How to Model QUICK and EASY WHEEL in BLENDER 3D! - Full Tutorial + Free Model

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if you are modeling your own car design you definitely need a basic Tire right in this video I'm going to show you how to deal the tire like this in very simple steps and in a very quick way also you can download this model for free from my website and you can see the difference doesn't matter which stage if your car is like on the very beginning modeling level or if you just improve the car a little bit more it doesn't matter rather than basic cylinder if you just add a simple Tire here it will definitely look better and you always need a base tire so let's jump into it so here on the default Cube I will go into edit mode alt Z to x-ray mode and delete all these vertices on the bottom and later I want to make a mirror of this plane so I will just add a Ctrl R Edge Loop delete these two vertices and move them a little bit here so now if I go to modifiers and add the mirror modifier here we have this mirror option so now I want to design a very basic pattern on the top of the tires let's just scale it on the y-axis like this move it a little bit like that it can be very basic pattern you can use a reference image or anything you want I will just keep it simple for myself so I'm gonna just create something like very simple then delete this faces now we can play around I will just double G here maybe something like this and these can also get closer maybe all right let's see to move it forward like this and I just want to move them all closer to each other here we go this can be like a very basic wheel pattern you can always change it it's always up to you but I'm quite happy with it just to show the logic of creation of so here we go let's keep it like this for now or maybe we can add something a little bit more interesting like this and even less create a little Gap here so here we go I will use this as our base shape for the tire pattern so what we want to create first is the array so I will go to edit modifier and array but not on the x-axis so I will go here and hit zero and on the y-axis let's hit one for now you can always bring it closer or further it depends on your design and depends on your taste so I will keep it like this for now so now I want to add a curve to rotate this texture on top of the wheel so shift a curve and Circle R by 90 degrees and now I see that my texture is actually huge so I will go to edit mode pick this one as active and go to active element scale X and move it also a little bit closer like that oh this looks super exaggerated so s y to also scale it like that to keep the original design let's say proportions these all are totally random I'm not using even a reference image you can use reference image and reference Dimensions but for now I will just focus on creating the wheel and later when I import this tire to my car model I will scale it down anyway but if you want more realistic results and if you want to go with direct Dimensions you can always use reference images from existing rims so now we added our curve and next modifier will be the curve modifier we added our Circle so here we have the curve we need to pick this object and you see that it's going into another Direction so the form axis will be minus y in our case and now you see that you see that it's super far from the circle fixing it is easy we will just hit G and Z we will just move it on the z-axis so we can bring it closer to the circle like on the side view of gz and maybe somewhere like this then I will just increase the array numbers so as you see we already create this style thing the proportions to me is super wide uh very wide tire I see so I will go to edit mode I will just move this to closer let's see how it's now it's better maybe like this or even if this is too much we can always get rid of stuff like we can move all this on top view somewhere like that these can get closer and also these ones can be like that so now as we change the design also the array number doesn't match so we can just increase the array and this is the tricky part like there are question marks on this sometimes the point is to get as close as possible to follow this regular Gap in between each tile each texture and when you are close enough now we will just pick our textures and we will just scale it down or up a little bit to match perfectly with this size so here is the tile the textures and now I want to add a little bit of angle so I will just move it like this and maybe pick them all a little bit here let's go to front view I'm trying to add a little bit of section let's say but this is not the tire itself it will be only the pattern over it so it's not that important here I don't know what we have why is it like this let's move it up okay so let's also add a quick grim and then the tire itself so everything will make more sense very soon first let's add a material also very basic darker material and go to material preview because it's always nice to see the material colors while modeling right why not so now the Rim part is another logic we will follow another type of strategy here first thing I want to add shift a and I'm gonna add a mesh Circle the number is important here we want something can be divided into five so basically I will just pick 50 vertices so now we have a 50 word c Circle here I'm going to rotate