How To Paint A Room | DIY For Beginners

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today i'm going to teach you guys how to paint like a pro but as a homeowner we're going to teach you all of the skills that you need and we're going to show you the tools the rig this is my rig this is it professional painter this is all you need you can pack all the stuff in a knapsack and take a bus to work it's not that tricky okay but we're going to show you techniques and skills so that you don't get caught in the tape trap what i mean by that is there's lots of videos out there to show homeowners oh we don't think homeowners have enough skill to use a paint brush so we're going to make you put 40 of the tape all over your room and waste half your day doing it in this video i'm going to show you how to avoid that i'm going to show you how to paint this hallway as fast as you can tape it right so no blue tape let's just get right into the skills and tricks we're going to teach you everything you need to know in this video so that you can master the art of painting because if you know how to paint you can do things to your house that are the greatest return of investment is to paint your house inside outside kitchen cabinets it doesn't matter what you want to paint when you're done this video you're going to have the skills and confidence to do it remember on the scale of difficulty painting is like number one it's the most easiest thing there is to learn on the market but it's the greatest skill to have because if you can't paint you can't finish if you can't finish your project really shouldn't be starting so let's learn this skill let's dive through and watch the whole video i'm going to show you everything you need to learn let's just jump right into the rig okay so here are the must-haves all right we've got to have a paint tray you really want to have a liner especially as a homeowner because what the liner does it allows you to finish your job and just throw this in the garbage so you don't have to wash everything this little yellow arm is it's it's nice to have but it's not a definite you're going to want to have a nice cage like this this is the wooster cage and yes we're going to have links for all the tools in the video description just so you know okay this is the wooster sherlock handle and this slides in it has a pin and does positive lock never again are you going to have to paint while the handles are spinning off this is amazing once you have that set up you've got the ability now to extend it and retract it all right this rod reduces your work by about 60 to 70 percent it makes the job effortless you also need a sleeve okay we use microfiber this is a 18 mil there we go that's my rolling rig you're also going to want to have a three inch angle brush this is my three inch angle brush doesn't have to cost a fortune you can get a good one for about 20 bucks and then i've got my 501 tool all right this is a scraper and used as a screwdriver also when you're all done today it will clean all the extra paint out of the roller sleeve okay by the time you're done painting you're gonna have almost a quart of paint sitting in this thing so this make sure that you don't have to spend so much time washing your gear it'll also put the paint back in the can so you've got it for touch-ups later all right you're going to want to have an alpha knife because have i ever done a job in my entire life i didn't pull out a knife at least once of course you're going to want a ladder if you're vertically challenged like i am and you're going to want to pull some sort of a sanding pad okay remember a good paint job is all about the preparation and if you're not sanding in between coats you're going to get a poor performance okay now in today's video i'm not going to share all about patching and touch-ups and all the repairs we've got videos for that we'll put a link in the video description where you can check the link right here on the cart okay now let's just jump right into it because the thing that separates a good paint job from a bad paint job is the material it's the paint now i've been using different paints for a lot of years been using c2 for the last 12 on and off in different jobs absolutely love this paint high wash ability okay high wear great for high traffic areas and they have proprietary technology they use a poly whey as their hardener okay so the strength in this paint isn't coming from an oil-based product so there's no resins which means there's no shortage no supply issues which is why we're promoting this right now okay the other thing it is it has very low vocs which means when you paint your house doesn't smell like you painted for a week absolutely amazing okay no headaches cheers to that when it comes time to paint all you've really got to do is clean the space put down a tarp and then you gotta remove all your cover plates because this is where the preparation comes in that's where the knife comes in handy back out all your screws take all the cover plates off do not paint around cover plates that is not cool okay all right so the purpose of this video is not to show you how to paint from new drywall it's to show you how to repaint most people want to do a paint job because well let's face it the color's ugly or they're living in a brand new house and the builder use really cheap paint and they can't wash the walls step one is grab some trim paint and fix all of these mistakes right here where they were painting the wall and they got the wall paint all over the trim not cool because if you come along and you do a nice job you're going to have three colors sitting right there it's going to scream so before you start take some trim paint and make sure that that edge is painted now i don't care if you get it all over the wall because you're going to come back and cut a new line but just make sure that any old paint is covered up there we go that's much better same holds true for the ceilings you might find that you have to paint the whole ceiling paint your ceiling if you have to start with a clean palette if you need to learn how to paint a ceiling it's a little different technique you can click the video link right here or check the video description below because in when you're painting ceilings we follow different rules and walls okay it's just