Making Dominos Pizza At Home (2 Ways) | But Better

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I want to tell you a little story when I was a child I used to love dominoes words cannot describe how much I loved Domino's well this can look I'm not blaming dominoes for that obviously that was my fault now I have more on the story on how that became this that'll be in a healthy meal video in the new year but I grew up and so did my palette so we're going to create something that even my younger self would have preferred and at the end we might just do something special so with all that being said let's make this shall we [Music] [Applause] all right uh no drive through we're calling them because that's what it's about right it's pizza delivery 40 minutes or less thank you for choosing Domino's this is Becky would you like delivery or pick up how many robots are there delivery got it can I get two medium pepperoni pizzas what would you like to order can I get two medium pepperoni pizzas seven minutes and 30 seconds to order three pizzas good job your automation system Dominos so we got the box that's pretty good looking actually it's probably one of the better ones I've seen always smells pepperoni but I'm not gonna lie it does kind of smell good who cut this yo what the I'm not even the flavor I don't mind this is not real pizza but it tastes good that being said texturally bad The Chew is gone this is very subpar for Domino's I remember them being a lot better zero Chew in the dough the dough is like cakey sauce is way too sweet this tastes like you've gone to the wrong pizza shop in New York honestly one of the worst Domino Pizzas I've ever had in my entire life this should be a cakewalk but someone come in and try this to tell me if this is always like this or if this is a bad Pizza has it always been like that it tastes like cafeteria pizza that's what it is yeah I mean it still tastes good I'm not gonna sit back and say oh Britain cheese isn't good we can do better listen to me you can't have good pizza without the beauty of the dough sorry Italians anyway let's talk dough first off this dough is half Italian and half American that means it breaks several rules in the Italian Handbook of good pizza rule number one no sugar I've been yelled at for it I understand so yeah don't do that unless you want to make the Italians mad and rightfully so but after all this is a dominoes but better isn't it first in a large Pokemon three and three quarters of a cup or 570 grams of double O Tipo flour a quarter teaspoon or one gram of diastatic malt powder which is optional but recommended it helps give the dose color and there's a link in the description for that one and a half tablespoons or 19 grams of sugar two teaspoons or five grams of fine sea salt mix that together till thoroughly combined and then separately you need one and a half cups or 370 grams of water and 95 degrees Fahrenheit you know lukewarm to that you'll whisk in two and a quarter teaspoon or eight grams of instant yeast until dissolved add the yeast water to the flour and mix by hand until rough dough comes together then knead that by hand until you get a smooth Supple dough which takes about five minutes roll that into a light ball add to a grease bowl and cover with plastic wrap then just place it in the fridge to rise overnight yes you can also rise it at room temp for two hours but it's highly recommended that you do it in the fridge overnight why Josh I don't want to wait for that I'll make it simple a much more developed flavor and a significantly more ideal during bake but the biggest thing is it's so much easier to stretch the dough once it's had ample time to rest trying to help you here okay once that dough is done pull it out of the fridge punch all the air that you spent literally hours generating completely out of the dough and divide into three even pieces which should be about 300 to 325 grams each roll those into doit balls and place them on a baking sheet that's been greased floured and generously dusted in semolina now listen at the end end of this I'm going to show you how to use this same exact recipe but how to turn that into a pan pizza yes the Domino's pan pizza this is a twofer anyway cover that with grease plastic wrap and proof at room temp for two to three hours now for the sauce I kept it surprisingly simple you don't need to be extra fancy to beat the disrespect that is Domino's pizza sauce first medium sauce pot add two tablespoons or 22 grams of extra virgin olive oil and heat over medium once it all starts to heat up add two cloves of thinly sliced garlic saute for about one minute then add three quarters of a teaspoon or three grams of red pepper flakes toast just until fragrant about 30 seconds then add a 28 ounce or 800 gram can of crushed San Marzano Tomatoes The Classic can you see in all great sauces this can brings the seasonality of the world's greatest sauce tomatoes to your home year round now add a little Pinch of Sugar and season a taste with salt maybe a little bit of pepper if you feel a little how you doing shout out to cooge for that follow that with one teaspoon or one gram of dried thyme and one teaspoon or half a gram of dried oregano again we're going for a more stereotypical American Pizza flavor with the dry herbs last secret if you have a little chunk or two and I'm talking like two to three ounces of pepperoni toss that in the sauce sauce to give it that extra oh my gosh bring them to a simmer over medium heat and let that reduce for eight minutes or till the sauce is thickened pour the sauce in a bowl and immediately add salt to taste if needed along with two tablespoons or 28 grams of unsalted butter stir that in until emulsified and fully melted into the sauce now the cheese is simple quite literally just a mix of two cups or 240 grams of low moisture mozzarella grated on the girthy side of the grater and two cups or 210 grams of Monterey Jack cheese also girthy grated oh and finally half a cup or 35 grams of finely grated Parmesan reggiano tossed together to combined evenly and that's your cheese mix now we need our garlic butter crust brush in a small saucepan add a quarter cup or 56 grams of salted butter half a teaspoon or 2 grams of garlic powder a quarter teaspoon or one gram of one yon powder a quarter teaspoon or one gram of which is optional but like come on heat over medium just until melted then cut off the heat add three cloves of grated garlic and a generous pinch of flaky salt share that to combine and then just keep that melted but don't let it cook anymore or the garlic will go bitter now for the pepperoni you'll