it on y-axis 90 degrees and decide the dimension let's say the rim will be here so in between we will have the thickness of the tire so I'm quite happy with it it's good size in my opinion I do it by eye and as I muddled before and I follow some tires I think this proportions is good but again you can always use reference image so I will go to edit mode what I want is I want five spokes rims so I need a section which is one-fifth of this whole circle 360 divide by 5 is 72 so I want a 72 Degree slice of this circle then we will circular array it so we will basically copy one Spock into five and actually as this is very basic Rim I can even use it mirrored version so we need only one tenth of this circle to be sure about all these angles I will basically add a plane here and I will do rotate x axis 90 degrees so I'm on the top this will be the Symmetry and I want now only half of this one fifth which is if I just duplicate This Plane again right click RX 36 I will hit minus and enter so I want this section here that's all I need we have these two planes here and this is the 36 degree of it it's just for the reference so I can just move them also a little bit down like that the problem now is to get this section our Circle as you see and we need to rotate the vertices to match with these two so I'm just gonna r x and 3.6 no because right now I'm on the active selection we don't want active selection I want the 3D cursor from now on on our rim to the center of this all modifications after picking the whole circle I'm being sure that I'm on the 3D cursor and then RX 3.6 degrees so basically we just moved all the vertices a little bit so it match with the slice that we want so this slice that we want to keep so I will hit Ctrl I to select the other and delete the vertices so now we have this we can add the modifier mirror nothing changes because we're on the center and it's on the x-axis we want the y-axis so here is our mirror so whatever I do here will be mirrored and now we want to also array it around there's no default tool for this so I'm gonna just go to object mode add an empty to our scene we will use this empty for our array management let's say I'm going back to my circle add a modifier array rather than the relative offset I want object offset and here I'm gonna pick our empty at this point it's important to apply transforms to our Circle because then whatever we do with this empty will directly affect from default so what we want with this one fifth of the slice is rotated five times four more times so we will have five of them so on the array I'm gonna pick five and to rotate it I'm gonna basically rotate the empty RX 72 degrees if you want to see what just happened if I just rotate it as you see the circle is following the degree of the empty and the number of array decides how many of them we want so we want five copies here we go after we set up this modifiers the rest is easy because now I will just go to edit mode I will pick the circle by keeping the 3D cursor selected here we can simply scale and extend stuff around so I hit e and s so scale up a little bit this can be the thickness of our rainbow profile of it then we can even create like a little bit of section here GX a little bit I'm moving it a little bit inside let's hide this guy and then ex again then maybe e s again to scale it down then e x so we have this profile of the rim that will hold the tire then from the inside we can also easy a little bit to give a bit more thickness maybe we can move this in the middle and now we can create the basic Rim shape out of it so I will pick this work says es it already goes to Center as you see but it's a little bit too thick so I'm gonna just delete this vertices and I'm gonna pick a shorter one because you can imagine that it will mirror also this way so es let's say something like that let's add a little bit of depth to it and this can be the basic rim for us I'm gonna pick the material and add a material already a little bit darker and full metallic a little bit less rough and shade smooth when I say shade smooth you can see we have couple of problems we didn't add subdivision so even if we Shades smooth we still see some different shadings going on so I will just go to data proportion parties and under the normals I will click on auto smooth so what this basically does is the angles over 30 degrees will look sharp and the rest will be smooth but here you can see there is something happening it's even if it's smooth the rest here there's a break and it repeats itself five times it shows kind of the portion that we aerate so to get rid of this artifact let's say I'm gonna go to edit modifier under array I will click on merge the merge will fix most of it but this one the original one still is here so under this merge you need to check the box first and last copies so this way we get rid of this seams between and I can already unhide the texture to see what's happening so our dream is a little bit inside but if I want to just move it out as you see something weird happening the reason for that is the origin of this object we want the origin to stay with the cursor so to keep this I will go to edit mods pick all of them and just move them out a little bit like this so when I'm on the edit mode the origin doesn't change of the stream so it will not affect our array modifier I've got front view to decide how will be my