How To Paint a Doorframe // 3 Easy Steps

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i've painted well over a thousand door frames and i'll show you how to paint one in three simple steps yo what's crackin folks jeremy vasser here with practical painting we are professional painters here to help you with your various painting endeavors in this video i'll be showing you how to paint a door frame in three easy steps we're going to paint the one that's right behind me but before we get into kind of all our prep work and everything let's take a look at the supplies you will need to accomplish this task here your basic supplies for this project you've got a caulk gun with some caulk in it a screwdriver some sandpaper some wood putty frog tape that's just inch and a half frog tape we've got our actual paint which is duration semi-gloss and already have it made up in an edgy container with a two and a half inch corona cortez brush and then some paper towels just in case you need them that's it now that we've got our supplies we're going to go ahead and do all of our prep on the frame so the first thing i'm going to do is take off the strike plate and depending on the type of strike plate yours might look a little bit different than this one this one has two screws that hold it in kind of at an angle and removing these just kind of makes our job a little bit easier when we go to paint the frame all right the the next thing i'm going to do actually i'll probably just do a quick wipe down this is actually pretty clean already but sometimes these are pretty dusty so you just use your rag give it a quick quick wipe you've kind of already preliminarily done this but particularly around the hinges it can be kind of gross a lot of times i don't particularly do what i'm about to show you guys would just tape out the hinges but because of where they're situated this can be kind of tricky so i'll show you how to tape those out this is just inch and a half yellow frog tape and what i like doing is running the edge right up against there and it's nice about the inch and a half is it pretty much covers the whole thing all right so now that i've got those taped out i'm just going to come in with my knife and just cut right where it hits the top of the the hinge there and if you've already painted the door or you are painting the door you might have taped out the hinges on the other side and then i would just in which case i would just leave them taped until you're done doing the frame too a lot of times we do the frame in the the door at the same time now that we've got that taped out uh what we're going to do is fill some poorly filled nail holes uh you can kind of see it here on the trim that they've just been they didn't use enough putty or didn't sand them properly but i'm just gonna clean those up with some sandpaper and then re-putty them um and that'll just uh you may have to do this as well and you know even if you have like nail holes a lot of times they've been missed so you just want to fill those you might also have some nails that you need to hit in with a nail punch now would be the time to do that so i'm just going to clean up these a little bit just make sure you put enough material in the hole so you have something to sand once you're done sanding you want that to be even stevens when you're when you're done all right so all this wood putty is dry now we're going to sand it you just want to make sure that you get it even with the wood of the frame here you can also look for any other spots that you think are a little rough that you may have missed when you were doing the initial wood puttying all right it's all sanded looking good now it's time to uh we're gonna grab our vacuum and vacuum that up and then we'll be able to do our first coat all right so now we're gonna go ahead and do our first coat on the door frame i'm gonna pick a fairly easy pattern to do and i'm just gonna go from left to right i'm gonna start up top here i'm going to do this outside piece open the door and then do the inside and this is that duration semi-gloss that we mentioned in the supply portion of this and i'm using a two and a half inch sashed corona cortez brush which is consistently my favorite and we're we are going to be painting these walls so that's why i'm getting trim paint on the walls because we are going to be painting these walls and i'll also be doing the inside of the frame because uh we're gonna be painting this closet as well so it's okay to get run a little bit of extra trim paint on the walls that way you have something to uh cut into with the wall paint also if you're not comfortable painting that close to these hinges on the outside like i'm doing you can also run a piece of tape like right here that might make you feel a little more more comfortable when you're brushing this on you just want to make sure that this long piece looks like one long brush stroke that's kind of what we're looking for when we're painting trim is you don't want a bunch of like real choppy strokes that's why when i paint like this i'm going to go with the grain which this go going with the grain would be this way along this long piece and i want it to look like one long brush stroke that's really the look that um would be technically proficient in this this case and so one other thing too is that if you're not comfortable getting this close to the wood floor down here that's just some dust from earlier you can also run some tape along here but i'm pretty comfortable getting that low so but and i would use that that same yellow frog tape or something that's got uh like a low adhesion or like delicate tape so it won't strip the finish off the floor and you just don't want you leave it on there too long same thing on the inside you want this to look like one long brush stroke and this looks just like the outside and because we are going to do the inside of this closet i can get i can run the trim paint onto the walls in here as well not a big deal all right just because i'm already in here i'm going to go ahead and do this top piece and then i'll work my way back outside the closet and so with the grain on this top piece would be this way so it should look like one long stroke that way now we're to the last little section here a lot of times i like to run the outside edge first it's touching the wall and then come in and kind of fill in this part because if you do that after a lot of times it'll affect this line and i want this to be very smooth so one thing i just want to police this right when i'm done the first coat is just see if there's any little drips because if you haven't taped out here like i i didn't tape out at all then you might have some little flecks that came off of the brush but super easy just to wipe those off while it's still wet with a paper towel your finger works really good too and then it comes right up so just want to kind of get to those early and just something good to do in between coats so that is coat number one we're going to give this a little while to dry and then we'll come back and do our second coat and that'll be it coat number one is dry so now we're just gonna do coat numero dose and uh pretty much the same pattern as before i'm looking for any kind of thing that i missed the first time but this is looking pretty good so far so this should go pretty quickly and then we'll just be pulling tape and putting on the strike plate and we'll be done all right so the second coat is relatively dry and now i'm just gonna put the strike plate back on that we removed earlier it kind of wedges in there it's got two little screws these ones kind of going on an angle so just gonna do the same holes that are in there before all right now we're just going to pull tape on these hinges that we taped off boom alrighty we've got two coats on this whole door frame inside and outside we will be painting this closet if you'd like to see the video of us painting this closet i will link to it up here somewhere but that's going to do it for me if you guys found this video helpful in any way shape or form consider hitting that like and subscribe button and until next time y'all take it easy work smart and have a good one [Music] [Applause] amazing
Channel: Super Vassar Brothers
Views: 61,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to paint a doorframe, doorframe painting, paint a door frame, painting trim, jeremy vassar, practical painting, sherwin williams, interior painting
Id: YbIaghaksMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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