i'm like no wrong person close i'm sure she had the same exact thing it's funny i i get it there's a lot of art teachers out there but we're glad for the ones that have stuck around yes come back yep yes exactly exactly they're all amazing oh thanks all right there we go so adding the white down here at the bottom got a nice like snowy feel to it and before that dries or you know you can let it dry if you want to it doesn't really matter i'm just going to speckle it with actually probably should let it dry but mark's going to go dry this and so i'm going to do this i'm going to temp fade here and go ahead and splatter i'm going to use the thinned out paint and toothbrush so it'll give me smaller smaller little bits that'll be good you can test it on your plate or something using a toothbrush you want to hold it in your fist with your thumb just where it can reach the top corner and then point it down where you're going because whatever direction you're pulling it the paint's going to go in the opposite direction so if i'm holding it like this or like this it's going to go that way it's not going to go on my canvas so you got to turn your wrist so that it's pointing straight down to the canvas and i'm going to start there with a very fine mist and then you can go a little bit thicker or a little bit heavier with the paint a little bit thinner with the water so heavier with the paint on the brush a little bit thicker application on the brush and then a little bit thinner paint you get bigger splatters see that nice so if you're having trouble and it's not coming off your brush then or toothbrush or whatever you're using then just um add a little bit of water and that should do it do it for you i'm gonna give that to mark and he's gonna clean that out okay there's a lot of air in it it'll it'll it'll be all right okay so i'm gonna take most of the paint out of there that i can and just wet that down i'm going to leave that toothbrush off to the side and then same thing with this i'm just going to get some water in it you just don't um usually what i'll do is just take this to the sink instead of trying to clean it in my water jar because what it'll do is just kind of muddy up your water jar before you've even started painting and get it full of paint so i'm gonna just grab a bunch of water on there and just set it off to the side here and just keep it moist and keep it wet so that it doesn't dry out mainly you're worried about the paint in here that's seeped down in here it it'll seep down underneath this metal part it'll look clean up here potentially and then um but it'll it hides down in there and then if it dries in there then um acrylics will make your brush expand out and it will ruin it so after the shows i always take my brushes rinse them out really well in the in the sink and then use some dawn dishwashing liquid or something really mild and um just really clean them really well to get all of the soap and i work that soap up in here to make sure that i get any of this trapped paint that's up in there and and then lay them flat to dry don't leave them upright to dry don't leave them in your water because the water will expand the wood in the handles so it'll seep all the way through and get up into the handles and then when the handles when that wood and the handles expand it'll crack your paint um and that thus this happens right here so even when you're being careful it'll happen so you can tape it up if you need to i have this one taped but um i've been getting better about it well no there one that's one's done too so um don't look at this that'll be fine just uh yeah all right i'm gonna clean off my palette or actually i'm gonna kind of wet that down so i can keep those colors in case i need to use them later but i'm going to clean off this part here so that i have a space to mix my other colors now um i think that with this reference photo it's very like green and red and gold that's it and i think that the i added like the rainbow full rainbow colors because i kind of wanted a little bit more colorful i don't know how far on the colors you know scale i'm going to go i'm not going to go super crazy with it like i did last year i don't think um but i want to get kind of i just wanted them out just in case i get to that point and decide i need a little more color so if i do it thank you like my hair has been falling out everywhere today here's my hair i've been finding them oh yours too okay sorry all right i am having trouble here with my all right so so what did we talk about much about brush cleaning what did we talk about when we were gone no no mic talk i'm talking about my new host mike it goes um okay so there we go we've got this nice dark blue i probably could have gotten a little bit darker you know now that it's dried you can kind of see but if you want to you could you know glaze a little bit it would tint your snow back here but that's not going to hurt anything and then you can just do it again with your snow and i'll probably do another layer of snow too but let's go ahead and start on our tree here all right so to draw it i'm just going to go ahead and use some chalk and we're going to start we're going to pretty much just place it right in the middle here so i'm just going to kind of start by figuring out where i want my gifts and things to go some put them kind of in here somewhere in here like that and i'm just i'm going to do a few fewer boxes i think maybe we'll see well i don't know if i'm ending up doing them all that looks good i kind of wanted to do a let me make this one a little smaller i don't know we'll see so i want it to be about the width of the tree or just a little bit wider than the tree however why do you do your presence then kind of figure out sort of where you're out outer points of your tree gonna be and then just it's kind of just a point of you know however whatever shape you want it to be so if you want it to be really really narrow at the top or you want it to be a little bit fuller this one's like a little bit fuller starting up at the top and it's it doesn't have as many like ins and outs but i kind of i really like that kind of um shape when it kind of goes in and out more than this one doesn't just kind of go straight down so i'm going to do a little bit more with it there leave a little bit more gaps in between some of these and then looks good i think that'll work okay that'll work and then um i'll mark my presents once i get my green on there so i'm gonna grab my i'm gonna use the filbert six filbert here and that's the 6100 summit series and um okay before i start i was going to mix also some greens so i'm going to get a pretty good amount of green because i'm going to need you know a lot for my tree and i'm going to use a little bit of purple a little bit of black and make a really nice dark green here look how dark that is that'll be really nice you really do need it that black you need it almost black so it was kind of almost equal parts black purple and green or like the black and purple were almost equal parts purple just gives the the green a little bit more richness i find [Music] okay so there