tire shape I'm planning to add a tire like this so to me it looks fine so now to create the tire the sidewall and the basic volume of the tire I'm gonna use this Rim actually I'm gonna pick this Edge shift the right click and maybe scale it a little bit so we have a little bit of Gap here so now we can create we can use this to create our tire I will go to front view by hitting the numpad 1 and I will start scaling it e s it scales also a little bit outwards rather than like directly outside because we use the 3D cursor as the base so it has an angle but it doesn't matter you can always with g x you can always move but we want I want it a little bit go outside like this kind of align with the rims Outer Edge and Es again gz so g x e s g x e s g x maybe scale it a little bit more then e s g x here I want to mirror this tire because here the texture the pattern of the tire is also mirrored and I don't want to go over this origin axis so what I'm gonna do is first of all let's change the material and let's change let's separate this tire from the rim so I will just hit L when I'm hovering my mouse over the vertices of the tire hits P by selection so on the object mode now we separated them and on the tire I will go to materials I will pick the first material which is the same with our tiles our patterns but now it doesn't look super nice we don't even see the separations and everything for this I will go to render properties and I will add ambient occlusion and maybe distance a little bit more so it adds at least some Shadows to understand better so now on the modifier sections I'm gonna add another mirror to the tire and as you see now we have also on the other side I'll go to edit mode I'll pick this and move it on the x-axis but I don't want to cross the border and to avoid this on my latest mirror modifier I will activate the clipping and so now I cannot even go further even if I want to so now we can scale it up a little bit also this one so basically now we you can play around with our tire shape the section of it the rim and the pattern all of them also on the tire I will just right click shade smooth so it will look better but if it's still not good enough for you you can always add subdivision like Ctrl 2 and we add subdivision and we can always play around still with it like if you want it sharper here Ctrl B to add a bevel something like this here maybe also a little bit of bevel so it's like a nice smooth Tire profile there and for this as you see it's like a plane there is no thickness on it so we can do two things we can go to edit mode and add the thickness physically or we can go to modifier and add the solidify modifier so let's see the solidify modifier if I add thickness as you see we can do it outside or inside for me it's enough to intersect with the tire itself and if it's a little bit too much outside we can always move it on the gz so we can get closer to the tire and I think this looks pretty cool for me pretty enough maybe we can add also shade smooth on that and also go to this data properties and auto smooth all right looks nice to me already maybe on the rim we can add the center of it so I will just pick a loop here shift d and then s so I scale it down gz to move it like this es scale down maybe move it like that pick the whole thing get it closer here and I'm just creating very basic shape here to have something in the middle of this tire at the end this wheel is for like a replacement it's not your final design for final design also you can use same technique you just need to add more details and stuff however for the beginning of the project rather than seeing a base cylinder using a replacement tire like this the wheel like this will definitely be more helpful and more satisfying in my opinion I also made this shade smooth and auto smooth to keep the edges and you can always add bevel if you want to change stuff alright so the next thing I want to do is adding the thickness to this box basically I will pick this ex a little bit and it's enough already I don't need to do anything else maybe we can add a bevel here but it messed up with here so I don't even need that maybe we can just move this a little bit like outside something like this and inside of the rim also we have this but I want to also copy similar section here so I will pick the whole section that we created before not the middle or even the middle it's fine I will just shift d and scale x minus one so this way we just move this on the other side and I will just pick this GG also that one and if it's not visible what I did let me hide the other things so basically I just picked the whole section here and I just scaled -1 on x-axis so we basically copied it mirrored it on this side so now I'm gonna pick this both Edge Loops Ctrl e and Bridge The Edge Loops so we just close it and ALT H to unhide everything so we already have our basic Tire basic wheel so you can already copy paste it oh we have here some thing going on it might be also on the modifier merge it is already merged okay it's just because of its low poly we can always add Ctrl 2 subdivision and then we can make it sharper some edges to fix it or we can add some Edge loops around and all right that's better it's not better actually what is happening here I'm trying to understand which side is it it's in between so it's here okay I see that there is on the side view there are these things