about the which direction you want to paint all that information's in that video let's just get on with how to paint your room next step once you've got your ceiling lines cleaned up and your trim lines cleaned up is you're going to want to sand just use a sanding sponge if you have to now you don't have to spend good money on a rig i'll guarantee you when the builders painted this they did not do any sanding and the walls feel like sandpaper now this wall has to be sanded properly now the coolest thing is we're ready to paint right now no tape don't waste any time it's funny because there are two things that the painting world never teaches homeowners never teaches them to sand which is amazing because the difference in a wall that's been sanded versus a wall that hasn't been sanded is to the touch you can walk into any house in the world and just go like this and if it's not smooth like a baby's bum it wasn't sanded and you know because it's just gritty it feels like a dirty wall i think one of the reasons they don't tell you to sand is because they want you to not be happy with the finished product so you buy another gallon of paint try doing it all over again i don't know the other thing they never tell you is to use a paint stick come on be honest every time you see a commercial or a movie any advertisement from a paint company they always got somebody standing there painting the wall like this oh and everybody thinks that's normal this is the most abnormal painting technique in the whole world nobody who ever made a dollar ninety-five over a lifetime paints that way there's a reason for it hey this is a lot easier you can extend the pull and keep your hands below your heart when you're working which means half the work it's not all the stress in your forearms because you're holding the darn thing right now you can use two hands half the work again and on top of that you can get much even distribution of the paint right it's going to blow your mind when you see how easy this is now just for the record the color here is bubba ganoush it's from c2 we have a new arrangement with c2 paint so you guys can get this great affordable quality paint okay check the video description for the details and the deal that we got for you this is one of the highest quality paints on the market today definitely rivals benjamin moore okay but we're going to get you a much better price consider it they don't use oil based resins to make their paint hard and washable so they don't have supply issues now i hope this turns out it looks like i'm going to be painting cream on cream no way it's too bad hmm baba ganoush yep that's different all right guys so the paint brush is brand new right now okay which i don't have anything loaded into it so what i'm doing is i've got about two and a half inches of paint left in this can all right and i'm just pushing the paint into the brush and until i get it loaded up enough i'm not going to try to cut the ceiling line now the wall here is a flat paint oddly enough so what we want to do is we want to drive our paintbrush nice and slow about a quarter inch from the ceiling okay whenever you're painting a new washable paint over a something that's flat you want to get the first coat of paint on before you try to be too delicate and get too close to the surface okay because the paint doesn't slide it doesn't move well on on a flat paint so at the second coat that's when we'll push that right into the corner you'll see when we get there this works really well while you're on a ladder do the other side of the hole while you're at it there we go all right well today we've got a brand new person that we've selected from our instagram and facebook photos and we're gonna do a shout out to russell russell awesome job on your bathroom renovation now listen guys if you want to get a shout out let us know give us your name give us your city where you're from and then share your project it's absolutely amazing to see you guys working hard diy in your houses but you gotta follow us on our socials instagram and facebook check the information note below in the video description jump in there and start sending us your pictures of your success stories okay we'd like to share with the world so everybody else can be encouraged to go ahead and diy too cheers well done let's get back to the video here we go now now we got the paint brush working i'm going to show you how to cut the outside of a wall generally speaking outside corners are sharp edges you want to use the heel of the brush which is this part right here set your brush on it and it'll fan out again draw about a quarter inch away and you get a ridge paint now you come back with the paint and you can just draw right up against the edge of that that corner you don't ever want to use a roller here when you stand on the other side looking this way you don't want to see two colors all right this is the secret so if you just use the heel draw a line and then you can push that paint right up to the edge you'll get a perfect edge that's how the pro is cut in the corners now if you're going to be painting your walls and you're changing the color you're not going to want to change all your baseboards and paint them again and all your other trim again it's just like the ceiling only upside down the secret here you want your head to be able to see underneath so you got to get close to the ground here same thing draw that line but a quarter inch out make sure you don't have too much paint in your brush for this and you can push it down and then you can just pull it forward if you're collecting too much paint pull it away and start over there we go that's a nice edge this is one of the highest quality paints on the market today this is the new poly poly way this looks like a one coat coverage paint but it's not we've shown you how to cut the ceiling how to do outside corners how to cut the trim i'm going to just cut the rest of this room real quick because you want to do all of your brush work and then roll your first coat the only other thing you need to know about cutting in is this when you've got wall plugs and switches outlets okay you want to brush the region because you never want your roller to get too close sure sign of someone being in too much of a hurry is when the electrical socket has got paint all over it