we go then i'm going to use the middle green here and i'm going to add a little bit of ultramarine blue and my yellow the ultramarine blue will make it a little bit more of an olive toned green then we've got the green base there so we're not changing it too crazy we're just kind of making a little bit more olive toned a little bit more yellow slightly yellowed there we go in fact i think i'm gonna just use just ultramarine blue and a little bit of yellow see what we come up with there and we'll just have several greens that we can work with and if we mix them ahead of time then we can grab them quickly and because we're going to have lots of layers on the tree so just save us time and then we won't have to mix and remix the same greens over and over again as we use them up hopefully so this is the same colors right here only this one had the phthalo green in it and a little bit of that darker color and i might add just a little bit more of that darker color so that it's kind of a mid between these two okay let's add a little bit of burnt sienna to this too i feel like it's still a little too too bright there we go okay now that pine tree sometimes has that kind of a reddish brown tone in it as well so that looks good okay and then we'll do just a little bit of the green and mostly yellow and i still have these other colors in here i'm gonna even use a little bit of the indian yellow hue which will tone it down make it a little bit more neutral because it's got a little bit of an orange orangey tone so it react with the any kind of blue that's in that green that orange and blue being opposite on the color wheel they neutralize each other you could also use red with this green if you wanted to neutralize it that way that works as well and then let's grab the rest of this white here and i'm gonna have a nice light light green maybe add a little bit of our phthalo blue beautiful okay so there we go got several tones of greens green blue green yellow to work with okay got a quick question for you uh they would like to know have you ever tried any of the princeton snap brand the brushes i have not no i've used the select which are similar i think in quality and they worked fine okay i find the prince center pretty pretty good i mean i haven't i haven't come across any of their brushes that i haven't liked yet so well that's a good thing yeah yeah you know i would say that you um you will they will vary in what they can do though you can't expect a you know a two dollar brush to do the same as a five dollar ten dollar brush will do um because they're using different um quality of you know it may be constructed well but the quality of the bristles may be a little bit different so that they won't have as much snap or you know they may wear out a little faster they're not as resilient that kind of thing so i find that buying a better brand saves you money in the long run that's been my experience you buy the best you can afford and take really good care of it and it'll last you years versus you know spending a little bit of amount on a cheaper brush and then ending up having to replace it in here so all right i'm going to use this darkest color here and i'm just going to kind of map out my main my main shapes in my tree and i'm just using the edge of my brush here and i'm just going to kind of start out by kind of tapping in towards the top and then in the middle here i'm going to for the most part fill it in especially around this stem i can leave a little bit of open spaces but not much what were you gonna say i was gonna say that if you're starting out painting and you're not sure if it's something that you're going to really enjoy you know i can understand them right paying a little less but once they realize hey you know this is something i'm going to want to do right one of the good investments is to getting into a good set of brushes yeah definitely definitely and you can go over to the brush guys that's true yeah the link down below and um blick also sells the princeton brushes so i have a link to blick down the down description i found that they have really good prices too so either one of those is really good if you use the brush guys i have a code to use if you use my blick link we get credit for the sale doesn't cost you anything extra but they give us a little bit of a thank you gift for sending them sending them business so i've used blick for years and also the brush guys so both of them if you're just buying brushes i would just go with brush guys it'd be easy but if you're getting paints and other things then blick has all kinds of different they've got the canvases and all that stuff too so yeah and you've made it easier on the brush cut having those sets true yeah they can get the sets that i use um to kind of have a beginner and an intermediate set that use my most used brushes so that is something that you can't get anywhere else that they've worked with them but thank you for supporting us yes yes especially with christmas coming up we appreciate you using our links and things in our video descriptions and on our website um faq page we have a link list of all of the different affiliates that we have including artisa that we just did videos with last week so did you know that brushes fit really nicely in stockings and sort of tubes of paint true canvases not so much unless you got the little ones that's true all right back to pain trees okay so see what i'm doing here just trying to create these kind of layers of working from top to bottom here that's how the trees you know they have these little clusters of branches that stick out the ones that are coming straight at us if you kind of think of it like your hand you're seeing it from the side here we're seeing all of these fingers of the branches and of course they're not all you know lined up like this but you get the idea but as they're pointing towards us we're only going to see like a line of you know maybe they're kind of you know not in a full row but you know you might see it like this where you're seeing like individual tips of them that are kind of coming at you and then you might see the end of the branch like this so um these ones here we're gonna kind of be more like this as they're coming down at us and we're seeing the edge of the brush and i'm kind of i'm kind of rounding these off a little bit i kind of like that rounded look for this tree i don't know why but i've done them different ways you know you can use a fan brush if you want them real fuzzy um i'm kind of stylizing this one a little bit keeping the bristles kind of clustered i just like the look of it a little bit more painterly i guess i don't know what the word is but kind of so real quick is your brush kind of rounded or is it like the filbert okay and it's a number six right asking for a friend right because you were listening the whole time well i did remember i said six you did i knew that good job i'm just trying to cover for some people in chat who aren't paying attention you know who you are you know who you are it's all right they're probably enjoying chatting with their friends exactly it's usually me that doesn't