How to Paint a Door (quickly!)

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are we on yes all right good Bob Bobby tray painting today we're painting doors we're painting closet doors they're panel doors they're primed straight from the this the distributor or the manufacturer whatever you want to say anyway this primer is gross it's like a flat chalky primer it's nasty so we're going to put some nice semi gloss paint on it um yeah I don't think a close-up is going to do us anything for this but anyway so there's a few ways to um looking at me mm good there's a few ways to uh to paint a door one of which is to brush it and then another one is to roll it and there's a combination too you can brush and roll for today's example we're going to show you um a brush technique real quick and show you how slow that is and then show you how fast a roller can go so anyway if we get a brush out you know we can sit here and we could do this and takes us a while it does look look nice but you know time is of the essence on a lot of these jobs and for not much sacrifice and look we can do all this in about twice the time now don't get me wrong in some areas we do have to use our brush like around knobs and things like that so let's let's cut in our knobs real quick bear with me this is not the most exciting part of the video you can just watch my amazing painting skills and the important part of painting a door is doing it quickly and for people who don't paint fast there are some tricks I try to paint fast sometimes if I can it's not always conducive to the job but I'll show you a trick or two maybe it'll help you learn to paint a door doors are tricky they're one of the hardest things to paint as a painter cuz they got to look good and they're usually done in a shiny paint like a semigloss or even a sa finish so now I'm going to take my my 4 in blue knit roller cover this is from Sherwin Williams it's on this little stick they just work great they're cheap they're about five bucks for two of them maybe six and this one's been used about a million times but you'll get the point so now that we've got some of the stuff cut in we're going to go ahead and we're just going to start rolling this door out I'm going to show you how fast it goes we'll do both doors and then we'll let these fine people go now a roller this is a/ inch nap a roller will leave you with stipple sometimes people don't like stipple so you got to check with your check with your client or you know think about it for your own home but the stipple look is fine with me I mean in the long run it doesn't really make much of a darn difference but some people might be that particular so check with your your client before you go ahead and just start doing it like this I think the brush stroke looks better personally but the uh the roller is just so much faster you could probably do this in about a third of the time as you would if you were brushing it out and in the tray you going to take a look at the tray I've got my tray filled up about a tenth of the tray there's there's not much paint in there you could do more less whatever but whatever you're comfortable with you want to be careful too when you're rolling you don't want to get heavy edges on a door you want to make sure your Edge you know doesn't have a ton of paint on it if you get any schuts in there get it out wipe it on your rag always have a rag on you and try to go with the try to go with the grains these are pretty flat but try to go with the you know the rails and the Styles and the p let's do this one now I'm trying to go heavy so that we can get this done in two coats sometimes these doors that are primed from the factory require three coats it depends on you know the paint you're using and what color paint you're using that kind of thing but we should be able to get this done in in two coats with maybe a touchup or something go into your panels with your with your roller cover kind of cram it in there if you get any drips clean them up and notice how fast I'm working I mean if this paint starts to dry you know these low VOC and zero VC paints they drive very fast so you want to make sure that you're working quickly so you're working with a wet Edge all the time at least in most places on the door and if you're not if you got to go back over something that's starting to dry or set up or you know become tacky you know make it on a lower area of the door so it doesn't draw your eye there is a protective barrier it's a clear plastic on this floor so I'm being careful but you know normally you should have a drop cloth underneath or something like that and you'll see when I do the bottom Edge what I'm talking about so I'm just going to run the bottom of the roller right right along the floor here and again if I get it on the floor it's not a big deal because there's something there you can you could probably barely see it all right so that's uh that's one coat this is like an off-white this is like an antique white color um this stuff will dry within like 20 minutes I mean if you look at the recod Times it'll tell you wait for 2 hours but you can you can keep moving on these things as long as they're drying relatively quickly I say you could move uh do another coat within the next half hour or so and if you're really in a hurry you could probably do it after you done this door but I I wouldn't recommend it pink and bubble if you go too quickly I already did the Sid one coat and I did the other side one coat so I'm going to leave these here for now if not I flip it being very careful not to touch my wet paint and I would do the