okay and if you find yourself just a little bit too much paint you can see the brush marks dust it out get rid of those there we go now it's time to roll so we're all done the cut in now it's time to do the rolling but before you do that remember we're dealing with uh paint's got a lot of technology and acrylic in it time to wash this brush okay don't wait to the end of the job or the brush should be garbage that is a pro tip all right well here's the rig this has got the rest of our paint in it okay all right what i want to do is i want to first i want to load the roller up this takes a minute okay it's just a matter of pushing that paint in there and get it nice and full there we go be patient now if you have good quality paint it won't drip you get what you paint for right there guys now for the rolling hallways are amazingly difficult because working with a stick oh look at that it just passes it just clears so if i don't extend it i can work all the way top to bottom and that's how you want to roll none of this w business you want to just get this up here and just really lightly hardly touch the wall okay and the paint will come off all on its own all right and then you want to go about two rollers wide and then you want to go back where you started because there's a lot of extra paint on that part of the wall you want to get close to the edge but not over the edge so about a half an inch away and that'll add texture to that earlier brushwork i always stop a few inches from the bottom and a few inches from the top that's why my cut line is about four inches tall so i never risk hitting the ceiling all right what we're doing here right now we're trying to make the texture on the wall consistent every every paint company's got a different coverage the materials are made differently okay and if you find that your wall just looks too wet and too thick keep stretching this out until it's not the case anymore i'm being blown away with the coverage of this paint i love this new cabinet trim and wall paint man that's awesome okay and if you have saggy texture or it's a little different just back roll now that the roller is getting dry it'll pick up the extra paint off the wall and it'll make sure everything looks the same okay this is not about speed this is about perfection let's not be like these guys that are out there with a double wide roller trying to paint a whole wall in nine seconds that's a disaster it always is because this paint has great coverage we're going to leave a bit of a gap this time so when we back roll we can roll back onto it now there's a lot in painting it's called the wet edge now i did not pick up as much paint as the first time here because i'm just trying to make this easy the wet edge is right here okay and you always want to be painting where the wet edge is before it starts to dry remember we talked about paints nowadays having a lot of technology in them and it might say on the can it takes two hours to dry but that's just because there are still houses out there that are left in plaster and if you see any lint get rid of it and back roll it there are still houses out there that are laughing plaster and that technology does take about two hours for an acrylic paint to dry so the instructions on the can are based on worst conditions truth is this stuff can dry in 20 minutes on the wall so you want to keep your lead edge wet which means if you start painting with the roller and the phone rings you don't stop painting you finish the wall and you call them back or you will have a definitive ridge it'll dry in that few minutes that you're gone and then you're gonna have to pull out the sanding block you're really just melting this paint into itself to get a perfect look now if you've never seen anybody paint with a stick like this before how easy does that look compared to hold on to it by hand this stick only costs about 20 and you're gonna reach you don't need a ladder gravity does have to work there we go nice and controlled straight up and down and then back roll to pick up the extra paint leave the texture consistent on the wall and that is all you need to know the truth is if you use good quality tools and good quality paint painting is easy yep it's actually a lot of fun anyone who says they don't like to paint is doing it wrong this is incredibly satisfying i have one more rule because when you're rolling with a paint you're actually rolling in a direction and you create a grain with the texture and you may not see it as long as you're always rolling in the same direction resist the temptation to ever change the direction of the roll okay if you have a big window here and you only have a one foot section of wall don't go left to right it'll show you'll actually see it in the texture in the wall that you change directions just use your roller down here like this and do short little rolls never change the direction of the roller on a wall ever best thing about modern paint guys is about an hour after you've done the first coat you can jump into the second coat if you've got conditioned air if you've got air conditioning or a decent heating system in your home not going to be a problem just throw a fan on for a few minutes and help speed up the drying process and then you're going to want to sand one more time do this check your walls you'll feel it okay one more time because this paint is only an hour old you will actually see all the changes of where you actually sanded something off as well if you look down the light properly okay look we we just tried to bring the camera over so you can because i can see this playing his day up against the light the camera can't pick it up uh truth is cameras lie everything you're looking at on youtube looks ten times better than it does in reality the secret is when you're doing your paint job just trust me and do the sand in between coats feel the wall before you sand and after it'll blow your mind the difference in the texture okay this is the secret it's all right to having a great finish i'm going to show you how to do the second cut because the second cut is where you get your precision line whenever you're painting a flat surface you need to do the precision cut on the second coat what it is is there's just there's not as much resistance so you don't need a lot of paint in your brush and