know what to it's usually me that doesn't know what's going on right nobody comes here to listen to me anyways they're here to chat with mark or mike whoever you want to chat with exactly whatever the name of the day is all right just gotta let that dry a little bit i kind of went thick and i really darkened up this middle area here i may even go over it again with a little bit of black um but let's go ahead and work on our on our packages um let me see here yeah i'll use this one this is a tw too bright and i'm gonna get some burnt umber and yellow oxide in burnt sienna and these gold packages that are under here are pretty dark i'm gonna add a little bit of the quinacridone magenta to it also okay and go straight up and down with your if they're facing us then you can angle them away from you a little bit and then have one side be a little bit lighter so get a little bit lighter color for the other side we'll have our light source coming from this direction so this side is lit up a little bit more than this side over here i'm going to have snow at the bottom here too so i don't really have to worry too much about that being just so yellow oxide is a pretty good color for the gold add a little bit of white to it maybe a little bit of the indian yellow hued um now maybe some red let's get some quinacridone magenta i want it to be a little bit more yeah reddish okay that's good and then a little highlight right there you know i feel like it's almost green i'm gonna get a little bit of green i don't know what i'm seeing here i'm just gonna play with it a little bit until i get the gold the color that i want it to be okay and then okay i'm going to get the white really highlight right here kind of that edge of the package and top corner and i'm trying to kind of blur it a little bit so it's not so like just perfect you know trying to mess it up a little bit almost here's the ribbon coming across i go ahead and bring that all the way out there's gonna be another package right here so and then it's really dark right where this package meets up with it so put in that shadow right there okay mix in a little bit of the burnt umber or i'm sorry the quinacridone red with the cadmium i don't know where i got burn number from again don't really worry too much about that front edge do a angle back really having a hard time like doing this and not with this angle without picking it up i really want to pick it up i'm probably going to have to to get the right angles on it it's hard to hardly get a decent angle without moving it around okay so this edge right here is gonna be back here and then this and this will be parallel i'm sure you've all drawn a box at some point we're working out here i'll just let that dry this on this one this side's a little lighter for some reason so who knows let me get that burgundy quinacridone magenta a little bit of black acronym magenta black a little bit of that red dark cherry red i'm gonna use it right on that corner there okay then let's see over here get a package coming up this way this one's easy because it's all just an angle if you want to get fancy you can put decorations on them you know you could do whatever you wanted to i do like the kind of the simplicity of the just red and gold here i think that one needs to come a little bit higher it goes up in front of that tree [Music] i'm going to get a little bit of the black and add it to that dark gold color and go right up underneath the rim here there and around that corner back and then under the ribbon edge right here as it comes down okay that's gonna really set it up set it off make it look realistic go ahead and add a little dark to this edge of the red box too okay and a little bit of corner here actually this is in front of it right here sorry moving it over and make sure you spray everything yeah i kind of like that greenish tone in there so adding a little bit of the green i'm not gonna make this box quite as big as it is in the picture then it's kind of hard to tell where the bottom of these are because they're overlapping with the snow so i'm gonna worry too much about the bottom okay it's kind of lifted up there's a little red package at the bottom of it so far i think all those gifts are for liam pretty much that's yeah pretty much liam is the only one that we bought for him yeah we're we're looking up a repeat of last year poor guy was overwhelmed yeah we are we're gonna try we're gonna try not to okay this is true we'll try we're grandparents it's our job to buy too much presents plus he's got sadly he's his not sadly but you know i feel bad because his birthday is right after christmas so i feel like anybody who has their birthday right after christmas kind of gets lost in the shuffle well all i have to say is that he better enjoy it while he can while he's the only grandchild true true because then he won't be the favorite anymore what he won't be the favorite anymore why well because i don't have favorite kids or grandchildren so though oh i see you know he's gonna have to share so right now he's my favorite until you get a second one and then he'll just be one of many hopefully no pressure out there kids no all right there we go our red bow there and i haven't added the shading or anything to it i'm just kind of trying to get them laid in here first i'm gonna come back and add details to them later yeah i kind of let's make this one long i'm going to make this long and low so have you started shopping for me yet i am not asking for a friend what do you want you're the worst to shop for this is mark do you need some pants oh i already have like one pair it's all right do you what about some shoes no these ones are fine like okay give me something like i mean really how many pairs of pants can i wear at one time true true as opposed to me he was like do you have that color i don't have that color i have i have that same style but i i don't have it in that color so i probably can use it i have a light blue number two not like poo number three so right right that's my philosophy so i'm yeah i'm not i'm not a frugal shop shopper i i thought of something i usually think of things while i'm driving to work and then i can't write it down or do anything and then i forget what i thought of so i'll try to simply forgot you forgot what you thought this is that's almost as bad as your jack-o-lantern story [Music] it's like oh i thought of something that was spot-on i thought of something that i wanted but i can't remember what it is but i thought i did think of something i remember will you let me know when you remember what it is hey i remembered i forgot something that is a start see oh my gosh i love it [Music] if you if you're new sorry we do we do this we talk about random stuff while i paint you're just in for it i apologize don't leave me mean comments i know it's a problem i know you're you're in the you're in the um the studio with us this is what i would be doing if you know we were it honestly if we i would be in here by myself so you're lucky he's in here with us that's all i'm saying don't leave me mean comments because mark they're probably like that's why we pay