happening I don't know how did it happen while scaling we mess up with something I guess so now it's fine all right it already looks good I can just make make some parts sharper what I did here this pink line if you don't know I just picked this Edge for example shift e and just drag my mouse to make it sharper it's called The Edge crease so we can add some Edge crease on different parts rather than adding Edge Loops it is very drafts basic model so we can also add like a cylinder here Ry 90 degrees go to side view scale it down scale it on x-axis go to front view this can be the brake disc again we don't even need to add edge Loop because we will not go into details on these models on this renders but if you want I mean the subdivision but if you want we can add Ctrl 2 a basic subdivision and then we can just add edge Loops you know how to make a circle I think so we can hit I here here we go and for the material I can pick the second material and then change it a little bit without changing the original one make it darker so here we go I think it will be very nice replacement tire for the model however if you want to go to next step we can add some material details like the side wall of the tire and some roughness it's also very simple and very easy so let's directly jump into it so for that I will focus on the tire first thing I want to do is adding the sidewall off if you are not familiar it's easy don't worry we will go to UV editing here I will try to keep it as simple as possible what I need is only the sidewall of this tire so I'm gonna pick this faces here I'm gonna say you hit U and unwrap it gives us only the section of course so before doing that I will actually I need to apply the modifiers so I need to save the file as it is right now first so you can download both this version and applied modifiers version so if you want to play around with it you can do it so now I'm gonna Ctrl shift s also will make it like base Tire applied modifiers blend file so what I'm gonna do is now I'm gonna apply all this mirror array mirror subdivision so we applied everything now when I pick this side wall like this I can hit you and unwrap and we have two circles actually I was expecting one the reason is it picked as a mirrored so I'm just gonna hit C and with the middle Mouse button or we can just do it like this here C and the middle Mouse button I deselected that part I only want this part of it so here we have U editing basically use the same shortcut so I can just scale it up and move it around this area and we will basically project an image so I need an image so I will go to open and I already created a couple of them so I will just open it here and we want to match this mesh area with the image we just have I'll go to full screen and scale it around to match with it something like this but it doesn't totally match but it's not a problem by the way you can always download from internet or you can create your own design here so I'm gonna pick this inner ones inner loops and scale them down just to include this side of it as well I will do the same here and one last check to be sure it's more or less symmetrical everywhere yes it is so basically we just covered our image and here on this side if I just take a look on the materials I don't see anything yet even if I just deselect everything or go to object mode I still don't see the image here because we also need to change the material of it so I will just go to shading here and as you see two materials like there's this two number here which means two objects are using the same material but I don't want that so I'll just click on this so the tire and the texture can be separated now on the tire material I will just shift a add texture image texture and here I don't need to go to open because we already imported to our file I'm gonna pick the sidewall 3 and now if I just put it on the base color we can see that we have the texture already on our tire but we don't want to use it on the base color at least for now I want to use it on the bump I want to make a bump out of it so to do that I just need a shift a vector and bump so here I will just connect this sidewall to the height and normal to the normal of the tire let's see what will happen it seems like it's going inside I want it to be outside so I will just click on inverts so the black parts are now outside and I will just reduce the strength a little bit it's a little bit too much maybe still a little bit too much something like that can be there are these little bumps I think there are the pixels from the image but I think it adds kind of like a nice texture of it so it doesn't bother me honestly we can also go to color space and non-color to fix it better if you have if you face any problems just keep it non-color and here we go we have our pattern over the tire sidewall if you want to add also color if you want to use it on the color we can basically use the same for the base color and shift a converter and color ramp so we add the color ramp in between for the white one I can make it dark Tire color so this one on the left if I make it white you can have this kind of retro sticker like pattern as well I don't know if it's something you're interested in I'd normally like it I like this type of things but I will for now just keep it darker unless the pattern here we go the next stage if you want to add also a little bit of