need a half pound or 227 grams my recommendation would be to buy a whole pepperoni stick if it's small like this guy so just slice that bad boy up the benefit here is you can slice it as thick or as thin as you want you want those thick peppy cups then this is where you go I sliced mine on a mandolin a little over a quarter inch thick all right it's Pizza Time first up fire a pizza oven to about 700 to 750 degrees Fahrenheit what did you say Josh not everybody has a pizza oven like you you guess what you can either do the pan pizza version which we're going to do in a second or you can follow our New York Pizza method if you're using a home oven Link in the description for that video now take a piece of the pizza though using your knuckles begin to punch out a thin layer in the center working your way out to create a lightly thicker crust that runs around the edges that's the uh crust drink the dough around your close fists and gently stretch the dough while rotating around the perimeter until you get an evenly sized 10 to 12 inch circle without tearing the dough he tear the dough game over I'm just kidding if you make a small tear you can always squeeze it together kick your sauce ladle it on lightly and spread towards the edge of the crust sprinkle your cheese mixtures generously as you want brush the edges with plain extra virgin olive oil add on your pepperoni to your heart's desire but you know don't go too light here all right come on it's pepperoni time load it up in your hot pizza oven and cook for 25 to 30 seconds rotate to the other side and cook for another 25 to 30 seconds pull your pizza out immediately brush that beautiful crust with your MSG garlic butter cut it up and enjoy this is a gorgeous Pizza I can smell the garlic emanating off of it the Pepe cups glistening in the light before we taste this we're doing the pan pizza versions don't complain it'll be after this all right first off I did put pineapple on this what are you gonna do about it one thing I've noticed is that hot people like pineapple on pizza crust it's got that Char it's got that smokiness and the sauce garlicky a little tiny bit spicy a little herbaceous now Kendrick [Music] you want to catch your breath first for a second you're good yeah [Music] [Applause] we got two pigs was just for you Kendrick here's uh number one pizza number two I don't know if it's just I'm lightheaded because I used up all my magic but this one right here that's the good one pineapple and pizza oh God it's like moist this is like juicy but tropically juicy like we won but we're not done onto the pan pizza this is the exact same recipe you don't have to change any of the ingredients it's just a different technique you see this is how much technique changes what you do in the kitchen now rewind to when we divided our dough into three even pieces before we shaped it into balls instead you're going to generously grease a seasoned 10 inch cast iron skillet with about three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil it will seem like a lot you need it this also means you're gonna need three 10-inch cast iron skillets I really recommend you do the cast iron skillet method because to me it gets a much better crust than using any other pan one piece of dough one 10 inch cast iron skillet now take one piece of dough shape it into a very light ball place it into the center of your prepared Skillet then just press and stretch as close to the edges as you can without tearing it's not to reach the edges right away cover it rest it for 10 minutes stretch some more until it's nearly to the edge like this now cover that with grease plastic wrap proof for two to three hours at room temperature and while proofing preheat your oven to the maximum temperature which is going to be around 500 Fahrenheit now gently punch up the center to create a crust perimeter yes it's going to deflate a little don't worry sauce the center nicely cheese it up generously you know maybe hit it with a little bit of olive oil a little bit of black pepper pop that into your ripping oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until the cheese is melted in brown and the crust is cooked through but more specifically when the crust is so crispy you could practically hear it crunch just by looking at it now remove from the oven immediately brush the edge of the crust with your garlic MSG butter and optionally you can add the following thinly sliced chives fresh grated parmigiano reggiano and a generous drizzle of something sweet like a spicy honey honestly this combination just alone is beautiful so I would highly recommend you try it now despite our Italian pizza sacrilege something about these pizzas still feel very special so let's see how they stand up against dominoes and taste test all right theirs is a lot bigger that's not fair it's got a crusty definitely more cheesy I didn't put pep on mine not a smart move these guys did not cut their Pizza Moment of Truth though first off Kendrick I gotta do this for you I'm sorry buddy wow um I don't even want to eat this I haven't even tasted this yet I I was supposed to taste this first my brain was just like that if you think this didn't win you're out of your mind depth of flavor the sweetness the cheese the chewy and Luscious and aerated and moist but no magic this time I gotta recharge my Mana how do you feel about pan pizza from Domino's got it every Friday born and raised off of the personal pan pizza well pan pizza this oh sorry okay oh my goodness look Gore I mean that's so good I get what you were talking about earlier this was not taste like The Dominoes I remember if for whatever reason just tastes worse just try this corner piece you can't beat that grunt tongue just gets coated and cheese honey oh God everything about love to your tongue it's so good thanks Kendrick that was really awesome you know what I think this recharged my Mana oh what's happening foreign [Music]
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 1,871,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sat bawl pro, joshua weissman, Dominos, dominos pizza, dominos pizza recipe, pizza recipe, pizza dough recipe, pepperoni pizza, pepperoni pizza recipe, best pizza recipe, pizza sauce, pizza sauce recipe, homemade pizza, homemade pizza dough, but better, but better pizza, pizza at home, easy pizza recipes, quick pizza recipes, dominos crust, pan pizza recipe, dominos pan pizza, dominos recipe, easy pizza recipe, italian pizza recipe, easy pizza sauce, easy pizza dough
Id: GMYwTEek9mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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