other side in the same way um there's a lot of stuff in this room uh the other thing I was going to show was what was it going to show I don't know let's see the other door I'll remember sure do you remember no camera girl so let's do this let's do this one a little bit differently a little bit more methodically we'll do the the rails and the Styles can you do a close-up of this door just to see so they can see what it looks like let me get those light on do it really close see how gross it is the just the primer just a nasty finish it's gross chalky flat sorry for the lighting too guys it's not the best time I day to be doing a video oh I know what I was going to show we can still do it I was going to show you if you're not a fast door painter what you can do is paint portions of the door like I'm doing now this is whether you're using a brush or a roller it doesn't really matter but a lot of times people have trouble seeing they call it flashing where you start to see your dried paint pulling up basically is what you're seeing once it's dry you start to see it and it looks terrible um so what I'm going to do is do all these areas that I can get to very quickly and there's not all these semi gloss paints are created equal I mean some of these paints out here are just straight garbage and you'll go to some stores like a a a Home Depot or something and you'll get this paint it says paint primer in one and it sounds so fantastic and you get it home and you're like this is so impossible to work with you feel like a crappy painter it's probably not that you're a crappy painter it's probably just that you're using a crappy product there's a product from Sheran Williams called qual coat qual coat semigloss it's like a it's like a contractor product but it's fantastic for semi gloss on trimming doors and you can work with it for a while it doesn't dry very fast so anyway if you're a crappy door painter you would do something like this or you could do the panels first or the whatever um let this dry and when when this is dry in about an hour you would come back and you would do your panels and you would do the same thing for the first and second coat if you were going to do it that way I'd rather see you do the panels first and then come back and do the Styles and rails um and just you know be nice to your edges don't don't do real can you usually on this heavy Edge mm let me see if I can show you a heavy Edge like that that's a heavy Edge you don't want that that's gross that's sloppy be a neat painter so anyway now I'm going to go back let's just pretend it dried and now and it's still wet see how dry that stuff is already but I'm going to go back this is only first coat it's not as important as the second coat second coat it's got to be really perfect but let's just go back back and pretend like we were slow painters and we're going to do our do our panels and just look around like under these edges are sometimes easy to you know they're easily overlooked and it matters you know you want the whole thing to be coated look out for your heavy edges smooth them out again you're cramming the roller cover in there you're pushing in the crevices but this defeats the whole need for a brush it's kind of nice it goes very fast but just go back over your stuff you know look it over always look over your work when you think you're done you can move there's fuzz on the side so you can go like this you can go like this you can go like this it doesn't matter whatever works for you but just make it look good let's do our other panel here we should do a video for the second coat to show how good it looks after it's done cuz right now after first coat it never really looks that good could probably do two separate videos and I'll edit them together probably do my second cat on here even though it's um and here's one for you A lot of times people don't do the tops of doors and you're really supposed to and to be honest with you we generally don't but let's just do it for the video see the carpenter had some markings on there it does have a primer on it but you know you could do that if you want and if you really wanted to get fancy but generally you never ever ever see the top of the door so most of the time it doesn't get painted but um you would need a brush to finish the rest of that out I can do a second coat on the back my doors why don't I do that I got enough paint I don't think your SD card is is looking if there's a little yellow thing in the center of the screen a little I don't know if you have enough room for videos like this I don't know maybe I have to get get rid of some you might just need to get a new SD card do you know think it's recording right now it it says it is but it says 4 minutes so I don't know oh I got four minutes left I don't know I guess all right let's try to wrap this thing up all right second coating this side of the door we the sanding sponge oh no let me grab one you going to just press stop on
Channel: Bobby Tre Painting
Views: 1,557,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painting door, painting a door, painting doors, paint a door, how to paint a door, paint door fast, roll doors, roll door, paneled door, how to paint fast, painting, diy painting, painting like a pro, paint like a professional, easy painting, paint a door easily, quick painting, paint with a mini roller, how to paint a paneled door, interior painting, good way to paint a door, house painting, paint my house, painting my house
Id: sjWQqseAREs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2017
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