1 HOUR PIZZA?! (Perfect for Weeknights or Any Nights)

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hey what's up in my opinion there's no reason why we can't make a great pizza on a weeknight the only thing that stands in our way most of the time is just a total lack of pre-planning and luckily this recipe requires none of that so today i'm gonna show you a process for a really fun very tasty pizza that i'm really excited about and it goes from the mixing bowl to the oven in just about an hour to get started i'm going to grab a little saucepan like this one and into it i'm going to measure 210 grams of beer i prefer beers that come in green bottles like this one but any beer that you would drink while watching a sports game is also gonna work this beer is icy cold as you can see and that's not gonna be great for fermenting bread so we're gonna heat this over low heat over at the stove for roughly 20 to 30 seconds or just until the temperature reads in the ballpark of about 98 degrees fahrenheit or 36c heat off now i'll grab my favorite tool for making dough quickly that's the food processor and into the bowl of that goes 350 grams of strong all-purpose flour 5 grams of salt 8 grams of sugar 7 grams of yeast that's about double what i would normally use but we only have an hour here and 15 grams of olive oil the lid goes on and now i'm going to spin this up on high speed for about 20 to 30 seconds or until everything is well combined then while this thing is still spinning i'm going to stream in this warm beer slowly after 10 to 15 seconds of spinning that beer is going to hydrate the flour and form a nice shaggy little dough ball like this like i said the food processor is a really great tool for mixing doughs quickly so long as the dough is below 65 hydration like this one is to finish developing the gluten in this dough i'm going to flour my cutting board real quick flip out the dough and then give this dough about one minutes worth of simple kneading back and forth like this now is a good time to mention that the beer in this dough is there to stand in for all the yeasty flavors that we would usually get from long slow fermentation with yeast i saw this move in a cook's illustrated magazine years ago for rolls or something like that and it stuck with me as a clever shortcut tastiness ever since after about a minute of kneading this back and forth this dough looks really well developed and is plenty strong to make into a really nice weeknight pizza and if you don't have a food processor the classic medium bowl and sturdy spoon method that i've shown in a lot of these videos will definitely pull through for you and give you a really well mixed dough but since this is a low hydration pizza dough it's really unlikely that you'll be able to get things stirred past the sandy dry point in the bowl so as you can see here i flipped it out onto the cutting board to finish getting this combined with my hands and then finally kneaded it for about three minutes to get to this point where it's a nice stubby little hand mixed dough ready to be divided for that i've got my digital scale here of course and i'm gonna cut these into two equal sized pieces that are roughly 300 grams a piece from there i'm going to shape this dough into two matching round balls real quick and don't worry about getting rolled up into super tight pretty pieces this recipe is very forgiving and will definitely let us play it loose and once these are rolled up that looks like pizza dough now we're going to cover them with tea towel and let them rest up on the counter here for 15 minutes after that 15 minutes this dough is fully relaxed and maybe a little bit dry looking that tea towel probably should have been damp but doesn't matter as you're gonna see in a second we're headed right into the shape the balls into pizza part and to do that i need a large square of parchment paper i'm gonna oil that spread that oil edge to edge add a dough ball into the middle and then add a second piece of parchment paper onto the counter here hit that with some oil spread it around and then finally flip that oiled parchment onto the dough using my hands i'm going to smash this dough down into a roughly six to eight inch flat round disc like this then i'm going to grab my rolling pin and use gentle pressure to roll this into a roughly 12 to 14 inch flat round crust for pizza after a few seconds you'll see that this gets turned into an oblong shape pretty fast and that's totally fine we're going to rotate the parchment 90 degrees and continue to do our thing with the rolling pin until we have something that is evenly spread out kind of flat and kind of round if you're not loving the shape that you've got in front of you you can rotate this 15 to 30 degrees at a time instead of 90 degrees roll it out the best you can it should come pretty quickly if you haven't rolled out pizza with parchment before i totally get it but like everything in this recipe it's super forgiving and whatever you end up with is gonna work just fine and after about 90 seconds of rolling this out take a look we've got a nice coating of olive oil all the way across the dough it looks flat and even and i'm feeling really happy with this one so i'm gonna set it aside and then roll out the second pizza ball the parchment combined with the rolling pin here is an attempt to make this pizza faster and more simple for anyone with any skill level to make these because as you might have noticed i do a hand stretched pizza in a lot of these videos and that's because it usually leads to great results but it is in no way the only path to make a great pizza once both of these dough balls are rolled out we're gonna let them rise here on the counter for 30 to 40 minutes while the oven gets hot for that i'm going to be preheating it to 550 degrees fahrenheit or 287c and to set up the inside of this oven i've got one rack about a third of the way up in the box that's