for thursdays exactly it's a whole our whole marketing scheme right there are annoying enough they'll pay to not listen to me no it's just it's funny when i first started on youtube people left me messages about my nails all the time i don't get as many pictures things about my nails even though they're not great but what we're gonna say oh i just put up the link real quick okay um yeah you're right your nails your voice yeah my voice is getting comments about my voice all the time i've recently gone through and logged all oh my gosh yeah i tried and i could definitely tell the ones that you were trying to change your voice it was i went through a bad bad uh i'm glad that you're seasoned there over that yeah i just decided it wasn't it wasn't me it didn't sound like me it sounded terrible so i just i have a scratchy voice that's just it there it is it's called vocal fry and i'm aware of it but pretty much uh just how i talk all right it's not affected it the affected part is when i tried not to have it that's when it didn't sound so great here let me play adding some dark i'll play with the equalizer over here and see how that works no no it's okay i can add some effects to it no it's all right okay well just kind of playing with the colors here now i need to add a little bit more over here another color um there's another gold i don't like the gold boxes that much i'm gonna add another red one we'll go with a dark red a little bit of the black a little bit goes a long way you don't need a lot a little bit of black a little bit of the quinacridone magenta and the cadmium red light or medium i mean okay i'll probably put a small gold box in here somewhere but to do a red one this way flattened out diamond this and then nice and dark and just parallel this line i kind of think i don't know i do like the presents it's an it's a lot of extra work so if you don't want to do them i think it looks great without it too so just leave it up to you to decide whether or not you want to suffer through this no go through this little detail it does look good but it can be tedious all right i think that that'll work kind of have bookend red ones and then we'll add a lot of snow and everything on top and around them and some package details but i'll put a big gold bow on there to pull the gold in over there but i think that'll be good let's go ahead and use the um i'm gonna dip that in water make sure it doesn't dry [Music] both of those all right so this is dry enough now i'm gonna take my damp no that's still wet right there so just to be careful around that i'm just gonna wipe off my chalk marks okay there we go really like this dark color in the background here i think it works really well um so let's go ahead and add our next layer onto our tree and i think i'm going to use a little bit smaller filbert this time this is the four instead of the six that we started with and we've got all these nice colors here make sure that you keep those wet while you're waiting and i'm just going to go to this next step down in intensity and it's not going to show up all that much but you'll be able to see it a little bit so and you can use it it's dark enough you could use it outside the lines too like as far as you know making its own branch and that kind of thing and this is where i'm going to try to kind of create some areas of dark and light so leave some nice dark areas move around start this is not going to be super noticeable so we're not changing much but that's just kind of the tone of it adding another layer of color in here there we go now going to go kind of in between these two and feel like that's the color i need and now just kind of dabbing very lightly see that creating little nooks of color leave a space create another layer of branches leave a space another layer leave a space so we've got to have room for our ornaments to go to so we need some dark little areas for our ornaments to live just if you get too much go back in with the dark color there okay i like that just changing the direction as we get about halfway down i'm going to start to pull down with my branches instead of up see that still going up along the edges but kind of in the middle here you can take your time really kind of think about where you're placing these i tend to crowd and cover up all my dark areas it's just how i do so i have to really stop myself and think about whether i need to put some color there or not and usually it's not but i do it anyways so yeah so just watch yourself there that's something that you tend towards you may have to go like two more brush strokes and that's it you know limit limited and then stop step back and look at it and okay two more and step back and look at it [Music] once you get close to the end there you know okay i'm gonna go over my packages a little bit now [Music] now that i got them in here i can kind of set them in all right that looks good all right so let's now that we've got that in there let's go ahead and get a small round here and we'll start putting in our ornaments and i'm going to use the red and this i've got this dark burgundy so this will be perfect for our red ornaments so i'm going to start out with the little red ones just space them around and then while they're wet i'm going to grab some this dark i'm just going to put it at the bottom like that and they're not all the same size either so you can do you could do you know if your colors are gold and silver or something like that you could use like a blue um for your silver i'll be doing some silver ornaments think about silver will pick up the colors around it so it's like a mirror almost so you would you know have some green in there and some that the gold will be doing that too so we'll be putting in some greens and reds and things in our gold ornaments that are reflecting in it okay let's get that dark coming around the side and kind of just dabbing it see that okay got this darker color here there's some hearts in mind but i'm i don't really am not really gonna do the hearts thing i don't think but i thought i might do some like little stars or something or maybe even some garland i kind of like the idea of having some like tinsel garland coming through or something somebody will do some silvery garland or i don't know what does chat say what do they want to see anybody stick man oh yeah okay well you need to draw me one then we'll do at the end of the show the return of stickman he's been out for several years he's been on a walkabout and honestly the main reason why i did it is because we would we would do stick man stickman was mark's creation and if you're if you've been around our show before we've done him years ago it was just mark's way of kind of joking that that's his art you know this is level of art with stick man and so i would take stickman and well you'll see but um it always ended up that i was working on stick men you know they do like little video previews it was like every time it was me doing stickman and i'm like okay i got that i don't know why it was picking stickman but it was like that i think there was a timing you know because i do it at like a certain time in