able to draw a perfect line without having it snow plow up on you you know what i mean right so here let's just show you so here's the thing you push the brush in you load it up and then you clean it off okay you don't want too much paint you want it inside the brush not on top of it now we're going to be running a nice long straight line again right underneath the other one but this time we're going to push the brush right into the crack right into the crease you can come at it from either side all right and you're just going to use the tip of that brush okay and that's how you get a nice straight line if you use too much paint or you push too hard or you try to be too quick you're going to push it all over the ceiling but just a little bit of pressure and because you're painting from inside the brush you can actually put the bristles right into the corner and it'll come out perfect i got to get that corner here we go kind of leaning off the ladder here a little too much now one of the rules when you're doing your second coat every wall surface that you paint you paint all the cut on one wall and then you roll that wall and then you move to the next one because the first coat it's okay if you can see the lines in the roller it doesn't really matter the first cut takes a long time but once you get that first coat dry you want to make sure you're finishing one surface at a time okay so you cut and roll each surface individually and that is how you're going to make sure that you can blend we talked about the wet edge this cut can be wet the same time as i'm rolling so now i'm blending the brush marks in with the roller to put texture on it and then you won't see brush marks now if you're interested in learning about how to do diy renovations we have lots of videos on the channel to help you with projects the thing is there's a lot of changes that have happened in the industry with building technology and construction technology over the last i'm going to say 80 years ever since 1941 when they started the national building code a lot of different materials have come out and different technologies so we went from laughing plaster to drywall with plaster from oil based to acrylic paints uh so there's no such thing as a need for primer if you're anything after 1975 unless they had oil paint on there for some reason you only need to use a transition primer in certain circumstances the truth is not everything is as simple as you like it to be so considered joining a membership program for five dollars a month you can have access to our forum and an email or you can send in pictures and ask us questions about your particular job all you got to do is tell us the age of your home and where you live and then put in the question we'll be able to help you up so when you're doing your second roll you want to start where you started your cut in so that you're trying to get the wet roller making contact with the wet brushwork okay that's about it resist the temptation to use too much product you can tell when you're using quality paint you get great hide already so we're just looking for an extra 30 hide so you can stretch it out instead of one roller you can go two or three the only other thing you want to do is try not to roll dry don't roll it so it gets so dry that you're pushing too hard it just makes it a lot of work all right you should be able to just move the stick up and down without putting a lot of pressure and get the job accomplished remember this is supposed to be fun not a lot of work okay all right so you can see that after two coats with the bright kind of finish and good distribution of the paint you get a really good look now one more thing you need to know is that most paints on the market that have a high wash ability high durability technology are also a 30-day curing process okay that means that after you've done the painting it might be dry within a couple hours it might feel nice and hard the next day but resist the temptation to hang pictures or mount fixtures or anything like that on a freshly painted surface for at least 48 hours give it two days make sure it really starts to get hard and after 30 days you can then be free to do any kind of washing if you get some dirty fingerprints or some crayon on the paint don't wash it off for the first 30 days because you're going to interrupt with the curing process and you'll get that smudge mark it'll wreck your paint job all right all right if that information is helpful to you then give this video a thumbs up all right welcome to youtube we need the engagement guys so don't forget to subscribe to the channel hit that little bell icon for notifications which is youtube's way of telling you the next time a video comes up and remember guys if you're doing renovations or remodeling and building projects at home and you need help consider joining our membership program we understand that there's a lot of information a lot of learning and a lot of different homes and different geographies everybody has specific needs the membership program is designed so that you can have access to me and i can help answer your questions you can even send us pictures in our members forum that we've created for you okay it's only five dollars a month and you get great access to us and the live shows as well so come along for the ride and if you're working on an older house that needs a lot of patching repairs then consider clicking this video right here we did this a few years ago it teaches all my tips and tricks so that you can make your house look brand new before you paint because that's the secret to success cheers till next time
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 2,269,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, how to paint a room, painting tips, how to paint, how to paint a wall, how to paint a room professionally, how to paint a room fast, steps to painting a wall, steps to painting a room, professional painting tips, house painting tutorials, life hacks painting a house, how to paint a room that has already been painted, painting tips and tricks, painting tips for beginners, painting tips and tricks acrylic
Id: bLbUIevOxzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 7sec (1507 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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