not right and of course next goes in my pizza steel i love it i love it i love it while the oven preheats let's make some pizza sauce real quick into a high sided container i'm gonna measure one whole 28 ounce can of nice crushed tomatoes like these behind that goes 100 grams of tomato paste 12 grams of salt 20 grams of sugar 2 grams of dried basil 2 grams of dried oregano 1 gram of chili flake 2 grams of garlic powder and 2 grams of onion powder now i'm going to grab my immersion blender real quick and give this a spin to break everything down if you're thinking that this looks like a lot of pizza sauce it is this is a double batch but i figure if i've got a can of nice tomatoes open here i'm not gonna just put half of it in the fridge where it's gonna sit there for two weeks and remind me that i'm wasteful instead i'll freeze the other half for next week's wednesday night pizza party once things are spun up to be smooth but not too smooth we can take a look it's thick it has some texture and yes this is going to be quite flavorful now the last little prep item before we make this pizza is the cheese and for that i've got two of my all-time favorite pizza cheeses the first one is a full fat aged mozzarella cheese that i got from the deli counter at the grocery store and yes that tastes very good the other cheese i got here is a fresh whole milk mozzarella cheese that's a little slippy but yeah this one looks good let's get a bite of that oh okay to get these ready for pizza i'm gonna grate the aged mozzarella on my box grater on the largest hold sides to get a nice large grated cheese like this i'd say you need about 200 to 250 grams per pizza if you want to be properly cheesing for the fresh mods i'm going to cube that up into a half inch size pieces real quick or you could just tear this right onto the pizza if you didn't want to do the added prep here that's totally up to you and of course feel free to change it up cheese wise here any cheese blend is going to work on this pizza except for maybe a buffalo milk mozzarella that's designed for a hot oven for a neapolitan pizza the moisture there is not going to have enough time to cook off properly and we're going to have pizza soup not good it's been about 30 minutes now since we rolled out these pizza crusts or about 45 minutes in total since we started this process and now it's time to build these pizzas this crust has risen just enough to have a little bit of gassiness to it that's gonna translate into a nice light crispy pizza with great texture in just a second first thing down on this pizza of course is going to be that uncooked crushed tomato sauce i'm going for about three to four tablespoons here all day and for this style i like to push this sauce all the way out to the edge of this crust because i'm not looking for a bready thick crust pizza on a wednesday night this is a lighter more sessionable style up next is the cheese and the shreds gonna go down first again this is about 200 maybe 250 grams depending on how cheesy you like it and then comes the fresh mozzarella cubes and i'm just laying those down to taste maybe a dozen or so of those spread from edge to edge and lastly comes peps these are the simple store-bought boars head brand that i used in the delivery style pizza video and i really like them they've got more acidity more heat and overall just more flavor than generic pepperoni once this is all pepped up we're going to load it into a preheated oven and bake it for six to seven minutes depending on just how high your oven actually gets and i guess this is a good time to mention that i like to bake my pizzas really dark some people out there on the internet think that they're burnt and they go way out of their way to tell me that but i respect all kinds of pizzas out there even if they're under melted and pale and kind of gross looking you do whatever you want to do but here on this channel i bake it dark after six or seven minutes in the oven this pizza looks very very good in my opinion the cheese is melty the ronies are curled and just starting to sweat and since there was a bunch of oil on that parchment paper the dough kind of fried underneath and the crust is really well baked and quite crisp but that's just one pizza the next pizza of course is going to get a bunch of pepper and cheese on top which i think is the best pizza topping of all time especially when paired with pepperonis throw on some pecorino or some parmesan bake it for six to seven minutes and there we go you guys for one hour of work the texture and flavor of this pizza is unmatched in my opinion consider this a valuable new tool in your belt not just for a weeknight but in general when you want pizza it's yeasty and crisp and it just has the perfect balance of toppings and cheese and everyone deserves to have a pizza party on demand even if it's five o'clock and you're really hungry six o'clock isn't that far away and this pizza's gonna meet you there let's eat this thing before i get out of here a huge thank you to everybody who supports this channel on kofi and if you're subscribed thanks a lot if you're not what are you doing please hit subscribe as always guys thank you so much for your time and attention thank you for sticking around to the end we'll see you next time
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 436,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1 hour pizza, weeknight pizza, pizza dough recipe, homemade pizza, weeknight cooking, pizza recipe, easy pizza dough, quick pizza dough, thin crust pizza, pepperoni pizza, pizza in 1 hour, simple pizza dough, easy pizza recipe, fast pizza dough, food processor pizza dough, homemade pizza sauce, pizza sauce, pizza from scratch, weeknight pizza recipe, how to make pizza, pizza at home, weeds and sardines, Brian lagerstrom, pizza
Id: T57vFsL8eAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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