the video and it always just kind of was like right after while you were drawing i would pull it out and be doing it and i was like okay i gotta so we're gonna do it at the end so if you if you're been missing stick man you're gonna have to just wait to the end teaser you can do mark will do the super chats and i'll do stick man here i'm gonna i don't know i don't think i have it anymore one of these over here i honestly don't know i don't think i don't i don't know where it is well it's from one of these types of paper yeah um we're so prepared we're so professional i know i didn't i didn't think about it until you said it i didn't think about it until somebody said it didn't chat it could be up up there they were individual papers at one time yeah i think so too because i saw the video where well i've got i've got a small notebook down here that you can use i think right there that might be that might be it i'm gonna use it regardless okay i'm getting these packages a second coat if they need it so okay every now and then you're gonna need to clean out your brush because it'll get kind of gummed up and that paint will start to dry and it'll keep it from flowing so do one here so everywhere i'm seeing the hearts i'm gonna put the these ornaments instead i'm pretty sure we've talked about this before but did you guys ever string popcorn when you were growing up um yeah we did we did that and we would make garlands out of paper chains but yeah we would string garland extreme popcorn you and i did that for a while too when we first were married i remember doing that with you black hair with the magenta i remember doing it i just don't really i know i did it growing up but i don't remember doing it with you but yeah we did it we did it when we were first married before we could afford real ornaments got to do something to fill up the tree and now it's all the rage now it's like all that kind of crafty christmas stuff is back makers sorry just not crafts it's makers right just just one creators makers uh just one tip what just don't save the strong popcorn for next year's tree it doesn't keep well does he [Laughter] you know from experience i'm just saying just saying for a friend that's pro tip all right i'm gonna get a little bit of red hair add it to the gold this is the yellow oxide and white and i've added the cadmium red to it and then we're just gonna put in some gold ornaments and like i said you could do whatever colors you wanted to here i think the main thing is to like kind of be random about the placement i tend to like try to evenly space all of these but i think it looks better if that like some of them are just slightly closer to another ornament or you know they're but i definitely think that it helps if they're not completely lined up with one another so kind of keep an eye on that like you know random placement do some of these smaller or some bigger and it's okay if they pick up that the green from the tree too because the tree will reflect in this they're shining the you know metallic we'll pick up the green so you can use that dark green from the tree that's your reflection color on these a little bit of burnt umber too i'm going to get a little bit of burnt umber for dumber or red we'll add highlights too so this is going to look worse before it looks better so just kind of know that going in you know that these are not going to look shiny yet we haven't added our highlights but once we do we'll they'll perk right up all right looking good so far though i like it so far so good okay so let's see i want one here one here here one here and then here in here okay you could use chalk or something too to mark those out can i probably help to have it planned out a little bit more than i'm being a little bit brave here by just doing it without a plan so i have a general plan in my head and a reference photo but i'm not really going by the reference photo anymore because it's obviously not looking exactly like this those are very watery and if you have trouble making circles you could use a stencil for this part or you could you could even use the back end of a large brush and just dab dot it in and then come back through and add your highlights you know dots in fact i might dot um you can see the difference between these ones that you know have the shadow in them and the ones that don't makes a big difference kind of makes them look like they're set down into the tree when you add that good shadow in there to get that burnt umber a little bit of green i'll just use that if you want to you can put some that are kind of half hidden too there are some that way in our photograph but or you can just do these and then when you do your green you could cover cover them up a little bit alright that looks good so do you want to do like popcorn let's do popcorn girl and why don't why don't we speaking of let's go ahead and do some white and some of the yellow oxide color that gold color that we were using there we go that's cute good idea honey just think about where the natural spacing would be we don't have to do them everywhere i'm just kind of doubting little pieces leaving special space between them you could do like cranberries in there too if you wanted like a little red dots it might add some red dots to it maybe do like that cute and again like really think about your placement make it really random natural looking yeah that's fun huh i like it thanks now of course we're gonna have to you know they look like pasted on right now so we're gonna have to darken them up where they kind of go down in otherwise they're just gonna look like they're stuck on here you know but um that won't be too hard just add some darker colors fun okay there we go really good random pattern going on there and then let's get the maybe a little bit of burnt all my browns here burnt umber burnt sienna black little tiny bit of black some of that gold trying to think of what colors are in the dark part of the popcorn is it black it's brownish brownish okay so it's not going to be on all of them so but make sure we kind of darken up where they're going down into the see done not done see the difference just darken up a few of them where they're kind of hiding in the branches or you know getting overlapped and we'll add branches over the top of this too so it'll kind of a little bit more natural i need to add some more of the reddish gold and get some of that brown too reddish gold brown into my gold ornaments a little bit darker just along the outside edges what time is it 11 17 okay i need to get moving here yeah well somebody had asked about where the trunk was but i can see in your reference photo you really can't see the trunk no it's actually coming down here yeah i need to probably put it there because it's my gifts yeah my gifts or i can bring my branch down here thank you very much still looking for my jingle bells i can't to do something who knows i might have given him to liam or did something with it i feel like but yeah that's a good point it does need a tree trunk or some more stuff down here just to kind of hide it bring it down i'm just going to bring the whole thing