roughness on top it can be the last little touch to make a little bit more realism even if it's a draft model so to do that I will just go I will use a texture noise texture so shift a texture noise texture and if your Wrangler knot is on I guess if you are watching this video you already know what is Wrangler not but if you don't know you need to go to edit preferences and here type Wrangler node and you can just turn it on because when it's on when you select the noise texture and Ctrl shift Mouse button you can already visualize only this texture by the way I realized I don't show you the screencasts anymore I don't know why ah it's visible here okay so now if I just increase the scale on this noise texture it can be the roughness for us I can also always add a color ramp here to increase the contrast in between and now I'm going to connect this to roughness of our tire and here you go it's a little bit too strong so I will just make reflective one I will just make it more matte so something like this might be interesting we can always change the scale of it bigger or smaller maybe even less contrast in between these two maybe something like that very subtle roughness I think it works well so I will just make Ctrl T to this to Move It from the object to the vector because I want to use the same node for the pattern on the top of our tire so basically I will just pick this two Ctrl C go to other material Ctrl V edit to the roughness noise takes your Ctrl T again and from object to Vector basically we should have same size of yeah same size same size and same type of roughness all right I think that's it for our basic Tire model we can just copy and paste it to our model to see the difference before that actually we can apply all the modifiers to make it easy later otherwise you need to keep the empty and the circle inside and move them always all together I personally prefer to keep it separate so I will just apply all the modifiers by Ctrl a hide it this is already applied hide it Ctrl a one by one hide it and this one also subdivision Ctrl a and hide it and now I can delete this too unhide everything so now everything is like a free objects without any modifiers so I can save it as it is then we can import it to somewhere else for example this is a very basic model here if you are following me you probably saw it on Instagram and YouTube shorts nowadays I'm just building this kind of muscle car step by step and there will be also a big video about this like long video but for now even on this stage when I'm modeling I just feel the need of rather than the cylinders I want to add a wheel here because it already changes everything let's make the scene a little bit lighter first all right so now rather than the cylinders we will just copy paste our wheel and it will already change the approach to this car another thing is if you want you can keep them separately or you can pick everything and Ctrl J so now it's one object so maybe it's even easier Ctrl C on this file go back to the car Ctrl V go to side view scale it down maybe something like this a little bit changing the location as well Ctrl X it's a bit too big something like that should make it and I will just shift d and move it on the y-axis as well the rear of the car and the rear wheel is a bit bigger as I remember on this model so I will just scale it up a little bit something like that and delete this basic ceiling under control a all transforms because I will add now mirror modifier on this wheels so just mirror also on this one and here we go it already adds more value to this project it also already gives me some more motivation and feels like you accomplished more and the car is going in better Direction and it's definitely better to understand your car in a better way because the basic cylinder is big huge volume and rather than adding a bevel to the basic cylinder or downloading an existing car rim and make it look bad you can just download this one or you can just model yourself now and you can edit to your projects in every stage even if it was like a very simple model like this still adding these wheels adds more value and more interest to the project and to the process alright I hope you enjoyed and learned something from this tutorial please don't forget to download the model and like the video also comment down below if you have any questions also I'm planning to create a new blender course which will be more advanced and more complex surfaces and stuff so also in the comments let me know what are your struggles while modeling a car while modeling your own car design and this type of things so I can focus on them on the new upcoming course thanks for watching see you on the next video
Channel: Berk Kaplan - Designer
Views: 46,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Model QUICK and EASY WHEEL in BLENDER 3D!, blender 3d, blender tutorial, how to model a wheel in blender, how to model a tire in blender, how to model a rim in blender, tire blender modelling tutorial, blender car design tutorial, car design software, how to model a wheel, blender, 3d modeling, blender modeling, blender wheel tutorial, blender modeling tutorial, blender car modeling, how to model a car in blender, blender car tutorial, how to model a car, car modeling
Id: XrqIqK62048
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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