down a little bit in front there but yeah all right let's go ahead and get my brighter greens now um i'm gonna use this round brush here that i was just using i'm gonna kind of draw in an overlap create some little highlights and around all my decorations here i can use kind of the combination of several colors but nestle those ornaments in and create some movement okay don't touch that dark area ange sorry like oh there's a dark area unless you need to go cover it needs to be bright no it doesn't we need the dark in order for the light to look right if you do everything light then it doesn't look bright dark bright anymore it's all right and everything looks flat so you gotta have those dark areas in order for the bright areas to really pop i know this and i still do it i know i try it's just my go-to so i'm trying to get better i've only been painting for 30 years i'll get it one of these days practice practice practice just tells you you got everybody's got certain things you know i don't think i'll ever stop learning and hopefully progressing and getting better it's i do like doing paintings like this a year later you know like so i could take the lessons i learned from last time i did this and kind of apply them and maybe hopefully do a little bit better job you know painting live i don't have the ability to edit and go back in and rework something it's got to get it right the first time you know which doesn't always happen so i do my best that's okay you know there's no bonus points there's no competition true we're just doing this and you're showing people how to paint and how to learn to work through issues or challenges or change something they don't like and that's what it's all about yes okay i like it let's put on some bows and things on our packages that one was these are all pretty much gold so get that gold that we had working before a little bit of red in it and white yellow oxide i haven't used the orange yet but i don't know if i need it let's do a big bow on him so this dark side here is gonna need this brown so okay and then in order for it to not look flat you gotta have some sort of contrast so we're gonna add some light white my dark so burnt sienna black with this color just really dark no i don't like don't like it too dull i'm trying to get it a little bit more orangey gold i'm gonna add a little bit more of that red to it the problem with gold colors in general is that they don't they don't get that dark like your even your dark areas like on the reds your dark areas are almost black but on these your dark areas are really not that dark they're kind of light so you're going from you know you're only working with like maybe three values instead of five or six values just the light and darks that you the value scale that you're working on so i am trying to get that bow looking good it's giving me difficulties [Music] i really wish i had left you alone right now just going i really wish i just left this alone it looked better before i started messing with it i feel like it needs to be more angular i've got it like two perfect bow like and it needs to just it's kind of messy in the picture i'm trying to clean it up which it's really not okay i'm gonna see if i can wipe this whole thing off look at that it looks so much better i'm gonna just do a straight line through it i'm not gonna do a bow in there that's good enough yep that's better sorry if you were hoping to see how to do bow this is not the day apparently i don't have it in me on short notice it ain't happening all right so let's just add in the highlights to the gold really making this yeah i've got some areas on my midsection here can you just wipe off and make straight i wish not on you on me wish that worked that would be nice wouldn't it all right i feel like this boat oh no wonder i covered up half of it it's like i feel like this box is not the right shape but i covered up part of it all right we'll do a bow or not a bow but uh we've been on this guy okay then let's uh why wipe this guy maybe off in there that's good enough all right let's add some snow i'm just gonna get this and oh it's not wet anymore okay got a little bit i'm gonna start with the dark so you need to have some contrast so i'm gonna darken up right here please dry right at the bottom of all these packages cover up your and bring it out a little bit on both sides so come on dry all right and then i'm gonna get my white clean most of that out get my white tap over the top and just kind of push that around on the bottom actually just do that before it dries so you don't want that bottom to have a flat edge there so push that around you could leave it that like shadowy color too like in some places so i might you know like in the darker areas leave a little bit more blue pretty i like it here we go and if it if you don't have that background color saved um you know just try to get as close to it as you can when you do this so let's add our highlights and our bulbs and we'll be just about done you can add lights like we did last time we added all these glowing lights and things and snow so you could add more snow and some of that to it as well if you want to i'm probably going to add a little bit of snow but not as much as it did last year so um but i do need to add my highlights to my bulbs so i brought out all these colors and i'm probably not gonna use all of them that's all right it happens alright so i'm gonna these ornaments kind of have whoop what was that [Music] that's what it was been doing told you about or she who shall not be named it is well no it's not muted i don't know why she our our voice activated thing she controls the lights but if we say the wrong thing during the show she'll think we're talking to her so we could turn her off during the shows but it's been telling me that i need to order batteries today for something that we don't need to order batteries for so i don't really understand what it's trying to tell me we're trying to communicate and we're not really doing a very good job of it i'm trying to tell it to stop and how does it even know that we have that because well i guess it is hooked up to it so it knows that we have them yeah it was funny because it was like tell me you know like it was doing that noise that noise uh several times today so i finally was like you know you know who what is that noise and she's like playing noise by no no no no stop stop what what is the noise what is the noise that you just played um the noise that you just played is you know she's like giving me the definition of some weird obscure thing and i'm like no that's not okay it took me about five minutes to finally get her to tell me and then it was like would you like to order xclv 35522 just say order x3c5 thousand one you know like it was like this long number and i'm like there's no way that i i'm not even if i was writing it down i don't think i would have been able to write it down fast enough to order it whereas like the most ridiculous conversation with her today ever so and then mark was like no we don't need those so i'm glad i didn't try to order the xc 3527 batteries whatever it was oh well okay so just adding them adding the highlights if they look too much add a little bit of your mid-tone in there you can add back in your dark tones too whatever you need to do to kind of get it um looking good but that looks pretty good and i'm going to add my sorry i know i'm doing stuff or not i'm talking about other things i'm gonna add my red to that color that i was just using for my highlights because the yellow is you know adjacent red adjacent so i'm gonna add a little bit of that yellow tone in there for our highlights and i find like just boom dot dot dot you know dot dot like doing less on these is more it it kind of looks better so i just kind of don't even really go to the very edge like i leave the edge a little bit dark because even though your light's gonna be shining on something an object it's still if it's rounded the back side of it you see my light my hand here where the light is shining on it but the back side of my finger here is darker and that's the same thing with the balls even if our light is shining on it straight from here unless it's back light and that light's kind of coming around it and making the inside dark the the sides are going to be darker than the where the highlight is so you're going to want to go just inside the highlight for these that makes it or just inside the um the edge for your highlights and i'm gonna dab in some brighter bright bright bright bright and kind of in the same general area it doesn't have to be exact there we go got some shiny christmas balls and then let's do ornaments sorry mark doesn't like me calling it that no you can you can call that that's fine i just i just laugh he just like he's just like a 12 year old ornaments were we watching the baking show the other day that was so funny we love that british baking show and that lady was talking about stuffing the piping piping the donuts with cream oh my gosh the men were they couldn't hold themselves together excuse me you were laughing too i was laughing yeah it was hysterical so funny and she's like looks over after she's done saying all this stuff and she's like dudes no grow up okay there we go now we've got them really nice and shiny all this beautiful white highlights we can put some like nice white shine on our ribbons if we want to here and there top corners of our boxes wherever we want to add a little extra highlight there we go looking really good all right then let's get [Music] a i'll go ahead and just use this brush and use a little bit of that blueish from the snow with my white so just slightly blue white-ish and i'm going to add it to my tree here and there just on my branches and i'm just going to kind of add it in little clusters so i'm going to kind of go where i've already kind of added my highlights and just try to think about where the snow might be nestled in somewhere you know in our photograph it's kind of doing that some little areas so again don't cover your dark whatever you do angela i'm talking to you sorry i had to get mean she wouldn't listen to me let's be more specific angela anderson i can i can imagine angela's watching this video right now like what not you wasn't your problem it's me i do it okay so right in here it doesn't even have to look like a branch you know it can just be like snow clusters so you know just a little bit of dab of something there here and there think about where it's kind of sticking out i like it that blue really helps to make it not too stark because otherwise it would look a little too out of place you know and it it's nice to have a little bit different tone than that yellowish tone from our popcorn too so it's a good thing to think about and if you still need to do a do a thing for your tree you can do that here no too if you need to i think it's okay i think it's hidden enough i like it a trunk yeah i think the trunk is okay all right do i need lights nothing else we're good let's add some more splattery snow on top of everything so i'm going to use the zinc white that's been sitting out over here drawing you can get out here no i can't use that it's hard right now i take it back so let me know in the comments i noticed we've been having some kind of a slow down i think a lot of it has to do with covid and you know people getting out and doing stuff and i'm sure we'll kind of start to see an upswing once the winter hits here in the us but and people are doing more stuff indoors but i'd kind of like to get an idea of the kind of things that you'd like to see going forward moving forward you know with the if you'd like to see more christmas all the way through december or if you just want to see regular regular paintings whoops that was way too much regular paintings or if you want to see more seasonal things or you know what kind of themes just kind of leave me comments and i'd love to kind of get your ideas for where you're thinking you know if you like the christmas stuff or if not um i'm not it's not gonna hurt my feelings i just kind of like to know sort of what you're hoping to see out of our channel especially next year we've got most of our schedule scheduled out for december already figured it figured out most of what i want to do but i still have time to change a few things so if there's stuff i want to hear hey real quick while i was outdrying did you discuss any of the upcoming sale i did not i'm glad you mentioned that we are our etsy shop is closed right now we are adding all of the recent paintings from [Music] well we did a big sale i think it was may last year i want to say at some point some point last year and pretty much our etsy store has been that stuff like the leftover stuff that we didn't sell right away okay this is way too thick way too thick um so i'm just gonna spray um we're going to um be updating our the shop with paintings yes with paintings from our more recent paintings so a lot more fun stuff that we've been doing this year some of our patreon stuff some of our um just most of this most of the stuff that was especially all of the nine by twelves pretty much anything that was nine by twelve size is definitely going to be in the sale unless it's something that i gave to my sons which there are a few that i gave away to them so um cashmere will not be for sale no she will not neither will fitzpickle despite what mark was hoping or the tank or the yeah oh cashmere the cat the picture i thought you were talking about the cat just but yes um i'm using my q-tip pair to do some bigger snowflakes here you'll be announcing it in the uh newsletter the newsletter will have a preview of the ones that are for sale um we'll be posting it on my instagram and social media as well so if you're following me on there we'll have more info soon and we're going to try to get it out november 16th november 16th to december 1st that'll be the sale it'll be 20 off my normal prices so we're doing a big sale and patrons get an extra 5 percent off so we'll have an extra coupon for them to use as well so zoom out here get the whole thing i like how it turned out i think it turned out pretty nice i'm pretty proud of that uh i've got done with this one last year and was kind of like i took out all the see what i did i took out all the dark last year so i did a little bit better this year with it i think i like it and it looks like our reference photo so not bad patting myself on the back right now um i do like the popcorn too i think that that added a nice little bit and i think maybe just to add a little extra flair i'm going to add some of that cranberries so i'm going to add some red dark dark red just in here and there between my popcorns and mark's just handed me this just in tada mark's contribution to the evening stickman so what i do is i will add i don't know if i like that i'm just gonna dab off some of that that's where stick me in and super chat super chat and stick man oh i like it i like i like the cowbell for stickman too super chat excellent all right so we'll do a tree for stick man here he'll give him a christmas tree i'm going to use the fan brush why not show you how to do a tree with a fan brush i've done one before with the fan brush several times actually not just once but um let's start with the thing here and then he can be decorating the tree this this month so we'll have him this month the next month we'll just give him stuff to put on his tree depending on whatever we're painting we always kind of try to theme it around that and give all stick man something to do so one of the one of one of our first ones what we did uh we were doing red shoes and i gave it gave him that was red shoes that was for new year's yeah and uh that was somebody just recently mentioned it how it was her favorite one she just died laughing when i did that so basima it was good yes i was like okay i need to bring it back people are still talking about it years later [Laughter] we need to bring all stick man back so here he is popular demand little buck by popular demand and we'll just give him a plane tree and we'll add some stuff to it as we go on this season it'll be fun he'll even look like he's like reaching up for his training so real quick our super chatters yes so tonight we had a carol and she says just because i care oh thank you carol thank you so much and then we had from angela nice and she says thank you so much i appreciate your patience i wasn't talking to you when i was right yeah and that was well in advance of you calling around [Laughter] sorry angie and then from cindy says merry christmas oh thank you cindy and then from christy says you're such an amazing talent and huge inspiration i'm learning so much from your tutorials thank you for all you do wow thank you oh thank you very sweet i do what i can so thank you to christy and cindy and angela and carol yes nice very sweet all right i'm see what i'm doing i need to stop right so while she's messing with it just bring up all my dark areas now here let me get my dark we will remind everybody about slash change the fine art over there you got traceables and bonus contents and all that at different levels so check that out yes i already got the traceable for this done so it doesn't have the popcorn but it has everything else that we put on here today i actually added a star too but i decided not to put it on here because i did one last year and i was like well if i did one last year we'll just do it without it this year why not do something different and then also over on that's where you can find the way to sign up for the newsletter to keep in touch especially with the sale coming up and also other informative great things links and stuff like that too yes yeah and we are redoing our website so stay tuned for that we've got all kinds of really fun stuff coming up with our website that's right really excited for that and my brother josh is the one doing it which is even better because then i can bug him from now on he's like he doesn't even know what he's in for he's uh now i'm excited that he had time to do it he's a really talented web designer and i wanted him to do my website for a while but i didn't have the resources to pay him what he was what his normal fees were and i wasn't going to ask him for a family discount and so we finally kind of saved up for it and thanks to thanks to our patrons yes and super chatters and uh so yeah i'm super excited you guys are gonna help us get a new website it's gonna be really exciting we just got another super chattering what from will and will says appreciate the tutorials learning a lot from angela oh thank you will wow he specifically said angela he was not gonna let you steal my glory this time okay i i i understand that was good will thank you i appreciate you calling mark out that way all right i'm fiddling now i'm going to stop this is the point where i would stop and look at it you know set it out for a couple days decide you know and fiddle and maybe change small things with it but since we are um live and i don't have that option you probably don't want to sit around with me on the couch and watch tv for well first we're gonna make tacos true true and then we're to watch tv and we're going to watch it yeah mark's like hurry up so hope everybody gives it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if they haven't already yes there's over 500 videos for free on youtube yeah i think we counted what 540 or something you had a yeah i have a number i don't have it but uh there are some that i would even skip because they're pretty bad but hey now we have come a long ways through learning how to do this and through the incredible support of the patrons that have allowed us to invest in some better equipment and lighting and stuff like that oh my gosh yes better microphones that was the number one older videos have terrible sound horrible so yeah you guys are um very sweet that have stuck with us all these years and that have supported our channel and become patrons or done super chats or whatever bought paintings bought from our affiliate links all of that helps to keep our videos free and coming and i love doing doing these i hope you guys like them too so i appreciate all the fun comments and nice feedback that i get i read my comments i really do and also from super chat supporters like sally who just donated says welcome back stickman oh all right here we'll give stickman another little there you go stick man you got a super chat high five high five good job all right thanks guys so much mark's gonna go watch some some oak island i'm gonna uh be skeptical while he's watching oh god and supportive make comments make unsupported unsupportive skeptical comments in the background grumbles and yeah we'll see you guys next time thanks for watching so much bye [Music] you
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 17,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angela anderson, acrylic painting tutorial, art, step, create DIY canvas art, free online painting, easy acrylic painting, learn to paint, how to paint, painting instruction, beginner painting lesson, acrylic paint, canvas painting, painting techniques
Id: Z_KnydGyZvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 28sec (6568 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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